PROGRESS REPORT LETTER - United States Environmental ...

Park West Two Cliff Mine Road Pittsburgh, PA 15275 412-788-1080 C-34-6-4-179 June 8, 1984 Project No. 0726.04 Mr. Richard Leighton U. S. Environmental Protection Agency JFK Building Room 1903 Boston, Massachusetts 02203 Subject: Silresim Project Status Located in Lowell, Massachusetts Dear Mr. The contractor•s progress has been hampered due to the inclement weather and the Memorial Day holiday. His primary operation still involves obtaining clay material from the Mutrie pit in New Hampshire. About 50% of the site has been covered with at least two layers of clay to an overall thickness between 6 and 8 inches. About 4500 cubic yards of clay has been delivered to the site or about 33% of the total contract quantity. The clay cap and roadway work will probably not be completed until sometime in July. During the compaction operation the contractor inadvertently damaged four fence posts and the attached screen. As a result, entry onto the site is more readily available then before. We recommend that the contractor should repair this situation as soon as possible. The State of Massachusetts requested the return of their trailer, and Bill Trimbath will continue visit the site periodically. therefore, the contractor previously planned. will be unable to remove his trailer as The contractor completion for received. has these been requested tasks but as to of submit yet his an estimated response has date of not been Mark Brickell will remain on site as the NUS project representative OA Halliburton Company I I ") I I I I ])-(/) 01-1 1-1:::0 ZITI 1-1(/) (/)1-1 -f3: :::0 J>("') -f::I: 1-1 ITI . <3: 1"111-1 ("") ::OJ> 111r ("") 0("') :::00 0:::0 1J

Transcript of PROGRESS REPORT LETTER - United States Environmental ...

Page 1: PROGRESS REPORT LETTER - United States Environmental ...

Park West Two Cliff Mine Road Pittsburgh, PA 15275 412-788-1080


June 8, 1984

Project No. 0726.04

Mr. Richard Leighton U. S. Environmental Protection AgencyJFK BuildingRoom 1903 Boston, Massachusetts 02203

Subject: Silresim Project Status Located in Lowell, Massachusetts

Dear Mr. Leighto~:

The contractor•s progress has been hampered due to the inclement weather and the Memorial Day holiday. His primary operation still involves obtaining clay material from the Mutrie pit in New Hampshire. About 50% of the site has been covered with at least two layers of clay to an overall thickness between 6 and 8 inches. About 4500 cubic yardsof clay has been delivered to the site or about 33% of the total contract quantity. The clay cap and roadway work will probably not be completeduntil sometime in July.

During the compaction operation the contractor inadvertently damagedfour fence posts and the attached screen. As a result, entry onto the site is more readily available then before. We recommend that the contractor should repair this situation as soon as possible.

The State of Massachusetts requested the return of their trailer,

and Bill Trimbath will continue ~o visit the site periodically.

therefore, the contractorpreviously planned.

will be unable to remove his trailer as

The contractor completion forreceived.

has these

been requestedtasks but as

to of

submit yet his

an estimated response has

date of not been

Mark Brickell will remain on site as the NUS project representative

OA Halliburton Company

I t.S.~~ I



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Page 2: PROGRESS REPORT LETTER - United States Environmental ...


Mr. Richard LeightonU.S. Environmental Protection AgencyJune 8, 1984 - Page Two

Should you have any questions or require additional information, please give our office a call.

Sincerely yours,

William D. Trimbath, P.E.


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