Programmierung 2 Object-Oriented Programming with Java Prof. O. Nierstrasz Sommersemester 2006.

Programmierung 2 Object-Oriented Programming with Java Prof. O. Nierstrasz Sommersemester 2006
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Transcript of Programmierung 2 Object-Oriented Programming with Java Prof. O. Nierstrasz Sommersemester 2006.

Programmierung 2Object-Oriented Programming with Java

Prof. O. NierstraszSommersemester 2006

© O. Nierstrasz

P2 — Introduction


P2 — Object-Oriented Programming


Prof. Oscar NierstraszSchützenmattstr. 14/103Tel: 031 [email protected]

Assistants:Orla Greevy Michael Pfeuti, Lea Hänsenberger (includes full examples)

© O. Nierstrasz

P2 — Introduction


Principle Texts:

> David Flanagan, Java in Nutshell: 3d edition, O’Reilly, 1999.> Bertrand Meyer, Object-Oriented Software Construction, Prentice

Hall, 1997.> Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, Alan McKean, Object Design — Roles,

Responsibilities and Collaborations, Addison-Wesley, 2003. > Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides,

Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, Addison Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1995.

> James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson, Grady Booch, The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual, Addison-Wesley, 1999

© O. Nierstrasz

P2 — Introduction



1. Introduction2. Design by Contract3. A Testing Framework4. Debugging and Tools5. Iterative Development6. Inheritance and Refactoring7. GUI Construction8. Clients and Servers9. Guidelines, Idioms and Patterns10. A bit of C++11. A bit of Smalltalk12. Common Errors, a few Puzzles13. Final Exam

© O. Nierstrasz

P2 — Introduction


What is the hardest part of programming?What is the hardest part of programming?

© O. Nierstrasz

P2 — Introduction


What constitutes programming?

> Understanding requirements> Design> Testing> Debugging> Developing data structures and algorithms> User interface design> Profiling and optimization> Reading code> Enforcing coding standards> ...

© O. Nierstrasz

P2 — Introduction


How can we simplify programming?How can we simplify programming?

© O. Nierstrasz

P2 — Introduction


Key insights

Real programs change!

Real programs change!

Development is incrementalDevelopment is incremental

Design is iterative

Design is iterative

© O. Nierstrasz

P2 — Introduction


What is Object-Oriented Programming?

> Encapsulation— Abstraction & information hiding

> Composition— Nested objects

> Distributing responsibility— Separation of concerns

> Message passing— Delegating responsibility

> Inheritance— Conceptual hierarchy, polymorphism and reuse

© O. Nierstrasz

P2 — Introduction


A procedural design

Problem: compute the total area of a set of geometric shapes

public static long sumShapes(Shape shapes[]) {long sum = 0;for (int i=0; i<shapes.length; i++) {

switch (shapes[i].kind()) {case Shape.RECTANGLE: // a class constant

sum += shapes[i].rectangleArea();break;

case Shape.CIRCLE:sum += shapes[i].circleArea();break;

... // more cases}

}return sum;


public static long sumShapes(Shape shapes[]) {long sum = 0;for (int i=0; i<shapes.length; i++) {

switch (shapes[i].kind()) {case Shape.RECTANGLE: // a class constant

sum += shapes[i].rectangleArea();break;

case Shape.CIRCLE:sum += shapes[i].circleArea();break;

... // more cases}

}return sum;


© O. Nierstrasz

P2 — Introduction


An object-oriented approach

A typical object-oriented solution:

public static long sumShapes(Shape shapes[]) {long sum = 0;for (int i=0; i<shapes.length; i++) {

sum += shapes[i].area();}return sum;


public static long sumShapes(Shape shapes[]) {long sum = 0;for (int i=0; i<shapes.length; i++) {

sum += shapes[i].area();}return sum;


What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two solutions?

© O. Nierstrasz

P2 — Introduction


Object-Oriented Design in a Nutshell

> Identify minimal requirements> Make the requirements testable> Identify objects and their responsibilities> Implement and test objects> Refactor to simplify design> Iterate!

© O. Nierstrasz

P2 — Introduction


Design by Contract

> Formalize client/server contract as obligations> Class invariant — formalize valid state> Pre- and post-conditions on all public services

— clarifies responsibilities— simplifies design— simplifies debugging

© O. Nierstrasz

P2 — Introduction


Responsibility-Driven Design

> Objects are responsible to maintain information and provide services

> A good design exhibits:— high cohesion of operations and data within classes— low coupling between classes and subsystems

> Every method should perform one, well-defined task:— High level of abstraction — write to an interface, not an


© O. Nierstrasz

P2 — Introduction


Extreme Programming

Some key practices:> Simple design

— Never anticipate functionality that you “might need later”> Test-driven development

— Only implement what you test! > Refactoring

— Aggressively simplify your design as it evolves> Pair programming

— Improve productivity by programming in pairs

© O. Nierstrasz

P2 — Introduction



> Formalize requirements> Know when you are done> Simplify debugging> Enable changes> Document usage

© O. Nierstrasz

P2 — Introduction


Code Smells

> Duplicated code> Long methods> Large classes> Public instance variables> No comments> Useless comments> Unreadable code> …

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© O. Nierstrasz

P2 — Introduction



“Refactoring is the process of rewriting a computer program or other material to improve its structure or readability, while explicitly keeping its meaning or behavior.”

— wikipedia.orgCommon refactoring operations:> Rename methods, variables and classes> Redistribute responsibilities> Factor out helper methods> Push methods up or down the hierarchy> Extract class> …

© O. Nierstrasz

P2 — Introduction


Design Patterns

“a general repeatable solution to a commonly-occurring problem in software design.”


Example> Adapter — “adapts one interface for a class into one that a client


Patterns:> Document “best practice”> Introduce standard vocabulary> Ease transition to OO developmentBut …> May increase flexibility at the cost of simplicity

© O. Nierstrasz

P2 — Introduction


Programming Tools

Know your tools!— Version control system — e.g., cvs, rcs— Build tools — e.g., ant, make— Testing framework — e.g., Junit— Debuggers — e.g., jdb— Profilers — e.g., java -prof— Document generation — e.g., javadoc

© O. Nierstrasz

P2 — Introduction


Why Java?

Special characteristics> Resembles C++ minus the complexity > Clean integration of many features> Dynamically loaded classes> Large, standard class library

Simple Object Model> “Almost everything is an object” > No pointers> Garbage collection> Single inheritance; multiple subtyping > Static and dynamic type-checkingFew innovations, but reasonably clean, simple and usable.

© O. Nierstrasz

P2 — Introduction



© O. Nierstrasz

P2 — Introduction


What you should know!

What is meant by “separation of concerns”? Why do real programs change? How does object-oriented programming support

incremental development? What is a class invariant? What are coupling and cohesion? How do tests enable change? Why are long methods a bad code smell?

© O. Nierstrasz

P2 — Introduction


Can you answer these questions?

Why does up-front design increase risk? Why do objects “send messages” instead of “calling

methods”? What are good and bad uses of inheritance? What does it mean to “violate encapsulation”? Why is strong coupling bad for system evolution? How can you transform requirements into tests? How would you eliminate duplicated code? When is the right time to refactor your code?

© O. Nierstrasz

P2 — Introduction




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