Professor Geoffrey D. Gooch Linköping University and University of Dundee



LiveDiverse. Protecting biodiversity - what’s in it for us? Living near biodiversity-rich areas in Vietnam, Costa Rica, India and South Africa. Professor Geoffrey D. Gooch Linköping University and University of Dundee Green Week 1st-4th June 2010. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Professor Geoffrey D. Gooch Linköping University and University of Dundee

Page 1: Professor Geoffrey D. Gooch  Linköping University and University of Dundee
Page 2: Professor Geoffrey D. Gooch  Linköping University and University of Dundee

This research has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant

agreement No. 211392

Protecting biodiversity -what’s in it for us?

Living near biodiversity-rich areas in Vietnam, Costa Rica, India and

South AfricaProfessor Geoffrey D. Gooch

Linköping University and University of DundeeGreen Week 1st-4th June 2010


Page 3: Professor Geoffrey D. Gooch  Linköping University and University of Dundee

The challenge is to improve Livelihoods for local people while at the same time protecting


Can it be done?

Page 4: Professor Geoffrey D. Gooch  Linköping University and University of Dundee


Livelihoods and

Biodiversity in

Developing Countries

Page 5: Professor Geoffrey D. Gooch  Linköping University and University of Dundee


LiveDiverse Partners

Page 6: Professor Geoffrey D. Gooch  Linköping University and University of Dundee

South AfricaGreater Kruger Area

Costa RicaTerraba River basin

VietnamBa-Be / Na Hang Nature Conservation

IndiaWestern Ghats





LiveDiverse Partners

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LiveDiverse Case Area in Vietnam

Ba Be National Parkand the Na Hang Nature Reserve, NE Vietnam

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LiveDiverse Case Area in Vietnam

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LiveDiverse Case Area in Vietnam

Both too small by themselves

Need for a corridor

Upgrade status of Na Hang to National Park

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LiveDiverse Case Area in Vietnam

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LiveDiverse Case Area in Vietnam

Minority villages in and around Ba Be


Page 12: Professor Geoffrey D. Gooch  Linköping University and University of Dundee

LiveDiverse Case Area in Vietnam

Poor rice production

50% of national average

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• L

LiveDiverse Case Area in Vietnam

Controlled fishing

Limits on net size

Limits on times

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Page 15: Professor Geoffrey D. Gooch  Linköping University and University of Dundee

LiveDiverse Case Area in India

The Warana River

and the

Chandoli National ParkTiger Reserve

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LiveDiverse Case Area in India

Page 17: Professor Geoffrey D. Gooch  Linköping University and University of Dundee

LiveDiverse Case Area in India

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LiveDiverse Case Area in India

From National Park to Tiger Reserve

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LiveDiverse Case Area in India

14 villages displaced when the National Parkwas created

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LiveDiverse Case Area in Costa Rica

The Terraba Riverand Terraba- SierpeMangrove Reserve

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LiveDiverse Case Area in Costa Rica

Page 22: Professor Geoffrey D. Gooch  Linköping University and University of Dundee

Mangrove Delta

LiveDiverse Case Area in Costa Rica

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LiveDiverse Case Area in Costa Rica

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Livelihoods and

Biodiversity in

Developing Countries

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LiveDiverse Case Area in South Africa

The Greater KrugerLimpopo

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LiveDiverse Case Area in South Africa

Mutale RiverLake FundudziMakuya Park

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LiveDiverse Case Area in South Africa

Page 28: Professor Geoffrey D. Gooch  Linköping University and University of Dundee

What are the central issues of the Livelihoods and Biodiversity Interface?

• Bio-physical conditions• Socio-economic conditions• Cultural and spiritual conditions • Technology – science, engineering, management• The communication of information – knowledge• Public and stakeholder participation• Perceptions, values, norms and attitudes• Legal systems• Institutions• Combining nature, science, politics and society

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Page 30: Professor Geoffrey D. Gooch  Linköping University and University of Dundee


Interface of what?Interface through what?Interface for what reason?Interface for what outcome?

Page 31: Professor Geoffrey D. Gooch  Linköping University and University of Dundee

1. The creation of a multidisciplinary knowledge base and vulnerability mapping.

2. Construction of way/methodology to identify public perceptions, beliefs, values towards biodiversity and sustainable livelihoods.

3. Identification and mapping of the areas vulnerable– Natural science criteria– Socio-economic, legal and political– Cultural-spiritual perspective

How We work in LiveDiverse

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LiveDiverse 4. The construction of a GIS vulnerability data base

5. The identification of the biodiversity and sustainable livelihoods ‘hot-spots– a high risk (according to the natural science

criteria)– and a low capability to manage those risks

(according to the socio-economic, cultural-spiritual and political criteria).

6. The use of the knowledge gained in these processes to construct biodiversity and livelihood scenarios.

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7. The formulation of policy recommendations through analyses of existing and possible strategies

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Page 35: Professor Geoffrey D. Gooch  Linköping University and University of Dundee

Combined GIS Mapping

Combined Scenarios

Policy recommendations

and project proposals

Page 36: Professor Geoffrey D. Gooch  Linköping University and University of Dundee

This research has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant

agreement No. 211392

Page 37: Professor Geoffrey D. Gooch  Linköping University and University of Dundee

This research has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant

agreement No. 211392