Prof.Dr.Arzu SEVEN. Thyroid hormone biosynthesis involves thyroglobulin and iodide metabolism.

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Prof.Dr.Arzu SEVEN Slide 2 Thyroid hormone biosynthesis involves thyroglobulin and iodide metabolism Slide 3 Slide 4 THYROD HORMONES 1- Concentration of iodide In the follicular epithelial cells, against a strong electrochemical gradient Energy-dependent process, linked to ATPase dependent Na + - K + pump Thyroidal I - transporter (controlled by TSH) odide in thyroid/iodide in serum ratio reflects the activity of this transporter (25/1) odide transporter is inhibited by perchlorate and thiocyanate Slide 5 2- Oxidation of I - by thyroid peroxidase (TPO) in the peroxisome to iodine As an oxidizing agent, TPO requires H2O2, produced by NADPH-dependent enzyme (like cytocrome c reductase). Antithyroid drugs-thiourea-inhibit I - oxidation 3- Iodination of tyrosine (organification) oxidized ioide reacts with tyrosyl residues in thyroglobulin (involves TPO) to form MIT or DIT Slide 6 Thyroglobulin: Prohormone Precursor and storage form of T4 and T3 Large, iodinated and glycosylated protein Composed of 2 subunist Contains 115 tyrosine residues Thyroglobulin is synthesized in the basal portion of the cell. It is stored in the extracellular colloid Slide 7 4- Coupling of iodotyrosyls (catalysed by TPO, inhibited by antithyroid drugs ) DIT + DIT T4DIT + MIT T3 In the thyroglobuli n molecule Slide 8 5-Thyroglobulin (Tgb) hydrolysis stimulated by TSH (or cAMP) inhibited by I - ncrease in microvilli on the apical membrane phagocytosis + pinocytosis, bring Tgb back into the follicular cell Phagosomes + lysosomes phagolysosomes in which acid proteases and peptidases hydrolyse Tgb into amino acids and iodothyronines Slide 9 T3 and T4 are discharged from the basal portion of cell by facilated process into blood MIT DIT ~ 70% of iodide in Tgb exists in inactive precursors (MIT, DIT),~ 30% in T4 and T3 Tyrosine deiododinase I-I- Slide 10 When iodine supplies are sufficient T4/T3: 7/1 In iodine deficiency, T4/T3, DIT/MIT Daily iodide requirement: 150-200 g Slide 11 Slide 12 Transport of thyroid hormones Thyroxine binding globulin (TGB) 70% Albumin 25% Thyroxine binding prealbumin (TBPA) 5% TBG, a glycoprotein, binds nearly all T4 and T3 noncovalently TBG is produced in liver Its synthesis is, increased by estrogens,decreased by androgens or glucocorticoid therapy and in liver disease Phenytoin and salicylates compete with T3 and T4 to bind to TBG Slide 13 The small, unbound (free) fraction is responsible for biological activity Free T4 and T3 is a measure of thyroid hormone status, represents