Prof. dr. A. Achterberg, Astronomical Dept. , IMAPP ...achterb/Gasdynamica_2016/Gas Dynamics...F ad...

Prof. dr. A. Achterberg, Astronomical Dept. , IMAPP, Radboud Universiteit

Transcript of Prof. dr. A. Achterberg, Astronomical Dept. , IMAPP ...achterb/Gasdynamica_2016/Gas Dynamics...F ad...

Page 1: Prof. dr. A. Achterberg, Astronomical Dept. , IMAPP ...achterb/Gasdynamica_2016/Gas Dynamics...F ad T T D rr r U a d P aU a π θ π π θθ θ θ η π θ θ θ πη =− − −

Prof. dr. A. Achterberg, Astronomical Dept. , IMAPP, Radboud Universiteit

Page 2: Prof. dr. A. Achterberg, Astronomical Dept. , IMAPP ...achterb/Gasdynamica_2016/Gas Dynamics...F ad T T D rr r U a d P aU a π θ π π θθ θ θ η π θ θ θ πη =− − −

( )2

29, 1 sin2 4UP a P ρθ θ∞

= + −



d ( , ) 0P a θ= − =∫F O

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Viscosity = internal friction due to molecular diffusion, viscosity coefficient h:

Viscous force density: 2

visc visc η= − • ⇒ ∇Tf V

(incompressible flow!)

Equation of motion:

( ) 2Pt

ρ η∂ + • = − + ∇ ∂ V V V V

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All flow quantities :

( )

3 3



3 1 3 1cos 1 , sin 12 2 4 4

3 cos,2

ra a a aV U V Ur r r r

U aP r Pa r

θθ θ

η θθ

= − + = − − −

= −


1 cos as sin

1 sin as sin

rV U rr

V U rr rθ

ψ θθ θ

ψ θθ

∂= + = →∞

∂= − = − →∞

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( )11 1 21 2 31 3force ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆarea

momentum flux tensor

(Cartesian coordinates!)

ij ji


j i



VVPx x

δ η

= = − • − + +

= =

∂∂= − + ∂ ∂

Tt n = x x x

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Each particle transports local momentum to wall and “sticks”:

( cos )

d cosd

yp mV x




= =

Momentum transferred per particle:

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Each particle transports local momentum to wall and “sticks”:


d d =

d d dd cosd

y yx y

p Fn p

t O OVnmx


σ θ


y-force per unit area:

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Each particle transports local momentum to wall and “sticks”:

Average over all angles of incidence: 2 1cos

3θ =

d d dd 3 d d


F nm V VtO x x

σ η ≡ ≡

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( )

( )2 visc visc

surface element0

cos sin

= 2 sin cos sin |

D rr r

rr r r a

F dO T T

a d P T T




θ θ

π θ θ θ θ =

= − −

− + −

( )( )visc



P η

= +T I T

I = V + V

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032 = = cos2

3 sin2



u UT P P Pr a

u u UT rr r r a


ηη θ

η ηη θθ

∂= + −

∂∂ = − − = ∂ ∂

( )2




2 sin cos sin

3 2 sin cos 62

D rr rF a d T T

Ua d P aUa




π θ θ θ θ

ηπ θ θ θ πη

= − −

= − − =

For this particular flow at r=a:

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Typical “ram pressure” : Projected area perpendicular to flow: Typical force = pressure x area = Drag coefficient =

21ram 2


21ram 2

DD 21


actual drag forcetypical drag force












= =

Very crude calculation for a sphere:

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D 1/C Re∝ D constantC

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In the stagnation point on symmetry axis flow comes to a standstill!

Bernoulli: 2 2st1 1st2 2constant PPU P P Uρ

ρ ρ+ = = ⇔ = +

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In the stagnation point on symmetry axis flow comes to a standstill!

Net force: ( )

( ) 2 2 21st 2

Area Pressure difference front-back

= 8


P P U U Dπρ ρ


× − = =

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Conclusion: 2 2Drag force constantK U Dρ= ×

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• High Reynolds number UD/ν, low viscosity:

• Small Reynolds number UD/ν, large viscosity:

2 2

D 2 2

Drag force constant ,

Drag coefficient = constant





= ×


D 2 2

Drag force constant , constantDrag Coefficient constant =






= ×

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Divergence product rule!

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Combine mass cons + energy cons.:

Divergence chain rule!

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Divergence product rule!

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Bernoulli’s Law:

( )21

2 1is constant along stream lines

PV γγ ρ

≡ + +Φ−

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Bernoulli’s Law:

( )21

2 1is constant along stream lines

PV γγ ρ

≡ + +Φ−

Adiabatic flow:

is constant along stream linesP γρ −

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Astrophysical Application: Stellar and Solar Winds

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Why is there a Solar Wind?

Escape velocity ~ Thermal Velocity in Solar Corona (T ~ 1 MK)

‘Something’ bends comet tails

2620 km/s

3 200 km/s






k TVm

= ≈

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Aurora: “something” acts as a medium supporting perturbations

which propagate from Sun to Earth

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Solar wind velocity as measured by Ulysses satellite

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The Parker Model

Assumptions: 1. The wind is steady and adiabatic

2. The flow is spherically symmetric

3. Neglect effect of magnetic fields and rotation star

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sound speed: k TPmρ

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sound speed: k TPmρ

There must be a sonic radius where flow speed = sound speed

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4 ( ) ( ) constant

( ) constant( 1)

( ) ( ) constant

( )

r r V r M

PV r

P r r



π ρ

γγ ρ


= ≡

+ +Φ = ≡−


Φ = −

Conservation of mass in steady flow

Bernouilli: conservation of energy

Entropy is constant: Adiabatic Flow

Gravitational potential of a single star

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area mass flux

4 constant= r V Mπ ρ× =

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Steady flow in radial direction:

( ) ( ) ( )22

This is in spherical coordinates!

1 1 1sin 0sin sin

0 , 0

rr V V Vt r r r r

V Vt

θ φ


θ φ

ρ ρ θρ ρθ θ θ φ•

∂ ∂ ∂ ∂+ + + =

∂ ∂ ∂ ∂

∂= = =



( )22 2

1 0 r rAr V V

r r rρ ρ∂

= ⇔ =∂

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dd = ( ) ( ) 0d

r r r rr

+ ∆ − = ∆ =

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( )

( ) ( )

( ) ( )




d =d ( ) 01

d d 4 0

d d d 0

PV r

M r V

P P P γγ γ

γγ ρ

π ρ

ρ ρ γ ρ ρ− +− −

+ +Φ = −

= =

= − =

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( ) ( ) ( )2 2 2d 4 ( ) ( ) 0 4 d d 2 d

d d d2

r r V r r V r V Vr r

V rV r

π ρ π ρ ρ ρ


= = + + ⇔

= − +

Step 1: calculate density change

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212 2

dd ( ) 0 d d( 1)

GMP PV r V V rr

γ γ ργ ρ ρ ρ

∗ + +Φ = ≡ + + −

( ) ( ) constantP r rγρ − = ( ) GMrr

∗Φ = −

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d d d2V rV r


= − +


dd d 0GMPV V rr

γ ρρ ρ

∗ + + =

( )2 2 2d d2 , s s sGMV r PV C C C

V r rγρ

∗ − = − ≡

Adiabatic sound speed

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( )2 2 2d d2 , s s sGMV r PV C C C

V r rγρ

∗ − = − ≡

( )d d lnd ln d lnd ln

V VV rV r

= =

( )d d lnr rr=

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( )2 2 2d ln 2d lns s


∗ − = −

sV C= ± 22cs

GMr rC

∗= =

Special velocity: sound speed (“Mach One”)

Special radius: critical radius

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( )2 2 2d ln 2d lns s


∗ − = −

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( )2 2 2d ln 2d lns s


∗ − = −

Accelerating wind solution: V > 0 and dV/dr > 0! Solution should remain regular at all radii!

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Solution space for Parker’s Equation

( )2 2 2d ln 2d lns s


∗ − = −

Critical Point Condition:

2 at 2s c


GMV C r rC

∗= = =

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Wind and Breeze Solutions

Special case: Isothermal Wind with constant temperature


(case with 1 ; )

siP TC


ρ µ

γ ρ

= = =

= ∝

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Accretion Solution

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Bondi Accretion

( )2 2 2ln 2lns s

GMd VV c cd r r

∗ − = −

Critical Point Condition:

2 at 2s c


GMV c r rc

∗= = =

( ) ( ) rV r V r e= −

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Isothermal Bondi Accretion

2 at 2s c


GMV c r rc

∗= = =


(case with 1 ; )

siP TC


ρ µ

γ ρ

= = =

= ∝

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1. Laval Nozzle (jet engines)

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( ) ( ) ( ) constant


= constant2 ( 1)

M z V z z






γγ ρ

= =


+ =−

Basic equations:

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2. Astrophysical jets:

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Stellar Winds and Jets: similarities and differences

• Steady flow Steady flow • Large opening angle Small opening angle

• Parker-equation Parker-type equation

• Flow geometry known Pressure known