Proenkephalin, Renal Dysfunction, and Prognosis in ...Cardiorenal syndrome is common in acute heart...

Proenkephalin, Renal Dysfunction, and Prognosis in Patients With Acute Heart Failure A GREAT Network Study Leong L. Ng, MD, a,b Iain B. Squire, MD, a,b Donald J.L. Jones, PHD, c Thong Huy Cao, MD, PHD, a,b Daniel C.S. Chan, BMEDSCI, BM BS, a,b Jatinderpal K. Sandhu, MPHIL, a,b Paulene A. Quinn, MPHIL, a,b Joan E. Davies, PHD, a,b Joachim Struck, PHD, d Oliver Hartmann, PHD, d Andreas Bergmann, PHD, d Alexandre Mebazaa, MD, PHD, e Etienne Gayat, PHD, e Mattia Arrigo, MD, e Eiichi Akiyama, MD, e Zaid Sabti, MD, f Jens Lohrmann, MD, f Raphael Twerenbold, MD, f Thomas Herrmann, MD, f Carmela Schumacher, MSC, f Nikola Kozhuharov, MD, f Christian Mueller, MD, f on behalf of the GREAT Network ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Proenkephalin A (PENK) and its receptors are widely distributed. Enkephalins are cardiodepressive and difcult to measure directly. PENK is a stable surrogate analyte of labile enkephalins that is correlated inversely with renal function. Cardiorenal syndrome is common in acute heart failure (HF) and portends poor prognosis. OBJECTIVES This study assessed the prognostic value of PENK in acute HF, by identifying levels that may be useful in clinical decisions, and evaluated its utility for predicting cardiorenal syndrome. METHODS This multicenter study measured PENK in 1,908 patients with acute HF (1,186 male; mean age 75.66 11.74 years). The primary endpoint was 1-year all-cause mortality; secondary endpoints were in-hospital mortality, all-cause mortality or HF rehospitalization within 1 year, and in-hospital worsening renal function, dened as a rise in plasma creatinine $26.5 mmol/l or 50% higher than the admission value within 5 days of presentation. RESULTS During 1-year follow-up, 518 patients died. Measures of renal function were the major determinants of PENK levels. PENK independently predicted worsening renal function (odds ratio: 1.58; 95% condence interval [CI]: 1.24 to 2.00; p < 0.0005) with a model receiver-operating characteristic area of 0.69. PENK was associated with the degree of worsening renal function. Multivariable Cox regression models showed that PENK level was an independent predictor of 1-year mortality (p < 0.0005) and 1-year death and/or HF (hazard ratio: 1.27; 95% CI: 1.10 to 1.45; p ¼ 0.001). PENK levels independently predicted outcomes at 3 or 6 months and were independent predictors of in-hospital mortality, predominantly down-classifying risk in survivors when added to clinical scores; levels <133.3 pmol/l and >211.3 pmol/l detected low-risk and high-risk patients, respectively. CONCLUSIONS PENK levels reect cardiorenal status in acute HF and are prognostic for worsening renal function and in-hospital mortality as well as mortality during follow-up. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2017;69:5669) © 2017 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation. From the a Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom; b NIHR Leicester Cardio- vascular Biomedical Research Unit, Gleneld Hospital, Leicester, United Kingdom; c Department of Cancer Studies, University of Leicester, Leicester Royal Inrmary, Leicester, United Kingdom; d Sphingotec GmbH, Hennigsdorf, Germany; e U942 Inserm; APHP, Hôpitaux Universitaire Saint Louis Lariboisière; Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France; and the f Cardiovascular Research Institute Basel and Department of Cardiology, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland. This work was supported by the John and Lucille van Geest Foundation and the National Institute for Health Research Leicester Cardiovascular Biomedical Research Unit. Dr. Bergmann holds ownership in Sphingotec GmbH, which manufactures the penKid assay; and is a member of the board of directors of Sphingotec GmbH. Drs. Hartmann and Struck are employees of Sphingotec GmbH. Dr. Alexandre Mebazaa has received speaker honoraria from Abbott, Novartis, Orion, Roche, and Servier; and has received fees as a member of advisory boards and/or steering committees from Cardiorentis, Adrenomed, MyCartis, NeuroTronik, ZS Pharma, and Critical Diagnostics. Dr. Twerenbold has received speaker honoraria from Roche; and has received a research grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation. Dr. Mueller has received research grants from the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Swiss Heart Foundation, Listen to this manuscripts audio summary by JACC Editor-in-Chief Dr. Valentin Fuster. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY VOL. 69, NO. 1, 2017 ª 2017 BY THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY FOUNDATION PUBLISHED BY ELSEVIER ISSN 0735-1097/$36.00

Transcript of Proenkephalin, Renal Dysfunction, and Prognosis in ...Cardiorenal syndrome is common in acute heart...

Page 1: Proenkephalin, Renal Dysfunction, and Prognosis in ...Cardiorenal syndrome is common in acute heart failure (HF) and portends poor prognosis. ... acute kidney injury after cardiac

Listen to this manuscript’s

audio summary by

JACC Editor-in-Chief

Dr. Valentin Fuster.

J O U R N A L O F T H E A M E R I C A N C O L L E G E O F C A R D I O L O G Y V O L . 6 9 , N O . 1 , 2 0 1 7

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I S S N 0 7 3 5 - 1 0 9 7 / $ 3 6 . 0 0

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Proenkephalin, Renal Dysfunction,and Prognosis in Patients WithAcute Heart FailureA GREAT Network Study

Leong L. Ng, MD,a,b Iain B. Squire, MD,a,b Donald J.L. Jones, PHD,c Thong Huy Cao, MD, PHD,a,b

Daniel C.S. Chan, BMEDSCI, BM BS,a,b Jatinderpal K. Sandhu, MPHIL,a,b Paulene A. Quinn, MPHIL,a,b

Joan E. Davies, PHD,a,b Joachim Struck, PHD,d Oliver Hartmann, PHD,d Andreas Bergmann, PHD,d

Alexandre Mebazaa, MD, PHD,e Etienne Gayat, PHD,e Mattia Arrigo, MD,e Eiichi Akiyama, MD,e Zaid Sabti, MD,f

Jens Lohrmann, MD,f Raphael Twerenbold, MD,f Thomas Herrmann, MD,f Carmela Schumacher, MSC,f

Nikola Kozhuharov, MD,f Christian Mueller, MD,f on behalf of the GREAT Network













BACKGROUND Proenkephalin A (PENK) and its receptors are widely distributed. Enkephalins are cardiodepressive and

difficult to measure directly. PENK is a stable surrogate analyte of labile enkephalins that is correlated inversely with

renal function. Cardiorenal syndrome is common in acute heart failure (HF) and portends poor prognosis.

OBJECTIVES This study assessed the prognostic value of PENK in acute HF, by identifying levels that may be useful in

clinical decisions, and evaluated its utility for predicting cardiorenal syndrome.

METHODS This multicenter study measured PENK in 1,908 patients with acute HF (1,186 male; mean age

75.66 � 11.74 years). The primary endpoint was 1-year all-cause mortality; secondary endpoints were in-hospital

mortality, all-cause mortality or HF rehospitalization within 1 year, and in-hospital worsening renal function, defined

as a rise in plasma creatinine $26.5 mmol/l or 50% higher than the admission value within 5 days of presentation.

RESULTS During 1-year follow-up, 518 patients died. Measures of renal function were the major determinants of PENK

levels. PENK independently predicted worsening renal function (odds ratio: 1.58; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.24

to 2.00; p < 0.0005) with a model receiver-operating characteristic area of 0.69. PENK was associated with the degree

of worsening renal function. Multivariable Cox regression models showed that PENK level was an independent predictor

of 1-year mortality (p < 0.0005) and 1-year death and/or HF (hazard ratio: 1.27; 95% CI: 1.10 to 1.45; p ¼ 0.001). PENK

levels independently predicted outcomes at 3 or 6 months and were independent predictors of in-hospital mortality,

predominantly down-classifying risk in survivors when added to clinical scores; levels <133.3 pmol/l and >211.3 pmol/l

detected low-risk and high-risk patients, respectively.

CONCLUSIONS PENK levels reflect cardiorenal status in acute HF and are prognostic for worsening renal function

and in-hospital mortality as well as mortality during follow-up. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2017;69:56–69)

© 2017 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation.

m the aDepartment of Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom; bNIHR Leicester Cardio-

scular Biomedical Research Unit, Glenfield Hospital, Leicester, United Kingdom; cDepartment of Cancer Studies, University of

icester, Leicester Royal Infirmary, Leicester, United Kingdom; dSphingotec GmbH, Hennigsdorf, Germany; eU942 Inserm; APHP,

pitaux Universitaire Saint Louis Lariboisière; Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France; and the fCardiovascular Research Institute

sel and Department of Cardiology, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland. This work was supported by the John and

cille van Geest Foundation and the National Institute for Health Research Leicester Cardiovascular Biomedical Research Unit.

. Bergmann holds ownership in Sphingotec GmbH, which manufactures the penKid assay; and is a member of the board of

ectors of Sphingotec GmbH. Drs. Hartmann and Struck are employees of Sphingotec GmbH. Dr. Alexandre Mebazaa has

eived speaker honoraria from Abbott, Novartis, Orion, Roche, and Servier; and has received fees as a member of advisory

ards and/or steering committees from Cardiorentis, Adrenomed, MyCartis, NeuroTronik, ZS Pharma, and Critical Diagnostics.

. Twerenbold has received speaker honoraria from Roche; and has received a research grant from the Swiss National Science

undation. Dr. Mueller has received research grants from the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Swiss Heart Foundation,

Page 2: Proenkephalin, Renal Dysfunction, and Prognosis in ...Cardiorenal syndrome is common in acute heart failure (HF) and portends poor prognosis. ... acute kidney injury after cardiac

J A C C V O L . 6 9 , N O . 1 , 2 0 1 7 Ng et al.J A N U A R Y 3 / 1 0 , 2 0 1 7 : 5 6 – 6 9 Proenkephalin in Acute Heart Failure





BNP = B-type natriuretic


CI = confidence interval

eGFR = estimated glomerular

filtration rate

HF = heart failure

HR = hazard ratio

NT-proBNP = N-terminal pro–

B-type natriuretic peptide

PENK = proenkephalin A

ROC = receiver-operating


SBP = systolic blood pressure

WRF = worsening renal


I n recent years, many advances have been madein the understanding of pathophysiology andthe management of chronic heart failure (HF).

However, the understanding and treatment of acuteHF has remained incomplete and broadly unchangedduring this period. Accordingly, prognosis remainspoor, with 1-year mortality rate exceeding 25% (1).Neurohormonal activation and worsening renal func-tion (WRF) play important roles in the pathogenesisof fluid redistribution, leading to acute decompensa-tion (2). Use of biomarkers might help characterizedifferent phenotypes in acute HF associated withdifferent outcomes that may prompt specific andexpedited therapies. Although activation of the natri-uretic peptide system is recognized, its value in pre-dicting death at first presentation with acute HF issuboptimal (3), and better tools are needed.

The endogenous opioids (enkephalins, endorphins,dynorphins), extensively studied in nociception andanesthesia, also have roles in cardiovascular regula-tion (4). Proenkephalin A (PENK) is widely expressed,and cardiac cells secrete enkephalins, which havelocal effects on opioid receptors. Cardiodepressivethrough a negative inotropic effect and lower bloodpressure and heart rate (5), opioid receptors, espe-cially the d receptor that binds enkephalins, are widelydistributed, with highest densities in the kidney (6).

The possible relationship between endogenousopioid systems and prognosis was suggested byprevious studies. Data from ADHERE (Acute Decom-pensated Heart Failure National Registry) demon-strated that opiate administration in acute HF hasbeen associated with poor outcomes (7). Fontana et al.(8) reported elevated met-enkephalin levels in severeacute HF compared with less severe acute HF.

In several acute disease conditions, elevatedplasma levels of a PENK fragment (amino acids 119through 159) have been associated with renaldysfunction and poor outcomes. For example, wepreviously demonstrated PENK to be an independentpredictor of major adverse cardiac events, includingdeath, reinfarction, and rehospitalization for HF inpatients presenting with acute myocardial infarction(9). This also has been shown more recently for stableambulatory patients with HF (10). PENK predicts

the European Union, the Cardiovascular Research Foundation Basel, the Univ

Coulter, BGMedicine, bioMérieux, BRAHMS, Critical Diagnostics, Nanosphere

received speaker or consulting honoraria from Abbott, Alere, AstraZene

Ingelheim, BRAHMS, Cardiorentis, Eli Lilly, Novartis, Roche, Sanofi, Sieme

grants from Novartis and Servier; and has received speaker or consulting hon

that they have no relationships relevant to the contents of this paper to dis

Manuscript received September 7, 2016; revised manuscript received Septem

acute kidney injury after cardiac surgicalprocedures (11) and in patients with sepsis(12), and it has been linked to death and ma-jor adverse cerebrocardiovascular events inacute stroke (13).

In the present study, we investigated therelationship of the enkephalin system withWRF and worsening prognosis in acute HF.Renal impairment profoundly influencesprognosis in HF (14), and development ofacute kidney injury is common in acute HF,the so-called cardiorenal syndrome type 1(15). We therefore examined the utility ofPENK in assessing WRF in acute HF. Previousstudies were hindered by the instability of

met-enkephalin. we used a more recently developedassay (penKid assay, Sphingotec GmbH, Hennigsdorf,Germany) for PENK (16), with epitopes on the pro-enkephalin molecule that are stable in whole bloodfor at least 48 h, thus enabling a study of this systemin acute HF. The utility of PENK for prediction ofshort-term and long-term outcomes and inpatientmortality was examined in combination with variousclinical risk scores developed for inpatient mortality,namely ADHERE (17), GWTG-HF (Get With theGuidelines Heart Failure) (18), and OPTIMIZE-HF(Organized Program to Initiate Lifesaving Treatmentin Hospitalized Patients With Heart Failure) (19).


Three cohorts of unselected patients with acuteHF who presented with acute dyspnea to the emer-gency department of the participating universityhospitals in 3 countries (United Kingdom, France, andSwitzerland) were recruited. Acute HF was defined,according to the guidelines of the European Society ofCardiology (20), as progressive worsening or new-onset of shortness of breath, along with clinicalsigns of pulmonary or peripheral edema and elevatedjugular venous pressure requiring intensification ofdiuretic and/or vasodilator therapy. Inclusion wasindependent of renal function, although patients with


ersity Hospital Basel, Abbott, AstraZeneca, Beckman

, Roche, Siemens, Singulex, and Sphingotec; and has

ca, bioMérieux, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Boehringer

ns, and Singulex. Dr. Squire has received research

oraria from Novartis. All other authors have reported


ber 29, 2016, accepted October 4, 2016.

Page 3: Proenkephalin, Renal Dysfunction, and Prognosis in ...Cardiorenal syndrome is common in acute heart failure (HF) and portends poor prognosis. ... acute kidney injury after cardiac

TABLE 1 Patient Characteristics by Cohort Site

All (N ¼ 1,908) Leicester (n ¼ 862) Paris (n ¼ 214) Basel (n ¼ 832) p Value* (3 Sites)


Age, yrs 75.66 � 11.74 75.07 � 11.62 73.87 � 14.17 76.73 � 11.09 0.0009

Male 1,186 (62.2) 540 (62.6) 132 (61.7) 514 (61.8) NS

Body mass index, kg/m2 28.5 � 6.7 33.0 � 8.6 NA 27.3 � 5.6 <0.0005

Previous history

Ischemic heart disease 769 (40.4) 249 (28.9) 76 (35.5) 444 (53.6) <0.0005

Renal failure 633 (33.3) 186 (21.6) 45 (21) 402 (48.7) <0.0005

Heart failure 860 (45.3) 301 (34.9) 118 (55.1) 441 (53.6) <0.0005

Hypertension 1,330 (69.7) 505 (58.6) 137 (64) 688 (82.7) <0.0005

Diabetes mellitus 609 (32) 298 (34.6) 62 (29) 249 (30) NS

Initial observations

Heart rate, beats/min 90.43 � 25.68 91.89 � 25.65 88.72 � 25.79 89.38 � 25.63 NS

Systolic BP, mm Hg 136.74 � 27.63 135.54 � 27.06 138.44 � 33.8 137.5 � 26.45 NS

Plasma urea, mmol/l 11.05 � 6.93 10.67 � 6.33 12.44 � 9.97 11.1 � 6.49 NS

Plasma creatinine, mmol/l 126.82 � 65.62 126.13 � 53.57 139.15 � 102.54 124.38 � 64.75 0.0133

Plasma sodium, mmol/l 137.81 � 4.99 137.27 � 5.35 136.55 � 5.03 138.71 � 4.41 <0.0005

Troponin I, mg/l 0.06 (0.04–0.15) 0.06 (0.06–0.15) 0.05 (0.02–0.14) — 0.0005

Troponin T, mg/l 0.04 (0.02–0.07) — — 0.04 (0.02–0.07) —

eGFR, ml/min/1.73 m2 56.24 � 24.86 54.46 � 21.7 54.05 � 27.59 58.68 � 26.99 0.0093


Loop diuretic 1,095 (65.6) 527 (61.1) — 568 (70.3) <0.0005

Beta-blocker 900 (53.9) 381 (44.2) 519 (64.2) <0.0005

ACE inhibitor or ARB* 1,043 (61.6) 491 (57) — 552 (66.3) <0.0005

Aldosterone antagonist 222 (13.1) 108 (12.5) — 114 (13.7) NS


PENK, pmol/l 97.2 (14.8–997.5) 100.9 (14.8–641.3) 96.5 (30.7–997.5) 93.9 (15.6–664.2) NS

NT-proBNP, pmol/l — 2,187.7 (985.3–4,059.7) — —

BNP, pg/ml — — 1,241.5 (639–2,365.5) —

NT-proBNP, pg/ml — — — 5,006.5 (2,451.2–9,825)

z-transformed log natriuretic peptide 0.0 (0.999) 0.0 (0.999) 0.0 (1.000) 0.0 (0.999) NS

Values are mean � SD, n (%), or median (IQR) unless otherwise indicated. *Quoted for the analysis of variance/Kruskal-Wallis or chi-square tests for continuous or categorical variables,respectively.

ACE ¼ angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARB ¼ angiotensin receptor blocker; BNP ¼ B-type natriuretic peptide; BP ¼ blood pressure; eGFR ¼ estimated glomerular filtration rate;IQR ¼ interquartile range; NS ¼ not significant; NT-proBNP [ N-terminal pro–B-type natriuretic peptide; PENK ¼ amino acids 119 to 159 of proenkephalin A.

Ng et al. J A C C V O L . 6 9 , N O . 1 , 2 0 1 7

Proenkephalin in Acute Heart Failure J A N U A R Y 3 / 1 0 , 2 0 1 7 : 5 6 – 6 9


terminal renal failure who were receiving establishedrenal replacement therapy were excluded. Thesestudies complied with the declaration of Helsinki,and ethics approval was granted from the respectiveresearch ethics committees. All patients providedwritten informed consent.

Following signed informed consent, venousblood was withdrawn from recumbent patients andcollected in pre-chilled tubes containing ethyl-enediaminetetraacetic acid as an anticoagulant. Theintervals for obtaining this admission sample wereup to 4 h (Paris), 1 h (Basel), and 12 h (Leicester).Plasma was stored at �80�C until analysis in asingle batch.

IMAGING AND ASSAYS. Transthoracic echocardiog-raphy was performed using standard techniques, andleft ventricular ejection fraction was calculated usingthe biplane method of discs formula.

The assay for stable PENK (molecular weight4,586 Da) was previously described (16), and it hassince been modified (9). In brief, 2 mouse monoclonalanti-PENK antibodies were developed by immuniza-tion with PENK peptide. Standards or samples (50 mlplasma) were immobilized by the capture antibody(2 mg coated on polystyrene tubes). The detectorantibody was labeled with methylacridinium ester,and bound chemiluminescence was measured. Thenormal range was mean � SEM of 46.6 � 14.1 pmol/l,with a median of 45 pmol/l (range 9 to 518 pmol/l)(12).

We used an immunoassay to measure troponin I,which has a coefficient of variation of 10% at 0.03 mg/lwith a 99th percentile of 0.04 mg/l. Plasma high-sensitivity troponin T was measured in patientsenrolled in Basel. The 99th percentile upper referencelimit was 0.014 mg/l. All samples were analyzed in acentral laboratory in a blinded manner.

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TABLE 2 Patient Characteristics by PENK Quartiles on Admission

All(N ¼ 1,908)

Quartile 1<66.9 pmol/l(n ¼ 477)

Quartile 266.9–97.2 pmol/l

(n ¼ 476)

Quartile 397.2–147 pmol/l

(n ¼ 477)

Quartile 4>147 pmol/l(n ¼ 478) p Value*


Age, yrs 75.66 � 11.74 68.71 � 12.68 75.07 � 11.61 78.47 � 9.41 80.4 � 9.45 <0.0005

Male 1,186 (62.2) 345 (72.3) 298 (62.5) 279 (58.4) 264 (55.5) 0.001

Body mass index, kg/m-2 28.49 � 6.73 30.57 � 7.66 28.82 � 6.13 27.81 � 6.76 26.35 � 5.15 <0.0005

Previous history

Ischemic heart disease 769 (40.4) 163 (34.2) 192 (40.3) 203 (42.6) 211 (44.4) 0.0089

Renal failure 633 (33.3) 35 (7.4) 107 (22.5) 193 (40.6) 298 (62.7) <0.0005

Heart failure 860 (45.3) 172 (36.1) 186 (39.2) 254 (53.5) 248 (52.4) 0.01

Hypertension 1,330 (69.7) 301 (63.1) 326 (68.3) 342 (71.5) 361 (75.8) 0.0002

Diabetes mellitus 609 (32) 147 (30.9) 141 (29.6) 151 (31.7) 170 (35.8) NS

Initial observations

Systolic BP, mm Hg 136.74 � 27.63 139.03 � 25.4 138.72 � 26.67 135.86 � 28.32 133.28 � 29.68 0.0043

Heart rate, beats/min 90.43 � 25.68 95.88 � 27.27 91.96 � 26.11 88.19 � 24.64 85.53 � 23.33 <0.0005

Plasma biomarkers

Urea, mmol/l 11.05 � 6.93 6.98 � 2.55 8.56 � 5.21 11.56 � 5.56 17.03 � 8.25 <0.0005

Creatinine, mmol/l 126.82 � 65.62 87.05 � 22.01 103.15 � 28.59 128.36 � 43.19 188.86 � 90.1 <0.0005

eGFR, ml/min/1.73 m2 56.24 � 24.86 79.57 � 23.31 62.67 (17.94) 48.93 (15.97) 33.8 (14.64) <0.0005

Troponin I, mg/l 0.06 (0.04-0.15) 0.06 (0.04-0.1) 0.06 (0.04-0.12) 0.06 (0.04-0.12) 0.10 (0.06-0.27) <0.0005

Sodium, mmol/l 137.81 � 4.99 138.06 � 4.85 137.88 � 4.7 137.63 � 5.37 137.65 � 5.01 NS

Natriuretic peptides by site

NT-proBNP, pmol/l: Leicester 2,187.67(985.37–4,059.76)






BNP, pg/ml: Paris 1,241.5(639–2,365.5)






NT-proBNP, pg/ml: Basel 5,006.5(2,451.25–9,825)







Loop diuretic 1,095 (65.6) 218 (51.7) 251 (61.4) 313 (73.3) 313 (76) <0.0005

Beta-blocker 900 (53.9) 218 (51.5) 208 (50.7) 239 (56.1) 235 (57) NS

ACE inhibitor or ARB 1,043 (61.6) 247 (57.4) 261 (62.7) 274 (63.9) 261 (62.3) NS

Aldosterone antagonist 222 (13.1) 44 (10.2) 42 (10.1) 67 (15.6) 69 (16.5) 0.0047

1-yr endpoints

Death 518 (27.1) 59 (12.4) 88 (18.4) 143 (29.9) 228 (47.9) <0.0005

Death and/or heart failure(Leicester/Basel)

699 (41.3) 114 (26.5) 142 (34.1) 196 (45.7) 247 (58.9) <0.0005

Values are mean � SD, n (%), or median (interquartile range) unless otherwise indicated. *p values are quoted for the analysis of variance/Kruskal Wallis or chi-square tests for continuous or categoricalvariables, respectively.

Abbreviations as in Table 1.

J A C C V O L . 6 9 , N O . 1 , 2 0 1 7 Ng et al.J A N U A R Y 3 / 1 0 , 2 0 1 7 : 5 6 – 6 9 Proenkephalin in Acute Heart Failure


In patients from Leicester, United Kingdom,plasma N-terminal pro–B-type natriuretic peptide(NT-proBNP) was quantified using a sandwichimmunoassay as described previously (21). In Paris,plasma brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) was measuredusing Abbott kits (Abbott Diagnostics, Rungis Cedex,France). The Elecsys NT-proBNP assay (Roche Di-agnostics GmbH, Mannheim, Germany) was used inBasel.OUTCOMES. The primary endpoint was 1-year all-cause mortality. Secondary endpoints includedwithin-hospital all-cause mortality in the entirecohort and all-cause mortality or HF rehospitalizationwithin 1 year, by using follow-up data for theLeicester and Basel cohorts only. HF rehospitalization

was defined as a hospital readmission for which HFwas the primary cause, requiring treatment with di-uretics, intravenous inotropes, or nitrates. Endpointswere obtained from hospital records and electronicdatabases. Patients surviving to discharge were fol-lowed up for at least 1 year after the initial hospital-ization. When patients had multiple events, the timeto first event was counted as the censored outcome.

Another endpoint was WRF, defined as a rise inplasma creatinine of $26.5 mmol/l or 50% higher thanthe admission value (whichever was smaller), within5 days of presentation (14,22). We did not use thedefinition with urine volumes because administrationof diuretics could cause large variations in thisparameter. Degree of WRF was analyzed as the

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TABLE 3 Independent Predictors of PENK Levels

Variable F Statistic p Value*

eGFR 296.0 <0.0005

Plasma urea 166.0 <0.0005

Natriuretic peptide levels 74.0 <0.0005

Age 55.0 <0.0005

Female 33.0 <0.0005

Past history of renal failure 29.0 <0.0005

Systolic BP 8.2 0.0042

Heart rate 6.1 0.0133

Past history of diabetes 2.1 NS

Past history of heart failure 1.8 NS

Past history of hypertension 0.8 NS

Past history of IHD 0.1 NS

*p < 0.0005; adjusted R2 0.606.

IHD ¼ ischemic heart disease; other abbreviations as in Tables 1 and 2.

Ng et al. J A C C V O L . 6 9 , N O . 1 , 2 0 1 7

Proenkephalin in Acute Heart Failure J A N U A R Y 3 / 1 0 , 2 0 1 7 : 5 6 – 6 9


absolute increase in plasma creatinine from theadmission value and also as an ordinal scale definedas follows: 0 (rise in plasma creatinine <26.5 mmol/lor <1.5-fold); 1 (rise in plasma creatinine of$26.5 mmol/l or 1.5- to 2-fold); 2 (>2.0- to 3.0-fold);and 3 (>3.0-fold) (23). The modified diet in renaldisease formula was used to obtain the estimatedglomerular filtration rate (eGFR).

STATISTICAL ANALYSIS. Statistical analyses wereperformed using SPSS version 22 (IBM Corp., Armonk,New York) and Stata 13 (Statacorp LP, College Station,Texas) software. Assuming an event rate of 25% andthat the covariates predict up to 30% of thebiomarker variance, a sample size of 1,000 patientswould be powered (99% at p < 0.01) to detect ahazard ratio (HR) of the biomarker of 1.5, using thecommand stpower cox in Stata 13. All biomarkerlevels were log10 transformed and normalized to 1 SDincrement.

Gaussian data were analyzed using analysis ofvariance and general linear models, and nonpara-metric tests (Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallistest, and Spearman [rs] correlations) were usedagainst non-Gaussian data. Chi-square tests wereused for categorical variables. Independent pre-dictors of PENK levels were assessed using generallinear models with coefficients and p values reportedfor 2,000 bootstrap samples.

Because all 3 cohorts used different natriureticpeptides assays, we combined the data in this com-posite study by normalizing BNP and NT-proBNP foreach center, by using log transformation and calcu-lating the z-transform (thus expressing natriureticpeptides normalized to 1 SD of the log-transformedbiomarker for each center) before pooling thez-transformed natriuretic peptides for all centers.

To assess the prognostic value of biomarkers, a“base” model was generated using Cox survival anal-ysis, which included variables that were associatedwith study outcomes on univariable analysis atp < 0.10 or had been associated with poor outcomein other studies (age, sex, previous history of HF,ischemic heart disease, hypertension or diabetes,plasma urea, sodium, eGFR, hemoglobin, and bio-markers [log NT-proBNP or BNP]). Because differentnatriuretic peptide assays were used, these were lognormalized and then z-transformed (divided by 1 SDincrement) before analysis. PENK was added to thisbase model to evaluate its relative prognosticvalue with all variables entered simultaneously,with added value assessed using the increment in log-likelihood chi-square test for nested regressionmodels.

To predictWRF, we used logistic, linear, and ordinalregression models containing clinical variables,plasma biomarkers, and use of therapies associatedwith WRF such as diuretics and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptorblockers.

A logistic regression model was used to assessthe relative prognostic power of these biomarkersand clinical risk scores (ADHERE, GWTG-HF, andOPTIMIZE-HF) to predict in-hospital all-cause mor-tality. The probability of an outcome calculated fromthe logistic base model and the added value ofnatriuretic peptides and/or PENK was evaluated byreclassification analysis with calculation of category-free net reclassification improvement as describedby Pencina et al. (24). A similar approach to assess netreclassification improvement was adopted for pre-diction of 1-year mortality or the composite of 1-yeardeath and/or HF.

We also constructed classification trees usingchi-square automatic interaction detection, whichchooses the biomarker at each step that has thestrongest interaction with the dependent variable.


PATIENT CHARACTERISTICS. According to patientcharacteristics seen in the cohorts (Leicester, Paris,and Basel) (Table 1), patients at the 3 sites weresimilar in sex, but varied in age, renal function, bodymass index, and comorbidities. The outcomes (deathand death or HF at 1 year) were similar among sites.The PENK levels were similar among sites, with nodifferences in the normalized natriuretic peptidedistributions.

The characteristics of the combined Leicester-Paris-Basel cohort are shown in Table 2, according to PENK

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FIGURE 1 Predictors of WRF

0.25 0.5Odds Ratio

PENKNatriuretic Peptide


Plasma Sodium

Plasma UreaHeart RateSystolic BP

PH DiabetesPH Renal Failure

PH HypertensionPH IHD

PH Heart FailureMale

Agep Value








.041Plasma Creatinine

1 2

Forest plots of a multivariable analysis shows odds ratio for clinical variables, natriuretic peptides, and amino acids 119 to 159 of proenkephalin

A for prediction of worsening renal function (WRF) during initial hospitalization. ACE ¼ angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARB ¼ angiotensin

receptor blocker; BP ¼ blood pressure; IHD ¼ ischemic heart disease; PENK ¼ proenkephalin A assay; PH ¼ past history; NS ¼ not significant.

J A C C V O L . 6 9 , N O . 1 , 2 0 1 7 Ng et al.J A N U A R Y 3 / 1 0 , 2 0 1 7 : 5 6 – 6 9 Proenkephalin in Acute Heart Failure


quartiles. Patients with higher PENK levels wereolder, had a lower body mass index, were more oftenfemale, and had comorbidities such as histories ofhypertension, ischemic heart disease, HF, and renalimpairment; their initial systolic blood pressures(SBP) and heart rates were also lower. With increasingPENK quartiles, renal function deteriorated, andnatriuretic peptide levels increased. Higher PENK also

TABLE 4 Significant Predictors

Predictor p Value

Male 0.026

Past history of renal failure <0.0005

Systolic BP 0.007

Plasma urea 0.014

Creatinine <0.0005

PENK 0.001

Ordinal regression for WRF stages

Systolic BP 0.016

Plasma urea 0.028

Creatinine 0.03

Sodium 0.037

Past history of renal failure 0.012

PENK <0.0005

WRF ¼ worsening renal function; other abbreviations as in Tables 1 and 2.

was associated with more frequent prescription ofloop diuretics and aldosterone antagonists.


CHANGES IN PROENKEPHALIN A. Spearman ana-lysis (rs, p value) showed that PENK was correlatedwith age (0.366; p < 0.0005), eGFR (�0.752;p < 0.0005), plasma creatinine (0.668; p < 0.0005),plasma urea (0.641; p < 0.0005), heart rate (�0.165;p < 0.0005), SBP (�0.100; p < 0.0005), troponin T(0.373; p < 0.0005), and z-score of log natriureticpeptide (0.419; p< 0.0005). There were nonsignificantcorrelations with plasma sodium. A univariate generallinear model indicated the following independentpredictors of PENK level, in descending order ac-cording to variance accounted for in the model(Table 3): eGFR, plasma urea, natriuretic peptidelevels, age, sex, past history of renal impairment, SBP,and heart rate. These variables accounted for 60.6%of the variance of PENK levels, and of these, 2 mea-sures of renal function (eGFR and plasma urea)accounted for 46.8% of the model.

Of the 1,714 patients with data on plasma creati-nine within 5 days of hospitalization, 264 had devel-oped a rise in plasma creatinine of $26.5 mmol/l or50% higher than the admission value. Using clinicalvariables, use of nephrotoxic drugs on admission

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FIGURE 2 PENK and PENK-to-Creatinine Relationship With WRF

SampleAdmission Post-treatment






400A B











e Ra

tio (p










(A) Patients with worsening renal function (WRF) had higher proenkephalin A (PENK) levels on admission that increased post-treatment. (B) In patients

without WRF, PENK-to-creatinine ratios did not change between admission and post-treatment samples, whereas in patients with WRF, these ratios were

initially elevated and fell following treatment (p < 0.0005).

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Proenkephalin in Acute Heart Failure J A N U A R Y 3 / 1 0 , 2 0 1 7 : 5 6 – 6 9


(angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angio-tensin receptor blockers, diuretics), natriuretic pep-tides, and PENK, the independent predictors of WRFwere past history of renal disease, plasma sodium,SBP, and PENK (Figure 1). The receiver-operatingcharacteristic (ROC) area for the full model was 0.69(95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.65 to 0.73) comparedwith 0.67 (95% CI: 0.63 to 0.71) for a model withoutPENK (p value for difference in ROC areas ¼ 0.054).

We also evaluated the relationship of PENK withthe severity of development of renal impairment byperforming linear regression of these variables andthe absolute change in plasma creatinine from theadmission level. The significant predictors are listedin Table 4.

Plasma samples taken before and after treatment ofthe acute episode of HF were available in 1,012 pa-tients of the Leicester and Basel cohorts, with post-treatment levels obtained approximately 5 daysfollowing admission. Overall, median levels (inter-quartile range) before and after treatment were 97.2pmol/l (66.9 to 146.8 pmol/l) and 98.7 pmol/l (66.6 to141.8 pmol/l), respectively, (p ¼ NS; Wilcoxon signedrank test). However, in comparing plasma PENK be-tween admission and after therapy for those patients

who did or did not develop WRF by using a repeatedmeasures design, there was a significant interactionbetween the pre-therapy and post-therapy PENKlevels and WRF development (p < 0.0005). Patientswith WRF showed a higher level of PENK on admis-sion, which increased further after therapy (Figure 2).

To explore whether PENK levels changed beforecreatinine levels, we calculated PENK-to-creatinineratios in patients according to WRF status. In pa-tients without WRF, PENK-to-creatinine ratios didnot change between admission and post-therapysamples, a finding suggesting that both analyteschanged in tandem, whereas in patients with WRF,ratios were initially elevated and fell significantlywith time (p < 0.0005). There was a significantinteraction between pre-therapy and post-therapyPENK-to-creatinine ratios and WRF development(p < 0.0005) (Figure 2).SURVIVAL ANALYSIS. During a minimum follow-upof 1 year, there were 518 deaths in the whole cohort(N ¼ 1,908) and 699 death or HF endpoints in theLeicester and Basel cohorts (N ¼ 1,694). Patients withelevated PENK levels had more deaths during follow-up (Table 2). Figure 3A illustrates a graded increase inthe cumulative incidence of all-cause mortality with

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FIGURE 3 Outcomes According to PENK Levels

PENK QuartileTime (Days)


t Rat

e %










100 200 300 400

1 2 3 4




0 100 200Time (Days)


t Rat

e %

300 400





Cumulative incidence of all-cause mortality (A) and the composite endpoint of death and/or heart failure hospitalization (B) rose with higher proenkephalin

A (PENK) quartiles.

J A C C V O L . 6 9 , N O . 1 , 2 0 1 7 Ng et al.J A N U A R Y 3 / 1 0 , 2 0 1 7 : 5 6 – 6 9 Proenkephalin in Acute Heart Failure


increasing PENK quartiles (p < 0.0005). Comparisonof PENK quartiles revealed significant differencesamong all of them (p < 0.001), except comparingquartile 1 versus quartile 2 (p ¼ 0.009). Figure 3Bshows a graded increase in event rates for deathand/or HF hospitalization with increasing PENKquartiles (p < 0.0005). Apart from quartile 1 versus 2(p ¼ 0.015), all other quartile comparisons were sta-tistically different (p < 0.0005).

Figure 4A illustrates the univariable hazard ratiosfor factors affecting the outcome of all-cause mor-tality at 1 year, by using Cox proportional hazardsurvival analysis. Model 1 (Figure 4B) included rele-vant clinical variables and z-transformed natriureticpeptide levels, with independent predictors beingage, past history of hypertension, SBP, plasma urea,sodium, eGFR, and natriuretic peptide levels. Addi-tion of PENK to this base model (Figure 4C) showedthat it had independent predictive value for death, itsadded value being statistically significant (p <

0.0005) using the increment in log likelihood ratiochi-square for nested regression models. For theendpoint of death at 3 and 6 months, the multivari-able adjusted HR for PENK remained significant forboth time points (3 months: HR: 1.49; 95% CI: 1.20 to1.85; p < 0.0005; 6 months: HR: 1.40; 95% CI: 1.17 to1.68; p < 0.0005).

The C statistic for 1-year mortality was 0.741 (in thebase model using the foregoing demographic andclinical chemistry variables), and it rose to 0.754(p ¼ 0.021) and 0.751 (p ¼ 0.051) with addition ofnatriuretic peptide and PENK, respectively, and to0.759 (p¼ 0.007) with the addition of both biomarkers.

Figure 5A reports the HRs for the outcome of deathor HF at 1 year in the Leicester and Basel cohorts.Model 1 (Figure 5B) is a multivariable model thatincluded the independent predictors: age, past his-tory of HF, hypertension, ischemic heart disease,diabetes, SBP, plasma urea, and natriuretic peptidelevels. Addition of PENK (model 2) showed that ithad independent predictive value for death or HF(p ¼ 0.003) (Figure 5C), and the increment in loglikelihood ratio chi-square was statistically significant(p ¼ 0.001). For the endpoint of death or HF at 3 and6 months, the multivariable adjusted HR for PENKremained significant for both time points (3 monthsHR: 1.27; 95% CI: 1.06 to 1.53; p ¼ 0.011; 6 months HR:1.32; 95% CI: 1.13 to 1.54; p < 0.0005).

Using the base model, the C statistic for 1-yeardeath or HF was 0.692, and it rose to 0.702(p ¼ 0.079) and 0.700 (p ¼ 0.09) with addition ofnatriuretic peptide and PENK, respectively, and to0.706 (p ¼ 0.039) with the addition of bothbiomarkers.

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FIGURE 4 1-Year Mortality

0.25 0.5Hazard Ratio



p Value<0.0005





Male PH Heart Failure

PH IHDPH Hypertension

PH DiabetesSystolic BPHeart Rate

Plasma UreaPlasma Sodium


Natriuretic PeptidePENK

1 2

0.25 0.5 1 2Hazard Ratio


Male PH Heart Failure

PH IHDPH Hypertension

PH DiabetesSystolic BPHeart Rate

Plasma UreaPlasma Sodium


Natriuretic Peptide

p Value<0.0005






0.25 0.5 1 2Hazard Ratio






PH Heart FailurePH IHD

PH HypertensionPH Diabetes

Systolic BPHeart Rate

Plasma UreaPlasma Sodium


Natriuretic PeptidePENK

p Value<0.0005










Clinical variables, natriuretic peptides, and proenkephalin A (PENK) for prediction of 1-year all-cause mortality was studied in (A) univariable

analysis; (B) model 1, which included natriuretic peptides but excluded PENK; and (C) model 2, which included all variables and biomarkers.

eGFR ¼ estimated glomerular filtration rate; other abbreviations as in Figure 1.

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FIGURE 5 1–Year Death and/or HF Hospitalization

Agep Value










p Value.001











p Value.005












Male PH Heart Failure

PH IHDPH Hypertension

PH DiabetesSystolic BPHeart Rate

Plasma UreaPlasma Sodium


Natriuretic PeptidePENK


PH Heart FailurePH IHD

PH HypertensionPH Diabetes

Systolic BPHeart Rate

Plasma UreaPlasma Sodium


Natriuretic Peptide


PH Heart FailurePH IHD

PH HypertensionPH Diabetes

Systolic BPHeart Rate

Plasma UreaPlasma Sodium


Natriuretic PeptidePENK

0.25 0.5 1Hazard Ratio





0.25 0.5 1Hazard Ratio


0.25 0.5 1Hazard Ratio


Clinical variables, natriuretic peptides, and proenkephalin A (PENK) for prediction of 1-year all-cause mortality and/or heart failure (HF)

hospitalization was evaluated in (A) univariable analysis; (B) model 1, which excluded PENK; and (C) model 2, which included all variables.

Abbreviations as in Figures 1 and 4.

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TABLE 5 Logistic Regression Analysis: In-Hospital Mortality

In-Hospital MortalityUnivariableOR (95% CI) p Value


Model 1*OR (95% CI) p Value

Model 2†OR (95% CI) p Value

Model 3‡OR (95% CI) p Value

ADHERE score (continuous) 1.45 (1.25–1.68) <0.0005 1.30 (1.12–1.52) 0.001 1.20 (1.04–1.39) 0.013 1.18 (1.02–1.37) 0.027

Natriuretic peptide 1.71 (1.29–2.26) <0.0005 1.50 (1.11–2.02) 0.008 Excluded 1.14 (0.84–1.55) NS

PENK 2.08 (1.69–2.57) <0.0005 Excluded 1.89 (1.50–2.39) <0.0005 1.81 (1.41–2.32) <0.0005

ROC curve area 0.659 (ADHERE) 0.688 NS 0.709 NS 0.708 NS

OPTIMIZE-HF score 2.17 (1.74–2.72) <0.0005 1.92 (1.50–2.47) <0.0005 1.66 (1.27–2.18) <0.0005 1.60 (1.21–2.10) 0.001

Natriuretic peptide 1.71 (1.29–2.26) <0.0005 1.29 (0.94–1.77) NS Excluded 1.11 (0.81–1.53) NS

PENK 2.08 (1.69–2.57) <0.0005 Excluded 1.59 (1.22–2.07) 0.001 1.55 (1.17–2.04) 0.002

ROC curve area 0.695 (OPTIMIZE-HF) 0.701 NS 0.729 NS 0.727 NS

GWTG-HF score 2.02 (1.56–2.63) <0.0005 1.69 (1.26–2.26) <0.0005 1.48 (1.09–1.99) 0.011 1.42 (1.05–1.93) 0.024

Natriuretic peptide 1.71 (1.29–2.26) <0.0005 1.40 (0.97–2.02) 0.076 Excluded 1.13 (0.78–1.64) NS

PENK 2.08 (1.69–2.57) <0.0005 Excluded 1.73 (1.29–2.31) <0.0005 1.66 (1.22–2.26) 0.001

ROC curve area 0.687 (GWTG-HF) 0.686 NS 0.718 NS 0.715 NS

*Model 1: Base model of clinical risk prediction score plus z-transformed log natriuretic peptide. †Model 2: Base model of clinical risk prediction score plus z-transformed log PENK. ‡Model 3: Base model ofclinical risk prediction score plus z-transformed log natriuretic peptide and PENK.

ADHERE ¼ Acute Decompensated Heart Failure National Registry; CI ¼ confidence interval; GWTG-HF ¼ Get With the Guidelines Heart Failure; OPTIMIZE-HF ¼ Organized Program to Initiate LifesavingTreatment in Hospitalized Patients With Heart Failure; OR ¼ odds ratio; ROC ¼ receiver-operating characteristic; other abbreviations as in Tables 1 and 2.

TABLE 6 In-Hospita

Endpoint NRI

Adding Natriure

No �12.4 (�Yes 39.5 (1

Total 27.0 (4

Adding P

No 25.9 (21

Yes 39.5 (17

Total 65.4 (4

Adding PENK to ADH

No 25.3 (20

Yes 26.3 (3.

Total 51.6 (28

NRI ¼ net reclassification i

Ng et al. J A C C V O L . 6 9 , N O . 1 , 2 0 1 7

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PREDICTING INPATIENT MORTALITY. The use ofPENK and/or natriuretic peptide together with clin-ical risk scores for determining inpatient mortality(n ¼ 82) was examined using logistic regressionanalysis. Table 5 reports the odds ratios for z-trans-formed clinical scores individually and with theaddition of natriuretic peptide and/or PENK. Usingthe ADHERE score, PENK was an independent pre-dictor for inpatient mortality (p < 0.0005), with a Cstatistic of 0.709. PENK remained an independentpredictor when used together with either the GWTG-HF score (C statistic 0.718) or the OPTIMIZE score(C statistic 0.729). Natriuretic peptide levels were notindependent predictors in all 3 clinical scores, when

lity: NRI

(95% CI) p Value Endpoint NRI (95% CI)

tic Peptide to ADHERE Adding Natriuretic Peptide to OPTIM

17.4 to �7.5) <0.0005 No �31.9 (�36.8 to �26.9)

7.0–62.0) 0.001 Yes 51.4 (28.0–74.9)

.0–50.1) 0.021 Total 19.5 (�4.4 to 43.5)


.0–30.9) <0.0005 No 8.8 (3.9–13.8)

.0–62.0) 0.001 Yes 20.0 (�3.4 to 43.4)

2.4–88.4) <0.0005 Total 28.8 (4.9–52.8)

ERE and Natriuretic Peptide Adding PENK to OPTIMIZE-HF and Nat

.4–30.3) <0.0005 No 15.2 (10.3–20.2)

8–48.8) 0.022 Yes 14.3 (�9.1 to 37.7)

.6–4.6) <0.0005 Total 29.5 (5.6–53.4)

mprovement; other abbreviations as in Tables 1, 2, and 5.

used with PENK. The increment in ROC areas whenbiomarkers were added to clinical scores did notachieve conventional levels of statistical significance.

Category-free reclassification analyses, using thecontinuous net reclassification improvement index(>0) (Table 6), calculated for the biomarkers added todifferent clinical risk scores (ADHERE, GWTG-HF,and OPTIMIZE-HF) for predicting inpatient mortal-ity, showed that natriuretic peptides up-classifiedrisk in those patients endpoints, whereas PENKpredominantly down-classified risk in patientswithout endpoints, with a smaller effect on up-classifying risk in patients who died (for ADHEREand GWTG-HF risk scores). Adding PENK to models

p Value Endpoint NRI (95% CI) p Value

IZE-HF Adding Natriuretic Peptide to GWTG

<0.0005 No �26.4 (�31.7 to �21.0) <0.0005

<0.0005 Yes 38.2 (11.8–64.6) 0.005

NS Total 11.8 (�15.2 to 38.8) NS

-HF Adding PENK to GWTG

<0.0005 No 10.0 (4.6–15.3) <0.0005

NS Yes 30.9 (4.5–57.3) 0.022

0.018 Total 40.9 (13.9–67.9) 0.003

riuretic Peptide Adding PENK to GWTG and Natriuretic Peptide

<0.0005 No 17.3 (11.9–22.6) <0.0005

NS Yes 27.3 (0.8–53.7) 0.043

0.016 Total 44.6 (17.6–71.5) 0.001

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FIGURE 6 Classification and Regression Tree: In-Hospital Death

PENK (pmol/L)

≤ 133.3 (133.3 - 211.3) >211.3


7.6Total 19.9


13.1Total 10.0

Key: Survivor In-Patient Death


2.1Total 70.1


4.3Total 100.0

As shown in this decision tree for in-hospital deaths, increasing levels of proenkephalin A

(PENK) were associated with higher in-hospital mortality rates. Abbreviation as in

Figure 1.

J A C C V O L . 6 9 , N O . 1 , 2 0 1 7 Ng et al.J A N U A R Y 3 / 1 0 , 2 0 1 7 : 5 6 – 6 9 Proenkephalin in Acute Heart Failure


consisting of risk scores and natriuretic peptideconfirmed that PENK predominantly down-classifiedrisk in survivors with less effect on up-classifyingrisk in patients with events (for ADHERE andGWTG-HF risk scores).

DECISION TREE ANALYSIS. To determine optimalcutpoints for PENK, we constructed decision treesusing PENK, natriuretic peptides, and clinical riskscores (ADHERE, GWTG-HF, or OPTIMIZE-HF) toclassify patients into survivors or those who died inthe hospital. Only PENK was selected from thesevariables using chi-square automatic interactiondetection, with the cutoff points and associated in-hospital death rates (Figure 6). Patients with PENKlevels <133.3 pmol/l had an in-hospital mortalityrate of 2.1%, whereas for patients with PENK>211.3 pmol/l, the mortality rate was 13.1%.


In this observational multicenter cohort study, wedescribed the use of a recent plasma PENK assay forassessing WRF and risk stratification following acuteHF, by measuring an analyte that is stable in plasmafor at least 48 h, unlike previous assays of labile en-kephalins. Plasma PENK was strongly correlated withrenal function (eGFR), and the majority of its variancewas accounted for by 2 measures of renal function,eGFR and plasma urea. Plasma PENK was an inde-pendent predictor of WRF, and levels increased overtime while renal function declined. The temporalpattern of change of PENK-to-creatinine ratiosdiffered in patients who had WRF compared withpatients who did not, a finding suggesting that thedynamics of PENK and creatinine differed.

During follow-up, PENK was a strong independentpredictor of death and the composite endpoint ofdeath or HF, for both short-term (3-month) andlonger-term (1-year) follow-up. We had previouslydemonstrated that PENK predicted outcomes such asdeath, myocardial infarction, and HF following acutemyocardial infarction and was strongly linked torenal function (9). This present work reinforced ourearlier findings and extended it to another acutecardiovascular presentation: acute HF. For predictionof in-hospital mortality, PENK remained significantwhen used with a variety of risk scores developed forthis purpose (ADHERE, OPTIMIZE-HF, and GWTG-HF).However, the increment in ROC areas was modest andnot significant. Previous analyses of data relying onincrement in ROC areas could wrongly conclude that abiomarker has no added value (because of its veryconservative power) even though logistic regression,

which relies on increment in log-likelihood ratio, couldindicate otherwise (25,26). We used reclassification asan additional method to demonstrate the utility ofPENK, especially in down-classifying risk in patientswithout endpoints.

Individual studies and meta-analyses of HF cohortshave indicated the importance of renal impairment indetermining prognosis (14), but there are few bio-markers that predict cardiorenal syndrome type 1 (15).Creatinine itself might weakly predict WRF in acuteHF, but our findings suggest that PENK levels mightcontribute to a history of renal impairment, SBP, andplasma sodium, to provide modest accuracy in WRFprediction. The temporal patterns of plasma PENK inpatients who developed WRF were different fromthose in patients who were spared this complication,with rising levels of PENK and falling PENK-to-creatinine ratios seen in patients with WRF.

The pathophysiological link between PENK andprognosis in acute HF may be related to the effectsof opioids on the cardiovascular system (CentralIllustration). Enkephalin excess may have a car-diodepressive effect (4), by lowering BP and reducingorgan perfusion (including kidney perfusion, whichmay explain the strong link between PENK andeGFR). Fontana et al. (8) demonstrated a rise in atrialnatriuretic peptide and norepinephrine levels,together with responses in heart rate and bloodpressure, following nonspecific opioid blockade usingnaloxone in severe cases of acute HF. However, inless severe cases of acute HF, naloxone showed an

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CENTRAL ILLUSTRATION Proenkephalin in Acute Heart Failure


Enkephalin secretion

Enkephalin secretion

Acute heart failure








Ng, L.L. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2017;69(1):56–69.

Acute heart failure leads to reduced renal perfusion and worsening kidney function, which further exacerbates salt and fluid retention. Secretion of amino acids 119 to

159 of proenkephalin A (PENK) may be a counter-regulatory response to mitigate declining renal function, although extremely high levels may be cardiodepressive

and lead to further decline in renal perfusion.

Ng et al. J A C C V O L . 6 9 , N O . 1 , 2 0 1 7

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opposite depressive effect on atrial natriuretic pep-tide and no effect on heart rate and blood pressure.The data suggest that endogenous opioids could besuppressing atrial natriuretic peptide secretion insevere acute HF. Peacock et al. (7) also describedpoorer outcomes in patients with acute HF who wereadministered opiates within the ADHERE registry.Similarly, enkephalins may exert a direct effect onrenal function because Sezen et al. (27) reported thatd opioid agonists stimulate urine flow and sodiumexcretion, and, thus, in a situation where kidneyfunction declines, the increase in enkephalin releasemay be a counter-regulatory measure. Enkephalinsare widely expressed, and major sources of plasmaenkephalin and proenkephalin include the heart,adrenal glands, skeletal muscle, and kidney (6).

On the basis of our findings indicating links be-tween PENK and outcomes, there may be potential touse high PENK levels to select patients for intensifiedtherapy settings or low PENK levels to rule out suchcare. The links of elevated PENK levels with pooroutcome in acute HF agreed with findings in otheracute emergencies such as acute myocardial

infarction (9) and stroke (13). Better risk predictionmay allow clinicians to improve allocation of treat-ment and resources, including placement of patientswithin the hospital, frequency of monitoring of renalfunction, and initiation and speed of up-titration ofHF therapies associated with WRF (e.g., loop di-uretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors,and aldosterone receptor blockers). Some of thesepossibilities may need to be addressed by well-designed clinical trials.STUDY LIMITATIONS. First, the basis of our findingswas a large number of patients prospectively enrolledand hospitalized in 3 European countries. Additionalstudies are warranted to validate these findings innon-European populations and in general practicesettings. Furthermore, different natriuretic peptideand cardiac troponin assays were used in the 3 sites.We attempted to mitigate this by z-transforming thelog-transformed peptide values. Additionally, wecannot comment on patients with terminal renalfailure who were undergoing long-term hemodialysisbecause they were excluded. Finally, troponin resultswere not available on all patients.

Page 14: Proenkephalin, Renal Dysfunction, and Prognosis in ...Cardiorenal syndrome is common in acute heart failure (HF) and portends poor prognosis. ... acute kidney injury after cardiac



inversely related to prevalent renal function, predicts WRF in

acute HF, and provides an assessment of short-term and long-

term prognosis independent of renal function. It may be used in

conjunction with clinical scores for predicting in-hospital


TRANSLATIONAL OUTLOOK: Further studies should assess

the utility of PENK to risk stratify and guide therapy for patients

with acute HF in comparison with other biomarkers.

J A C C V O L . 6 9 , N O . 1 , 2 0 1 7 Ng et al.J A N U A R Y 3 / 1 0 , 2 0 1 7 : 5 6 – 6 9 Proenkephalin in Acute Heart Failure


Prospective studies on the clinical effectiveness ofusing PENK for management strategies, whetherdirected at low-risk or high-risk groups, need to beperformed. Moreover, PENK as a predictor of WRFshould be compared with other potential biomarkers,such as neutrophil gelatinase–associated lipocalin orcystatin C, for which a multimarker panel could beinvestigated. Sequential sampling of PENK shouldalso be investigated to assess how quickly levels risebefore WRF development.


Following acute HF, circulating PENK levels reflectcardiorenal status and provide short-term and long-term prognostic information on both mortality andcardiovascular morbidity. PENK predicted WRF andcould be used in conjunction with different clinicalrisk scores for in-hospital mortality.

REPRINT REQUESTS AND CORRESPONDENCE: Dr.Leong L. Ng, Department of Cardiovascular Sciences,Clinical Sciences Wing, Glenfield Hospital, LeicesterLE3 9QP, United Kingdom. E-mail: [email protected].


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KEY WORDS acute kidney injury,B-type natriuretic peptide, mortality,net reclassification improvement, opioids