Productivity and QM

Productivity and Quality Management

Transcript of Productivity and QM

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Productivity and Quality


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Ch apter 1Productivity C oncepts and


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R esources employed for ac h ievingproductivity are 5 M¶s

MaterialsMac h inesMen

Met h odsMoney

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Defined as a ratio between output andinput.

Input factors are men, materials, tools,knowledge level, mac h inery and met h ods,processes, systems, management , ot h er resources.

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Productivity Improvement

Input Output60 minutes 5 c h airs

30minutes 5 c h airs60 minutes 6 c h airs30 minutes 6 c h airs

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Improvement in Employee Productivity

Personnel selection.Time control

Organization structuringHuman resource developmentMotivation

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Employee MotivationMaslow¶s Need Hierarc h y Th eory

P h ysiological needs

S ecurity needs

S ocial needs

S elf esteem

S elf


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Types of productivity

Partial Productivity :

Output quantity / One class of input

Total Productivity :

Output quantity / input quantity

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C alculation of Productivity

PPM : Partial Productivity Measure

It is t h e ratio of real gross output to onetype of real input.

PPM = Gross R eal OutputTotal h rs worked

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TPM : Total Productivity MeasureIt is t h e ratio of R eal Gross Output to all

th e real inputs

TPM = R eal Gross Output

R eal Gross Input

C alculation of Productivity

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TFP : Total Factor ProductivityIt is t h e ratio of t h e Net Output to t h e sum of Labour and capital inputs

TFP = Net OutputLabour + C apital

Net output = Gross output ± materials ±intermediate goods and services used in t h eproduction of raw materials

C alculation of Productivity

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Ch apter 2Quality Fundamentals

Quality means quality of t h e deliveredproduct, work content, quality of service ,quality of systems, quality of processes,quality of people, in s h ort t h e quality of t h eentire organization

Quality can be defined as a ratio of performance (P) and expectation (E)of t h e customer.

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S tatistical Quality C ontrol ± S QC

U se of statistical met h ods suc h ascontrol c h arts and samplinginspection****.Problems wit h S QC

1. Difficult to follow by experienced workers2. S tandards were to be set w h ich was a

difficulty due to innumerable factors.3. Was over emp h asized .4. Top management was h ardly involved

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S mall µq¶ and B ig µQ¶

S mall µq¶ focuses primarily on t h e productquality .

B ig µQ¶ focuses on several issues of process quality , product, systems,delivery, documentation and every singleaspect of commitment to t h e customer.

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Quality Loop

For t h e big µQ¶ to h appen, an organizationidentifies customer needs and preferencesand t h en design , develop, manufactureand sell t h e products fulfilling customer requirements.

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QC is a small group of employees, mostlyat worker level formed to perform qualitycontrol and improvement activities wit h inth eir workplace.

C onviction t h at workers at t h e s h op floor level can significantly contribute tomanagement levels to improveproductivity.

Quality circles - Is h ikawa

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Helps in developing1. Mutual trust among workers

2. Improve t h e operations3. Employee involvement and motivation4. Infinite possibilities

Quality circles - Is h ikawa

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S teps performed by Q C

Decide on t h emeEstablis h th e goalsC larify reasons A ssess t h e currentsituationProbe causes and

analyze t h em

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Quality C ontrol

Includes1. Drawing Quality Plans.

2. Test Procedures.3. Test S ch edules.4. Inspection of materials.

5. Non conformities.6. C ustomer complaints

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Quality A ssuranceA ssuring t h e quality in t h e product and serviceso t h at t h e customer can buy it wit h confidence.Quality A ssurance can be done t h roug h th efollowing :

1. Development of quality plans.2. Vendor quality surveys.

3. Product quality audits.4. R eview disposition of Non conforming

products.5. Initiation of customers future needs.

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Ch apter 3Quality Management P h ilosop h ies

Definition : Quality is meeting productspecifications.

Quality is performance as per customer expectationsQuality is doing t h e rig h t th ing rig h t firsttime.

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TQM : A rmand V Feigenbaum

Originator of Total Quality ManagementTalks about 9 M¶s of quality

1. Money

2. Men3. Met h ods4. Mac h ines5. Materials6. Markets7. Management8. Motivation9. Meeting product requirements

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Deming¶s 14 points for managementquality transformation

C reate constancy of purpose for improvement in product and service. A

dopt new ph


iesC ease dependence on inspection toac h ieve quality.

End practice of awarding th

e businesspurely on price tagImprove constantly and for every process

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Institute training on t h e job. A dopt and institutionalize leaders h ip.

Drive out fear B reakdown barriers between staff areas.Eliminate slogans, ex h ortations and

targets for t h e workforce.

Deming¶s 14 points for managementquality transformation

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Eliminate numerical quotas for t h e workforceand numerical goals for t h e mgmt.

R emove barriers t h at rob people of pride andworkmans h ips ( annual rating or merit system)Institute programme of education and self-improvement for everyone.

Put everyone in t h e company to work toaccomplis h th e transformation.

Deming¶s 14 points for managementquality transformation

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Deming¶s 7 Deadly Diseases

1. Lack of constancy of purpose2. Emp h asis on s h ort term profits

3. Over emph

asis on performanceappraisal and merit rating4. Excessive staff mobility5. Overdependence on figures6. Excessive medical costs7. Excessive legal costs

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P C D A C ycle

Plan Ch eck

Do A ct

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C rosby¶s A bsolutes of qualitymanagement

Quality is defined as conformance torequirements.


e system for causing quality isprevention.Th e performance standard is zero defects.


e measurement of quality is price of nonconformance.

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C rosby¶s 14 steps for organizationalimprovement.

1. Management commitment2. Quality improvement teams

3. Measurement4. C ost of quality5. A wareness

6. C orrective action7. Zero defect planning

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8. Employee education9. Zero defects day

10. Goal setting11. Error cause removal12. R ecognition

13. Quality councils14. Do it all again

C rosby¶s 14 steps for organizationalimprovement.

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C rosby¶s 6 C ¶s

C ompre h ension : ability to understandquality related activities.C ommitment : by one and allC ompetence : of employeesC orrections : rectification abilities.C ommunication : wit h out ambiguity,h onesty and wit h no confusion.C ontinuance: of good performance andfurth er improvement.

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J uran¶s p h ilosop h y

Embracing quality planning, qualitycontrol and quality improvement.

It covers1. QC is analogous to financial control.2. Quality planning is analogous to financial

planning and budgeting3. Quality improvement is analogous to cost


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J uran¶s µProject by Project approac h ¶

Pat h breaking ideas were :1. S urvival and growt h are dependent on



to new levels of performance.2. B reakt h roug h is defined as an organized

creation of a beneficial c h ange.3. C ustomer needs are translated into

process and product features.

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C ost of poor quality needs constantattention.Ch

ronic waste must be identified andeliminated.Over 80% of quality related problemsemanate from managers, and not workers.

J uran¶s µProject by Project approac h ¶

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Ch apter 4Quality and costs

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C ost of Poor Quality

Doing t h ings wrong or doing t h em againand again can cost around 20% or moreth an t h e sales turnover.Price of conformance ±cost to make t h ingscome out rig h t .3- 4 % of t h e salesPrice of non conformance ± cost to correctwrong t h ings done,20% or more of t h esales.

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Group of C OPQPrice of non conformance

Expenses involved w h en t h ings are donewrong.

To correct th

e proceduresTo correct t h e product or t h e services20% or more of t h e sales in mfg

companies.35% or more of t h e operating costs inservice companies

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Groups of C OPQ

Price of C onformanceMoney spend to make t h ings come outrigh t.

Professional quality functionsPrevention efforts3 to 4%

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Price of conformance

1. Prevention costs ± to prevent t h e defects. Egs: Market researc h , audits, qualitytraining, quality planning and control etc

2. A ppraisal costs ± t h e costs incurred indetection of defects . Egs : testing,inspections and measurements,incoming raw material testing, qualityaudits.

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Price of non conformance

Internal failures1. S crap, excluding planned waste2. R ework and repair 3. R etesting4. B reakdown maintenance

External failures

1. R ejected and returned products2. Loss of customers goodwill3. Transit damages

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C ause wise distribution of C OPQ

C ause %of total C OPQDesign faults 36

B ad specifications 16Poor planning 14Human error 12

B ad inspection 10Ot h ers 12

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Distribution of poor quality costs

Prevention: 5% of total quality costs A ppraisal: 30%

Failure: 65%

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C omponents of C OPQ

Visible poor quality costsHidden poor quality costs

S crap

R ework

Warranty costs

Excessive use of material

High inventory

Low plant utilizationC ost of redesign and reinspectionC ost of resolving customer problemsInterest c h arged due to delayed payments

Opportunity cost due to lost customers


h idden

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C ost of Poor Quality ( A P IE)


Price of conformance

Price of non conformance

A ppraisal costsPreventive costs

Internal failuresExternal failures

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Effect of quality system on t h e costs

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Ch apter 5FO CU S ON THE


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Productivity Incentives

Wage structure

C ompensationsystem

Incentive pay

(individual, group,plant wise)

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J ob A nalysis

S ystematic exploration of t h e activitieswith in a job.

Description of w h at practically h appens inth e job and identifying t h e appropriatetasks, knowledge, skills necessary for performing t h e job and t h e conditionsunder w h ich th e job is performed.

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Focus on t h e workforce includes

Human R esource PlanningR ecruitingEmployee training and developmentC areer developmentPerformance appraisalC ompensationemployee relationsS afety and h ealt h

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J ob R otation

Moving employees to various positions inth e organisation. A

im is to explore th

eir abilities, skills andknowledge.C an be vertical or h orizontal.

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Work study / Time and Motion S tudy

Tec h niques used in examination of h umanwork in all its contexts, w h ich h elps inassessing all factors affecting t h eefficiency in order to effect improvement.U sed to increase t h e amt produced from agiven quantity of resources wit h out furt h er investment.

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Types of Work S tudy

Met h od study ± examination of existingand proposed ways of doing work as ameans of developing easier and better met h ods and reducing costs.

Work measurement ± tec h niques used toestablis h th e time required by a qualifiedworker to carry out a specific job.

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Met h odstudy


entWork study

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Work S tudy S teps

S elect t h e job to be studiedR ecord from direct observationExamine t h e facts recordedDevelop t h e most economic met h odMeasure t h e quantity of work in met h od selectedC alculate t h e std time

Define t h e new met h od and timeInstall t h e new met h odDevelop proper control procedures

Maintain t h e new std practices

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Lateral T h inking

B reaking t h e rulesR isk taking

A ttitude adjustmentsCh ecking assumptionsImagination

IntuitionC reative beliefs

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B locks in lateral t h inking

Negative attitudeFollowing t h e rules

Making assumptionsS tressFear

No creativityOver reliance on logic

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