Production process Hot Tub

Firstly, I opened Photoshop and selected International Size Paper and ensured it was portrait as that is what this particular fashion spread is.

Transcript of Production process Hot Tub

Page 1: Production process Hot Tub

Firstly, I opened Photoshop and selected International Size Paper and ensured it was portrait as that is what this particular fashion spread is.

Page 2: Production process Hot Tub

I then added the best image for the fashion spread theme of which I aimed for and enlarged and repositioned it until I believe it looked most appropriate.

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Finally, I added the pricing of the clothes of which my model is wearing and put it in a very small font in the top corner of the fashion spread. I also made it bright yellow so it stands out and combines with the costume and the theme of summer very well.

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I then began to play around with the brightness and contrasts to see what impact it would make on the image, as you can see, the image is currently on default settings.

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Due to the amount of different colours, textures and brightness which was already in the default image, it was very delicate to adjust, however I changed both settings slightly to give a better all round look to the image.

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This is a screengrab of the final look of the fashion spread.