Production pitch

Production Pitch

Transcript of Production pitch

Page 1: Production pitch

Production Pitch

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New line cinema- Why are you the institution for us?

• Through research into your institution it is clear that ‘The notebook’ is noticeable to every individual in terms of its immediate success. New line cinema is highly rated for its highly effective means of production and distribution within the film industry. With New line cinema being a subsidiary of major conglomerate time warner and a unit of Warner brother entertainment it is clear that these are the reasons behind the film performances and operating efficiencies.

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Our own research

• From our own research we have found our audience are between the ages 16 and 25 years old. This is our specific target audience and therefore our production is based merely on what we believe to be most effective in appealing to them. For example a 20 year old female could be experiencing relationship issues and may relate to the conflict shown within the trailer and wish to watch the trailer to see how the female in the film handles the situation. The characters within the film are of these ages, giving our audience the ability to sympathise and understand the situations that the characters are in to some extent.

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• As continuously reinforced, females are usually primarily the audience for romantic films. However, our own research concluded there was an equilibrium in genders who enjoyed watching romantic films. Many of those who participated in our research also suggested a typical favourite romantic film was ‘The Notebook’ which reinforces our trust in producing our film trailer with new line cinema. Many of the shot types used within the notebook appeal to us. For example the close-ups where the couple look intimate and in love are most effective in presenting there relationship to the audience.

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Convention of genre and form. • From our individual research into the conventions of genre and form

we found out a range of elements which are associated with successful film trailers. For example the typical ‘boy meets girl’ scenario. Within our trailer we aim to show how a couple meet and how they break-up but a narrative resolution brings them back together in the end.

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• . Our trailer will begin with a coin toss which is used to demonstrate the instability of the couples relationship, the coin falls to the floor and the male walks away. At the end of the trailer the coin toss reappears and the male catches the coin to signify his control and dominance. Our trailer therefore also lay emphasis on the traditional ‘happy ever after’ of successful films. The story which due to the age of its actors can also link to the audience on an emotional level.

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What are our ideas?

In summary our film trailer is about a young couple who have been together for a few years and after a conflict they decide to go there separate ways. The conflict occurs when the women gets a job offer to work as a CEO at Gucci in America and she chooses to go. The trailer aims to transition through the time before there relationship and how they cope afterwards being apart. It shows how they struggle to fit back in to the normal lives they had before and as a results are drawn back together when she returns from America after realizing she wants him back.

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• We have discussed a variety of scenes which would be included, specifically we decided on a scene with the couple on a park bench, talking and reminiscing. We plan to film for long periods of time into the late evening where the sun can be seen setting in the background. During the editing stage we would fast forward the footage to show how they spend long period of time in each others company completely oblivious to the world around them.

• Another scene which would be present before the ending coin toss scene would be a scene of the couple before they broke up dancing in a nightclub together and then a scene transitioning to a wedding where they are dancing together in a more sophisticated and formal occasion. This would therefore signify how they have grown up into a more mature state and are back together.

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How will this challenge conventions?

• In some aspects we will challenge the expectations for the conventions of romantic genre in terms of how the female is perceived. Instead of her appearing vulnerable and less successful we will show her to be a business women with equally high career aspects as the male character. It will follow conventions in terms of how she is emotional and reacts badly to the break-up. Conventions of genre and form will be similar in the use of props and locations. For example flowers will be used during the scene where they are attending a wedding to connote the formality of the situation and love.

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For the scene where the couple are sitting on the bench it will be shot from a distant using a wide shot and from behind. This enabled the shot to be filmed for a long period of time and also people can be walking around throughout the day showing how they are isolated in each others company. We would start filming early afternoon and into the late evening to show the transition between day and night and the use of the sunset will connote the romance and intimacy between the couple.