Product research

Product research Jordan Lee

Transcript of Product research

Page 1: Product research

Product research

Jordan Lee

Page 2: Product research

The 3 examples I have are from 3 different organizations, all them have a completely different style and way of getting their message out to people. The first poster I have from the NHS is quite plain and is the least affective out of the 3 as it is written as in someone enquiring with you, where as the other two use real people and quotes to give you their story in a line. The reason I think this is more affective is because it is as if they are talking out to the viewer to let them know about the campaign. The colour schemes for AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL and stamping out stigma work a lot better to grab peoples attention, the AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL one uses a bright yellow to grab people and automatically makes people think urgency, this is the same with the 3rd poster even though there isn't a lot of the colour red there is some and it makes people think the same thin, a sense of urgency. I think the AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL poster is the most affective for this reason and the fact it stands out more next to the other two, this is from the large writing which is clear to read. I think as a campaign they are all fairly neutral at who they are aimed at and they don’t specifically try to target a certain type of person.


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I think this campaign poster was created to show the emotion you experience with a mental health problem to other people that don’t experience it, but I think it was also created to show you can have all these bad thoughts but underneath it all is you ‘colour’ as the campaign names it meaning your true personality. I think this image shows quite a lot of feeling in it like it was made by someone who understands the feeling some people may be going through. I think it was made to give a very positive affect on people looking at it rather than a typical campaign poster just offering you help, as some people might not think getting help is the way for them and that this poster shows a connection with how some people may feel. The colour scheme is very mixed, it start with this drab drawn out black and white colouring at the top of the image and then as you make your way down the poster more and more colour gets added to show its message of ‘let your colour shine’. It doesn’t really have much of a layout as there isn't much information on the actual poster but it does have the organizations name and logo for people to refer to if they wanted to find out more.


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WebsitesThis first website I looked at was for the metal health foundation, I found that as appose to other websites this one was very formal and was full of statistics and facts. It had a very basic box to box layout looking very sophisticated and clean. The colour scheme was just white and then grey for font and any other things linked such as buttons buttons and outlines. This is definitely the opposite affect a lot of the other websites tries to create, others will use bright colours and experimental fonts throughout the website to try create a sort of positive effect on people when they look at it. The main image on the home screen was of a poster fortheir next campaign they are involved in. They don’t share any information on this until you press on the poster I think it would be better for them to explain a bit more Before you look into it. Once you do go through to see What it is about they are very detailed in the way they Talk about things and will quite often refer to facts And figures for some articles. I think this is good for if people were looking for information but it tends to Lack in the area of offering help to people. I don’t really think this website creates a effect to lookat, but once you read through info it is very detailedand boasts lots of articles.

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ImageryThe imagery on the website I think worked in a way of making mental illness a equal matter, the first image was on a link to depression on the page. It shows a young male sat down looking like he’s maybe thinking about things. Typically a image like this you would see in a dark enclosed space to give a representation of depression being a dark and horrible thing where as this website continues its style of a bright clean website by using bright colours and a nice bright room. This could be that the male is sort of moving into this light space as his route to conquering depression and that he is no longer in this dark space.The next image is of the ‘our work’ page and shows a range of ages and races, this continues throughout the website showing that mental illnesses affect everybody in the world not just a certain type of person. This helps to stop the creation of stigma, if it was just a white female all over the website people will start to associate mental illness with these type of people.

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This website ‘time to change’ offers a totally different approach to the audience to the lastwebsite I looked at for mental health. The first big noticeable difference to the last website is that this website shows a lot of use of different colours. The main colour scheme is white and pink. Time to change also experimented with different fonts and different types of graphics and images. This website is a lot less formal as it uses rounded off boxing, different fonts, lots of things in a small space, they also offer clear links to social networking this shows that they like to be interactive over multiple methods of communication. The website has a definite image that it is trying to make, 3 times just on the homepage they mention trying to get help or to talk to someone about your problems. This being a big changeTo the last one as the other one only offers help to People once you venture into the website a bit more.Although this one is less formal than the last one it was Much easier to navigate your way through with a typicalNavigation bar across the header of the website. This organization also talks about it being led by two bigMental health organizations one which I have previouslyResearched into, this shows it is organized and has the Resources behind it to give people help.
