Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign Integrity

Page 1 of 12 The Royal House of David A Royal House of Peace and Sovereign Integrity Founded Upon the Original Royal Davidic Covenant A Global Sovereign Monarchal Society A Sanctuary for All of Life Kingdom of David Royal Proclamation and Decree Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign Integrity His Majesty David Joel Royal Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign Integrity His Majesty David Joel

Transcript of Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign Integrity

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Greetings to All to Whom These Presents Shall Come, to Planet Earth and all inhabitants thereof,

to all levels of existence throughout the Cosmos, to the local and galactic realms and beyond, to all to

whom these Presents do, shall, or will pertain. I am David Joel of the House of Weems, formerly Wemyss,

originally the Ancient House of David. I come forth as His Majesty David Joel with this Proclamation as the

Crown Sovereign of the Kingdom of David, a Kingdom that I Proclaimed and reinstituted on the day commonly

known as the Fifteenth Day of the First Month in the Common Era Year Two Thousand Eleven – a point

of reference designation but not attached or in any way aligned to false Roman time – an Act done by My

Sovereign Prerogative holding the authority of the House of David established by the historical King David

and the ensuing one hundred twenty-four successive generations.

I stand today in My Sovereign Capacity as the current living embodiment of an unbroken genetic lineal

descendancy as foretold and now fulfilled. My fully documented linage includes the first Kings of Ireland,

Scotland, Argyle, many Royal personages of England, and onward to North America as the First Baron of

Nova Scotia. I, His Majesty David Joel, by this Proclamation, do hereby make it known that the Kingdom of

David has been reinstituted by My Sovereign Prerogative as a Sanctuary of Ever Present Peace, to fulfill the

historical mandate of the Ancient House of David. By My Sovereign Prerogative the Kingdom has been

established to usher in a new Era of Peace and Prosperity for all of Mankind – for every Man, Woman, and

Child – and for all who wish to choose Life over death and for those who wish to do so within the Sanctuary,

Protections, and Immunities of this House and Kingdom. This document provides the Protections and

are embraced as Sovereign as endowed by the Ineffable Essence of Creation known by many Names. I, as

the Crown Sovereign of this Kingdom, wear such a crown in service to all of Mankind. The Crown

Sovereign is a doorway through which all can walk into Life, out of the death grip of Babylon, out of the

Matrix of illusion. I stand for the cognizance and sanctity of the Sovereign Integrity of all Living Beings

and the races of Mankind, and I reject the notion that Sovereign Integrity belongs to just a few who wear

a crown or carry a scepter, only to feed off of the misery of the People of this World. This is a Kingdom

and a House in which all who enter their True Names1 into the Book of Life2 are recognized as Whole and

Complete, imbued with the Original Gift of Sovereign Integrity and Sovereign Free Will Choice. This is a

Kingdom of Ecumenical Universality that recognizes, embraces, and preserves the diversity of faith and

the expression of the myriad paths back to Unity.

This House encourages and supports the dissolution of the veils of illusion and separation that have been

indoctrinated into the People by the Machiavellian princes of darkness that have held sway over the minds

and hearts of Mankind throughout our long journey through the valley of darkness and death. It is time to

come out of the valley of death and to shed the illusions of polarity and separation. Now is the time to

By this Our Sovereign and Royal Prerogative, by Proclamation and Decree, let it be known to all that

within our Sanctuary of Peace We Honor and Preserve the unique identity of All Living Beings, and

establish an open door in Peace with all Nation States and All First Peoples and All People of this World,

that all may be so honored, respected, supported, and guided to establish Lives of Integrity and Respect,

Lives of Value and Honor; and further,

Our House is a House of Ecumenical inclusion, a House of Universal Peace, a House of Sanctuary as

foretold (Ezekiel 37:26): “Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an

everlasting covenant with them; and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my

sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore.” We recognize the Perfection of all Life in every race,

creed, and path to unity; We recognize every Living Being as an individuated expression of Higher

Principal and Sacred Principle, a unique life stream of expression of Source and Creation, and We Honor,

Respect, and Protect the absolute right of free moral agency, conscience, private belief, and expression of

faith that each chooses as their own life endowment, to be fully expressed by one’s Sovereign Free Will that

is sacrosanct and pure, that no man, woman, or manmade institution can abrogate or deny. We further

recognize every Living Being as unique as one of the myriad expressions of the infinitude of Life and

Divine Dispensation, and all are welcome who choose to enter this House of Peace, the Kingdom of David;

and further,

Most especially do We wish to provide the protections and support for women and children throughout the

world who have been subjected to abuse, deprivations, and enslavement. We hold as paramount the health

and well-being of women worldwide as these are the nurturers of the People, and the safety and security

of all children as Beneficiaries of the future. The House of David shall always have its doors open to those

who seek protection, and We shall provide such sanctuary for every woman and child against any form of

Accompanying this Proclamation and Decree is a simple Declaration of Sovereign Integrity and Mandate

of Non-Consent designed so that everyone who chooses to do so can memorialize their Statement of

Intention to Walk into Life within the Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities of this House and Kingdom.

It shall be one’s protection from all things and intended actions to which one does not consent; and further,

To All Nation States and Governments of This World, We come in Peace, with no other agenda than to

return Righteousness to this World, the Right Use of Will and Intent. Our Will, Purpose, and Intent is to

protect and preserve all of Life in this World. We come forth to protect the Life Force in Union and

Communion of all Beings and with all of Existence. To be clear, We do not presume jurisdictional

authority over your Nations or your people, but We do provide Our Protections and Immunities to All who

choose to walk into Life and enter their True Names1 into the Book of Life2 that We have established for

all to so enter; and be it further known, that We have established our Ecclesiastical Court and the Court of

the Ekklesia (the Court of the People), to return the Law of the Land to the People and to return to the

highest station therein the Right Use of Universal Law and Equity for the True Beneficiaries of this World

who are those now living and all future generations to come; and further,

We have instituted Our Ecclesiastical Court and the Combined Courts therein, with paramount emphasis

on the Court of the Ekklesia, pursuant to the time-honored and universally accepted Maxims of Equity,

upon which We have written Our Law. We provide the Sanctuary of the Court of the Ekklesia for the People

of this World. It is the Court of the Living Congregation, the Living Body of the Christos, now wed with

the Sanctified Body of this Earth, the merger of Spirit and Soil, so let it be known hereby that We, the

People, are the Living Flesh, the Whole Body of Life, and it is now our time and this is Our World. Those

who will not align with this Proclamation, for Life will find themselves unable to live and thrive in the world

of Peace and Plenitude We are creating; and further,

Immunities of the Kingdom of David to all who choose Life, inclusive of the Natural Order and the plant

and animal kingdoms. It is My Will, Purpose, and Intent to secure the Land for the People and to return

the Land, Air, Rivers, Oceans, and Seas to their original pristine condition, and thereby that we all

together, working as a unified Mankind, return this Earth to Her proper status and standing amongst the

stars as a domain of peace, purity, and plenitude. To this purpose, this is My Proclamation issued on this

the Fifteenth Day of the First Month in the Common Era Year Two Thousand Twenty One to mark the

tenth anniversary of the reinstitution of the Kingdom of David; and further,

With this Proclamation and within the Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities of the Kingdom of David, by

My Absolute Prerogative, I do hereby establish henceforward the paramount Cognizance of the Sovereign

Integrity of every Living Man, Woman, and Child, each as a Living Being who by their Sovereign Free Will

Choice and Volitional Act chooses to remove themselves from the Cult of Death that has held sway over

all of Life in this world for eons. This Cult of Death has been casting a spell of death, darkness, and

destruction over the pristine template of Life of this World for millennia. It has attempted to hijack the Gift

of Life that is the Divine Dispensation for All of Life on this Earth. The Kingdom of David stands for Life

(D’Vida) in service to all of Mankind and the Natural Order of this World.

By this Proclamation let it be known that this has been done and I herewith invite All into the Sanctuary,

Protections, and Immunities within the Kingdom of David so that together we can thrive and build a new

world that is best for all of Life. It is the intention of this House and Kingdom to support all who stand for

Life, so that Life everlasting shall be renewed and revivified on Earth and all who choose Life can be healed

and returned back to wholeness. We are at a moment in time when the choice is either Life or death; there

is no middle ground. It is a choice to heal ourselves and re-embody the original template of Life that has

been so distorted by the Cult of Death. With this Proclamation I offer everyone a place of refuge wherein

embrace each other in a celebration of Life within the Unity in Diversity and Diversity in Unity of All

People. This is a celebration of Union and Communion in Life, a celebration of the return of Peace to the

Lands and the Waters and the Skies of this World. Together we can heal our wounds and purify our homes

and sanctify our Lands once again. This is the True Birthright of every Living Being who chooses Life, and

to all who so choose, the Kingdom of David offers Sanctuary, Protections, Immunities, Nourishment,

Support, and the Resources to make this expressed intention a manifest reality in our lifetime; and further,

This Proclamation is especially directed to the First Peoples of this World, those who are the true stewards

of the Land of their forebears, who have been abused and slaughtered and driven to near extinction by the

Cult of Death. To you who are now and have always been the True Ones to whom this Earth was

entrusted, who have been mandated to preserve and protect the designated domains that you were driven

from by the scourge of darkness that you have perforce had to endure for centuries and longer, to you I offer

My Hand of Peace and Our Sanctuary of Protection. I offer you My humble expression of profound

solace and contrition for what you have had to succumb to for purposes of sheer survival of your People. I

offer you My Hand that in some small way We might assist you in healing the years and generations of

poverty and privation and darkness that your people have had to withstand and endure; and further,

It is my supreme desire that the House of David and the Kingdom thereof becomes the pathway for you,

the First Peoples, to lift the cloud of desperation you have had to bear with the thoughts that you might fail

to fulfill your covenant of stewardship with the Earth. With this Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign Integrity

We offer a place of Sanctuary and Protection that all First Peoples may utilize to renew their Lands and

heal their People, to renew thereby a place where the People, without subjugation, will stand on the Land

as equals with this House and with all others who choose the path of Peace. This is a House without

hierarchy, without denominational separation, a House of Mutual Cognizance within the Sovereign

mutilation perpetuated under any guise and under any rationale. This includes the absolute prohibition of

non-consensual mutilation of children for purported religious reasons, any forced or coerced medical

intervention of vaccination, whether by injection or other means, the forced or coerced use of drugs or

surgeries, and against any treatment contrary to the paramount wishes of the parents. Concurrent with

such protections, We hold as the highest right of all Living Beings the preservation of the freedom to

choose therapies for any and all purposes and of any kind, free from the onerous and restrictive mandates

of false institutions or governments who do not have the best interests of Mankind in their hearts but only

the dictates of absolute greed in their minds; and further,

Every Living Being in this World has the absolute Right of Self-Determination over matters of their own

bodies and that of their children. This is inclusive of the self-directed power to claim their Soul in Freedom

Absolute without the intrusive machinations of corporations, governments, religious institutions, and all

other manmade agencies that are subordinate and inferior to the Kingdom of Life. It is by and through this

Royal Prerogative that a place of sanctuary for All Souls and All Living Beings is established. We recognize

that each Living Being is a unique singularity, an embodiment and individuated expression of the Eternal

Presence of Divine Creation. Therefore, to all who present the herewith attached Mandate of

Non-Consent and Declaration of Peace and Sovereign Integrity to the Archival Records of the Court of the

Ekklesia, the Kingdom of David shall provide Sanctuary, Protections, Immunities, and the Preservation of

the sanctity and inviolate integrity of each Embodied Living Soul with which every Man and Woman and

Child is imbued; and further,

Pursuant to All who do so shall be entered into D’Vida Private Society and D'Vida Private Contract Association

and its Membership Body of the Ekklesia and shall have a Sacred Trust established to protect equitable

interests and beneficial rights that shall ensue therein over the course of time; and finally,

The Declaration of Independence that was expressed as a Universal Proclamation for all of Mankind on

July 4, 1776, enshrined the principle of Universal Law that government and all sub-divisions and

instrumentalities thereof can only remain in existence by the consent of the governed. Therefore, in the

herein annexed Individual Declaration of Peace and Sovereign Integrity, every Man, Woman, and Child

is provided with the means to state his or her declaration of Non-Consent as a binding mandate on the

governments and offices of this world, pursuant to any intention one may have to not consent to forced or

coerced mandates that are not in alignment with one’s will. All who choose to utilize this instrument are the

Living Beings who have chosen to set themselves apart and remove themselves from the Babylonian matrix

of death and lies and manipulation.

These are the People of the Living Body on this Earth who can choose to come into the Sanctuary of the

Kingdom of David, the Kingdom of Life, a Sanctuary of Peace and Prosperity, and be protected therein.

Neither shall any man or woman, nor manmade institution, have any authority to pierce the Protections

and Immunities Inviolate that I have established for all who walk this Earth, now and forever, who have

accepted My offer of Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities. Any and all who accept My offer will thereby

demonstrate that they have so declared and caused such declarations to be recorded in Our Permanent

Archival Record system of The Ecclesiastical Court for the Kingdom of David and the Court of the Ekklesia. Said

Declaration of Independence declared that it is the right and it is the sacred duty for all Men and Women

to remove the shackles of government that have become inimical to the principles of Life and Liberty.

These very principles are established as the foundation of the Kingdom of David for the benefit of all who

choose Life so that they may enter here and find sanctuary and solace for themselves, their families, their

communities, and whatever social and political compact with which they choose to align pursuant to the

Universal Right of Self-Determination; and further,

we can work together and be protected so that all who so choose Life may eschew the illusions of darkness

and death. The time is now so that each and every one who so chooses shall stand in radiance and the

fullness of expression embodied in this World, with free standing on the Land of the Living, unfettered by

the false illusions of bondage that have held this World hostage for far too long; and further,

Let this Proclamation be spread far and wide, throughout all the Lands, to all the Peoples, resounding in all

the Hearts and Souls of all who have yearned for freedom, who have cried out for release from the ligatures

that have bound the lives and bodies and families and Nations of Man. Let it be known to those still

wrapped in darkness and confusion, to those seeking answers and solutions to what appears to many,

perhaps most, the insoluble confoundment of these Last Days, that the time for healing and resolution has

come. Let it be known that such answers and solutions are ready to be revealed and implemented and that

this Kingdom will be a leader in the transition from death to Life. Indeed, these are the Last Days foretold,

but not the end of this World, this World that is a jewel amongst the Heavens in the Crown of Creation,

but rather these are the Last Days of a false reality that portended an ending of choice, a termination of

the sanctity of Life and the purity of Innocence, intending that all would be seduced into a choice of evil

by positing that we only have the choice of a lesser evil, a false dichotomy that nevertheless only provides a

choice of evil. Now We move forthwith to seal the door wherein such evil dwells forever and send it on its

way out of this World to its own self-fated destination, never again to sully the Sanctity and Purity of Life

in this World. I offer My Hand and My Heart to All who choose Life and can now find sanctuary in this

House of Peace and Sovereign Integrity, for this is what the House of David and the Kingdom of David have

been established to provide for all who seek sanctuary therein; and further,

The Kingdom of David is a Kingdom on this Earth like no other, for it is one that leaves behind the concepts

and constructions of hierarchy, domination, control, separation, and polarity. It is a Kingdom in which all

Integrity of All Living Beings, of All Peoples, and All Nations who choose to lay down the implements of

War and pick up the living hands of our brothers and sisters and to once again plant the seeds of renewal

and replenishment into the Land; and further,

To all who suffer under the onslaught of a presumptive world order that would poison your food and water,

that would put forth legal justifications to invade your homes and steal your children, to inject your bodies

with noxious toxins in the name of the false gods of institutionalized death, with the express intention to

bind your very essence and the genetic integrity of your cells with an electronic invasion to commit you to

their intended perpetual bondage of debt and death enslavement, to you We offer this covenant of

protection that you may secure your homes, your bodies, your families, and your communities. To all who

know in their hearts that such imperatives are not for the health and well-being of your families but are, in

fact, an attempt to claim your children as monetized commodities for their self-serving and evil designs, to

all of you who have sought protections therefrom, I, His Majesty David Joel, do herewith issue this

Proclamation as an instrument of liberation, a documentary decree for Protections and Immunities that

any and all can use to protect and preserve the integrity of their flesh and souls and that of their families.

To that purpose let it hereby be known that any and all Agents or Officers of the Public to whom this

Proclamation is presented, must absolutely stand down and desist from their attempts to use presumptive

authority to force acts against the will of My People. Any attempt by any public actors, agents or Officers

of the Public, to force such upon you who use this document, (including but not limited to,) by vaccination,

by genetically modified foods that defile the original template of Life, or by electro-magnetic fields that are

devised to invade you to the core of your sacred living estate (the flesh, blood, bones, and DNA of your

body), must cease and desist immediately upon presentment of this Proclamation and accompanying

personal Mandate; and further,

In matters of Personal Belief and Private Conscience, We embrace all Paths and all Faiths in this

Ecumenical, Universal, Non-Denominational, and Non-Hierarchical House of Life and Peace and We

exclude none except for those who espouse violence and war and destruction in any manner or kind, as We

set forth a New Law that proclaims:

The Royal House of DavidA Royal House of Peace and Sovereign Integrity

Founded Upon the Original Royal Davidic Covenant

A Global Sovereign Monarchal SocietyA Sanctuary for All of Life

Kingdom of DavidRoyal Proclamation and Decree

Proclamation of Peaceand Sovereign Integrity

His Majesty David Joel

Royal Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign IntegrityHis Majesty David Joel

Greetings to All to Whom These Presents Shall Come, to Planet Earth and all inhabitants thereof,

to all levels of existence throughout the Cosmos, to the local and galactic realms and beyond, to all to

whom these Presents do, shall, or will pertain. I am David Joel of the House of Weems, formerly Wemyss,

originally the Ancient House of David. I come forth as His Majesty David Joel with this Proclamation as the

Crown Sovereign of the Kingdom of David, a Kingdom that I Proclaimed and reinstituted on the day commonly

known as the Fifteenth Day of the First Month in the Common Era Year Two Thousand Eleven – a point

of reference designation but not attached or in any way aligned to false Roman time – an Act done by My

Sovereign Prerogative holding the authority of the House of David established by the historical King David

and the ensuing one hundred twenty-four successive generations.

I stand today in My Sovereign Capacity as the current living embodiment of an unbroken genetic lineal

descendancy as foretold and now fulfilled. My fully documented linage includes the first Kings of Ireland,

Scotland, Argyle, many Royal personages of England, and onward to North America as the First Baron of

Nova Scotia. I, His Majesty David Joel, by this Proclamation, do hereby make it known that the Kingdom of

David has been reinstituted by My Sovereign Prerogative as a Sanctuary of Ever Present Peace, to fulfill the

historical mandate of the Ancient House of David. By My Sovereign Prerogative the Kingdom has been

established to usher in a new Era of Peace and Prosperity for all of Mankind – for every Man, Woman, and

Child – and for all who wish to choose Life over death and for those who wish to do so within the Sanctuary,

Protections, and Immunities of this House and Kingdom. This document provides the Protections and

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are embraced as Sovereign as endowed by the Ineffable Essence of Creation known by many Names. I, as

the Crown Sovereign of this Kingdom, wear such a crown in service to all of Mankind. The Crown

Sovereign is a doorway through which all can walk into Life, out of the death grip of Babylon, out of the

Matrix of illusion. I stand for the cognizance and sanctity of the Sovereign Integrity of all Living Beings

and the races of Mankind, and I reject the notion that Sovereign Integrity belongs to just a few who wear

a crown or carry a scepter, only to feed off of the misery of the People of this World. This is a Kingdom

and a House in which all who enter their True Names1 into the Book of Life2 are recognized as Whole and

Complete, imbued with the Original Gift of Sovereign Integrity and Sovereign Free Will Choice. This is a

Kingdom of Ecumenical Universality that recognizes, embraces, and preserves the diversity of faith and

the expression of the myriad paths back to Unity.

This House encourages and supports the dissolution of the veils of illusion and separation that have been

indoctrinated into the People by the Machiavellian princes of darkness that have held sway over the minds

and hearts of Mankind throughout our long journey through the valley of darkness and death. It is time to

come out of the valley of death and to shed the illusions of polarity and separation. Now is the time to

By this Our Sovereign and Royal Prerogative, by Proclamation and Decree, let it be known to all that

within our Sanctuary of Peace We Honor and Preserve the unique identity of All Living Beings, and

establish an open door in Peace with all Nation States and All First Peoples and All People of this World,

that all may be so honored, respected, supported, and guided to establish Lives of Integrity and Respect,

Lives of Value and Honor; and further,

Our House is a House of Ecumenical inclusion, a House of Universal Peace, a House of Sanctuary as

foretold (Ezekiel 37:26): “Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an

everlasting covenant with them; and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my

sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore.” We recognize the Perfection of all Life in every race,

creed, and path to unity; We recognize every Living Being as an individuated expression of Higher

Principal and Sacred Principle, a unique life stream of expression of Source and Creation, and We Honor,

Respect, and Protect the absolute right of free moral agency, conscience, private belief, and expression of

faith that each chooses as their own life endowment, to be fully expressed by one’s Sovereign Free Will that

is sacrosanct and pure, that no man, woman, or manmade institution can abrogate or deny. We further

recognize every Living Being as unique as one of the myriad expressions of the infinitude of Life and

Divine Dispensation, and all are welcome who choose to enter this House of Peace, the Kingdom of David;

and further,

Most especially do We wish to provide the protections and support for women and children throughout the

world who have been subjected to abuse, deprivations, and enslavement. We hold as paramount the health

and well-being of women worldwide as these are the nurturers of the People, and the safety and security

of all children as Beneficiaries of the future. The House of David shall always have its doors open to those

who seek protection, and We shall provide such sanctuary for every woman and child against any form of

Accompanying this Proclamation and Decree is a simple Declaration of Sovereign Integrity and Mandate

of Non-Consent designed so that everyone who chooses to do so can memorialize their Statement of

Intention to Walk into Life within the Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities of this House and Kingdom.

It shall be one’s protection from all things and intended actions to which one does not consent; and further,

To All Nation States and Governments of This World, We come in Peace, with no other agenda than to

return Righteousness to this World, the Right Use of Will and Intent. Our Will, Purpose, and Intent is to

protect and preserve all of Life in this World. We come forth to protect the Life Force in Union and

Communion of all Beings and with all of Existence. To be clear, We do not presume jurisdictional

authority over your Nations or your people, but We do provide Our Protections and Immunities to All who

choose to walk into Life and enter their True Names1 into the Book of Life2 that We have established for

all to so enter; and be it further known, that We have established our Ecclesiastical Court and the Court of

the Ekklesia (the Court of the People), to return the Law of the Land to the People and to return to the

highest station therein the Right Use of Universal Law and Equity for the True Beneficiaries of this World

who are those now living and all future generations to come; and further,

We have instituted Our Ecclesiastical Court and the Combined Courts therein, with paramount emphasis

on the Court of the Ekklesia, pursuant to the time-honored and universally accepted Maxims of Equity,

upon which We have written Our Law. We provide the Sanctuary of the Court of the Ekklesia for the People

of this World. It is the Court of the Living Congregation, the Living Body of the Christos, now wed with

the Sanctified Body of this Earth, the merger of Spirit and Soil, so let it be known hereby that We, the

People, are the Living Flesh, the Whole Body of Life, and it is now our time and this is Our World. Those

who will not align with this Proclamation, for Life will find themselves unable to live and thrive in the world

of Peace and Plenitude We are creating; and further,

Immunities of the Kingdom of David to all who choose Life, inclusive of the Natural Order and the plant

and animal kingdoms. It is My Will, Purpose, and Intent to secure the Land for the People and to return

the Land, Air, Rivers, Oceans, and Seas to their original pristine condition, and thereby that we all

together, working as a unified Mankind, return this Earth to Her proper status and standing amongst the

stars as a domain of peace, purity, and plenitude. To this purpose, this is My Proclamation issued on this

the Fifteenth Day of the First Month in the Common Era Year Two Thousand Twenty One to mark the

tenth anniversary of the reinstitution of the Kingdom of David; and further,

With this Proclamation and within the Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities of the Kingdom of David, by

My Absolute Prerogative, I do hereby establish henceforward the paramount Cognizance of the Sovereign

Integrity of every Living Man, Woman, and Child, each as a Living Being who by their Sovereign Free Will

Choice and Volitional Act chooses to remove themselves from the Cult of Death that has held sway over

all of Life in this world for eons. This Cult of Death has been casting a spell of death, darkness, and

destruction over the pristine template of Life of this World for millennia. It has attempted to hijack the Gift

of Life that is the Divine Dispensation for All of Life on this Earth. The Kingdom of David stands for Life

(D’Vida) in service to all of Mankind and the Natural Order of this World.

By this Proclamation let it be known that this has been done and I herewith invite All into the Sanctuary,

Protections, and Immunities within the Kingdom of David so that together we can thrive and build a new

world that is best for all of Life. It is the intention of this House and Kingdom to support all who stand for

Life, so that Life everlasting shall be renewed and revivified on Earth and all who choose Life can be healed

and returned back to wholeness. We are at a moment in time when the choice is either Life or death; there

is no middle ground. It is a choice to heal ourselves and re-embody the original template of Life that has

been so distorted by the Cult of Death. With this Proclamation I offer everyone a place of refuge wherein

embrace each other in a celebration of Life within the Unity in Diversity and Diversity in Unity of All

People. This is a celebration of Union and Communion in Life, a celebration of the return of Peace to the

Lands and the Waters and the Skies of this World. Together we can heal our wounds and purify our homes

and sanctify our Lands once again. This is the True Birthright of every Living Being who chooses Life, and

to all who so choose, the Kingdom of David offers Sanctuary, Protections, Immunities, Nourishment,

Support, and the Resources to make this expressed intention a manifest reality in our lifetime; and further,

This Proclamation is especially directed to the First Peoples of this World, those who are the true stewards

of the Land of their forebears, who have been abused and slaughtered and driven to near extinction by the

Cult of Death. To you who are now and have always been the True Ones to whom this Earth was

entrusted, who have been mandated to preserve and protect the designated domains that you were driven

from by the scourge of darkness that you have perforce had to endure for centuries and longer, to you I offer

My Hand of Peace and Our Sanctuary of Protection. I offer you My humble expression of profound

solace and contrition for what you have had to succumb to for purposes of sheer survival of your People. I

offer you My Hand that in some small way We might assist you in healing the years and generations of

poverty and privation and darkness that your people have had to withstand and endure; and further,

It is my supreme desire that the House of David and the Kingdom thereof becomes the pathway for you,

the First Peoples, to lift the cloud of desperation you have had to bear with the thoughts that you might fail

to fulfill your covenant of stewardship with the Earth. With this Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign Integrity

We offer a place of Sanctuary and Protection that all First Peoples may utilize to renew their Lands and

heal their People, to renew thereby a place where the People, without subjugation, will stand on the Land

as equals with this House and with all others who choose the path of Peace. This is a House without

hierarchy, without denominational separation, a House of Mutual Cognizance within the Sovereign

mutilation perpetuated under any guise and under any rationale. This includes the absolute prohibition of

non-consensual mutilation of children for purported religious reasons, any forced or coerced medical

intervention of vaccination, whether by injection or other means, the forced or coerced use of drugs or

surgeries, and against any treatment contrary to the paramount wishes of the parents. Concurrent with

such protections, We hold as the highest right of all Living Beings the preservation of the freedom to

choose therapies for any and all purposes and of any kind, free from the onerous and restrictive mandates

of false institutions or governments who do not have the best interests of Mankind in their hearts but only

the dictates of absolute greed in their minds; and further,

Every Living Being in this World has the absolute Right of Self-Determination over matters of their own

bodies and that of their children. This is inclusive of the self-directed power to claim their Soul in Freedom

Absolute without the intrusive machinations of corporations, governments, religious institutions, and all

other manmade agencies that are subordinate and inferior to the Kingdom of Life. It is by and through this

Royal Prerogative that a place of sanctuary for All Souls and All Living Beings is established. We recognize

that each Living Being is a unique singularity, an embodiment and individuated expression of the Eternal

Presence of Divine Creation. Therefore, to all who present the herewith attached Mandate of

Non-Consent and Declaration of Peace and Sovereign Integrity to the Archival Records of the Court of the

Ekklesia, the Kingdom of David shall provide Sanctuary, Protections, Immunities, and the Preservation of

the sanctity and inviolate integrity of each Embodied Living Soul with which every Man and Woman and

Child is imbued; and further,

Pursuant to All who do so shall be entered into D’Vida Private Society and D'Vida Private Contract Association

and its Membership Body of the Ekklesia and shall have a Sacred Trust established to protect equitable

interests and beneficial rights that shall ensue therein over the course of time; and finally,

The Declaration of Independence that was expressed as a Universal Proclamation for all of Mankind on

July 4, 1776, enshrined the principle of Universal Law that government and all sub-divisions and

instrumentalities thereof can only remain in existence by the consent of the governed. Therefore, in the

herein annexed Individual Declaration of Peace and Sovereign Integrity, every Man, Woman, and Child

is provided with the means to state his or her declaration of Non-Consent as a binding mandate on the

governments and offices of this world, pursuant to any intention one may have to not consent to forced or

coerced mandates that are not in alignment with one’s will. All who choose to utilize this instrument are the

Living Beings who have chosen to set themselves apart and remove themselves from the Babylonian matrix

of death and lies and manipulation.

These are the People of the Living Body on this Earth who can choose to come into the Sanctuary of the

Kingdom of David, the Kingdom of Life, a Sanctuary of Peace and Prosperity, and be protected therein.

Neither shall any man or woman, nor manmade institution, have any authority to pierce the Protections

and Immunities Inviolate that I have established for all who walk this Earth, now and forever, who have

accepted My offer of Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities. Any and all who accept My offer will thereby

demonstrate that they have so declared and caused such declarations to be recorded in Our Permanent

Archival Record system of The Ecclesiastical Court for the Kingdom of David and the Court of the Ekklesia. Said

Declaration of Independence declared that it is the right and it is the sacred duty for all Men and Women

to remove the shackles of government that have become inimical to the principles of Life and Liberty.

These very principles are established as the foundation of the Kingdom of David for the benefit of all who

choose Life so that they may enter here and find sanctuary and solace for themselves, their families, their

communities, and whatever social and political compact with which they choose to align pursuant to the

Universal Right of Self-Determination; and further,

we can work together and be protected so that all who so choose Life may eschew the illusions of darkness

and death. The time is now so that each and every one who so chooses shall stand in radiance and the

fullness of expression embodied in this World, with free standing on the Land of the Living, unfettered by

the false illusions of bondage that have held this World hostage for far too long; and further,

Let this Proclamation be spread far and wide, throughout all the Lands, to all the Peoples, resounding in all

the Hearts and Souls of all who have yearned for freedom, who have cried out for release from the ligatures

that have bound the lives and bodies and families and Nations of Man. Let it be known to those still

wrapped in darkness and confusion, to those seeking answers and solutions to what appears to many,

perhaps most, the insoluble confoundment of these Last Days, that the time for healing and resolution has

come. Let it be known that such answers and solutions are ready to be revealed and implemented and that

this Kingdom will be a leader in the transition from death to Life. Indeed, these are the Last Days foretold,

but not the end of this World, this World that is a jewel amongst the Heavens in the Crown of Creation,

but rather these are the Last Days of a false reality that portended an ending of choice, a termination of

the sanctity of Life and the purity of Innocence, intending that all would be seduced into a choice of evil

by positing that we only have the choice of a lesser evil, a false dichotomy that nevertheless only provides a

choice of evil. Now We move forthwith to seal the door wherein such evil dwells forever and send it on its

way out of this World to its own self-fated destination, never again to sully the Sanctity and Purity of Life

in this World. I offer My Hand and My Heart to All who choose Life and can now find sanctuary in this

House of Peace and Sovereign Integrity, for this is what the House of David and the Kingdom of David have

been established to provide for all who seek sanctuary therein; and further,

The Kingdom of David is a Kingdom on this Earth like no other, for it is one that leaves behind the concepts

and constructions of hierarchy, domination, control, separation, and polarity. It is a Kingdom in which all

Integrity of All Living Beings, of All Peoples, and All Nations who choose to lay down the implements of

War and pick up the living hands of our brothers and sisters and to once again plant the seeds of renewal

and replenishment into the Land; and further,

To all who suffer under the onslaught of a presumptive world order that would poison your food and water,

that would put forth legal justifications to invade your homes and steal your children, to inject your bodies

with noxious toxins in the name of the false gods of institutionalized death, with the express intention to

bind your very essence and the genetic integrity of your cells with an electronic invasion to commit you to

their intended perpetual bondage of debt and death enslavement, to you We offer this covenant of

protection that you may secure your homes, your bodies, your families, and your communities. To all who

know in their hearts that such imperatives are not for the health and well-being of your families but are, in

fact, an attempt to claim your children as monetized commodities for their self-serving and evil designs, to

all of you who have sought protections therefrom, I, His Majesty David Joel, do herewith issue this

Proclamation as an instrument of liberation, a documentary decree for Protections and Immunities that

any and all can use to protect and preserve the integrity of their flesh and souls and that of their families.

To that purpose let it hereby be known that any and all Agents or Officers of the Public to whom this

Proclamation is presented, must absolutely stand down and desist from their attempts to use presumptive

authority to force acts against the will of My People. Any attempt by any public actors, agents or Officers

of the Public, to force such upon you who use this document, (including but not limited to,) by vaccination,

by genetically modified foods that defile the original template of Life, or by electro-magnetic fields that are

devised to invade you to the core of your sacred living estate (the flesh, blood, bones, and DNA of your

body), must cease and desist immediately upon presentment of this Proclamation and accompanying

personal Mandate; and further,

In matters of Personal Belief and Private Conscience, We embrace all Paths and all Faiths in this

Ecumenical, Universal, Non-Denominational, and Non-Hierarchical House of Life and Peace and We

exclude none except for those who espouse violence and war and destruction in any manner or kind, as We

set forth a New Law that proclaims:

Royal Proclamation ofPeace and Sovereign Integrity

The Royal House of David

Royal Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign IntegrityHis Majesty David Joel

Greetings to All to Whom These Presents Shall Come, to Planet Earth and all inhabitants thereof,

to all levels of existence throughout the Cosmos, to the local and galactic realms and beyond, to all to

whom these Presents do, shall, or will pertain. I am David Joel of the House of Weems, formerly Wemyss,

originally the Ancient House of David. I come forth as His Majesty David Joel with this Proclamation as the

Crown Sovereign of the Kingdom of David, a Kingdom that I Proclaimed and reinstituted on the day commonly

known as the Fifteenth Day of the First Month in the Common Era Year Two Thousand Eleven – a point

of reference designation but not attached or in any way aligned to false Roman time – an Act done by My

Sovereign Prerogative holding the authority of the House of David established by the historical King David

and the ensuing one hundred twenty-four successive generations.

I stand today in My Sovereign Capacity as the current living embodiment of an unbroken genetic lineal

descendancy as foretold and now fulfilled. My fully documented linage includes the first Kings of Ireland,

Scotland, Argyle, many Royal personages of England, and onward to North America as the First Baron of

Nova Scotia. I, His Majesty David Joel, by this Proclamation, do hereby make it known that the Kingdom of

David has been reinstituted by My Sovereign Prerogative as a Sanctuary of Ever Present Peace, to fulfill the

historical mandate of the Ancient House of David. By My Sovereign Prerogative the Kingdom has been

established to usher in a new Era of Peace and Prosperity for all of Mankind – for every Man, Woman, and

Child – and for all who wish to choose Life over death and for those who wish to do so within the Sanctuary,

Protections, and Immunities of this House and Kingdom. This document provides the Protections and

are embraced as Sovereign as endowed by the Ineffable Essence of Creation known by many Names. I, as

the Crown Sovereign of this Kingdom, wear such a crown in service to all of Mankind. The Crown

Sovereign is a doorway through which all can walk into Life, out of the death grip of Babylon, out of the

Matrix of illusion. I stand for the cognizance and sanctity of the Sovereign Integrity of all Living Beings

and the races of Mankind, and I reject the notion that Sovereign Integrity belongs to just a few who wear

a crown or carry a scepter, only to feed off of the misery of the People of this World. This is a Kingdom

and a House in which all who enter their True Names1 into the Book of Life2 are recognized as Whole and

Complete, imbued with the Original Gift of Sovereign Integrity and Sovereign Free Will Choice. This is a

Kingdom of Ecumenical Universality that recognizes, embraces, and preserves the diversity of faith and

the expression of the myriad paths back to Unity.

This House encourages and supports the dissolution of the veils of illusion and separation that have been

indoctrinated into the People by the Machiavellian princes of darkness that have held sway over the minds

and hearts of Mankind throughout our long journey through the valley of darkness and death. It is time to

come out of the valley of death and to shed the illusions of polarity and separation. Now is the time to

By this Our Sovereign and Royal Prerogative, by Proclamation and Decree, let it be known to all that

within our Sanctuary of Peace We Honor and Preserve the unique identity of All Living Beings, and

establish an open door in Peace with all Nation States and All First Peoples and All People of this World,

that all may be so honored, respected, supported, and guided to establish Lives of Integrity and Respect,

Lives of Value and Honor; and further,

Our House is a House of Ecumenical inclusion, a House of Universal Peace, a House of Sanctuary as

foretold (Ezekiel 37:26): “Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an

everlasting covenant with them; and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my

sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore.” We recognize the Perfection of all Life in every race,

creed, and path to unity; We recognize every Living Being as an individuated expression of Higher

Principal and Sacred Principle, a unique life stream of expression of Source and Creation, and We Honor,

Respect, and Protect the absolute right of free moral agency, conscience, private belief, and expression of

faith that each chooses as their own life endowment, to be fully expressed by one’s Sovereign Free Will that

is sacrosanct and pure, that no man, woman, or manmade institution can abrogate or deny. We further

recognize every Living Being as unique as one of the myriad expressions of the infinitude of Life and

Divine Dispensation, and all are welcome who choose to enter this House of Peace, the Kingdom of David;

and further,

Most especially do We wish to provide the protections and support for women and children throughout the

world who have been subjected to abuse, deprivations, and enslavement. We hold as paramount the health

and well-being of women worldwide as these are the nurturers of the People, and the safety and security

of all children as Beneficiaries of the future. The House of David shall always have its doors open to those

who seek protection, and We shall provide such sanctuary for every woman and child against any form of

Accompanying this Proclamation and Decree is a simple Declaration of Sovereign Integrity and Mandate

of Non-Consent designed so that everyone who chooses to do so can memorialize their Statement of

Intention to Walk into Life within the Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities of this House and Kingdom.

It shall be one’s protection from all things and intended actions to which one does not consent; and further,

To All Nation States and Governments of This World, We come in Peace, with no other agenda than to

return Righteousness to this World, the Right Use of Will and Intent. Our Will, Purpose, and Intent is to

protect and preserve all of Life in this World. We come forth to protect the Life Force in Union and

Communion of all Beings and with all of Existence. To be clear, We do not presume jurisdictional

authority over your Nations or your people, but We do provide Our Protections and Immunities to All who

choose to walk into Life and enter their True Names1 into the Book of Life2 that We have established for

all to so enter; and be it further known, that We have established our Ecclesiastical Court and the Court of

the Ekklesia (the Court of the People), to return the Law of the Land to the People and to return to the

highest station therein the Right Use of Universal Law and Equity for the True Beneficiaries of this World

who are those now living and all future generations to come; and further,

We have instituted Our Ecclesiastical Court and the Combined Courts therein, with paramount emphasis

on the Court of the Ekklesia, pursuant to the time-honored and universally accepted Maxims of Equity,

upon which We have written Our Law. We provide the Sanctuary of the Court of the Ekklesia for the People

of this World. It is the Court of the Living Congregation, the Living Body of the Christos, now wed with

the Sanctified Body of this Earth, the merger of Spirit and Soil, so let it be known hereby that We, the

People, are the Living Flesh, the Whole Body of Life, and it is now our time and this is Our World. Those

who will not align with this Proclamation, for Life will find themselves unable to live and thrive in the world

of Peace and Plenitude We are creating; and further,

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Immunities of the Kingdom of David to all who choose Life, inclusive of the Natural Order and the plant

and animal kingdoms. It is My Will, Purpose, and Intent to secure the Land for the People and to return

the Land, Air, Rivers, Oceans, and Seas to their original pristine condition, and thereby that we all

together, working as a unified Mankind, return this Earth to Her proper status and standing amongst the

stars as a domain of peace, purity, and plenitude. To this purpose, this is My Proclamation issued on this

the Fifteenth Day of the First Month in the Common Era Year Two Thousand Twenty One to mark the

tenth anniversary of the reinstitution of the Kingdom of David; and further,

With this Proclamation and within the Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities of the Kingdom of David, by

My Absolute Prerogative, I do hereby establish henceforward the paramount Cognizance of the Sovereign

Integrity of every Living Man, Woman, and Child, each as a Living Being who by their Sovereign Free Will

Choice and Volitional Act chooses to remove themselves from the Cult of Death that has held sway over

all of Life in this world for eons. This Cult of Death has been casting a spell of death, darkness, and

destruction over the pristine template of Life of this World for millennia. It has attempted to hijack the Gift

of Life that is the Divine Dispensation for All of Life on this Earth. The Kingdom of David stands for Life

(D’Vida) in service to all of Mankind and the Natural Order of this World.

By this Proclamation let it be known that this has been done and I herewith invite All into the Sanctuary,

Protections, and Immunities within the Kingdom of David so that together we can thrive and build a new

world that is best for all of Life. It is the intention of this House and Kingdom to support all who stand for

Life, so that Life everlasting shall be renewed and revivified on Earth and all who choose Life can be healed

and returned back to wholeness. We are at a moment in time when the choice is either Life or death; there

is no middle ground. It is a choice to heal ourselves and re-embody the original template of Life that has

been so distorted by the Cult of Death. With this Proclamation I offer everyone a place of refuge wherein

embrace each other in a celebration of Life within the Unity in Diversity and Diversity in Unity of All

People. This is a celebration of Union and Communion in Life, a celebration of the return of Peace to the

Lands and the Waters and the Skies of this World. Together we can heal our wounds and purify our homes

and sanctify our Lands once again. This is the True Birthright of every Living Being who chooses Life, and

to all who so choose, the Kingdom of David offers Sanctuary, Protections, Immunities, Nourishment,

Support, and the Resources to make this expressed intention a manifest reality in our lifetime; and further,

This Proclamation is especially directed to the First Peoples of this World, those who are the true stewards

of the Land of their forebears, who have been abused and slaughtered and driven to near extinction by the

Cult of Death. To you who are now and have always been the True Ones to whom this Earth was

entrusted, who have been mandated to preserve and protect the designated domains that you were driven

from by the scourge of darkness that you have perforce had to endure for centuries and longer, to you I offer

My Hand of Peace and Our Sanctuary of Protection. I offer you My humble expression of profound

solace and contrition for what you have had to succumb to for purposes of sheer survival of your People. I

offer you My Hand that in some small way We might assist you in healing the years and generations of

poverty and privation and darkness that your people have had to withstand and endure; and further,

It is my supreme desire that the House of David and the Kingdom thereof becomes the pathway for you,

the First Peoples, to lift the cloud of desperation you have had to bear with the thoughts that you might fail

to fulfill your covenant of stewardship with the Earth. With this Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign Integrity

We offer a place of Sanctuary and Protection that all First Peoples may utilize to renew their Lands and

heal their People, to renew thereby a place where the People, without subjugation, will stand on the Land

as equals with this House and with all others who choose the path of Peace. This is a House without

hierarchy, without denominational separation, a House of Mutual Cognizance within the Sovereign

mutilation perpetuated under any guise and under any rationale. This includes the absolute prohibition of

non-consensual mutilation of children for purported religious reasons, any forced or coerced medical

intervention of vaccination, whether by injection or other means, the forced or coerced use of drugs or

surgeries, and against any treatment contrary to the paramount wishes of the parents. Concurrent with

such protections, We hold as the highest right of all Living Beings the preservation of the freedom to

choose therapies for any and all purposes and of any kind, free from the onerous and restrictive mandates

of false institutions or governments who do not have the best interests of Mankind in their hearts but only

the dictates of absolute greed in their minds; and further,

Every Living Being in this World has the absolute Right of Self-Determination over matters of their own

bodies and that of their children. This is inclusive of the self-directed power to claim their Soul in Freedom

Absolute without the intrusive machinations of corporations, governments, religious institutions, and all

other manmade agencies that are subordinate and inferior to the Kingdom of Life. It is by and through this

Royal Prerogative that a place of sanctuary for All Souls and All Living Beings is established. We recognize

that each Living Being is a unique singularity, an embodiment and individuated expression of the Eternal

Presence of Divine Creation. Therefore, to all who present the herewith attached Mandate of

Non-Consent and Declaration of Peace and Sovereign Integrity to the Archival Records of the Court of the

Ekklesia, the Kingdom of David shall provide Sanctuary, Protections, Immunities, and the Preservation of

the sanctity and inviolate integrity of each Embodied Living Soul with which every Man and Woman and

Child is imbued; and further,

Pursuant to All who do so shall be entered into D’Vida Private Society and D'Vida Private Contract Association

and its Membership Body of the Ekklesia and shall have a Sacred Trust established to protect equitable

interests and beneficial rights that shall ensue therein over the course of time; and finally,

The Declaration of Independence that was expressed as a Universal Proclamation for all of Mankind on

July 4, 1776, enshrined the principle of Universal Law that government and all sub-divisions and

instrumentalities thereof can only remain in existence by the consent of the governed. Therefore, in the

herein annexed Individual Declaration of Peace and Sovereign Integrity, every Man, Woman, and Child

is provided with the means to state his or her declaration of Non-Consent as a binding mandate on the

governments and offices of this world, pursuant to any intention one may have to not consent to forced or

coerced mandates that are not in alignment with one’s will. All who choose to utilize this instrument are the

Living Beings who have chosen to set themselves apart and remove themselves from the Babylonian matrix

of death and lies and manipulation.

These are the People of the Living Body on this Earth who can choose to come into the Sanctuary of the

Kingdom of David, the Kingdom of Life, a Sanctuary of Peace and Prosperity, and be protected therein.

Neither shall any man or woman, nor manmade institution, have any authority to pierce the Protections

and Immunities Inviolate that I have established for all who walk this Earth, now and forever, who have

accepted My offer of Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities. Any and all who accept My offer will thereby

demonstrate that they have so declared and caused such declarations to be recorded in Our Permanent

Archival Record system of The Ecclesiastical Court for the Kingdom of David and the Court of the Ekklesia. Said

Declaration of Independence declared that it is the right and it is the sacred duty for all Men and Women

to remove the shackles of government that have become inimical to the principles of Life and Liberty.

These very principles are established as the foundation of the Kingdom of David for the benefit of all who

choose Life so that they may enter here and find sanctuary and solace for themselves, their families, their

communities, and whatever social and political compact with which they choose to align pursuant to the

Universal Right of Self-Determination; and further,

we can work together and be protected so that all who so choose Life may eschew the illusions of darkness

and death. The time is now so that each and every one who so chooses shall stand in radiance and the

fullness of expression embodied in this World, with free standing on the Land of the Living, unfettered by

the false illusions of bondage that have held this World hostage for far too long; and further,

Let this Proclamation be spread far and wide, throughout all the Lands, to all the Peoples, resounding in all

the Hearts and Souls of all who have yearned for freedom, who have cried out for release from the ligatures

that have bound the lives and bodies and families and Nations of Man. Let it be known to those still

wrapped in darkness and confusion, to those seeking answers and solutions to what appears to many,

perhaps most, the insoluble confoundment of these Last Days, that the time for healing and resolution has

come. Let it be known that such answers and solutions are ready to be revealed and implemented and that

this Kingdom will be a leader in the transition from death to Life. Indeed, these are the Last Days foretold,

but not the end of this World, this World that is a jewel amongst the Heavens in the Crown of Creation,

but rather these are the Last Days of a false reality that portended an ending of choice, a termination of

the sanctity of Life and the purity of Innocence, intending that all would be seduced into a choice of evil

by positing that we only have the choice of a lesser evil, a false dichotomy that nevertheless only provides a

choice of evil. Now We move forthwith to seal the door wherein such evil dwells forever and send it on its

way out of this World to its own self-fated destination, never again to sully the Sanctity and Purity of Life

in this World. I offer My Hand and My Heart to All who choose Life and can now find sanctuary in this

House of Peace and Sovereign Integrity, for this is what the House of David and the Kingdom of David have

been established to provide for all who seek sanctuary therein; and further,

The Kingdom of David is a Kingdom on this Earth like no other, for it is one that leaves behind the concepts

and constructions of hierarchy, domination, control, separation, and polarity. It is a Kingdom in which all

Integrity of All Living Beings, of All Peoples, and All Nations who choose to lay down the implements of

War and pick up the living hands of our brothers and sisters and to once again plant the seeds of renewal

and replenishment into the Land; and further,

To all who suffer under the onslaught of a presumptive world order that would poison your food and water,

that would put forth legal justifications to invade your homes and steal your children, to inject your bodies

with noxious toxins in the name of the false gods of institutionalized death, with the express intention to

bind your very essence and the genetic integrity of your cells with an electronic invasion to commit you to

their intended perpetual bondage of debt and death enslavement, to you We offer this covenant of

protection that you may secure your homes, your bodies, your families, and your communities. To all who

know in their hearts that such imperatives are not for the health and well-being of your families but are, in

fact, an attempt to claim your children as monetized commodities for their self-serving and evil designs, to

all of you who have sought protections therefrom, I, His Majesty David Joel, do herewith issue this

Proclamation as an instrument of liberation, a documentary decree for Protections and Immunities that

any and all can use to protect and preserve the integrity of their flesh and souls and that of their families.

To that purpose let it hereby be known that any and all Agents or Officers of the Public to whom this

Proclamation is presented, must absolutely stand down and desist from their attempts to use presumptive

authority to force acts against the will of My People. Any attempt by any public actors, agents or Officers

of the Public, to force such upon you who use this document, (including but not limited to,) by vaccination,

by genetically modified foods that defile the original template of Life, or by electro-magnetic fields that are

devised to invade you to the core of your sacred living estate (the flesh, blood, bones, and DNA of your

body), must cease and desist immediately upon presentment of this Proclamation and accompanying

personal Mandate; and further,

In matters of Personal Belief and Private Conscience, We embrace all Paths and all Faiths in this

Ecumenical, Universal, Non-Denominational, and Non-Hierarchical House of Life and Peace and We

exclude none except for those who espouse violence and war and destruction in any manner or kind, as We

set forth a New Law that proclaims:

The Royal House of David

Royal Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign IntegrityHis Majesty David Joel

Page 4 of 12

Greetings to All to Whom These Presents Shall Come, to Planet Earth and all inhabitants thereof,

to all levels of existence throughout the Cosmos, to the local and galactic realms and beyond, to all to

whom these Presents do, shall, or will pertain. I am David Joel of the House of Weems, formerly Wemyss,

originally the Ancient House of David. I come forth as His Majesty David Joel with this Proclamation as the

Crown Sovereign of the Kingdom of David, a Kingdom that I Proclaimed and reinstituted on the day commonly

known as the Fifteenth Day of the First Month in the Common Era Year Two Thousand Eleven – a point

of reference designation but not attached or in any way aligned to false Roman time – an Act done by My

Sovereign Prerogative holding the authority of the House of David established by the historical King David

and the ensuing one hundred twenty-four successive generations.

I stand today in My Sovereign Capacity as the current living embodiment of an unbroken genetic lineal

descendancy as foretold and now fulfilled. My fully documented linage includes the first Kings of Ireland,

Scotland, Argyle, many Royal personages of England, and onward to North America as the First Baron of

Nova Scotia. I, His Majesty David Joel, by this Proclamation, do hereby make it known that the Kingdom of

David has been reinstituted by My Sovereign Prerogative as a Sanctuary of Ever Present Peace, to fulfill the

historical mandate of the Ancient House of David. By My Sovereign Prerogative the Kingdom has been

established to usher in a new Era of Peace and Prosperity for all of Mankind – for every Man, Woman, and

Child – and for all who wish to choose Life over death and for those who wish to do so within the Sanctuary,

Protections, and Immunities of this House and Kingdom. This document provides the Protections and

are embraced as Sovereign as endowed by the Ineffable Essence of Creation known by many Names. I, as

the Crown Sovereign of this Kingdom, wear such a crown in service to all of Mankind. The Crown

Sovereign is a doorway through which all can walk into Life, out of the death grip of Babylon, out of the

Matrix of illusion. I stand for the cognizance and sanctity of the Sovereign Integrity of all Living Beings

and the races of Mankind, and I reject the notion that Sovereign Integrity belongs to just a few who wear

a crown or carry a scepter, only to feed off of the misery of the People of this World. This is a Kingdom

and a House in which all who enter their True Names1 into the Book of Life2 are recognized as Whole and

Complete, imbued with the Original Gift of Sovereign Integrity and Sovereign Free Will Choice. This is a

Kingdom of Ecumenical Universality that recognizes, embraces, and preserves the diversity of faith and

the expression of the myriad paths back to Unity.

This House encourages and supports the dissolution of the veils of illusion and separation that have been

indoctrinated into the People by the Machiavellian princes of darkness that have held sway over the minds

and hearts of Mankind throughout our long journey through the valley of darkness and death. It is time to

come out of the valley of death and to shed the illusions of polarity and separation. Now is the time to

By this Our Sovereign and Royal Prerogative, by Proclamation and Decree, let it be known to all that

within our Sanctuary of Peace We Honor and Preserve the unique identity of All Living Beings, and

establish an open door in Peace with all Nation States and All First Peoples and All People of this World,

that all may be so honored, respected, supported, and guided to establish Lives of Integrity and Respect,

Lives of Value and Honor; and further,

Our House is a House of Ecumenical inclusion, a House of Universal Peace, a House of Sanctuary as

foretold (Ezekiel 37:26): “Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an

everlasting covenant with them; and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my

sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore.” We recognize the Perfection of all Life in every race,

creed, and path to unity; We recognize every Living Being as an individuated expression of Higher

Principal and Sacred Principle, a unique life stream of expression of Source and Creation, and We Honor,

Respect, and Protect the absolute right of free moral agency, conscience, private belief, and expression of

faith that each chooses as their own life endowment, to be fully expressed by one’s Sovereign Free Will that

is sacrosanct and pure, that no man, woman, or manmade institution can abrogate or deny. We further

recognize every Living Being as unique as one of the myriad expressions of the infinitude of Life and

Divine Dispensation, and all are welcome who choose to enter this House of Peace, the Kingdom of David;

and further,

Most especially do We wish to provide the protections and support for women and children throughout the

world who have been subjected to abuse, deprivations, and enslavement. We hold as paramount the health

and well-being of women worldwide as these are the nurturers of the People, and the safety and security

of all children as Beneficiaries of the future. The House of David shall always have its doors open to those

who seek protection, and We shall provide such sanctuary for every woman and child against any form of

Accompanying this Proclamation and Decree is a simple Declaration of Sovereign Integrity and Mandate

of Non-Consent designed so that everyone who chooses to do so can memorialize their Statement of

Intention to Walk into Life within the Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities of this House and Kingdom.

It shall be one’s protection from all things and intended actions to which one does not consent; and further,

To All Nation States and Governments of This World, We come in Peace, with no other agenda than to

return Righteousness to this World, the Right Use of Will and Intent. Our Will, Purpose, and Intent is to

protect and preserve all of Life in this World. We come forth to protect the Life Force in Union and

Communion of all Beings and with all of Existence. To be clear, We do not presume jurisdictional

authority over your Nations or your people, but We do provide Our Protections and Immunities to All who

choose to walk into Life and enter their True Names1 into the Book of Life2 that We have established for

all to so enter; and be it further known, that We have established our Ecclesiastical Court and the Court of

the Ekklesia (the Court of the People), to return the Law of the Land to the People and to return to the

highest station therein the Right Use of Universal Law and Equity for the True Beneficiaries of this World

who are those now living and all future generations to come; and further,

We have instituted Our Ecclesiastical Court and the Combined Courts therein, with paramount emphasis

on the Court of the Ekklesia, pursuant to the time-honored and universally accepted Maxims of Equity,

upon which We have written Our Law. We provide the Sanctuary of the Court of the Ekklesia for the People

of this World. It is the Court of the Living Congregation, the Living Body of the Christos, now wed with

the Sanctified Body of this Earth, the merger of Spirit and Soil, so let it be known hereby that We, the

People, are the Living Flesh, the Whole Body of Life, and it is now our time and this is Our World. Those

who will not align with this Proclamation, for Life will find themselves unable to live and thrive in the world

of Peace and Plenitude We are creating; and further,

Immunities of the Kingdom of David to all who choose Life, inclusive of the Natural Order and the plant

and animal kingdoms. It is My Will, Purpose, and Intent to secure the Land for the People and to return

the Land, Air, Rivers, Oceans, and Seas to their original pristine condition, and thereby that we all

together, working as a unified Mankind, return this Earth to Her proper status and standing amongst the

stars as a domain of peace, purity, and plenitude. To this purpose, this is My Proclamation issued on this

the Fifteenth Day of the First Month in the Common Era Year Two Thousand Twenty One to mark the

tenth anniversary of the reinstitution of the Kingdom of David; and further,

With this Proclamation and within the Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities of the Kingdom of David, by

My Absolute Prerogative, I do hereby establish henceforward the paramount Cognizance of the Sovereign

Integrity of every Living Man, Woman, and Child, each as a Living Being who by their Sovereign Free Will

Choice and Volitional Act chooses to remove themselves from the Cult of Death that has held sway over

all of Life in this world for eons. This Cult of Death has been casting a spell of death, darkness, and

destruction over the pristine template of Life of this World for millennia. It has attempted to hijack the Gift

of Life that is the Divine Dispensation for All of Life on this Earth. The Kingdom of David stands for Life

(D’Vida) in service to all of Mankind and the Natural Order of this World.

By this Proclamation let it be known that this has been done and I herewith invite All into the Sanctuary,

Protections, and Immunities within the Kingdom of David so that together we can thrive and build a new

world that is best for all of Life. It is the intention of this House and Kingdom to support all who stand for

Life, so that Life everlasting shall be renewed and revivified on Earth and all who choose Life can be healed

and returned back to wholeness. We are at a moment in time when the choice is either Life or death; there

is no middle ground. It is a choice to heal ourselves and re-embody the original template of Life that has

been so distorted by the Cult of Death. With this Proclamation I offer everyone a place of refuge wherein

embrace each other in a celebration of Life within the Unity in Diversity and Diversity in Unity of All

People. This is a celebration of Union and Communion in Life, a celebration of the return of Peace to the

Lands and the Waters and the Skies of this World. Together we can heal our wounds and purify our homes

and sanctify our Lands once again. This is the True Birthright of every Living Being who chooses Life, and

to all who so choose, the Kingdom of David offers Sanctuary, Protections, Immunities, Nourishment,

Support, and the Resources to make this expressed intention a manifest reality in our lifetime; and further,

This Proclamation is especially directed to the First Peoples of this World, those who are the true stewards

of the Land of their forebears, who have been abused and slaughtered and driven to near extinction by the

Cult of Death. To you who are now and have always been the True Ones to whom this Earth was

entrusted, who have been mandated to preserve and protect the designated domains that you were driven

from by the scourge of darkness that you have perforce had to endure for centuries and longer, to you I offer

My Hand of Peace and Our Sanctuary of Protection. I offer you My humble expression of profound

solace and contrition for what you have had to succumb to for purposes of sheer survival of your People. I

offer you My Hand that in some small way We might assist you in healing the years and generations of

poverty and privation and darkness that your people have had to withstand and endure; and further,

It is my supreme desire that the House of David and the Kingdom thereof becomes the pathway for you,

the First Peoples, to lift the cloud of desperation you have had to bear with the thoughts that you might fail

to fulfill your covenant of stewardship with the Earth. With this Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign Integrity

We offer a place of Sanctuary and Protection that all First Peoples may utilize to renew their Lands and

heal their People, to renew thereby a place where the People, without subjugation, will stand on the Land

as equals with this House and with all others who choose the path of Peace. This is a House without

hierarchy, without denominational separation, a House of Mutual Cognizance within the Sovereign

mutilation perpetuated under any guise and under any rationale. This includes the absolute prohibition of

non-consensual mutilation of children for purported religious reasons, any forced or coerced medical

intervention of vaccination, whether by injection or other means, the forced or coerced use of drugs or

surgeries, and against any treatment contrary to the paramount wishes of the parents. Concurrent with

such protections, We hold as the highest right of all Living Beings the preservation of the freedom to

choose therapies for any and all purposes and of any kind, free from the onerous and restrictive mandates

of false institutions or governments who do not have the best interests of Mankind in their hearts but only

the dictates of absolute greed in their minds; and further,

Every Living Being in this World has the absolute Right of Self-Determination over matters of their own

bodies and that of their children. This is inclusive of the self-directed power to claim their Soul in Freedom

Absolute without the intrusive machinations of corporations, governments, religious institutions, and all

other manmade agencies that are subordinate and inferior to the Kingdom of Life. It is by and through this

Royal Prerogative that a place of sanctuary for All Souls and All Living Beings is established. We recognize

that each Living Being is a unique singularity, an embodiment and individuated expression of the Eternal

Presence of Divine Creation. Therefore, to all who present the herewith attached Mandate of

Non-Consent and Declaration of Peace and Sovereign Integrity to the Archival Records of the Court of the

Ekklesia, the Kingdom of David shall provide Sanctuary, Protections, Immunities, and the Preservation of

the sanctity and inviolate integrity of each Embodied Living Soul with which every Man and Woman and

Child is imbued; and further,

Pursuant to All who do so shall be entered into D’Vida Private Society and D'Vida Private Contract Association

and its Membership Body of the Ekklesia and shall have a Sacred Trust established to protect equitable

interests and beneficial rights that shall ensue therein over the course of time; and finally,

The Declaration of Independence that was expressed as a Universal Proclamation for all of Mankind on

July 4, 1776, enshrined the principle of Universal Law that government and all sub-divisions and

instrumentalities thereof can only remain in existence by the consent of the governed. Therefore, in the

herein annexed Individual Declaration of Peace and Sovereign Integrity, every Man, Woman, and Child

is provided with the means to state his or her declaration of Non-Consent as a binding mandate on the

governments and offices of this world, pursuant to any intention one may have to not consent to forced or

coerced mandates that are not in alignment with one’s will. All who choose to utilize this instrument are the

Living Beings who have chosen to set themselves apart and remove themselves from the Babylonian matrix

of death and lies and manipulation.

These are the People of the Living Body on this Earth who can choose to come into the Sanctuary of the

Kingdom of David, the Kingdom of Life, a Sanctuary of Peace and Prosperity, and be protected therein.

Neither shall any man or woman, nor manmade institution, have any authority to pierce the Protections

and Immunities Inviolate that I have established for all who walk this Earth, now and forever, who have

accepted My offer of Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities. Any and all who accept My offer will thereby

demonstrate that they have so declared and caused such declarations to be recorded in Our Permanent

Archival Record system of The Ecclesiastical Court for the Kingdom of David and the Court of the Ekklesia. Said

Declaration of Independence declared that it is the right and it is the sacred duty for all Men and Women

to remove the shackles of government that have become inimical to the principles of Life and Liberty.

These very principles are established as the foundation of the Kingdom of David for the benefit of all who

choose Life so that they may enter here and find sanctuary and solace for themselves, their families, their

communities, and whatever social and political compact with which they choose to align pursuant to the

Universal Right of Self-Determination; and further,

we can work together and be protected so that all who so choose Life may eschew the illusions of darkness

and death. The time is now so that each and every one who so chooses shall stand in radiance and the

fullness of expression embodied in this World, with free standing on the Land of the Living, unfettered by

the false illusions of bondage that have held this World hostage for far too long; and further,

Let this Proclamation be spread far and wide, throughout all the Lands, to all the Peoples, resounding in all

the Hearts and Souls of all who have yearned for freedom, who have cried out for release from the ligatures

that have bound the lives and bodies and families and Nations of Man. Let it be known to those still

wrapped in darkness and confusion, to those seeking answers and solutions to what appears to many,

perhaps most, the insoluble confoundment of these Last Days, that the time for healing and resolution has

come. Let it be known that such answers and solutions are ready to be revealed and implemented and that

this Kingdom will be a leader in the transition from death to Life. Indeed, these are the Last Days foretold,

but not the end of this World, this World that is a jewel amongst the Heavens in the Crown of Creation,

but rather these are the Last Days of a false reality that portended an ending of choice, a termination of

the sanctity of Life and the purity of Innocence, intending that all would be seduced into a choice of evil

by positing that we only have the choice of a lesser evil, a false dichotomy that nevertheless only provides a

choice of evil. Now We move forthwith to seal the door wherein such evil dwells forever and send it on its

way out of this World to its own self-fated destination, never again to sully the Sanctity and Purity of Life

in this World. I offer My Hand and My Heart to All who choose Life and can now find sanctuary in this

House of Peace and Sovereign Integrity, for this is what the House of David and the Kingdom of David have

been established to provide for all who seek sanctuary therein; and further,

The Kingdom of David is a Kingdom on this Earth like no other, for it is one that leaves behind the concepts

and constructions of hierarchy, domination, control, separation, and polarity. It is a Kingdom in which all

Integrity of All Living Beings, of All Peoples, and All Nations who choose to lay down the implements of

War and pick up the living hands of our brothers and sisters and to once again plant the seeds of renewal

and replenishment into the Land; and further,

To all who suffer under the onslaught of a presumptive world order that would poison your food and water,

that would put forth legal justifications to invade your homes and steal your children, to inject your bodies

with noxious toxins in the name of the false gods of institutionalized death, with the express intention to

bind your very essence and the genetic integrity of your cells with an electronic invasion to commit you to

their intended perpetual bondage of debt and death enslavement, to you We offer this covenant of

protection that you may secure your homes, your bodies, your families, and your communities. To all who

know in their hearts that such imperatives are not for the health and well-being of your families but are, in

fact, an attempt to claim your children as monetized commodities for their self-serving and evil designs, to

all of you who have sought protections therefrom, I, His Majesty David Joel, do herewith issue this

Proclamation as an instrument of liberation, a documentary decree for Protections and Immunities that

any and all can use to protect and preserve the integrity of their flesh and souls and that of their families.

To that purpose let it hereby be known that any and all Agents or Officers of the Public to whom this

Proclamation is presented, must absolutely stand down and desist from their attempts to use presumptive

authority to force acts against the will of My People. Any attempt by any public actors, agents or Officers

of the Public, to force such upon you who use this document, (including but not limited to,) by vaccination,

by genetically modified foods that defile the original template of Life, or by electro-magnetic fields that are

devised to invade you to the core of your sacred living estate (the flesh, blood, bones, and DNA of your

body), must cease and desist immediately upon presentment of this Proclamation and accompanying

personal Mandate; and further,

In matters of Personal Belief and Private Conscience, We embrace all Paths and all Faiths in this

Ecumenical, Universal, Non-Denominational, and Non-Hierarchical House of Life and Peace and We

exclude none except for those who espouse violence and war and destruction in any manner or kind, as We

set forth a New Law that proclaims:

The Royal House of David

Royal Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign IntegrityHis Majesty David Joel

Greetings to All to Whom These Presents Shall Come, to Planet Earth and all inhabitants thereof,

to all levels of existence throughout the Cosmos, to the local and galactic realms and beyond, to all to

whom these Presents do, shall, or will pertain. I am David Joel of the House of Weems, formerly Wemyss,

originally the Ancient House of David. I come forth as His Majesty David Joel with this Proclamation as the

Crown Sovereign of the Kingdom of David, a Kingdom that I Proclaimed and reinstituted on the day commonly

known as the Fifteenth Day of the First Month in the Common Era Year Two Thousand Eleven – a point

of reference designation but not attached or in any way aligned to false Roman time – an Act done by My

Sovereign Prerogative holding the authority of the House of David established by the historical King David

and the ensuing one hundred twenty-four successive generations.

I stand today in My Sovereign Capacity as the current living embodiment of an unbroken genetic lineal

descendancy as foretold and now fulfilled. My fully documented linage includes the first Kings of Ireland,

Scotland, Argyle, many Royal personages of England, and onward to North America as the First Baron of

Nova Scotia. I, His Majesty David Joel, by this Proclamation, do hereby make it known that the Kingdom of

David has been reinstituted by My Sovereign Prerogative as a Sanctuary of Ever Present Peace, to fulfill the

historical mandate of the Ancient House of David. By My Sovereign Prerogative the Kingdom has been

established to usher in a new Era of Peace and Prosperity for all of Mankind – for every Man, Woman, and

Child – and for all who wish to choose Life over death and for those who wish to do so within the Sanctuary,

Protections, and Immunities of this House and Kingdom. This document provides the Protections and

are embraced as Sovereign as endowed by the Ineffable Essence of Creation known by many Names. I, as

the Crown Sovereign of this Kingdom, wear such a crown in service to all of Mankind. The Crown

Sovereign is a doorway through which all can walk into Life, out of the death grip of Babylon, out of the

Matrix of illusion. I stand for the cognizance and sanctity of the Sovereign Integrity of all Living Beings

and the races of Mankind, and I reject the notion that Sovereign Integrity belongs to just a few who wear

a crown or carry a scepter, only to feed off of the misery of the People of this World. This is a Kingdom

and a House in which all who enter their True Names1 into the Book of Life2 are recognized as Whole and

Complete, imbued with the Original Gift of Sovereign Integrity and Sovereign Free Will Choice. This is a

Kingdom of Ecumenical Universality that recognizes, embraces, and preserves the diversity of faith and

the expression of the myriad paths back to Unity.

This House encourages and supports the dissolution of the veils of illusion and separation that have been

indoctrinated into the People by the Machiavellian princes of darkness that have held sway over the minds

and hearts of Mankind throughout our long journey through the valley of darkness and death. It is time to

come out of the valley of death and to shed the illusions of polarity and separation. Now is the time to

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By this Our Sovereign and Royal Prerogative, by Proclamation and Decree, let it be known to all that

within our Sanctuary of Peace We Honor and Preserve the unique identity of All Living Beings, and

establish an open door in Peace with all Nation States and All First Peoples and All People of this World,

that all may be so honored, respected, supported, and guided to establish Lives of Integrity and Respect,

Lives of Value and Honor; and further,

Our House is a House of Ecumenical inclusion, a House of Universal Peace, a House of Sanctuary as

foretold (Ezekiel 37:26): “Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an

everlasting covenant with them; and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my

sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore.” We recognize the Perfection of all Life in every race,

creed, and path to unity; We recognize every Living Being as an individuated expression of Higher

Principal and Sacred Principle, a unique life stream of expression of Source and Creation, and We Honor,

Respect, and Protect the absolute right of free moral agency, conscience, private belief, and expression of

faith that each chooses as their own life endowment, to be fully expressed by one’s Sovereign Free Will that

is sacrosanct and pure, that no man, woman, or manmade institution can abrogate or deny. We further

recognize every Living Being as unique as one of the myriad expressions of the infinitude of Life and

Divine Dispensation, and all are welcome who choose to enter this House of Peace, the Kingdom of David;

and further,

Most especially do We wish to provide the protections and support for women and children throughout the

world who have been subjected to abuse, deprivations, and enslavement. We hold as paramount the health

and well-being of women worldwide as these are the nurturers of the People, and the safety and security

of all children as Beneficiaries of the future. The House of David shall always have its doors open to those

who seek protection, and We shall provide such sanctuary for every woman and child against any form of

Accompanying this Proclamation and Decree is a simple Declaration of Sovereign Integrity and Mandate

of Non-Consent designed so that everyone who chooses to do so can memorialize their Statement of

Intention to Walk into Life within the Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities of this House and Kingdom.

It shall be one’s protection from all things and intended actions to which one does not consent; and further,

To All Nation States and Governments of This World, We come in Peace, with no other agenda than to

return Righteousness to this World, the Right Use of Will and Intent. Our Will, Purpose, and Intent is to

protect and preserve all of Life in this World. We come forth to protect the Life Force in Union and

Communion of all Beings and with all of Existence. To be clear, We do not presume jurisdictional

authority over your Nations or your people, but We do provide Our Protections and Immunities to All who

choose to walk into Life and enter their True Names1 into the Book of Life2 that We have established for

all to so enter; and be it further known, that We have established our Ecclesiastical Court and the Court of

the Ekklesia (the Court of the People), to return the Law of the Land to the People and to return to the

highest station therein the Right Use of Universal Law and Equity for the True Beneficiaries of this World

who are those now living and all future generations to come; and further,

We have instituted Our Ecclesiastical Court and the Combined Courts therein, with paramount emphasis

on the Court of the Ekklesia, pursuant to the time-honored and universally accepted Maxims of Equity,

upon which We have written Our Law. We provide the Sanctuary of the Court of the Ekklesia for the People

of this World. It is the Court of the Living Congregation, the Living Body of the Christos, now wed with

the Sanctified Body of this Earth, the merger of Spirit and Soil, so let it be known hereby that We, the

People, are the Living Flesh, the Whole Body of Life, and it is now our time and this is Our World. Those

who will not align with this Proclamation, for Life will find themselves unable to live and thrive in the world

of Peace and Plenitude We are creating; and further,

Immunities of the Kingdom of David to all who choose Life, inclusive of the Natural Order and the plant

and animal kingdoms. It is My Will, Purpose, and Intent to secure the Land for the People and to return

the Land, Air, Rivers, Oceans, and Seas to their original pristine condition, and thereby that we all

together, working as a unified Mankind, return this Earth to Her proper status and standing amongst the

stars as a domain of peace, purity, and plenitude. To this purpose, this is My Proclamation issued on this

the Fifteenth Day of the First Month in the Common Era Year Two Thousand Twenty One to mark the

tenth anniversary of the reinstitution of the Kingdom of David; and further,

With this Proclamation and within the Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities of the Kingdom of David, by

My Absolute Prerogative, I do hereby establish henceforward the paramount Cognizance of the Sovereign

Integrity of every Living Man, Woman, and Child, each as a Living Being who by their Sovereign Free Will

Choice and Volitional Act chooses to remove themselves from the Cult of Death that has held sway over

all of Life in this world for eons. This Cult of Death has been casting a spell of death, darkness, and

destruction over the pristine template of Life of this World for millennia. It has attempted to hijack the Gift

of Life that is the Divine Dispensation for All of Life on this Earth. The Kingdom of David stands for Life

(D’Vida) in service to all of Mankind and the Natural Order of this World.

By this Proclamation let it be known that this has been done and I herewith invite All into the Sanctuary,

Protections, and Immunities within the Kingdom of David so that together we can thrive and build a new

world that is best for all of Life. It is the intention of this House and Kingdom to support all who stand for

Life, so that Life everlasting shall be renewed and revivified on Earth and all who choose Life can be healed

and returned back to wholeness. We are at a moment in time when the choice is either Life or death; there

is no middle ground. It is a choice to heal ourselves and re-embody the original template of Life that has

been so distorted by the Cult of Death. With this Proclamation I offer everyone a place of refuge wherein

embrace each other in a celebration of Life within the Unity in Diversity and Diversity in Unity of All

People. This is a celebration of Union and Communion in Life, a celebration of the return of Peace to the

Lands and the Waters and the Skies of this World. Together we can heal our wounds and purify our homes

and sanctify our Lands once again. This is the True Birthright of every Living Being who chooses Life, and

to all who so choose, the Kingdom of David offers Sanctuary, Protections, Immunities, Nourishment,

Support, and the Resources to make this expressed intention a manifest reality in our lifetime; and further,

This Proclamation is especially directed to the First Peoples of this World, those who are the true stewards

of the Land of their forebears, who have been abused and slaughtered and driven to near extinction by the

Cult of Death. To you who are now and have always been the True Ones to whom this Earth was

entrusted, who have been mandated to preserve and protect the designated domains that you were driven

from by the scourge of darkness that you have perforce had to endure for centuries and longer, to you I offer

My Hand of Peace and Our Sanctuary of Protection. I offer you My humble expression of profound

solace and contrition for what you have had to succumb to for purposes of sheer survival of your People. I

offer you My Hand that in some small way We might assist you in healing the years and generations of

poverty and privation and darkness that your people have had to withstand and endure; and further,

It is my supreme desire that the House of David and the Kingdom thereof becomes the pathway for you,

the First Peoples, to lift the cloud of desperation you have had to bear with the thoughts that you might fail

to fulfill your covenant of stewardship with the Earth. With this Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign Integrity

We offer a place of Sanctuary and Protection that all First Peoples may utilize to renew their Lands and

heal their People, to renew thereby a place where the People, without subjugation, will stand on the Land

as equals with this House and with all others who choose the path of Peace. This is a House without

hierarchy, without denominational separation, a House of Mutual Cognizance within the Sovereign

mutilation perpetuated under any guise and under any rationale. This includes the absolute prohibition of

non-consensual mutilation of children for purported religious reasons, any forced or coerced medical

intervention of vaccination, whether by injection or other means, the forced or coerced use of drugs or

surgeries, and against any treatment contrary to the paramount wishes of the parents. Concurrent with

such protections, We hold as the highest right of all Living Beings the preservation of the freedom to

choose therapies for any and all purposes and of any kind, free from the onerous and restrictive mandates

of false institutions or governments who do not have the best interests of Mankind in their hearts but only

the dictates of absolute greed in their minds; and further,

Every Living Being in this World has the absolute Right of Self-Determination over matters of their own

bodies and that of their children. This is inclusive of the self-directed power to claim their Soul in Freedom

Absolute without the intrusive machinations of corporations, governments, religious institutions, and all

other manmade agencies that are subordinate and inferior to the Kingdom of Life. It is by and through this

Royal Prerogative that a place of sanctuary for All Souls and All Living Beings is established. We recognize

that each Living Being is a unique singularity, an embodiment and individuated expression of the Eternal

Presence of Divine Creation. Therefore, to all who present the herewith attached Mandate of

Non-Consent and Declaration of Peace and Sovereign Integrity to the Archival Records of the Court of the

Ekklesia, the Kingdom of David shall provide Sanctuary, Protections, Immunities, and the Preservation of

the sanctity and inviolate integrity of each Embodied Living Soul with which every Man and Woman and

Child is imbued; and further,

Pursuant to All who do so shall be entered into D’Vida Private Society and D'Vida Private Contract Association

and its Membership Body of the Ekklesia and shall have a Sacred Trust established to protect equitable

interests and beneficial rights that shall ensue therein over the course of time; and finally,

The Declaration of Independence that was expressed as a Universal Proclamation for all of Mankind on

July 4, 1776, enshrined the principle of Universal Law that government and all sub-divisions and

instrumentalities thereof can only remain in existence by the consent of the governed. Therefore, in the

herein annexed Individual Declaration of Peace and Sovereign Integrity, every Man, Woman, and Child

is provided with the means to state his or her declaration of Non-Consent as a binding mandate on the

governments and offices of this world, pursuant to any intention one may have to not consent to forced or

coerced mandates that are not in alignment with one’s will. All who choose to utilize this instrument are the

Living Beings who have chosen to set themselves apart and remove themselves from the Babylonian matrix

of death and lies and manipulation.

These are the People of the Living Body on this Earth who can choose to come into the Sanctuary of the

Kingdom of David, the Kingdom of Life, a Sanctuary of Peace and Prosperity, and be protected therein.

Neither shall any man or woman, nor manmade institution, have any authority to pierce the Protections

and Immunities Inviolate that I have established for all who walk this Earth, now and forever, who have

accepted My offer of Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities. Any and all who accept My offer will thereby

demonstrate that they have so declared and caused such declarations to be recorded in Our Permanent

Archival Record system of The Ecclesiastical Court for the Kingdom of David and the Court of the Ekklesia. Said

Declaration of Independence declared that it is the right and it is the sacred duty for all Men and Women

to remove the shackles of government that have become inimical to the principles of Life and Liberty.

These very principles are established as the foundation of the Kingdom of David for the benefit of all who

choose Life so that they may enter here and find sanctuary and solace for themselves, their families, their

communities, and whatever social and political compact with which they choose to align pursuant to the

Universal Right of Self-Determination; and further,

we can work together and be protected so that all who so choose Life may eschew the illusions of darkness

and death. The time is now so that each and every one who so chooses shall stand in radiance and the

fullness of expression embodied in this World, with free standing on the Land of the Living, unfettered by

the false illusions of bondage that have held this World hostage for far too long; and further,

Let this Proclamation be spread far and wide, throughout all the Lands, to all the Peoples, resounding in all

the Hearts and Souls of all who have yearned for freedom, who have cried out for release from the ligatures

that have bound the lives and bodies and families and Nations of Man. Let it be known to those still

wrapped in darkness and confusion, to those seeking answers and solutions to what appears to many,

perhaps most, the insoluble confoundment of these Last Days, that the time for healing and resolution has

come. Let it be known that such answers and solutions are ready to be revealed and implemented and that

this Kingdom will be a leader in the transition from death to Life. Indeed, these are the Last Days foretold,

but not the end of this World, this World that is a jewel amongst the Heavens in the Crown of Creation,

but rather these are the Last Days of a false reality that portended an ending of choice, a termination of

the sanctity of Life and the purity of Innocence, intending that all would be seduced into a choice of evil

by positing that we only have the choice of a lesser evil, a false dichotomy that nevertheless only provides a

choice of evil. Now We move forthwith to seal the door wherein such evil dwells forever and send it on its

way out of this World to its own self-fated destination, never again to sully the Sanctity and Purity of Life

in this World. I offer My Hand and My Heart to All who choose Life and can now find sanctuary in this

House of Peace and Sovereign Integrity, for this is what the House of David and the Kingdom of David have

been established to provide for all who seek sanctuary therein; and further,

The Kingdom of David is a Kingdom on this Earth like no other, for it is one that leaves behind the concepts

and constructions of hierarchy, domination, control, separation, and polarity. It is a Kingdom in which all

Integrity of All Living Beings, of All Peoples, and All Nations who choose to lay down the implements of

War and pick up the living hands of our brothers and sisters and to once again plant the seeds of renewal

and replenishment into the Land; and further,

To all who suffer under the onslaught of a presumptive world order that would poison your food and water,

that would put forth legal justifications to invade your homes and steal your children, to inject your bodies

with noxious toxins in the name of the false gods of institutionalized death, with the express intention to

bind your very essence and the genetic integrity of your cells with an electronic invasion to commit you to

their intended perpetual bondage of debt and death enslavement, to you We offer this covenant of

protection that you may secure your homes, your bodies, your families, and your communities. To all who

know in their hearts that such imperatives are not for the health and well-being of your families but are, in

fact, an attempt to claim your children as monetized commodities for their self-serving and evil designs, to

all of you who have sought protections therefrom, I, His Majesty David Joel, do herewith issue this

Proclamation as an instrument of liberation, a documentary decree for Protections and Immunities that

any and all can use to protect and preserve the integrity of their flesh and souls and that of their families.

To that purpose let it hereby be known that any and all Agents or Officers of the Public to whom this

Proclamation is presented, must absolutely stand down and desist from their attempts to use presumptive

authority to force acts against the will of My People. Any attempt by any public actors, agents or Officers

of the Public, to force such upon you who use this document, (including but not limited to,) by vaccination,

by genetically modified foods that defile the original template of Life, or by electro-magnetic fields that are

devised to invade you to the core of your sacred living estate (the flesh, blood, bones, and DNA of your

body), must cease and desist immediately upon presentment of this Proclamation and accompanying

personal Mandate; and further,

In matters of Personal Belief and Private Conscience, We embrace all Paths and all Faiths in this

Ecumenical, Universal, Non-Denominational, and Non-Hierarchical House of Life and Peace and We

exclude none except for those who espouse violence and war and destruction in any manner or kind, as We

set forth a New Law that proclaims:

The Royal House of David

Royal Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign IntegrityHis Majesty David Joel

1 What is meant by “True Name”? One might ask “I have my name, it is John Henry Doe, isn’t that my true name?” The answer is part of the hidden system of hooks and attachments in the legal system, which uses the artifice of deceit and obfuscation to hide things in plain sight. The name we were given was turned into a franchise of a bankrupt corporation so that we could be attached in financial bondage when we use that name in the normal course of daily affairs. Additionally, the use of a surname such as Doe, Smith, Jones, is one such trick. This links us back to the Roman Civil Law system that is a system to control the masses through military conquest and occupation that has been in place on this planet for over two thousand years. Roman Civil Law is what controls the masses, who are considered slaves or chattel property in that system. It is the law of the sea and the law of bankruptcy, and when we are under that law, we have no rights other than civil rights that are really just privileges that can be taken away. In our usage here, the “True Name” is beyond words, it is the unique presence and signature of our Authentic Self, our True Being, and it is this that we wish to place into the Book of Life as we remove ourselves from the system of bondage, debt and death that currently exists in the world.

2 The Book of Life in The Ecclesiastical Court for the Kingdom of David is a record system in the Court of the Ekklesia. it is different from the Biblical “Book of Life of the Lamb” and is not intended to subvert the reference within anyone’s faith or understanding. The Biblical Book of Life of the Lamb is a reference to a spiritual heart change with respect to the Creator as understood in the Bible. This change of heart and entry into the Book of Life of the Lamb is a private, personal and sacred relationship. We have established the Book of Life in the Court of the Ekklesia so that all who make a personal stand to remove themselves from the Cult of Death can establish a record that they are coming out of the Babylonian system of bondage that has enslaved our lives since the moment of our entry into this world. The Court of the Ekklesia’s Book of Life is an act of directing our Will and Intent to no longer participate in the Babylonian system, commonly referred to as the Matrix.

Greetings to All to Whom These Presents Shall Come, to Planet Earth and all inhabitants thereof,

to all levels of existence throughout the Cosmos, to the local and galactic realms and beyond, to all to

whom these Presents do, shall, or will pertain. I am David Joel of the House of Weems, formerly Wemyss,

originally the Ancient House of David. I come forth as His Majesty David Joel with this Proclamation as the

Crown Sovereign of the Kingdom of David, a Kingdom that I Proclaimed and reinstituted on the day commonly

known as the Fifteenth Day of the First Month in the Common Era Year Two Thousand Eleven – a point

of reference designation but not attached or in any way aligned to false Roman time – an Act done by My

Sovereign Prerogative holding the authority of the House of David established by the historical King David

and the ensuing one hundred twenty-four successive generations.

I stand today in My Sovereign Capacity as the current living embodiment of an unbroken genetic lineal

descendancy as foretold and now fulfilled. My fully documented linage includes the first Kings of Ireland,

Scotland, Argyle, many Royal personages of England, and onward to North America as the First Baron of

Nova Scotia. I, His Majesty David Joel, by this Proclamation, do hereby make it known that the Kingdom of

David has been reinstituted by My Sovereign Prerogative as a Sanctuary of Ever Present Peace, to fulfill the

historical mandate of the Ancient House of David. By My Sovereign Prerogative the Kingdom has been

established to usher in a new Era of Peace and Prosperity for all of Mankind – for every Man, Woman, and

Child – and for all who wish to choose Life over death and for those who wish to do so within the Sanctuary,

Protections, and Immunities of this House and Kingdom. This document provides the Protections and

are embraced as Sovereign as endowed by the Ineffable Essence of Creation known by many Names. I, as

the Crown Sovereign of this Kingdom, wear such a crown in service to all of Mankind. The Crown

Sovereign is a doorway through which all can walk into Life, out of the death grip of Babylon, out of the

Matrix of illusion. I stand for the cognizance and sanctity of the Sovereign Integrity of all Living Beings

and the races of Mankind, and I reject the notion that Sovereign Integrity belongs to just a few who wear

a crown or carry a scepter, only to feed off of the misery of the People of this World. This is a Kingdom

and a House in which all who enter their True Names1 into the Book of Life2 are recognized as Whole and

Complete, imbued with the Original Gift of Sovereign Integrity and Sovereign Free Will Choice. This is a

Kingdom of Ecumenical Universality that recognizes, embraces, and preserves the diversity of faith and

the expression of the myriad paths back to Unity.

This House encourages and supports the dissolution of the veils of illusion and separation that have been

indoctrinated into the People by the Machiavellian princes of darkness that have held sway over the minds

and hearts of Mankind throughout our long journey through the valley of darkness and death. It is time to

come out of the valley of death and to shed the illusions of polarity and separation. Now is the time to

By this Our Sovereign and Royal Prerogative, by Proclamation and Decree, let it be known to all that

within our Sanctuary of Peace We Honor and Preserve the unique identity of All Living Beings, and

establish an open door in Peace with all Nation States and All First Peoples and All People of this World,

that all may be so honored, respected, supported, and guided to establish Lives of Integrity and Respect,

Lives of Value and Honor; and further,

Our House is a House of Ecumenical inclusion, a House of Universal Peace, a House of Sanctuary as

foretold (Ezekiel 37:26): “Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an

everlasting covenant with them; and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my

sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore.” We recognize the Perfection of all Life in every race,

creed, and path to unity; We recognize every Living Being as an individuated expression of Higher

Principal and Sacred Principle, a unique life stream of expression of Source and Creation, and We Honor,

Respect, and Protect the absolute right of free moral agency, conscience, private belief, and expression of

faith that each chooses as their own life endowment, to be fully expressed by one’s Sovereign Free Will that

is sacrosanct and pure, that no man, woman, or manmade institution can abrogate or deny. We further

recognize every Living Being as unique as one of the myriad expressions of the infinitude of Life and

Divine Dispensation, and all are welcome who choose to enter this House of Peace, the Kingdom of David;

and further,

Most especially do We wish to provide the protections and support for women and children throughout the

world who have been subjected to abuse, deprivations, and enslavement. We hold as paramount the health

and well-being of women worldwide as these are the nurturers of the People, and the safety and security

of all children as Beneficiaries of the future. The House of David shall always have its doors open to those

who seek protection, and We shall provide such sanctuary for every woman and child against any form of

Accompanying this Proclamation and Decree is a simple Declaration of Sovereign Integrity and Mandate

of Non-Consent designed so that everyone who chooses to do so can memorialize their Statement of

Intention to Walk into Life within the Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities of this House and Kingdom.

It shall be one’s protection from all things and intended actions to which one does not consent; and further,

To All Nation States and Governments of This World, We come in Peace, with no other agenda than to

return Righteousness to this World, the Right Use of Will and Intent. Our Will, Purpose, and Intent is to

protect and preserve all of Life in this World. We come forth to protect the Life Force in Union and

Communion of all Beings and with all of Existence. To be clear, We do not presume jurisdictional

authority over your Nations or your people, but We do provide Our Protections and Immunities to All who

choose to walk into Life and enter their True Names1 into the Book of Life2 that We have established for

all to so enter; and be it further known, that We have established our Ecclesiastical Court and the Court of

the Ekklesia (the Court of the People), to return the Law of the Land to the People and to return to the

highest station therein the Right Use of Universal Law and Equity for the True Beneficiaries of this World

who are those now living and all future generations to come; and further,

We have instituted Our Ecclesiastical Court and the Combined Courts therein, with paramount emphasis

on the Court of the Ekklesia, pursuant to the time-honored and universally accepted Maxims of Equity,

upon which We have written Our Law. We provide the Sanctuary of the Court of the Ekklesia for the People

of this World. It is the Court of the Living Congregation, the Living Body of the Christos, now wed with

the Sanctified Body of this Earth, the merger of Spirit and Soil, so let it be known hereby that We, the

People, are the Living Flesh, the Whole Body of Life, and it is now our time and this is Our World. Those

who will not align with this Proclamation, for Life will find themselves unable to live and thrive in the world

of Peace and Plenitude We are creating; and further,

Immunities of the Kingdom of David to all who choose Life, inclusive of the Natural Order and the plant

and animal kingdoms. It is My Will, Purpose, and Intent to secure the Land for the People and to return

the Land, Air, Rivers, Oceans, and Seas to their original pristine condition, and thereby that we all

together, working as a unified Mankind, return this Earth to Her proper status and standing amongst the

stars as a domain of peace, purity, and plenitude. To this purpose, this is My Proclamation issued on this

the Fifteenth Day of the First Month in the Common Era Year Two Thousand Twenty One to mark the

tenth anniversary of the reinstitution of the Kingdom of David; and further,

With this Proclamation and within the Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities of the Kingdom of David, by

My Absolute Prerogative, I do hereby establish henceforward the paramount Cognizance of the Sovereign

Integrity of every Living Man, Woman, and Child, each as a Living Being who by their Sovereign Free Will

Choice and Volitional Act chooses to remove themselves from the Cult of Death that has held sway over

all of Life in this world for eons. This Cult of Death has been casting a spell of death, darkness, and

destruction over the pristine template of Life of this World for millennia. It has attempted to hijack the Gift

of Life that is the Divine Dispensation for All of Life on this Earth. The Kingdom of David stands for Life

(D’Vida) in service to all of Mankind and the Natural Order of this World.

By this Proclamation let it be known that this has been done and I herewith invite All into the Sanctuary,

Protections, and Immunities within the Kingdom of David so that together we can thrive and build a new

world that is best for all of Life. It is the intention of this House and Kingdom to support all who stand for

Life, so that Life everlasting shall be renewed and revivified on Earth and all who choose Life can be healed

and returned back to wholeness. We are at a moment in time when the choice is either Life or death; there

is no middle ground. It is a choice to heal ourselves and re-embody the original template of Life that has

been so distorted by the Cult of Death. With this Proclamation I offer everyone a place of refuge wherein

Page 6 of 12

embrace each other in a celebration of Life within the Unity in Diversity and Diversity in Unity of All

People. This is a celebration of Union and Communion in Life, a celebration of the return of Peace to the

Lands and the Waters and the Skies of this World. Together we can heal our wounds and purify our homes

and sanctify our Lands once again. This is the True Birthright of every Living Being who chooses Life, and

to all who so choose, the Kingdom of David offers Sanctuary, Protections, Immunities, Nourishment,

Support, and the Resources to make this expressed intention a manifest reality in our lifetime; and further,

This Proclamation is especially directed to the First Peoples of this World, those who are the true stewards

of the Land of their forebears, who have been abused and slaughtered and driven to near extinction by the

Cult of Death. To you who are now and have always been the True Ones to whom this Earth was

entrusted, who have been mandated to preserve and protect the designated domains that you were driven

from by the scourge of darkness that you have perforce had to endure for centuries and longer, to you I offer

My Hand of Peace and Our Sanctuary of Protection. I offer you My humble expression of profound

solace and contrition for what you have had to succumb to for purposes of sheer survival of your People. I

offer you My Hand that in some small way We might assist you in healing the years and generations of

poverty and privation and darkness that your people have had to withstand and endure; and further,

It is my supreme desire that the House of David and the Kingdom thereof becomes the pathway for you,

the First Peoples, to lift the cloud of desperation you have had to bear with the thoughts that you might fail

to fulfill your covenant of stewardship with the Earth. With this Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign Integrity

We offer a place of Sanctuary and Protection that all First Peoples may utilize to renew their Lands and

heal their People, to renew thereby a place where the People, without subjugation, will stand on the Land

as equals with this House and with all others who choose the path of Peace. This is a House without

hierarchy, without denominational separation, a House of Mutual Cognizance within the Sovereign

mutilation perpetuated under any guise and under any rationale. This includes the absolute prohibition of

non-consensual mutilation of children for purported religious reasons, any forced or coerced medical

intervention of vaccination, whether by injection or other means, the forced or coerced use of drugs or

surgeries, and against any treatment contrary to the paramount wishes of the parents. Concurrent with

such protections, We hold as the highest right of all Living Beings the preservation of the freedom to

choose therapies for any and all purposes and of any kind, free from the onerous and restrictive mandates

of false institutions or governments who do not have the best interests of Mankind in their hearts but only

the dictates of absolute greed in their minds; and further,

Every Living Being in this World has the absolute Right of Self-Determination over matters of their own

bodies and that of their children. This is inclusive of the self-directed power to claim their Soul in Freedom

Absolute without the intrusive machinations of corporations, governments, religious institutions, and all

other manmade agencies that are subordinate and inferior to the Kingdom of Life. It is by and through this

Royal Prerogative that a place of sanctuary for All Souls and All Living Beings is established. We recognize

that each Living Being is a unique singularity, an embodiment and individuated expression of the Eternal

Presence of Divine Creation. Therefore, to all who present the herewith attached Mandate of

Non-Consent and Declaration of Peace and Sovereign Integrity to the Archival Records of the Court of the

Ekklesia, the Kingdom of David shall provide Sanctuary, Protections, Immunities, and the Preservation of

the sanctity and inviolate integrity of each Embodied Living Soul with which every Man and Woman and

Child is imbued; and further,

Pursuant to All who do so shall be entered into D’Vida Private Society and D'Vida Private Contract Association

and its Membership Body of the Ekklesia and shall have a Sacred Trust established to protect equitable

interests and beneficial rights that shall ensue therein over the course of time; and finally,

The Declaration of Independence that was expressed as a Universal Proclamation for all of Mankind on

July 4, 1776, enshrined the principle of Universal Law that government and all sub-divisions and

instrumentalities thereof can only remain in existence by the consent of the governed. Therefore, in the

herein annexed Individual Declaration of Peace and Sovereign Integrity, every Man, Woman, and Child

is provided with the means to state his or her declaration of Non-Consent as a binding mandate on the

governments and offices of this world, pursuant to any intention one may have to not consent to forced or

coerced mandates that are not in alignment with one’s will. All who choose to utilize this instrument are the

Living Beings who have chosen to set themselves apart and remove themselves from the Babylonian matrix

of death and lies and manipulation.

These are the People of the Living Body on this Earth who can choose to come into the Sanctuary of the

Kingdom of David, the Kingdom of Life, a Sanctuary of Peace and Prosperity, and be protected therein.

Neither shall any man or woman, nor manmade institution, have any authority to pierce the Protections

and Immunities Inviolate that I have established for all who walk this Earth, now and forever, who have

accepted My offer of Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities. Any and all who accept My offer will thereby

demonstrate that they have so declared and caused such declarations to be recorded in Our Permanent

Archival Record system of The Ecclesiastical Court for the Kingdom of David and the Court of the Ekklesia. Said

Declaration of Independence declared that it is the right and it is the sacred duty for all Men and Women

to remove the shackles of government that have become inimical to the principles of Life and Liberty.

These very principles are established as the foundation of the Kingdom of David for the benefit of all who

choose Life so that they may enter here and find sanctuary and solace for themselves, their families, their

communities, and whatever social and political compact with which they choose to align pursuant to the

Universal Right of Self-Determination; and further,

we can work together and be protected so that all who so choose Life may eschew the illusions of darkness

and death. The time is now so that each and every one who so chooses shall stand in radiance and the

fullness of expression embodied in this World, with free standing on the Land of the Living, unfettered by

the false illusions of bondage that have held this World hostage for far too long; and further,

Let this Proclamation be spread far and wide, throughout all the Lands, to all the Peoples, resounding in all

the Hearts and Souls of all who have yearned for freedom, who have cried out for release from the ligatures

that have bound the lives and bodies and families and Nations of Man. Let it be known to those still

wrapped in darkness and confusion, to those seeking answers and solutions to what appears to many,

perhaps most, the insoluble confoundment of these Last Days, that the time for healing and resolution has

come. Let it be known that such answers and solutions are ready to be revealed and implemented and that

this Kingdom will be a leader in the transition from death to Life. Indeed, these are the Last Days foretold,

but not the end of this World, this World that is a jewel amongst the Heavens in the Crown of Creation,

but rather these are the Last Days of a false reality that portended an ending of choice, a termination of

the sanctity of Life and the purity of Innocence, intending that all would be seduced into a choice of evil

by positing that we only have the choice of a lesser evil, a false dichotomy that nevertheless only provides a

choice of evil. Now We move forthwith to seal the door wherein such evil dwells forever and send it on its

way out of this World to its own self-fated destination, never again to sully the Sanctity and Purity of Life

in this World. I offer My Hand and My Heart to All who choose Life and can now find sanctuary in this

House of Peace and Sovereign Integrity, for this is what the House of David and the Kingdom of David have

been established to provide for all who seek sanctuary therein; and further,

The Kingdom of David is a Kingdom on this Earth like no other, for it is one that leaves behind the concepts

and constructions of hierarchy, domination, control, separation, and polarity. It is a Kingdom in which all

Integrity of All Living Beings, of All Peoples, and All Nations who choose to lay down the implements of

War and pick up the living hands of our brothers and sisters and to once again plant the seeds of renewal

and replenishment into the Land; and further,

To all who suffer under the onslaught of a presumptive world order that would poison your food and water,

that would put forth legal justifications to invade your homes and steal your children, to inject your bodies

with noxious toxins in the name of the false gods of institutionalized death, with the express intention to

bind your very essence and the genetic integrity of your cells with an electronic invasion to commit you to

their intended perpetual bondage of debt and death enslavement, to you We offer this covenant of

protection that you may secure your homes, your bodies, your families, and your communities. To all who

know in their hearts that such imperatives are not for the health and well-being of your families but are, in

fact, an attempt to claim your children as monetized commodities for their self-serving and evil designs, to

all of you who have sought protections therefrom, I, His Majesty David Joel, do herewith issue this

Proclamation as an instrument of liberation, a documentary decree for Protections and Immunities that

any and all can use to protect and preserve the integrity of their flesh and souls and that of their families.

To that purpose let it hereby be known that any and all Agents or Officers of the Public to whom this

Proclamation is presented, must absolutely stand down and desist from their attempts to use presumptive

authority to force acts against the will of My People. Any attempt by any public actors, agents or Officers

of the Public, to force such upon you who use this document, (including but not limited to,) by vaccination,

by genetically modified foods that defile the original template of Life, or by electro-magnetic fields that are

devised to invade you to the core of your sacred living estate (the flesh, blood, bones, and DNA of your

body), must cease and desist immediately upon presentment of this Proclamation and accompanying

personal Mandate; and further,

In matters of Personal Belief and Private Conscience, We embrace all Paths and all Faiths in this

Ecumenical, Universal, Non-Denominational, and Non-Hierarchical House of Life and Peace and We

exclude none except for those who espouse violence and war and destruction in any manner or kind, as We

set forth a New Law that proclaims:

The Royal House of David

Royal Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign IntegrityHis Majesty David Joel

Greetings to All to Whom These Presents Shall Come, to Planet Earth and all inhabitants thereof,

to all levels of existence throughout the Cosmos, to the local and galactic realms and beyond, to all to

whom these Presents do, shall, or will pertain. I am David Joel of the House of Weems, formerly Wemyss,

originally the Ancient House of David. I come forth as His Majesty David Joel with this Proclamation as the

Crown Sovereign of the Kingdom of David, a Kingdom that I Proclaimed and reinstituted on the day commonly

known as the Fifteenth Day of the First Month in the Common Era Year Two Thousand Eleven – a point

of reference designation but not attached or in any way aligned to false Roman time – an Act done by My

Sovereign Prerogative holding the authority of the House of David established by the historical King David

and the ensuing one hundred twenty-four successive generations.

I stand today in My Sovereign Capacity as the current living embodiment of an unbroken genetic lineal

descendancy as foretold and now fulfilled. My fully documented linage includes the first Kings of Ireland,

Scotland, Argyle, many Royal personages of England, and onward to North America as the First Baron of

Nova Scotia. I, His Majesty David Joel, by this Proclamation, do hereby make it known that the Kingdom of

David has been reinstituted by My Sovereign Prerogative as a Sanctuary of Ever Present Peace, to fulfill the

historical mandate of the Ancient House of David. By My Sovereign Prerogative the Kingdom has been

established to usher in a new Era of Peace and Prosperity for all of Mankind – for every Man, Woman, and

Child – and for all who wish to choose Life over death and for those who wish to do so within the Sanctuary,

Protections, and Immunities of this House and Kingdom. This document provides the Protections and

are embraced as Sovereign as endowed by the Ineffable Essence of Creation known by many Names. I, as

the Crown Sovereign of this Kingdom, wear such a crown in service to all of Mankind. The Crown

Sovereign is a doorway through which all can walk into Life, out of the death grip of Babylon, out of the

Matrix of illusion. I stand for the cognizance and sanctity of the Sovereign Integrity of all Living Beings

and the races of Mankind, and I reject the notion that Sovereign Integrity belongs to just a few who wear

a crown or carry a scepter, only to feed off of the misery of the People of this World. This is a Kingdom

and a House in which all who enter their True Names1 into the Book of Life2 are recognized as Whole and

Complete, imbued with the Original Gift of Sovereign Integrity and Sovereign Free Will Choice. This is a

Kingdom of Ecumenical Universality that recognizes, embraces, and preserves the diversity of faith and

the expression of the myriad paths back to Unity.

This House encourages and supports the dissolution of the veils of illusion and separation that have been

indoctrinated into the People by the Machiavellian princes of darkness that have held sway over the minds

and hearts of Mankind throughout our long journey through the valley of darkness and death. It is time to

come out of the valley of death and to shed the illusions of polarity and separation. Now is the time to

By this Our Sovereign and Royal Prerogative, by Proclamation and Decree, let it be known to all that

within our Sanctuary of Peace We Honor and Preserve the unique identity of All Living Beings, and

establish an open door in Peace with all Nation States and All First Peoples and All People of this World,

that all may be so honored, respected, supported, and guided to establish Lives of Integrity and Respect,

Lives of Value and Honor; and further,

Our House is a House of Ecumenical inclusion, a House of Universal Peace, a House of Sanctuary as

foretold (Ezekiel 37:26): “Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an

everlasting covenant with them; and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my

sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore.” We recognize the Perfection of all Life in every race,

creed, and path to unity; We recognize every Living Being as an individuated expression of Higher

Principal and Sacred Principle, a unique life stream of expression of Source and Creation, and We Honor,

Respect, and Protect the absolute right of free moral agency, conscience, private belief, and expression of

faith that each chooses as their own life endowment, to be fully expressed by one’s Sovereign Free Will that

is sacrosanct and pure, that no man, woman, or manmade institution can abrogate or deny. We further

recognize every Living Being as unique as one of the myriad expressions of the infinitude of Life and

Divine Dispensation, and all are welcome who choose to enter this House of Peace, the Kingdom of David;

and further,

Most especially do We wish to provide the protections and support for women and children throughout the

world who have been subjected to abuse, deprivations, and enslavement. We hold as paramount the health

and well-being of women worldwide as these are the nurturers of the People, and the safety and security

of all children as Beneficiaries of the future. The House of David shall always have its doors open to those

who seek protection, and We shall provide such sanctuary for every woman and child against any form of

Accompanying this Proclamation and Decree is a simple Declaration of Sovereign Integrity and Mandate

of Non-Consent designed so that everyone who chooses to do so can memorialize their Statement of

Intention to Walk into Life within the Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities of this House and Kingdom.

It shall be one’s protection from all things and intended actions to which one does not consent; and further,

To All Nation States and Governments of This World, We come in Peace, with no other agenda than to

return Righteousness to this World, the Right Use of Will and Intent. Our Will, Purpose, and Intent is to

protect and preserve all of Life in this World. We come forth to protect the Life Force in Union and

Communion of all Beings and with all of Existence. To be clear, We do not presume jurisdictional

authority over your Nations or your people, but We do provide Our Protections and Immunities to All who

choose to walk into Life and enter their True Names1 into the Book of Life2 that We have established for

all to so enter; and be it further known, that We have established our Ecclesiastical Court and the Court of

the Ekklesia (the Court of the People), to return the Law of the Land to the People and to return to the

highest station therein the Right Use of Universal Law and Equity for the True Beneficiaries of this World

who are those now living and all future generations to come; and further,

We have instituted Our Ecclesiastical Court and the Combined Courts therein, with paramount emphasis

on the Court of the Ekklesia, pursuant to the time-honored and universally accepted Maxims of Equity,

upon which We have written Our Law. We provide the Sanctuary of the Court of the Ekklesia for the People

of this World. It is the Court of the Living Congregation, the Living Body of the Christos, now wed with

the Sanctified Body of this Earth, the merger of Spirit and Soil, so let it be known hereby that We, the

People, are the Living Flesh, the Whole Body of Life, and it is now our time and this is Our World. Those

who will not align with this Proclamation, for Life will find themselves unable to live and thrive in the world

of Peace and Plenitude We are creating; and further,

Immunities of the Kingdom of David to all who choose Life, inclusive of the Natural Order and the plant

and animal kingdoms. It is My Will, Purpose, and Intent to secure the Land for the People and to return

the Land, Air, Rivers, Oceans, and Seas to their original pristine condition, and thereby that we all

together, working as a unified Mankind, return this Earth to Her proper status and standing amongst the

stars as a domain of peace, purity, and plenitude. To this purpose, this is My Proclamation issued on this

the Fifteenth Day of the First Month in the Common Era Year Two Thousand Twenty One to mark the

tenth anniversary of the reinstitution of the Kingdom of David; and further,

With this Proclamation and within the Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities of the Kingdom of David, by

My Absolute Prerogative, I do hereby establish henceforward the paramount Cognizance of the Sovereign

Integrity of every Living Man, Woman, and Child, each as a Living Being who by their Sovereign Free Will

Choice and Volitional Act chooses to remove themselves from the Cult of Death that has held sway over

all of Life in this world for eons. This Cult of Death has been casting a spell of death, darkness, and

destruction over the pristine template of Life of this World for millennia. It has attempted to hijack the Gift

of Life that is the Divine Dispensation for All of Life on this Earth. The Kingdom of David stands for Life

(D’Vida) in service to all of Mankind and the Natural Order of this World.

By this Proclamation let it be known that this has been done and I herewith invite All into the Sanctuary,

Protections, and Immunities within the Kingdom of David so that together we can thrive and build a new

world that is best for all of Life. It is the intention of this House and Kingdom to support all who stand for

Life, so that Life everlasting shall be renewed and revivified on Earth and all who choose Life can be healed

and returned back to wholeness. We are at a moment in time when the choice is either Life or death; there

is no middle ground. It is a choice to heal ourselves and re-embody the original template of Life that has

been so distorted by the Cult of Death. With this Proclamation I offer everyone a place of refuge wherein

embrace each other in a celebration of Life within the Unity in Diversity and Diversity in Unity of All

People. This is a celebration of Union and Communion in Life, a celebration of the return of Peace to the

Lands and the Waters and the Skies of this World. Together we can heal our wounds and purify our homes

and sanctify our Lands once again. This is the True Birthright of every Living Being who chooses Life, and

to all who so choose, the Kingdom of David offers Sanctuary, Protections, Immunities, Nourishment,

Support, and the Resources to make this expressed intention a manifest reality in our lifetime; and further,

This Proclamation is especially directed to the First Peoples of this World, those who are the true stewards

of the Land of their forebears, who have been abused and slaughtered and driven to near extinction by the

Cult of Death. To you who are now and have always been the True Ones to whom this Earth was

entrusted, who have been mandated to preserve and protect the designated domains that you were driven

from by the scourge of darkness that you have perforce had to endure for centuries and longer, to you I offer

My Hand of Peace and Our Sanctuary of Protection. I offer you My humble expression of profound

solace and contrition for what you have had to succumb to for purposes of sheer survival of your People. I

offer you My Hand that in some small way We might assist you in healing the years and generations of

poverty and privation and darkness that your people have had to withstand and endure; and further,

It is my supreme desire that the House of David and the Kingdom thereof becomes the pathway for you,

the First Peoples, to lift the cloud of desperation you have had to bear with the thoughts that you might fail

to fulfill your covenant of stewardship with the Earth. With this Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign Integrity

We offer a place of Sanctuary and Protection that all First Peoples may utilize to renew their Lands and

heal their People, to renew thereby a place where the People, without subjugation, will stand on the Land

as equals with this House and with all others who choose the path of Peace. This is a House without

hierarchy, without denominational separation, a House of Mutual Cognizance within the Sovereign

mutilation perpetuated under any guise and under any rationale. This includes the absolute prohibition of

non-consensual mutilation of children for purported religious reasons, any forced or coerced medical

intervention of vaccination, whether by injection or other means, the forced or coerced use of drugs or

surgeries, and against any treatment contrary to the paramount wishes of the parents. Concurrent with

such protections, We hold as the highest right of all Living Beings the preservation of the freedom to

choose therapies for any and all purposes and of any kind, free from the onerous and restrictive mandates

of false institutions or governments who do not have the best interests of Mankind in their hearts but only

the dictates of absolute greed in their minds; and further,

Every Living Being in this World has the absolute Right of Self-Determination over matters of their own

bodies and that of their children. This is inclusive of the self-directed power to claim their Soul in Freedom

Absolute without the intrusive machinations of corporations, governments, religious institutions, and all

other manmade agencies that are subordinate and inferior to the Kingdom of Life. It is by and through this

Royal Prerogative that a place of sanctuary for All Souls and All Living Beings is established. We recognize

that each Living Being is a unique singularity, an embodiment and individuated expression of the Eternal

Presence of Divine Creation. Therefore, to all who present the herewith attached Mandate of

Non-Consent and Declaration of Peace and Sovereign Integrity to the Archival Records of the Court of the

Ekklesia, the Kingdom of David shall provide Sanctuary, Protections, Immunities, and the Preservation of

the sanctity and inviolate integrity of each Embodied Living Soul with which every Man and Woman and

Child is imbued; and further,

Pursuant to All who do so shall be entered into D’Vida Private Society and D'Vida Private Contract Association

and its Membership Body of the Ekklesia and shall have a Sacred Trust established to protect equitable

interests and beneficial rights that shall ensue therein over the course of time; and finally,

The Declaration of Independence that was expressed as a Universal Proclamation for all of Mankind on

July 4, 1776, enshrined the principle of Universal Law that government and all sub-divisions and

instrumentalities thereof can only remain in existence by the consent of the governed. Therefore, in the

herein annexed Individual Declaration of Peace and Sovereign Integrity, every Man, Woman, and Child

is provided with the means to state his or her declaration of Non-Consent as a binding mandate on the

governments and offices of this world, pursuant to any intention one may have to not consent to forced or

coerced mandates that are not in alignment with one’s will. All who choose to utilize this instrument are the

Living Beings who have chosen to set themselves apart and remove themselves from the Babylonian matrix

of death and lies and manipulation.

These are the People of the Living Body on this Earth who can choose to come into the Sanctuary of the

Kingdom of David, the Kingdom of Life, a Sanctuary of Peace and Prosperity, and be protected therein.

Neither shall any man or woman, nor manmade institution, have any authority to pierce the Protections

and Immunities Inviolate that I have established for all who walk this Earth, now and forever, who have

accepted My offer of Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities. Any and all who accept My offer will thereby

demonstrate that they have so declared and caused such declarations to be recorded in Our Permanent

Archival Record system of The Ecclesiastical Court for the Kingdom of David and the Court of the Ekklesia. Said

Declaration of Independence declared that it is the right and it is the sacred duty for all Men and Women

to remove the shackles of government that have become inimical to the principles of Life and Liberty.

These very principles are established as the foundation of the Kingdom of David for the benefit of all who

choose Life so that they may enter here and find sanctuary and solace for themselves, their families, their

communities, and whatever social and political compact with which they choose to align pursuant to the

Universal Right of Self-Determination; and further,

we can work together and be protected so that all who so choose Life may eschew the illusions of darkness

and death. The time is now so that each and every one who so chooses shall stand in radiance and the

fullness of expression embodied in this World, with free standing on the Land of the Living, unfettered by

the false illusions of bondage that have held this World hostage for far too long; and further,

Let this Proclamation be spread far and wide, throughout all the Lands, to all the Peoples, resounding in all

the Hearts and Souls of all who have yearned for freedom, who have cried out for release from the ligatures

that have bound the lives and bodies and families and Nations of Man. Let it be known to those still

wrapped in darkness and confusion, to those seeking answers and solutions to what appears to many,

perhaps most, the insoluble confoundment of these Last Days, that the time for healing and resolution has

come. Let it be known that such answers and solutions are ready to be revealed and implemented and that

this Kingdom will be a leader in the transition from death to Life. Indeed, these are the Last Days foretold,

but not the end of this World, this World that is a jewel amongst the Heavens in the Crown of Creation,

but rather these are the Last Days of a false reality that portended an ending of choice, a termination of

the sanctity of Life and the purity of Innocence, intending that all would be seduced into a choice of evil

by positing that we only have the choice of a lesser evil, a false dichotomy that nevertheless only provides a

choice of evil. Now We move forthwith to seal the door wherein such evil dwells forever and send it on its

way out of this World to its own self-fated destination, never again to sully the Sanctity and Purity of Life

in this World. I offer My Hand and My Heart to All who choose Life and can now find sanctuary in this

House of Peace and Sovereign Integrity, for this is what the House of David and the Kingdom of David have

been established to provide for all who seek sanctuary therein; and further,

The Kingdom of David is a Kingdom on this Earth like no other, for it is one that leaves behind the concepts

and constructions of hierarchy, domination, control, separation, and polarity. It is a Kingdom in which all

Page 7 of 12

Integrity of All Living Beings, of All Peoples, and All Nations who choose to lay down the implements of

War and pick up the living hands of our brothers and sisters and to once again plant the seeds of renewal

and replenishment into the Land; and further,

To all who suffer under the onslaught of a presumptive world order that would poison your food and water,

that would put forth legal justifications to invade your homes and steal your children, to inject your bodies

with noxious toxins in the name of the false gods of institutionalized death, with the express intention to

bind your very essence and the genetic integrity of your cells with an electronic invasion to commit you to

their intended perpetual bondage of debt and death enslavement, to you We offer this covenant of

protection that you may secure your homes, your bodies, your families, and your communities. To all who

know in their hearts that such imperatives are not for the health and well-being of your families but are, in

fact, an attempt to claim your children as monetized commodities for their self-serving and evil designs, to

all of you who have sought protections therefrom, I, His Majesty David Joel, do herewith issue this

Proclamation as an instrument of liberation, a documentary decree for Protections and Immunities that

any and all can use to protect and preserve the integrity of their flesh and souls and that of their families.

To that purpose let it hereby be known that any and all Agents or Officers of the Public to whom this

Proclamation is presented, must absolutely stand down and desist from their attempts to use presumptive

authority to force acts against the will of My People. Any attempt by any public actors, agents or Officers

of the Public, to force such upon you who use this document, (including but not limited to,) by vaccination,

by genetically modified foods that defile the original template of Life, or by electro-magnetic fields that are

devised to invade you to the core of your sacred living estate (the flesh, blood, bones, and DNA of your

body), must cease and desist immediately upon presentment of this Proclamation and accompanying

personal Mandate; and further,

In matters of Personal Belief and Private Conscience, We embrace all Paths and all Faiths in this

Ecumenical, Universal, Non-Denominational, and Non-Hierarchical House of Life and Peace and We

exclude none except for those who espouse violence and war and destruction in any manner or kind, as We

set forth a New Law that proclaims:

The Royal House of David

Royal Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign IntegrityHis Majesty David Joel

Greetings to All to Whom These Presents Shall Come, to Planet Earth and all inhabitants thereof,

to all levels of existence throughout the Cosmos, to the local and galactic realms and beyond, to all to

whom these Presents do, shall, or will pertain. I am David Joel of the House of Weems, formerly Wemyss,

originally the Ancient House of David. I come forth as His Majesty David Joel with this Proclamation as the

Crown Sovereign of the Kingdom of David, a Kingdom that I Proclaimed and reinstituted on the day commonly

known as the Fifteenth Day of the First Month in the Common Era Year Two Thousand Eleven – a point

of reference designation but not attached or in any way aligned to false Roman time – an Act done by My

Sovereign Prerogative holding the authority of the House of David established by the historical King David

and the ensuing one hundred twenty-four successive generations.

I stand today in My Sovereign Capacity as the current living embodiment of an unbroken genetic lineal

descendancy as foretold and now fulfilled. My fully documented linage includes the first Kings of Ireland,

Scotland, Argyle, many Royal personages of England, and onward to North America as the First Baron of

Nova Scotia. I, His Majesty David Joel, by this Proclamation, do hereby make it known that the Kingdom of

David has been reinstituted by My Sovereign Prerogative as a Sanctuary of Ever Present Peace, to fulfill the

historical mandate of the Ancient House of David. By My Sovereign Prerogative the Kingdom has been

established to usher in a new Era of Peace and Prosperity for all of Mankind – for every Man, Woman, and

Child – and for all who wish to choose Life over death and for those who wish to do so within the Sanctuary,

Protections, and Immunities of this House and Kingdom. This document provides the Protections and

are embraced as Sovereign as endowed by the Ineffable Essence of Creation known by many Names. I, as

the Crown Sovereign of this Kingdom, wear such a crown in service to all of Mankind. The Crown

Sovereign is a doorway through which all can walk into Life, out of the death grip of Babylon, out of the

Matrix of illusion. I stand for the cognizance and sanctity of the Sovereign Integrity of all Living Beings

and the races of Mankind, and I reject the notion that Sovereign Integrity belongs to just a few who wear

a crown or carry a scepter, only to feed off of the misery of the People of this World. This is a Kingdom

and a House in which all who enter their True Names1 into the Book of Life2 are recognized as Whole and

Complete, imbued with the Original Gift of Sovereign Integrity and Sovereign Free Will Choice. This is a

Kingdom of Ecumenical Universality that recognizes, embraces, and preserves the diversity of faith and

the expression of the myriad paths back to Unity.

This House encourages and supports the dissolution of the veils of illusion and separation that have been

indoctrinated into the People by the Machiavellian princes of darkness that have held sway over the minds

and hearts of Mankind throughout our long journey through the valley of darkness and death. It is time to

come out of the valley of death and to shed the illusions of polarity and separation. Now is the time to

By this Our Sovereign and Royal Prerogative, by Proclamation and Decree, let it be known to all that

within our Sanctuary of Peace We Honor and Preserve the unique identity of All Living Beings, and

establish an open door in Peace with all Nation States and All First Peoples and All People of this World,

that all may be so honored, respected, supported, and guided to establish Lives of Integrity and Respect,

Lives of Value and Honor; and further,

Our House is a House of Ecumenical inclusion, a House of Universal Peace, a House of Sanctuary as

foretold (Ezekiel 37:26): “Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an

everlasting covenant with them; and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my

sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore.” We recognize the Perfection of all Life in every race,

creed, and path to unity; We recognize every Living Being as an individuated expression of Higher

Principal and Sacred Principle, a unique life stream of expression of Source and Creation, and We Honor,

Respect, and Protect the absolute right of free moral agency, conscience, private belief, and expression of

faith that each chooses as their own life endowment, to be fully expressed by one’s Sovereign Free Will that

is sacrosanct and pure, that no man, woman, or manmade institution can abrogate or deny. We further

recognize every Living Being as unique as one of the myriad expressions of the infinitude of Life and

Divine Dispensation, and all are welcome who choose to enter this House of Peace, the Kingdom of David;

and further,

Most especially do We wish to provide the protections and support for women and children throughout the

world who have been subjected to abuse, deprivations, and enslavement. We hold as paramount the health

and well-being of women worldwide as these are the nurturers of the People, and the safety and security

of all children as Beneficiaries of the future. The House of David shall always have its doors open to those

who seek protection, and We shall provide such sanctuary for every woman and child against any form of

Accompanying this Proclamation and Decree is a simple Declaration of Sovereign Integrity and Mandate

of Non-Consent designed so that everyone who chooses to do so can memorialize their Statement of

Intention to Walk into Life within the Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities of this House and Kingdom.

It shall be one’s protection from all things and intended actions to which one does not consent; and further,

To All Nation States and Governments of This World, We come in Peace, with no other agenda than to

return Righteousness to this World, the Right Use of Will and Intent. Our Will, Purpose, and Intent is to

protect and preserve all of Life in this World. We come forth to protect the Life Force in Union and

Communion of all Beings and with all of Existence. To be clear, We do not presume jurisdictional

authority over your Nations or your people, but We do provide Our Protections and Immunities to All who

choose to walk into Life and enter their True Names1 into the Book of Life2 that We have established for

all to so enter; and be it further known, that We have established our Ecclesiastical Court and the Court of

the Ekklesia (the Court of the People), to return the Law of the Land to the People and to return to the

highest station therein the Right Use of Universal Law and Equity for the True Beneficiaries of this World

who are those now living and all future generations to come; and further,

We have instituted Our Ecclesiastical Court and the Combined Courts therein, with paramount emphasis

on the Court of the Ekklesia, pursuant to the time-honored and universally accepted Maxims of Equity,

upon which We have written Our Law. We provide the Sanctuary of the Court of the Ekklesia for the People

of this World. It is the Court of the Living Congregation, the Living Body of the Christos, now wed with

the Sanctified Body of this Earth, the merger of Spirit and Soil, so let it be known hereby that We, the

People, are the Living Flesh, the Whole Body of Life, and it is now our time and this is Our World. Those

who will not align with this Proclamation, for Life will find themselves unable to live and thrive in the world

of Peace and Plenitude We are creating; and further,

Page 8 of 12

Immunities of the Kingdom of David to all who choose Life, inclusive of the Natural Order and the plant

and animal kingdoms. It is My Will, Purpose, and Intent to secure the Land for the People and to return

the Land, Air, Rivers, Oceans, and Seas to their original pristine condition, and thereby that we all

together, working as a unified Mankind, return this Earth to Her proper status and standing amongst the

stars as a domain of peace, purity, and plenitude. To this purpose, this is My Proclamation issued on this

the Fifteenth Day of the First Month in the Common Era Year Two Thousand Twenty One to mark the

tenth anniversary of the reinstitution of the Kingdom of David; and further,

With this Proclamation and within the Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities of the Kingdom of David, by

My Absolute Prerogative, I do hereby establish henceforward the paramount Cognizance of the Sovereign

Integrity of every Living Man, Woman, and Child, each as a Living Being who by their Sovereign Free Will

Choice and Volitional Act chooses to remove themselves from the Cult of Death that has held sway over

all of Life in this world for eons. This Cult of Death has been casting a spell of death, darkness, and

destruction over the pristine template of Life of this World for millennia. It has attempted to hijack the Gift

of Life that is the Divine Dispensation for All of Life on this Earth. The Kingdom of David stands for Life

(D’Vida) in service to all of Mankind and the Natural Order of this World.

By this Proclamation let it be known that this has been done and I herewith invite All into the Sanctuary,

Protections, and Immunities within the Kingdom of David so that together we can thrive and build a new

world that is best for all of Life. It is the intention of this House and Kingdom to support all who stand for

Life, so that Life everlasting shall be renewed and revivified on Earth and all who choose Life can be healed

and returned back to wholeness. We are at a moment in time when the choice is either Life or death; there

is no middle ground. It is a choice to heal ourselves and re-embody the original template of Life that has

been so distorted by the Cult of Death. With this Proclamation I offer everyone a place of refuge wherein

embrace each other in a celebration of Life within the Unity in Diversity and Diversity in Unity of All

People. This is a celebration of Union and Communion in Life, a celebration of the return of Peace to the

Lands and the Waters and the Skies of this World. Together we can heal our wounds and purify our homes

and sanctify our Lands once again. This is the True Birthright of every Living Being who chooses Life, and

to all who so choose, the Kingdom of David offers Sanctuary, Protections, Immunities, Nourishment,

Support, and the Resources to make this expressed intention a manifest reality in our lifetime; and further,

This Proclamation is especially directed to the First Peoples of this World, those who are the true stewards

of the Land of their forebears, who have been abused and slaughtered and driven to near extinction by the

Cult of Death. To you who are now and have always been the True Ones to whom this Earth was

entrusted, who have been mandated to preserve and protect the designated domains that you were driven

from by the scourge of darkness that you have perforce had to endure for centuries and longer, to you I offer

My Hand of Peace and Our Sanctuary of Protection. I offer you My humble expression of profound

solace and contrition for what you have had to succumb to for purposes of sheer survival of your People. I

offer you My Hand that in some small way We might assist you in healing the years and generations of

poverty and privation and darkness that your people have had to withstand and endure; and further,

It is my supreme desire that the House of David and the Kingdom thereof becomes the pathway for you,

the First Peoples, to lift the cloud of desperation you have had to bear with the thoughts that you might fail

to fulfill your covenant of stewardship with the Earth. With this Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign Integrity

We offer a place of Sanctuary and Protection that all First Peoples may utilize to renew their Lands and

heal their People, to renew thereby a place where the People, without subjugation, will stand on the Land

as equals with this House and with all others who choose the path of Peace. This is a House without

hierarchy, without denominational separation, a House of Mutual Cognizance within the Sovereign

mutilation perpetuated under any guise and under any rationale. This includes the absolute prohibition of

non-consensual mutilation of children for purported religious reasons, any forced or coerced medical

intervention of vaccination, whether by injection or other means, the forced or coerced use of drugs or

surgeries, and against any treatment contrary to the paramount wishes of the parents. Concurrent with

such protections, We hold as the highest right of all Living Beings the preservation of the freedom to

choose therapies for any and all purposes and of any kind, free from the onerous and restrictive mandates

of false institutions or governments who do not have the best interests of Mankind in their hearts but only

the dictates of absolute greed in their minds; and further,

Every Living Being in this World has the absolute Right of Self-Determination over matters of their own

bodies and that of their children. This is inclusive of the self-directed power to claim their Soul in Freedom

Absolute without the intrusive machinations of corporations, governments, religious institutions, and all

other manmade agencies that are subordinate and inferior to the Kingdom of Life. It is by and through this

Royal Prerogative that a place of sanctuary for All Souls and All Living Beings is established. We recognize

that each Living Being is a unique singularity, an embodiment and individuated expression of the Eternal

Presence of Divine Creation. Therefore, to all who present the herewith attached Mandate of

Non-Consent and Declaration of Peace and Sovereign Integrity to the Archival Records of the Court of the

Ekklesia, the Kingdom of David shall provide Sanctuary, Protections, Immunities, and the Preservation of

the sanctity and inviolate integrity of each Embodied Living Soul with which every Man and Woman and

Child is imbued; and further,

Pursuant to All who do so shall be entered into D’Vida Private Society and D'Vida Private Contract Association

and its Membership Body of the Ekklesia and shall have a Sacred Trust established to protect equitable

interests and beneficial rights that shall ensue therein over the course of time; and finally,

The Declaration of Independence that was expressed as a Universal Proclamation for all of Mankind on

July 4, 1776, enshrined the principle of Universal Law that government and all sub-divisions and

instrumentalities thereof can only remain in existence by the consent of the governed. Therefore, in the

herein annexed Individual Declaration of Peace and Sovereign Integrity, every Man, Woman, and Child

is provided with the means to state his or her declaration of Non-Consent as a binding mandate on the

governments and offices of this world, pursuant to any intention one may have to not consent to forced or

coerced mandates that are not in alignment with one’s will. All who choose to utilize this instrument are the

Living Beings who have chosen to set themselves apart and remove themselves from the Babylonian matrix

of death and lies and manipulation.

These are the People of the Living Body on this Earth who can choose to come into the Sanctuary of the

Kingdom of David, the Kingdom of Life, a Sanctuary of Peace and Prosperity, and be protected therein.

Neither shall any man or woman, nor manmade institution, have any authority to pierce the Protections

and Immunities Inviolate that I have established for all who walk this Earth, now and forever, who have

accepted My offer of Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities. Any and all who accept My offer will thereby

demonstrate that they have so declared and caused such declarations to be recorded in Our Permanent

Archival Record system of The Ecclesiastical Court for the Kingdom of David and the Court of the Ekklesia. Said

Declaration of Independence declared that it is the right and it is the sacred duty for all Men and Women

to remove the shackles of government that have become inimical to the principles of Life and Liberty.

These very principles are established as the foundation of the Kingdom of David for the benefit of all who

choose Life so that they may enter here and find sanctuary and solace for themselves, their families, their

communities, and whatever social and political compact with which they choose to align pursuant to the

Universal Right of Self-Determination; and further,

we can work together and be protected so that all who so choose Life may eschew the illusions of darkness

and death. The time is now so that each and every one who so chooses shall stand in radiance and the

fullness of expression embodied in this World, with free standing on the Land of the Living, unfettered by

the false illusions of bondage that have held this World hostage for far too long; and further,

Let this Proclamation be spread far and wide, throughout all the Lands, to all the Peoples, resounding in all

the Hearts and Souls of all who have yearned for freedom, who have cried out for release from the ligatures

that have bound the lives and bodies and families and Nations of Man. Let it be known to those still

wrapped in darkness and confusion, to those seeking answers and solutions to what appears to many,

perhaps most, the insoluble confoundment of these Last Days, that the time for healing and resolution has

come. Let it be known that such answers and solutions are ready to be revealed and implemented and that

this Kingdom will be a leader in the transition from death to Life. Indeed, these are the Last Days foretold,

but not the end of this World, this World that is a jewel amongst the Heavens in the Crown of Creation,

but rather these are the Last Days of a false reality that portended an ending of choice, a termination of

the sanctity of Life and the purity of Innocence, intending that all would be seduced into a choice of evil

by positing that we only have the choice of a lesser evil, a false dichotomy that nevertheless only provides a

choice of evil. Now We move forthwith to seal the door wherein such evil dwells forever and send it on its

way out of this World to its own self-fated destination, never again to sully the Sanctity and Purity of Life

in this World. I offer My Hand and My Heart to All who choose Life and can now find sanctuary in this

House of Peace and Sovereign Integrity, for this is what the House of David and the Kingdom of David have

been established to provide for all who seek sanctuary therein; and further,

The Kingdom of David is a Kingdom on this Earth like no other, for it is one that leaves behind the concepts

and constructions of hierarchy, domination, control, separation, and polarity. It is a Kingdom in which all

Integrity of All Living Beings, of All Peoples, and All Nations who choose to lay down the implements of

War and pick up the living hands of our brothers and sisters and to once again plant the seeds of renewal

and replenishment into the Land; and further,

To all who suffer under the onslaught of a presumptive world order that would poison your food and water,

that would put forth legal justifications to invade your homes and steal your children, to inject your bodies

with noxious toxins in the name of the false gods of institutionalized death, with the express intention to

bind your very essence and the genetic integrity of your cells with an electronic invasion to commit you to

their intended perpetual bondage of debt and death enslavement, to you We offer this covenant of

protection that you may secure your homes, your bodies, your families, and your communities. To all who

know in their hearts that such imperatives are not for the health and well-being of your families but are, in

fact, an attempt to claim your children as monetized commodities for their self-serving and evil designs, to

all of you who have sought protections therefrom, I, His Majesty David Joel, do herewith issue this

Proclamation as an instrument of liberation, a documentary decree for Protections and Immunities that

any and all can use to protect and preserve the integrity of their flesh and souls and that of their families.

To that purpose let it hereby be known that any and all Agents or Officers of the Public to whom this

Proclamation is presented, must absolutely stand down and desist from their attempts to use presumptive

authority to force acts against the will of My People. Any attempt by any public actors, agents or Officers

of the Public, to force such upon you who use this document, (including but not limited to,) by vaccination,

by genetically modified foods that defile the original template of Life, or by electro-magnetic fields that are

devised to invade you to the core of your sacred living estate (the flesh, blood, bones, and DNA of your

body), must cease and desist immediately upon presentment of this Proclamation and accompanying

personal Mandate; and further,

In matters of Personal Belief and Private Conscience, We embrace all Paths and all Faiths in this

Ecumenical, Universal, Non-Denominational, and Non-Hierarchical House of Life and Peace and We

exclude none except for those who espouse violence and war and destruction in any manner or kind, as We

set forth a New Law that proclaims:

The Royal House of David

Royal Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign IntegrityHis Majesty David Joel

Greetings to All to Whom These Presents Shall Come, to Planet Earth and all inhabitants thereof,

to all levels of existence throughout the Cosmos, to the local and galactic realms and beyond, to all to

whom these Presents do, shall, or will pertain. I am David Joel of the House of Weems, formerly Wemyss,

originally the Ancient House of David. I come forth as His Majesty David Joel with this Proclamation as the

Crown Sovereign of the Kingdom of David, a Kingdom that I Proclaimed and reinstituted on the day commonly

known as the Fifteenth Day of the First Month in the Common Era Year Two Thousand Eleven – a point

of reference designation but not attached or in any way aligned to false Roman time – an Act done by My

Sovereign Prerogative holding the authority of the House of David established by the historical King David

and the ensuing one hundred twenty-four successive generations.

I stand today in My Sovereign Capacity as the current living embodiment of an unbroken genetic lineal

descendancy as foretold and now fulfilled. My fully documented linage includes the first Kings of Ireland,

Scotland, Argyle, many Royal personages of England, and onward to North America as the First Baron of

Nova Scotia. I, His Majesty David Joel, by this Proclamation, do hereby make it known that the Kingdom of

David has been reinstituted by My Sovereign Prerogative as a Sanctuary of Ever Present Peace, to fulfill the

historical mandate of the Ancient House of David. By My Sovereign Prerogative the Kingdom has been

established to usher in a new Era of Peace and Prosperity for all of Mankind – for every Man, Woman, and

Child – and for all who wish to choose Life over death and for those who wish to do so within the Sanctuary,

Protections, and Immunities of this House and Kingdom. This document provides the Protections and

are embraced as Sovereign as endowed by the Ineffable Essence of Creation known by many Names. I, as

the Crown Sovereign of this Kingdom, wear such a crown in service to all of Mankind. The Crown

Sovereign is a doorway through which all can walk into Life, out of the death grip of Babylon, out of the

Matrix of illusion. I stand for the cognizance and sanctity of the Sovereign Integrity of all Living Beings

and the races of Mankind, and I reject the notion that Sovereign Integrity belongs to just a few who wear

a crown or carry a scepter, only to feed off of the misery of the People of this World. This is a Kingdom

and a House in which all who enter their True Names1 into the Book of Life2 are recognized as Whole and

Complete, imbued with the Original Gift of Sovereign Integrity and Sovereign Free Will Choice. This is a

Kingdom of Ecumenical Universality that recognizes, embraces, and preserves the diversity of faith and

the expression of the myriad paths back to Unity.

This House encourages and supports the dissolution of the veils of illusion and separation that have been

indoctrinated into the People by the Machiavellian princes of darkness that have held sway over the minds

and hearts of Mankind throughout our long journey through the valley of darkness and death. It is time to

come out of the valley of death and to shed the illusions of polarity and separation. Now is the time to

By this Our Sovereign and Royal Prerogative, by Proclamation and Decree, let it be known to all that

within our Sanctuary of Peace We Honor and Preserve the unique identity of All Living Beings, and

establish an open door in Peace with all Nation States and All First Peoples and All People of this World,

that all may be so honored, respected, supported, and guided to establish Lives of Integrity and Respect,

Lives of Value and Honor; and further,

Our House is a House of Ecumenical inclusion, a House of Universal Peace, a House of Sanctuary as

foretold (Ezekiel 37:26): “Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an

everlasting covenant with them; and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my

sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore.” We recognize the Perfection of all Life in every race,

creed, and path to unity; We recognize every Living Being as an individuated expression of Higher

Principal and Sacred Principle, a unique life stream of expression of Source and Creation, and We Honor,

Respect, and Protect the absolute right of free moral agency, conscience, private belief, and expression of

faith that each chooses as their own life endowment, to be fully expressed by one’s Sovereign Free Will that

is sacrosanct and pure, that no man, woman, or manmade institution can abrogate or deny. We further

recognize every Living Being as unique as one of the myriad expressions of the infinitude of Life and

Divine Dispensation, and all are welcome who choose to enter this House of Peace, the Kingdom of David;

and further,

Most especially do We wish to provide the protections and support for women and children throughout the

world who have been subjected to abuse, deprivations, and enslavement. We hold as paramount the health

and well-being of women worldwide as these are the nurturers of the People, and the safety and security

of all children as Beneficiaries of the future. The House of David shall always have its doors open to those

who seek protection, and We shall provide such sanctuary for every woman and child against any form of

Accompanying this Proclamation and Decree is a simple Declaration of Sovereign Integrity and Mandate

of Non-Consent designed so that everyone who chooses to do so can memorialize their Statement of

Intention to Walk into Life within the Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities of this House and Kingdom.

It shall be one’s protection from all things and intended actions to which one does not consent; and further,

To All Nation States and Governments of This World, We come in Peace, with no other agenda than to

return Righteousness to this World, the Right Use of Will and Intent. Our Will, Purpose, and Intent is to

protect and preserve all of Life in this World. We come forth to protect the Life Force in Union and

Communion of all Beings and with all of Existence. To be clear, We do not presume jurisdictional

authority over your Nations or your people, but We do provide Our Protections and Immunities to All who

choose to walk into Life and enter their True Names1 into the Book of Life2 that We have established for

all to so enter; and be it further known, that We have established our Ecclesiastical Court and the Court of

the Ekklesia (the Court of the People), to return the Law of the Land to the People and to return to the

highest station therein the Right Use of Universal Law and Equity for the True Beneficiaries of this World

who are those now living and all future generations to come; and further,

We have instituted Our Ecclesiastical Court and the Combined Courts therein, with paramount emphasis

on the Court of the Ekklesia, pursuant to the time-honored and universally accepted Maxims of Equity,

upon which We have written Our Law. We provide the Sanctuary of the Court of the Ekklesia for the People

of this World. It is the Court of the Living Congregation, the Living Body of the Christos, now wed with

the Sanctified Body of this Earth, the merger of Spirit and Soil, so let it be known hereby that We, the

People, are the Living Flesh, the Whole Body of Life, and it is now our time and this is Our World. Those

who will not align with this Proclamation, for Life will find themselves unable to live and thrive in the world

of Peace and Plenitude We are creating; and further,

Immunities of the Kingdom of David to all who choose Life, inclusive of the Natural Order and the plant

and animal kingdoms. It is My Will, Purpose, and Intent to secure the Land for the People and to return

the Land, Air, Rivers, Oceans, and Seas to their original pristine condition, and thereby that we all

together, working as a unified Mankind, return this Earth to Her proper status and standing amongst the

stars as a domain of peace, purity, and plenitude. To this purpose, this is My Proclamation issued on this

the Fifteenth Day of the First Month in the Common Era Year Two Thousand Twenty One to mark the

tenth anniversary of the reinstitution of the Kingdom of David; and further,

With this Proclamation and within the Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities of the Kingdom of David, by

My Absolute Prerogative, I do hereby establish henceforward the paramount Cognizance of the Sovereign

Integrity of every Living Man, Woman, and Child, each as a Living Being who by their Sovereign Free Will

Choice and Volitional Act chooses to remove themselves from the Cult of Death that has held sway over

all of Life in this world for eons. This Cult of Death has been casting a spell of death, darkness, and

destruction over the pristine template of Life of this World for millennia. It has attempted to hijack the Gift

of Life that is the Divine Dispensation for All of Life on this Earth. The Kingdom of David stands for Life

(D’Vida) in service to all of Mankind and the Natural Order of this World.

By this Proclamation let it be known that this has been done and I herewith invite All into the Sanctuary,

Protections, and Immunities within the Kingdom of David so that together we can thrive and build a new

world that is best for all of Life. It is the intention of this House and Kingdom to support all who stand for

Life, so that Life everlasting shall be renewed and revivified on Earth and all who choose Life can be healed

and returned back to wholeness. We are at a moment in time when the choice is either Life or death; there

is no middle ground. It is a choice to heal ourselves and re-embody the original template of Life that has

been so distorted by the Cult of Death. With this Proclamation I offer everyone a place of refuge wherein

embrace each other in a celebration of Life within the Unity in Diversity and Diversity in Unity of All

People. This is a celebration of Union and Communion in Life, a celebration of the return of Peace to the

Lands and the Waters and the Skies of this World. Together we can heal our wounds and purify our homes

and sanctify our Lands once again. This is the True Birthright of every Living Being who chooses Life, and

to all who so choose, the Kingdom of David offers Sanctuary, Protections, Immunities, Nourishment,

Support, and the Resources to make this expressed intention a manifest reality in our lifetime; and further,

This Proclamation is especially directed to the First Peoples of this World, those who are the true stewards

of the Land of their forebears, who have been abused and slaughtered and driven to near extinction by the

Cult of Death. To you who are now and have always been the True Ones to whom this Earth was

entrusted, who have been mandated to preserve and protect the designated domains that you were driven

from by the scourge of darkness that you have perforce had to endure for centuries and longer, to you I offer

My Hand of Peace and Our Sanctuary of Protection. I offer you My humble expression of profound

solace and contrition for what you have had to succumb to for purposes of sheer survival of your People. I

offer you My Hand that in some small way We might assist you in healing the years and generations of

poverty and privation and darkness that your people have had to withstand and endure; and further,

It is my supreme desire that the House of David and the Kingdom thereof becomes the pathway for you,

the First Peoples, to lift the cloud of desperation you have had to bear with the thoughts that you might fail

to fulfill your covenant of stewardship with the Earth. With this Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign Integrity

We offer a place of Sanctuary and Protection that all First Peoples may utilize to renew their Lands and

heal their People, to renew thereby a place where the People, without subjugation, will stand on the Land

as equals with this House and with all others who choose the path of Peace. This is a House without

hierarchy, without denominational separation, a House of Mutual Cognizance within the Sovereign

mutilation perpetuated under any guise and under any rationale. This includes the absolute prohibition of

non-consensual mutilation of children for purported religious reasons, any forced or coerced medical

intervention of vaccination, whether by injection or other means, the forced or coerced use of drugs or

surgeries, and against any treatment contrary to the paramount wishes of the parents. Concurrent with

such protections, We hold as the highest right of all Living Beings the preservation of the freedom to

choose therapies for any and all purposes and of any kind, free from the onerous and restrictive mandates

of false institutions or governments who do not have the best interests of Mankind in their hearts but only

the dictates of absolute greed in their minds; and further,

Every Living Being in this World has the absolute Right of Self-Determination over matters of their own

bodies and that of their children. This is inclusive of the self-directed power to claim their Soul in Freedom

Absolute without the intrusive machinations of corporations, governments, religious institutions, and all

other manmade agencies that are subordinate and inferior to the Kingdom of Life. It is by and through this

Royal Prerogative that a place of sanctuary for All Souls and All Living Beings is established. We recognize

that each Living Being is a unique singularity, an embodiment and individuated expression of the Eternal

Presence of Divine Creation. Therefore, to all who present the herewith attached Mandate of

Non-Consent and Declaration of Peace and Sovereign Integrity to the Archival Records of the Court of the

Ekklesia, the Kingdom of David shall provide Sanctuary, Protections, Immunities, and the Preservation of

the sanctity and inviolate integrity of each Embodied Living Soul with which every Man and Woman and

Child is imbued; and further,

Pursuant to All who do so shall be entered into D’Vida Private Society and D'Vida Private Contract Association

and its Membership Body of the Ekklesia and shall have a Sacred Trust established to protect equitable

interests and beneficial rights that shall ensue therein over the course of time; and finally,

Page 9 of 12

The Declaration of Independence that was expressed as a Universal Proclamation for all of Mankind on

July 4, 1776, enshrined the principle of Universal Law that government and all sub-divisions and

instrumentalities thereof can only remain in existence by the consent of the governed. Therefore, in the

herein annexed Individual Declaration of Peace and Sovereign Integrity, every Man, Woman, and Child

is provided with the means to state his or her declaration of Non-Consent as a binding mandate on the

governments and offices of this world, pursuant to any intention one may have to not consent to forced or

coerced mandates that are not in alignment with one’s will. All who choose to utilize this instrument are the

Living Beings who have chosen to set themselves apart and remove themselves from the Babylonian matrix

of death and lies and manipulation.

These are the People of the Living Body on this Earth who can choose to come into the Sanctuary of the

Kingdom of David, the Kingdom of Life, a Sanctuary of Peace and Prosperity, and be protected therein.

Neither shall any man or woman, nor manmade institution, have any authority to pierce the Protections

and Immunities Inviolate that I have established for all who walk this Earth, now and forever, who have

accepted My offer of Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities. Any and all who accept My offer will thereby

demonstrate that they have so declared and caused such declarations to be recorded in Our Permanent

Archival Record system of The Ecclesiastical Court for the Kingdom of David and the Court of the Ekklesia. Said

Declaration of Independence declared that it is the right and it is the sacred duty for all Men and Women

to remove the shackles of government that have become inimical to the principles of Life and Liberty.

These very principles are established as the foundation of the Kingdom of David for the benefit of all who

choose Life so that they may enter here and find sanctuary and solace for themselves, their families, their

communities, and whatever social and political compact with which they choose to align pursuant to the

Universal Right of Self-Determination; and further,

we can work together and be protected so that all who so choose Life may eschew the illusions of darkness

and death. The time is now so that each and every one who so chooses shall stand in radiance and the

fullness of expression embodied in this World, with free standing on the Land of the Living, unfettered by

the false illusions of bondage that have held this World hostage for far too long; and further,

Let this Proclamation be spread far and wide, throughout all the Lands, to all the Peoples, resounding in all

the Hearts and Souls of all who have yearned for freedom, who have cried out for release from the ligatures

that have bound the lives and bodies and families and Nations of Man. Let it be known to those still

wrapped in darkness and confusion, to those seeking answers and solutions to what appears to many,

perhaps most, the insoluble confoundment of these Last Days, that the time for healing and resolution has

come. Let it be known that such answers and solutions are ready to be revealed and implemented and that

this Kingdom will be a leader in the transition from death to Life. Indeed, these are the Last Days foretold,

but not the end of this World, this World that is a jewel amongst the Heavens in the Crown of Creation,

but rather these are the Last Days of a false reality that portended an ending of choice, a termination of

the sanctity of Life and the purity of Innocence, intending that all would be seduced into a choice of evil

by positing that we only have the choice of a lesser evil, a false dichotomy that nevertheless only provides a

choice of evil. Now We move forthwith to seal the door wherein such evil dwells forever and send it on its

way out of this World to its own self-fated destination, never again to sully the Sanctity and Purity of Life

in this World. I offer My Hand and My Heart to All who choose Life and can now find sanctuary in this

House of Peace and Sovereign Integrity, for this is what the House of David and the Kingdom of David have

been established to provide for all who seek sanctuary therein; and further,

The Kingdom of David is a Kingdom on this Earth like no other, for it is one that leaves behind the concepts

and constructions of hierarchy, domination, control, separation, and polarity. It is a Kingdom in which all

Integrity of All Living Beings, of All Peoples, and All Nations who choose to lay down the implements of

War and pick up the living hands of our brothers and sisters and to once again plant the seeds of renewal

and replenishment into the Land; and further,

To all who suffer under the onslaught of a presumptive world order that would poison your food and water,

that would put forth legal justifications to invade your homes and steal your children, to inject your bodies

with noxious toxins in the name of the false gods of institutionalized death, with the express intention to

bind your very essence and the genetic integrity of your cells with an electronic invasion to commit you to

their intended perpetual bondage of debt and death enslavement, to you We offer this covenant of

protection that you may secure your homes, your bodies, your families, and your communities. To all who

know in their hearts that such imperatives are not for the health and well-being of your families but are, in

fact, an attempt to claim your children as monetized commodities for their self-serving and evil designs, to

all of you who have sought protections therefrom, I, His Majesty David Joel, do herewith issue this

Proclamation as an instrument of liberation, a documentary decree for Protections and Immunities that

any and all can use to protect and preserve the integrity of their flesh and souls and that of their families.

To that purpose let it hereby be known that any and all Agents or Officers of the Public to whom this

Proclamation is presented, must absolutely stand down and desist from their attempts to use presumptive

authority to force acts against the will of My People. Any attempt by any public actors, agents or Officers

of the Public, to force such upon you who use this document, (including but not limited to,) by vaccination,

by genetically modified foods that defile the original template of Life, or by electro-magnetic fields that are

devised to invade you to the core of your sacred living estate (the flesh, blood, bones, and DNA of your

body), must cease and desist immediately upon presentment of this Proclamation and accompanying

personal Mandate; and further,

In matters of Personal Belief and Private Conscience, We embrace all Paths and all Faiths in this

Ecumenical, Universal, Non-Denominational, and Non-Hierarchical House of Life and Peace and We

exclude none except for those who espouse violence and war and destruction in any manner or kind, as We

set forth a New Law that proclaims:

The Royal House of David

Royal Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign IntegrityHis Majesty David Joel

Greetings to All to Whom These Presents Shall Come, to Planet Earth and all inhabitants thereof,

to all levels of existence throughout the Cosmos, to the local and galactic realms and beyond, to all to

whom these Presents do, shall, or will pertain. I am David Joel of the House of Weems, formerly Wemyss,

originally the Ancient House of David. I come forth as His Majesty David Joel with this Proclamation as the

Crown Sovereign of the Kingdom of David, a Kingdom that I Proclaimed and reinstituted on the day commonly

known as the Fifteenth Day of the First Month in the Common Era Year Two Thousand Eleven – a point

of reference designation but not attached or in any way aligned to false Roman time – an Act done by My

Sovereign Prerogative holding the authority of the House of David established by the historical King David

and the ensuing one hundred twenty-four successive generations.

I stand today in My Sovereign Capacity as the current living embodiment of an unbroken genetic lineal

descendancy as foretold and now fulfilled. My fully documented linage includes the first Kings of Ireland,

Scotland, Argyle, many Royal personages of England, and onward to North America as the First Baron of

Nova Scotia. I, His Majesty David Joel, by this Proclamation, do hereby make it known that the Kingdom of

David has been reinstituted by My Sovereign Prerogative as a Sanctuary of Ever Present Peace, to fulfill the

historical mandate of the Ancient House of David. By My Sovereign Prerogative the Kingdom has been

established to usher in a new Era of Peace and Prosperity for all of Mankind – for every Man, Woman, and

Child – and for all who wish to choose Life over death and for those who wish to do so within the Sanctuary,

Protections, and Immunities of this House and Kingdom. This document provides the Protections and

are embraced as Sovereign as endowed by the Ineffable Essence of Creation known by many Names. I, as

the Crown Sovereign of this Kingdom, wear such a crown in service to all of Mankind. The Crown

Sovereign is a doorway through which all can walk into Life, out of the death grip of Babylon, out of the

Matrix of illusion. I stand for the cognizance and sanctity of the Sovereign Integrity of all Living Beings

and the races of Mankind, and I reject the notion that Sovereign Integrity belongs to just a few who wear

a crown or carry a scepter, only to feed off of the misery of the People of this World. This is a Kingdom

and a House in which all who enter their True Names1 into the Book of Life2 are recognized as Whole and

Complete, imbued with the Original Gift of Sovereign Integrity and Sovereign Free Will Choice. This is a

Kingdom of Ecumenical Universality that recognizes, embraces, and preserves the diversity of faith and

the expression of the myriad paths back to Unity.

This House encourages and supports the dissolution of the veils of illusion and separation that have been

indoctrinated into the People by the Machiavellian princes of darkness that have held sway over the minds

and hearts of Mankind throughout our long journey through the valley of darkness and death. It is time to

come out of the valley of death and to shed the illusions of polarity and separation. Now is the time to

By this Our Sovereign and Royal Prerogative, by Proclamation and Decree, let it be known to all that

within our Sanctuary of Peace We Honor and Preserve the unique identity of All Living Beings, and

establish an open door in Peace with all Nation States and All First Peoples and All People of this World,

that all may be so honored, respected, supported, and guided to establish Lives of Integrity and Respect,

Lives of Value and Honor; and further,

Our House is a House of Ecumenical inclusion, a House of Universal Peace, a House of Sanctuary as

foretold (Ezekiel 37:26): “Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an

everlasting covenant with them; and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my

sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore.” We recognize the Perfection of all Life in every race,

creed, and path to unity; We recognize every Living Being as an individuated expression of Higher

Principal and Sacred Principle, a unique life stream of expression of Source and Creation, and We Honor,

Respect, and Protect the absolute right of free moral agency, conscience, private belief, and expression of

faith that each chooses as their own life endowment, to be fully expressed by one’s Sovereign Free Will that

is sacrosanct and pure, that no man, woman, or manmade institution can abrogate or deny. We further

recognize every Living Being as unique as one of the myriad expressions of the infinitude of Life and

Divine Dispensation, and all are welcome who choose to enter this House of Peace, the Kingdom of David;

and further,

Most especially do We wish to provide the protections and support for women and children throughout the

world who have been subjected to abuse, deprivations, and enslavement. We hold as paramount the health

and well-being of women worldwide as these are the nurturers of the People, and the safety and security

of all children as Beneficiaries of the future. The House of David shall always have its doors open to those

who seek protection, and We shall provide such sanctuary for every woman and child against any form of

Page 10 of 12

Accompanying this Proclamation and Decree is a simple Declaration of Sovereign Integrity and Mandate

of Non-Consent designed so that everyone who chooses to do so can memorialize their Statement of

Intention to Walk into Life within the Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities of this House and Kingdom.

It shall be one’s protection from all things and intended actions to which one does not consent; and further,

To All Nation States and Governments of This World, We come in Peace, with no other agenda than to

return Righteousness to this World, the Right Use of Will and Intent. Our Will, Purpose, and Intent is to

protect and preserve all of Life in this World. We come forth to protect the Life Force in Union and

Communion of all Beings and with all of Existence. To be clear, We do not presume jurisdictional

authority over your Nations or your people, but We do provide Our Protections and Immunities to All who

choose to walk into Life and enter their True Names1 into the Book of Life2 that We have established for

all to so enter; and be it further known, that We have established our Ecclesiastical Court and the Court of

the Ekklesia (the Court of the People), to return the Law of the Land to the People and to return to the

highest station therein the Right Use of Universal Law and Equity for the True Beneficiaries of this World

who are those now living and all future generations to come; and further,

We have instituted Our Ecclesiastical Court and the Combined Courts therein, with paramount emphasis

on the Court of the Ekklesia, pursuant to the time-honored and universally accepted Maxims of Equity,

upon which We have written Our Law. We provide the Sanctuary of the Court of the Ekklesia for the People

of this World. It is the Court of the Living Congregation, the Living Body of the Christos, now wed with

the Sanctified Body of this Earth, the merger of Spirit and Soil, so let it be known hereby that We, the

People, are the Living Flesh, the Whole Body of Life, and it is now our time and this is Our World. Those

who will not align with this Proclamation, for Life will find themselves unable to live and thrive in the world

of Peace and Plenitude We are creating; and further,

Immunities of the Kingdom of David to all who choose Life, inclusive of the Natural Order and the plant

and animal kingdoms. It is My Will, Purpose, and Intent to secure the Land for the People and to return

the Land, Air, Rivers, Oceans, and Seas to their original pristine condition, and thereby that we all

together, working as a unified Mankind, return this Earth to Her proper status and standing amongst the

stars as a domain of peace, purity, and plenitude. To this purpose, this is My Proclamation issued on this

the Fifteenth Day of the First Month in the Common Era Year Two Thousand Twenty One to mark the

tenth anniversary of the reinstitution of the Kingdom of David; and further,

With this Proclamation and within the Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities of the Kingdom of David, by

My Absolute Prerogative, I do hereby establish henceforward the paramount Cognizance of the Sovereign

Integrity of every Living Man, Woman, and Child, each as a Living Being who by their Sovereign Free Will

Choice and Volitional Act chooses to remove themselves from the Cult of Death that has held sway over

all of Life in this world for eons. This Cult of Death has been casting a spell of death, darkness, and

destruction over the pristine template of Life of this World for millennia. It has attempted to hijack the Gift

of Life that is the Divine Dispensation for All of Life on this Earth. The Kingdom of David stands for Life

(D’Vida) in service to all of Mankind and the Natural Order of this World.

By this Proclamation let it be known that this has been done and I herewith invite All into the Sanctuary,

Protections, and Immunities within the Kingdom of David so that together we can thrive and build a new

world that is best for all of Life. It is the intention of this House and Kingdom to support all who stand for

Life, so that Life everlasting shall be renewed and revivified on Earth and all who choose Life can be healed

and returned back to wholeness. We are at a moment in time when the choice is either Life or death; there

is no middle ground. It is a choice to heal ourselves and re-embody the original template of Life that has

been so distorted by the Cult of Death. With this Proclamation I offer everyone a place of refuge wherein

embrace each other in a celebration of Life within the Unity in Diversity and Diversity in Unity of All

People. This is a celebration of Union and Communion in Life, a celebration of the return of Peace to the

Lands and the Waters and the Skies of this World. Together we can heal our wounds and purify our homes

and sanctify our Lands once again. This is the True Birthright of every Living Being who chooses Life, and

to all who so choose, the Kingdom of David offers Sanctuary, Protections, Immunities, Nourishment,

Support, and the Resources to make this expressed intention a manifest reality in our lifetime; and further,

This Proclamation is especially directed to the First Peoples of this World, those who are the true stewards

of the Land of their forebears, who have been abused and slaughtered and driven to near extinction by the

Cult of Death. To you who are now and have always been the True Ones to whom this Earth was

entrusted, who have been mandated to preserve and protect the designated domains that you were driven

from by the scourge of darkness that you have perforce had to endure for centuries and longer, to you I offer

My Hand of Peace and Our Sanctuary of Protection. I offer you My humble expression of profound

solace and contrition for what you have had to succumb to for purposes of sheer survival of your People. I

offer you My Hand that in some small way We might assist you in healing the years and generations of

poverty and privation and darkness that your people have had to withstand and endure; and further,

It is my supreme desire that the House of David and the Kingdom thereof becomes the pathway for you,

the First Peoples, to lift the cloud of desperation you have had to bear with the thoughts that you might fail

to fulfill your covenant of stewardship with the Earth. With this Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign Integrity

We offer a place of Sanctuary and Protection that all First Peoples may utilize to renew their Lands and

heal their People, to renew thereby a place where the People, without subjugation, will stand on the Land

as equals with this House and with all others who choose the path of Peace. This is a House without

hierarchy, without denominational separation, a House of Mutual Cognizance within the Sovereign

mutilation perpetuated under any guise and under any rationale. This includes the absolute prohibition of

non-consensual mutilation of children for purported religious reasons, any forced or coerced medical

intervention of vaccination, whether by injection or other means, the forced or coerced use of drugs or

surgeries, and against any treatment contrary to the paramount wishes of the parents. Concurrent with

such protections, We hold as the highest right of all Living Beings the preservation of the freedom to

choose therapies for any and all purposes and of any kind, free from the onerous and restrictive mandates

of false institutions or governments who do not have the best interests of Mankind in their hearts but only

the dictates of absolute greed in their minds; and further,

Every Living Being in this World has the absolute Right of Self-Determination over matters of their own

bodies and that of their children. This is inclusive of the self-directed power to claim their Soul in Freedom

Absolute without the intrusive machinations of corporations, governments, religious institutions, and all

other manmade agencies that are subordinate and inferior to the Kingdom of Life. It is by and through this

Royal Prerogative that a place of sanctuary for All Souls and All Living Beings is established. We recognize

that each Living Being is a unique singularity, an embodiment and individuated expression of the Eternal

Presence of Divine Creation. Therefore, to all who present the herewith attached Mandate of

Non-Consent and Declaration of Peace and Sovereign Integrity to the Archival Records of the Court of the

Ekklesia, the Kingdom of David shall provide Sanctuary, Protections, Immunities, and the Preservation of

the sanctity and inviolate integrity of each Embodied Living Soul with which every Man and Woman and

Child is imbued; and further,

Pursuant to All who do so shall be entered into D’Vida Private Society and D'Vida Private Contract Association

and its Membership Body of the Ekklesia and shall have a Sacred Trust established to protect equitable

interests and beneficial rights that shall ensue therein over the course of time; and finally,

The Declaration of Independence that was expressed as a Universal Proclamation for all of Mankind on

July 4, 1776, enshrined the principle of Universal Law that government and all sub-divisions and

instrumentalities thereof can only remain in existence by the consent of the governed. Therefore, in the

herein annexed Individual Declaration of Peace and Sovereign Integrity, every Man, Woman, and Child

is provided with the means to state his or her declaration of Non-Consent as a binding mandate on the

governments and offices of this world, pursuant to any intention one may have to not consent to forced or

coerced mandates that are not in alignment with one’s will. All who choose to utilize this instrument are the

Living Beings who have chosen to set themselves apart and remove themselves from the Babylonian matrix

of death and lies and manipulation.

These are the People of the Living Body on this Earth who can choose to come into the Sanctuary of the

Kingdom of David, the Kingdom of Life, a Sanctuary of Peace and Prosperity, and be protected therein.

Neither shall any man or woman, nor manmade institution, have any authority to pierce the Protections

and Immunities Inviolate that I have established for all who walk this Earth, now and forever, who have

accepted My offer of Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities. Any and all who accept My offer will thereby

demonstrate that they have so declared and caused such declarations to be recorded in Our Permanent

Archival Record system of The Ecclesiastical Court for the Kingdom of David and the Court of the Ekklesia. Said

Declaration of Independence declared that it is the right and it is the sacred duty for all Men and Women

to remove the shackles of government that have become inimical to the principles of Life and Liberty.

These very principles are established as the foundation of the Kingdom of David for the benefit of all who

choose Life so that they may enter here and find sanctuary and solace for themselves, their families, their

communities, and whatever social and political compact with which they choose to align pursuant to the

Universal Right of Self-Determination; and further,

we can work together and be protected so that all who so choose Life may eschew the illusions of darkness

and death. The time is now so that each and every one who so chooses shall stand in radiance and the

fullness of expression embodied in this World, with free standing on the Land of the Living, unfettered by

the false illusions of bondage that have held this World hostage for far too long; and further,

Let this Proclamation be spread far and wide, throughout all the Lands, to all the Peoples, resounding in all

the Hearts and Souls of all who have yearned for freedom, who have cried out for release from the ligatures

that have bound the lives and bodies and families and Nations of Man. Let it be known to those still

wrapped in darkness and confusion, to those seeking answers and solutions to what appears to many,

perhaps most, the insoluble confoundment of these Last Days, that the time for healing and resolution has

come. Let it be known that such answers and solutions are ready to be revealed and implemented and that

this Kingdom will be a leader in the transition from death to Life. Indeed, these are the Last Days foretold,

but not the end of this World, this World that is a jewel amongst the Heavens in the Crown of Creation,

but rather these are the Last Days of a false reality that portended an ending of choice, a termination of

the sanctity of Life and the purity of Innocence, intending that all would be seduced into a choice of evil

by positing that we only have the choice of a lesser evil, a false dichotomy that nevertheless only provides a

choice of evil. Now We move forthwith to seal the door wherein such evil dwells forever and send it on its

way out of this World to its own self-fated destination, never again to sully the Sanctity and Purity of Life

in this World. I offer My Hand and My Heart to All who choose Life and can now find sanctuary in this

House of Peace and Sovereign Integrity, for this is what the House of David and the Kingdom of David have

been established to provide for all who seek sanctuary therein; and further,

The Kingdom of David is a Kingdom on this Earth like no other, for it is one that leaves behind the concepts

and constructions of hierarchy, domination, control, separation, and polarity. It is a Kingdom in which all

Integrity of All Living Beings, of All Peoples, and All Nations who choose to lay down the implements of

War and pick up the living hands of our brothers and sisters and to once again plant the seeds of renewal

and replenishment into the Land; and further,

To all who suffer under the onslaught of a presumptive world order that would poison your food and water,

that would put forth legal justifications to invade your homes and steal your children, to inject your bodies

with noxious toxins in the name of the false gods of institutionalized death, with the express intention to

bind your very essence and the genetic integrity of your cells with an electronic invasion to commit you to

their intended perpetual bondage of debt and death enslavement, to you We offer this covenant of

protection that you may secure your homes, your bodies, your families, and your communities. To all who

know in their hearts that such imperatives are not for the health and well-being of your families but are, in

fact, an attempt to claim your children as monetized commodities for their self-serving and evil designs, to

all of you who have sought protections therefrom, I, His Majesty David Joel, do herewith issue this

Proclamation as an instrument of liberation, a documentary decree for Protections and Immunities that

any and all can use to protect and preserve the integrity of their flesh and souls and that of their families.

To that purpose let it hereby be known that any and all Agents or Officers of the Public to whom this

Proclamation is presented, must absolutely stand down and desist from their attempts to use presumptive

authority to force acts against the will of My People. Any attempt by any public actors, agents or Officers

of the Public, to force such upon you who use this document, (including but not limited to,) by vaccination,

by genetically modified foods that defile the original template of Life, or by electro-magnetic fields that are

devised to invade you to the core of your sacred living estate (the flesh, blood, bones, and DNA of your

body), must cease and desist immediately upon presentment of this Proclamation and accompanying

personal Mandate; and further,

In matters of Personal Belief and Private Conscience, We embrace all Paths and all Faiths in this

Ecumenical, Universal, Non-Denominational, and Non-Hierarchical House of Life and Peace and We

exclude none except for those who espouse violence and war and destruction in any manner or kind, as We

set forth a New Law that proclaims:

The Royal House of David

Royal Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign IntegrityHis Majesty David Joel

Greetings to All to Whom These Presents Shall Come, to Planet Earth and all inhabitants thereof,

to all levels of existence throughout the Cosmos, to the local and galactic realms and beyond, to all to

whom these Presents do, shall, or will pertain. I am David Joel of the House of Weems, formerly Wemyss,

originally the Ancient House of David. I come forth as His Majesty David Joel with this Proclamation as the

Crown Sovereign of the Kingdom of David, a Kingdom that I Proclaimed and reinstituted on the day commonly

known as the Fifteenth Day of the First Month in the Common Era Year Two Thousand Eleven – a point

of reference designation but not attached or in any way aligned to false Roman time – an Act done by My

Sovereign Prerogative holding the authority of the House of David established by the historical King David

and the ensuing one hundred twenty-four successive generations.

I stand today in My Sovereign Capacity as the current living embodiment of an unbroken genetic lineal

descendancy as foretold and now fulfilled. My fully documented linage includes the first Kings of Ireland,

Scotland, Argyle, many Royal personages of England, and onward to North America as the First Baron of

Nova Scotia. I, His Majesty David Joel, by this Proclamation, do hereby make it known that the Kingdom of

David has been reinstituted by My Sovereign Prerogative as a Sanctuary of Ever Present Peace, to fulfill the

historical mandate of the Ancient House of David. By My Sovereign Prerogative the Kingdom has been

established to usher in a new Era of Peace and Prosperity for all of Mankind – for every Man, Woman, and

Child – and for all who wish to choose Life over death and for those who wish to do so within the Sanctuary,

Protections, and Immunities of this House and Kingdom. This document provides the Protections and

are embraced as Sovereign as endowed by the Ineffable Essence of Creation known by many Names. I, as

the Crown Sovereign of this Kingdom, wear such a crown in service to all of Mankind. The Crown

Sovereign is a doorway through which all can walk into Life, out of the death grip of Babylon, out of the

Matrix of illusion. I stand for the cognizance and sanctity of the Sovereign Integrity of all Living Beings

and the races of Mankind, and I reject the notion that Sovereign Integrity belongs to just a few who wear

a crown or carry a scepter, only to feed off of the misery of the People of this World. This is a Kingdom

and a House in which all who enter their True Names1 into the Book of Life2 are recognized as Whole and

Complete, imbued with the Original Gift of Sovereign Integrity and Sovereign Free Will Choice. This is a

Kingdom of Ecumenical Universality that recognizes, embraces, and preserves the diversity of faith and

the expression of the myriad paths back to Unity.

This House encourages and supports the dissolution of the veils of illusion and separation that have been

indoctrinated into the People by the Machiavellian princes of darkness that have held sway over the minds

and hearts of Mankind throughout our long journey through the valley of darkness and death. It is time to

come out of the valley of death and to shed the illusions of polarity and separation. Now is the time to

By this Our Sovereign and Royal Prerogative, by Proclamation and Decree, let it be known to all that

within our Sanctuary of Peace We Honor and Preserve the unique identity of All Living Beings, and

establish an open door in Peace with all Nation States and All First Peoples and All People of this World,

that all may be so honored, respected, supported, and guided to establish Lives of Integrity and Respect,

Lives of Value and Honor; and further,

Our House is a House of Ecumenical inclusion, a House of Universal Peace, a House of Sanctuary as

foretold (Ezekiel 37:26): “Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an

everlasting covenant with them; and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my

sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore.” We recognize the Perfection of all Life in every race,

creed, and path to unity; We recognize every Living Being as an individuated expression of Higher

Principal and Sacred Principle, a unique life stream of expression of Source and Creation, and We Honor,

Respect, and Protect the absolute right of free moral agency, conscience, private belief, and expression of

faith that each chooses as their own life endowment, to be fully expressed by one’s Sovereign Free Will that

is sacrosanct and pure, that no man, woman, or manmade institution can abrogate or deny. We further

recognize every Living Being as unique as one of the myriad expressions of the infinitude of Life and

Divine Dispensation, and all are welcome who choose to enter this House of Peace, the Kingdom of David;

and further,

Most especially do We wish to provide the protections and support for women and children throughout the

world who have been subjected to abuse, deprivations, and enslavement. We hold as paramount the health

and well-being of women worldwide as these are the nurturers of the People, and the safety and security

of all children as Beneficiaries of the future. The House of David shall always have its doors open to those

who seek protection, and We shall provide such sanctuary for every woman and child against any form of

Accompanying this Proclamation and Decree is a simple Declaration of Sovereign Integrity and Mandate

of Non-Consent designed so that everyone who chooses to do so can memorialize their Statement of

Intention to Walk into Life within the Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities of this House and Kingdom.

It shall be one’s protection from all things and intended actions to which one does not consent; and further,

To All Nation States and Governments of This World, We come in Peace, with no other agenda than to

return Righteousness to this World, the Right Use of Will and Intent. Our Will, Purpose, and Intent is to

protect and preserve all of Life in this World. We come forth to protect the Life Force in Union and

Communion of all Beings and with all of Existence. To be clear, We do not presume jurisdictional

authority over your Nations or your people, but We do provide Our Protections and Immunities to All who

choose to walk into Life and enter their True Names1 into the Book of Life2 that We have established for

all to so enter; and be it further known, that We have established our Ecclesiastical Court and the Court of

the Ekklesia (the Court of the People), to return the Law of the Land to the People and to return to the

highest station therein the Right Use of Universal Law and Equity for the True Beneficiaries of this World

who are those now living and all future generations to come; and further,

We have instituted Our Ecclesiastical Court and the Combined Courts therein, with paramount emphasis

on the Court of the Ekklesia, pursuant to the time-honored and universally accepted Maxims of Equity,

upon which We have written Our Law. We provide the Sanctuary of the Court of the Ekklesia for the People

of this World. It is the Court of the Living Congregation, the Living Body of the Christos, now wed with

the Sanctified Body of this Earth, the merger of Spirit and Soil, so let it be known hereby that We, the

People, are the Living Flesh, the Whole Body of Life, and it is now our time and this is Our World. Those

who will not align with this Proclamation, for Life will find themselves unable to live and thrive in the world

of Peace and Plenitude We are creating; and further,

Immunities of the Kingdom of David to all who choose Life, inclusive of the Natural Order and the plant

and animal kingdoms. It is My Will, Purpose, and Intent to secure the Land for the People and to return

the Land, Air, Rivers, Oceans, and Seas to their original pristine condition, and thereby that we all

together, working as a unified Mankind, return this Earth to Her proper status and standing amongst the

stars as a domain of peace, purity, and plenitude. To this purpose, this is My Proclamation issued on this

the Fifteenth Day of the First Month in the Common Era Year Two Thousand Twenty One to mark the

tenth anniversary of the reinstitution of the Kingdom of David; and further,

With this Proclamation and within the Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities of the Kingdom of David, by

My Absolute Prerogative, I do hereby establish henceforward the paramount Cognizance of the Sovereign

Integrity of every Living Man, Woman, and Child, each as a Living Being who by their Sovereign Free Will

Choice and Volitional Act chooses to remove themselves from the Cult of Death that has held sway over

all of Life in this world for eons. This Cult of Death has been casting a spell of death, darkness, and

destruction over the pristine template of Life of this World for millennia. It has attempted to hijack the Gift

of Life that is the Divine Dispensation for All of Life on this Earth. The Kingdom of David stands for Life

(D’Vida) in service to all of Mankind and the Natural Order of this World.

By this Proclamation let it be known that this has been done and I herewith invite All into the Sanctuary,

Protections, and Immunities within the Kingdom of David so that together we can thrive and build a new

world that is best for all of Life. It is the intention of this House and Kingdom to support all who stand for

Life, so that Life everlasting shall be renewed and revivified on Earth and all who choose Life can be healed

and returned back to wholeness. We are at a moment in time when the choice is either Life or death; there

is no middle ground. It is a choice to heal ourselves and re-embody the original template of Life that has

been so distorted by the Cult of Death. With this Proclamation I offer everyone a place of refuge wherein

embrace each other in a celebration of Life within the Unity in Diversity and Diversity in Unity of All

People. This is a celebration of Union and Communion in Life, a celebration of the return of Peace to the

Lands and the Waters and the Skies of this World. Together we can heal our wounds and purify our homes

and sanctify our Lands once again. This is the True Birthright of every Living Being who chooses Life, and

to all who so choose, the Kingdom of David offers Sanctuary, Protections, Immunities, Nourishment,

Support, and the Resources to make this expressed intention a manifest reality in our lifetime; and further,

This Proclamation is especially directed to the First Peoples of this World, those who are the true stewards

of the Land of their forebears, who have been abused and slaughtered and driven to near extinction by the

Cult of Death. To you who are now and have always been the True Ones to whom this Earth was

entrusted, who have been mandated to preserve and protect the designated domains that you were driven

from by the scourge of darkness that you have perforce had to endure for centuries and longer, to you I offer

My Hand of Peace and Our Sanctuary of Protection. I offer you My humble expression of profound

solace and contrition for what you have had to succumb to for purposes of sheer survival of your People. I

offer you My Hand that in some small way We might assist you in healing the years and generations of

poverty and privation and darkness that your people have had to withstand and endure; and further,

It is my supreme desire that the House of David and the Kingdom thereof becomes the pathway for you,

the First Peoples, to lift the cloud of desperation you have had to bear with the thoughts that you might fail

to fulfill your covenant of stewardship with the Earth. With this Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign Integrity

We offer a place of Sanctuary and Protection that all First Peoples may utilize to renew their Lands and

heal their People, to renew thereby a place where the People, without subjugation, will stand on the Land

as equals with this House and with all others who choose the path of Peace. This is a House without

hierarchy, without denominational separation, a House of Mutual Cognizance within the Sovereign

Page 11 of 12

mutilation perpetuated under any guise and under any rationale. This includes the absolute prohibition of

non-consensual mutilation of children for purported religious reasons, any forced or coerced medical

intervention of vaccination, whether by injection or other means, the forced or coerced use of drugs or

surgeries, and against any treatment contrary to the paramount wishes of the parents. Concurrent with

such protections, We hold as the highest right of all Living Beings the preservation of the freedom to

choose therapies for any and all purposes and of any kind, free from the onerous and restrictive mandates

of false institutions or governments who do not have the best interests of Mankind in their hearts but only

the dictates of absolute greed in their minds; and further,

Every Living Being in this World has the absolute Right of Self-Determination over matters of their own

bodies and that of their children. This is inclusive of the self-directed power to claim their Soul in Freedom

Absolute without the intrusive machinations of corporations, governments, religious institutions, and all

other manmade agencies that are subordinate and inferior to the Kingdom of Life. It is by and through this

Royal Prerogative that a place of sanctuary for All Souls and All Living Beings is established. We recognize

that each Living Being is a unique singularity, an embodiment and individuated expression of the Eternal

Presence of Divine Creation. Therefore, to all who present the herewith attached Mandate of

Non-Consent and Declaration of Peace and Sovereign Integrity to the Archival Records of the Court of the

Ekklesia, the Kingdom of David shall provide Sanctuary, Protections, Immunities, and the Preservation of

the sanctity and inviolate integrity of each Embodied Living Soul with which every Man and Woman and

Child is imbued; and further,

Pursuant to All who do so shall be entered into D’Vida Private Society and D'Vida Private Contract Association

and its Membership Body of the Ekklesia and shall have a Sacred Trust established to protect equitable

interests and beneficial rights that shall ensue therein over the course of time; and finally,

The Declaration of Independence that was expressed as a Universal Proclamation for all of Mankind on

July 4, 1776, enshrined the principle of Universal Law that government and all sub-divisions and

instrumentalities thereof can only remain in existence by the consent of the governed. Therefore, in the

herein annexed Individual Declaration of Peace and Sovereign Integrity, every Man, Woman, and Child

is provided with the means to state his or her declaration of Non-Consent as a binding mandate on the

governments and offices of this world, pursuant to any intention one may have to not consent to forced or

coerced mandates that are not in alignment with one’s will. All who choose to utilize this instrument are the

Living Beings who have chosen to set themselves apart and remove themselves from the Babylonian matrix

of death and lies and manipulation.

These are the People of the Living Body on this Earth who can choose to come into the Sanctuary of the

Kingdom of David, the Kingdom of Life, a Sanctuary of Peace and Prosperity, and be protected therein.

Neither shall any man or woman, nor manmade institution, have any authority to pierce the Protections

and Immunities Inviolate that I have established for all who walk this Earth, now and forever, who have

accepted My offer of Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities. Any and all who accept My offer will thereby

demonstrate that they have so declared and caused such declarations to be recorded in Our Permanent

Archival Record system of The Ecclesiastical Court for the Kingdom of David and the Court of the Ekklesia. Said

Declaration of Independence declared that it is the right and it is the sacred duty for all Men and Women

to remove the shackles of government that have become inimical to the principles of Life and Liberty.

These very principles are established as the foundation of the Kingdom of David for the benefit of all who

choose Life so that they may enter here and find sanctuary and solace for themselves, their families, their

communities, and whatever social and political compact with which they choose to align pursuant to the

Universal Right of Self-Determination; and further,

we can work together and be protected so that all who so choose Life may eschew the illusions of darkness

and death. The time is now so that each and every one who so chooses shall stand in radiance and the

fullness of expression embodied in this World, with free standing on the Land of the Living, unfettered by

the false illusions of bondage that have held this World hostage for far too long; and further,

Let this Proclamation be spread far and wide, throughout all the Lands, to all the Peoples, resounding in all

the Hearts and Souls of all who have yearned for freedom, who have cried out for release from the ligatures

that have bound the lives and bodies and families and Nations of Man. Let it be known to those still

wrapped in darkness and confusion, to those seeking answers and solutions to what appears to many,

perhaps most, the insoluble confoundment of these Last Days, that the time for healing and resolution has

come. Let it be known that such answers and solutions are ready to be revealed and implemented and that

this Kingdom will be a leader in the transition from death to Life. Indeed, these are the Last Days foretold,

but not the end of this World, this World that is a jewel amongst the Heavens in the Crown of Creation,

but rather these are the Last Days of a false reality that portended an ending of choice, a termination of

the sanctity of Life and the purity of Innocence, intending that all would be seduced into a choice of evil

by positing that we only have the choice of a lesser evil, a false dichotomy that nevertheless only provides a

choice of evil. Now We move forthwith to seal the door wherein such evil dwells forever and send it on its

way out of this World to its own self-fated destination, never again to sully the Sanctity and Purity of Life

in this World. I offer My Hand and My Heart to All who choose Life and can now find sanctuary in this

House of Peace and Sovereign Integrity, for this is what the House of David and the Kingdom of David have

been established to provide for all who seek sanctuary therein; and further,

The Kingdom of David is a Kingdom on this Earth like no other, for it is one that leaves behind the concepts

and constructions of hierarchy, domination, control, separation, and polarity. It is a Kingdom in which all

Integrity of All Living Beings, of All Peoples, and All Nations who choose to lay down the implements of

War and pick up the living hands of our brothers and sisters and to once again plant the seeds of renewal

and replenishment into the Land; and further,

To all who suffer under the onslaught of a presumptive world order that would poison your food and water,

that would put forth legal justifications to invade your homes and steal your children, to inject your bodies

with noxious toxins in the name of the false gods of institutionalized death, with the express intention to

bind your very essence and the genetic integrity of your cells with an electronic invasion to commit you to

their intended perpetual bondage of debt and death enslavement, to you We offer this covenant of

protection that you may secure your homes, your bodies, your families, and your communities. To all who

know in their hearts that such imperatives are not for the health and well-being of your families but are, in

fact, an attempt to claim your children as monetized commodities for their self-serving and evil designs, to

all of you who have sought protections therefrom, I, His Majesty David Joel, do herewith issue this

Proclamation as an instrument of liberation, a documentary decree for Protections and Immunities that

any and all can use to protect and preserve the integrity of their flesh and souls and that of their families.

To that purpose let it hereby be known that any and all Agents or Officers of the Public to whom this

Proclamation is presented, must absolutely stand down and desist from their attempts to use presumptive

authority to force acts against the will of My People. Any attempt by any public actors, agents or Officers

of the Public, to force such upon you who use this document, (including but not limited to,) by vaccination,

by genetically modified foods that defile the original template of Life, or by electro-magnetic fields that are

devised to invade you to the core of your sacred living estate (the flesh, blood, bones, and DNA of your

body), must cease and desist immediately upon presentment of this Proclamation and accompanying

personal Mandate; and further,

In matters of Personal Belief and Private Conscience, We embrace all Paths and all Faiths in this

Ecumenical, Universal, Non-Denominational, and Non-Hierarchical House of Life and Peace and We

exclude none except for those who espouse violence and war and destruction in any manner or kind, as We

set forth a New Law that proclaims:

The Royal House of David

Royal Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign IntegrityHis Majesty David Joel

Greetings to All to Whom These Presents Shall Come, to Planet Earth and all inhabitants thereof,

to all levels of existence throughout the Cosmos, to the local and galactic realms and beyond, to all to

whom these Presents do, shall, or will pertain. I am David Joel of the House of Weems, formerly Wemyss,

originally the Ancient House of David. I come forth as His Majesty David Joel with this Proclamation as the

Crown Sovereign of the Kingdom of David, a Kingdom that I Proclaimed and reinstituted on the day commonly

known as the Fifteenth Day of the First Month in the Common Era Year Two Thousand Eleven – a point

of reference designation but not attached or in any way aligned to false Roman time – an Act done by My

Sovereign Prerogative holding the authority of the House of David established by the historical King David

and the ensuing one hundred twenty-four successive generations.

I stand today in My Sovereign Capacity as the current living embodiment of an unbroken genetic lineal

descendancy as foretold and now fulfilled. My fully documented linage includes the first Kings of Ireland,

Scotland, Argyle, many Royal personages of England, and onward to North America as the First Baron of

Nova Scotia. I, His Majesty David Joel, by this Proclamation, do hereby make it known that the Kingdom of

David has been reinstituted by My Sovereign Prerogative as a Sanctuary of Ever Present Peace, to fulfill the

historical mandate of the Ancient House of David. By My Sovereign Prerogative the Kingdom has been

established to usher in a new Era of Peace and Prosperity for all of Mankind – for every Man, Woman, and

Child – and for all who wish to choose Life over death and for those who wish to do so within the Sanctuary,

Protections, and Immunities of this House and Kingdom. This document provides the Protections and

are embraced as Sovereign as endowed by the Ineffable Essence of Creation known by many Names. I, as

the Crown Sovereign of this Kingdom, wear such a crown in service to all of Mankind. The Crown

Sovereign is a doorway through which all can walk into Life, out of the death grip of Babylon, out of the

Matrix of illusion. I stand for the cognizance and sanctity of the Sovereign Integrity of all Living Beings

and the races of Mankind, and I reject the notion that Sovereign Integrity belongs to just a few who wear

a crown or carry a scepter, only to feed off of the misery of the People of this World. This is a Kingdom

and a House in which all who enter their True Names1 into the Book of Life2 are recognized as Whole and

Complete, imbued with the Original Gift of Sovereign Integrity and Sovereign Free Will Choice. This is a

Kingdom of Ecumenical Universality that recognizes, embraces, and preserves the diversity of faith and

the expression of the myriad paths back to Unity.

This House encourages and supports the dissolution of the veils of illusion and separation that have been

indoctrinated into the People by the Machiavellian princes of darkness that have held sway over the minds

and hearts of Mankind throughout our long journey through the valley of darkness and death. It is time to

come out of the valley of death and to shed the illusions of polarity and separation. Now is the time to

By this Our Sovereign and Royal Prerogative, by Proclamation and Decree, let it be known to all that

within our Sanctuary of Peace We Honor and Preserve the unique identity of All Living Beings, and

establish an open door in Peace with all Nation States and All First Peoples and All People of this World,

that all may be so honored, respected, supported, and guided to establish Lives of Integrity and Respect,

Lives of Value and Honor; and further,

Our House is a House of Ecumenical inclusion, a House of Universal Peace, a House of Sanctuary as

foretold (Ezekiel 37:26): “Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an

everlasting covenant with them; and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my

sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore.” We recognize the Perfection of all Life in every race,

creed, and path to unity; We recognize every Living Being as an individuated expression of Higher

Principal and Sacred Principle, a unique life stream of expression of Source and Creation, and We Honor,

Respect, and Protect the absolute right of free moral agency, conscience, private belief, and expression of

faith that each chooses as their own life endowment, to be fully expressed by one’s Sovereign Free Will that

is sacrosanct and pure, that no man, woman, or manmade institution can abrogate or deny. We further

recognize every Living Being as unique as one of the myriad expressions of the infinitude of Life and

Divine Dispensation, and all are welcome who choose to enter this House of Peace, the Kingdom of David;

and further,

Most especially do We wish to provide the protections and support for women and children throughout the

world who have been subjected to abuse, deprivations, and enslavement. We hold as paramount the health

and well-being of women worldwide as these are the nurturers of the People, and the safety and security

of all children as Beneficiaries of the future. The House of David shall always have its doors open to those

who seek protection, and We shall provide such sanctuary for every woman and child against any form of

Accompanying this Proclamation and Decree is a simple Declaration of Sovereign Integrity and Mandate

of Non-Consent designed so that everyone who chooses to do so can memorialize their Statement of

Intention to Walk into Life within the Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities of this House and Kingdom.

It shall be one’s protection from all things and intended actions to which one does not consent; and further,

To All Nation States and Governments of This World, We come in Peace, with no other agenda than to

return Righteousness to this World, the Right Use of Will and Intent. Our Will, Purpose, and Intent is to

protect and preserve all of Life in this World. We come forth to protect the Life Force in Union and

Communion of all Beings and with all of Existence. To be clear, We do not presume jurisdictional

authority over your Nations or your people, but We do provide Our Protections and Immunities to All who

choose to walk into Life and enter their True Names1 into the Book of Life2 that We have established for

all to so enter; and be it further known, that We have established our Ecclesiastical Court and the Court of

the Ekklesia (the Court of the People), to return the Law of the Land to the People and to return to the

highest station therein the Right Use of Universal Law and Equity for the True Beneficiaries of this World

who are those now living and all future generations to come; and further,

We have instituted Our Ecclesiastical Court and the Combined Courts therein, with paramount emphasis

on the Court of the Ekklesia, pursuant to the time-honored and universally accepted Maxims of Equity,

upon which We have written Our Law. We provide the Sanctuary of the Court of the Ekklesia for the People

of this World. It is the Court of the Living Congregation, the Living Body of the Christos, now wed with

the Sanctified Body of this Earth, the merger of Spirit and Soil, so let it be known hereby that We, the

People, are the Living Flesh, the Whole Body of Life, and it is now our time and this is Our World. Those

who will not align with this Proclamation, for Life will find themselves unable to live and thrive in the world

of Peace and Plenitude We are creating; and further,

Immunities of the Kingdom of David to all who choose Life, inclusive of the Natural Order and the plant

and animal kingdoms. It is My Will, Purpose, and Intent to secure the Land for the People and to return

the Land, Air, Rivers, Oceans, and Seas to their original pristine condition, and thereby that we all

together, working as a unified Mankind, return this Earth to Her proper status and standing amongst the

stars as a domain of peace, purity, and plenitude. To this purpose, this is My Proclamation issued on this

the Fifteenth Day of the First Month in the Common Era Year Two Thousand Twenty One to mark the

tenth anniversary of the reinstitution of the Kingdom of David; and further,

With this Proclamation and within the Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities of the Kingdom of David, by

My Absolute Prerogative, I do hereby establish henceforward the paramount Cognizance of the Sovereign

Integrity of every Living Man, Woman, and Child, each as a Living Being who by their Sovereign Free Will

Choice and Volitional Act chooses to remove themselves from the Cult of Death that has held sway over

all of Life in this world for eons. This Cult of Death has been casting a spell of death, darkness, and

destruction over the pristine template of Life of this World for millennia. It has attempted to hijack the Gift

of Life that is the Divine Dispensation for All of Life on this Earth. The Kingdom of David stands for Life

(D’Vida) in service to all of Mankind and the Natural Order of this World.

By this Proclamation let it be known that this has been done and I herewith invite All into the Sanctuary,

Protections, and Immunities within the Kingdom of David so that together we can thrive and build a new

world that is best for all of Life. It is the intention of this House and Kingdom to support all who stand for

Life, so that Life everlasting shall be renewed and revivified on Earth and all who choose Life can be healed

and returned back to wholeness. We are at a moment in time when the choice is either Life or death; there

is no middle ground. It is a choice to heal ourselves and re-embody the original template of Life that has

been so distorted by the Cult of Death. With this Proclamation I offer everyone a place of refuge wherein

embrace each other in a celebration of Life within the Unity in Diversity and Diversity in Unity of All

People. This is a celebration of Union and Communion in Life, a celebration of the return of Peace to the

Lands and the Waters and the Skies of this World. Together we can heal our wounds and purify our homes

and sanctify our Lands once again. This is the True Birthright of every Living Being who chooses Life, and

to all who so choose, the Kingdom of David offers Sanctuary, Protections, Immunities, Nourishment,

Support, and the Resources to make this expressed intention a manifest reality in our lifetime; and further,

This Proclamation is especially directed to the First Peoples of this World, those who are the true stewards

of the Land of their forebears, who have been abused and slaughtered and driven to near extinction by the

Cult of Death. To you who are now and have always been the True Ones to whom this Earth was

entrusted, who have been mandated to preserve and protect the designated domains that you were driven

from by the scourge of darkness that you have perforce had to endure for centuries and longer, to you I offer

My Hand of Peace and Our Sanctuary of Protection. I offer you My humble expression of profound

solace and contrition for what you have had to succumb to for purposes of sheer survival of your People. I

offer you My Hand that in some small way We might assist you in healing the years and generations of

poverty and privation and darkness that your people have had to withstand and endure; and further,

It is my supreme desire that the House of David and the Kingdom thereof becomes the pathway for you,

the First Peoples, to lift the cloud of desperation you have had to bear with the thoughts that you might fail

to fulfill your covenant of stewardship with the Earth. With this Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign Integrity

We offer a place of Sanctuary and Protection that all First Peoples may utilize to renew their Lands and

heal their People, to renew thereby a place where the People, without subjugation, will stand on the Land

as equals with this House and with all others who choose the path of Peace. This is a House without

hierarchy, without denominational separation, a House of Mutual Cognizance within the Sovereign

mutilation perpetuated under any guise and under any rationale. This includes the absolute prohibition of

non-consensual mutilation of children for purported religious reasons, any forced or coerced medical

intervention of vaccination, whether by injection or other means, the forced or coerced use of drugs or

surgeries, and against any treatment contrary to the paramount wishes of the parents. Concurrent with

such protections, We hold as the highest right of all Living Beings the preservation of the freedom to

choose therapies for any and all purposes and of any kind, free from the onerous and restrictive mandates

of false institutions or governments who do not have the best interests of Mankind in their hearts but only

the dictates of absolute greed in their minds; and further,

Every Living Being in this World has the absolute Right of Self-Determination over matters of their own

bodies and that of their children. This is inclusive of the self-directed power to claim their Soul in Freedom

Absolute without the intrusive machinations of corporations, governments, religious institutions, and all

other manmade agencies that are subordinate and inferior to the Kingdom of Life. It is by and through this

Royal Prerogative that a place of sanctuary for All Souls and All Living Beings is established. We recognize

that each Living Being is a unique singularity, an embodiment and individuated expression of the Eternal

Presence of Divine Creation. Therefore, to all who present the herewith attached Mandate of

Non-Consent and Declaration of Peace and Sovereign Integrity to the Archival Records of the Court of the

Ekklesia, the Kingdom of David shall provide Sanctuary, Protections, Immunities, and the Preservation of

the sanctity and inviolate integrity of each Embodied Living Soul with which every Man and Woman and

Child is imbued; and further,

Pursuant to All who do so shall be entered into D’Vida Private Society and D'Vida Private Contract Association

and its Membership Body of the Ekklesia and shall have a Sacred Trust established to protect equitable

interests and beneficial rights that shall ensue therein over the course of time; and finally,

The Declaration of Independence that was expressed as a Universal Proclamation for all of Mankind on

July 4, 1776, enshrined the principle of Universal Law that government and all sub-divisions and

instrumentalities thereof can only remain in existence by the consent of the governed. Therefore, in the

herein annexed Individual Declaration of Peace and Sovereign Integrity, every Man, Woman, and Child

is provided with the means to state his or her declaration of Non-Consent as a binding mandate on the

governments and offices of this world, pursuant to any intention one may have to not consent to forced or

coerced mandates that are not in alignment with one’s will. All who choose to utilize this instrument are the

Living Beings who have chosen to set themselves apart and remove themselves from the Babylonian matrix

of death and lies and manipulation.

These are the People of the Living Body on this Earth who can choose to come into the Sanctuary of the

Kingdom of David, the Kingdom of Life, a Sanctuary of Peace and Prosperity, and be protected therein.

Neither shall any man or woman, nor manmade institution, have any authority to pierce the Protections

and Immunities Inviolate that I have established for all who walk this Earth, now and forever, who have

accepted My offer of Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities. Any and all who accept My offer will thereby

demonstrate that they have so declared and caused such declarations to be recorded in Our Permanent

Archival Record system of The Ecclesiastical Court for the Kingdom of David and the Court of the Ekklesia. Said

Declaration of Independence declared that it is the right and it is the sacred duty for all Men and Women

to remove the shackles of government that have become inimical to the principles of Life and Liberty.

These very principles are established as the foundation of the Kingdom of David for the benefit of all who

choose Life so that they may enter here and find sanctuary and solace for themselves, their families, their

communities, and whatever social and political compact with which they choose to align pursuant to the

Universal Right of Self-Determination; and further,

we can work together and be protected so that all who so choose Life may eschew the illusions of darkness

and death. The time is now so that each and every one who so chooses shall stand in radiance and the

fullness of expression embodied in this World, with free standing on the Land of the Living, unfettered by

the false illusions of bondage that have held this World hostage for far too long; and further,

Let this Proclamation be spread far and wide, throughout all the Lands, to all the Peoples, resounding in all

the Hearts and Souls of all who have yearned for freedom, who have cried out for release from the ligatures

that have bound the lives and bodies and families and Nations of Man. Let it be known to those still

wrapped in darkness and confusion, to those seeking answers and solutions to what appears to many,

perhaps most, the insoluble confoundment of these Last Days, that the time for healing and resolution has

come. Let it be known that such answers and solutions are ready to be revealed and implemented and that

this Kingdom will be a leader in the transition from death to Life. Indeed, these are the Last Days foretold,

but not the end of this World, this World that is a jewel amongst the Heavens in the Crown of Creation,

but rather these are the Last Days of a false reality that portended an ending of choice, a termination of

the sanctity of Life and the purity of Innocence, intending that all would be seduced into a choice of evil

by positing that we only have the choice of a lesser evil, a false dichotomy that nevertheless only provides a

choice of evil. Now We move forthwith to seal the door wherein such evil dwells forever and send it on its

way out of this World to its own self-fated destination, never again to sully the Sanctity and Purity of Life

in this World. I offer My Hand and My Heart to All who choose Life and can now find sanctuary in this

House of Peace and Sovereign Integrity, for this is what the House of David and the Kingdom of David have

been established to provide for all who seek sanctuary therein; and further,

The Kingdom of David is a Kingdom on this Earth like no other, for it is one that leaves behind the concepts

and constructions of hierarchy, domination, control, separation, and polarity. It is a Kingdom in which all

Integrity of All Living Beings, of All Peoples, and All Nations who choose to lay down the implements of

War and pick up the living hands of our brothers and sisters and to once again plant the seeds of renewal

and replenishment into the Land; and further,

To all who suffer under the onslaught of a presumptive world order that would poison your food and water,

that would put forth legal justifications to invade your homes and steal your children, to inject your bodies

with noxious toxins in the name of the false gods of institutionalized death, with the express intention to

bind your very essence and the genetic integrity of your cells with an electronic invasion to commit you to

their intended perpetual bondage of debt and death enslavement, to you We offer this covenant of

protection that you may secure your homes, your bodies, your families, and your communities. To all who

know in their hearts that such imperatives are not for the health and well-being of your families but are, in

fact, an attempt to claim your children as monetized commodities for their self-serving and evil designs, to

all of you who have sought protections therefrom, I, His Majesty David Joel, do herewith issue this

Proclamation as an instrument of liberation, a documentary decree for Protections and Immunities that

any and all can use to protect and preserve the integrity of their flesh and souls and that of their families.

To that purpose let it hereby be known that any and all Agents or Officers of the Public to whom this

Proclamation is presented, must absolutely stand down and desist from their attempts to use presumptive

authority to force acts against the will of My People. Any attempt by any public actors, agents or Officers

of the Public, to force such upon you who use this document, (including but not limited to,) by vaccination,

by genetically modified foods that defile the original template of Life, or by electro-magnetic fields that are

devised to invade you to the core of your sacred living estate (the flesh, blood, bones, and DNA of your

body), must cease and desist immediately upon presentment of this Proclamation and accompanying

personal Mandate; and further,

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In matters of Personal Belief and Private Conscience, We embrace all Paths and all Faiths in this

Ecumenical, Universal, Non-Denominational, and Non-Hierarchical House of Life and Peace and We

exclude none except for those who espouse violence and war and destruction in any manner or kind, as We

set forth a New Law that proclaims:

The Royal House of DavidA Global House of Peace and Sovereign Integrity

Founded Upon the Original Royal Davidic Covenant

A Royal Sovereign Monarchal SocietyA Sanctuary for All of Life



By Royal Prerogative – His Majesty David Joel

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We Exalt All Life

We Honor the Life Force in All Beings

We Do at All Times What is Best for All

The Royal House of David

Royal Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign IntegrityHis Majesty David Joel