Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion...

Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8 4.8 Relative motion in 1D Relative motion in 1D 4.9 4.9 Relative motion in 3-D Relative motion in 3-D 4.7 4.7 Circular motion (study at home) Circular motion (study at home) 5.2 5.2 Newton 1 Newton 1 5.3-5.5 5.3-5.5 Force, mass, and Newton 2 Force, mass, and Newton 2 5.7 5.7 Newton 3 Newton 3 5.8 5.8 Some examples Some examples 6.1-2 6.1-2 Friction Friction 6.4 6.4 Drag force Drag force Labs and Tutes start this week. Check times and places on notice board: level 2 physics podium. Thursday 12 – 2 pm Extension” lecture. Room 211 podium level
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Transcript of Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion...

Page 1: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53

Summary Lecture 4Summary Lecture 4

Dynamics4.84.8 Relative motion in 1DRelative motion in 1D4.94.9 Relative motion in 3-DRelative motion in 3-D4.74.7 Circular motion (study at home) Circular motion (study at home) 5.25.2 Newton 1Newton 15.3-5.55.3-5.5 Force, mass, and Newton 2Force, mass, and Newton 25.75.7 Newton 3 Newton 3 5.85.8 Some examples Some examples 6.1-26.1-2 FrictionFriction6.46.4 Drag forceDrag force

Summary Lecture 4Summary Lecture 4

Dynamics4.84.8 Relative motion in 1DRelative motion in 1D4.94.9 Relative motion in 3-DRelative motion in 3-D4.74.7 Circular motion (study at home) Circular motion (study at home) 5.25.2 Newton 1Newton 15.3-5.55.3-5.5 Force, mass, and Newton 2Force, mass, and Newton 25.75.7 Newton 3 Newton 3 5.85.8 Some examples Some examples 6.1-26.1-2 FrictionFriction6.46.4 Drag forceDrag force

Labs and Tutes start this week.

Check times and places on notice board: level 2

physics podium.

Thursday 12 – 2 pm

“Extension” lecture.

Room 211 podium level

Turn up any time

Page 2: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

If it is moving with a constant velocity, IT WILL CONTINUE TO DO SO

In the absence of a FORCE

a body is at rest

1660 AD

A body only moves if it is driven.

In the absence of a FORCE

A body at rest WILL REMAIN AT REST

350 BC

Page 3: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.


For an object to MOVE

we need a force.


For an object to CHANGE its motion

we need a force

Newtons mechanics applies for motion in

an inertial frame of reference! ???????

Page 4: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

He believed that there existed an absolute (not accelerating) reference frame, and an absolute time.

The laws of physics are always the same in any inertial reference frame.

His laws applied only when measurements were made in this reference frame…..

Newton clarified the mechanics of motion in the “real world”.

…or in any other reference frame that was at rest or moving at a constant velocity relative to this absolute frame.







Inertial reference


Page 5: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

Newton believed that there existed an absolute (not accelerating) reference frame, and an absolute time.

The laws of physics are always the same in any inertial reference frame.

Einstein recognised that all measurements of position and velocity (and time) are relative.

There is no absolute reference frame.

Page 6: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

Frames of Reference

The reference frames may have a constant relative velocity

We need to be able to relate one set of measurements to the other

The connection between inertial reference frames is the “Gallilean transformation”.

In mechanics we need to specify position, velocity etc. of an object or event.

This requires a frame of reference






The reference frames for the same object may be different





Page 7: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

Ref. Frame P (my seat in plane)

T (Lunch Trolley)xTP

Ref. Frame G (ground)



xTG = xTP + xPG

Vel. = d/dt(xTG) vTG = vTP + vPG

Accel = d/dt (vTG) aTG = aTP + aPG

In any inertial frame the laws of physics are the same



Gallilean transformations


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r PG

r AG

r PA

aPG = (vPG) = aPA + aAGdtd


rPG = rPA + rAG


vPG = (rPG) = vPA + vAG


from above


In any inertial frame the laws of physics are the same

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VPG = VPA + VAG VPA = 215 km/h to East

VAG = 65 km/h to North










Tan = 65/215

= 16.8o

Ground Speed of Plane

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Ground Speed of Plane

In order to travel due East, in what direction relative to the air must the plane travel? (i.e. in what direction is the plane pointing?), and what is the plane’s speed rel. to the ground?

Do this at home and then do sample problem 4-11 (p. 74)

VPA = 215 km/h to East

VAG = 65 km/h to North

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Isaac Newton


Page 12: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

Newton’s 1st Law

If a body is at rest, and no force acts on it, IT WILL REMAIN AT REST.

If it is moving with a constant velocity, IT WILL CONTINUE TO DO SO

If a body is moving at constant velocity, we can always find a reference frame where it is AT REST.

At rest moving at constant velocity

Page 13: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

An applied force changes the velocity of the body

a F

ForceForceIf things do not need pushing to move at constant velocity, what is the role of FORCE???

Inertial mass

The more massive a body is, the less it is accelerated by a given force.

a = F 1m

F = am

The alteration of motion is ever proportional to the motive force impressed; and is made in the direction of the right line

in which that force is impressed.

a = F/m


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How to measure the Inertial Mass




Balances the gravitational weight

Which would work in a space ship away from gravity?

mmeasures inertial mass

Page 15: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

Newton’s 2nd Law

a = F/m

aa = = vector SUM of ALL EXTERNAL forces acting on the body

vector SUM of ALL EXTERNAL forces acting on the body


F = ma

vector SUM of ALL EXTERNAL forces acting on the body

vector SUM of ALL EXTERNAL forces acting on the body

= ma= ma

Page 16: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

Newton’s 2nd Law

F=maF = iFx + jFy + kFz a = iax + jay + kaz




Applies to each component of the vectors

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FA+ FB+ FC= 0 since a= F/m and a = 0

F = 0

Fx = 0 Fy = 0

FCcos - FAcos47= 0

= 220 sin 47 +170 sin 28

= 160 +80 240 N

FA sin 47 + FCsin – FB = 0

FB = FA sin 47 +FCsin


? N


Fy = 0

cos= cos47 =280220170

170 cos - 220 cos47= 0


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A (M2 – M1)g

B (M1 – M2)g

C M1g

D Unknown

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Page 20: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.






Apply F = ma to each body

i.e Fx = max and Fy = may

For m2


Fy = -N + m2g = m2ay = 0

N = m2g


Fx = T = m2a





For mass m1

Vertical (only)

m1g - T = m1a

Analyse the equation!

m1g - m2a = m1a

m1g = m2a + m1a = a(m2 + m1)

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2.5 x 103 N 2.5 x 103 N 3.9 x 104 N

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2.5 x 103 N 2.5 x 103 NT

3.9 x 104 N

F = ma m is mass of road train

5.0 x 103 N

3.9 x 104 N

F = ma

a = (39 – 5) x 103/(4 x 104)

a = F/m


a = 0.85 m s-2

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2.5 x 103 N 2.5 x 103 N Don’t care!T

F = ma m is mass of trailer!

F is net force on TRAILER

2.5 x 103 N

Ta = 0 So F= 0

T - 2.5 x 103 = 0

T = 2.5 x 103 N

a = 0

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2.5 x 103 N 2.5 x 103 N

3.9 x 104 N

F = ma m is mass of roadtrain

No driving force so F = -5.0 x 103 N a = - 5.0 x 103/4.0 x 104

= - 0.125 m s -2

Use v2 = vo2 + 2a(x – x0)

x – x0 = 400 mv = 0 u = 20 m s-1,

Page 25: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

Newton’s 3rd Law

Forces come in pairs

To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

The action-reaction pairs


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What is reaction pair to the weight force mg?

Is it N (normal reaction)?


The reaction pair is the force of the apple on the Earth

N is the force of the ground on the apple NGA

The reaction pair to NGA (or N) is the force of the apple on the ground, NAG


NO! . N and mg act on the SAME body

Page 27: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

According to stationary observer


mgF = ma

Taking “up” as +ve

R - mg = ma

R = m(g + a)

If a = 0 ==> R = mg normal weight

If a is +ve ==> R = m(g + a) weight increase

If a is -ve ==> R = m(g - a) weight decrease

R is reaction force

= reading on scales

Measured weight in an accelerating Reference Frame

accel a

Spring scales

Man in lift

Page 28: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

According to traveller

F = ma

R - mg = ma

BUT in his ref. frame a = 0!

so R = mg!!

How come he still sees R changing as lift accelerates?



R is reaction force

= reading on scales

Only if it is an inertial frame of reference! The accelerating lift is NOT!

Didn’t we say the laws of physics do not depend on the frame of reference?

Page 29: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

Here endeth

the lessonlecture

No. IV

Page 30: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

Summary Lecture 5Summary Lecture 5

6.1-2 Friction

6.4 Drag force

Terminal velocity

6.5 Taking a curve in the road

Summary Lecture 5Summary Lecture 5

6.1-2 Friction

6.4 Drag force

Terminal velocity

6.5 Taking a curve in the road

Problems Chap 6: 5, 14, 29 , 32, 33, Problems Chap 6: 5, 14, 29 , 32, 33,

Page 31: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

Staff-Student Liaison Committee

This committee meets 3 times each semester, to consider reports from lectures, labs. and tutorials. The meetings are after 5 pm, and last ~1 hour.

We need a rep. from this class to report comments from this lecture group.

Page 32: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.
Page 33: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.


Why doesn’t Mick Doohan fall over?Why doesn’t Mick Doohan fall over?

Friction provides the central force

Friction provides the central force

In the rest reference frameIn the rest reference frame

Page 34: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.
Page 35: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

What is Friction•Surfaces between two materials are not even

•Microscopically the force is atomic

Smooth surfaces have high friction

•Causes wear between surfaces

Bits break off

•Lubrication separates the surfaces

Page 36: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

The Source of Friction between two surfaces

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Static Friction

As F increases friction f increases in the opposite direction. Therefore Total Force on Block = zero does not move

F is now greater than f

and slipping begins

If no force F

No friction force fSurface with friction

As F continues to increase, at a critical point most of the (“velcro”) bonds break and f decreases rapidly.

Page 38: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.


f depends on surface properties.

Combine these properties into a coefficient of friction

f N

is usually < 1

Static f < or = s N

Surface with friction

Kinetic f = k N

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f < fmax (= kN )

Static friction

Kinetic friction

Coefficient of Kinetic friction < Coefficient of Static friction

Slipping begins (fmax = sN )fmax

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At crit

F = f

mg sin crit = f = S N

Independent of m, or g.

Property of surfaces only

S = tan crit

mg sin

mg cos

= S mg coscrit




thus S =

Page 41: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.



Making the most of Friction

A F1 > F2

B F1 = F2

C F1 < F2




f1 f2

f = S N

Friction force does not depend on area!

f = S mg

Page 42: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

So why do Petrol Heads use fat tyres?

To reduce wear

Tyres get hot and sticky which effectively increases .

The wider the tyre the greater the effect.

To reduce wear

Tyres get hot and sticky which effectively increases .

The wider the tyre the greater the effect.

The tru



n is not a

s sim

ple as P

hysics 1

41 says!

The tru



n is not a

s sim

ple as P

hysics 1

41 says!tribophysics

Page 43: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

Force of Tyre on road

Force of road on Tyre


What force drives the car?

Driving Torque

Page 44: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

Braking force

Friction road/tyres




v2 =vo2 + 2a(x-xo)

0 = vo2 + 2ad a




F = ma

= smgMax value of a is when f is max.

Stopping Distance depends on friction

amax = - sg

-fmax = mamax -smg = mamax




fmax = sN

Page 45: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

Thus since a




maxmin a









dmin depends on v2!! Take care!!

If v0 = 90 kph (24 m s-1) and = 0.6 ==> d = 50 m!!

Page 46: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.


v Fcent






Fcent is provided by friction.

If no slipping the limit is when

Fcent = fs(limit)= sN = smg







So that

Does not depend on m

So for a given s (tyre quality) and given r there is a maximum vel. for safety.

If s halves, safe v drops to 70%….take care!

Taking a curve on Flat surface

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Page 48: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

Lateral Acceleration of 4.5 g

The lateral acceleration experienced by a Formula-1 driver on a GP circuit can be as high as 4.5 g

This is equivalent to that experienced by a jet-fighter pilot in fast-turn manoeuvres.

Page 49: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

Albert Park GP circuitCentral force provided Central force provided by friction.Central force provided Central force provided by friction.



= v= v22/Rg/Rg

= 4.3= 4.3

= v= v22/Rg/Rg

= 4.3= 4.3

mvmv22/R = /R = N = N = mgmgmvmv22/R = /R = N = N = mgmg

R = 70 m mv2/R


55 m


for racing tyres is ~ 1 (not 4!).

How can the car stay on the road?

for racing tyres is ~ 1 (not 4!).

How can the car stay on the road?

Page 50: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

Soft rubber

Grooved tread

Are these just for show, or advertising?

Page 51: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

200 km/h

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Another version of Newton #2

amF p= mv =momentum

F is a measure of how much momentum is transferred in time t









Momentum p transferred over a time t gives a force:-

Page 53: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

Distance travelled in 1 sec @ velocity v Distance travelled in 1 sec @ velocity v

Volume of air hitting each spoiler (area A) in 1 secVolume of air hitting each spoiler (area A) in 1 sec

Area A m2

mass of air (density ) hitting each spoiler in 1 secmass of air (density ) hitting each spoiler in 1 sec

Momentum of air hitting each spoiler in 1 secMomentum of air hitting each spoiler in 1 sec

If deflected by 900, mom change in 1 secIf deflected by 900, mom change in 1 sec

Newton says this is the resulting forceNewton says this is the resulting force

@ 200 kph v = 55 m s-1

A ~ 0.5 m2

~ 1 kg m-3

F ~ 3 x 104 N

~ 3 Tonne!

= v m

= v x A m3

= x v x A kg

= x v2 x A kg m s-1

mvmv22/R = /R = N = N = mgmgmvmv22/R = /R = N = N = mgmg

mvmv22/R = /R = N = N = (m + 3000) g(m + 3000) gmvmv22/R = /R = N = N = (m + 3000) g(m + 3000) g

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low viscosity (like air)

turbulent flow

What is it?

like fluid friction

a force opposing motion as fluid flows past object

Page 56: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

What does the drag force depend on?D D velocity (v velocity (v22))

D D effective area (A) effective area (A)

D D fluid density ( fluid density (

D D A vA v22

D= ½ C A v2

D D velocity (v velocity (v22))

D D effective area (A) effective area (A)

D D fluid density ( fluid density (

D D A vA v22

D= ½ C A v2

C is the Drag coefficient.

It incorporates specifics like

shape, surface texture etc.


Page 57: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

Fluid of density

V m

Volume hitting object in 1 sec. =AV

Mass hitting object in 1 sec. = AV

momentum (p) transferred to object in 1 sec. = ( AV)V

Force on object = const AV2



Area A

In 1 sec a length of V metres hits the object

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F = mg - D

F = mg -1/2CAv2

D increases as v2

until F=0

i.e. mg= 1/2CAv2







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dvm 2

F = mg –DD


ma = mg -D

D- mgdt







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When entertainment defies reality

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D= ½ CAv2

Assume C = 1

v = 700 km h-1


Drag force on presidents wife

Compare with weight force

Could they slide down the wire?

Page 65: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

D= ½ CAv2

Assume C = 1

v = 700 km h-1


The angle of the cable relative to horizontal.

Compare this with the angle in the film (~30o)

Page 66: Problems Chap 4 45, 53, Chap 5: 13, 19, 27, 45, 50, 53 Summary Lecture 4 Dynamics 4.8Relative motion in 1D 4.9Relative motion in 3-D 4.7Circular motion.

In working out this problem you will prove the expression for the viscous drag force

