Problem cruncher 20170908


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Problem Cruncher 20170908.

Continued from Problem Cruncher word file. Check in the specifilist for Quickbridge and Erfo.Reference Drawings Notebook.

Disclaimer: I accept no responsibility for any damages incurred. If a black hole swallows up the earth, it's not my fault.

---2017/09/08.---Problem cruncher 1

Draw a track on an image file from a movie of a moving car.1. Turn video file into still image files.2. Recognise a car on the stills.2a. Recognise a black loop with different colour filling.2a1. Find black pixels on the still.2a2. Find contiguous black pixels.2a3. Group the contiguous black pixels.2a4. If a group of black pixels has a certain length, it is a car.3. Find the centre of a car.4. Join together the centres of the car from the stills.

Extending dc.js: add a Kaplan Meier chart type.1. Draw the chart in d3.js .2. Add a wrapper for the d3.js code in dc.js .

Erfo.Carbon sink to prevent climate change.

Nick's puzzles.Splitting up a triangle.Use a specific case. Work out the area of a, b, and c, and of the whole triangle, then divide a, b, and c from the whole triangle.A is the top of the whole triangle, B is the bottom left, C is the bottom right, D is the corner of c, E is the corner of a. X is the centre of the cross that connects B to D, and C to E. a is the small triangle on the left, b is the small triangle at the bottom, and c is the small triangle on the right (your right).a, b, and c are made up of a+b+b+c-b. BC* - need to work out height of triangle made from a+b.sin(bottom right corner of b) = (height of E)/(EC).Need to find relationship between a, b, c and AEXD. As bottom right corner of b increases, a increases, b increases, and c decreases.Draw ED to make another triangle, d. This triangle can definitely be found in terms of a, b, and c.Find the area of the whole triangle in terms of a, b, and c, and subtract a, b, and c from it, to find AEXD. The whole triangle is the base times height (which can be found in terms of the angle B or C). The base of the whole triangle is related to a+b and b+c.---Problem cruncher 2

Quickbridge.Substitute Higgs field into the Einstein Field Equations.Is there a moving object which mimics a black hole.CERN discovery may mean that black holes are cavities in spacetime.If a black hole engulfs earth and Mars, try an equal and opposite force to prevent spaghettification.

Flashing light.Not gate in series with light bulb. The periodicity of the Not gate can be varied.

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Storage for light bulb flash pattern: on tape, magnets for 1, no magnets for 0, induce a current in the head of the reader when it is over 1. Tape is on a roll which is controlled by a motor (separate circuit).

Explain the Quickbridge to get more minds on the subject.

Erfo.Eat fruit and vegetables instead of water. Weave baskets because they biodegrade. Move to Antarctica and drink ice. Dry scrub to clean. Grow potatoes in the garden. Turn vegetarian because raw meat is inedible. Dried meat is inedible because it's too hard. Watercress in rocky land. Take water from a river, put it in a pot and harvest watercress, don't put holes in the plant pots. Watercress without roots so it grows in a puddle.Check that paper turns back into wood.

Medicine sustainability.Voices are other people talking to you. If they are good people, they will try their utmost best to help you out. Don't you hear the Johans talking through my mouth, and having a friendly conversation.No need to kill somebody capable, in case they are sheer useful.---Problem cruncher 3

Useless project on how to keep everything white and pretty.Educate the white children morals and tell them it's no good to have sex without children. Ban sex talk in the playground and get more brains on the big projects. They will never do anything, just talk. Mankind may need to take many different forms to survive.

Quickbridge.You are close, as spaghettification can be prevented.(From SpaceX) Mars is now shielded from solar winds and has an atmosphere as we terraformed it.Study spacetime itself and reconfigure the lattice.The lattice has to change so the door stays in the same geographical place on earth and Mars.Jodrell Bank observatory studies the spacetime lattice by looking at light from the stars.Light should travel through the Quickbridge, so if you can't see the other side, it's not working.When light rays from two stars cross, an interference pattern occurs, which can be picked up by an interferometer.

Medicine sustainability.You do listen to the patient and see how they want to recover. You do not repeatedly send them to bed, overload them with drugs, and take blood without any reason. The patient may just think they want money and a baby.

Programming language.Position questions a web developer might ask in an artificial intelligence. This robot takes over when I'm asleep.

Immortality.Evolution must still occur, even if they are immortal.---Quickbridge.Black body radiation. A black hole would lose energy.At least 10 major advances a day after leaving Upwork.

3D deformation of spacetime is when a mass attracts space towards it.Orbits happen because objects keep moving.Two objects on earth don't bump into each other because they are more attracted to the earth.Two objects in space don't crash into each other, because the universe is

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expanding.Maybe the Quickbridge can take the brainnet back and forth in time.The Quickbridge may be able to travel in other dimensions, but in our dimension, there is nothing on Mars, so we might not disturb the slug king.One idea a day for the Quickbridge is enough, provided you ask the right question.How do you make the Quickbridge safe? Make a white hole superimposed on the most dangerous parts of the black hole.So how do you make a white hole? A black hole is made when a lepton is split up. Well er you rearrange the Higgs boson. I mean, bosons.F=ma. Acceleration = 300 million ms^(-2). Mass = 3kg. F = 900 million Newtons.Fission to power the particle accelerator rockets.The spacetime lattice is made up of particles you can walk through.Physics: matter can neither be created nor destroyed. Black holes gain mass as they absorb matter.Physics: the universe may have started as a condensed ball of matter, as it exploded, solar systems were formed.---Erfo.Is gum arabic toxic to plants.Try to count how much we have got left.Mix poo with the soil and see if vegetables and fruit grow on the soil.Potassium comes from urine and faeces, so if you run out of fertiliser, use sorted sewage on the soil.Some vegetables do grow in the winter.Leave some shoots on the chives and garlic.The water on earth goes round and round.1:100 is the volume of people to the Earth's crust.Is the Earth's crust going to last, so we can keep growing food on it and keep digging?Buildings are made from rock.Soil in a farm lasts a long time with crop rotation.Copper on a circuit board can be fed into printed circuit board recycling.Copper can be extracted from the soil. This can be done after a building is bulldozed.Strontium-90 has a half-life of 30 years and it is waste from a nuclear reactor.How much lead is left in the world? Lead is mined at the rate of 5 million tonnes a year.---2017/09/10.

Quickbridge.10:33am-11:33am. Target for the hour: how exactly to detect bonds in Higgs boson.Jahn-Teller vibrations occur at a specific frequency. The bond can break at a specific frequency.In Wikipedia, it says vibrational energy levels. This is highly suggestive that vibrations in Jahn-Teller are physical vibrations in spacetime.In Wikipedia, it also says there are electronic and vibrational components in Jahn-Teller systems. So vibrations are physical vibrations.The definition of Jahn-Teller on Google UK refers to axial bonds, which mean that the bonds vibrate in two dimensions, along the axis.Now, to vibrate a Higgs boson, what do you do? Does sound vibrate it? No, Claus said you just heat it (?). This heating definitely vibrates atoms. But what about a Higgs boson? How do you vibrate a Higgs boson?Physics stackexchange confirms that vibrations of a Higgs field breaks the bosons down into a photon (?). Shiva Rajbhandari says you just heat the Higgs boson up. But on earth, the Higgs boson is surrounded by air particles.The more energy a bond has in the Higgs boson, the higher the frequency (intuition/real work).---2017/09/22.


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Google: reconfiguring spacetime lattice. Nobody has written a paper yet.Science is very expensive. The scientific discoveries can eat up resources very quickly. This may outweigh the resources science produces, particularly if you don't think about the most efficient scientific process.Do the Quickbridge in a time, cost and resource-effective manner.Detection of spacetime lattice using light rays.You'll go to jail if your published paper does not work in experiments and uses up a lot of resources.Scan the other dimensions on Mars before you visit, using a telescope that looks at different dimensions.See, everyone has a car, why can't everyone have the Quickbridge to get to other planets.Cosmic foam: Is there pressure that is being relieved on the universe, and is this why it's expanding.The universe came from cosmic foam, so we already know something about the foam.Cosmic foam: in a fizzy drink, bubbles do slowly expand as they travel upwards.There may be a grand unified theory, but to explain everything completely, we'd still need all these different laws.The Grand Unified Theory may be the atom, as this is replicated in the solar system.There will be more Grand Unified Theories to come, as we discover more science.Moving Mars is fine, but what about moving people?Put the traveller in an extra dimension that is empty, make them travel in the extra dimension, then put them back in the original dimension.Maybe the moved object has volume, but no mass. This is because intuitively, a force is required to move a planet.How to remove or add Higgs bosons just in front of or beyond Mars.Energy can create mass. E=mc^2.You can build the Quickbridge overnight.How fast does the spacetime lattice reconfigure?I hypothesize that the spacetime lattice communicates with matter via the Higgs boson, which travels between the lattice and the mass.Right. Now for some Quickbridge work. Er, how are we going to detect the spacetime lattice? There's er, light. Maybe, we er, shine a grid of light into space and watch it curve. It will display how a large mass curves the spacetime lattice. The light itself might curve the spacetime lattice. Now, er, all we need is an equation to remove the effect of light energy on the spacetime lattice.

Erfo.Showers should switch themselves off after 5 minutes.Erfo life: reduce, reuse.Do not reduce and reuse, only to have more to go around in all these families.Recycling is like gold synthesis.Biodegradable plastic needs a bit of help to biodegrade, as it is difficult to get it to naturally biodegrade after use.We can recycle gold in microprocessors.---2017/10/28.

Erfo.Home recycling factory: break down waste into atoms, make new compounds. Sell this bin at ASDA Hyson Green.Plasma can turn waste into atoms.Contain the plasma by using charge, so that the plasma does not touch the edge of the container.Do we mate with the aliens? That is a question we need to answer if we get alien tourists.Live on the earth forever, in plenty.Remembering everything.Discern perception in the head.You are important to the survival of the human race.Science cannot yet explain how the rubbish mountain gets smaller.Peoples' lives to get better.

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Minimum Viable Product idea: Turn rubbish into atoms.

Quickbridge.Do Higgs bosons repel each other?Higgs bosons can make other particles attract or repel each other.How do you restructure the spacetime lattice, if Higgs bosons do not attract or repel each other?


Sfear.This circuit will control the positioning of the projector aperture. Aim: to make sure that the projector aperture is always focused on the wall, no matter how Sfear is made to turn.How do you use the accelerometer? Connect it to a power source, connect wires to x_(out), y_(out), and z_(out).Does x_(out) then go to the negative terminal? Yes it does.What power source does this chip need? 1.8-3.6V DC.What exact output does it produce? (TO DO: Answer later.)Fast forward to the overall circuit design.The circuit should connect to a 3D motor (a motor which produces motion on all three axes.) (TO DO: Do not work out how to design this motor yet.)Sample output of the accelerometer: x=1, y=0, z=0.Guess how does the accelerometer show left and right motion? Use two accelerometers at right angles to each other. Then the combination of the outputs will show left and right motion.Sfear is positioned 10 degrees to the right.Sample output of the first accelerometer: x=1, y=0, z=0.x is horizontal, y is vertical, z is depth.Sample output of the second accelerometer, positioned at y=0 of the first accelerometer:x-axis of the first accelerometer is centre to right. x-axis of the second accelerometer is centre to top. y-axis of the second accelerometer is centre to left. z-axis of the first and second accelerometers are the same.Location is (top) 0, (left) 55 degrees.Second accelerometer: z=0. x=0. y=5.5 . Correction: 10, as 9 is for 90 degrees.Google: circuit component to detect orientation. of the 3D motor.TO DO: Do a table of what the location is, and what the outputs are of the first and second accelerometer.The 3D motor does the opposite of what the location input is.Sample output of the motor: x=-1 or x=(36-1=)35, y=0, z=0.The circuit must interpret the accelerometer inputs, and work out what inputs need to go into the 3D motor. It might include these components: logic gates, adder-subtractor circuit.Sample input of the motor: x=35, y=0, z=0.Google: addition and subtraction circuit.There should be 3 accelerometers.---------------------------------V+ ¦ ¦ ¦ ------------------------------ ¦ A ¦-----¦ A/S ¦-----¦ M ¦ ------------------------------ ¦ ¦ ¦---------------------------------V-A = Accelerometer, A/S = Adder-Subtractor, M = Motor.To draw extra accelerometers, there should be vertical lines which are crossed by horizontal lines.

Sfear. The screen feature.

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To produce light that appears to come from ahead, excite electrons in the air to produce photons emitted from the direction they are supposed to come from, if they were emitted by a screen. This can fit in with the projector aperture, as the aperture now excites electrons, and doesn't emit light.

Problem cruncher.Sfear: Light projected onto a wall, becomes particles and paints the wall, then dissolves.Sfear categories: features, surround sound theory, right way up circuit.Sfear projects light into the eye and makes you think it's coming from the wall. Make a photon from electrons.Make Sfear levitate.

End of time. Investigating the nature of time.When there is nothing happening in spacetime, to an external observer, time slows down.Time is just the probability that space will change.

End of time. Time passes at the same speed to the person experiencing it, but to an external observer time may speed up or slow down. As long as space exists, time will exist.As the universe expands, space is affected, and time eventually runs out.The spacetime lattice expands as the universe expands.Produce Higgs bosons to repair the spacetime lattice.To go back in time, there must be some way of extracting memories of the particle trajectories.Use quantum mechanics to describe particle probabilities in time.Use what you have learned from Upwork projects, and produce a detailed plan to finish the end of time in a specific time period.

---Timed plan for End of Time.2017/12/01.Re-organise as required.Do a minimium viable product, maybe a sub-section of End of Time.Time taken to plan: target 30 minutes, from 20:05 to 20:35. 10 minutes.

- What time is.-- If matter did not move, time might still continue.-- Time is the first dimension. It is the most basic requirement for objects to be in one place, all still. More advanced use of spacetime is to allow objects to move.-- Each instant is labelled by a time coordinate.- The problem of time running out, is it something we should be concerned with?-- Spacetime expanding and the result of this happening.- How to gain time.-- Spacetime (all four dimensions) will all need to change.- How to reverse time.-- Wormholes.-- Quantumn fluctuations mean that we may not end up in the true past.- Machines to build.-- Measuring time dilation.

---Problem cruncher.

Quickbridge.Light from one star may be coloured differently to light from another star, and so produce an interference pattern.The Quickbridge and Erfo must be categorized, everything else can go at the end of the problem cruncher.The atmosphere is kept on Earth due to the Earth's gravity.We can put bacteria and plants on Mars.E=mc^2 is used in fission. Plants, food digestion.

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Look for evidence everywhere for these equations.If a planet orbited the sun perpendicular to the Earth's orbit, it would still be circular. Think of electron orbits.Do not work out anything on the computer, as you grow dumb. Just use it to type things up.Orbits happen when a planet is travelling at speed, but is attracted to the sun. There is no air resistance, so the planet never loses speed.Repeatedly attempt the impossible, even when other people tell you it's no use.Brainnet reverse engineering: the earth lies in a magnetic field. The poles in the metal are aligned so the metal cupboard handle moves.Does the spacetime lattice move, or does the planet move. This is necessary to avoid the black hole at the centre of the galaxy.As the spacetime lattice folds up, so does the mass it contains.The objects appear solid, because they are being observed by a similarly holey eye. You feel the objects as solid, because your fingers have space in them. The finger indents as it feels the sink, but does not indent any further because of the spacetime lattice.The spacetime lattice is made up of Higgs bosons. There is one Higgs boson space in between them, if the lattice is small. Manipulate the Higgs field to reconfigure the spacetime lattice. Delete Higgs bosons to bring Mars closer.The Einstein Field Equations may only describe one dimension. Some prisoners are certain of this.Study E=mc^2 to deduce how to make an equation that works numerically.Light is related to mass (c and m). Light comes from mass.What happens if we remove a Higgs boson? How will the lattice re-form?How to make a Higgs boson decay. What is a Higgs boson made of?To make a Higgs boson decay, you break the bonds. We know what a Higgs boson is made of, because we know what it decays into. These leptons, photons (products of decay) are all related to each other.When you break a bond in the Higgs boson, it breaks apart completely, and becomes e.g. two photons. There are about 5 different bonds, because there are about 5 different sets of decay products.Measure bond energy of the bonds inside the Higgs boson. This may help you to identify the bond.Make the Higgs boson vibrate until the bond resonates.

Brown and Goldstein.Label the LDL with monoclonal antibody.

Immortality.If the brainnet reaches resolution at the atomic level, it may be possible to rearrange the molecules to bring them (people) back to life.

Memory on the brainnet.Experiment on pigs.

Medicine sustainability.Either the brainnet or 2mg of haloperidol stops sneezing allergy.Medicine was never intended to be a killing machine. So the doctors randomly got ill, same as the patients.

Veterinary sustainability.Vets to judge whether or not a pet has mental health problems.

Erfo.A centrifuge can get rid of the mucus from tissue.No need to go to war to get copper. Just Google for other ways to purify water.Water supply: take water from springs.Make a list of world experts working on world's end.Potato growing: find a mother potato, a large potato, not a baby potato.

---Problem cruncher 2.

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Jahn-Teller is about teleportation.Look at the maths as you need to. No need to learn it all by writing a book.Pen and paper work: copy out needed parts from own and other peoples' digital work, build on this information.Google: can you publish your paper on your own website.

Quickbridge.Do not hire someone unless the Quickbridge works completely in your mind. Otherwise the lower worker will come up with something nonsensical. Well, if they are honest, maybe they admit they don't know.Write an objective and stick to it. Unless your project lengthens and changes.When you move, the energy reconfigures the spacetime lattice.Simultaneously, x_(2)-x_(1)=x_(d), and for y, z, and t. To describe a translation of spacetime.Publish in Nature Physics, as they allow papers to be published on the author's own website.Google: can the author publish a nature physics paper on their own website.Do a reality check and work on the parts of the project which are feasible.

Erfo.Recycle the recycling components, e.g. recycle the recycling plant.Invent a bin that can recycle at home.The bulbs have been standardised, so the desk lamps can accept almost any bulb with the same screw diameter.If the earth is accumulating mass, won't its orbit change?Set plastic types for bags and bottles, that would recycle or biodegrade. Write a law for this.Artificially evolve bacteria to eat plastic.Only buy dry food wrapped in paper.The earth is like a snow globe. If you get a hole in the crust, magma comes out and the Earth's core gets a little off-centre.Waste disposal: make a rubbish mountain.New type of plastic: long chain hydrocarbon with side linkages that can be readily broken down.Turn the earth into a giant spaceship, so we don't spiral into the sun. We may spiral into the sun, because we are accumulating mass all the time.Time stays still for the most part in a magic room.Microfission might occur, as planet Earth is on a bead.Is radiation a particle? As energy turns into mass.

End of time.Is there a machine you can build to help you with your project?