Probabilistic method for damage identi cation in multi A -...

9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring July 10-13, 2018, Manchester, United Kingdom Probabilistic method for damage identification in multi-layered composite structures A Kundu 1 , S Sikdar 2 , M J Eaton 1 and R Navaratne 3 1 Cardiff School of Engineering, Cardiff University, The Parade, Queen’s Building, Cardiff, CF24 3AA, UK. Email: 2 Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences, 14, Fiszera Street, Gdansk 80-231, Poland. 3 University of South Wales, Treforest Campus, Pontypridd, CF37 1DL, UK. Abstract The barely visible damages sustained in multi-layered composites can severely jeopardise the structural integrity and operational safety in real-life applications. Traditional intrusive inspections in condition monitoring can significantly contribute to the cost and time overhead of such operation and is susceptible to errors when relying on manual inspection workflow. Acoustic emission (AE) techniques have received increasing attention in recent years for complex composite structures under service loads. AE is based on detecting acoustic energy emitted from damages sustained in structures (such as fatigue fracture, fibre breakage, amongst others). The AE monitoring technique requires solving an inverse problem where the measured signals are linked to the source and nature of damage developed in the structure. However, given the significant uncertainty around all real-life measurements of structures under operating loads, such as sporadic signals from multiple sources, reflection from boundaries or irregular geometric interfaces and measurement noise, it is essential to explicitly account for these uncertainties in the damage identification algorithms. The current work framework of automated probabilistic damage detection which explicitly models the parameterized uncertainties and conditions them based on measurement data to give probabilistic descriptors of damage metrics. The empirical relationship modelling the AE as a function of damage properties is calibrated with a training dataset. During the online monitoring phase, the spatially correlated time data is utilized in conjunction with the calibrated AE empirical model to infer the probabilistic description of the acoustic emission source within a hierarchical Bayesian inference framework. The methodology is tested on a composite structure consisting of carbon fibre panel with stiffeners subjected to impact and dynamic fatigue loading. The study presents a generalized automated AE- based damage detection methodology which is applicable for structures with different geometrical and material properties under conditions of external loading. 1. Introduction A proper implementation of structural health monitoring (SHM) strategies has the potential to reduce maintenance costs of high-value assets, such as wind turbines and aircraft to a considerable amount (up to £30M p.a., Airbus sources). Several recently developed SHM

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9th European Workshop on Structural Health MonitoringJuly 10-13, 2018, Manchester, United Kingdom

Probabilistic method for damage identification in

multi-layered composite structures

A Kundu1, S Sikdar2, M J Eaton1 and R Navaratne3

1 Cardiff School of Engineering, Cardiff University, The Parade, Queen’s Building,Cardiff, CF24 3AA, UK. Email: [email protected]

2 Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences, 14, Fiszera Street,Gdansk 80-231, Poland.

3 University of South Wales, Treforest Campus, Pontypridd, CF37 1DL, UK.


The barely visible damages sustained in multi-layered composites can severely jeopardisethe structural integrity and operational safety in real-life applications. Traditionalintrusive inspections in condition monitoring can significantly contribute to the costand time overhead of such operation and is susceptible to errors when relying onmanual inspection workflow. Acoustic emission (AE) techniques have received increasingattention in recent years for complex composite structures under service loads. AE isbased on detecting acoustic energy emitted from damages sustained in structures (suchas fatigue fracture, fibre breakage, amongst others). The AE monitoring techniquerequires solving an inverse problem where the measured signals are linked to the sourceand nature of damage developed in the structure. However, given the significantuncertainty around all real-life measurements of structures under operating loads,such as sporadic signals from multiple sources, reflection from boundaries or irregulargeometric interfaces and measurement noise, it is essential to explicitly account for theseuncertainties in the damage identification algorithms. The current work framework ofautomated probabilistic damage detection which explicitly models the parameterizeduncertainties and conditions them based on measurement data to give probabilisticdescriptors of damage metrics. The empirical relationship modelling the AE as afunction of damage properties is calibrated with a training dataset. During the onlinemonitoring phase, the spatially correlated time data is utilized in conjunction withthe calibrated AE empirical model to infer the probabilistic description of the acousticemission source within a hierarchical Bayesian inference framework. The methodology istested on a composite structure consisting of carbon fibre panel with stiffeners subjectedto impact and dynamic fatigue loading. The study presents a generalized automated AE-based damage detection methodology which is applicable for structures with differentgeometrical and material properties under conditions of external loading.

1. Introduction

A proper implementation of structural health monitoring (SHM) strategies has the potentialto reduce maintenance costs of high-value assets, such as wind turbines and aircraft to aconsiderable amount (up to £30M p.a., Airbus sources). Several recently developed SHM

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techniques that showed inspection capability in the laboratory scale demonstrations havestruggled to maintain the inspection performance in real-life industrial applications owingto the complexities involved in the modern composite structures, noise and, variation inloading and operating conditions that lead to the lower accuracy and increasing uncertainty.In industrial environments, the acoustic emission (AE) based monitoring techniques havebeen shown to perform poorly [1]. In spite of this poor performance, the AE based SHMtechniques have many desirable attributes that make it attractive for real-time structuralmonitoring applications due to its ability to monitor in real-time (making it suitable for in-service monitoring), capability to globally monitor a structure using a predefined array of AE-sensors, and the possibility to localization and characterization of damage. These desirableattributes in the AE based SHM in industrial environments are found as a worthwhile activity.

AE is the elastic wave propagation phenomenon where elastic energy is released duringthe changes within a structure or material that results from mechanical mechanisms suchas plastic deformation, friction and rubbing, and crack growth. The released energy fromthe AE-source location propagates along all directions in the structure, akin to an ultrasonicwave. The propagating AE waves generate minute surface-displacements when they travelalong a surface. These displacements can then be converted to the voltage response by usingthe piezoelectric AE-sensors. These transient signals can be analysed in real-time using mostmodern AE systems and can also be stored and digitised to allow further signal processing.The triangulation methods can be effectively used to predict the damage source-locations inthe target structure by using a distributed network of AE-sensors that detects the releasedenergy from an AE-source, as in the case of determining the epicentre of an earthquake inseismology. A schematic representation of the AE based SHM process is described in figure 1which clearly indicates that any changes in the geometry or material will affect the resultantrecorded signal.

(a) AE-based SHM in structures

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000−0.4












(b) Typical AE signal

Figure 1. AE measurement process and typical AE signal recorded at a sensor.

Accurate localization of damage-source location using AE signals in complex structuresis significantly challenging as the proper assessment of boundary level uncertainties in themathematical model is complex in nature and associated with substantial computationaloverhead [2]. The loss in accuracy in complex structures is mainly occurred due to the failurein accurate determination of time-of-arrival of the AE-signal and due to the overly involvedin the simplified representation of the wave propagation path and velocity during source-location calculations [3, 4]. The present study aims to overcome the above limitations using anovel approach which calibrates and trains the damage-model using a compound-correlation-metric among the AE-signals registered from the predefined network of AE-sensors.

This study aims to overcome the above limitations using a novel approach which trainsand calibrates the damage model using a compound correlation metric between the signalsrecorded with the distributed sensory network. When only using the arrival time of thesignal at the individual sensors (and the difference in arrival time) as the basis of training


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the model, a large portion of the signal data is not being utilized fully. Additionally erroris incurred in the ad hoc definitions of signal threshold values which are used to calculatearrival time. Moreover, it is strongly based on the assumption of the existence of a travelpath between the damage and the sensor location (this can be considered as an underlyingregularization) which might often not be the case. The proposed methodology, in contrast,constructs a compressed representation of the full signal characteristics using a projectedcorrelation metric (as discussed in section 3) which utilizes the full signal characteristics toinfer the source of the incoming waves. The Gaussian process based surrogate regressionapproach explicitly accounts for the uncertainty in lack of training data and/or the errorincurred using the process described in section 4. This is followed by section 5 which givesthe description of the test rig on which the AE source localization algorithm is applied,section 6 where the main findings of the study has been presented and the conclusion andfuture works is included in section 7.

2. Acoustic emission source location

Time of arrival (TOA) based direct methods for determination of arrival time (and hence thedifference in arrival time) of the signal at different sensors are widely used in all commercialAE systems. In this method, a predetermined signal threshold level is defined and the pointat which the transducer voltage response exeeds this level is taken to be the signals arrivaltime. It is, however, possible for signal to be present prior to the first threshold crossing andattenuation of signal amplitude can mean variation in signal arrival time determination.A wide range of approaches have been developed in an attempt to improve the arrivaltime determination compared with the traditional threshold crossing technique. A range offrequency based techniques including filtering [5], cross-correlation [6] and wavelet transforms[7, 8] have been investigated, however, statistical approaches based on 6th order statisticalmoments [9] and the Akaike Information Criteria (AIC) [10, 11] have been shown to be morereliable. The AIC approach in particular has been demonstrated to be very robust across arange of materials and structures [12].

Standard AE location algorithms assume a single, constant, wave propagation speed,however, in composite materials the wave speed is seen to vary with propagation directionand is dependent on fibre orientations within the layup used. Several researchers have tried toaddress this challenge and some success has been by extending the traditional time of arrivaloptimization scheme to include a variable wave speed dependent on propagation direction[13, 14]. Ciampa and Meo [15] adopted a novel approach whereby closely spaced sensor pairswere used to reduce the number of unknown propagation velocities in a set of simultaneousnon-linear equations that describe the source position. An iterative Newton approach wasadopted to solve the unknowns in the equations and therefore yield an estimate of thesource position without prior knowledge of the wave speeds in the material. Despite theseadvances achieved in anisotropic monolithic materials, none of the approaches are capable ofaccounting for geometric complexities such as access holes, curvatures and thickness changesthat commonly occur in industrial structures. Alternatively a mapping approach has beenproposed and rigorously validated [16, 17, 12, 18, 19] in which a structure is mapped usingartificial AE sources (such as a H-N source [20, 21]) to derive an empirical relationshipbetween the known source position and the resultant arrival times at an array of sensors.This relationship can then be used to determine the source origin for a set of measuredarrival times. The empirical nature of the approach inherently accounts for all material andstructural complexity such as anisotropy and geometric features.

The previously discussed approaches are deterministic and do not consider the uncertaintyin the measurements and calculations performed. This is particularly relevant to theirapplication to industrial environments where uncertainty is seen to increase, with varyingoperating conditions such as temperature affecting wave propagation and therefore reducing


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reliability. To account for the uncertainty that can be experienced in an industrialenvironment researchers have begun to adopt probabilistic approaches. Schumacher et al [22]developed an approach based on Bayesian statistics for AE source location in a reinforcedconcrete beams that accounts for uncertainties and errors that exist within the measurementand calculation process. A simplified model for the concrete beam was developed, in whichthe mean of the wave slowness, the standard deviation of the wave slowness, the eventtime and the standard deviation of the observed arrival times are represented as priorprobability density functions (PDF). The initial PDF of each parameter was then refinedusing experimental data collected from H-N sources at known positions on the beam surface.The refined model could then be used to predict the most likely position of any subsequentAE sources. The approach reduced the mean error of 22 arbitrarily located H-N sourcesfrom ∼ 40mm down to ∼ 30mm. Further work by Zarate et al [23] developed a Bayesianframework based on a ray tracing model of AE wave propagation in liquid filled storagetanks. The approach allowed structure borne and water borne wave paths to be considered.Using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method to sample the posterior distributionof the source position in x and y coordinates the most probably source position could bedetermined. Both of these probabilistic approaches are limited to homogeneous materialsand simple geometries, i.e. direct and uninterrupted wave paths.

This main aim to the present work is to combine the Bayesian probabilistic mapping ofthe source of AE to the correlation characteristics of the signal collected at the distributedsensor network. This would not only capture the essential information pertaining to the phasedifference and attenuation of elastic waves travelling different distances over the surface ofthe composite structures to reach individual sensors but also include the complex effectsof boundary reflection within the signal correlation characteristics. The uncertainty dueto the measurement noise and experimental errors would be explicitly accounted for in theprobabilistic model and conditioned on the training data generated with H-N sources.

3. Important signal characteristics for damage identification

3.1. Compressed cross-correlation signal features for AE

The notion of correlation between the signals observed at different locations in adistributed sensory network is of prime importance in the inference of underlying parametersrepresentative of the physical process. If we consider ns sensors distributed on the structureunder study, the collected signal is represented as

X = {xi : xi = [xi[1], xi[2], . . . , xi[n]]ᵀ ∀i = 1, . . . , ns} 1

where each sample xi[j] has been collected at sensor i at n discrete time points j = 1, . . . , n.An initiation of crack or a growth in crack size is accompanied by a packet of ultrasonicwave which propagates radially outwards from its point of origin along the plane of thecomposite structure. Each sensor captures signal xi[n] as show in figure 1(b). Additionallyreflection from boundaries and/or other geometrical discontinuities (such as holes) result in acomplicated propagation characteristics. It is expected that the accumulated data from thedistributed sensory network would contain distinguishing features (statistics) which wouldmap the detected waveforms uniquely to the source location.

The correlation matrix R between the signals collected at each of the ns sensors is definedas

Rτ =

R11(τ) R12(τ) · · · R1ns(τ)R21(τ) R22(τ) R2ns(τ)

.... . .

...Rns1(τ) Rns2(τ) · · · Rnsns(τ)



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where each element Rij(τ) of the correlation matrix is defined in the continuous time domainas

Rij(τ) =

∫ ∞−∞

xi(t)xj(t+ τ)dt 3

for real-valued signal components. For L1 integrable signals, i.e.∫∞−∞ |x(t)| dt < ∞ the

Fourier transform of the signal exists and is related to the terms in R matrix. In equation 3,when i = j, the terms Rii, i.e. the diagonal terms in the matrix Rτ , give the autocorrelationmeasure of the signals at each sensor.

For discrete time signals the cross-correlation for real-valued signals is defined as

Rij(τ) = E[(xi[n]− µi)(xj [n+ τ ]− µj)

]∀i, j = 1, . . . , ns 4

The cross-correlation is often normalized by the respective auto-correlation functions at zerolag such that

rij(τ) =Rij(τ)√

Rii(0)Rjj(0)where |rij(τ)| ≤ 1 ∀i, j, τ 5

and we denote the normalized version of Rτ as rτ where each element of the matrix inequation 2 is normalized as per equation 5. It is important to note that Rij(τ) = Rji(−τ)and Rij(τ) = Rij(−τ), hence rτ is a symmetric matrix for all τ . The normalized correlationcoefficient is utilized here to balancethe varying intensity of the AE source. The mappingwhich links training dataset to the source location assumes that the source intensityis normalized across the entire training dataset which is achieved with the normalizedcorrelation coefficient.

The correlation matrix captures the essential information regarding the correlation of thesignals captured using the distributed sensor network which contains essential informationregarding the delay or phase of the arriving signals. The matrix Rτ is constructed overthe interval −τs ≤ τ ≤ τs such that each of its elements Rij(τ) or the normalized cross-correlation rij(τ) is a vector of dimension 2τs+ 1. Since the correlation matrix is symmetric,only the upper triangular part is considered in a matrix representation

r∆k,τs =[rτs,i : rτs,i ∈ R2τs+1 and − τs ≤ τ ≤ τs ∀i ∈ I


where I is the set of indices associated with the ordering of the elements of the uppertriangle of rτ at some instance τ and rτs,i is a vector which contains the cross-correlationmeasure over the interval ±τs. It is important to note that the subscript ∆k of the matrixr∆k,τs k = 1, . . . , nt denotes normalized correlation data evaluated for the k-th test pointout of a total of nt training sets. Thus the full set of training correlation data is given as

r∆,τs =[r∆1,τs , r∆2,τs , . . . , r∆nt ,τs

]where r∆k,τs ∈ R2τs+1 × nI , k = 1, . . . , nt 7

where nI is the cardinality of the set I.The objective here is to obtain a map between the normalized correlation matrix

representing the signal data for each of the nt training sets and the corresponding coordinatesof the acoustic source. However, the computational demands of modelling the large predictormatrix r∆,τs is substantial and would make the subsequent real-time model predictioninfeasible. Thus we seek an optimal reduced basis which can be used to represent the datafor each training set such that

find T : R2τs+1 × nInt → Rnr × nInt where T (r∆i,τs) = αi,τs ∀i = 1, . . . , nInt

such that Φ∆,τs = arg infφ∆j ,τs

,∀j‖Φ∆,τs [α1,τs , . . . ,αnInt,τs ]− r∆i,τs‖F 8

where nr << 2τs + 1 and αi,τs ∈ Rnr . Thus the transformation T expresses the normalizedcorrelation terms using an optimal basis on which the solution would be projected and an


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additional orthonormality constraint of Φᵀ∆,τs

Φ∆,τs = I can be imposed on the basis. Thisoptimal basis can be informed by the left singular eigenvectors of the training correlation datacontained in r∆,τs or the principal eigenvectors associated with rᵀ∆,τs r∆,τs . The compressedcorrelation data is be expressed in terms of this optimal basis as

ατs = {α1,τs , . . . ,αnt,τs} = Φ∆,τs where rᵀ∆,τs where ατs ∈ Rnr × nInt 9

The matrix ατs consists of a collection of nInt vectors each of dimension nr, thus for each ofthe nt training points we get a set of nI vectors which contains the compressed information.

Next we introduce the linear map vec(·) : Rn×k → Rnk which transforms a collection ofk vectors each of dimension n into a single vectors of dimension nk (where each of the kvectors are stacked end to end). The matrix r∆,τs is transformed as

αv ={vec(α1,τs), . . . , vec(αnt,τs)

}where αv ∈ RnrnI×nt 10

such that each of the nrnI vector in αv corresponds to the compressed data collected at thedistributed sensor network on the structural system.

The problem then defined defined in terms of finding the map G : αv,xy → rxy whererxy is a vector of the Euclidean distance of AE source from each sensor in the distributedsensory network and the subscript (xy) denotes the Cartesian coordinates of the AE soruce.The problem is posed as the following multivariate least square regression problem

γ = arg infγ∈RnrnI

‖αv,xyγ − rxy‖2 11

However, for each training run, there is an uncertainty around the measured signal. Weconstruct a scalar error indicator following from equation 11 as

εr = ‖rxy − rxy‖ where rxy = αv,xyγ 12

where rxy is the approximate identified location of the acoustic source associated with thetraining data where the known true source is at rxy distance from the sensors. Equation 12gives the error associated with the regression map G : αv,xy → rxy. Thus the error indicatorεr for the training dataset is mapped on the spatial domain using a Gaussian processsurrogate, discussed in the following section, based on which the probabilistic predictionof the source location is performed based on the observed signal data at the distributedsensory network.

3.2. Discrete scale-time decomposition of cross-correlation

The cross-correlation based signal compression can be further filtered to localize specificfrequency components in the time domain. This gives the advantage of accurately identifyingthe arrival of specific propagation modes at different sensor locations. Hence a betterunderstanding of the dispersion behavior is obtained by this. Additionally, the proportionof energy concentrated in different wave modes can be calculated from the scale-timedecomposition of the signals.

Using discrete and continuous wavelet transform for signal characterization and featureextraction is an established field of study. We briefly discuss the fundamental aspects ofthe principle of wavelet transform here and its application to the cross-correlation metric.Assuming a mother wavelet of the form Ψs,∆(t) = 1√


)and applied to a signal x(t)

we get

Xs,∆i =


∗s,∆(t)dt 13


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where s and ∆ are the scale and time parameters respectively. It is to be noted that thedual of this relationship exists, which enables the reconstruction of the original signal fromthe inverse wavelet transform. Applying the wavelet transform to the normalized cross-correlation measure (defined in equation 5) results in

rs,∆ij =


rij(τ)Ψ∗s,∆(τ)dτ =1√



∫τxi(t)xj(t+ τ)Ψ∗s,∆(τ)dτdt 14

Simplifying the expression in the equation 14 and applying change of variables we obtain

rs,∆ij =1√



j dt 15

This facilitates rapid calculation of the rs,∆ij as features using which the localization andcharacterization of AE sources can be made.

The proportion of energy concentrated in the propagating wave modes of the AEsignals recorded at a particular sensor location (say i) is given in a scale-time sub-domains ∈ sh; ∆ ∈ ∆h as

Esh,∆hi =




∣∣∣2 ds d∆ 16

where sh and ∆h are sub-domains defined the scale and time axis respectively. The energyconcentration in a scale-time sub-domain [sh,∆h] of the wavelet transformed correlationmeasures is given by

Esh,∆hij =



∣∣∣rs,∆ij ∣∣∣ ds d∆ 17

Here Es,∆ij gives a quantitative estimate of the product of energy concentration in thecorrelated signals. For the case when i = j and ∆ = 0, equation 17 gives the energyconcentration in the scale-time domain of the signal at sensor i. The quantity Es,∆ij wouldbe incorporated as features in the Gaussian process surrogate to facilitate the data-drivenframework for AE source characterization in the

4. Bayesian emulation of the error surface

In subsection 3.1, the error indicator εr is a function of (x, y) coordinates of the AE sourcesuch that εr : (x, y) → R. In this section, we introduce a Gaussian process model [25]compute a surrogate response surface of the error indicator over the spatial domain of thestructural system.

The coordinates (x, y) of the AE source over the domain [lx, ly] serves as the parameterspace or the input space over which the error indicator εr is trained. Here it is assumedthat the observed error output vector [εr1(x, y), . . . , εrnt (x, y)] are realisations of a Gaussianstochastic process with parametrized mean and covariance functions. The model structureis thus expressed as

εr(x, y) = h(x, y)ᵀβ + Z(x, y) 18

where h(x, y) is a vector of known functions and β is an unknown hyperparameter to beestimated from the data. The choice of h(ξ) is an active research area [26, 27]. The functionZ(·) is a stochastic process with mean zero and covariance function

Cov(Z((x, y)), Z(x′, y′)) = σ2zC((x, y), (x′, y′)) 19

where C(·, ·) is a correlation function and σ2z is the process variance, a hyperparameter that

can also be estimated from the data. In order to choose a valid positive-definite correlationfunction, we consider products of one-dimensional correlations[28] with functional forms

C((x, y), (x′, y′)) = exp{− bi

∣∣∣x− x′∣∣∣2 − bi∣∣∣y − y′∣∣∣2} 20


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where bi > 0 for all i with x, x′ ∈ [0, lx] and y, y

′ ∈ [0, ly]. The above correlation function isinfinitely differentiable which is convenient when Gaussian processes are used to model notonly the code output, but also its derivatives [29]. The vector of smoothness hyperparametersb =

(b1, b2)ᵀ quantifies the rate at which the output varies over the spatial domain.

Let D ={(

(x, y)i, εr(x, y)i)∣∣i = 1, . . . , nt

}be a set of nt training runs. Given

this observed dataset, Bayes’ theorem is used to estimate the hyperparameters asP(β, σ2z ,b

∣∣D) ∝ P(D∣∣β, σ2z ,b)P(β, σ2z ,b), where P(β, σ2z ,b

∣∣D) is the posterior probability

of the hyperparameters, P(D∣∣β, σ2z ,b) is the likelihood, P(β, σ2z ,b) is the prior of the

hyperparameters, and P(D) is the marginal likelihood. A detailed derivation of prior-to-posterior analysis along with the hyperparameter estimation is given in [30, 31].

The assumed Gaussian process prior on the code’s output implies that the posteriordistribution is also a Gaussian process. Once the hyperparameters are estimated, the meanof the posterior distribution approximates the output of ε∗r at any point (x∗, y∗) on thephysical domain. The variance of the posterior distribution quantifies the uncertainty thatarises from having only a limited number of observations [32]. It can be shown that theposterior distribution is of the form

εr(x, y)∣∣εobs, σ2

z ∼ N(m∗(x, y), σ2

zC∗((x, y), (x′, y′))


where the posterior mean and posterior variance are respectively

m∗(x, y) = β + rᵀC−1(y − 1β) 22

C∗((x, y), (x′, y′)) = C((x, y), (x′, y′))− rᵀ(x, y)C−1r(x, y) 23

Thus, the error indicator can be evaluated at any (x, y) (location predicted by themultivariate least square regression problem in equation 11) and ε(x, y) gives the uncertaintyin the acoustic source location. Once the error response surface surrogate has been trained,the prediction of the error is straightforward and computationally efficient which allows forreal-time identification of damage location in the structure under active operating conditions.

The error surface ε(x, y) trained above is used in conjunction with the least squareestimator using correlation characteristics (presented in section 3) to give a probabilisticprediction of the AE source conditional on the training data. At the prediction stagethe reduced correlation matrix, constructed using the optimal basis Φ∆,τs , is mapped tothe AE source and the associated error is evaluated from the trained Gaussian processsurrogate. Thus a robust probabilistic estimate of the AE source location is obtained usingthe correlation characteristics of the signal collected from the distributed sensor network.

The Gaussian process emulation over the feature space can be expanded to includeadditional features as the wavelet transform of the cross-correlation measure given inequation 14 where

5. Experimental setup

In order to develop and validate the above approach for damage localization, data wascollected from a stiffened carbon fibre composite panel, representative of an aerospacestructure.

5.1. Sample details

The manufactured stiffened panel is presented in Figure figure 2. The stiffeners werepurchased from Easy Composites Ltd. (Staffordshire, UK) they consist of a 90o L-shapedcross-section with laminate thickness of 3mm and cross-section dimensions of 25×25mm and


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(a) Grid side (b) Stiffener side

Figure 2. Manufactured panel a) from stiffener side showing sensor positions and b) fromskin side showing grid used for data collection.

a length of 600mm. The stiffeners are made from 2 × 2 twill high strength carbon fibres inan epxoy matrix with fibres aligned in the 0o and 90o directions. The skin was manufacturedfrom 12 plies of Cytec MTM28/T800HB/200/42% 2× 2 twill weave carbon fibre compositematerial with a (0)12 layup and was cured in an autoclave in line with the manufacturersrecommended cure cycle. Following curing the thickness was 2.85mm and the skin panelwas cut to 550× 600mm using a water cooled diamond tipped cutting wheel. The skin andstiffeners were lightly abraded and degreased in preparation for bonding using permabondET5429 adhesive. The final overall panel dimensions were 550 × 600mm with the stiffenersrunning vertically. Two aluminium dumby ribs (representative of attachment to a wing ribfor a composite wing skin) were attached at 1/4 and 3/4 hight of the panel by drilling andbolting using 12 M4 bolts for each, as seen in 2(b). The top and bottom edges of the panelwere potted into 20mm deep aluminium frames using Airtech TMR2001 high temperaturelaminating resin to allow application of a compressive load (not considered in this paper).A 500× 500mm grid with 50mm resolution was applied to the skin side of the panel (2(a))and was used to aid the collection of training data.

5.2. Panel instrumentation

The panel was instrumented with five AE sensors as seen in 2(b), five McWade NS-3303(300 kHz), the larger gold coloured sensors, and three Mistral Group Ltd. Nano30 sensors(300kHz), the smaller silver sensors. Four McWade sensors are arranged in a 275× 175mmsquare with the fifth placed centrally. The Nano30 sensors are arranged in a 75mm spacedtriangular array. The sensor outputs are amplified by 40dB using a McWade PA3303 pre-amplifier for the McWade sensors and a Mistral Group Ltd. 2/4/6 (20-1200kHz) pre-amplifierfor the Nano30 sensors. A silicon adhesive (Loctite 595) was used to attatch the sensorsand provide a suitable acoustic couplant, the adhsive was allowed to cure for 24 hrs beforeany data acquisition or testing was undertaken and the correct coupling of the sensors wasassessed using a H-N source [20, 21]. The AE data was recorded with a Mistras Group Ltd.PCI-2 acquisition system using a 45dB threshold level. The detected signals were sampledat 5MHz for a duration of 1000µs: 600µs after the threshold crossing point and with a pre-trigger of 400µs. The time when the threshold crossing occurs for each test point has beenrecorded and shown in figure 3 and has been discussed in section 6.


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5.3. Data acquisition

AE data was collected from the manufactured composite panel using a H-N source [20, 21]to excite artificial AE waves. The H-N source is recognised as a standard reference source(ASTM E976) for AE testing and requires the fracture of a 0.5mm diameter 2H pencil leadagains the sample surface at an angle of 30o. This is facilitated using a propelling pencilfitted with a plastic rocker the rocker is placed on the sample and the pencil rotated untilthe lead contacts the surface and then fractures. This results in minute elastic deformationof the surface under the tip of the pencil lead and when the lead fractures the elastic energystored in the surface is rapidly released and excites a broadband elastic stress wave. Thisis highly representative of the rapid release of elastic energy that occurs when cracks andfractures grow in materials and hence is why it has been adopted as a standardised referencesource for AE testing. The H-N source commonly excites a larger amplitdue signal than areal fracture, however, the source mechanism is still representative and it has been shownto be a suitable artificial source for training a system for the detection and analysis of AEsignals from real fracture events as seen in the Delta T Mapping techniques discussed above.

The data used in this work were collected using H-N sources performed at the nodes ofthe grid applied to the front of the stiffened panel. Ten H-N sources were conducted at eachof the grid nodes within the 500 × 500mm grid shown in 2(a) and for each H-N source fiveAE signals were recorded and stored (one from each sensor).

6. Results and discussion

A sample of the collected sensor data is shown in figure 3 where each red dot signify thetime (x-axis) of arrival of the wave at a sensor (5 sensors denoted by “Ch 1” to “Ch 5”) andits maximum amplitude (y-axis). A hit is recorded when the signal received at a particularsensor exceeds a preset threshold value. Figure 3 shows the hits recorded simultaneously at all

Figure 3. Normalized correlation coefficients of the signal collected at the distributed sensornetwork (only the first 4 out of the total of 5 sensor signals shown) over discrete time steps−100 ≤ τs ≤ 100

the five sensor locations. All the hits between the vertical blue lines on each channel indicatea test performed with the H-N source at a grid point (figure 2(a)) on the panel. Around 10tests have been performed at each grid point due to which there are approximately 10 hits


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(red dots) between two consecutive blue lines. The red dots are aligned in time across allchannels except for the small time difference associated with the waves travelling differentdistances from the source to reach each sensor. All the tests represented in figure 3 have beenperformed along the 11 test grid points at x = 0 (the bottommost line in the grid). Thisfigure essentially represents only the time of arrival for the signal at the individual sensors,but the correlation measure between the sensors is shown in the next figure.

Figure 4 shows the elements of the normalized correlation matrix rτ (described inequation 5) where the dimension of rτ for a particular τ is 5 × 5 since we have 5 sensorsdistributed over the physical domain of the composite structure. Each sub-window in thefigure denotes the correlation rij(τ) over −100 ≤ τ ≤ 100. The figure shows that the

Figure 4. Normalized correlation coefficients of the signal collected at the distributed sensornetwork over discrete time steps −100 ≤ τs ≤ 100

autocorrelation function is symmetric, i.e. rij(τ) = rij(−τ) and rij(τ) = rji(tau). Thecorrelation function is treated as an energy indicator of the waveforms recorded by eachsensor as well as containing essential information about the phase of the waves arriving ateach sensor.

The optimal basis on which the correlation matrix is projected to obtain a compressedrepresentation of the information collected at the sensors. A total of 30 basis functionshave been used to approximate the terms of the correlation matrix. The basis functionsare orthonormalized and have been calculated using the left eigenvectors of the correlationmatrix using the singular value decomposition. The rapidly decaying singular value spectrumof the ensures that a good approximation is obtained with the reduced basis. The correlationmatrix projected on these 30 optimal bases is termed as the reduced correlation matrix.

The accuracy of the identified AE source using the least square estimate is shown infigure 6. The black dots indicate the training points on the 10×10 grid of the composite panelwhile the red dots indicate the approximate identified acoustic source locations obtained usingthe least square mapping of the reduced correlation matrix to the vector of the distance ofthe acoustic source from the sensor network (as discussed in equation 11). The error εr(x, y)


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Figure 5. The accuracy of fit of the training dataset based on the observed correlationmatrix over the physical domain of the composite panel. The square blocks shown in blackconstitute the actual test grid while the red dots are least square estimates of the AE source.

is given by the distance of the identified source locations (red dots) to the known position ofAE (black squares).

This error indicator εr(x, y) varies as per the accuracy of the fit and a Gaussian processsurrogate is used to build a probabilistic error surface over the spatial domain as discussedin section 4. Figure 6 gives the mean and standard deviation of the posterior error surface

0 100 200 300 400 500









(a) Mean of the error surface

0 100 200 300 400 500









(b) Standard deviation of the errorsurface











































320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400170











(c) Standard deviation of the errorsurface

Figure 6. The mean an standard deviation of the error response surface over the domainof the plate. The colormap of (a) varies between 0− 45mm while for the standard deviationis between 0− 20mm

conditional on the observations. This gives a distribution of the accuracy of the least sqauresestimate as a function of the spatial coordinates. It can be verified that the mean error isalmost zero at those training locations where the accuracy of the least square method ismaximum. The locations where there are no training points show a high value of mean errorand correspondingly high standard deviation of error which is an expected behavior.


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Figure 6(c) shows the probability distribution associated with an identified test point. Theactual location of the acoustic source is shown as the green dot (although this informationhas not been used to train the model). The assumed Gaussian process surrogate predicts theprobability distribution of the identified acoustic source location conditional on the trainingdata and though the mean true location does not match the exact source location (whichis expected due to experimental errors and measurement noise), the true source location iscontained within the 95% probability envelope as shown in figure 6(c).

Thus effectiveness of the methodology is demonstrated in terms of the accuracy ofidentifying the source of the AE. The cost of producing the gaussian process surrogateis incurred mostly in an offline training stage while in the online identification stage theeffective location of the AE source is derived efficiently from the surrogate. This allows forimplementation of the technique in real-time identification procedure within the performanceconstraints of the signal processing platforms.

The cross-correlation measures shown in figure 4 is used as the signal whose wavelettransform has been performed (following equation 15) and shown in figure 7. The wavelet

Figure 7. The wavelet transformed surface of the cross-correlation measure between sensor

pairs i.e.∣∣∣rs,∆ij ∣∣∣ where i = 1 and j = 1, . . . , 5

transformed surfaces show the relative positions in the time-scale of the point of arrival ofthe correlated wavemodes at the individual sensors in addition to the degree of correlationof the individual wavemodes (as amplitude along the z-axis). These are used as additionalfeatures (in addition to the normalized cross-correlated metrics given in figure 3).

Figure 8. The accuracy of localization of damage at multiple locations. The true AElocation soruces are marked with ∗ while the isoprobability contours describe the possiblelocation of the AE sources.

Using the features shown in the cross-correlation spectrum and features from the wavelettransformed surfaces given in figure 7, the localization of the damage on the multilayeredcomposite structure with H-N sources have been performed and shown in figure 8. This showsthe location of five different AE soruces using the isoprobability contours while the actual


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location is shown with the red marker. The figure superimposes identification performed formultiple AE source signals and the isoprobability contours signify the probability of sourcelocation based on the information collected from the 5 sensors distributed on the surface ofthe composite panels. The results show a good accuracy of AE source localization based onthe identification features derived from the cross-correlation metrics and does not rely onany asusmed shape/geometry or ad hoc regularization conditions applied for identification.Thus this has the potential to be applied in industrial scenarios as a robust identificationtechnology for acoustic source location. The proposed methodology would also be applicablefor structures operating under service loads (with the energy content concentrated in the lowfrequency regime) which is a fundamental advantage with AE-based SHM techniques.

7. Conclusion and future work

The study demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed correlation feature basedidentification of AE sources in applications of non-destructive testing. The effectivenessof the method stems from using direct evaluations of normalized autocorrelation functionswhich effectively reduces the impact of signal noise and captures the essential correlationinformation between the signals recorded with the distributed sensor network. A reducedset of basis vectors which compress the correlation information reduces the memory andcomputational overhead associated with the method. A Gaussian process surrogate is fittedon the error surface over the spatial domain to explicitly consider the error associated withdeterministic evaluators. The results demonstrate the effective of the method in predictingthe source location with test data on the same panel.

The promises of the study extends to a number of interesting future investigations forextending and improving the proposed methodology to address additional challenges. Someof these are

• The wavelet transformed features of the correlation metrics can be used to derive theenergy distribution in propagating modes from which the characterization of the damagetype (based on categorical damage models would be accomplished) can be performed.

• The portability of the trained surrogate i.e. the ability of the trained model to predictAE sources in nominally similar test panels.

• The application of the proposed methodology to identify the generation cracks on thecomposite panel under fatigue loading cycles.

• A hierarchical probabilistic model of the AE source mapped to the correlation matrix,where identification stages can be compartmentalized to correspond to various levels ofrefinement. This would involve the use of a combination of probabilistic classificationand regression methodology in an automated sequence to improve the accuracy andminimize the computational overhead associated with the method.

Subsequent work would also focus on using physics based model of ultrasonic wavepropagation in composite panels which would provide a means of identifying the natureof damage induced in the structure which has not been addressed in this study. This wouldallow us to go beyond the black-box input-output mapping techniques which is expected tosignificantly improve the performance of the identification algorithm and provide additionalinformation pertaining to the degradation of health of operational structures.


AK acknowledges the support from Ser Cymru NRN, Wales through the award of theIndustrial Fellowship.


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