PRIZES! - Spring Grove School

1 SG MESSENGER: End of Summer Term 2017 Review, No. 38 PRIZES! Andy Warhol (painter) once made this statement, “everyone will be world famous for fiſteen minutes!” and this has caused me to think about the nature of rewards and prizes. If it is true that we can all expect a personal celebraon or fame for a short space of me, it must also be true that a much larger proporon of our lives will be spent not cele- brang personal success or not being famous! I spoke at our final assembly about not winning prizes: that it is a universal experience. We spend more of our me watch- ing others’ success rather than our own. What do we learn from this? If you have not won a prize then you are in the majority. Or, put another way: The majority of us, the majori- ty of the me, do not win prizes. Somemes, it seems that others get more prizes than we do. That might be true but is it always the same people? Are oth- ers more favoured than we are? Even if you think that some- one in your class gets more prizes than you it will sll be true that they spend more of their me not geng rewarded. What advice should there be for those who did not receive a prize this year? 1. Be happy for those that have won. Swallow the disap- pointment and move on. 2. Be paent. Your turn will come. Somemes, unex- pectedly, we become showered with praise for things we have done. It is definitely worth the wait for all that effort expended. 3. Be persevering. Watching others succeed may be in- spiraonal. Learn from others. 4. Be aware that we somemes get rewarded with op- portunies and awards without realising. Developing the ‘Have a Go’ Spirit... The photographs inside this mammoth Messenger indicate the encouraging truth that SG children oſten strive, not neces- sarily to win but because of the joy of compeon and perfor- mance, or simply to take part. A glance at the sports day pho- tos, with effort etched on the faces, or the “Superstan” imag- es, shows our young performers giving their all in compeon and on stage. Winning perhaps is the icing on the cake but ‘having a go’ is the real essence of Spring Grove. I hope you enjoy this review of a fantasc year. We are now looking forward to celebrang 50 years of SG and when we resume in September we shall be celebrang the arrival of the very first pupils at Spring Grove in 1967. Before that , I hope that all of our readers will be able to enjoy a fantasc summer holiday.

Transcript of PRIZES! - Spring Grove School


SG MESSENGER: End of Summer Term 2017 Review, No. 38


Andy Warhol (painter) once made this statement, “everyone will be world famous for fifteen minutes!” and this has caused me to think about the nature of rewards and prizes. If it is true that we can all expect a personal celebration or fame for a short space of time, it must also be true that a much larger proportion of our lives will be spent not cele-brating personal success or not being famous!

I spoke at our final assembly about not winning prizes: that it is a universal experience. We spend more of our time watch-ing others’ success rather than our own. What do we learn from this? If you have not won a prize then you are in the majority. Or, put another way: The majority of us, the majori-ty of the time, do not win prizes. Sometimes, it seems that others get more prizes than we do. That might be true but is it always the same people? Are oth-ers more favoured than we are? Even if you think that some-one in your class gets more prizes than you it will still be true that they spend more of their time not getting rewarded. What advice should there be for those who did not receive a prize this year? 1. Be happy for those that have won. Swallow the disap-

pointment and move on. 2. Be patient. Your turn will come. Sometimes, unex-

pectedly, we become showered with praise for things we have done. It is definitely worth the wait for all that effort expended.

3. Be persevering. Watching others succeed may be in-spirational. Learn from others.

4. Be aware that we sometimes get rewarded with op-portunities and awards without realising.

Developing the ‘Have a Go’ Spirit... The photographs inside this mammoth Messenger indicate the encouraging truth that SG children often strive, not neces-sarily to win but because of the joy of competition and perfor-mance, or simply to take part. A glance at the sports day pho-tos, with effort etched on the faces, or the “Superstan” imag-es, shows our young performers giving their all in competition and on stage. Winning perhaps is the icing on the cake but ‘having a go’ is the real essence of Spring Grove. I hope you enjoy this review of a fantastic year. We are now looking forward to celebrating 50 years of SG and when we resume in September we shall be celebrating the arrival of the very first pupils at Spring Grove in 1967. Before that , I hope that all of our readers will be able to enjoy a fantastic summer holiday.



An absolutely brilliant day. A huge thank you and very well done to everyone who took part and made it pos-sible.


Winning doesn’t al-

ways mean being

first, winning means

you’re doing better

than you’ve done




Amazing, simply amazing!

LEAVERS’ DAY The whole school gathered on Wednesday morning to welcome (for the last time) and say farewell to our Prep 6 leavers.


And the holiday begins...



Alice, Poppy, Charlie, Edward, Lola, Millie, Angel, Lila-Mai and Isabella have completed up to seven weeks of Level 1 & 2 dingy sailing at the Redoubt Sailing Club, Hythe. This after school activity is parent-led/parent-run and the children have had terrific fun, with the prospect of capsizing moving from a terrifying ordeal to the first drill they want to do as soon as they arrive! In conjunction with the Royal Yachting Associa-tion training centre at Conningbrook Lake (behind the Julie Rose Stadium Ashford), we are pleased to extend the club to other children from Spring Grove School, aged 8 and over. The club will award RYA Youth dinghy stage 1-4 certificates for children when they have success-fully completed the syllabus for each stage. Sessions are to be held on Wednesday after-noons, for at least the first half of the Autumn Term, between 4pm—5pm and 5pm—6pm, with about 12 per session. Each session will be taken by two instructors and one or two safety boats, depending on numbers. The children will have an hour on the water in-cluding launching plus changing of clothes time. Wetsuits and buoyancy aids are provided; the children should please bring their own bike hel-mets (to protect heads from the boom) and swim gear. This is a parent-led/parent-run after school activi-ty and would like to have/will require at least one parent helper for each session. Cost is £12 per session plus £20 membership fee. We would need a commitment of at least six chil-dren per session. If you are interested or would like further infor-mation, please contact (from 1st August): Louise Courtenay-Snipp: [email protected] Ken Lutz: [email protected]


Curt As Head Boy

Georgina And Head Girl

Curt We not only wish to thank all the teachers who got us to this stage

Georgina But we would also like to give tips to next year’s prefects.

Curt Volunteer when help is required. Do it with a smile.

Georgina Be kind and courteous.

Curt If you see someone who feels down, ask if they need help and if so, try and help with the situation.

Georgina Set a good example and be a good role model especially towards younger children.

Curt Get involved in extracurricular activities.

Georgina Be an ambassador for the school on open days.

Curt For the school captains: Always look someone in the eye and smile when you hand out a Headmaster’s Star.

Georgina And now, 3 personal highlights for me: Legoland, the Ski trip and Learning French

Curt For me: karate, singing a solo and learning French.

Georgina We think some SG highlights for 2016 - 2017 would be:

Curt 11+ and other exam successes

Georgina The SG Swimathon

Curt Sports matches for boys and girls

Georgina The shows including House Entertainments, the Nativities, Splash and Superstan

Curt Forest School

Georgina All the concerts including the carol service

Curt We want to wish all the best to the 4 houses: AC

Georgina DC!

Curt Austen Chaucer

Georgina Dickens Conrad

Curt AC

Georgina DC

Curt We want to thank all of our teachers

Georgina And all of our parents for sending us to Spring Grove

Curt And finally, something I learnt to do in Reception complete with sound effect:

Georgina wink!

Curt Wink with click!!



TEDDIES Here we are again, another year over. We have had another busy term and there have been so many activities to coincide with our topics of Summer and Bugs. All the children enjoyed planting sunflowers and hopefully they continue to grow in the children’s gardens after taking them home. The Teddy Bears picnic was fun-packed with a Bear Hunt and games organised by Miss Rall -everyone was exhausted at the end! Thank you to our parent helpers who came along. Well done to all the children who took part in the sports day and family picnic – it was a lovely occasion for everyone and we had lots of luck with the sunny weather, thankfully not as hot as last year. We say goodbye to our older children who will be moving on to join Mrs Clarke in her Nursery class. We will miss them all very much but realise they are ready for the next step and will have lots of fun exploring the new toys and activities. This term we also say goodbye to Miss Appleby who will be greatly missed for her enthusiasm and motivation – we wish her well in her new position. I would like to say a “big” thank you to the Teddies team for all their input and hard work and to the parents who continu-ally support us – it’s very much appreciated. Wishing you all a safe and relaxing Summer break.

Mrs Wells, Mrs Cox, Miss Fisher, Miss Rall, Miss Appleby



Another year draws to a close for the children in nursery and the time has come for them to move to the Reception class or to a new school. It seems no time since they arrived in Nurse-ry and yet here they are all ready to move onto ‘Big School’. We are saying goodbye to Mrs Ward who has been with us to cover maternity leave and will be joined in September by Miss Hannah Terry in her place. Nursery has been very busy this year with all the many activities that we have taken part in. This term we have all been practising our number recognition and writing, playing listening games and tuning into sounds in words, enjoying lots of craft work, construction and Fairy and Pirate Day when the children dressed up and then used their telescopes to hunt for the treasure in the garden.

The children enjoyed watching our caterpillars turn into butterflies and then helped to release them back into the wild. The tadpoles took a little longer to turn into frogs but we eventually had 4 froglets which caused much excitement for the children and for children arriving from further up the school for crèche. The children all practised hard for Sports Day and ran magnifi-cently earning their stickers and ice lollies afterwards. Our final trip of the year was on the Romney, Hythe and Dym-church Railway and then onto Greatstone Beach for a picnic and then time to collect shells and build sandcastles. The final few weeks of term are always very hectic with chil-dren going to visit their new schools, teachers visiting, watch-ing the dress rehearsal for the school play and enjoying the final few days play in the garden. We wish those children moving to new schools all the best and we look forward to seeing those returning to Reception in September. Have a fantastic holiday and a huge thank you for all of our presents and cards received at the end of term.

Mrs Carol Clarke, Mrs Upchurch and Mrs Ward


RECEPTION It has been a wonderful year in Reception. We have fully im-mersed ourselves in the children’s interests and planned our activities together as a group. Through these topics we have facilitated the learning opportunities to ensure the children cover a breadth of the Foundation Curriculum and the results have been very pleasing. The children have all made excellent progress across the Early Learning Goals, particularly their Personal, Social and Emo-tional development, independence and critical thinking skills. They have been working hard to develop their Literacy skills with some impressive writing emerging. We have continued to develop our mathematical knowledge and have been practising our number bonds to 10 in prepara-tion for year one. This term the children participated in their first ever class as-sembly. Together we decided that the Story Oi Frog by Kes Gray would be fun to retell. The children were keen to per-form, each choosing an animal from the story to be. The cos-tume support from parents was fantastic and the children all looked great. They spoke clearly and loudly to the audience and demonstrated excellent stage presence. Back in May we had an exciting visit from Zoo Lab who brought an array of exotic creatures to school, including cock-roaches, giant African snails and a snake! We followed on from this topic with a trip to Tyland barn. The children experi-enced pond dipping, insect identification and mini-beast hunting in a variety of habitats. We had a wonderful day out, topped with ice-creams on the front lawn. Thank-you Mrs Newman and Mrs Andrews for coming along with us. We have thoroughly enjoyed our PE sessions in the pool this year and it was impressive to see the children’s confidence in the water during the charity Swimathon. Sports day was a huge success and the children all joined in well, showing good sportsmanship. Well done! We finish the year with a special treat for filling our class mar-ble jar. We have been lucky enough to have some food pre-pared by Anya’s family and some Mendhi to try. The children also voted for a cinema, so to finish our story of the BFG we have enjoyed the film with some popcorn! X Lastly we thank you all for your continued support over the year. We wish you all a restful break and our best wishes for Year One!


YEAR 1 In Year 1 we have had a lot of fun together. The class has continued to socialise and grow together and we have had some interesting discussions around our topics. The class particularly enjoyed learning about Florence Nightingale and The Seaside. A highlight was finding a fresh water scor-pion whilst ‘pond dipping’ in the school stream! In Literacy and Numeracy the children have continued to develop their reading, writing and creative skills as well as their counting and calculation skills. Please try to keep reading, using the mathletics programme and Lexia where appropriate during the summer holi-days. Cooking, telling the time, measuring, shopping with money, keeping a simple holiday diary and writing post-cards are all good ways to keep minds active during the hol-idays. However, holidays are also a time for resting and growing with family and friends. We concluded our RE topic learning about Hinduism with a small Diwali celebration. ‘Granny Annie’ popped in to share her experiences of travels to India, she brought gifts and we saw how long a turban can be and dressed Miss Lawrence in a beautiful sari. Thank you Granny Annie and thank you to Mrs Amirthalin-gam for providing a delicious Pyasam for us to taste. The class have made such good progress throughout the year both socially and academically and I know they will move onto Year 2 successfully. We wish them all the best and look forward to watching them progress through Spring Grove. Have a wonderful summer! Mrs Newman, Mrs Boucher, Miss Lawrence



When we learnt about the Amazon rainforest Rafael and Sophie made a pro-ject and it was massive and Rafael, Sophie and Felipe made a poster. Then, we learnt about chocolate! Chocolate is hard to make so, we’re going to explain. First, you go to the rainforest and harvest the cacao pods. Next, you open up the pods and you see the cocoa beans. After that, you mash up the beans. For now, wait for about a week. After you waited for the beans, sort them out. Then, roast the beans. Next, mix it all up and bring it to the shops! You just learnt how to make choco-late! We did a show about the chocolate and the Amazon, it was amazing. In the play, we sang Down in the Jungle lyrics and there was chocolate. For Golden Time we had a chocolate fountain with marshmallows, bananas, strawberries and grapes. Not long ago, we went to Howletts Zoo! First, we went to the wolves. They went very close to us and were staring at everyone, next, we went to the wild dogs. They went on the platform. After that, we went to the rhinos, there was a baby one too, after, we went to the elephants and one even showed us how to eat if you’re an elephant and Wilfie and William called it David. We had an Ancient Egyptian afternoon! We made all sorts of stuff. We had some food and one was called Khochary and Basboosa and grapes. We wrapped ourselves in toilet paper like Mum-mies. We made a sort of Egyptian collar. We coloured them in with felt-tip. They looked beautiful. Then at the end of the term we went to Forest School. When we arrived we saw a sign saying, be careful ADDERS! First we tasted some bugs, we tasted maggots and locusts. That was the starter! Then we had a picnic lunch. It was great, we had sandwiches, pork pie, sausage rolls and a fruit bar. After we had a scavenger hunt. My group didn’t find everything. The winners were Alfie’s group. Then we built a den. Our group was Alfie, Dexter, James, Tom, Felipe and William. It even had a doorbell. It was a bug den in-stead of a human den! When me and Felipe went to get a stick we nearly saw an ADDER! Then we heard Mr. Curnow’s horn thing. That meant we had to go back. BYE FOREST SCHOOL! THE END! Written by some roving reporters in Year 2



It seems only last week that we were planning our classes’ tast-er sessions and already we are at the end of the school year. In true SG style, it has been a year of hard work, new experiences, music, fun and laughter. Throughout it all we’ve all learnt a lot and grown in every way. Prep 3 have especially relished the opportunity to be the guin-ea pigs for the first year of SG’s Forest School. The children have given overwhelmingly positive feedback on their experi-ence in the woods and our regular visits will continue next year. Their comments include: Forest School has not just been a matter of having fun in the woods. We have taken our classroom into the fresh air and are very proud to have completed environmental projects in order to achieve our Bronze, Silver and Gold awards as part The Woodland Trust’s Green Tree Schools Award Scheme. We look forward to working towards the Platinum Award next year. After such a great experience, it was fantastic to end the year with our ‘Bring a Parent’ Woodland Party. The weather was perfect and families enjoyed some “slow time” together, ex-ploring, building dens, practising ‘Nordic slinging’ weaving, eating and listening to their children. We would like to thank all those who contributed food and we are grateful to Louise Courtenay-Snipp, Lydia Rimmer and Ken Lutz who have com-mitted their time and support throughout the year. In the classroom, the breadth of learning styles for Prep 3 has included new online programmes such as Mathletics and Liter-acy Planet which enhance their ICT skills as well as their knowledge and understanding. Their summer assessments were completed on Chromebooks but handwriting and presen-tation in books remains an important part of our curriculum. Prep 3 have enjoyed public speaking opportunities in our Geo-caching assembly and impressed the school with their class poetry performances. For our Year group trip Mr Curnow, rapidly organised a fantas-tic day at Battle Abbey where the children learned about the Saxon and Norman armies, handled the heavy weapons, shields and chainmail, and then walked up Senlac Hill and re-enacted the crucial turning points of the Battle of Hastings, 951 years ago. Hands on history and a memorable day for all! It just remains for us to thank you all for your help and support over the last 10 months and to all those have you that have assisted with reading, trips, Forest School etc. Particular thanks must go to our wonderful TA, Mrs Bissonnette - we wish her well as she leaves us to move onto new challenges in KS1. We hope you will enjoy a refreshing summer holiday. Mrs Jones & Mr Curnow



The year began with an inspiring visit from Sir Linkalot, who taught us all how to remember lots of important things and tricky spellings. It was the centenary of Roald Dahl’s birth, and we had great fun dressing up as char-acters from his books. We were reading Charlie and the Great Glass Eleva-tor and discovered lots of useful new Dahl vocabulary like ‘muddleheaded mugwump’ and ‘meddling old mackerel’ - phrases which have come in handy throughout the year! Our first visit was to Hever Castle, the high-light of which was getting soaked in the water maze… we did also learn a lot about the history of the castle’s previous inhabitants. Football and hockey season was well underway, with many competitive matches being played. House Entertainment was Roald Dahl themed and as always, a lot of fun. We loved exploring King’s Woods for a special Forest School Day with Mr Curnow and made a super Andy Goldsworthy inspired class instal-lation. Our class assembly was about Neil Armstrong and the first landing on the moon and supported our space related literacy theme. The run up to Christmas is always an exciting time and a highlight was to join Preps 5 and 6 for carol singing in Canterbury to raise money for our charities. Our Spring Term was very busy, with House Tables and Spelling competi-tions, informal concerts, netball and rugby fixtures and our Mental Health assembly ‘Alexander and the Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.’ We cele-brated World Book Day within Fairytale Literacy Week and watched ‘The Greatest Fairytale Ever’ presented by The Hobgoblin Theatre Company. Meanwhile, we had been working away learning lines and lyrics for our middle school production of Splash where we played the main parts, sup-ported by Prep 3. The show was a resounding success and we raised the roof of the Sunley Hall with two evening performances. The summer term meant cricket, rounders and athletics, with everyone, once again, being selected for school teams and some great moments on the sports’ field. There was a new class poetry competition and we recited our ‘poem’ Thriller to the rest of the school. We summed up Poetry Week with our assembly, which ventured into ‘Poetry Land’ a place of rhyme, onomatopoeia and alliteration! There were two trips into Wye, firstly a historical themed one on Tudor buildings with Mr Jones and secondly an R.E. themed one in the church with Mrs Jones and Reverend Holy. Both were most interesting and both involved an ice cream treat, which was the added bonus! We also travelled to Margate to visit The Turner Gallery where we took part in a brilliant, hands on, art workshop. The afternoon was spent at ‘Beach School’ on Joss Bay, and yes... more ice cream was consumed! Finally, we enjoyed yet another trip, this time to The Seapoint Centre, Hythe. We paddled our way down the Royal Military Canal on two large canoes and had great fun learning a new skill. The final few weeks has whizzed by, with house swimming, cricket, field events and rounders taking place. Sports Day saw some impressive Prep 4 performances and lots of trophies and prizes being awarded during Prize Giving. We said a sad farewell to Charlie, who is going to Ludgrove next year, and wish him well for the future. I would like to thank the children and parents of prep 4 for such a wonder-ful year, for their hard work, support and enthusiasm. Have a wonderful summer holiday! Miss Drury



The final term of the school year has come to an end and this year’s Prep 5 have been a hard working group. There are so many multi-talented children to highlight. Henry has been a sporting star getting stuck into all of our team sports throughout the year. He will be at the forefront in Prep 6. Luca has made people smile with his character and turned his hand to things like rugby and cricket improving along the way. Isla is a real bright light in the performance world and she has made fantastic academic progress through hard work. We say goodbye to Abigail but remember the great time she had on the ski trip. Sebastian has pushed himself in and out of the classroom smiling his way through the day, enjoying every minute. Robin has been a real leader on the music front for our class and despite recovering from ear issues has excelled at cricket and athletics. Hasini is a star of the academic world. She is multi-talented but especially at maths. Her acting has come on leaps and bounds as well. Mia has enjoyed this term. She is a calm influence on those around her and a budding performer. I am looking forward to seeing her lead as one of the prefects next year. Violet has now settled in to the class. Her flute playing is gaining attention in orchestra and she too is a budding performer. Bea is a pocket size dynamo involved in all areas of SG life and an Austen star. Amelia is so busy working hard in class, playing the cello and representing the school on the sporting front, it’s hard to know how she finds time to be such a polite young lady. Madeleine is a sporty personality who enjoys her charity work and has found time to sing and play with the orchestra. Pedro has changed from a new, shy pupil into a fantastic funny hard working saxophonist. Everybody comments on what a nice boy he is. And that brings us to Joseph. His guitar playing is coming on and we may even get him to perform in a concert next year. I have had a great year with this class who are dedicated to all they do. I wish them and you, the parents, a relaxing sum-mer break and I look forward to teaching your children as Prep 6 maths pupils next year.

Mr Dankert



Where to begin about Prep 6's final term at Spring Grove?

They finished with a song in their memories assembly, in

which they sang about all of us missing all of them when

they're gone… I am one who will certainly miss them. We

have said goodbye to some very big personalities and

some amazingly talented children.

They enjoyed their trip to Tewkesbury and other than the

weather which was pretty shocking, they had a perfect

week. It was fascinating to watch their social interactions

with each other over an extended period of time. It was

also very obvious that there are some very firm friendships

within the group, and that the group on the whole are

clique-free and all of the children held an equal standing

for various different reasons.

All of them are feeling confident about their new schools.

Well, as confident as you can be at their age about such a

big step. They've all prepared and visited their new

schools, they've met respective pastoral leads, or heads of

year, or transition co-ordinators and to a person they all

impressed. I received many compliments about the Prep 6

students being charming, or self-confident, or polite and I

think that every compliment was justified. They are a fan-

tastic bunch, and all of their new schools are lucky to have


We wish them all the very best of luck, but knowing them

as I do, I don't think it will come down to luck.

Take care Prep 6 of 2017!

Mr Smith



It has been another successful term in the French department. The highlight for me this term has definitely been taking Prep 5 to Normandy at the beginning of June. They all were an ab-solute credit to the school during our week at the Château and it was an absolute pleasure not only to witness their progress in French but also to watch them grow as individuals, as they conquered fears and tried out many new things. In class, before the trip we concentrated on helpful vocabulary and phrases such as clothes and activities, and since we came back we have been working on writing a thank you letter to the Château staff.

During the first part of the term, Prep 6 created lovely posters giving detailed opinions of school subjects. The second half of the term was dedicated to writing about their Spring Grove memories in French, accu-rately using verbs in the past tense. Prep 4 have focused on the topic of School. They have given their opinions on school subjects, learnt to tell the time and created great little booklets describing their daily routine. In Prep 3, the first half of the term was dedicated to learning fruit and vegetables. The children created their own role plays on the theme “au marché”. During the second half of term, they have learnt to name body parts. The children particularly enjoyed singing our topic related songs: “J’aime les fruits” and “Des os il en faut!” Form 2 have concentrated on naming clothes and saying what colour they are. Whilst learning about body parts, they have also created their own monsters and described how many, arms legs eyes…those had. As well as lots of singing and speaking and reinforcing colours and numbers to 20, Form 1 have been working on naming characters in Le petit Chaperon Rouge (Little Red riding hood). They have also enjoyed learning to name clothes and the song “promenons-ous dans les bois”

Nursery and Reception have both learnt about little beasts and bugs in the latter part this term. Nursery have particularly liked reading the story of “La chenille qui fait des trous” (The hungry caterpillar) Reception have particularly impressed me with the way they have been greeting each other in French with growing confidence, as well as their beautiful singing.

I would like to finish by thanking you once again for supporting our two Café de l’école and the French breakfast which help

raise money towards our annual prep 5 trip to France. Prep 6 hosted both events did a great job selling croissants and pains

au chocolat, and helping the little ones to order their food and drink in French. Many thanks also to Mrs Groom and the

kitchen staff without whose help these events could not take place.

Mme Gaudel


MUSIC At Spring Grove we sing, perform and celebrate as a community and

the “flash mob” staff choir rendition of Dean Martin’s Memories are

made of this to honour the forthcoming marriages of Miss Surtees

and Mme Gaudel are testimony to this (see school website for link).

Our Summer Concert and Grandparents’ Day also showcased not

only ambitious orchestra performances from Handel’s Water Music,

on its 300th anniversary, Form 2 Band and the Ceilidh band, but also

the British Lions Song Book with folksongs for the whole audience to

raise the roof of the marquee!

Individual commitment to practise and the dedication of our Visiting

Music Teachers are the foundation upon which performances are

built and we have had individual exam success with some very fine

Distinctions awarded to Eleanor (G1 Piano), Lottie (G1 Violin), Made-

leine (G3 Trombone and Grade 2 Singing) and Emmeline achieving

Grade 5 Distinction in both Flute and Piano. Thirty-seven music ex-

ams were taken this year, with Spring Grove becoming an exam cen-

tre for Trinity Music Exams in March again.

The Junior and Senior Informal concerts in the music room again

provided an opportunity for many debut performances and celebra-

tions of progress and confidence.

Our leavers’ show, the Amazing Adventures of Superstan, was the

culmination of intense rehearsals and after a tremendous effort the

children showed wonderful community spirit and gave three hilari-

ous performances, sparkling with talent from both Prep 5 and our

leavers in Prep 6. Our eponymous hero (Curt), Mayor Doughnut

(William) and the Candy King (Piers) all received Drama full colours

which were richly deserved.

Mrs Jones



With the another school year finished I would firstly like to wish the Year 6 girls good luck for the future and I hope they all get on well at their new schools. Each of the girls contrib-uted fantastically, not just when representing the school but during lessons too. They have been an absolute pleasure to teach. As with the previous two terms this final one has whizzed by and brought a lot of success. Rounders and kwik cricket have been very popular with the girls and they have enjoyed, not just great results but… THE SUNSHINE too. I must just say a huge congratulations to the U9 girls kwik cricket team who were unbeaten. Along with these sports, the girls continued swimming and athletics. A number of boys and girls trialled for the regional IAPS staged at the Julie Rose Stadium. Once again the children displayed some extremely fine and promis-ing performances. I hope the year 6 athletes continue to train hard and represent their new schools. Finally I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents who came along to support and encourage the girls, come rain or shine. Have a fantastic summer and I look forward to seeing you all in September. Mrs Langford


So the summer season came and went, and what a hot one it was. In fact it completely put paid to the kayaking that we had planned in the pond, or was that some other force of nature that I missed?!? Still, the cricket season was a cracker with every boy in preps 3-6 taking their chance to represent SG. There were of course the general mix of results that we are accustomed to, some we won, some we lost, some we drew, and there was even a tie. Yes, there is a difference you know between the latter two! There were some very notable performances from lots of the boys, but none matched up to the single moment where a boy from Kings Rochester, who happened to play county cricket, was knocking up before his innings and managed to smash a "warm up" cover drive through the front windscreen of the groundsman's tractor. The said tractor was hastily put away before the lad came in and treated our best U11 bowlers with real respect, but taught us all a lesson or two! Outside of the cricket of course was the athletics events and the training that the select few underwent with Mrs Langford. The field events day in school was particularly good and as if by magic Chaucer came out of that day on top... only to have the lead eaten away during sports day, and one of those other ones ended up winning... again! But it was all in good jest as it always is, and sports day was absolutely brilliant. What was my highlight from sports day I hear you ask?! School records being broken, the first use of a drone to capture the Bannister mile, or, was it the unmistakably dull thud of 50 odd men hitting the floor after the tug-o-war rope snapped!? Answers on a postcard if you like, but mine was definitely the tug-o-war moment... simply hilarious! There was one disappointment for me though. Louisa Hulme didn't manage to defend her 70m ex Springgrovian sprint title. I did try to persuade her but she said she'd had a baby just a week or so before hand. Personal-ly I think she had seen the sprinting prowess of her competition and used Roland (said baby) as an excuse. Poor effort that! On the whole though and as ever, every student at SG has enjoyed the summer term of sports and we are looking forward to seeing our new changing rooms in action come Sep-tember. Have a great summer all.

Mr Smith




Form Prize

Form Prize

Liberty Woolls Shaysha Amirthalingam

Effort Prize

Effort Prize

Isobel Jones Zachary Meikle


Form Prize Sophie Braga-Sullivan

Effort Prize

Pre-Prep Reading Cup

Thomas Borg


Form Prize

Pre-Prep Languages Shield

Olivia Dungate-Marsh Olvia Dungate-Marsh

Effort Prize

Effort Prize


Felipe Taffarello

Isabelle Dawson Isabelle Dawson


Worrow All Rounder Cup Rafael Borga and Dexter Weir

Art Prize Mary Bowe

Pre-prep Sports Cup Alfie Allan and Amelia Georgiadis

Hollins Pre-Prep Courtesy Cup

Emma Stanbridge

Pre-Prep Tennis Award Allegra Hopkinson


Form Prize Eleanor Jones

Effort Prize Zara Pratt

Spelling Prize

Forest School Martin Trophy

Roan Emmerton Roan Emmerton.

Art Prize Pollyanna Darsey

Timestable Prize Charlie Young

Year 3 LAMDA Award Edward McNair

Handwriting Prize Flossie Andrews



Form Prize Issah Guy

Effort Prize Evie Dawson

Spelling Prize Dennis Batt

Art Prize

Varnalls Tennis Shield

Millie Doswell Millie Doswell

Timestable Prize Oliver Boulden

Handwriting Prize Faith Barnett

LAMDA Prize Hector Hulme

Prep 4

Form Prize

Middle School Music Shield

Emily Borg Emily Borg

Effort Prize Phoebe Boucher

Spelling Prize Abigail Weir

Handwriting Prize

Year 4 LAMDA Prize

Poppy Courtenay-Snipp Poppy Courtenay- Snipp

Creative Writing Prize Elvie Kingham

Art Prize Noah Rendo-Castro

Timestable Prize Josh Desmet

Fletcher\Novakovic Choir Cup

Middle School Sports Cup

Anna Makin Anna Makin and Charlie Beaugié

Middle School Languages Shield

Patel Overall Contribution Shield

Alice Rimmer Alice RImmer

Sweetland Middle School Cup Drama Shield

Christian Obholzer


Stretton Middle School Courtesy Cup

Lexi Herrmannsen-Smith

The Thomas Cup for IT Barney Smith

Middle School Progress Shield Emmy Mitford-Slade




Burden Cross Country Cup

Baxter Kindness Cup

Knights-Toomer Football Shield

Furnival Sports Cup (shared with Lottie)

Isabelle Beadle

Netball Cup

Rounders Cup

Furnival Sports Cup (shared with Issy)

Lottie Mitford-Slade

Hockey Cup

Art Prize

Edith McNair

Drama and Overall contribution Cup William McKeeman

Spring Grove Cricket Cup

Martyn Singing Cup

Daisy Morris

Headmaster’s Endeavour Cup Cherrie Martin

Timestable Prize

Christopher Scrivens Maths Cup

Harry Speight

Headmaster’s Academic Achievement Languages Shield

Tiana Brown

Spring Grove Rugby Award

Spring Grove Football Shield (Boys) Terence Tickridge Cross-Country Cup for Boys

Finn Lord

Sharp Cricket Cup

Swimming Cup for Boys

Washington Jones Computer Cup

Technology Shield

Baxter Kindness Cup

James O’Mahoney

Bailey Sprint Cup

Hills Field Sports Cup

Arnold Overall Sports Cup

Cameron Davey

Swimming Cup for Girls

Leonnie Jones Cup for Overall Contribution to School Life

Spelling Prize

Effort Prize

Rosa Bowden

Year 6 LAMDA Award

Brett History Cup

Piers Morrissey

Form Prize

Creative Writing Prize

Kincaid Music Salver Science Cup

Camilla Harris Cup for Academic Achievement Headmaster’s Award for Overall Contribution

Emmeline Liddle

Citizenship Shield

Headmaster’s Award for Overall Contribution

Georgina Wagstaff

Paul Nolan Most Improved Footballer Sophie Miles Dramatic arts

Chess Cup

Christopherson Cup

Curt Curtis


How to treat others… Whatever we say or do or click, we should THINK and ask our-selves, Is it…..

T True?

H Helpful?

I Inspirational?

N Necessary?

K Kind?



PTA are in desperate need of bigger sizes of uniform espe-cially blazers and PE kit for yrs 3-6. Donations are very gratefully received and can even be dropped off during the holidays. Many thanks!


This past year would not have been possible without the tremendous help and support of all those who volun-teered their time and or made a purchase, whether it be for an ice cream, disco ticket or Christmas decora-tion. Specifically I would like to thank Suzie Boyd, Claire Speight and all the year reps for their continued com-mitted efforts whilst we tried some new ideas and some old favourites. Together we have raised a terrific sum of money that the PTA has endeavoured to spend wisely and effectively to make Spring Grove an even better place to grow. From the bottom of my heart, as your PTA Chair, thank you for a great year.


Miss Spicer would like to request any unwanted dvds for the Spring Grove Breakfast Club.


We are looking for a loving family to loan Mouse.

Mouse is 12 years old first pony with a fabulous temperament. Good to lead, shoe, box and

catch. Has been living out on his own for the past 2 years but can be in the field with others.

Mouse is a wonderful pony but not being ridden enough which is not fair to him.

Please call Georgie on 07787 504363 or email: [email protected] .

PTA PURCHASES: PLAY EQUIPMENT Due to arrive mid August, a prize will be awarded to the first live action photo of the equipment in use!


It was a terrific night of conversation and camaraderie un-der the setting sun. Thank you for your support and hope you're already looking forward to next year like we are!


Events to keep an eye out for:

PTA Welcome/Welcome Back BBQ (3.30pm), 08.09.17

PTA Secondhand Uniform Sale, 08.09.17 PTA AGM (8.45am), 14.09.17 Bags2School Collection, 12.10.17

Autumn Term 2017 begins on:

Wednesday 6th September 2017

SPORTS DAY A huge thank you to all our volunteers and supporters who helped us to raise more than £500 on Sports Day. Your continued generosity is very much appreciated and we hope everyone had as much fun as we did on the day!

SG’S FIRST 100 CLUB The PTA will be starting their very own 100 Club in the fall so have your lucky number at the ready and watch this space for more information!


Many thanks to our PTA reps and volunteers for manning the tea & coffee station on the following assembly dates.

Please check the rota below for your date:

8th September: Headmaster’s Assembly > Suzie Boyd, Ken Lutz and Janette Makin


SG CONNECT Here is another SG Connect for the holiday... This holiday’s tricky challenge: Solve and find what connects them...

1. A Great one

2. Head Bank Clerk

3. Perjurer

4. Thespian Edith and DJ Chris lead to a top 10 surname

5. Pleasant shady places

Email your answers to [email protected] . The first correct answer wins a Spring Grove pen!

Jelly the GiraffeJelly the GiraffeJelly the Giraffe

Congratulations to Congratulations to Congratulations to


winning Jelly!winning Jelly!winning Jelly!

1. Austen 4920 Stars1. Austen 4920 Stars1. Austen 4920 Stars 2. Dickens 46622. Dickens 46622. Dickens 4662 3. Conrad 45483. Conrad 45483. Conrad 4548 4. Chaucer 44274. Chaucer 44274. Chaucer 4427

TERM DATES 2017/2018

AUTUMN TERM 2017 Begins: Wednesday 6 September Half-Term: Thursday 19 October — Friday 27 October Ends: Friday 15 December SPRING TERM 2018 Begins: Tuesday 9 January Half-Term: Monday 12 February — Friday 16 February Ends: Wednesday 28 March SUMMER TERM 2018 Begins: Tuesday 17 April Half-Term: Monday 28 May — Friday 1 June Ends: Wednesday 11 July

...those fantastic, elastic anti-gravitational pants...

Mwa Ha Ha Ha Ha!

You’re a W-A-L-L-Y!


Lost PropertyLost Property

Felipe Taffarello Blazer Oliver Boulden Several items of sports kit Ben Pickard Swimming Kit

HAPPY BIRTHDAYHAPPY BIRTHDAY (Up to 31st August)(Up to 31st August)

Jess Exell, Mariella Cross, Toby Doswell, Arun Juan, Dylan Coast, Olivia Biden, Oliver Toma, Lyra Morley, Jonathan Bowe, Louie and Jude

Robertson, Jude Peattie, Lara Amesz, Arabella Evans, Emilia Heasman-Hurst, Piers Morrissey, Isabella Savory, Lottie Mitford-Slade, Mia Lilly,

Abigail Weir, Harry Newman

CONGRATULATIONSCONGRATULATIONSCONGRATULATIONS Headmaster’s Stars Austen: Barney Smith, Georgina Wagstaff Chaucer: Shaysha Amirthalingam, Lily-Mai Mullady, Phoebe Boucher, Mia Barnett, Hasini Kapakayala, Pedro Taffarello Conrad: Isobel Jones, Pollyanna Darsey, Eleanor Jones, Jack Evans, Josh Desmet, Christian Obholzer Dickens: Thomas Borg, Flossie Alexander-Andrews, Ed-ward McNair, Finn Lord, Daisy Morris

Citizenship Awards Bronze: Alexander Starr

Colours Athletics Half - Cameron Davey, Charlie Beaugié Full - Cameron Davey Cricket Half - Cameron Davey, Rosa Bowden, Edith McNair, Dai-sy Morris, Amelia Street Full - Issy Beadle, Lottie Mitford-Slade Drama Half - William McKeeman, Robin Cobb, Bea Wagstaff, Finn Lord, Harry Speight Full - Curt Curtis, Piers Morrissey, William McKeeman Music Half - Phoebe Boucher, Mylie Wood, Abigail Beale Full - Lottie Mitford-Slade Rounders Half - Edith McNair, Emmy Mitford-Slade, Anna Makin Full - Issy Beadle, Lottie Mitford-Slade, Amelia Street Service Half - Mia Barnett, Robin Cobb, Madeleine Delaney Swimming Half - Violet Hopkinson Technology Full - James O’Mahoney Challenge Awards Supreme: Daisy Morris Gold: Georgina Wagstaff, Curt Curtis Silver: Bronze: Violet Hopkinson Congratulations to the U9 Girls’ Kwik Cricket team for an unbeaten season. Football Awards: James and Andrew Dod Swimming Award: Edward Courtenay-Snipp Talent for Writing Award: Angel Newman and Poppy Courtenay-Snipp

Headmaster’s Scholar of the Week Summer Term Week 38 (14th July)

This week’s awards go to:

Mia Barnett, Bea Wagstaff, Robin Cobb, Sebastian Fairchild, Luca Toma, Amelia Street, Hasini Kapa-kayala and Joseph Evans for their excellent Surviv-al Guides.

Emilia Newman for excellent story writing and beautiful illustrations.

Eleanor Jones for achieving distinction in Grade 1 piano.

Emmeline Liddle for achieving distinction in Grade 5 Piano and Flute.

Lottie Mitford-Slade for achieving distinction in Grade 1 Violin.

Spring Grove School

Harville Road, Wye, Ashford, Kent TN25 5EZ

01233 812337

[email protected]