Prized Gift from precious Patient

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Transcript of Prized Gift from precious Patient

  • 8/6/2019 Prized Gift from precious Patient






    BY :




  • 8/6/2019 Prized Gift from precious Patient



    My Precious Patient

    I do not remember the precise date but this incidence happened somewhere in winter of 1962. The day was Sunday, and I was at my home

    enjoying old filmy songs on radio.

    I was working as medical officer of small rural health centre. In

    those days government had started number of health centers in the

    country, for the purpose of providing primary health care to rural

    population. Main purpose of the government was to provide

    curative and preventive health services to the population living in

    small villages. In those days most of the medical graduates were not

    willing to serve in the smaller villages. I had preferred to work in

    the rural area, because it was the dream of my grand father, that after

    becoming doctor I should serve poor, and needy patients.

    I had read one epigram in Ayurvedic text. It was mentioned in the

    book that as a doctor,

    I do not wish to be king of the state, nor I wish to have place in

    the paradise, nor I desire to have good re-birth, my only wish is to

    help and heal the living beings who are miserable and sufferer.

    I had also decided to follow the same path.

    So immediately after completion of my medical education, I took thepost of medical officer at rural health centre. My salary was Rs. 45o

    per month. I was provided with free residential quarter in the same

    hospital campus. However I was happy and contented with the

    amount I was getting as my salary, and I had decided that I will not

    charge any fees from my patients.

    There was nock on the door. I opened the door. Hospital servant had

    come to call me for some emergency medical case.

    I rushed to the centre clinic to examine the patient. There I saw a

    patient lying on the examination table. The patient was small

    woman, aged 18- 20 years. She was pregnant and was running 7th

    month of pregnancy. She was very weak and was in great distress.

    The patient was brought to the clinic by her husband for delivery.

    On detail examination I found out that her skin was very pale, sign of

    severe anemia. Further examination had revealed that she was

    having edemas over both the legs. I took her blood pressure. Her

    blood pressure was 190/ 100. [High blood pressure]. Fetal heart

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    sounds were not perceptible; meaning the child in the womb was not

    living. I asked nurse to test her urine for the presence of albumin and

    sugar. Urine was tested in the laboratory. Laboratory report detectedhigh concentration of albumin in the urine.

    It means the pregnant lady was suffering from pre-eclampsia. In

    simple words, it is the toxemia of the pregnancy. Pre-eclampsia is

    very serious disease. It is not possible to treat such case without

    proper equipments and trained staff. The survival rate of the patient

    is low. In most of the cases child dies in the womb.

    The disease subsides after delivery.

    My health centre was not equipped to treat such complicated cases.There were no trained nurses who can handle such cases. Even I had

    no enough experience to treat such complicated case. The best

    alternative is to refer the case to near by big hospital. Nearest big

    hospital was in Ahmedabad, some 35 km away, from my centre.

    I summoned her husband who was sitting out side the room. I

    explained in detail the seriousness of the case, and advised him to

    take the patient to bigger hospital in Ahmedabad. On hearing the

    detail about the case he got puzzled. He could not decide what to do.He did not speak a word for the moment. Then he said, sir, it is not

    possible for me to take my wife to Ahmedabad. I am very poor and I

    can not afford the costly treatment of big hospital.

    I assured him that he had not to spend anything for her treatment,

    as the treatment in the government hospital was free.

    He said, but sir, I do not have vehicle to take her to ahmedabad .

    I told him I will arrange for the ambulance, and you have not to pay

    for the ambulance charges.

    He said, sir, what about her food?

    I told him that food will be supplied to the patient from the hospital,

    He said, sir, I do not know anybody in the Ahmedabad, I am beggar

    and I can not afford to stay in Ahmedabad to look after my wife, and

    I can not leave her alone in such big city

    He added further, Sir, it is not possible for me to take her anywhere.

    I have come to your centre with great hope. Please do not disappoint


    The patient was in distress. There was not much time for prolong

    discussion. I had to take quick decision.

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    On one side there was poor patient in distress, on other side I was not

    having enough resources to treat her. As a doctor it was my duty to

    save the life of the patient. But I was not fully equipped to treat suchcomplicated case. It was also question of my medical career. Death

    of the patient in the beginning of the career means end of my

    medical career. That was the beginning my medical career. If I fail,

    then it will be end of my career as doctor.

    I asked my nurse to convince the husband to take the patient to big

    hospital but she could not convince him to take her to big hospital.

    He loved his wife very much. He wished that she should get better

    treatment at big hospital, but it was not possible for him to take her

    to Ahmedabad, because of poverty.

    I had no other alternative left. For safety, I asked the man to give in

    writing, that he was advised to take the patient to big hospital, but

    he was not willing to do so. So in the case of any complication or

    death of the patient, the doctor will not be held responsible.

    The husband gave it in writing.

    For me now there was no alternative left except treating the patient

    with available resources.

    It was the challenge of saving the life of the patient. That was my

    first medical challenge.

    I shifted the patient in isolated single room. All the extra furniture

    from the room was removed. The room was disinfected with

    available disinfectants. The dirty clothes of the patient was removed

    and clean hospital gown was put on the patient. The body of the

    patient was very filthy, and there were all chances of getting

    infection, so the nurse was asked to clean the patients body and

    body parts with mild disinfectants.

    I prescribed necessary treatment. I prescribed anti-hypertensive drug

    for controlling high blood pressure. For prevention of future

    convulsions some sedatives were given. The patient had not taken

    the food since 24 hours, so some food and fruit juice was given to

    the patient. However that was not helpful to maintain her strength

    because she vomited after five minutes. She was also given

    antibiotics for preventing infection.

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    The patient was kept under constant observation. The nurse was

    asked to remain present with the patient. She was also instructed to

    report me immediately, in the case of complications.

    I was not happy with the condition of the patient. I was worried

    because serious complication like convulsions and eclampsia can

    occur any time, and I was not equipped and prepared to face it.

    I refer my medical books to ensure right treatment. I had strong

    desire to consult some senior gynecologist to get his expert advice,

    but there was no gynecologist in that small village. There were

    number of senior doctors in Ahmedabad who can advise me for

    right treatment in such case, but it was not possible for me to contactthem, as there was no telephone connection in that small village.

    After two ours I again visited the patient. I examine her again. Her

    general condition was same. There was hardly any perceptible


    10 pm at night the attending nurse informed me that within last two

    hours the patient had two attacks of mild convulsions. I visited the

    patient and given her second dose of sedative.

    I was totally helpless. Whatever was possible with available

    recourses was done. Now I realized that I have taken wrong decision.

    As a doctor I should have known my limitations. And I should have

    refused to admit such complicated case in my small health centre.

    But then what could have happened? The husband of the pregnant

    lady was unable to take her to big hospital. He would have taken her

    to his small cottage, where she would not get any treatment, which

    may lead to severe complication and death of that poor lady.

    I could not sleep.

    At 12 midnight there was knock on my door. I opened the door.

    There was call from the attending nurse. I immediately went there.

    Nurse informed me that the patient was complaining about pain in

    abdomen. I examined the patient. There was pain in abdomen. The

    area was tender. On further examination, I could feel mild

    contractions of the uterus. There were mild labor pains. It means It

    was beginning of the labor. [delivery] I instructed the nurse to shift

    the patient in the labor room for natural delivery. The contractions of

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    the uterus were very mild. So it was difficult for me to predict the

    course of delivery.

    Now there was small ray of hope of saving the patient, because in the

    case of preeclampsia, the patient starts recovering from the disease if

    she delivers the child.

    I examined the patient in more detail. Her cervix was dilated a little.

    [Size of two fingers] It means there was sure sign of starting of

    natural labor. All the preparations for conducting delivery were

    made. As the patient was very weak, she was unable to take strong

    pains. In the absence of strong pains, normal delivery was not


    It means she may require artificial interference for conducting labor.

    In such case cesarean operation is performed for safe delivery. But

    conducting any type of operation was not possible. We had no other

    alternative except waiting for natural delivery. We all were anxiously

    waiting. We all were worried. I preyed the God to help this poor

    lady. The wall clock was showing 2 am of early morning. At 3 am,

    her labor pain subsided. That was not good sign. It means process of

    labor has stopped temporarily.

    I again examined the patient. The cervix was fully dilated. There was

    little descent of the child. I could feel the hair of the head of the

    fetus. But there were no sign of strong labor pains.

    At 4 am, the patient screamed due to strong pain. This time the pain

    was severe and the contractions of the uterus were stronger. Nurse

    was ready to conduct normal delivery.

    Time was passing gradually. The progress of the labor was slow but


    At 6 am she delivered the child. As expected the child was dead. It

    was the case of still birth. Nature had helped that poor lady. We all

    were very happy. Now there was no risk of any complications or

    death of the patient. The nurse efficiently conducted the delivery.

    There was mild hemorrhage. After ten minutes the placenta was out.

    The nurse completed all the procedures of natural labor. She cleaned

    patients organs, disinfected and covered the parts by pads. I

    examined the patient. There was no sign of any complications. At the

    end the patient was shifted to her room.

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    It was great relief to me. I went home, had a cup of strong coffee,

    and went to sleep.

    Next morning at 9 am I went to hospital. I again examined the

    patient. She was sleeping peacefully. Her heart rate and pulse rate

    were normal. Her blood pressure has started coming down. When I

    was taking her blood pressure, she slowly opened her eyes. She held

    my hand for a moment. There was deep sense of gratitude in her

    eyes. Small miserable girl was staring at me.

    I told her, Laxmi, you are alright now. You will recover completely

    within short time. The patients name was Laxmi.

    She could not speak any word. Couple of tears filled her eyes. One

    can not decide, whether those tears were of pain, or gratitude, or ofrelief. She again went to sleep.

    I was pleased and relieved of my worries. I thank God, for helping

    that poor child.

    As such it was Mother-Nature who saved her life. It is the natural

    rule, that the living body does not keep any dead matter in the body.

    So when the fetus in the womb died, the nature took her natural

    course of action, and removed the dead child from the uterus.

    All the post partum precautions were taken. Treatment was given for

    preventing hemorrhage and infection. She was given antibiotics to

    prevent infections. Drugs were given to prevent post- partum

    hemorrhage. As she was very anemic and weak, I gave her some

    iron tonics and multivitamins from my stock of drug samples. She

    was recovering fast. Her blood pressure had come down to normal

    within 6-8 days. Her edema over the legs had disappeared. She was

    also looking better and her general conditions were normal.

    But then there was another problem. Her husband had left the centre,

    next day morning after admitting her. There was nobody to look after

    her. She had no other relatives or friends who can look after her. She

    did not have clothes as her all the dirty clothes were destroyed by the

    nurse. [Fearing infection]. There was nobody to give her food. In that

    small health centre there was no provision for providing food to the

    patients. Most of the patients, who were admitted, were managing

    their daily food through their relatives. However, for Laxmi, it was

    not possible as she was having no friends or relatives.

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    She was very innocent and child like. When I asked her about her

    husbands where about, she informed me that it was very difficult tofind him, because they had no permanent residence. Their profession

    was begging. So he might have gone to beg some money from


    Therefore, we had to manage for our patient. I purchased pair of

    cheap clothes from the market and gave it to her. Her breakfast,

    lunch tea and dinner were arranged by our hospital staff. Most of our

    staff was staying in the same hospital compound, so they willingly

    volunteered to provide meals for Laxmi from their home.

    Being child like, she was not all the time staying in her room. Sometime she used to go to other patients ward and chitchat with them.

    Some time she used to enter in my consulting room and start playing

    with some costly equipment. One day she went out from the hospital

    for nearly two hours without informing anybody. We all were

    worried. She returned after two hours. When I asked her where she

    had gone, she told me that she had gone to see market. I scolded her,

    and asked our staff to keep watch on her.

    One day staff nurse informed me that Laxmis hair were highlyinfested with lice. In addition, it was likely that it might infect other

    indoor patients. I called for the barber, and asked the barber to shave

    her head. Laxmi was not willing. She thought she would look awful

    without hair. It was very hard task to convince her for total shaving

    of her head. She started crying like small child. Then our staff nurse

    told her that Laxmi, if you will not agree to shave your head, our

    doctor sir will be very angry, and will not talk with you.

    With that fear in mind, she agreed to get her head shaved by barber.

    After her head was shaved, her look was completely changed. She

    was looking like nun. The nurse brought her to my room, I saw her

    without her long hair, I could not stop laughing, and she again

    started crying. I had to give her some sweets to bring her in her

    original happy mood.

    She was with us for nearly ten days. We all had forgotten that she

    was our patient, and she had passed through very serious condition.

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    She had become one with all hospital staff. As such she was living-

    toy for all the staff members.

    Her husband had gone somewhere on the next day of her admission

    in the centre. He returned to the centre on 11th

    day. We all were

    worried about her. I was very angry with that man. I scolded him and

    told him that he was very irresponsible man and he did not care for

    his wife. He was very sorry for the same. But he had his own valid

    reasons for his absence. He had gone back to his small village to

    arrange for money, which might be required for her treatment, as

    well as nutritious food required after delivery. If I analyze the

    situation with his perspective he was right.

    We decided to discharge the patient on next day. It was hard for the

    staff to say good bye to Laxmi. During that short stay she had won

    everybodys affection. As such she had become one of the

    members of our hospital family.

    On the day of discharge, she took bath. Put on some new clothes.

    She was looking quite healthy and beautiful in her new clothes. She

    was given rich breakfast, prepared by one of the staff nurse.

    After saying good bye to all, she came to my room. She bow downand touch my feet. There was complete silence for short time.

    Then she raised her head and stared at me. Her eyes were full of

    tears. She wanted to say some words. But she could not speak.

    Perhaps she wanted to say sir, I am very grateful to you as you have

    saved my life. Perhaps she wanted to say sir, you are like my

    father, and I will never forget you. She was willing to show her

    gratitude by number of words, but she could not speak a single word.

    I told her look Laxmi, now you are alright. Take care of your health

    and take all the medicines regularly. Come down to see us whenever

    you feel like coming.

    She left my room without speaking single word. She was crying.

    She was unable to speak anything. At last our precious patient Laxmi

    left our hospital premises. She had gone. We all were sad. It was

    difficult for us to imagine hospital campus without Laxmi and her

    mischievous behavior Such is the way of life. We doctors could not

    afford to create intimate emotional attachment with the patient.

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    Laxmi had gone. I was again busy with my routine work. Morning I

    was attending O.P.D. In the evening I use to visit small villages, forthe work of mass vaccination, family planning and prevention of

    malaria. After one month there was epidemic of gastro-enteritis, in

    few villages. I had to rush there with the team of para-medicals for

    the control of epidemic. In the month of august I was sent to Nagpur,

    for short term training of leprosy control.

    The image of Laxmi has gradually disappeared from my mental


    In the month of October, there was Divali festival. Divali festival isvery important festival in that area. People used to prepare sweets

    and distribute it to their friends and relatives during that festival. It is

    just like Xmas in the western country. There are four days of Divali

    festival. People usually go to temples, and their friends house to

    meet them. Children put on new clothes. House wives decorate their

    houses with different colored designs [ Rangoli]. There used to be

    colored lightening in the city at some important places. Last day of

    Divali festival is celebrated as New Year day in this part of India. On

    that day people wish happy New Year to each other. They usually goto their friends and relatives home to wish them happy New Year.

    [Sal Mubarak]

    We had four days vacation in the health centre. I was also busy

    enjoying and celebrating the festival with my friends. In the morning

    of New Year day, we had small get together party at village town

    hall. Most of the Government officials and some leading persons of

    the village were present over there to greet good wishes to each

    other. After attending that party, I went home. As prevailing

    tradition, people used to go to each other places to wish them happy

    New Year. It was customary to offer sweets to each visitor. Number

    of friends and relatives had come to wish me happy New Year.

    The visits of friends and relatives lasted until 12 noon.

    I was relaxing in my room. The flow of visitors was over. I was also

    planning to take my lunch. At that time there was nock on the door. I

    thought of some new visitor. I opened the door. I saw one couple

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    was waiting out side near the door. I could not recognize them. I

    could not fix their identity in my mind.

    Both of them were in very ordinary clothes. The lady was looking

    young and beautiful. She had covered her head with peace of cloth.

    Any how I welcome them. The lady bow down and touch my feet.

    Minute passed. I could feel soft touch of two water drops on my feet.

    The lady raised her head. Her eyes were wet with tears. My feet were

    wet with her tears. Some thing stirred in depth of my heart.

    Suddenly clear image of Laxmi appeared on my mental screen. I

    could see same innocent face and same eyes filled with tears. Laxmi

    had come again to wish me on New Year day. I was very glad to seemy dear patient again. I welcome them both in the house and offered

    them sweets. Laxmi and her husband enjoyed the sweet. I also gave

    them box of sweets as Divali gift.

    Then Laxmi said sir, I have brought some gift for you. Now it was

    my turn to be surprised. I could not imagine Divali gift from that

    poor couple. She brought out small plant of pipal tree from her

    cotton bag. She gave that to me as Divali gift. I was surprised to see

    that pipal plant. I always like pipal tree. Nobody in the staff wasaware of my choice. Then how did that small lady know my choice?

    She said sir, every day number of patients visit this centre for

    treatment. Most of them have to wait outside in the compound. There

    is no shelter for them. There is no place for them to rest and relax. So

    I thought to plant pipal tree in the compound, so that sick people and

    their relative can rest under the shadow of that tree.

    I was pleased and moved inside by the idea of Laxmi.

    I took Laxmi and her husband to the health centre campus. I asked

    her husband to plant that tree near the gate. They both dig small hole

    in the ground, and planted that small plant. I watered that plant.

    Laxmi was very much pleased. Now she was ready to part. She again

    bowed down and touch my feet, and moment later she raised her

    head. This time she was not crying. Her eyes were clear, full of joy,

    Joy of giving present to her doctor sir.

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    They left, leaving behind sweet memory of my precious patient.

    I know they were staying far away from my centre. And they could

    not afford any transportation. Therefore, they might have walked thedistance of 10-12 km to wish me happy New Year and to present me

    New Year gift.

    Again I was busy with my routine health work. After three months, I

    left that centre. I was selected by the authority for further study in

    the field of public health. I did my post- graduation. I was promoted

    to the higher post. I was posted as chief health officer of some

    region. Years have passed. Life was flowing smoothly. After five

    years I had chance to visit my old area. I decided to visit my old

    health centre. After some three hours of drive I reached to that smallvillage. The village was same. There was hardly any change in that

    village. My car reached to the gate of that old health centre. As usual

    the compound was full of patients and their relatives.

    And I saw big pipal tree near the main gate of that centre. Number of

    patients and small children were resting under the shade of that big

    tree. The pipal plant planted by Laxmi, had grown to big tree.

    Again Image of Laxmi surfaced from my memory. I remember her

    words.Sir, this pipal tree will give shelter to many sick and weak patients.

    I was affectionately looking at pipal tree, a prized gift from my

    precious patient.

    Writer :

    Dr. Sanat Trivedi

