Print vs web

Typography: Print versus Web By Pam Harris for Broward College 2009

Transcript of Print vs web

Typography: Print versus Web

By Pam Harris for Broward College 2009

The physical aspects

Print Web

Hold content in your hand

See on a billboard or poster

Access content on computers

and other devices.

What do print type and web

type have in common?

Both have form and content

Both should be well designed

Both should communicate the intended message

Both should utilize rules of readability:

Avoid wide columns of text

Avoid all caps for body copy

Avoid Widows, Orphans, Ladders and Rivers

Watch background and text combinations

Carefully plan and limit typefaces (2-3)

Main typography concerns


Print can use any fonts

you own! No problems

except so many to choose

from! Just package your

InDesign or Quark file and

fonts are gathered for you to

supply for the printer.

For both print and web

limit fonts to 2 or 3


Font choices are limited.

Only 7 or 8 are installed

on all platforms. (Only fonts

installed on user devices will

appear on web pages).

Many experiments. None

are perfect solutions.

Browser appearance


Pages use web safe Verdana.

Same computer, different browsers, no resizing of text.

Chart of most

common fonts and

operating systems.

Green marks =

very common fonts.

Yellow = not so



Font Embedding Feature

Great idea for

Internet Explorer

Doesn’t work with Firefox

Experiments with CSS

CSS Intent CSS on a Mac

Experiments with web type

Grey area: highlighted


Above: tested on all browsers.

Note: unlike print, cannot

create type at any angle.


Controlling Widows, Orphans,

Ladders and Rivers


Adobe InDesign and

QuarkXPress have elaborate

panels for controlling type.

Can use

kerning, tracking, leading, auto

hyphenation, full

justification, right align, left

align and even top and bottom


Can use manual or automatic

text flow.


Adobe Dreamweaver (and hand coding with CSS and HTML) has minimal control options.

Can use tracking, line height (called leading in print), left align, right align, and center spacing. Justified text creates “rivers.”

NO auto hyphenation to control “ladders” (3 or more hyphens in a row).

NO kerning (between the letters)

NO text flowing

Print can’t be resized. Some

web pages give readers a


Liquid layout, narrow Liquid layout, wide

Learn more about setting type on the web at A List

Using wrong em or en not as

noticeable in print

Wrong em applied

(Mac)Reads fine on Windows

Peter K Sheerin states that most em and en dash HTML references are wrong.

The entire range from &#129 to 159 should not be used.

Print can’t be resized. Web

browsers give readers a



Once an item is printed, users

can’t change or control size of

text except by using a

magnifying glass.

Some printers publish large

print versions for visually

challenged. Voluntary.


Viewers can resize web pages

to see text better.

Visually challenged can use

screen readers to view web


It’s up to the web

designer/programmer to provide

proper alt tags. Section 508

Closing thoughts


Can’t be changed once printed.

Costly to redo a botched job.

Can’t be altered or fixed by

users (exception is graffiti ;-)

Catalogued by librarians

Has to be scanned to archive


Can be changed in an instant if

you use web text and not

image maps.

Searchable and available to all

Anyone can have a Blog

Social bookmarking sites like

Digg and

Important to learn the important details of both
