Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden

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  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden


  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden


  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden


  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden


    LOTUS FIREFLYthe art of defeating gravity


    Design, illustration and concept by:

    CIOBANU [email protected]

  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden



    I would like to express my deepest gratitude to:

    Demian Horst, Ingrid Nillson, Tony Catignani, Daniel Forsgren,for all their help and input to the project,

    to all my friends and family that supported me emotionallyin this task and to God, for the great inspiration.

  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden



    The brandve decades of Lotus designLotus philosophyLotus racingLotus aviation


    Form studiesThe vehicle ideationPackageResult




    the characterheat suitinterior hall







    Researchthe jetpackskirt hovering racingcontrolled quantum levitationsci- visions

    Technologytechnical development of the futureelectric engine

    lithium-air bateries F35 Lockheed Martin lift fan air control

    gyroscope stabilizeron the nanoscale

    Gesture controlbody movementsbiomechanical applied engineeringcontrollers and coordination

    Biomimicrythe ight of insects

    Vehicle attributesblending into naturehigh tech look
















  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden


  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden




    How many times have you been dreaming as a child that you runand after a few steps your body detaches off the ground and floats intothe air?

    Most of the leisure activities we cultivate today have deep rootsinto humankind`s history and are still confined to land. The history ofhovering has been inspired by the great comic books sci-fi stories andwas illustrated through Star Wars flying vehicles, which have been latertranslated into jetpacks and hovering bikes.

    What if you would be stuck somewhere in the middle way betweendream and reality? What if this vehicle would be at first available to youin a virtual platform, so that you could train to fly it, and when you wouldmaster the art or flying it, you could try the real experience?

  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden


  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden




    Find in this chapter all the reasons and thebackground thinking that settled the foundationstone for this project.

    initial thoughts


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    Alexandra Ciobanu


    Art school

    BA industrial design, Romania

    Erasmus exchange, Krakow, Poland

    MA industrial design, Romania

    Mia electric internship, France

  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden


    homage to nature You could consider this, my humble wayof paying homage, to the Creator and to nature,as I always inspire myself from what He hasbeautifully accomplished through wondrouscreation, the marvel which we call today - ourworld.

    As a child, I grew up surrounded by nature.The village where all my childhood memoriesand dreams took form being located on a naturallandscape, and not in a big city, where everythingis anthropic and articial, full of concrete, steeland glass, all riveted and arranged in sharpangles and regulated surfaces. Back then, on myfamily domain, I often found myself lying betweenblades of grass, gently but steadily discoveringand exploring more and more of that beautifuluniverse which was uncovering right in front of

    my very eyes. I was running with grasshoppers,watch them jump, I used to nd lizards emergingfrom the ground, walk beside horses, cows andsheep, listen to the birds - all the great miracle ofnature unveiling itself right in front of me. Beautiful,unaltered, pure nature. And as we all know, theyuse to say that the place where you`ve lived yourrst 7 years of life denes you the most I guessyou could say that nature left its mark on me quiteclearly and that denitely shows up in the way Ilike to look at things nowadays.

    All the experiences I had in natureinuenced me and shaped my thoughts, in away which allows me to have a different insightconcerning design, and arts in general, as there is

    a clear connection with nature. As Aristotle refersto the imitative arts as being the expression of theemotional part of the human nature, I also liketo believe in the strong bond between humansand nature, and God, and all the emotions whichderive from this, as you may call it a harmony or

    fusion between the divine and the human. Platonsaid nature too is a form of art, and we are allimitators, but to be authentic and express thehighest truth and the purest sentiment, one mustreach a perfect harmony of fusion between thedivine and the human, having the spirit moving inthe hearts of men. If we succeed in reaching andconnecting with the inner principles, rules andemotions emitted by nature and all the creation,then we can say that we are starting to designand create ourselves better, natural, and moreintuitive. These being said, I like to study insects

    and their anatomy, specic geometric traits oftheir body, which provide them with great livingefciency, all their shells and all the smoothbody parts, to look at their joints, as I believe thatoutstanding design traits can be found and takenfrom such creatures, to be later applied in theautomotive eld.

    This is the way I like to address design andart creation, by reaching into the emotional andspiritual levels, and if I also mention that I am abit scared of mass production in the automotive

    industry, you can understand why I like to drawand work with concepts.

    Alexandra C.January 2013


  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden


  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden



    The man who arrives at the doorsof artistic creation* with none of themadness of th muses would be convincedthat technical ability alone was enough tomake an artist... what that man createsby means of reason will pale before theart of inspired beings.


    *to be considered that the etymology of the term art and its word familyin Platos philosophy refers to crafts in an universal manner (sensu lato), withequal analogy and application for arts.e.g. the art of medicine, the art of building, the art of painting.


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    mission:defeating gravity Defeating gravity was my dream as a child. Years passed, but the idea still remained and,when I got the chance it further developed. I got mynext clue in the next chapterinternship at Mia Electric,in the south of France, where I have been living in thelarge domain of Les Roches Blanches (owned by theMoreau family), with an old castle to it, into a house(a gite) from the 19th century. On Sundays I used totake a walk, and suddenly, in this place that seemedforgotten by time and people, there was life! A lot of it!

    People around running, walking, riding a horse at trap,riding a bike, driving an ATV, having picnic with the familyby the lake.

    Imagine a time axis. Here it is 1900, thereis the present you, and there is the future, totallyunknown. Now see the current you, with the currenttechnologies, trapped in 1900, with all the inventionsspecic to that time span. When you are conscious ofthe situation, you start to wonder what is the hint of thenew?

    So, it was almost like me, the one living in 2011,was present into a past environment, on the wrong

    side of the time axis. I was standing still, in the middleof a place on Earth, surrounded by different vehicles,picked from different segments of the time axis -people riding horses, people having picnic by the lake,brought in by a car, people riding bikes, people withATVs and myself using my own feet to move around.

    And then I started thinking what a futurevehicle might look like if brought into this environmentwith a mixture of past and present means oftransportation.

    Was there any place for a vehicle that coulddo something different? Was there any place for a

    hovering vehicle?

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  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden


  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden



    We are shaping the future today. It is ourresponsability to try and protect as much as wecan the natural environment, in parallel with thetechnical development. It is our imagination that should create abridge between the reality and beauty of the givennatural environment and the man mande creations.

    envisioning a better future


  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden


    Supposing there would be a future wherehumankind would strongly agree that no matterhow far the technological advancements wouldgo, they would never be able to replicate thebalance of the ecosystem.

    This being considered, more and more

    people would vote for the preservation of the fewwild, virgin or barely touched by humans areas.There would be people specially trained to keepa keen eye and manifest care for the vegetationand wild life in special places listed to be part ofthe UNESCO`s natural heritage list. These placeswould be also open to be visited by scientists whoare looking to keep a discrete eye on mothernature without interfering with its cycle. Using anew kind of vehicle, having the above mentionedadvantages, could provide a great approachconcerning the surveillance across nature, from

    a distance, without affecting anything whatsoever,much like in the techniques used for land analysis,such as Remote Sensing, where the presenceof the analyst is not having a direct effect on theresearch subject.


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    Maria Bordeanu, Dorna commercial, McCann Erickson Romania.

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  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden




    Research of existing hovering vehicles(real or ctional) is the start point. It continues withsome technologies expected to be embedded intothe project. The biomechanical applied engineeringof sky jumping describes at best all the motions Ihave in mind for the user: take off, stance, weightshift, and preparation for landing.

    A designer should always open nature`sinspiration box and use biomimicry as a platform.Finally, meeting the challenge to visualize

    Lotus`s philosophy of the driver becoming one withthe car and determine where the human ends andwhere the machine begins.

    describing the backgroundprocess


  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden


  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden



    I did my research in the eld of hovering,taking into account both the ctional and the realisticpart of the technology. I was not struck by thebrick wall of technical possibilities or impossibilities,since the technology is out there, and everything isfeasible, considering the current rate of technicaldevelopment; I was just looking at what is out thereconcerning hovering technology and all the related

    topics. I admit that I paid most of my attention to thectional part, as it is preferable to look into somethingthat wants itself, or it is needed in becoming real,instead of hitting the issue with the hammer of reality.

    all there is to know abouthovering


  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden


    It started in the 20s science ction books,and became real with the ying backpackcreated by the Romanian inventor Justin CaprHe invented the jet pack in 1956, and Henri Coandsuggested him to change the combustion system.

    The story of the working prototype

    starts with the communist era in Romania, whenthis inventor tried to present his concept to theRomanian military force, but they rejected it,telling him that we need tractors, not peoplewhich y. While trying his backpack, the inventorwas then accused of wanting to run away from hiscountry.

    The Portable device for individual ightwas patented in 1958. I patented it four yearsbefore Wendell Moore, Cecil Martin and RobertCunnings of Bell Corporation. The Americans have

    obtained the patent on 22 February 1962 and I,on July 27, 1958. Justin Caprs priority has beenrecognized by the Americans in 2002.

    How does it work? It is propelled bypowerful streams of escaping gases (or in somecases liquid water) so as to allow one single user toy. The angled rear tubes strapped to ier`s backprovide both lift and forward thrust, while the chest-mounted deector tube of lower thrust maintains aconstant upward thrust. By opening the throttle tothe rear tube, calculated jumps could be made of

    up to 60 metres or at low altitudes, 15 m.

    the jetpack

    Cover of Amazing Stories comic book, August 1928.

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    First jet pack prototype.

    Water jetpackJames Bond landing.

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  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden



    Hovercraft racing shot.

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    Controlled quantum levitation - stilla place of the mind vision, mind invention,imagination.

    Quantum levitation and quantumlocking. Materials which could be used to oatand defeat gravity in such a way have what iscalled superconductivity. Superconductivity

    is a phenomenon of exactly zero electricalresistance and expulsion of magnetic eldsoccurring in certain materials when cooled belowa characteristic critical temperature. It is an oldphenomenon discovered almost 100 years ago.A superconductor is dened by two properties:zero electrical resistance and the expulsion of themagnetic eld from the interior.

    The concept was set-up in 1995, with theWipeout race games, being somewhat of a noveltywith regards to hovercraft racing.

    Researchers at the Japan Institute ofScience and Technology have built a miniatureWipeout track, using high temperaturesuperconductors and quantum levitation. Rightnow this is fundamental research, but in the futurelarge scale transportation systems could be builtwith technology akin to this. This is super cool(ed). Shame it would takefar too much liquid nitrogen to make quantumlevitation trains feasible, if you could even producethe lift needed to pull off such a feat. Would any of

    our resident physics geeks l ike to napkin-calculatehow many magnets and how much liquid nitrogenit would take to use this tech for moving a wholevehicle?


    quantum levitation

    Wipeout track prototype.

    Wipeout game.

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    Screen shot of the wipeout racing game.

  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden


    Star Wars style hovering vehicles.

    ash speederThe ash speeder is a sleek, lightweight

    repulsorlift urban landspeeder. It can y y at 2meters in altitude, at speeds of 200 km/h and it isable to carry 3 passengers and a pilot.

    stap swift attack vehicle The Single Trooper Aerial Platform is anagile ying machine designed for use by the TradeFederation`s battle droids. It was designed to travel fast, high voltageenergy cells powering this machine. It was usedfor scouting and anti-personnel hunting operations. It is 2 meters tall and it can travel at amaximum speed of 400 km/h.

    fc-20 speeder bike It consists of a semi-circular bodypowered by a repulsorlift and piloted with asimple steering handle. The strange, curved bodygave the FC-20 a low center of gravity, affordingits rider a dramatically improved cornering ability.It had a limited range before recharge wasrequired. It had a small repulsorlift engine withlow pitched heavy bafing which made it a veryquiet vehicle. That and its low riding height made ita popular vehicle for use in scouting. It is 1,5 meterslong, made to be driven by a single person at amaximum speed of 180km/h.

    barc Speeder

    It was used as a reconnaissance craft. It

    sci- visions

    Droid driving a STAP.

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    Star WarsFC=20 speeder bike drawing.

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    was powered by repulsors and a turbine enginemounted in the frontal prong. The speeder wascontrolled via twin steering vanes atop the bike,and had pedals tted below. It was capable ofying at high altitudes and was sometimes used asan escort, carrying important passengers. It hadas well a version which was was used to transporta wounded clone trooper. It is 4,83 meters long,1,53 meters tall, 1,29 meters wide and it can bedriven up to a maximum speed of 520 km/h andoccasionally carry a second person.

    74-z speeder bike It was referred to as the Imperialspeeder bike used for reconnaissance purposesas well as rapid transportation in combat zones. Itwas capable of reaching speeds up to and beyond500 km/h, and had a ight ceiling of 25 meters. Itwas controlled by handlebars located towardsthe front of the vehicle and foot pedals slungunderneath,used to adjust speed and altitude.

    74-z speeder bike.

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    Barc speeder used by a tropper to carry wounded soldier

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  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden


  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden


  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden



    how it works & what`s it made of?

    Technology& materials

    This is the chapter where I start concerningabout the appearance and the technical correctitudeinvolved in the project, as being decided by the ip of acoin.

    I tackle as well the matter of usingmaterials which are sustainable for the planet.By sustainable I don`t mean materials subtractedfrom the earths crust, but mostly materials whichare either recycled, thus managing to clean upa bit the pile of already accumulated waste,or materials which are conceived in the lab, andare created having completely recyclablecharacteristics.

  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden


    This is the chapter where I start concerningabout the appearance and the technical correctitudeinvolved in the project, as you may look at it as beingdecided by the ip of a coin. Most of the ideas aresuppositions based on the current working reality. Toput it straight, it is how I think that the existent techniquewill evolve in the nearby future, based on the sametechnological trend we have from the 80`s, which isshrinking, generalizing and optimizing the technology inorder to work more effectively.

    I opt to focus on the electric enginepropulsion, which is the golden key for thefuture of technology. As my presumptions are,in accordance with what researchers are doingnowadays. As the nano scale is the coolest aspect ofour world`s technology boost it is quit clear thateach technology available today will be availabletomorrow in a smaller and better version of it. Irely on the aspect that the human kind is set withthe go small trend, presuming that the techologyavailable on the next spreads will shrink. Some spoiler alerts for the futuregadgets: smart materials will start rocking ourdesign world by 2015, self-healing materials anduse of haptics on a daily basis will be availablefrom 2016 and by 2027, exoskeletons will beinvolved in the average day`s scenario.


    development ofthe future


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  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden


    electric engine The majority of todays large civiltransports are propelled by high bypass ratioengines. This type of engine deploys a largefan mechanically connected and driven by lowpressure turbines. Most power produced by thecore engine is used to rotate the fan, which in turnwill generate most of engine thrust.

    Sustainability in the aviation industry calls foraircraft that are signicantly quieter and more fuelefcient than todays eet. Achieving this will requirerevolutionary new concepts, in particular, electricpropulsion. Superconducting machines offer the onlyviable path to achieve the power densities neededin airborne applications. Electrical Ducted FanConcept has been developped by NASA engineersunder a 5-year program to investigate the feasibilityof superconducting electric propulsion, and tointegrate, for the rst time, the multiple disciplinesand areas of expertise needed to design electric

    aircraft. It is shown that superconductivity is clearlythe enabling technology for the more efcient turbo-electric aircraft of the future.

    Electric aircraft have long been considereddue to a number of operational and environmentalbenets that could be derived from such transition.Electric aeropropulsion offer tremendous benetsin the design of aircraft, ushering in the possibility ofrevolutionary concepts that are quieter and muchmore energy efcient, thus enabling sustainableaviation.

    Electric aircraft engine working principle.

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    Example of current electric aircraft engine.

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    IBMs breathing battery concept.

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    f35 lockheed

    martin lift fan With the F35 Lockheed, the company hasgone with a new, daring propulsion system calleda lift fan. It has been an engineering challengebecause it has never been built before.

    In the lift fan design, the engine sits in theusual ghter position, in the tale. A driveshaftconnects it to a huge fan placed behind the pilot. To

    hover, the engine exhaust is projected downwards,but the fan is also engaged, taking air from abovethe fan and blowing it out below. That createsa balance between the two forces of thrust,and insures that the engine will not ingest hot airand choke. A powerful and stable arrangementsolution.

    A Harrier takes off using rotating nozzlesthat direct engine exhaust downwards. Thismode of ight, called direct lift, demands anenormous amount of power and its dangerous,

    using a similar approach to the system used by thejetpack.

    Normally, to acquire balance duringhover, the engine has to be in the middle. That leadsto a gap intake which feeds air. Unlike its ready forretirement predecessor, the subsonic Harrier, theF35 uses technology in a more clever manner. Cockpit of an F35, with lift fan uncovered.

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    Schematics of an F35 Lockheed Martin.

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    air control Symmetrical blade fans are well balanced,but because the blades are equally spaced theycreate a singular identiable frequency wave.Asymmetrical blades tend to cancel the highpitched noise, because they generate a greaterrange of multiple frequencies, which constantlyshift, therefore minimizing noise.. So it ensures aquieter and durable performance. This unequal fan

    blade spacing has already been used in the newestMacBook Pro. It quietens the spinning impellerwithout sacricing performance. There are three fanmodels that feature asymmetrically aligned blades:two with 31 blades and one with 61 blades. The streamlines of the air ow, coloredbased on their velocity of a Harrier were used inorder to investigate straight vertical landing. Whenthe plane is hovering close the ground, the jetsat the front and rear of the craft hit the ground,move towards each other along the surface, thenform a strong turbulence when they meet that

    rises to hit the bottom of the aircraft. The result is arecirculation ow that creates a low pressure zonearound the bottom of the aircraft, often producingnegative lift that would cause the aircraft to dropto the ground if it were not offset by sufcient enginethrust.

    Hot gas ingestion is another problemthat can occur during vertical landing. It happenswhen the jet engine inlet draws in hot air from therecombination turbulence described above ratherthan cool air. In order to increase the performanceof the engine, a recirculating cooling system with

    liquid nitrogen or liquid oxygen could be used in thesemoments to cool the the air pulled through thepropeller anges.

    Apple`s asymmetrical fandesign schematics.

    Singular frequency noise wave caused by symmetrical fanblades.

    A range of multiple frequencies noise wave caused byasymmetrical fan blades, that tend to cancel the high noise.

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    Air velocity streamlines of a Harrier.

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    stabilizer A gyroscope is a device used formeasuring or maintaining orientation, based on theprinciples of angular momentum. Mechanically, agyroscope is a spinning wheel or disk, in which theaxle is free to acquire any orientation. Althoughthis orientation does not remain xed, it changesin response to an external torque much less andin a different direction than it would without the

    large angular momentum, which is associated withthe disks high rate of spin and moment of inertia.The devices orientation remains nearly xed,regardless of the mounting platforms motion,because mounting the device in a gimbal minimizesthe external torque.

    C1, the rst prototype from San Francisco-based Lit Motors has already incorporated thistechnology of upright holding. Apart from being afully electric, fully enclosed two-wheeled two-seater, completed with airbags, a seatbelt and a

    smartphone-connected infotainment system, theC1 has two gyroscopes underneath the passengercompartment. These two keep it constantlyupright. It means it remains standing while stoppedand can pirouette through trafc like the best fromHonda, Yamaha or Ducati.

    In its current form, the two gyros each putout 266 pound-feet of torque as they spin, keepingthe C1 upright no matter the speed or angle. Innal production form, the combined force of thepair of gyros will max out at around 1,300 pound-

    feet, enough to keep the C1 vertical while stopped,at steady-state cruising and planted to the road ata maximum lean angle of 45 degrees. Gyroscope application in the training of astronauts.

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    Lit Motors C1 motorcycle prototype and itsgyroscope stabilizers.

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    Solar panels that collect energyfrom the Sun and store it in batteries, are themain technology available nowadays. The MITresearchers upgraded to a second generationproduct already, by printing photovoltaic cells onnormal paper, meaning that, electricity gatheringwill be more and more independent from powerplants that store it, batteries being able to be

    cordless or dependent to a grid structure that willpower, or induce recharging on a wireless manner.The 3rd generation step into the solar

    energy collection product is the photovoltaicpaint, inspired by owers, which will be able tobe applied over the surface of a vehicle, andinstantaneously send that power to the electricengine, or store it for bad days (New public policy- dear citizens - save up for cloudy days - now onlywith the 3rd generation line!) in some drasticallyshrinked batteries. Miniaturized batteries means that the

    power train will be composed of an electricengine, that will get its power from the paintwhich can collect and distribute this powerinstantaneously, and since you can always expectcloudy days, the onboard batteries will provide aback-up power source. Basically, this technology provides themeans of developing an independent poweredvehicle, that could be able to drive itself withoutbeing connected, linked or chained to a cord or tobe able to drive an extra mile.

    on the nanoscale

    Photovoltaic panels.

    Photovoltaic cells printed on paper.

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    Photovoltaic paint.

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  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden



    The originality of this project standsin this very chapter. It is about exploring and using thehuman behavior, as an intuitive manner to control anew kind of hovering vehicle. Most of my thoughts aretargeted at the way which skiers control their boardsand skies, as it is a clear and pure method, and alsothe rst way of controlling speed and direction on arudimentary manmade object.

    ways of controlling the beast


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  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden


  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden


    This eld analyses the human motions.Mechanics can be broadly divided into twoapproaches: kinematics, which deals with descriptionsof motion using characteristics such as displacement,speed, and acceleration, and kinetics deals with thecauses of motion such as force, torque, and energy.

    To understand human motion it is often helpful tostart with kinematics, so that one can quantitativelypicture movement patterns. But ultimately, kineticcharacteristics are what drive motion and must bedetermined in order to approach the understandingof the complex movement patterns like those ofcross-country skiing for instance. Since the abilityto y a new kind of hovering vehicle involves asuccession of learning steps, the person who wouldy it would rstly need to be instructed on the type ofcontroller that he/she would use.

    take-off The most important rule on controlling suchan intuitive operated kind of vehicle is to be aware ofthe centre of gravity and how to balance and shift it.If one does not lean forwards his weight will moveback and will rotate backwards with the vehiclecoming up in the air simple physics as like all thecontrolling characteristics, which would be intuitiveand in compliance with the laws of physics.

    stance The stance would be categorized

    accordingly to the user`s learning and insightcapabilities into the eld of hovering, as it is a constantlychanging position, involving improvement of skills.



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    Winter sports disciplines.

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    longitudinal and lateral weight distribution At its rst lesson, the user should beinstructed about the anatomy of the vehicle so hewould know how to balance its body in coordinationwith the centre of gravity of the vehicle itself.Gyroscopic sensors and uid-based levelingsensors will detect the weight shift.

    edge pressure Taking into account the fact that the motorswhich provide the lift would be connected to thecentre of gravity of the vehicle, the rider is able tolean on the sides without falling of his vehicle as longas it keeps its position up to a 30 degree sidewaystilt. weight shifts The basic movements of and on such a kindof hovering vehicle should be thought as movingweight over its body accordingly, in order to keep inbalance the centre of gravity.

    short radius turns A short radius turn is a very fast snappingmotion. Going into the actual turn with a goodposture is very important for the quality of the turn- knees bent, shoulders forward, hands togetherin front are the key. Also, the ankles should beslightly exed forward. The upper body should bein an upright position during the actual turn, with thelower body pivot side to side during the turn.

    long radius turns

    This is more of a graceful and smoothermaneuver, the ticket to a splendid experience. Itwould depend on the natural turning radius of the

    Frame of reference, angles and forces affectinga ski jumper in ight (1, 2 conguration angles, angle ofinclination, angle of attack, V0 ight velocity tangent tothe ight trajectory, G gravity force, Pz lift, Px drag, Ma the pitching moment).

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    Generic skiing aspect showing typical movements.

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    Coordination between the bodymovements and vehicle`s coordination in space isthe sum of this chapter. Mechanical controllersand interaction with the human counterpart keepthe vehicle in the air. A rotorcraft can steer by rotatingaround its roll and pitch axes. The yaw rateis passively or actively controlled so that no

    lateral acceleration occurs (coordinate turns).The lift produced by the wings or the rotor isassumed to exactly compensate for the gravityand centripetal forces. Under these conditions, thetranslation vector (ight direction) remains xedwith respect to the aircraft body.

    A 3D Braitenberg-like vehicle using opticow to control its ight and to steer away fromobstacles. The underlying vehicle is a translationaircraft with the only possibility to roll and pitch inorder to alter its trajectory.

    These main movements in the X,Y,Z axes(pitch, yaw and roll) will correspond to the humanbasic movements (exion and supination).

    controllers and


    Basic human motions.

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    3D Braitenberg vehicle, with roll, yaw and pitch motion axes.

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    Insects have evolved sophisticated ightcontrol mechanisms, permitting a remarkablerange of maneuvers. Here, I present a qualitativeanalysis of insect ight control from theperspective of ight mechanics.

    nature`s inspiration


    th i ht f

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    Differences in the kinematic controlmechanisms used by the various insect orders arerelated to differences in the arrangement of thewings, the construction of the ight motor and theunsteady mechanisms of lift production that are used.

    Although the control kinematicsvary widely between orders, the number ofdegrees of freedom that different insects cancontrol will always be limited by the number ofindependent control inputs that they use. Controlof the moments about all three axes (as usedby most conventional aircraft) has only beenproven for larger ies and dragon ies, butis likely to be widespread in insects given thenumber of independent control inputs availableto them. Unlike in conventional aircraft, however,insects control inputs are likely to be highly non-orthogonal, and this will tend to complicate theneural processing required to separate thevarious motions.

    Alternatively, if the mean ight forceacts well above the centre of gravity, the insectwill gain stability much like that of a ship through a`pendulum effect. To describe completely the motion ofthe system we would need also the rst-orderand second-order derivatives of the threepositional degrees of freedom, but for simplicitywe will only consider terms referring to positionand orientation. By Newtons second law, theapplication of a force or moment to a mechanicalsystem produces an acceleration or angularacceleration of equivalent sense or direction thatcan be used to control position or orientation. A ying insect, like this hummingbird

    the ight of


    Insect and bird ight analysis - diagrams and images.

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    has six degrees of freedom. The insect is free tomove in translation along or rotate about threeorthogonal axes, centred upon the centre ofgravity (part-lled circle). Rotations about theseaxes are termed pitch, roll and yaw. For example, a car gives its driver controlof just two of its three degrees of freedom, makingit easier to keep on the road, but somewhatharder to parallel park. Three-axis control systems permitindependent modulation of pitch, roll and yaw andthus enable a far wider range of manoeuvres.Conventional aircraft use mechanically separatecontrol surfaces to separate control of the threemoments. In the simple system the tail elevatorsare used to control pitch, the ailerons to controlroll, and the rudder to control yaw. Insects lackseparate control surfaces and must instead usedifferent rotations of the wings to separate themoments. Such a new kind of hovering vehicle wouldhave a third dimension in the degree of controlfreedom, but it will not be as complete as the oneof a helicopter. In order for the hover to function,it will have to be limited to a certain degree, ofcontrol for the three axes. For example, it will notbe able to roll 360 degree on the longitudinal axis,but instead it will be able to tilt the front and therear up to 30 degree up and down (60 degree offreedom in total). The typical car has none. On the lateral axis, it would have the same60 degree of liberty before losing its stability, inorder to avoid sudden obstacles, as the landingand the take off are vertical.

    Insect ight vector and motion analysis.

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    The goal is to offer a new way oftransportation, which is effective, safe and sustainableboth through the perspective of the driver (intuitive,natural, drive by wire controls) and of the vehicle (safefor the environment, economical and efcient fuelwise)

    To be able to be used by everybody, beingtargeted to and embraced by all the demanding

    activity sectors (be it leisure, recreation, sports,environmental protection)

    goals and wishes


    blending into

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    This was a fun exercise of taking thepure nature and the technology, and bringing ittogether in different scales. The fun and the thrillof riding a huge praying mantis in a jungle quest. Itis a single person vehicle, designed for the individualexperience of the natural environment.

    Design opportunities - the use of motioncontrol concept derived from the human

    movements used in sports such as skiing, which arebased on intuitive behaviour.

    Design/concept attributes - usingelemental characteristics derived fromgeometric patters recognized after studyinggeneral anatomy of certain insects.

    blending into


    Quick photoshop ideation of different envisions of jungle ridingi

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    The man-machine bound.

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    Goals and wishes - ease of control(intuitive drive by wire control), carrying capacity(passengers capacity and array), blending into theenvironment (ecological footprint), sustainability(photovoltaic cells fueled and electric engine). The altitude gauge would be set in thenomenclature of the International System of Units meters and use divisions or increments of 10s andnot 100.

    Another design opportunity stands in howthe driver will be protected, what kind of safetybelt will keep him tight on the cockpit or which othersystem will he use, if he will be tied with bungeerope, or if he will have locked boots.

    high tech look

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    High tech aspect of futuremobility pilot and cockpit.

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    Why Lotus? because Lotus founder, ColinChapman, an experienced pilot himself, triedto implement the brand`s identity into aviationand quirky transportation, all characterizedby lightweightness. The choice has also a littlepersonal insight to it, as in my rst motor show visitever, I was able to sit in a Lotus car, and see howit`s inside of one.


    the brand

    ve decades ofL t d i

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    The Seven S1, from 1957, was the embodimentof Lotuss philosophy of performance through lowweight and simplicity. A road-legal racing car, youcould drive it to the track, then leisurely wind your wayhome afterwards. The body was a stark, door-lessaffair that the driver would lower himself into. The Elite (or Type 14) made its debut atthe 1957 London Motor Show. Colin Chapman wasfascinated by glass-reinforced plastic breglass,

    building what would become the worlds rstworkable breglass monocoque, which was lighter,stiffer, and safer than any of its competition.

    The mid engined GT Coupe, Europa, offeredan F1 experience for the road. At 610kg, it conformedto Lotuss just add lightness mantra. The car used asteel backbone chassis, and a breglass monocoque,which made it one of the best-handling cars on themarket.

    Type 75 Elite, introduced in 1974, was atwo-door saloon with a hatchback body shell - aniche sports car well ahead of its time. The Elite

    was intended to be both more luxurious and moreexpensive than any previous Lotus, and its stylingmarked a new direction for the company whileretaining the breglass body and backbone chassisof earlier Lotus models. The wedge-shaped lineswere the height of fashion, and the complex confectionof straight edges and smooth panels, gave the carterric aero results to go along with the modernair. The interior, made by Giugiaro was meant toaccommodate four adults and their luggage in style. Revealed at the 2010 Paris Motor Show, thenext-generation Elise seems to have skipped a couple

    of rungs on the evolutionary ladder. The styling ismuch more aggressive, but the spirit of fun remains.

    Lotus design Britishness, individualism, freedom.

    My personal goal remains the same:

    to deliver what we have promised.Dany Bahar

    Lotus CEOEuropa, 1963.

    Seven S1, 1957. Elite, 1957.

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    Elise,2015.Type 75 Elite, 1974.


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    If youre not winning, youre not trying. It`sone of Lotus founder Colin Chapman most famousquotes, which perfectly encapsulates the spiritand strength of the Lotus brand. It provides thecore ethos, as the company moves forward onto ahigher playing eld. But what is the Lotus world? Put simply,its a stylish world, sexy, upbeat, unique, energetic,and bursting at the seams with creativity and joie de

    vivre. Once youve stepped inside their world, youllnever want to leave.

    There were two big pushes that put Lotuson the map: Formula One and the Bond Film.Chapman led the F1 path with simple mantras:add lightness and dont use two components ifone can do both jobs. Bond producers chose Lotusbecause it was futuristic and looked like it wouldwork underwater. It made the Esprit a premiumproduct, a status object.

    The whole philosophy of Lotus is that youcan become one with the car.What theyre trying to do is create a

    complete world around the brand. Lotus is aboutso much more than smart engineering, lightweightdesign, and an intense driving experience. Its alifestyle choice. Thats what theyre building.

    Colin Chapman`s ambition was to pushthings forward. Lotus is about innovation on theone hand and tradition on the other hand. . Inorder to move forward and innovate you have tounderstand and learn from the past the two

    elements must go hand in hand.


    Colin Chapman with Esprit S2.

    If you`re not winning, you`re not trying.

    Colin ChapmanLotus founder

    Britishness, individualism, freedom.

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    Esprit in The spy who loved me.

    Bond driving Elite underwater.Chapman with Jeremy Clark at Monza in 1963.


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    There are two racing teams out therepainted green and gold, called Lotus. The rstone is the Classic Team Lotus and the other is theTeam Lotus. The rst one descends from theChapman`s lineage passed to his son and maintainsand services the historic eet.

    There are 150 works Lotus F1 chassisout there in museums, barns, art galleries,

    and Chapman`s son knows the locations of all ofthem. They show a committment to grassrootsmotorsport and talent development, and not justfrom a driver`s perspective. The most notablemodel of the F1 Classic team is Lotus 49 dressed inlivery green and golden colours.

    The new F1 Team, Lotus Renault GP,formed in 2009 by the asian magnate TonyFernandes, licensed the name Lotus from Proton,and is the perfect combination of experience,knowledge, and bravery, motivated innovators

    who are giving everything they have to deliver tomeet all the expectations. The ofcial colours ofthis team are black and gold. This is also how the company chairmanhas been inspried to create a very special limitededition, to celebrate its successful return to LeMans, supposed to be a taste of Lotus for the fareast markets. In Frankfurt, though, the company`sgoal was simply to get across two messages:performance and quality. The company`schairman is a big believer in the fact that actions

    speak louder than words.: Lotus. The time is now.Dont be left behind.


    The whole philosophy of Lotus is that you

    can become one with the car.

    Jim Clark. Vitaly Petrov.

    Britishness, individualism, freedom.

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    Vitaly Petrov at Malaysian F1 Grand Prix, Kuala Lumpur 2011.

    Legendary Jim Clark, with Lotus 49 in 1967.


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    In 1981, Colin Chapman wanted to createa small, high-performance airplane, to be soldunder the name of Lotus. He met with aeronauticaldesigner Burt Rutan and they developed togetheran ultralight single-seat canard prototype. The airplane, called Micro-light at SealedComposites, Rutan`s company was known atLotus as Elsie. Unfortunately, Chapman diesDecember 1982, two weeks before his prototype

    was ready to y. With his death, the project endedimmediately.But the project didn`t die entirely, jump

    forward a few decades, and transpose a fewletters in Elsie, and you have the anagrammaticLotus Elise.

    All in all, the Lotus aircraft was a nicedream that didnt get its proper chance.

    In 2008 Lotus have also developed aConcept Ice Vehicle (CIV) a cross between a

    skidoo and a microlight to aid research forthe Moon Regan Trans-Antarctic Expedition. Thebiofuel powered, propeller-driven trike on skidsis 4.5 meters long and 4.5 meters wide with anindependent suspension all around. It also has anice penetrating radar to detect crevasses andis light enough (360kg) for a man to pull it acrossdifcult terrain, which basically makes it an Elisefor explorers. It also appears to have a spikedfoot under the cockpit, perhaps for stopping onicy terrain.


    Chapman`s ambition was to push things forward.

    Lotus is about innovation.

    Britishness, individualism, freedom.

    Lotus Micro-Li

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    ht test ight in 1982.

    Lotus concept Ice vehicle, 2008,

    A cross between a skidoo and a microlight. Designed to aid research for the Trans-Antarctic Expedition.

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    In this chapter you will read all about thecreative process behind the nal result. The journey starts with a short documentationcomprising of insect sketches, and continues with someinitial design proposals.

    See in the remaining pages how the vehicle isbuild up from its core.

    the design process


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    Form plays a crucial role in the design of thevehicle. The originaly stands into extracting importantlines from the anatomy of natural worlds around andexperts of ying and lightweightness of the insects.Either taken as a whole, either looking and studing onlyparts of them (joint movements, portraits), they haveplayed a crucial role into form.

    design guidelines


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    Portrait of mantis

    These studies revealed two importantaspects of insects: the join between hard shellswhich protect a very soft, vulnerable interior.

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    mantis species

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    mantis species

    These studies revealed different formlanguage even inside the same species.

    They were helpful to learns moreabout joints and moving parts, exibility andreveal what make sense sense with regard tolightweightness.

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    This poster stood up my desk forseveral months during the degree process. Every time I had to design somethingnew, make some new parts work togetheror move, I looked up at it and tried to nd thesolution.

    The solution rests always right beforeyour very eyes, you just have to be willing to see it.

    insect parts

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    Design proposal #1Among the rst design proposals of

    before mid-review. This lightweight openedvehicle was supposed to have only a roof anda small area to sit on, along with controllers

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    , gfor the hands and feet, which would be linked tomovements the person does. I have called themARM KINETICS. Basically, it is a more complex,wearable exoskeleton, with roof and saddle.

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    Design proposal #2

    The vehicle was supposed to be a singleseater, and it is linked by the means of an intricateconnection/articulation. If you look closely, you can see thepeople from the top view.

    On the bottom, we can observe theinterior part, which is represented by the seat,

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    along with the seat safety straps and saddle,which provide freedom of motion.

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    Bee studies

    As I looked back into the task, Irealised that I must look deeper into insects thathave the ability to y over long distance, study abit of their anatomy and parts that compose it.

    From the bee I took on the wings shapeand the wing-body connection.

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    After the mid-review presentation,feedback and comments from the tutors Irealised that I have to return to the brief, andsketch the ying machine which would resemblethe dream of running and suddenly oating abovethe ground.

    So, I got to my desk and started sketchingagain. See the development of the nal result in thenext pages.

    main design proposal

    the vehicle

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    This was the moment when I decided tolook more in the man-machine bound and seekwhere the human ends and where the machine

    starts Th t i t t t th

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    starts. The most important aspect was theconsideration of the gestures the person woulddo in order to steer the vehicle: the feeling ofrunning in the air.


    The previous sketches lead me to thecore of the problem: human safety inside of thismachine, how would he be secured in. The core of the design is this ejectorseat, which has soft padded interior, to warmly

    welcome the human, but also provide safetyth hth h d t ti t h ll

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    welcome the human, but also provide safetythrough the hard, protective outer shells.

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    From the side view, we can observe thebig bump in the back, containing a life securingelement: the parachute, that would be expelledin case of malfunction. We can see as well the small saddle,which provides extension freedom for the feet.I also started considering how the person

    would be related to the rotors.

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    After another feedback session, I havebeen redirected into seeying the big picture again

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    and start thinking about the stance of the vehicle.The main inspiration for that was the

    sleek body of the dragon y. In combination withmy ejector seat core, the nal result started toreveal itsef.

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    Key sketch After a few more tryouts, resulteda key sketch. It has the stance of a dragony,it holds and protects even more the driver,providing also sideways protection, under theenveloping shape of the arm kinetics, which are akey element into steering the vehicle. It is presented into the neutral sitting

    position, as it needs a starting point and platformto sit on.

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    Vehicle body The sketch took shape into the 3dworlds via Maya software, poligon modelling,the same programme the ejector seat in thecore was built in. To emphasize more lighweightness,the body received a split into the main elements,and only the top surface, which is coated inphotovoltaic paint received a glossy surface,the bottom remaining grey and unreective, to

    resemble with the ground as well.

    top views At this point I had realised how inportantis to emphasize the lines of the vehicle from thetop view as well. I wanted to exphasize howthe body of the vehicle and the side panels andarm kinetics protect the fragile interior, which

    beholds the human. The lines are being taken from theposter, which has been an inspiration the whole

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    poster, which has been an inspiration the wholeprocess.

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    vehicle top

    The keysketch took life in Maya again. The split in the sides reveals the gapwhich provides air intake and allows thebatteries to breathe and recharge on the y.

    The arm kinetics stand in front of the

    vehicle giving a certain safe distance, and theseat, located at the core, provides a safeposition for the human to ge strapped in.

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    Rotors At this moment of feedback session, thevehicle became more real, and it needed rotorsin proper size to lift the weight of the human andthe vehicle itself. They have been drawn at rst from theinspiration, incorporated into the shape of wingsfrom insects sketches kept on top of my desk. The technology embeddedresemebles the lift rotor from the LockheedMartin f35 jet.

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    Package In these x-ray vision redenings you canobserve all the elements that compose thevehicle and the realtionship between them:the seat at the core, rotors to body proprotionand the dimention of the vehicle.

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    131body width 900 mm

    wing spread 2200 mm


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    From the side view we can observe thebattery, located along the split channel runningaround the whole body of the vehicle. Theejector seat and the rotor embodiment.


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    133body lenght 3100 mm

    overall lenght 3700 mm



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    We can see here the warning lights canbe clearly seen here, located sideways on therotors housings. We can also see the terminal tailexhaust system, and again, accompanying is thebreath-in breath-out channel for the batteries,running along the whole vehicle body.






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    135overall lenght 3700 mm



    ejector seat

    As we recap a bit on the subject, wecan see the beautiful golden colors originatingfrom the 70s Lotus Esprit, used here in the seatelements in subtle accents. Continue further on, to see how thevehicle is being built.

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    Main body

    As parts appear in the picture youcan see the main lightweight body of thevehicle which contains all the techical parts:the Li-air batteries, which have the spaceto breath, the gyroscope stabilizer whichdetects the balance of the vehicle and helpsstabilize the posture while in the air.

    For that extra bit of energy, the

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    For that extra bit of energy, thevehicle is coated with photovoltaic LotusGolden paint, which charges directly from theSun and redirects the energy to the engine.

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    arm kinetics

    As we move further on, theprotective side panels, coated with the samephotovoltaic paint and the arm kinetics join thepicture.

    We can observe the split line betweenthe arm kinetics, which provide motionfreedom to the arms, which play a crucialrole into steering this vehicle.

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    Big picture

    The landing gear system and wingsare attached to the body and provide the bigpicture of the vehicle with all the elementsreunited.

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  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden




    In order to take off, the person startson the ground and begins to run a few steps andgain altitute. Lotus Firey is a light vehicle whichhas at its core extreme leisure activities

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    has at its core extreme leisure activitiesand essays to place itself somewherein the middle way between the high techdevelopment and the roughness of nature.

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    Further, the vehicle is controlledwith the intuitive motions of the human bodythrough arm kinetics and exoskeleton parts.

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  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden


  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden



    Running in the air

    The running sequence resemblesthat the dream inspiration is still alive in the



    In order to gain altitude, the user ofthis vehicle has to move its feets along withthe exoskeleton parts, which hold them. Most probably, at rst, users wouldneed to run in a controlled loop in order to

    get more accustomed to the natural way ofcontrolling it.

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  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden




    The adventure seeker is outttedwith a special suit which connects him/her to the ejector seat, equipped with

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    j , q ppemergency parachute and oxygen mask,capable of securing a safe landing inhazardous situations. Look at the drawings in the appendixarea to nd out more about all the elementsit contains and how it ts and connects to the


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    After all is done, comes some time forreections. Read what I have been strugglingwith along the way, what I have learned anddeveloped.

    nal thoughtsConclusions

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    As I sit and look back at the past monthI can only tell that I did not only developed as adesigner, but I also discovered and revealedmyself as a person, and that happening amongstall the people around me. I have learned to knowmyself better, even in cutting edge situations.

    decisions, and go with them, as they provide theright path to develop and deliver the projecton time, although it is very hard to distinguishbetween your feelings for a certain sketch andthe right thing to do. And of course, that a taskcan be made in a thousand ways, but the quickestway to do it is your way as you know your


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    One puzzle piece reveals itself at a time,

    which nobody can put in the right place for you,but yourself. You nd out that life is like collectingpuzzle pieces. They are everywhere around us,they reside in each person we interact with. And

    when you gather all the pieces of the puzzle, andyou make it altogether, that makes the difference.

    It is all about those people that sit next toyou and encourage not giving up to your dream,and keep following it, even if the road is not pavedwith easiness.

    Nobody can make it for you, but yourself,and its you that have to nd the right persons thatare willing to walk that road with you, who arewilling to sacrice, because they known that when

    it comes down to it, you would do the same forthem.

    I have developed and almost branded myown way of designing, which still needs perfectionwith time. I think that the most important lesson Ihave learned and developed was within me andmy working process is to distinguish more betweenthe heart and brain.

    What I still have to learn is to take early

    way to do it, is your way, as you know yourmethods.

    I think it was really important to meas well to develop a working process, notso linear, but also to share empathy with the

    people involved into this project, as they are likecoaches, which sometimes encourage you, andsometimes, when you most deserve it, they pullyou by the ears, so that you wake up to reality,and do the job.

    I think that the development of a projectis involving a lot of ups and downs, tears and joy,as life means breathing in and breathing out or

    just like the heartbeats, which exist only becausethey beat up and beat down.

    I am happy that I have pushed myself,and have been pushed, because this meansdevelopment, this means evolution.

    Alexandra C.June 2013

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    1. A.J.Veal, Denitions of leisure and recreation reproduced from Ausralian Journal of Leisure and Recreation, vol. 2, No.4, 1992, pp 44-48, 52, retrieved December 15th from -

    2. Battle of the X planes, (video le), retrieved December 2012 from -

    3. Boaz Almog, Levitates a superconductor, Retrieved January 2012 from -


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    g, p , y

    4. Justin Capr. reportage, retrieved December 2012 from -

    5. Jet pack, retrieved January 2013 from -

    6. Smith, Gerald A., Biomechanics of Cross Country Skiing.The Handbook of Sports Medicine and Science: Cross CountrySkiing, editor: Heikki Rusko. Published 2002 by Blackwell Publishing, Oxford,retrieved January 2013 from

    7. Star Wars ships EncyclopediaSTAP, retrieved January 2013 from - Speeder bike, retrieved January 2013 from - Speeder, retrieved January 2013 from -

    74-Z Speed bike, retrieved January 2013 from -

    8. Taylor, Graham K., Mechanics and aerodynamics of insect ght control, Biol. Rev. (2001), 76, pp. 449471 , Cambridge

    Philosophical Society, June 2001, retrieved January 2013 from - Lotus Concept Ice Vehicle for Antarctic Expedition,retrieved February 2012 from -

    10. Lotus Magazine, Issues 1-5, (Autumn 2010, Spring 2011, Summer 2011, Winter 2011, Spring 2012), retrieved February 2012from -

    11. Litium-air IBM battery, retrieved March 2013 from


    12. Next Generation More-Electric Aircraft: A Potential Application for HTS Superconductors, published onIEEE Transactions on

    Applied Superconductivity 19, No.3, Part 2, 1055-1068 (2009)

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  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden




    Find here additional material designedaround the project: the character, the suit whichconnects to the vehicle, parts of the interiorarchitecture and the stroyboard. The nal result is presented as a shortanimation - a trailer which advertises how Lotuswould propose the vehicle, Firey, to the public.

    more storiesbehind the project


    January February

    timeplancompleting the task

    W. 7 W. 8 W. 10W. 9W. 3 W. 4 W. 5 W. 6W. 2 W. 11

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    proposal of 3 design directions

    advanced development of the chos

    concept discussion

    brief, concept & report layout

    basic ideation

    package solving issued,

    advanced ideation

    March MayAprilW. 13W. 12 W. 20W. 19W. 18W. 17W. 16W. 15W. 14 W. 21 W. 22






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    animation (rendering, post processing in AE, assembly)

    report, print material, sketchbook binding


    exam preparation

    exhibition prep.

    n direction

    toryboard nailed down

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  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden



    In this chapter I try to ansewer someof the very basic questions: who, where, why andwhat. These explanations will capture the viewer`sinterest and subtly absorb him/her into the story. You would see behind the scenes work ofthe designed parts which create the world aroundthe vehicle: the character, the suit and someearly storyboard, which reveals the design of theinterior building base of Lotus.

    What is going to happen next, I leave toyour reading imagination.




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    Jeremy Curl

    Age: 35

    lOtus membersince:october 2010


    Heat mask

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    adjusted toJeremy`sphysiognomy

    UV protection

    category 4

    Oxigen kitintegrated

    oxigen tank

    oxigen mask

    seat doc 1

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    light boots




    safety belt

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    movementsensors (S.I.M.S.)


    Seat Doc 2

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  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden




    This is the trailer Lotus wouldsupposedly develop to advertise the vehicle. The training starts on a virtual gamingplatform provided to a handful of people.

    The nal upgrade to the 3rd levelendows the player with an innate capacity to yit in real life at a Lotus terminal.

    Dare to meet the challenge in thereal life!

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  • 8/11/2019 Print version - Lotus Firefly, Degree Thesis by Alexandra Ciobanu, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden

