Print Post Lodgement Business Letter Services. Introduction Print Post is an Australia Post service...

Print Post Lodgement Business Letter Services

Transcript of Print Post Lodgement Business Letter Services. Introduction Print Post is an Australia Post service...

Print Post LodgementBusiness Letter Services

IntroductionPrint Post is an Australia Post service for the delivery of approved periodical publications to addresses within Australia.

In this presentation

This presentation introduces you to Australia Post’s requirements for Print Post sorting and lodgement.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this presentation you will be able to:

• identify the sort categories for Print Post articles

• identify and prepare the correct tray labels for Print Post articles

• identify the necessary steps to prepare a Print Post lodgement

• identify and complete the correct lodgement documentation for Print Post

Print Post at a glance

What is Print Post?Print Post is an Australia Post service for the delivery of approved periodical publications to addresses within Australia.

Print Post is used by small associations for the delivery of newsletters and special interest publications, through to organisations that distribute large circulation magazines, newspapers and catalogues. Customers use the Print Post service because it is an economical choice for sending their approved publication to their target market.

With Print Post, you can:

• lodge bulk mailings of 100 or more articles1

• maximise the space available for creative artwork

• choose to include special offers with their publications

• have undeliverable articles returned

• access lower prices for their articles.

In addition, the Print Post service also:• has access to private box addresses• has access to the Redirection service• allows a postage meter to be used as a payment method• provides a national delivery service• has delivery with daily normal mail by the same professional delivery officers.

1 The minimum volume is 50 articles when lodging at the Office of Delivery. In all other circumstances 100 articles are required.

Print Post at a glance

More information

More detailed information is available in the Print Post Fact Sheet and Print Post service guide.

Prices for Print Post can be found in the Print Post service guide the Post Charges Guide (MS11) and the Australia Post website (

These guides are also available at any Australia Post outlet.

Print Post lodgement Sorting and Lodgement overview

To qualify for Print Post prices, customers need to meet Australia Post’s bulk mail sorting and lodgement requirements. Each requirement is covered in more detail on the following pages.

Print Post lodgement

Sorting Print Post articles


To qualify for cost savings, customers need to perform some of the sorting work Australia Post would normally do.

For Print Post lodgements, customers need to:

• choose sort category/categories

• prepare articles in trays or as bundles

• prepare labels for tray and/or bundles

• sort articles into trays and/or bundles

These requirements are explained in more detail on the following pages.

Print Post lodgement Sorting Print Post articles

Sort categories

To ensure optimum delivery of Print Post articles, you need to prepare and lodge articles correctly. You have the choice to sort articles according to the following sort categories:

Sort category Description To qualify

Residue • Not sorted No minimum quantity. (The total lodgement must contain at least 100 articles.)

Metro/Country • Sorted to each postcode (or CBD sort division)

Refer to the following table for minimum quantities for Small Postcode Direct and Large Postcode Direct trays.

Local Sort Division

• Lodged for local mail centre delivery

Refer to the following table for minimum quantities for Small Postcode Direct and Large Postcode Direct trays.

Office of Delivery

• Lodged for country delivery offices

50 articles for the office of delivery in the range of eligible postcodes.

Print Post lodgement Sorting Print Post articles

Postcode direct trays – minimum quantities

To achieve the most economical advantages, you can further segment ‘Metro/Country’ and ‘Local Sort’ sort divisions into the following categories, provided that the specified minimum quantities of articles are met.

Local Sort Division prices apply to articles lodged at a mail centre for delivery to postcodes served by that mail centre. In SA, NT, WA and TAS, there are some restrictions on the postcodes that can be accessed at Local Sort Division prices, asnoted in the Print Post Sort Plan.

Print Post lodgement Sorting Print Post articlesCBD sort divisions

A CBD Sort Division is a designated range of postcodes. There are 6 CBD Sort Divisions.

When preparing Large Postcode Directs or Small Postcode Directs all the postcodes in the CBD Sort Division may be combined to satisfy minimum lodgement volumes.

Same State CBD Sort Division articles must be presented in trays.

Whilst correct addressing conditions are not mandatory for Print Post articles, a surcharge (of 5¢ per article) applies to articles to CBD Sort Divisions which do not meet the Correct Addressing conditions detailed in the Print Post preparation module.

Print Post lodgementSorting Print Post articles

Office of Delivery

A minimum of 50 identical copies of the publication are required if lodged at the Office of Delivery for delivery within the area served by that office. It is restricted to specific country Postcode ranges.

‘Office of Delivery’ ‘ applies to articles lodged at the office from which final delivery will be made.

0835–0899, 1970–1999, 2240–2490, 2500–2554, 2575–2599, 2640–2739,2787–2880, 2890–2899, 3211–3334, 3342–3424, 3444–3749, 3812–3909,3921–3925, 3945–3971, 3979, 3984–3999, 4210–4499, 4550–4899, 5200–5749,6215–6507, 6509–6646, 6700–6799, 7200–7499, 7900–7999, 9597–9599,9700–9799, 9880–9999.

Print Post lodgement Sorting Print Post articles

Sort Plan

The Print Post Sort Plan allocates every Australian postcode into a specific range, allowing Australia Post to efficiently provide Print Post articles to their point of delivery, and is regularly updated (refer table). To ensure the current sort plan is used, download it from the Australia Post website

Upon lodgement, Australia Post staff perform a check to determine if articles have been sorted correctly. Australia Post reserves the right to reject a lodgement if an unacceptable number of articles are incorrectly sorted.

Version number Release date Active date Expiry date

VYYYY1 1 February 1 March 31 August

VYYYY2 1 August 1 September 28/29 February

Print Post lodgement Sorting Print Post articles

ResidueA minimum of 100 identical copies are required to access residue prices in the Print Post service.

Residue lodgements under 1,000 articles do not need to be sorted.

‘Residue’ applies to articles which are not sorted. Same State prices apply where the articles are addressed to postcodes within the State of lodgement. Where residue volumes are 1,000 or more articles, they must be presented sorted according to the following 8 destinations:

State Destination PreSort Indicator Range

NT Darwin, Alice Springs 001–099

ACT Canberra 100–199

NSW Sydney 200–299

VIC Melbourne 300–399

QLD Brisbane 400–499

SA Adelaide 500–599

WA Perth 600–699

TAS Hobart 700–799

Under the Print Post Sort Plan each postcode in Australia has been classified into a sorting division with an associated Pre-Sort Indicator (PSI) number. Each PSI sorting division has a list of postcodes that are covered in that region.

Print Post lodgement Sorting Print Post articlesLocal Sort Division

‘Local Sort Division’ applies to articles lodged at a Mail Centre for delivery to postcodes served by that Mail Centre. The Print Post Sort Plan contains a list of the postcodes served by each mail centre.

For example, articles lodged at the Sydney West Letters Facility which delivers to postcodes within the PreSort Indicators 203, 204, 205, 206, 207 and 209 are charged at Local Sort Division prices when the articles are correctly presented.

In SA, NT, WA and TAS, there are some restrictions on the postcodes that can be accessed at Local Sort Division prices, as noted in the Print Post Sort Plan. Customers may elect to pay linehaul charges (either through Australia Post or a private freight service) to transport articles to the appropriate Mail Centre/s, in order to access Local Sort Division prices.

The Local Sort Division Flowchart provides an overview of the sorting and tray preparation process.

Print Post customers may elect to pay linehaul charges and access Local Sort Division prices for articles within a sort division at a letter processing facility. Either Australia Post or private freight services may be used for the carriage of PrintPost articles. All lodgements in excess of 5,000 articles are required to be supported with a Print Post Manifest . A ULD Manifest / Linehaul Mailing Statement is also required to facilitate the charging of ULD transport. The Manifest/Statement must record the number of ULDs for each destination Mail Centre.

Print Post lodgement Sorting Print Post articlesCountry/Metro (Same or Other state):‘Metro/Country’ applies to Large Postcode Direct and Small Postcode Direct articles lodged for delivery to postcodes outside of the Local Sort Division or Office of Delivery.

‘Same State’ applies where the articles are addressed to postcodes within the State of lodgement. Other State prices apply where articles are addressed to postcodes outside the State of lodgement.

Articles are further categorised by Metropolitan or Country. The Print Post Sort Plan indicates which Sort Divisions are categorised as Metro or Country.

The Print Post Flowchart provides an overview of the sorting and tray preparation process..

Same State delivery includes carriage between Coolangatta and NSW, Tweed Heads & QLD, Tweed Heads South and QLD, Albury and VIC, Lavington and VIC, Wodonga and NSW; ACT is regarded as part of NSW; NT is regarded as a separate state.

Print Post lodgement Sorting Print Post articlesGeneral rules for sorting into trays

The sort divisions for Print Post which must be lodged in trays are:


Small Postcode Direct

Large Postcode Direct

Complete tray labels for the destination states, including:

• sorting division• lodgement date • name, address and telephone of the mailer• job number

Face all articles in the same direction

Securely tie bundles

Place articles into the appropriately sized letter tray with addresses facing the front (label end) of the tray

The maximum acceptable weight for a tray is 16kg (including the weight of the tray)

Print Post lodgementSorting Print Post articles

How to prepare trays- Small articles

Obtain letter trays at no cost from your lodgement facility. The maximum acceptable weight for a tray is 16kg (including the weight of the tray). There are three categories of trays for lodging Print Post articles which are Residue, Small Postcode Direct and Large Postcode Direct. The process for preparing these trays is as follows:

Residue trays and Large Postcode Direct trays Small Postcode Direct trays

• Face all articles in the same direction

• Do not bundle or tie articles

• Place into Small Letter trays, ensuring addresses are facing the front (label end) of the tray

NB: Overflow Large Postcode Direct trays can be lodged. An overflow tray is a less-than-full tray that contains all articles remaining after the preparation of full trays for the same postcode (or CBD Sort Division). A maximum of one overflow tray for each postcode (or CBD Sort Division) is permitted.

• Face all articles in the same direction

• Securely bundle in lots of 20 articles

• Sort the bundles into the sort divisions specified in the Print Post Sort Plan

• Place all bundles for one Sort Division into Small Letter trays, ensuring addresses are facing the front (label end) of the tray.

Print Post lodgementSorting Print Post articles

How to prepare trays – large articles

Obtain letter trays at no cost from your lodgement facility. The maximum acceptable weight for a tray is 16kg (including the weight of the tray). To facilitate ease of handling we recommend that large letter trays should not be filled above the handle holes.

There are three categories of trays for lodging Print Post articles which are Residue, Small Postcode Direct and Large Postcode Direct. The process for preparing these trays is as follows:

Residue trays and Large Postcode Direct trays Small Postcode Direct trays

• Face all articles in the same direction

• Do not bundle or tie articles

• Place into Large Letter trays, ensuring addresses are face up with the Postage Paid imprint to the front (label end) of the tray

NB: Overflow Large Postcode Direct trays can be lodged. An overflow tray is a less-than-full tray that contains all articles remaining after the preparation of full trays for the same postcode (or CBD Sort Division). A maximum of one overflow tray for each postcode (or CBD Sort Division) is permitted.

• Face all articles in the same direction

• Securely bundle articles in the quantities listed.

• Sort the bundles into the sort divisions specified in the Print Post Sort Plan

• Place all bundles for one Sort Division into Large Letter trays, ensuring articles are face up with the Postage Paid imprint to the front (label end) of the tray.

Print Post lodgementSorting Print Post articles

Residue trays – state separation

For Residue volumes of: Then:

Less than 1,000 articles Affix tray labels for the state where the lodgement is occurring

1,000 or more articles Separation of articles by state is required, as follows:

• place articles into separate trays for each state – NSW, ACT, VIC, QLD, SA, WA, TAS and NT as defined in the Print Post Sort Plan

• affix tray labels for the state of the destination.

Whilst correct addressing conditions are not mandatory for Print Post articles, a surcharge (of 5¢ per article) applies to Residue articles which do not meet the Correct Addressing conditions detailed in the Print Post preparation module.

Print Post lodgementSorting Print Post articles

How to complete tray labelsPlastic label pockets are affixed to all letter trays. Prior to lodgement, a completed tray label must be placed in the label pocket with the printed side visible. Any old labels on trays need to be removed. There are two options for obtaining labels...

Labelling software Customers may purchase third party software to generate tray labels. These labels must conform to specifications which are subject to periodic review. Specifications may be obtained by contacting the Technical Support Centre on 03 9106 8098 or by downloading documentation from Australia Post’s web-site at

Third party software must be approved by Australia Post prior to use.

Blank label stock is provided free of charge by Australia Post. This label stock is heat sensitive, and is suitable for use only in direct thermal label printers.

Pre-printed tray labels Australia Post provides pre-printed tray labels at no cost. When used, pre-printed tray labels must be completed, as shown in this module. Each label must include the name, address and telephone number of the organisation making the lodgement.

Customers can order pre-printed labels from their local lodgement facility. Order forms can also be printed or downloaded from the Australia Post web site ( and forwarded electronically to lodgement centres.

Print Post lodgementSorting Print Post articles

How to complete tray labels

Write name and address (or name and telephone including area code) of the mailer in the Sender space.

Write your Job Number in the Job No. space (this number is optional, and is created by and relevant to you and should match with lodgement documentation).

Write the lodgement date in the Date space (this is optional, but must be the correct date of lodgement if shown).

To indicate the correct sort category, see A, B and C examples

A – For Residue Trays:• Tick the Residue box

B – For Small Postcode Direct Trays• Write the Sort Division name and number in the Sorting Division space• Write the letters “SPD” in the Postcode space

C – For Large Postcode Direct Trays• Write the Sort Division name and number in the Sorting Division space• For articles to one postcode only, write the postcode in the Postcode space

Print Post lodgementSorting Print Post articles

Preparing a small volume lodgement

If you are lodging less than 1,000 articles, Australia Post suggest you consider the following simplest lodgement:

• Count the number of articles for delivery within the state of lodgement (Same State)

• Count the number of articles for delivery to other states (Other State)

• Place all the articles in trays with a tray label for the state of lodgement affixed.

The price you will pay is the Residue price for (Same State or Other State) for the weight step.

Print Post lodgement Sorting Print Post articles


Sorting Print Post articles involves:

• determining the most appropriate sort category/categories

• reviewing the sort plan

• preparing and attaching the correct labels to each tray

• sorting bundles or articles into the trays

For more information about sorting Print Post articles, refer to the Print Post service guide and the Australia Post website (

Print Post lodgement

Lodging Print Post articles


Once an Print Post lodgement is prepared, sorted, you need to:

• complete documentation

The type of documentation will vary depending upon whether a postage meter has been used. (Obtain these documents from your local lodgement facility or download from and

A Lodgement Document is to be completed for each lodgement in the same price and weight category.

• lodge the Print Post articles

Print Post lodgement

Lodging Print Post articles

Complete documentation

Each lodgement must be supported by a Print Post Mailing Statement (8835283).The Statement indicates the volumes and other details of articles presented for posting.Lodgements with copies in different weight steps must be separated and accompanied by individual Mailing Statements.Obtain this document from your local lodgement facility or download from

Put the name of the Publication here.

The name of the publisher or distributor (if the publication is prepared in-house, put the organisation’s name here)

The Mailing agent or publisher’s details, go here (if the publication is prepared in-house, put the organisation’s address phone, and fax here)

The customer reference code for this issue goes here, and the Australia Post charge account number, if one is to be used.Sign the Declaration here. The mailing agent will do so if they are lodging on the customer’s behalf.The Print Post Publication number goes here.

The weight, in grams of this issue goes here, and write the date of the day you are lodging. (This must be correct).The name and postcode of the office where the Print Post is lodged goes here.Tick the correct ‘article size’ box.Record the total number of articles in each sort category here and add the totals.

Print Post lodgementLodging Print Post articles

Supporting document (manifest)

Each lodgement in excess of 5,000 articles requires a Print Post Supporting Document. There is no standard form provided by Australia Post, so create your own supporting document – a simple Word (or equivalent) document suffices. The minimum description requirements are provided in the following table:

Sort category List the number of articles

Residue for each state and territory the total for Residue

Small Postcode Direct

for each postcode

the total for Small Postcode Direct

Large Postcode Direct

for each postcode

the total for Large Postcode Direct

Print Post lodgement

Lodging Print Post articles

Where to lodge

Lodgements must be made at the approved office(s), or designated facilities, as advised by the Australia Post State Office. In provincial cities and country areas, Print Post lodgements may be made at a mail centre, business centre or post office as agreed between the sender and the Area Manager controlling the office of lodgement.

For normal delivery by surface mail, the articles must be lodged before midday, Monday to Friday, unless prior arrangements have been made with, or advised by, the lodgement point. If the lodgement office or centre nominates the time at which a lodgement is to be made, the lodgement must be made at that time.

Print Post lodgementLodging Print Post articles

Lodgement in ULDs

Steel cage containers known as Unit Loading Devices (ULDs) can be obtained from Australia Post, subject to availability and in instances where large mail volumes are to be lodged. Contact your mail facility for further information.

ULDs remain the property of Australia Post and all other rules and regulations pertaining to the use of the ULD are applicable. Australia Post reserves the right to charge for any ULD that you damage or do not return.

The maximum weight for a loaded ULD is 600kg (including the weight of the ULD which weigh around 100kg). This means that 500kg is available for the contents. Be aware that ULDs will often exceed the maximum weight limit before they are completely full.

In order to maximise transportation efficiency and ULD utilisation, mailers should ensure that each ULD is used as efficiently as possible.

It is a requirement that you affix a label to each ULD declaring the lodging customer’s name and the gross weight (actual or deemed).

If you are lodging 10,000 or more articles refer to the Advanced module: ULD Lodgements.

Print Post lodgementLodging Print Post articles

Use of pallets

Where pallets are used to transport articles to the lodgement point, the dimensions of these pallets should conform with the Australian standards (1,165mm x 1,165mm) and total load must weigh less than 600kg.

Pallets can only be used to transport articles to mail centres.

Australia Post does not accept responsibility for the pallets and will not accept any transfer of hiring charges.

Print Post lodgement

Lodging Print Post articles


Lodging Print Post articles involves:

• completing required documentation

• lodging the articles at an approved lodgement facility

• lodging the articles at the correct time

For more information about lodging Print Post articles, refer to the Print Post service guide and the Australia Post website (

Print Post basics Print Post requirements

CostPrices for Print Post are available in the Print Post service guide, the Post Charges Guide (MS11) and the Australia Post website ( Print Post items are charged according to four sort levels, depending on the customer’s processing capabilities. They include:• Office of Delivery• Residue • Metro/country (SPD, LPD or CBD)• Local Sort Division (SPD, LPD or CBD)

A surcharge (of 5¢ per article in addition to the published prices) applies to Residue Articles, and articles to CBD Sort Divisions, which do not meet the Correct Addressing conditions.

Australia Post provides a variety of payment options. For details, please discuss with your lodgement point or Account Manager, or call 13 11 18, or the contacts detailed on the inside front cover of this booklet.

Articles attract Same State prices when lodged within the same state as the delivery address (as defined in the Print Post Sort Plan). For charging purposes, the ACT is considered to be part of NSW, and South Australia does not include Northern Territory.

Note: If you want to pay using an Australia Post charge account you will need to lodge your Print Post items at the office at which you hold the account. Otherwise you will need to arrange with your account manager or Australia Post credit management for your account to be made available at the selected lodgement office.

PreSort Letters lodgementSummaryThe key points covered were:Articles can be sorted into categories: ● Office of Delivery

● Residue ● Local Sort Division ● Country/Metro

(Same or Other state)

Local Sort Division and Country/Metro can be further segmented into• Small Postcode Direct (SPD)• Large Postcode Direct (LPD)• CBD Sort Division

Articles are placed into a letter tray or bundle

SPD’s are lodged as bundles for each Presort Indicator

Labels must be completed for the destination state, including:• sort category• lodgement date • name, address and telephone of the mailer• job number

A Print Post Lodgement Document is required with each mailing

Print Post lodgements in excess of 5,000 articles must be supported by an Print Post Manifest

You now need to complete a short assessment to check your understanding of the information covered in this module. This assessment consists of 10 multiple-choice questions and should take you approximately 10 minutes to complete. To pass the assessment, you need to answer at least eight of these questions correctly.Attempt this assessment as many times as you need to. If you do not pass, it is recommended that you review this module again.


a. Residue

b. Small Postcode Direct

c. Office of Delivery

d. Large Postcode Direct



Correct answer = CA minimum of 50 identical copies of the publication are required if lodged at the Office of Delivery for delivery within the area served by that office. It is restricted to specific country postcode ranges. Office of Delivery prices apply to the weight of articles lodged at the office from which final delivery will be made.

The Bairnsdale Bowls Club publishes a monthly newsletter to its 250 members. They all live in the Bairnsdale Postcode – 3875. What sort category would you recommend for the best rate of postage?

a. Small Postcode Direct

b. Large Postcode Direct

c. Same State/Other State

d. CBD Sort Division



Correct answer = CTo achieve the most economical advantages, customers can further segment Metro/Country and Local Sort divisions into Small Postcode Direct (SPD), Large Postcode Direct (LPD) and CBD Sort Division. All have minimum volume requirements for access.

To get further economical advantages, customers can segment Metro/Country and Local Sort Divisions into three more categories. Which of the following is NOT one of them?.

a. June and December

b. March and September

c. July and November

d. April and August



Correct answer = BUpdated Print Post sort plans are published in March and September.

The Print Post Sort Plan is updated at regular times each year. In which months are the updates published?

a. Print Post Mailing Statement

b. Print Post Mailing Statement and Print Post Manifest

c. Print Post Manifest

d. No documentation is required as long as the Officer-In-Charge of the lodgement facility has been notified of the lodgement



Correct answer = BPrint Post lodgements over 5,000 articles require an Print Post Mailing Statement and Print Post Manifest.

David is preparing an Print Post lodgement of 20,000 articles. What documentation must accompany the lodgement?

a. None, Residue does not need to be sorted.

b. The items will need to be sorted by Postcode

c. The items will need to be sorted into LPD’s and SPD’s

d. The items will need to be sorted according to 8 state destinations



Correct answer = DWhere residue volumes are 1,000 or more articles, they must be presented sorted according to the following 8 destinations:NT (Darwin, Alice Springs), ACT (Canberra), NSW (Sydney), VIC (Melbourne), QLD (Brisbane), SA ( Adelaide), WA (Perth ), TAS (Hobart ).

Jane is lodging 3,000 Print Post items. She has decided to lodge her articles as Residue. What sorting requirements will she need to meet?

a. All faced the same direction in letter trays

b. In bundles for each Presort Indicator

c. In sacks

d. There are no special requirements for Small Postcode Direct



Correct answer = B

Incorrect. SPD’s are lodged as bundles for each PreSort Indicator.

What is the correct way to present Small Postcode Direct articles at lodgement?

a. From their local lodgement facility

b. They can be downloaded from the internet



Correct answer = ACustomers can obtain pre-printed labels from their local lodgement facility.

A Charity organisation prepares their monthly magazine for lodgement themselves. Where can they most easily obtain tray labels for their lodgements?

a. Print Post service guide

b. Print Post service guide and Australia Post website (

c. Print Post service guide, Australia Post web site ( and Post Charges Guide (MS11)



Correct answer = CYou can find prices in all these publications..

Where can you find the correct prices for Print Post?

a. Publishers who want to lodge at their local office

b. A group of Postcodes which have similar numbers

c. A group of postcodes which are served by a single Mail Centre



Correct answer = CLocal Sort Division prices apply to articles lodged at a Mail Centre for delivery to postcodes served by that Mail Centre.

Local Sort Division provides a pricing advantage for?

a. Tray labels for each destination state

b. The Residue tray label for the state of lodgement

c. Any label will do so long as they correctly complete their details.



Correct answer = BIf Residue volumes are 1,000 or less, then make up national Residue trays using the Residue Tray label for the state of lodgement.

A customer is preparing to lodge 900 Residue articles. What tray labels should they use?