Principal Mr. Kainoa Fukumoto · 2018. 7. 8. · Mr. Kainoa Fukumoto Parish Pastoral Assistant Mr....

Learning and Living By: Joshua Kapika Now just by the title alone some of you may be wondering just what I might be talking about this week. Consider this an extension of last week’s article titled “Made to Thrive”. So far this summer I’ve participated in two retreats; the first was back in mid-June and the other was this past weekend. Both retreats were different in nature, but both seemed to have the same message and it’s that message I hope to share with you this week. The theme of the retreat I attended in mid-June was “Thrive”. The point and purpose of that retreat was that we, as children of God, were not made to just survive, but that we were made to thrive. The theme of this past weekend’s retreat was “Upon this Rock” and its focus was about having a good foundation in Christ. Both of these retreats have similar ideas, but the message that resounded in my ears between the two is just as important. The message is simple. We are made in the image and likeness of God, and as such we are visual examples of God’s goodness when we act and live in accord with His will. As such we need to make sure our lives have a good foundation that is rooted deep in Christ and His teachings. We often forget as believers in Christ that it’s not enough to just show up to mass every Sunday. We often forget that in order to have a good foundation we need to make sure we are constantly learning and forming ourselves in our faith. Being a Christian is not simply professing your belief in Christ, but more importantly living it. Living Christ’s teachings of love, mercy and service to each other is much more important than merely saying I believe. So how do we live Christ’s teachings? We live it best when we make sure we are rooted deep in Christ and set firmly to the Cornerstone. We do this by constantly learning about Christ and his mission. Faith formation and educa- tion is essential to a Christian’s life. Without proper catechesis or understanding of the faith it is easy for us to lose our faith. As Jesus said in Matthew 7:24-25 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.” We must hear his word and then practice his word in order to live his word. It is not easy to be a Christian and sometimes we can fall easily into the temptation of laziness, but if we truly are followers of Christ then we must do what we are called to do. We must take time to make sure we live our lives as followers of Christ to the best of our ability. We must form and educate ourselves so that when faced with trials and tribulations we will remain strong in our faith. It is the Church’s responsi- bility to inform and educate our parishioners, and our parish has done a pretty good job at providing education and formation opportuni- ties for all its members. I invite you to take as many opportunities as you can to help form yourself and your family in the faith. Religious Education, Youth and Young Adults, Adult Faith Formation, RCIA and many more ministries offer these opportunities for you to grow in your faith. Please feel free to call our parish office if you have any questions regarding opportunities for catechesis. Sts. Peter and Paul Mission Est. 1953 St. Michael Church Est .1853 St. Michael School Est. 1944 PARISH ADMINISTRATOR Father Joseph Pasala, Principal Mr. Kainoa Fukumoto Parish Pastoral Assistant Mr. Joshua Kapika STSMICHAELPETERPAUL.ORG Parish Office Monday—Friday….9:00am - 3:00pm Closed on holidays Phone: (808) 637-4040 Fax: (808) 637-4287 E-mail: [email protected] School Office Monday—Friday….8:00am - 3:00pm Closed on school holidays Phone: (808) 637-7772 Fax: (808) 637-7722 E-mail: [email protected] JULY 8, 2018 14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

Transcript of Principal Mr. Kainoa Fukumoto · 2018. 7. 8. · Mr. Kainoa Fukumoto Parish Pastoral Assistant Mr....

Page 1: Principal Mr. Kainoa Fukumoto · 2018. 7. 8. · Mr. Kainoa Fukumoto Parish Pastoral Assistant Mr. Joshua Kapika Parish Office Monday—Friday….9:00am - 3:00pm Closed on holidays

Learning and Living By: Joshua Kapika

Now just by the title alone

some of you may be wondering just

what I might be talking about this

week. Consider this an extension of

last week’s article titled “Made to

Thrive”. So far this summer I’ve

participated in two retreats; the first

was back in mid-June and the other

was this past weekend. Both retreats

were different in nature, but both

seemed to have the same message

and it’s that message I hope to share

with you this week.

The theme of the retreat I

attended in mid-June was “Thrive”.

The point and purpose of that retreat

was that we, as children of God, were

not made to just survive, but that we

were made to thrive. The theme of

this past weekend’s retreat was

“Upon this Rock” and its focus was

about having a good foundation in

Christ. Both of these retreats have

similar ideas, but the message that

resounded in my ears between the

two is just as important.

The message is simple. We

are made in the image and likeness of

God, and as such we are visual

examples of God’s goodness when

we act and live in accord with His

will. As such we need to make sure

our lives have a good foundation that

is rooted deep in Christ and His


We often forget as believers

in Christ that it’s not enough to just

show up to mass every Sunday. We

often forget that in order to have a

good foundation we need to make

sure we are constantly learning and

forming ourselves in our faith.

Being a Christian is not simply

professing your belief in Christ, but

more importantly living it.

Living Christ’s teachings of

love, mercy and service to each other

is much more important than merely

saying I believe. So how do we live

Christ’s teachings? We live it best

when we make sure we are rooted

deep in Christ and set firmly to

the Cornerstone. We do this by

constantly learning about Christ and

his mission.

Faith formation and educa-

tion is essential to a Christian’s life.

Without proper catechesis or

understanding of the faith it is easy

for us to lose our faith. As Jesus said

in Matthew 7:24-25 “Therefore everyone who hears these

words of mine and puts them into

practice is like a wise man who

built his house on the rock. The

rain came down, the streams rose,

and the winds blew and beat

against that house; yet it did not

fall, because it had its foundation

on the rock.”

We must hear his word and then

practice his word in order to live

his word.

It is not easy to be a Christian

and sometimes we can fall easily

into the temptation of laziness, but if

we truly are followers of Christ then

we must do what we are called to do.

We must take time to make sure we

live our lives as followers of Christ

to the best of our ability. We must

form and educate ourselves so that

when faced with trials and

tribulations we will remain strong

in our faith.

It is the Church’s responsi-

bility to inform and educate our

parishioners, and our parish has done

a pretty good job at providing

education and formation opportuni-

ties for all its members. I invite you

to take as many opportunities as you

can to help form yourself and your

family in the faith.

Religious Education, Youth

and Young Adults, Adult Faith

Formation, RCIA and many more

ministries offer these opportunities

for you to grow in your faith. Please

feel free to call our parish office if

you have any questions regarding

opportunities for catechesis.

Sts. Peter and Paul Mission

Est. 1953

St. Michael Church

Est .1853

St. Michael School

Est. 1944

PARISH ADMINISTRATOR Father Joseph Pasala, Principal Mr. Kainoa Fukumoto Parish Pastoral Assistant Mr. Joshua Kapika


Parish Office Monday—Friday….9:00am - 3:00pm

Closed on holidays

Phone: (808) 637-4040

Fax: (808) 637-4287

E-mail: [email protected]

School Office Monday—Friday….8:00am - 3:00pm

Closed on school holidays

Phone: (808) 637-7772

Fax: (808) 637-7722

E-mail: [email protected]

JULY 8, 2018



Page 2: Principal Mr. Kainoa Fukumoto · 2018. 7. 8. · Mr. Kainoa Fukumoto Parish Pastoral Assistant Mr. Joshua Kapika Parish Office Monday—Friday….9:00am - 3:00pm Closed on holidays

PARISH WEEKLY EVENTS Sunday, July 8 8:00a Filipino Catholic Club Meeting (SDH) 10:00a Knights of Columbus Mass 11:15a KOC Officer’s Meeting 12:30p KOC Member’s Meeting

Monday, July 9 8:00a SM Preschool Summer School 8:30a Community Outreach 7:00p EPIC at OLS

Tuesday, July 10

8:00a SM Preschool Summer School 6:30p Adult Children of AA Mtg (Outreach)

Wednesday, July 11 8:00a SM Preschool Summer School 6:30p AA Meeting (Outreach)

Thursday, July 12

8:00a SM Preschool Summer School 9:00a Choir Practice (SPP) 6:30p Scripture Reading/Sharing (Outreach)

Friday, July 13 8:00a SM Preschool Summer School 6:30p Choir Practice (SM)

Sunday, July 15 7:00a Filipino Catholic Club Mass (SM)

REMINDER: Any articles to be

printed in the church bulletin must be

submitted to the church office by

Monday afternoon.


“To live our baptismal promises by

living our faith through prayer,

service and generosity.”


“That all who enter this Church en-

counter Christ as children of God,

disciples of Christ, and stewards of

every gift entrusted to us by God.”

MASS SCHEDULE St. Michael Church Monday-Saturday . 7:00am Saturday Vigil …... 5:00pm Sunday ……..…. …7:00am & 10:0am

Sts. Peter and Paul Mission Sunday ……....……7:30am & 9:30am

Reconciliation at St. Michael Saturday only … 4:00pm - 4:30pm Or call for appointment

Morning Prayers Sunday Rosary ….. 6:20am (St. Michael) Monday - Friday …. Liturgy of the Hour 6:40am (St. Michael)

Baptism Classes 3rd Wed. 7:00pm (St. Michael) Contact Mary Kamauoha (225-1683)

Marriage Must contact the parish office at least six months prior to wedding.

Funerals Final arrangements are made with the cooperation of the mortuary and priest. It is customary to contact the parish office before completing arrangements.

Blessings & Anointing of the Sick Call parish office for appointments.

Outreach (Food Pantry) Mondays … 8:30 am - 11:00 am Holidays…. .Closed PARISH REGISTRATION If you have not yet registered, please contact the parish office.

IN CASE OF EMEREGENCY: Call Fr. Joseph Pasala (808)600-9668











Open Group: (Nooners)

Meets Mon.-Sat. Noon to 1pm

Open Group: (Imua Waimea)

Meets Mondays 8pm-9:30pm

Women Only: ((Waimea Wahine)

Meets Thursdays 6:45pm-8pm

Page 3: Principal Mr. Kainoa Fukumoto · 2018. 7. 8. · Mr. Kainoa Fukumoto Parish Pastoral Assistant Mr. Joshua Kapika Parish Office Monday—Friday….9:00am - 3:00pm Closed on holidays



Sunday Collections


Building Fund

Hall Use


Beach Parking









“Each man should give what he has decided

in his heart, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

(2 Corinthians 9:7)


7:00AM TO 12 NOON









Heavenly Father,

We thank You for all the blessings

You have bestowed upon us and our

parish. We are especially grateful to

our forbearers of faith whose love,

sacrifice and generosity have

established our parish community.

We humbly ask that You send forth

Your Holy Spirit to dwell within our

parish community during this time as we

conduct a capital campaign appeal

to construct a new restroom facility.

Guide us as we move ahead into the

future with our plans as we place

our complete trust in You to make our

parish an instrument of Your will.

We ask this in the name of Your Son,

Jesus Christ, together with the

Holy Spirit, and through the

Intercession Mother Mary.


The Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet will

be celebrating 80 years of ministry in Hawaii on

Saturday, August 25, 2018. There will be a Mass at

10:30AM at the Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa, 712

North School Street, Honolulu. Bishop Larry Silva

will preside. Lunch will be served afterward in the

auditorium. All are welcome.

Please RSVP to Ms. Dierdre Wong at 373-8801, or

[email protected] no later than August 1, 2018.


JULY 14 & 15, 2018


Page 4: Principal Mr. Kainoa Fukumoto · 2018. 7. 8. · Mr. Kainoa Fukumoto Parish Pastoral Assistant Mr. Joshua Kapika Parish Office Monday—Friday….9:00am - 3:00pm Closed on holidays


Sick: Helen Abanes, Alan Abear, Glenda Aggasid, Fausta Agsalda, Oscar Agtina, Francis & Susan Baker, Penny

Ballesteros, Aaron & Kekoa & Robert Bolosan, Liberty Bunda, Carey Ibrao Burke, Anthony Cadiz, Eva Cuelho, Larry

Dixon, Federico Dicion, Andrew Dziadkowicz, Janice Eldredge, J.B. Excelcious, Jocelyn Balmoja Fukushima,

Alfred Gabriel, Jr., Felix Galicinao, Joe Grilho, Virginia Guerrero, Julia Redira Haehn, Raynette Hamamoto, Carol

Hoopai, Christine Hurrell, Caroline Kahawaii, Daniel Kapika, Brandon Kikuchi, Rosanda Lani, Rodney Lobitos Sr.,

Priscilla Robello Meek, Adoracion Menor, Lily Mito, Dennis Nolan, Roxanne Sumile Munoz, Ethan & Lois Pacolba,

Lillian Pactol, James “Blah” Pahinui, Mary Gloria Palalay, Alton Pao, Douglas & Susan Parrish, Rosario Pedro,

Joan Pujol, Severo Raymundo, Patricia Reynolds, Bonnie Sales, Richard Sarno, Apolenario & Derek Suan, Kathleen

Smith, Sheri Sumida, James Jr. & Joe Sumile, Tracy Walker, Pono & Wilma & Shannon Warfield, Beatrice Vierra,

Alyssa & Carrie Ann & Malia Yamanouchi

Death: Brock Dicion, Cipriano Erice, Filemon Lavarias, Benjamin Saguibo, Candida Santiago, Paul Sumile



The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall

want. Though I walk in the valley of darkness, I

fear no evil, for you are with me. (Psalm 23)

+Candida Santiago

July 19, Mililani Makai Chapel

10:00am Prayer Service

12:30pm Burial at Mililani

+Cipriano Erice

Aug. 7, Mililani Mauka

7:30pm Prayer Service

Aug. 8. St. Michael Church

10:30am Mass

+Filemon Lavarias

Private Services

Aug. 14

+Benjamin Saguibo

Aug. 19, Mililani Mauka

Prayer Service 7:00pm

Aug. 20, Mililani Mauka

Funeral Service 11:00am




When we share our faith, we can expect

to have experiences like Jesus in today’s

Gospel. People will not always understand.

People will be confused or irritated. The

Gospel says people “took offense” at Jesus.

As Jesus’ followers, this means there will

be times when we have faithful, loving

intentions and yet people will literally take

offense. Sometimes people will be

offended when we talk about Jesus!

NOTE: This does not mean we are

supposed to go out of our way to offend

people. Jesus was not angry, indignant,

confronted, argumentative etc…when he

shared the Good News. If you are any of

these, then I guarantee you are not speaking

for God. How can I know this? Because

the first and foremost sign of Jesus’

presence is peace. Galatians 5: 22 tells us

point blank that peace, patience, kindness,

gentleness, and self-control are signs of the

Holy Spirit. Not anger or combativeness.

We must be like Jesus – share openly and

not defensively. If need be, we too can be

amazed and grieved by others’ lack of faith,

as Jesus was in today’s Gospel.