Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce

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Transcript of Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce

  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


    GeorgeCounty,Mory|ond Vicious nimo|Report



    The ssueof vicious nimal*, peciftcallyogr,hasbeena concefnn PrinceGeorge"sountyormany ears. n 1985,theCounty nacledmodel icious nirnalegislaliono oontroltheownershipndmaintenancef animalshathaveattaslcedor njured umans r other nimals.In he rnid-1990's,onnmunityoncern asraised y a

    nufilber fwell-publicizedogattacksesultingn nluriesorninorslrithin rinceGecrge's ounty *darounclh* r*g!* 19ts6,he PrinceGeorge's ountyGounciloughto addressthis sslre ia egislation.CB-104-1996seeAttachment ) requiredheimpound entof anyanimalhat seriouly niures.*o1n:*,ori'oro a hearing y neAnirnal ontrol omrnissiqn p-]0p-igSO r*u AttachmentD)wasbreedspecificegislaitoneTrningpit BullTenierdogs,prohibiting wnership nder efiarfl,,conditionsndproviCinguottlieso.violatiorr'.n heoriginal;il;" of the igislatiot rattweiler ndpitbulldoEswere,to ebanned-However, successfirlOhbyingampalgnesultedn*tt**ii*tt beingdeletedrom he pnopa*al'ln August 998, Work tudv to,l! 3?-Ti:::,-dunderhe alspices of the Departrnentf EnvironmentalResourceso reviewandmake ecornmendationor revisiongotheAnimalControlbrcin.nt*' Basedon the recorfimendationsof hework tudy;,il! iqtl i99]' then ourrlvxecutiue'wayne .cr.rrryt;;G; Ce-ee-2a01see ttact'rrnent}ocomprehenivelv#;il;i;H;; i contoordnance.ltis

    j ..

  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


    therefore, Iimited its scope to focu* .lFrEhr, {^i:^:*-"ui'u,'tocvnd-ner ;Hiiififi.uHtfi,*ffifi?',lo*",* the breed specific ban againstpi t bulfs. - "" rrrvd*: The C_hairman olled he Task Force rnernbers n theirdiganization's position on the pit buil han" ollr,* *og* oppo*e hebreed pecific r" *tl, tnuexcepiionf r-ieaifi,,'n*purt**ntsupportshg,bl:.,olg_prtl dogsdue o theseve*t1,'ofitesand orhealth ndsafety easons. heprrnceceorge,s-countyMunicipal ssociationasnot aken notrmlii osition.

    someof he nitiareasons otedoroppositiono hebreed Pecific anwere:r Lawshould old hedogowneresponsible* Currentawpunishes ooddogownerslhadwners ounderground/goadogownerseave heCounly. Currentawhard o enforce* Doesn't romote ubtic afety/publicaybe esssafewithbreedspecificaw" Bitcseveritys noi imited rdete;'rninecly xr:ec{' Otherbreedshavehigher umher f dogbites' Creates acklog f AnimalControlCommissionasesr ArrirnalGantrolCommissionometintesvefiurn nirnalMarragementivision'secisionr $upportstrongviciousanimalcodeldangerCIusog aw* Support otentially arrgerousog egislation

    StatlsticalAnalysisDqgBiteslFxpesues $tptlgligs

    The HealthFepartment epresentativerovidedinformatjonn dog bites/expo*ur*t tatisticsI thl!:ynY llu'several ears.Thl charts seeAttachments..ind qi]i:l:i:informationn dog bites rom heyearprior o theadoptronIc8-106-1996.

  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


    l-'iowever,t was pointedor.rthat thrs report * deulgnnd otrack rabiesand not breed. lt was further ndicaterl hat threinforn'ration n the breed is reportedby the victirnand is oftenr/agr"l.t rnustalso be noted hat he "pitbull"was originatlyheproductof mixed-breeding.This adds o the propsnsity onrisidentifyhi s animal. For these reasoils, he accura*yaf thebitestatisticsmay be questionable,@

    TheAnirnalManagement ivisioneceives pproxirnatelyZI,S00 ctalcalls or serviceperyear. The number {catlspertainingo pit bullswas approximately"000per year.The PoliceDepartment epresentativeeported Fratt-leFnliceCI*partrnenteceived3,31s nimalactivity omplalntsn?002. Tlreca!lsere related o al l kindssf anirnal ctivlty, otjust pit bulls. The municipalityepresentativendicatedhat

    rrunicipality omplaints re not ncluded ,uitht"rose f theCoilnty-' l"hcTaskForcediscLrssedhr numbers nd ypescf

    easss hat have been comingbefsre he AnimalControlCommission,The Commisslon epresentatlve ,tated,ha t heCommissions experiencinga backlog n its reviewof cases"Thisseems o be related s the largenumberalrel nmplexity fpi t butll ases.Euthanp$i-atatisticq

    A handoutwas provided efiecting he ArrinnalManagementDivisionactivity elated o pi t bulls- This lists hetotal numberof pit bulls mpounded,and how Inanyof thesewsrseuthanizederSus owmanywere eturned,townersannuallyrsm1gg?hrough unehOOeseeA-ttachment)'TheCounty veragesrnfioundingorehan$00pitbulls eryear.Onaverag*l*or*'thanS0percent f hose itbutls. .impoundedre raintalned y heAnimalManagementivisionthroughoutlengthy rocess ndeventuallyuthanized'

  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


    CostAnalysisTheAssaciateDirectorof theAnlmalManager'nentDivision ubmilted reliminarynformationnthe inancialirnpactof the cost ts the County or housinga pitbull. Thacostto i.ireCounty or maintaining singlepit bull hroughot-ttheentireprocess or one yearwas estimatedat apprsximatelySS8,SS0, he Task Force requesteda rnorts ornprehensive

    fiscatanalysi*be undertakenwith the assistance f the Of{lceof Auditsand Investigations.A rnenrberof the Officeof Audits and tnvestigations taffbriefed he Task Forcememberson the fiscal rnpact f themajntenanceof pit bullson tlre resourcesof the Aninra{Mro*g***nt trivision, A fiscal rnpact tatementwas providedwfriinlnOicatedhat there s a wide gap between evenue romOi tnutt egistrationees and expenses $r maintenance f pit[r f n*ny tlie County{seeAttachment }, Fees rornpi t bulli*oistritiorrsgeneratedapproxinrzrtety35,000nvera tura-yeannFrio,C20[]1-2002), -loweuer.he cost ts the Animallil*nugu*unt Division or maintenanceof pi t bugsover he**** p*ti"cl rvasa;:proximat*ly$5$fl,00il The *xp*!lF'es*orro be higher f other variableswere coRsidered ndquantified uch as utilities,manpowef,and oveftirne'It should be noted that, these avefage eosts to the oountydonot inc ludetheexpendi turesof theCountyCIrMunic ipalPoliceDeparlments- These cross-ageficycosts'.while*ignifi*ani,could no t be fully capturedor adequatelyestlrnatsd's ince l996, therehasbeenadramat iereduct ion in thenurnberf dogshowslexhibitionseing eld n heCcunty'

    Thismayne attiinuieo, t least n part, o th?qlT!.upecificbanandconfin***nit*quiiernentsor pitbullsatdogshowsn hecounty.Tl-risesultsn ostrevenueo thEcoutlty"Thoughheamount f direct evenueoss rom he shows"rsndirectevenueosscouldbe somewhatnore igllificant'$omeso{.lfcesi potentialndireetEvenue eingunrealizedarehotels/motels,uelstations, eterinarians'etsupply tores'restaurants,rocery nddrugstores'

  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


    George couniy, Morylond viciousAnimolReportLogaloPinion

    The Courrtys currently ot adrninisteninghe'-grand-fathering" rovision f cB-106-1ggs,whichatlou+edsr theregistraiion f pit bulls hat vrere n theCountypE!nroNdvernber , 1996. An attorneyrorn he Ofticeof Lav,| riefedthe ask orceon the egalopinion egardinghedecieiono noiong*r register ew pi t bulls n the CountyafterFebrr"lary00?'fnii decilion s regardless f an ownerhavirrg roofofnreviouslv raintaininghe pitbull n the Countyor in anotheri"*Ci*ti"*- Instead,any pi t bull n the Countywithottta currentiegistrationmust be seized'Frior o this ruling,whenpit bulldog* were ound unningat large,wittrno proof of registration,he Animal ,ontno!iuuullutu Directorwoutd allow he dog ow!1ero providean;;*** outside he County o relocatehe animal-Thisinformationwoulclbe verifiedwith the iurisdiction, nd he dogorrtru' v,rould e alloweci o keep tl-leclogat ttrat'aeieJress"T?rerepresenta t l ve ind ica ted thatpur *uantt * *B-1ns-

    1g$sall pit buNlsn the couniy shouldhavebeen registered' tWasfur thers ta ted tha tCB-106- lgs6hadagrandfa therprou is ion tha ta | fov , ledcont inuedownersh ipn fap it t ru t l i fhe l r tpriororenruai/2,1gg7'The egal pinion as snderedsaresLlltfanactual ase,and herifofe spnotectedyth?attorneyJcfieni-piivit*g*.twasnotedhat his egal pinicn asrenderedn tate2001,which hould aveallov'tedmpleimefor esidentsr citizenso registerheirpitbutl'A question asraised egarding hl t ::yld bedoneorresidentsrcitizensmovingnfr tfre lountywltha plt.bul[ndnotbeing "0* **are of tnecounty'saw- twas ndieatedthatcitieensouldappeat" tnecornmission'fornimal ontrolforperrnisslon-toi*iirt*theirdogandkeep t in heCounty'

  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


    Georgecouniy,Morylond Vicious nimolReport'*Operation og Tag"llnteragency ask Force

    At the requestof a TaskForce nerfiber,he Ehairmadeaconferencell'roThomasFlanagan f 'operatiolDtg Tag" nnorct ,ester ,Boston.Mr"F|anaganindicatedthat in l99f i t } teiesloents f Doicitesterwereuelngoverwhelnredy-viciousdogsituations-Manyof thedogs-were ernguseu orintinridationurposeiagainst esidents f theare*"

    openatinnsogTagstar tedoutasaconrbinedtaskfarceef font tocf in l fo lvarlous-dogomplaints seeAppendix )'

    T } reAnima|Cont ro lTaskForcewases tab l i shedandconsis tedo{membersoftheBcls tonFol ice,Ani rna|Clnnt rgt ,-ity of Bcston,Anima!Re*cueLeague.ofFoston A'T4'L'}' ndMessactrusetts$ocietyfortheFreventiono{CrueltytoAnirna|g{M.S"P.C.A-}.Wfrenconducting n operatinrr"he task fcrcebreaksdownintothreeor four tear i ls "Eachtear ftconglgtsofaPpliceDffiCer n uniforrn,Anilral control ilfficer, and a mernbet" lu l t r , * ,A .R.L .orM"s 'P 'C,A .Eaehtean. l rnus tha leanan i rna llnspec torasamernberc f thete* rn 'A [ ] t *an: luHreb* ln$supp| iedwi theoucat iona|mater iat ford iet r ibut lon[oa| lani rna!slvner$encor:nie,'ed Scme animalowner$are r$m nth*rcujturesand only need a cirance o be instnuctedn the prspercsreof animalsunder he American ul'es'

    The Tash Force also v'/crks n a proactivemode topreventchild/domestic iolence. This evolveda$ a cofirponetlt[ ibpe*tion DogTag,due o he inkagendcsrrelationbetr,veennimal?rueftynd ater ctscf child buse nddomesticiolence-Mr,Flanagan rther tatedhatOperation ogTaghasbeena verysuJcessfulndeavar ith l 956/aecreasenf lnima|comp|aintswithin6rnonthstoayearafter i tgirnplementation.peration ogTagwasan lnexpensl\ieinitiativeue o theuseof existingr*o"rcesand hededicationandcommitmentf heTaskForce nembers'Ofnote,Bostondoesnothavebreedspecif ic legistat iorr-Mr" tJnag;n'indicatedhat twould edfficult o getsupport

  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


    . . I r ! - . - - ^ , t L - * * J ^ * ^ ^ : # i ^ l o + r r r r r rforbreec|specr|ic|egislationandbreedspecificlaulwouldur' "u oge'anuselmishndlingn developmet9f,anstherbreediuilntirrlrtiorr. Also, n Boston ou mustbe eighteen ear:s fage o be a dogowner'PotentiaflyDangerousDogLegislation

    TheAnimalManageme*tDivigioRrepfe$entativeinulcaieJtnit ne Metropolitan ashington suncil fffi;;;ffiG tcoct haddeveropedndendorsednodelleglslationo address angerous ndpctentially angeroucdogs,

    ThecOG Animalservicescommitteerecori"lrflendshatjurisdictionsOeoet-of tn* enforcement rognarnhat applesiiq;af reguirements nd restrictisns.n all *!: ry-t exhihitdangerousbehavior'regard|essofbreed.Successfulprogra'msinclude dentification, ilationsand impoundment nd possibleeuthanasiaThe positionstatementand model egistration

    orpoientiallyangerousogswasaoprot:!.!yl$-:yU Hnardbnd orwardedo pa*icipiting svernmentalentitiessee."ffi;;;ift). lnii informationassharedwithandaonslderedby heTaskForce.Subcommittees

    TheTaskForcesubsequentlyividednto wosubcom ittees. he"F ndng=",u t#miltee w-as,ha gedwithdocumentingndsummarizinghe TaskForce.findtng:*,':*,,Recommen?ations"subcommitteeas askedwith,drattng,languageoamendheeode egardinghe.issueo..ol 1nyi.^-offJnsdand reed pecific reemption.hissub'6ommtfteeasalso esponsibleordevelopingpropo-s.?loran,ol-g:':,9*^^-|nteragencyTaskForce-Thereportsofthesesubcomrnli leesare nherentn hisreport.However,hese eq?+-srealsoincludedor referenceseeAttachmentsandM)"

  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


    I I FIHDINGSThaTaskForceoundhatoverallthe ounty'sAnirrlatContro|'0roin'n"uisup-todateinitscurrentforrn{asamendeduycg-ze-?ooit Howiver,heTaskForcenaisedonsiderablecoflcrn u*ithu breed pecific en-Thisportlon f he;;;il;;"; *"y "rgoubty edeemed"effeotive"ln that henunrber f pit :uNlin thecountyhasbeen educed,However'theTask ir"e found hispolicyo be neffielent,ostly, ifficutt" to enforce,'Theil#F-dupc6mmittee Reports includedseeat'tachment)'





  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


    RECOMMENDATIONSTheTaskForce ecommendsmendinghe CountyvicisusAnimal rdinance nd/or dministrativeolicies sfollows:

    . FNACTA "POTENTIALLY"DANGEROUSOGLAWThe TaskForceproposed modi{ied ersion

    qf theMetropolitanashington ouncilof GovennrnentsModelpoteniialty angerous og"Legislation" his * intendeda bea proactive ppioacn hatapptiirs qual equirernents,restrictionsnd sanctions n alldogs hatexhibit ang*rousbehavior,Remediat teps o be taken nay ncludeiclentit!catin,citalions,mpou drnent nd possible uthana*ia'

    It was determinedlrat he"DangelousD6g"categcnyctrxoulde omitted ror^xhe County's lrsion of the rSG rnodel"ui*g ;nn ctherchanges, eletion f sectisns'and heincluilonof languageTtomhe Csuntyc.odqueeAttachmentK). Since ir * iou,ily atready as an-eff*ctlve

    oliny egarellrrgdangerous ogs, he TaskFarce ocusedon adaptlng"th.*.'"..p**"*tlu* .,potEntiallyDangerous" ortionof the model. with,thesemodification,n* Task Fsrcesupp0rt$.ndrecornrnendstt *r tlo* 'PotentiallyDangerousDog' "egBtaiinn e develaped*odinuonporaiedintoacomprehensiveanlmalmanagementProgramor he CountY'

    r DEVELOPNTNTERAGENCYIFqI!ryFHrffiSfoRCEWITHFoLIcE,AN|MALCONTROLANFOTHERAGENC|EsASNHEDEDA proposalasmadeoranongoingol!f9-1:l:':,^^agency i"iou= nimal aekForce-OthqrCounty genneswou|dbeinvitedtoparl ic ipateasneedariseseury]].1*otheradvisoryrganizations.hisworkingaskForce ouldeventuallyeutilizednother apaciiiesswella$ o1alilal .Eontrol. dditionatiscussion6** **re: How0ftenhisTask

  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


    Georgecounty,Morylond Vicious nimolReportForcewouldmeet, he reportingnechanisrne thre ouncil, ndrnaking ornrnunitydu+ation partof theTaskF*ree citcties.


    Tlre proposed anguagestates,f'lo

    dog shallbe fCIllndnbe dangercusor viciousor regulated olelybecause t is of aparticular reed-". ENHANCEADMINISTRATIVE LEXIBILITYANil ENFORCEPENALTIESAGAINSTDOG OWNERS_ SANCTIOI'IS OINCLUAE ODAYS N JA}LANN/OR$$OO'flS INH

    This proposal s to provide he Policeor AntnnalManagementDivision he option o irnpo*ecrirninal hange* nowfiers. The penaltyshouldbe reduced o {9o} days nsteadofS ntontlrsof imprisoirment ncJire fine redr.laedrprn$1'flCI{}o$s00. This wor.lld llow or a

    "$ummon$in lleu of arresf Asihe CnrintyCode cr,rrrerrl lytf lnCs, ec.3-1if i f i ' l {sq*Appendixbi , th * higher penalty l-reaflshat an arrestmustoccur, This causes coneern or the tPolice)enforcernent*gentrysince new cor,rnty esidentsare nnt always flvareof thetewand besause identifying he animal as a pl t bull is n* t aneasydeclsion.


    NSTE;TheTaskForce idnot eachunanirnityn tssupportor arror hese ecommendatisns. owever, aqhOf heserecommendationseceived t least najonity/consensu$l.lppon'O1'1gdiiionat proposedecommendationas consldered,utdidnotreeeivemajority upport.Thatproposa{waso continueto require pitbutilicense.n his egfrrd,heTaslc orcewas

  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


    Georgecounty,Morylond Vicious nimolReportespeciallyconcemed for the potential or homeowners'insurance o be negativelyaflected-

    When discussingoptions or recommendations, phasedappradch and/or ssme reasonable rial period for cl'tanges o beevaluatedshsuld be considered. The Recommendations,subcomrnitteeReport is included {see Attachment M}.

    CONCLUSIONSln conclusion,he TaskForce inds hecurrentAnrirnalControl rdinanceenerallyffective.However,he awandadnrinistrutiveegulationsoncerningicious *gs areeostlyand nefficientn termsof ttre iscalandhuman esourt&sreguiredo enforcehe breed peclfic ortion f theondinance.Therecommendationef the ViciousAnirnal egi*iationTaskForcenclude;

    r Enacting oterrtiallyangerous ogLegislationased ntheMetropclitanfiJashingtcnctrrrcil f G*rrernmentsYlode[

    ,u Developingn Inter-agencyiciousAnimatTask onceorenforcernentnd educational urposes

    u Repealinghe breedspecificba*

    o EnhancingndEnforeingenaltiesgainst wner$ fi Viciaus nd/orPotentialty angeror.lsogslmplementingducationalrogramso prornotee$ponsiblepetcareand irensing ,

  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


    George county, Morylond ViciousAnimolReportIITTACHMENTSA. GR-68-200?ViciousAnimal egislationaskFcnce

    C, Cts-104-1996Vieious nimals'

    m. c8-26-2001F. Reported nimal iteendnon-bitexposuresnMaryland,2000G. DogBites/Exposures001/200?FrinceGeorge'si

    ' n, AnimalManagement ivision ctivity elatedo Pi t sullsfrorn1$97 o 2AAZ incluciing$thanasiatatiat'lc*i| .F lsca l lmpac tS ta tement (Aue l i t s& |nves t iga t ions }J ,Munic ipa l i t ies thathavereeent |ycons ideredgr repealedbreedsPecificanguageK. Modified otentially angerous ogLegislatlsnL" Findings ubcommittee ePortM, Recommendations$ubcommitteeReBort

  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


    GeorgeCouniy,Morylond Vicious nimolReporlt3ePorted I3ites an d lrloxrbrif:e E,xposu.res in h'{a.r5rla.n

  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce




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  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


    Georgecounty,Morylond Vicious nimolReport

    TI{E PRTNCE GSOI$I.GEISfrSUNTY GO1irERNMENTOffice of Audits a$d Inre$ttgations

    Ivtarch ,2S03


    un ! {g&asb gMR*C.TaylorAssociatc Direetor of Aairnal Msdagffnen{ Divi.sionHawi NortonLcgiclativc AuditorVicious Animrl TaskForesE:The Offtce ol itutiits lrxl Inv*stig*tiorrshirs urriel*ocdll cuslsart$ uvtdtles

    ilssociatedwith tbe Yioious fuiimal Task Forcs' Rsvenuesarederive{tr&ornpennits' eountyliceos+sasd bondeccllected, Hxperrses rs rrcurrud u buurds${iTneintsin}rcanimatrsndthcrr are labor costsassocietedwith call$ and nairoalpickup' Theru areoiher varialle cofitsassociatedwitb rraintsnance of irnpounded*nfuHflIsltst uslulnt be quantified at thin time'

    Ourreri*w resultcd n $35,06trof'rsveitrieand$559,5?0 .nexpens*'s' ifc bsliesethat ths e*penscseould be sigprificauttymore than we h6vc calculated' due to adtlitionglsxlrnnsesaseocistedwith w*ter and sewrrage chnrgos. We hsvu alnoeoneluded hst 3'6% ofsnimEls impoundcd are rel|rlnsd to thcir olimEmE. 6.4ys'sf ffiitnflh impoundod sls Hsintaincdarrdovmtually eufhsniEedat a subetstrtialcostvrhieh is not o*frst by bond sdount$ coltecfeilWt hope this itrfonndioa will be suficimt for yuu nrnds"

  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


    Georgecounty,Morylond Vicious nimolReport

    Flecsl mpact orViclousAnimalTnnkForceArrumPtlone:RsglstrstlEnFeoPorYoarFl tbul lTngBandAnrPuntFsr mPoundTolsl# of dogs (lntako*! l yr . porlod 2001-4001}Tolol# of dog* Euthsnlzod 1 yr . parlod n0S1'001}Tctol# of Oogar*turned to ournorsi*t*l * of Boardlng EtaY*n 2001Totul# of BoardlngDalE in ?002fUiintun*nco ol Pitbst!* through oullrans#ls r0Saynftilaintcnancof Fltbu]1*PordaY

    fTn;rrtri*l d*xrrmPlion Per YcrlrFcYanuos Rouonus rom Formlt*CountyLicattscsRevsnlo from Sonds eollsEtedTotal Rovonuo

    te0.00t$s.0CIS{S0 (30d*Yetnycostlas31t??4135st4et4s3$$5$0t18

    2001 2002 Totgl4,350 $,s0$ 11,S$os,s{}? 2,?60 6,457?,s'14 *,140 15'?54..1$**$1__.8,$Fp--3,r.fF1_?o? ts'l {'558'l$?,603 SS,3o815'9'12

    $CI,sos 1,1oo 22'1oo-MExpenses Coct o Eutltanlzo ogsFoardlnf Goetr{Off*otbYSundCollaetedlLaborCosts elatodo Caln*

    Tstal ExPonsen

  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


    GeorgeCouniy,Mory|ond Vicious nimo|Report$r ' -\t1^ttttt '":tt:$i ,i :1or*nre u*t a low of ltro rnrtnlcipalitjss hnl hnvoruconily ronsitlsrod or ropcate$ reod*pacrficI lagitfntlon:

    "- ;nilpilic, McrylondtdrilclNHATl.oHlo

    : FTEERALSBURG,*IARYLAHD'Larryreflce.Kansas'trippie Sreett.coi6raoo" "ineu Yorte i iY,NowYorkSHAWNEE,ANSA$



    HarelFark,Michigan, ung$towrt,Ohio

    Crawfordounty,MiclriganSt.Tamnmny arish, ouisiana(8r00)

    i Lovoland, olorado 8J00}

    Consrueie.a brocd sp*citic togiatation. thon dropped lpropo$at du c to publtc outcryl0rgg - has roscr'ndeO t. s il-yoat-old breed ban, cit ing it.s iloo.9r"p9*3,tq -s-,'l!9-ryg"fig it's cq11r-!9toy.j59rteq11vol"' iPu ta hruedrannplaco. uo opullic. aa$onedutcry, iths la w has. sqn tnbledsrrdwill no t be onforced !Contemplat*d BSL, hen broppod it oub to punticoutiry Isfld rsascneddohats. iConsid+redESt,-therrdroppod t dua to publicoutcry and ircasoncddebateCont*nrplnisd;t haut twice. lron droppcd due to !Const i tut ional i tyssuesnnd conl lact i lh state aw iHa s recontly repealcrf ts brcad spccilic laglislationn favor !oJ rlon brcarl speuiflcdnngrloy* ttog law IHad a brccd tran n plaee r*plnro* with non-hrccdspecifie j!fl:ltJffiHaolHJ'lilr,"enrvhicha* cparrcdncr*pracedvrithncn brond*pccific clanEorous og lawwhoncontestdin courtHacla breed ban n plafre,escinrJctft tluetoinoffectivencesnd txpensg:Cityofficiaii tcciddd nbt to plur*uu roposedtrreedspecific *gislation, nd * in*teaql alling or tnorercspnnsitrlc logown*rnhipCortsidereda reedbfilt, hen dnoppedt tluc o publicoutcry and rcfrsoneddebatef,nrtsfrjersri;l hre*d Uliil, h*n clropp*d t clue o puhlic Ioulsry an d re&sprlsd iehate. Optlng lor better enforcentcnt iIf genoric law-_ . :.Coiis;rlereds 6ree'd an, hun droppbd t du* to publicr:uLey and ru{*ottsd iohat*' Spting or betteran{orcenrcnt


    Boston,tilassachsetts 10I00}Si.Mary'srounty,Marylanrl{u00}

    of gonelic!aw:CsnsiAereA*bie6dban' hendroppe lt 'lue to pubticoutcry and refisoned sbate.Spting or betterenforcementof gettericaw.Ontlna or betterenforccrncnt f generic aw ';;;;;vd#;;il ban, hen dropped t due to publicoutcrl/ and reasonod {abate.Optillg for botterenforcernsntof generlc nw.

  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


    George county, Morylond ViciousAnimolRepor l

    T-nfrRE, mASsEFH0s$E?s- - ilreiiubcaoe oiE iieearran n* r.epealea,liii trreiri lg/00) | djrngerous do g la w to bs ontorcod.' uington, cw [exico I cnnsiaeiioa-6re oTqiilrreridrseped i duc o puuiic- iI1rllx000) ; #fiH"#il:,'.'[H, debate.ptirigorbetteretter I_* _. lg-9tg!sgq, _ --_ _li . . -.-- - .'- [ consr-Oereo-arisd fin, tF'qnO;oppeo f Oue o puEilc -i ,nsnrndrk,Wisconsin J212000} | outcry and reagonsd gbate.Opting or a betteiwritten I-6biiirnore,ili;ryland uay,z6ort i 3:i#5"#b 6reb{i-ffin,lrrin fioppoo t di'stopuEilc -lr -.- .-: .-- - | o-ut.!y--1caqg11edabats, q!_qripqnsg:_. Itftrestate'6fMarylandMay, - ! coniirlercd a bieed' an, fianciopped-ii?ueoffiric I0011.-pot'tttnc,HICHIGAN i nepeiico'ilreirureeo an _----ffieSUteof DelawareMay, lConsraereda 6reed arr,iren troppedt due o puTG -1' 2S021 I ::1.-?..j*teasoned slehate.Opting or a Fretter ritten I f ieneH, ffiliev[e,NebraskfJJtrne,oo!1 i l;"=]uerea a bGEdnanl trend;br{}ed t dureo purtic! | outcryanql easoned ehatf" {Articte ttqglggl.. _.- |starrorri,xnn$as June, 0111 -i*corffd*r"ua ureirir a;;tl'*'atipped it tiuiTsFuulic *.-ii tt r rir nr .* nd ras rAn or{ d.el"ls }o . outcrv and reasonedElebate., Eaiif6rnia, ioiioa, llfinEis, ---- i - ' - "1Maine,Minnesota,Hew Jersey, I States hat hffvestete a$ , ha t prohihit* banningdogs byI f{ewYsEk,Oklahoma, ! breea": Pennsylvania,exas,Virginia,l_lVrshinglonne w n.2qq2} __ Has-repcaler ia ountrv-wir i .eartof rnanybrecds ncluding-|jRMAHY{712002} | "pit buils". n ri6or0,us, i l lour temp*rament es t perlorrnedi on hundreds of bannerldoga revcaled qwthatfailed; the Icourts delsrnr inedhe b*n wa$ t jnsol l .$t i tut ional Iluilmiillton,iorttr ariit;na i"-c""ria-i;f. Uialoudn,irif ril-sed]it"Fasiire eiiiilaiir;n:

    outcry and reasfineddebate. Opting or changes o

    Municipalities that actually had breed specific leEislatiion ftet has since been repealedarp in GAPITALLTTERS.

    'trdilmiillton,Fiorth arolina i"-Consideiedaiosd dn,irif i:n-sedlit"Fasihe eiiiitation.I Optingora better llttfrueett*-leTu:ff--= otS,l-"..-.y, iAustintovrrn,Otrio i corJra".".i b'brcedban;i-fGn roppeditdue b pubtic iIt o l | l { : f v I_ _ --. lopti!_g_rol{_lenerygLTgll-gglgnqi3T_E:Igu_5,o99+Hj; Austintovwt, hi o I ConsidererJabroedban, hen dropped t due to puollc ilfopExp*-itArysns i llfTltar rOeiiotatpt tbutt an'i,eplacinstwith.aitbutiaBdflngt,r n,trnaC"acrutetts l icenscand microchip. One

    more step oward otal epeal 'Eonsr'aereoabreed nan, fren oroppeolf oue o publiconsrueied bieiid" ierl;itre TrpFi,At-oui io publ cr - e r . . i l v r . e r r r , r r r o J o s w r r u r c r r r I v v r r d . s v . " , " * _ . _ * _ : : _ l _ " " _ ; _ . l ; : , , = ^ L ^ *, I outcryand reas,finedebate. opting or changeso ii strengthen_thgg*SSggricangerousdp_g_lsll_---, ,. - I:eiaroapios'icffian i5ru1f#3"'*:lrlll**.q;:n::Ii,"-i'?.i,il'n-_

    I l.*"it"ity to establish onConrmunityApproacho Dog I1*-- 1ffi"@lr$sirmAglq"l=- -"1

  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


    GeorgeCounty,Morylond Vicious nimolReportFll ,iDfua,IGSEEfO$fift I.rTEH X{npff trjf

    COST IN DOLLARS TOTHE COTJI*I"I]r- ^+tnirnalvflinagcnrentDivision onty:20Sl . ?0O3;Expendirures5551!.fl0*S,lanpo*.cr rrti tatT}Rer"enue 5 i5.$fi0- This estirnatcs cun*lclercdorv lr there trreil:lnvvu'ith[,-s hni arcditt'rc.ulrn quurrity,such r-sncrcascsn utilitics. su;rlrlir'so c,itrc'ur mpourrrjcrllogs.ctc.- Exp*:rdilurcsdo not inclrrdc ountypulicedepanrnentnr,.mlvsn:*n[,ror oc*ljurisdictional tln;slvcmcnt.e. &'lrrnicip:rl alicc

  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


    Georgecounty,Morylond viciousAnimolReport

    Ir BOSTON'S OFERATIONDOGTAffi" PRCIGRAi\'I- Conferencsallwith OflicerFlnnagansvealedhe ollowing:Holistic,crossagency rogram esignedo increaseublic$afetyhrough ub

    edueation ndcommunity utreashr t a s v g l r v r l s l s v v r ' r r a ' F r " ' J - _ " --furimalControl alls n oneBostsndistrictdropped y 85% n the irstsix ofwelvemonths fter mpl,ementafionf thisprogram.* Licensingompliancen thisdistrict kyrocketsdromapproxi$ately 5%sover50%prioo* George'snunty icensing,ompliancestimatedt 2-lsyoJv v v v ' s v s v u L u- Excellent djuncto domesti* iulenss reventioRfforts-

  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


    Georgecouniy,Morylond Vicious nimolReport


    RecoilrfirEN Il'tTItlNS su$coilIht l]''raE

    JLlttnratlv{:t to hreetl *pecilie l*rr srfulressirgpubiic safst-l""sperali*n,I losJ-ilc". --+^-Lr:r,-d+^ n,r,r-*-. IuthEr:icrior,rs{Ot*ideratiorr of fnmrilrg a task tbrce to addrc*sdogs.ust-d$:s$/ftsp$nr rniarrinr,ll fucats o public s+fcly.I"Tndings:tlrcccl*pccilic legislation locsrrot :rddre*shc prablcnr*of puhlic Yt-tl tt ffilHflily gi$c$u futu*,*n** of sicurity to thc prrblic. Thc beclgr*'ncrss.tilih to stlr*:rbreerl's f clogsor;;ffi;t;il1tl,lti;"iri"s"t bicccls ut cc,ntinnahu ltcg*t a{tl$ities'Jusl nxntrscheclag* lr* n*t visihlc rto+snot-nr*an hat tirc pra$lcnrsdoll't Jx st" Fur llrrr*afe 'ycrl heputrlic {hcscprablcnrsncerl o be a{idr*sscd'The Vicious Dog Task l;o(+r trirs eviewe

  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


    Georgecounty,Morylond viciousAnimolReport

    Thetssk force vCIuldbe activated tsnes.dedrom somplflints eceivedby either heAnimalManagementivisionor thspoline epartrnent.Visibility andcornmunicarionsr* th* key tc success ith this ssk orceprogrem. hi*tsfustisn {rith he csmmunityenhnneeshechanceor gettingn{brnrationoncernsrdmsl iolalions andalleviating h* prnhlems"Ofherspe*ialieed nitstdrugunit$anddnmmsticiolenceunits)canbecatlerJn to othe eamwhenneeded"The ask orcewill be lorv n cost.but full of cledicatirrnnddetermination'

  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


    GeorgeCountY,Morylond ViciousAnimolReport

    A-neEnrc.*_Iri \'rrux.tmurmAn.Tr1991 N. T,IFACT{.{M HFAD" SUITE 1OO IPHOTG 7IFS25-8070

    Appendices lb

    lVfrnrc.*.r. Assocl.*,rroxsct{Att}NBug6. tt t r1gQ1$ D173{960FAX 7E-SE13A

    DjlRGEffiITIE EffiM'BT" IffIS.eIfltC[qfalTrtred !{f eb;e eftB Exeerti-ve tlsasdn 1948}

    3be eIZlEI tq54nrts d4rrge=rrus aaillaS" t Eri.eJ.aeion ry t:s*e' effrstEft crf,g|E'"EffiElrstrrrovidedtbaBtreqriEl"afisadEleslotEefEcospeei.*iebregls,'clasees sf *ai-raJ.e- ELi-E fgirl-Etiou slranr}.d be d.ire*ed at foF,Eiag saf,*rrl,,,Irrqreeetim trf t-be gensa,l prb].ic frffi Fnirnals e]'agrisi"ed as *r=rrgqrsree aEd

  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


    Georgecounty,Morylond viciousAnimolReport

    Appcnelices 1c



    mEricanKennelClub supparrs sascnable- nforc#able, un*disrriminatoq,vaws o governuef dogs. The AKC 6siisves*rar dog otr"nrr$shouldbe csponsibieor theirdogs. we suppon

    tag: esnbjish a fair props5 bv which qpecificdogsa.redsntifiedas*dangerous"based nsared.ctions. mpose appropriarepnalries on ireqprnsible o*nterr: andest*biishaurell-deftned

    or deatingwith dogsprovcn to be dang*rous, Etreheiicve har" f nEeessa4" ogsproven o be

    nerd ro he humanely desuoyed. Ttre Anurican KennelCiub *ronglyoprposesny

    har dererrnines dog to ire'"danssrous"basedon spaeific reedsor phenoqpicclasscs f riogs"

  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


    GeorgeCounty,Morylond Vicious nimolReporiTbs rnaincgncluliorr f thr studywcs hu brcrd peai*c eglaruioncs*n,rw*rk forsvcrnleetiorl!lrclurling t* inflo*r p,Gf,muringsnror+,rncitofle.;;;;H",',Hi}ffi Lffi i#il1ffi ?fft{aulw q;rc'*nt rrrcry.snran pordqs "iili."nr*roa iqiu"i"r, &udchcFlrd ot be thr rn4joroclor driring prlbLicpelicy -l ,e*ig."U,arrrudvcxiatr*d;d*'lii*;"-f,.-r"*?nffi#ffiffi iHffi ffi t1'ffihatsnrrly or yow iuformuion. ' ' - -E'Two dcEqdcsgq,pit tulls anrl o$o'rillcr: {the nnsl waet brccds ug*tod} rrrcrc .f itt6,ts us sondsrn.Ar thntdrnc t wa: tric lobcnrim pinschcrwhowal b*ing vrliliad. Two@rs4eans Q|lF adhcsrdof lhePrcga annriabrccd, nl.otvcd a the rfl{ig, fstel rttacLliane \1hiple in_Califsrntain ],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-unuarff 1001, luw, ilrx brccd -a dng sought ydesirr he *w "kill* d.rl'i urr**,.,rorciy" ic $rohr*rn doE'&rasyis oftcn he r:r+stpopuilr brcef e:nongrcdir_id;16 hi rcrd tebef nat abusivc,n rlrec+ntrsrar,chcepin6nf theirprr*. srrnptyFnrt,f i,outma brced,udividuerrrvill ju$ moycon m arurtbdonc. Biming a biwd ooly ,i*or,thc timcuble"

    lat h:tve :unntd *pecificbrcecs rtvc discsvoredfouth lr*arrolbcsa ht$n$l+'crhcy lrouglrt t rvouldbe In fc*L it har trccn io anrv/cret ull, In *trrng re1g,lrypl hasactually ncrcasrd h+ dem*,nCar dags rhoeehrcc+!u in rXrugt*uf trcing,qn;m&l, vBn bos$lrgt rt'Ensll fundedan+! qelippid,haveltu lsws c]bryau crtforcarwrtaighhrar*.plrcci! ot a s1:cuifi*brqcrl ail tc arjdrr*n he nrrgol rublems f nbusc,i$ning, md ineq*naible cog ownrrdrip, Asrfi, brscd *lun* ir rwt anndictcrof e dog's prop+r-altyo trirc-R+!hur, doB'rrerukncy o bitc s al{'ricl'srajiu;r$rs.ncirrr"iiqgut not ir.riitedt:

    - earlysseialir.:tisn.or lrck thercof, of thr dog lo penptr* soumiobeciiqrce rai$ing for rccogplitiou f wtrrrahs sr shi "fitd' q'ithrelerd to dominnrrccnrrdpcnplcor urixnining, for fightiug orirrurbasffl aggpt*riot- tcnctic mrkoup, including brssJ$Ed tmina q'ithin a hreld- quslily of car* urd ruperrnirhnby rhs aw[Hr {is dle d*g part of fte hmilyor is sbkopt cluincd outridr)- cirrrrrnt evela of eocielizaticnuf thc dog withhis Er hcr hwnsn fqgtly- bCrryior af tbc yictim- whcther the rleg bas bcen spryed nr ncr.rtgfcd

    gwl iurpoffcr coarmunitipsbcttcrprotcction iprn degr whp rr drngrmlu, thgrcgirlui,nnthrt ddregcs re*pcneiblo ogkerFing s tn crdr. L.c*ialrtienrt Frnirhing tlrsownsrof thedogrethu rhm euni*ldir thn fug is fffi urpre

  • 8/14/2019 Prince Georges County BSLTaskForce


    GeorgeCounty,Morylond Vicious nimolReport

    c{feotiw in rcducing thlnu.ybcr oltg b*Gs ld* eufursc*r.nrm-hrerd-rpccific lawaoffer arr+flipctivcaad f{ir eolutisn o frs;;bffi of,dangrmu dogs a allcomrruaitic+tromprchardve "dog bite" lcgiilalio'4, couglcdwith b*tec csnau.mcr dw$ion rnd.forrort roqponritrlcpe{ kce,piageffsrtr, nrould do fu mmmo Frgtgorcf,Elmrrnitisftb|obemriaga epccific hrecd, I msourugc ynu to ftsd, the f,oramr*atryApprur,h to Dw BfraPrevantionby th* Autrican Vt{sris{rs futsdical usodirtlsn, evafl;bh to bo mud rtbrus/Thr IISUS ia csnrtnittetl to kecpingdogEundpcrylc snilEndil svEilableEBdwil1hsboFcr guidarrcc rd rdvice should1ru choooeo Arankgiotrtiorrrhsrwill dctrsescbtirrcidcncs f dogbiteaandnggruseion.-dl$l gccour wshsit* wjnf .nodqFbifeg.$gor infonaalion. dohopcyouwill rc*sn*id*"yuurcrrrront an. FlcaaE.ctms know if LeanEndrv{tnyotharqu'e*tiong.B*stwishes.