Primary research initial planning

Secondary research



Transcript of Primary research initial planning

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Secondary research

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Andy Evens

• What advice is provided from a production point of view on making music videos on a shoe string budget?

• Andy Evens suggested that you should use gorilla filming (it means you don’t get permission to film in a public place) if you have a low budget you can use gorilla filming to get a location without paying or permission to film there. Many people do this because they don’t have the money to pay for locations, but it is illegal to film in a public place without prior permission from the respective council office, and the police may get involved.

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• He also suggested that if you are doing gorilla filming you need to keep watch the time; can’t spend to much time in one location.

• Andy Evens said that you don’t need a top of the range HD camera you can just use a basic HD camera you wont have the same sound and picture quality but it will still do what you want it to do.

• He suggested that you should create lots of music videos for local bands who cant pay much for a music video and then they will spread the word that you are doing good quality music videos for a low budget.

• To advertise what you have done or what you are doing you should create a Facebook page and show what you have done and more bands will ask you to do there music videos.

• He also said that it depends how much the band wants to pay and what they want for the money the more money they pay the more they will get.

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Kuda project

• In the Kuda project the self founded it themselves.

• What were the challenges of self financing?

• The video was shot in many different locations in the north of the county.

• For an unsigned band such as Kuda to make a HD music video was a bold and expensive move and they had to think about it with much care.

• They had such a small crew limited funds and time the had to do a lot of preparation before hand.

• Shoot dates when on for much longer than they anticipated but they did this to make sure that they got the whole story across.

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• What were the benefits of the Kuda project?

• Making a music video Is a great way to get people to listen to your song. If you have an interesting music video people will watch the whole thing even if they don’t like the track at first.

• They used their own fund but they would happily do it again.

• The video is a debut video and it worked really well. They enjoyed working with the crew and they had great people to come and act in the video.

• It cost the a couple thousand but they got a lot done for free.

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Dan Lucas Article

• What production advice does Dan offer?

• Dan Lucas says that you should write down any ideas you have and then go back to them later on try and improve them or change them to make them more interesting.

• Keep story boarding ideas and keep adding to them till you eventually have a music video.

• He recommends that you always carry a pad and pen to write down your ideas. Your ideas will come to you in the most unlikely times and places.

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Research to locate a band

• is a website that any unsigned artist or band can put their music on and people can listen to it.

• splits all the artists and bands in to genres of music for example Rock, acoustic, Christian, emo, etc.

• I’m using this site because it has helped me to find a band so I can do our music video.

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A New Day

• A New Day is a Essex based boy band made up of four friends.

• They make pop/rock music, and try and make catchy upbeat melodies. They are inspired by All Time Low, Simple Plan, and The Darkness along with many more other bands.

• They have played in several venues around London and Essex. They are looking to become more popular around the UK.

• They also hope to create a bigger fan base with their music.

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Secondary research through Facebook

• A New Day has a Facebook page which has 631 likes they post what they are doing next, or where, and when they are gigging. They also have photos of them at gigs to.

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Secondary research through YouTube

• I went on YouTube to see what else A New Day has done. I have found out that they have got more songs. They have got a low budget music video for their song ‘shields up’. Because the music video is low budget the sound is very quiet. Three of the four tracks only have a still image represent the music. This show me that they are in need of professionally made music videos.

• They have a promotional interview which doesn’t go in their favour because sound is poorly recorded.

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Spotify argument.

• Disadvantages:

• Bringing back the old music industry so it becomes main stream.

• People think that what Spotify does for artists, artists can do themselves.

Spotify is trying to take over some artists.

• ‘The majors are all over it because they see a way of re-selling all their old stuff for free, make a fortune, and not die.’

• Celebrities are not getting paid as much as the used to.

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• Advantages:

• Spotify promotes artists in way they get noticed more.

• Spotify is the only company that pays artists properly.

• ‘As a songwriter you should worship Spotify, because they've come along with a solution.’ – People would stop ripping celebrities off and go to Spotify instead because it’s not illegal and the music quality is better.

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• Report:

• Spotify has a lot of disadvantages towards artists and more advantages. One of the disadvantages are that celebrities are not getting paid the same amount as they use to, they may not be getting paid the same amount that they use to but in hindsight they will get paid more because spotify is promoting them which means a bigger fan base and more people to buy tickets and merchandise. Spotify also pays artist for how many royal’s they get so in a way they are making more money. Some people that hate spotify think that the artists can do all what spotify does themselves and artists are just being lazy. Spotify is cheaper than iTunes so people are going to go to the place where they get more music for a cheaper price. Many artists have actually got spotify themselves for example Aston Kutcher, Britney spears, Mariah Carey, and snoop dog they all use spotify so this music app can’t be that bad if celebrities are using it.

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Primary research initial planning.

By Daisie-may

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Location scouting

• The location I looked at was Beddington. I contacted the London borough of Sutton and sent Mr Thomas McDaniel an email he replied with a filming application for me to fill in which was to tell them how many people would be at that location at a time, what dates we would be filming there and if we needed to close off any roads. [email protected]


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Research log

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What am I trying to find out?

• What gender would typically would watch the music video

• What age group would listen to the music

• What the audience expect/ prefer

• Theme what themes are people particularly interested in

• What social group would listen to the music

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Which research will be appropriate?

• Questionnaires to find out what the audience likes

• Survey monkey

• Social class/ focus group

• Leaflets

• Internet forum

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Which samples am I going to focus my research on?

• AS photography

• AS Media

• Beacon Media students

• Personal friends

• Beacon friends

• Social networking friends

• Family

• Wider youtube research

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What will the size, scope and time scale of the task be?

• How long will it take / time availability

• How much time will you need in the location

• How big will the group be 3-5 5-10 10-20

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• One to one interviews ( face to face, or via telephone or email).

• Questionnaire to survey a larger audience.

• Organise a focus group.

• Internet forum.

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One to one interview

• In an one to one interview you will be able to find out more personal questions like what do you like about music videos? This will become a personalized answer from the interviewee. You can ask them where they watch videos youtube, itunes, vimeo, vevo, mtv, facebook.

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• How old are you?

• What gender are you?

• How much time do you spend listening to music?

• what genre of music do you listen to?

• Where do you listen to music youtube, itunes.

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Organise a focus group

• This could be where I show a group music videos to the genre I have been looking at, and have questions based on the genre or videos and have a group discussion about it.

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Internet forum

• What type of story do people like to see in a music video?

• What would you like the themes and issues to be in a music videos?

• What themes do you think audiences prefer?

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Closed questions

• Closed questions are easy to answer and normally get a response with “yes, no or don’t know” or an answer give with a range of options.

• Closed questions normally start with “how old are you?”, “ what gender are you” or “ what is your marital status?” theses are simple quick questions that get a grip on what your audience looks like.

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Open questions

• Open questions are where you can ask more personal questions that provide extended qualitative answers. They normally start with; what, why, when, how, who.

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Focus group

• Getting a group together to discuss a certain topic.

• A gathering where I can get different opinions from a target audience.

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How would I plan my focus group?

• Creating the right environment?

• Use social networking to advertise my ideas.( page, advertising).

• Handing out flyers ( school, workplace, on the street).

• Create a power point and show the video.

• Research and selecting your material.

• Know what number best suits the activity.

• Setting up a camera equipment.

• Selecting the songs and designing the content of the focus group event.

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How can I make sure that I et the information I wanted?

• As the person the right question directly to the person. (quecards)

• If it is a questionnaire add a comment box.

• Think about the follow up questions I will ask.

• Have a balance of open and closed questions.

• I can set up a blog after the focus group to see what they thought about the focus group.

• Ask a range of people.

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How cam I record, collate, analyse and present the findings?

• I can use a range of different ways to present, record, collate, and analyse my findings( pie charts, bar charts, tally chart, power point, word, prezzie, and graph chart.

• I can record it by using a camera and mic.

• Analysing the open questions.

• I can make a video presentation where the analyses is part of the video.

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• Observations is another form of primary research. It can develop my knowledge and understand of the production processes and some of the technology involved. This is a useful way of meeting and interviewing industry practitioners for my research.

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Audience research

• Demographics

• Geodemographics

• Psychographics

• My audience research will depend on the profile of my target audience and their preferences and buying pattern’s. This will take up a lot of time and research to help me understand my target audience better.

• The 3 main classifications are demographic, Geodemographics and psychographic. They put my audience in different groups.

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• Is a way for me to find out closed questions for example their social class, age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity.

• I can also use personal questions that will give me a more in depth answer.

• It will help me find out the basics of my target audience, which in the end will help me find out what they want.

• Questionnaires are the best way to find out closed questions, one to one interviews are the best way to find out open questions.

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• Is a where I can make a profile of a certain location or person, this is helpful for me so I will be able to see where the location is how far my crew will have to travel and what type of person am I looking for.

• It is useful because it can help me find out where people live.

• Where I as a media producer will be able to help other advertiser to get the information they want.

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• I will use psychographics to find out they way people live and what activities they are into and then make my media product in a form that will appeal to them.

• I as a media producer will be able to find out what type of media products they buy, or attracted to and why it appeals to them.

• For example if I find out that a target group has a active lifestyle they will be more drawn to active magazines, travel, and sports.

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Case study

• The Ramblers

• Get walking keep walking!

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Why were lifestyles and location important considerations for the designers of the website?

• Locations are important considerations because if it is a nice location people will walk more.

• Makes a change in peoples life and lifestyles.

• Will make people think differently about exercise.

• So people will know if the place is close or not.

• The website has a lot of green and this represents the out doors.

• There are different locations because each location will appeal to different people.

• The tools used will help people plan walking routes if they have busy lifestyles.

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How do the images used relate to the target used?

• Shows people walking together. And can also be used as a social meeting.

• It has a wide demographic.

• Gets people involved in the projects.

• That every age can enjoy walking.

• Families can enjoy spending time together and meeting new people.

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Online line survey

• The online survey I looked at was survey monkey. Survey monkey allows you to put your survey’s online and lets people do them. Which gives you the primary data that you need.

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Quantitative primary research

• Is all about the data you gathered and how you show it whether it is in graphs or charts.

• You can use many techniques to find out this information:

• Online surveys

• Print survey

• Statistical modelling.

• Discrimination analysis

• Cluster analysis

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Paper based questionnaires

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Analysis of the graphs: In the graphs you can see that many different types of people listen to music in different places with different people and these graphs show me that not everyone has the same taste in music.

The graphs also show me that have people have different religions and still have the same interest in music.

The graphs show me that many people don’t pay for their music because it would be to expensive if they kept paying for there music. This tells me that people cant afford to pay for all there music. Also in one graph it shows me that people have 80% of the people I asked have musical interest they either play an instrument or interest in another musical area. Many people listen to music for a lot of hours in a day the main hours people listen to music in a day was 1 to 4 hours.Most people listen to music with their friends this shows me that people in certain groups have similar tastes in music. I also found out that people who live in a certain area is most likely to listen to the same music as everyone else to fit in with their friends. I asked the question “where do you listen to music” and I found out that many people listen to music either at home or everywhere.

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Market research

• Describe low budget music videos.

• Mention local producers you have studied.

• Describe the competition. And what are they doing with their products.

• How are they finding clients? What rates are they charging

• Chris storrar and Christian Fenton and advertising

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Chris storrar

• Chris storrar is an ex Beacon student. When he left Beacon he got his own camera and started filming for free and then got bands and artists to advertise for him.

• Work it out by Dominque saint FT Junior Brat


• Dreamer Ft Troy


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Christian Fenton

• Christian Fenton is also an ex beacon student. When he left he got his own camera and started making no budget music videos and slowly started to make his way to the top.

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• Half day shoot= £1200 + expenses (singers and rappers) 4 hours 1 day’s preproduction ½ day shoot with director and crew and ½ day editing.

• Full day shoots = £1800 + expenses (bands/ singers + narrative) 10hours includes 1 day’s preproduction 1 day’s pre-production 1 day shoot with director and crew and 2 day editing.

• Two days shoot = £3000 + expenses. These shoots last two days (10hours each) and include 1 day’s pre-production; 2 day’s shooting including Director and Cameraman shooting in HD. The edit is 3 days.

• We looked at Chris Storrar and Christian Fenton.

• Chris storrar started by shooting videos out of school charging £500 for everything.

• Christian Fenton got his own camera and started filming videos for no budget so bands got their videos for free.

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• Camera and editing equipment.

• In the beacon that is available to me.