Primary Research About Soap Operas

Soap Opera Primary Research Candidate Name: Jack J Connell Candidate Number: 1103 Centre Number: 64135 Centre Name: St. Andrews

Transcript of Primary Research About Soap Operas

Soap Opera Primary Research

Candidate Name: Jack J ConnellCandidate Number: 1103Centre Number: 64135Centre Name: St. Andrews Catholic School

For Question 1, I thought it would be useful to know what kind of setting people would like to see a soap opera take place in. By quite a long way over 60% of people wanted an urban/street setting to be the setting for a soap opera. The next most popular answer was rural and other which had some suggestions that were similar to urban environments like high streets. Lastly, 10% of people would like suburbs to be the setting for a soap opera.

The responses for question 2 were quite evenly answered without one particular theme being chosen over the others. This question gives me a good idea of what kind of content people would want to watch in a soap opera so I can now gear my trailer more towards what my audience want. The two highest chosen answers were violence and relationships and the least chosen answer was insecurity.

I wanted to know typically what gender would most likely be watching my soap opera. Stereotypically females are most likely to watch soap operas and this was proven again with over 80% of people choosing the female gender option for this question. Because of this I will need to make my soap opera appeal to the female gender, however I would like to try and target the male gender as well as this would give my soap a good chance of being popular. I could do this by including things in my trailer that men would stereotypically find appealing to watch such as violence.

This question helped me to think about the kinds of characters that will be in the trailer for my upcoming soap opera. Many people put that they don’t connect with characters so this may result in there being some ‘what you see is what you get’ characters. It is also evident that many people do like to try and connect with characters so I will try to make some of the characters quite interesting and give them emotion without revealing too much.

Many characters in soap operas conform to stereotypes to make the shows seem more realistic as well as for entertainment values. Question 5 addresses the representation of stereotypes and the majority of people put ‘yes’ for the representation being positive which means that it would be appropriate to include some ‘stereotypical’ characters in my soap opera. Some people put ‘no’ so I could make some characters not conform to stereotypes.

This question was a way of establishing the ratio of males and females that would be in my soap opera. Generally people like to see a fairly even split or aren’t bothered either way. I found this interesting as stereotypically soap opera audiences are mostly made up of women and yet the distribution of males and females in soaps is fairly even. I will try to make it fairly even in my soap opera trailer.

Question 7 had the majority of people (47.62%) put 8:00pm as their ideal time to watch a soap opera. After this the next most popular answer was 7:30pm which suggests that people would rather watch soaps earlier in the evening rather than later. 20% of people put 8:30pm which shows that there are people willing to watch soaps later on in the evening. I will need to take into consideration what content will be in my trailer as it could end up needing to be after the watershed.

This question reveals that the majority of people want to see brand new things in a soap opera that completely differs to what happens in soaps now. I would have though that people may want to see similarities with other soaps that they enjoy as many soaps are already quite similar. This connotes that I need to plan what content will be shown in my trailer that will make my soap opera stand out from the other ones.

This question could have quite a large impact on what events are depicted in my soap opera trailer as many people like to watch the representation of real life. This means that the content can’t be too far fetched as people won’t be able to connect with it as easily. Some people voted no which means that some select scenes could push the boundaries in terms of real life situations without making the soap seem unrealistic.

The final question looks at what classes soap operas would stereotypically be aimed at. This could influence what ‘real life’ events will be depicted in my soap opera trailer. The most favoured answers were middle and working class which means that the majority of characters and situations should involve people of these classes as the audience would be able to connect with the show more.

After conducting primary research into what people would expect from a soap opera, it has given me more of an idea of how I should begin to think about tailoring my soap opera trailer so that it meets peoples expectations when we come to produce it. It is important to take my findings into account so that my soap opera can be a success. With the information I have gained I hope to produce a trailer that is relevant to my target audience. A lot of the results that I obtained did not surprise me but I felt it was necessary to solidify my knowledge of peoples views on certain aspects of soap operas. One set of results was surprising however, question 8 saw people saying that they wanted something completely different from a soap trailer. The reason I found this surprising was because I would have assumed that people would know what they like from other soap operas and may want to see a different take on it as people who watch soaps tend to like a sense of familiarity and routine. This goes to show that this research was worth while.
