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  • 7/22/2019 Pricelist some polymers materials PDF




    LLaabboorraattoorryyRReeaaggeennttss// SSppeecc iiaalliittyy//

    RReesseeaarrcchhCChheemmiiccaallss// LLaabbIInnssttrruummeennttss//


    LLiiffeeSScc iieennccee// MMoolleeccuullaarrBBiioollooggyyRReeaaggeennttss

    New Introduction






    PRICELIST13-14 Ver 4.2 dt 05.12.2013

  • 7/22/2019 Pricelist some polymers materials PDF


    QR code* In troduced for the first t im e in Indiab y s d ~NE -CLEM i ~ ~ d

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    i l l t U l C l l l rIII,,II ,Y(,,,,,,-,., , Acetonitrile fur HPLC a your MOBILE or a TAB. This is through the. U .,,..,,,,,,,Yr.snlu l ~:& S P ~CC ~O SCOPY QR code image printed on right side top of~ h a a U - ~ I ~ ICY IWI I ~ , ~ s l r ~ l ~ r o u g ~'..,..I..* -st UWI, , *cr*>., 0 2 rnicran rnsrnhrunaf ~ l l c l.m Pncbed under lnen gas all our batch labels. This QR code can be.I . ;: Acnion#cJe, , .. :: CHCN read by any QR code scanner software in

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  • 7/22/2019 Pricelist some polymers materials PDF


  • 7/22/2019 Pricelist some polymers materials PDF


    Forewardear Customers

    We are pleased to Introduce our Prlce lhst for the vear 2013 2014u . I ~ l c h ~ s an eo a tl l e lp n g y o ~ t o c n o o s enc r gt~tcnean a.s I nos car ;.Is0 :.c I avua d d e d a w o e ran g e o fsp e c ~ a l y cn e tn ~ ca lsto oc t r r o ~ ~ c tangeOu r p ro d u c t ra n g e in c lu d e s :GC-HS so lvents :For 'Gas C hromatography Head Space" analysis, a whole range of GC-HSsalvenls are introduced which are specially developed for O Vll Residual solventsalialysis as per Pharmacopoeia or ICH guidelines. These solvents are suitable forGC-HS applications using a Head Space GC with auto injector and arecharacterized by very high purity, very low NVM, exlremely controlled residualsolvents m eeting US Pl CH requirements and also high UVtransmittance.

    LC-MSIULC-MS so lvents I u f fe rs :This year we are also introducing a range of LC-MS I LC-M S solvenls sullable forHPLC and Ullra High Performance LC system coupled w~ lh ass Spectromelerdetector. This ranae of solvents 8 buffer is characterized bv h ~ a huritv. verv low UVu , ,aos ~ c l lonlrolieo base llne dnlt, mln LC graclenl el~t,onpea, ne gn l, manme ta llw mp u r~ t~ a s a n dery low NVM evals Thus lnls range s a Doon for R D AOLand even routine LC-MS analysis"CERTIS0L"AAS CP s tandard so lu t lon s :We hade inlrortuced new 'CERTISCL' range of elemnntal solul on Standads forAAS (Atomic Aosorplion Speclropnolorneter) and ICP 8 ICP-MS (InduclovclyCoJpl ed Plasma) analysis These are Cen~t aed eference Materials lramaole toMIST (Natona l lns t l l~ te f Standards Tecnnologyl cen lc ate for qsvJmenlc a lo ra t~ o nand analysis of rnelall~c races In organic, norganc. p elro le~ m.pesticides and environmental applications. All standards are analyzed not only forcalibrating elem ent but also for trace impurities up to 70 elemenls in the hnalsolution. VL S I Ra n ge o f E le c t ro n ic e l ) G ra d e P ro d u c kVLSl class of products are characterised b their extremely low levels of nielallic lelemental impurities lh us supplementing IL grade. VLSl stands for Very Largesca le integration.~ h k eroducls are malnl ac ~d s r sometimes bases. These arespecially craned for use in electronics Jhus il grade) and semi conduclorindustries for PCBs. components cleaning. In VLSl range of products emphasis ison conlroiling rnet al/icl eleme ntal impurltles to extrem ely low level; in sub-p tnrange. T ically profile of each VLSl class roduct contains 30-40 mela &cleleF?enlaYinpurities n ppb range. The analysisorwhich is wrrie dou t byAA S pr CP.Besldes. thls, these products are also controlled for smallest partlculalecontamination.

    Deutera ted so lvents for NMR analys ls :We are offerina a wide ranae ol deuterated NMR solvenls for academic.pharmaceutical, industrialand government researchers. Tliese deuterated solvenlsare characierized by highest chemical 8 sotopic purity, higher levels of deuieriumenrichment. lowres~dualwatereve lsandlow NVM. -Pest lc lde ~es l due~~a l y s i s ~o l v en t sThese solvents are dkvelo ped especially for the applications in residual pesticidesanalvsls and analvsls of other iow-volaliie. env iron ~~e nta ilvelevant subilances bvusln; GCIECD or GClPhrD or GCIM SD ~.nstru ment aton.'~ nese ol ve is are als;su laole for analyslsofpolvchlonnated blpnenyles(PCBs)class ofsubslances.ia b o ra to a s a y a n Gra d e (L R 8 ~ x l r a ~ u r e )These consist of wide ranae o f oraanic and inoraanic reaaents in oreoaralivechemistry and other diverse"8elds. 1 range covers-all the chkmicals kq ul rr d onday-to-day basis of all types of chemlcal laboratories, We offered Guaranteedquality at a fforda ble price;.

    L l fe Sc lence Produc tsWe are introducing wide range o f ntlcleic acid purillcation and P roteinproduc ls for your Lab. These producls are mean t for research institutes,Universities. Pharma Compa nies who are inlo molecular biology research anddevelopment of cell ines.Analy i lc a l Rasayan Grade (AR)

    Tlie se chemicals are useful in sophisticated analytical instrumenls andresear ch work, where high pu rity is essential. Our stringent quality controlsguarantees, minimum assay and maximu m imit of trace impurities.E lec tron icGrade (EL)

    These chemicals specially meant for electronic indu stry looking for highlevels of purity and trace impurities. Especially metalllc and ionic impurities arereduced upto ppb levels as monitored wilh the help of Plasma EmissionSpectrometer.HPLC Gradient HPLC Grade Solvents

    An extensive range of highly characteristic HPLC solvenls are producedand tested as per the latest echniaues to assure interference-free H PLC seoarationand oeleclion. Key parameters sucn as UVabsorbance, transmitlance, nonvolal~lematter, moishre conlent, fluorescence imp~ritios nd assay are very caref.ll lyconlrolled. Waler for HPLC ~salso otle redo re x n ~ o . l~ n a a rd dnt elul on echnla.~e.

    Our soecilicatlons for these solvents contain ourilv data alonq withm ax im ~m oso;bance a1 allfarent wavelengths incluolng ' UV..C~I-OA. p a c i n g ISdone In aminar flow by pLrglng n~l rog en nd very 1 te b l ter. An lnen e t lon p l ~ gis used to seal each bonle thus ensurinq absolulelv particle free solvent. In ourp ~ r s ~ a n c eor exceltcnce, we arc c t ~ a l vabsorptlo n grapli of Ine oatcnon ne laoelofea cn bottle as guaranlee.ACS-IS0 Grade

    Very high purity solvenls meant for Analyiical 8 asper applied areas 8accnrdina to American Chem ical Socle lv Standards and international Standard~ e a g e n ~ f o r c h e m i c a l a n a l ~ s i s .Molecu lar B lo logy Elec trophores is Grade

    W d r ra ng e o f Molecular Biology 8 Electropnoresis reagen.s wn,cn arefree from DNs. RNs 8 Protease and fino appltcat~onn tne p-r lw lo n. jsola l on 8analysisof nucieicacids 8 relatedcornpoutids

    H ig h Pur il y9 9.L1 % E th a n o l O l n ~ ~ i eradehls lhave lntrnduced "Ethanol absolute 99.9% 0UNIS"-A very high purilysulvanl a versatile reagent which conforlris lo I.R. AR, Dry AR, ACS, ISO, MOS. RF,USP. Ph. Eurspecihcations. It hndsapp licalior~a s r~alylicalreagent, n Pharmaceuticalpreparaiions, Biochzmical applica lions, Organ ic intermediates, Solvent & In MolzcularBiology preparations 8 DNAsynlhesis.rySolventsTheses ob~en tsfind heir use In Moisture Sensitive Reactions.

    DNASynthes is IPro te lnSequenceAna lys lsGrade of chemicals speuhcsliy utilized In biochemistry & in the sequenceanalysis testing.

    Spectroscopy GradeTnese are solvenls of hlgh optlcal pur ~lyo r L V N o .e /lR/ F l~ o rc s c e n c e MRand Mass spectroscopy ll le cert 1cale of guarantee ncl,des assay, m n mum 1 oftransniission at certain defined wavelengths in UV ran ge, tnuislure content, non-volatilernaller. Packino technlauesare same as H PLCsolvenls..Pharmacopoeia l Grade Cheni ica lsThese Chemicals are lor the Pharniaceutical industries and conform lcompiyto tlie standards of latest Indian (IP). Uniled States (USP-NF), Europ ean (PI,. Eur.),Brilish Pharmacopoeia (BP).

    Diagnost ic ReagentsTliese cher r~icals re produced for tlie use of various liospila ls, clinical andpathological laboratories for dtagnosilc purpose. These are specifically lesled for theirapplicahil~ty.

    Ind icatorpowders , so lu t ionsand papers .Various lvoes of indicators such as adsorotion indicalor. metal ion indicators.p n n d c a ln r i , rza; ~ n o .c a lo rs f n ~ g l i r ; t y a re t . rd v ~ d c ~ ~s powder asce l la x +aa, tousc I qb.d foims far analy t ica l pLrpose. Papcr ~n d~ wl or sre prod-ceo Jslng'Vvnalman-1 ter papers pH paperscover ooln, nalrow andvr.~ie ang cof pnfr om 1 14Hydrogenat ion cata lys ts

    AnJrnUer of n gn perf orln an~ e, ure riyorrrgerlat ons caralysts are rrfferecl forexalnp e, plat 10 pallad Ilrnon var loLs s..,lpons Also weareoff.?r.nga n#,tnnero fphase transfercatalystsBu f fe rs

    Buffers are provided m tablet form, powder form, capsule form as well as inso lu l ionfor~nowor k invaryin g pH ranges in chem icaland biochemtcal fields.-Biochemica lsTliese are high purity chemicals specially matiufactured and tested forbiochemical research. As required, heavy melal content is carefully monitored andreduced to minimum possible Ievcls. Our biochemists also carry out various tests toensure.suitability for desired applications. Our range includes alkaloids, amino acidsand lheir derivalives, buffers, carbohydrates and lheir derivatives, enzynies, enzymesubstrates, nucleotides 8 derivatives, elc.

    Cultur e Media Ingredients.These chemicals ar e used for preparing culture m edia for cultivation o f microorganisms like baclena, fungi, etc. These are specifically tested for lheir ab~ lity osupportluxt~rient rowth ofmicroorganisms.

    M ic ro s c o p ic s ta in sThese chemicals are provided as powder and ready lo use solution form forMicrobiology, Haernatology. Histology, Cytology. The quality is ensured by stringentquality control checks.We a lsooffer lon pair ing 8 HPLC bufferg rade reagents .

    Aux i l la r iesAuxillaries such as disinfeclatils, sterilizing solutions, tablets for walerhardness deterniination. Laboratory cleaning agents are also ~nclttdedn our prorluctIIsI.

    Se miq u a n t i ta t i v e te s t p a p ers , l e s t s t r i p s a n dwaler ana lys ts k l ts :We are also introducino a wide ranae of se~n i-at~an iitativeest oaoars test sl ~i nsor.qutca elemental, anronlc and water I~aron esste term t ia l ion, bes toes. o f fe n~ ~gs n Iarrangn for qua1 determ nation as ue as for p n oelermlnatton. Tnnse pr ou d.s arelnd lng a ide app l lca t~ons n Melallurglcal Inabstnes. D aines. Electroplat ng. Foodindustries and so on. Semi-auanlilative Test Slrios are readv to use pre-calibratedt ra ce ab le t o o r i m a r v ~ l ~ ~ s t a n d a r d sits available fbrsenii-auantitative delern iinalion ofAl. As Ca s . 211.K. Fe As, Ammon urn, hr ll r ile . ~h os ~n al ee tcor measuring concn eleme nti group ranglng from 0 to 500 rng, LII. A full range of reao y-to-bs ewaleranalys s stnps, rlts 8 eagents arealso on ng nlroa.lcea.TLC a n d H ~ ~ ~ f i l a t e sA wide range of ready-to-use TLC and HPTLC plates are available forpharmaceuticals, dyes, drugs, chemical and agro industries, research instilulas,univers1ties.Ahne iomoget~eousdsorbent powder is applied on aluminium siieels andglass plales loa ttain a unifomllayerthicknessof0.2 mln a n d 0.25 mm respeclively.

    Filter PapersA wide range of filter papers of international standard. in circlelsheets a reavailable lor aeneral ouroose 8 for uualitative, rruantilalive and chromatoara~iiicappllcal~ons Llso offereo cell..loselgless m crolb e tntnioles 1 r extracl8on.-~1,1t1callense cledn,ng tlssJes 8 pnase separat on pa pelsSpectrophotometerlAtomlcabsorpt ion spectrophotometerA w ide range of spectrophotometers of international standard, has beenilitrodu ced in coilaboration wilh Elico India. Also we are introducing new range ofFlame photometers ,pH meters 8 Polarimeters lhis yeas.Re g is te re d t ra d e ma rks u s e d a re d e n o te d wilh s u p e rs c r ip l s a n d l te s eare exp la in edonpa ge I1

  • 7/22/2019 Pricelist some polymers materials PDF



    Subject to Mumbai Jurisdiction



    Pr ice

    Recommended consumer prices. The prices quoted here are inclusive of excise duties and cess.Central or local sales tax/VAT, octroi / LBT & entry Tax , other duties and levies will be charged extraas and when applicable.

    Al l Pr ices quoted are appl icable at the time of pr in ting and are subject to al teration without any notice.Invoice will be made on the basis of the prices ruling on the date of dispatch of goods.


    Goods will be dispatched against cash or cheques. In case of outstation parties, documents willbe forwarded through Bank for payment..

    Damage or Loss

    The claim for breakage, leakage, damage and loss in transit will be entertained for all Lab packsupplies subject to fulfilling all the requirements of Insurance Company (See Insurance Clause).


    Al l our Lab pack supplies are insured under open transi t po licy. The claim can only be paid subjectto fulfilling all the regulations of Insurance company and receipt of claim (Please call fo r gui delinesof Insurance Company from S D Fine-Chem Limited, 248, Worli Road, Mumbai - 400 030).


    Al l supplies are made from our Factor ies at Boisar/Poicha. While every ef fort is made to adhereto delivery dates, no responsibility shall be accepted for non-delivery or delayed delivery. Items offeredex-stock are subject to the goods being unsold on the date of receipt of the order.

    In certain states, where we have sales depot, supply will be made from there as far as possible.But we reserve our right to supply from Boisar/Poicha and C.S.T. will be charged extra.

    Please note that the rules and regulations of Motor Vehicle Acts and Railways Act will be strictly followedwhile booking the consignment for transportation. Hence only those goods which are accepted by theconcerned authorities will be sent by passenger train, post parcel, angadia or courier at customers requestat the risk of customers only. No liability will be accepted by us for any mishap in transit, if the booking isdone as above, at the request of the customer.

    If the value of goods dispatched exceeds Rs. 20,000/-, net free delivery will be made. Goods willbe dispatched by road transport as far as possible. Wherever road transport facility is not availablegoods will be dispatched by goods train to the nearest railway station. If the goods are suppliedby passenger train, post parcel, angadia, courier at the customer's request, etc., 50% of the freightwill have to be borne by the customer.

    Where value of goods dispatched is less than Rs. 20,000/- net packing, forwarding and freight willbe charged extra. Where it is not possible to know the exact freight in advance, the goods will besent on "freight to pay" basis. Order less than Rs. 3,000/- net, will not be supplied.

    Note : Chemicals listed in this price list are for laboratory use only unless otherwise specified. Weare not responsible if they are used for other applications or for an accident or loss due to mis-handling/non-compliance of good laboratory practices (GLP) while using these chemicals.

  • 7/22/2019 Pricelist some polymers materials PDF


    ABBREVIATIONSKg = Kilo GramsL = Litrem g = MilligramsMI = Metal Indicator ml = Millilitrem m = Millimeter MS = Microscopic StainM.W. = Molecular WeightNos. = Numberspb = Plastic BottlepA = Plastic Bottle in Aluminium

    pouchpc = Plastic Carbuoy

    pd = Plastic DrumPh. Eur. = European Pharmacopoeiapkt = PacketRI = Redox Indicator rl = RollRNA = Ribonucleic AcidS = StainSh = SheetsSoln. = SolutionSP. Gr = Specific GravitySS = Stainless Steel Tintbs = TabletsTLC = Thin Layer Chromatographyt = Tin Container

    tA = Tin Container in Aluminiumpouch

    USP = United States PharmacopoeiaUSP-NF = United States Pharmacopoeia -

    National Formulary m = Micrometer v = VialvA = Vial in Aluminium pouchVs = Vital Stain

    a = AmpouleaT = Ampoule in ThermocolAbs. = AbsorbanceACS = American Chemical SocietyAI = Adsorption IndicatorAR = Analytical RasayanAv. = Averageb = Glass BottlebA = Glass Bottle in Aluminium pouchbT = Glass Bottle in ThermocolBP = British Pharmacopoeiabx = Boxc = Carton

    CASR = Chemical Abstract RegistrationC.I. = Colour IndexDNA = Deoxyribonucleic AcidEL = Electronic GradeEP = Extra PureES = Electrophoresis StainFCC = Food Chemical Codexfd = Fibre Drumg = Gramsg i = Galvanized IronHPLC = High performance Liquid

    ChromatographyHPTLC = High Performance Thin Layer


    Ib = Imported Glass bottle withhandle

    IP = Indian PharmacopoeiaIT = Imported bottle in ThermocolISO = International Organisation for

    Standardizationj r = JarjA = Jar in Aluminium pouchk = Kombi Container

    Registered trade marks of other brands

    Superscript / Chemical Company

    1) Aerosol OT - American cyanamide2) Amberlite, Duolite & - Rohm & Haas3) Brij - Atlas Powder 4) Carbopol - Goodrich B.F. Chemical Co.5) Celite - Manville GB Ltd.6) Florisil - US Silica Company7) Hyamine 1622 - Rohm & Haas8) Tween - ICI America's Inc.9) Triton X100 - Union carbide chemicals

    & Plastics Co. Inc.10) Span - Atlas chemical Inc., USA11) Indion - Ion Exchange India Limited

    ** Not covered under rate contract. Controlled substance. For purchase call for our circular. For Depot information : Items are supplied in all packings from POICHA factory only. Separate order placed with request then items will be supplied by fastest mode of transport.

    # This packing will be available till stock last. Non Exciseable Item


  • 7/22/2019 Pricelist some polymers materials PDF


    MajorCategories ofChemicalsAASsingleelementstandardsolutionsAminoAcidsAnalyticalReagents/SolutionsBiochemicalCultureMediaDeuteratedsolventsDiagnostic&ClinicalReagentsDNA






    Widening Scope of Chemistry

    Through Innovation & Diversificatio

  • 7/22/2019 Pricelist some polymers materials PDF


    Serving our CustomersFor more than 3 decades

    Laboratory Chemicals Life science products

    New Introduction

    Analytical InstrumentsAnalytical Instruments

    New Introduction itemsLaboratory Chemicals-2013-14)2011-

  • 7/22/2019 Pricelist some polymers materials PDF


    Prices for 2013-2014Code Sy nit W1 * CAS no Item Pkg Unit ypeExc

    Price inRs.

    New Intro


    43214 K 05 9000-01-5 ACACIA POWDER SPRAY DRIED 500 g pb 105743214 K 50 9000-01-5 (gum acacia,gum arabic) 5 kg jr 1008043214 P 25 9000-01-5 25 kg pd POR93214 K 05 2593228


    500 g jr 1536(gum acacia,gum arabic)


    meets analytical specification of IP,BP,USP-NF,Ph.Eur

    36302 K 01 83-329 ACENAPHTHENE PRACT 100 g b 40136302 K 05 83-329 500 g b 144837001 K 01 83-32-9 ACENAPHTHENE 100 g b 56537001 K 05 83-32-9 (FOR SYNTHESIS) 500 g bA 206920849 K 01 83-32-9 ACENAPHTHENE AR 99% BY HPLC 100 g bA 164220849 K 05 83-32-9 500 g bA 6457

    54117 G 25 7365-82-4 ACES 25 g bA 230454117 K 01 7365-82-4 N-(2-acetamido)-2-aminoethanesulphonic acid, 100 g bA 4815

    N-(carbamoylmethyl)-2-aminoethanesulphonic acid


    37003 L 05 75-07-0 ACETAL DEHYDE SOLN. ABT 20-30% PRACT 500 ml b 35737005 K 05 60-35-5 ACETAMIDE 500 g pb 624


    37006 K 02 124-42-5 ACETAMIDINIUM CHLORIDE 250 g pb 6720(acetamidinium hydrochloride)



    See ACES (See 54117)


    See N-Acetyl-D-galactosamine (See 48089) N-(2-ACETAMIDO)IMINODIACETIC ACID

    See ADA buffer (See 54118 )

    2-ACETAMIDO-3-MERCAPTOPROPIONIC ACIDSee N-Acetyl-L-cysteine (See 34001)

    4-ACETAMIDOPHENOLSee Paracetamol EP (See 37007)

    ACETAMINOPHENSee Paracetamol EP (See37007)

    37008 K 05 103-84-4 ACETANILIDE 500 g jr 844

    For Symbol and Exc interpretationRefer page no 6 9 of 263


    Version 4.02 Dt 03.12.2013

  • 7/22/2019 Pricelist some polymers materials PDF


    Code Sy nit W1 * CAS no Item Pkg Unit ypeExcPrice in

    Rs.New Intro


    56098 L 05 126-96-5 ACETATE BUFFER SOL UTION pH 4.6 500 ml b 229

    ACETIC ACID BENZYL ESTERSee Benzyl acetate (See 76036)

    37013 L 05 64-19-7 ACETIC ACID GLACIAL EP 500 ml pb 22737013 L 25 64-19-7 (FOR SYNTHESIS) 2.5 L pb 81037013 S 25 64-19-7 meets analytical specification of IP 25 L pd POR20001 L 05 64-19-7 ACETIC ACID GLACIAL 500 ml b 29120001 L 25 64-19-7 AR & P-TEST 2.5 L b 982

    meets analytical specification of B P,USP,Ph.Eur20932 L 05 64-19-7 ACETIC ACID GLACIAL AR 500 ml b 775 NEW ITEM

    20932 L 25 64-19-7 (FOR RAYON INDUSTRY) 2.5 L b 3087NEW ITEM

    37015 L 05 64-19-7 ACETIC ACID GL ACIAL AR ALDEHYDE FREE 500 ml b 32437015 L 25 # 64-19-7 (For Cholesterol estimation) 2.5 L b 1157

    20879 L 05 64-19-7 ACETIC ACID GLACIAL " DRY" AR 500 ml b 41210001 L 05 64-19-7 ACETIC ACID GLACIAL EL 500 ml pI 41210001 L 25 64-19-7 2.5 L pI 150125322 L 05 64-19-7 ACETIC ACID FOR HPLC 500 ml b 55125322 L 10 64-19-7 & SPECTROSCOPY 1 L b 81825322 L 25 64-19-7 2.5 L b 194721201 L 01 64-19-7 ACETIC ACID FOR LC-MS 100 ml b 87721201 L 10 64-19-7 1 L lb 4378

    ACETIC ACID ISOBUTYL ESTERSee Isobutyl acetate (See37503)

    ACETIC ACID ISOPROPYL ESTERSee Isopropyl acetate (See 37503)

    20002 L 05 ** 108-24-7 ACETIC ANHYDRIDE AR,ACS,ISO 500 ml bT 976(In thermacole packing)

    37018 K 05 102-01-2 ACETOACETANILIDE P URIFIED 500 g pb 855


    ACETOACETIC ESTER (ETHYL)See Ethyl acetoacetate (See 38312)

    ACETOACETIC ESTER (METHYL)See Methyl acetoacetate (See 39203)

    ACETO CARMINE STAINING SOLUTIONSee Carmine aceto staining soln. (See 45001)

    1-ACETONAPHTHONESee 1-Acetyl naphthalene (See 56236)

    2-ACETONAPHTHONESee 2-Acetyl naphthalene (See 56237)

    37022 L 05 67-64-1 ACETONE 500 ml b 27937022 L 10 67-64-1 (FOR SYNTHESIS) 1 L b 49537022 L 25 67-64-1 2.5 L b 117337022 S 25 67-64-1 25 L pd POR37022 S 99 67-64-1 200 L ms POR37023 L 05 67-64-1 ACETONE EP 500 ml b 30037023 L 10 67-64-1 (FOR SYNTHESIS) 1 L b 54537023 L 25 67-64-1 (2-propannone, dimethylketone) 2.5 L b 122937023 S 25 67-64-1 25 L pd

    POR37023 S 99 67-64-1 200 L ms POR20003 L 05 67-64-1 ACETONE AR, ACS 500 ml b 326

    20003 L 10 67-64-1 meets analyt ical spec if icat ion o f IP, BP,USP-NF,Ph.Eur 1 L b 599

    20003 L 25 67-64-1 (2-propannone, dimethylketone) 2.5 L b 129320868 L 05 67-64-1 ACETONE "DRY" AR 500 ml b 430

    (2-propannone, dimethylketone)

    10003 L 05 67-64-1 ACETONE EL 500 ml b 53410003 L 25 # 67-64-1 (2-propannone, dimethylketone) 2.5 L b 1923

    For Symbol and Exc interpretationRefer page no 6 10 of 263


    Version 4.02 Dt 03.12.2013

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    Code Sy nit W1 * CAS no Item Pkg Unit ypeExcPrice in

    Rs.New Intro

    25214 L 05 # 67-64-1 ACETONE FOR HPLC & SPECTROSCOPY 500 ml b 54525214 L 10 67-64-1 (2-propannone, dimethylketone) 1 L b 64125214 L 25 67-64-1 2.5 L b 1496


    1 L b 1204

    (2-propannone, dimethylketone)

    22101 L 25 67-64-1 2.5 L b 262724024 G 10 666-52-4 ACETONE-d6 99.9% 10 g v 2377



    24024 Q 01 ACETONE-d6 99.9% 10 ml v 2243NEW PACK

    ACETONE DIMETHYL ACETALSee 2,2-Dimethoxypropane (See 76143)

    39220 L 05 75-05-8 ACETONITRILE EP 500 ml b 35939220 L 25 75-05-8 (methyl cyanide) 2.5 L b 144139220 S 25 75-05-8 (FOR SYNTHESIS) 25 L pd POR20386 L 05 75-05-8 ACETONITRILE AR 500 ml b 37520386 L 25 75-05-8 (methyl cyanide) 2.5 L b 167520869 L 05 75-05-8 ACETONITRILE "DRY" AR 500 ml b 62420869 L 25 75-05-8 (methyl cyanide) 2.5 L b 261175321 L 10 75-05-8 ACETONITRILE FOR PREPARATIVE HPL C 1 L b 92875321 L 25 75-05-8 (methyl cyanide) 2.5 L b 185325251 L 05 75-05-8 ACETONITRILE FOR HPL C & SPECTROSCOPY 500 ml b 42725251 L 10 75-05-8 (Methyl cynide) 1 L b 708

    25251 L 25 75-05-8 2.5 L b 162925326 L 10 75-05-8 ACETONITRILE " GRADIENT GRADE" 1 L b 88925326 L 25 75-05-8 FOR CHROMATOGRAPHY, HPLC 2.5 L b 200121301 L 10 75-05-8 ACETONITRILE FOR ULC-MS GRADE 1 L Ib 142421301 L 25 75-05-8 ACETONITRILE FOR ULC-MS GRADE 2.5 L Ib 3245


    1 L b 2617

    (Methyl cynide)

    22102 L 25 75-05-8 2.5 L b 726954501 L 10 75-05-8 ACETONITRILE FOR DNA SYNTHESIS 1 L Ib 167554501 L 25 # 75-05-8 (Methyl cynide) 2.5 L Ib 376824074 G 10 2206-26-0 ACETONITRILE-d3 99.8% 10 g v 3978

    (methyl-d3 cyanide, trideuteroacetonitrile)


    ACETO ORCEIN SOLN.See Orcein acetic soln.(La cour) (See 45090)


    L 25N.A.


    LC-MS 2.5 L Ib 5757


    L 25N.A.

    ACETONITRILE with 0.1% (v/v)



    37030 L 05 98-86-2 ACETOPHENONE EP 500 ml b 72737030 L 25 98-86-2 (Methyl phenyl ketone) 2.5 L Ib 336537030 S 25 98-86-2 (FOR SYNTHESIS) 25 L pd POR

    ACETURIC ACIDSee N-Acetylglycine (See 47002)

    37035 L 02 123-54-6 ACETYLACETONE 250 ml b 68537035 L 05 123-54-6 (2,4-Pentanedione) 500 ml b 1177

    20336 L 02 123-54-6 ACETYLACETONE AR 250 ml b 97720336 L 05 123-54-6 (2,4-Pentanedione) 500 ml b 1881

    N-ACETYL-4-AMINOPHENOLSee Paracetamol EP (See 37007)

    4-ACETYLANISOLESee 4-Methoxyacetophenone (See 39196)

    37036 L 02 # 506-96-7 ACETYL BROMIDE 250 ml Ib 357037036 L 05 506-96-7 (FOR SYNTHESIS) 500 ml Ib 692120004 L 05 506-96-7 ACETYL BROMIDE AR 500 ml Ib 755037037 L 05 * 75-36-5 ACETYL CHLORIDE 500 ml Ib 850

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    37037 L 25 75-36-5 (FOR SYNTHESIS) 2.5 L Ib 3979*(4 Bots in a thermacole box)

    20005 L 05 75-36-5 ACETYL CHLORIDE AR 500 ml Ib 1091*(4 Bots in a thermacole box)

    54001 G 05 66-23-9 o -ACETYLCHOLINE BROMIDE 5 g vA 264154001 G 25 66-23-9 (FOR SYNTHESIS) 25 g bA 12981


    20850 G 25 60-31-1 ACETYLCHOLINE CHLORIDE AR 25 g bA 637050001 G 05 2260-50-6 ACETYLCHOLINE IODIDE 5 g vA 97850001 G 25 2260-50-6 25 g bA 3904


    34001 G 10 616-91-1 N-ACETYL-L-CYSTEINE 10 g vA 88334001 G 25 616-91-1 (2-acetamido-3-mercaptopropionic acid) 25 g bA 187448089 M 10 14215-68-0 N-ACETYL-D-GALACTOSAMINE 100 mg vA 87748089 G 01 14215-68-0 1 g vA 6784


    48001 G 01 7512-17-6 N-ACETYL-D-GLUCOSAMINE 1 g vA 40648001 G 05 7512-17-6 5 g vA 1046


    ACETYLENE TETRABROMIDESee 1,1,2,2-Tetrabromoethane (See 40355)

    47002 K 01 543-24-8 N-ACETYLGLYCINE 100 g bA 66347002 K 05 543-24-8 (aceturic acid) 500 g bA 2236

    50081 K 01 1115-47-5 N-ACETYL-DL -METHIONINE 100 g bA 49950081 K 02 1115-47-5 (FOR BIOCHEMISTRY) 250 g bA 1010


    56236 L 02 941-98-0 1-ACETYLNAPHTHALENE 250 ml b 1198(1-acetonaphthone, methyl 1-naphthyl ketone)


    56237 K 01 93-08-3 2-ACETYLNAPHTHALENE 100 g bA 124656237 K 05 93-08-3 (2-acetonaphthone, methyl 2-naphthyl ketone) 500 g b 5711


    76005 Q 02 1122-62-9 2-ACETYLPYRIDINE 25 ml b 325776005 L 01 1122-62-9 (methyl-2-pyridyl ketone) 100 ml b 12416


    56279 L 01 350-03-8 3-ACETYLPYRIDINE 100 ml b 3175

    56279 L 05 350-03-8 (methyl 3-pyidyl ketone) 500 ml b 13677(FOR SYNTHESIS)

    50003 G 01 1866-15-5 ACETYLTHIOCHOLINE IODIDE EP 1 g vA 48250003 G 05 1866-15-5 (S-acetylthiocholine iodide) 5 g vA 1369


    50082 G 25 87-32-1 N-ACETYL-DL-TRYPTOPHAN 25 g bA 87750082 K 01 87-32-1 (FOR BIOCHEMISTRY) 100 g bA 2354

    1,2,4-ACID EPSee 4-Amino-3-hydroxynapthalene-1-sulphonic

    acid EP (See 37127)

    1,2,4-ACID ARSee 4-Amino-3-hydroxynapthalene-1-sulphonic

    acid AR (See 87127)

    ACID FUCHSIN (M.S.)See Fuchsin acid (MS) (See 44031)

    ACID RED I (M.S.)See Azophloxine (See44098)

    ACID RED 66 (M.S.)See Biebrich scarlet (W.S.) (See 44009)

    ACID RED 87 (M.S.)See Eosin Y disodium salt (See 44027)

    44001 G 10 10127-02-03 ACRIDINE ORANGE (M.S.) 10 g vA 1537

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    44001 G 25 10127-02-03(C.I.46005) 25 g bA 3689

    37043 G 05 8048-52-0 ACRIFLAVINE 5 g v 88937043 G 25 8048-52-0 (FOR BIOCHEMISTRY) 25 g b 279537043 K 01 8048-52-0 (C.I.46000) 100 g bA 726037045 K 05 79-06-1 ACRYLAMIDE 500 g pb 66637045 K 50 79-06-1 (FOR SYNTHESIS) 5 kg jr 573725212 G 25 79-06-1 ACRYLAMIDE FOR ELECTROPHORESIS 25 g bA 25725212 K 01 79-06-1 (CONDUCTANCE

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    See Adenine hemisulphate (See 52002)

    52003 G 05 58-61-7 ADENOSINE 5 g vA 42852003 G 25 58-61-7 (FOR BIOCHEMISTRY) 25 g bA 119852003 K 01 58-61-7 100 g bA 3700


    52097 M 50 16178-48-6 ADENOSINE-5'-DIPHOSPHORIC ACID 500 mg vA 35752097 G 01 16178-48-6 DISODIUM SALT (ADP) 95% 1 g vA 52952097 G 05 16178-48-6 (FOR BIOCHEMISTRY) 5 g vA 205352097 G 25 16178-48-6 25 g bA 9776


    52066 G 01 4578-31-8 ADENOSINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHORIC ACID 1 g vA 27952066 G 05 4578-31-8 SODIUM SALT (AMP.Na2) 96% 5 g vA 52952066 G 25 4578-31-8 (FOR BIOCHEMISTRY) 25 g bA 205352066 K 01 4578-31-8 100 g bA 8080


    52008 G 01 987-65-5 ADENOSINE-5' -TRIPHOSPHORIC ACID 1 g vA 24652008 G 05 987-65-5 DISODIUM SALT (ATP.Na2) 98% 5 g vA 97752008 G 25 987-65-5 (FOR BIOCHEMISTRY) 25 g bA 429252008 K 01 987-65-5 100 g bA 15938


    37049 K 05 124-04-9 ADIPIC ACID EP 500 g pb 51637049 K 50 124-04-9 (FOR SYNTHESIS) 5 kg jr 3251

    37049 P 50 124-04-9 50 kg pd POR48002 G 05 488-81-3 ADONITOL 5 g vA 95348002 G 25 488-81-3 (adonite, ribitol) 25 g bA 423348002 K 01 488-81-3 (FOR BIOCHEMISTRY) 100 g bA 14720

    87051 G 01 51-43-4 (-) - ADRENALINE 99% AR,ACS,ISO 1 g vA 1933- -

    87051 G 25 51-43-4 meeta analytical specification of IP 25 g bA 45263(0-8C)

    87053 G 01 51-42-3 ADRENALINE BITARTRATE 99% AR 1 g vA 159487053 G 05 51-42-3 (adrenaline hydrogen tartrate) 5 g vA 629587053 G 25 51-42-3 meets analyt ical spec if icat ion o f IP,BP,USP,Ph.Eur 25 g bA 31270(0-4C)


    See Adrenaline bitartrate AR (See 87053) AEBSF-HYDROCHLORIDE

    See 4-(2-Aminoethyl)benzenesulphonylfluoride

    hydrochloride (See 54510)

    48003 G 05 531-75-9 AESCULIN HYDRATE 98% (esculin) 5 g v 277948003 G 25 531-75-9 (FOR BIOCHEMISTRY) 25 g bA 1471243004 K 02 9002-18-0 AGAR AGAR 250 g b 196243004 K 05 9002-18-0 (FOR MICROBIOLOGY) 500 g pb 387943004 K 50 9002-18-0 passes m ic robial l im it as p er IP 5 kg jr 3827243004 P 25 9002-18-0 25 kg pd POR43010 K 01 9002-18-0 AGAR POWDER ULTRAPURE 100 g bA 186243010 K 05 9002-18-0 (FOR MICROBIOLOGY) 500 g bA 799743006 G 10 9012-36-6 AGAROSE Typ e 7 : LOW GELL ING 10 g bA 85843006 G 25 9012-36-6 Gelling point (1% gel) - < 30 C 25 g bA 176443006 K 01 9012-36-6 100 g bA 529243006 K 05 9012-36-6 500 g bA 2058054481 G 10 9012-36-6 AGAROSE FOR ELECTROPHORESIS (Low EEO) 10 g bA 69654481 G 25 9012-36-6 EEO (-mr) 0.09 - 0.13 25 g bA 149054481 K 01 9012-36-6 100 g bA 574354481 K 10 9012-36-6 1 kg bA 5307754482 G 10 9012-36-6 AGAROSE FOR ELECTROPHORESIS (Medium EEO) 10 g bA 69654482 G 25 9012-36-6 EEO (-mr) 0.16 - 0.19 25 g bA 149054482 K 01 9012-36-6 100 g bA 574354482 K 10 9012-36-6 1 kg jA 53077

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    54483 G 10 9012-36-6 AGAROSE FOR ELECTROPHORESIS (High EEO) 10 g bA 96154483 G 25 9012-36-6 EEO (-mr) 0.23 - 0.26 25 g bA 210754483 K 01 9012-36-6 100 g bA 784054483 K 10 9012-36-6 1 kg bA 6972754902 G 25 9012-36-6 AGAROSE FOR MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 25 g bA 237254902 K 01 9012-36-6 100 g bA 872254903 G 05 9012-36-6 AGAROSE LOW MELTING FOR 5 g bA 73554903 G 10 9012-36-6 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 10 g bA 117654903 G 25 9012-36-6 25 g bA 264647009 G 25 107-95-9 b - ALANINE CHR 25 g b 36447009 K 01 107-95-9 (FOR BIOCHEMISTRY) 100 g b 123447009 K 05 107-95-9 500 g pb 5590

    47007 G 25 302-72-7 DL - ALANINE CHR 25 g b 35747007 K 01 302-72-7 (FOR BIOCHEMISTRY) 100 g b 1276

    47006 G 25 56-41-7 L - ALANINE CHR 25 g b 49947006 K 01 56-41-7 (FOR BIOCHEMISTRY) 100 g b 147147006 K 05 56-41-7 500 g b 660547005 G 05 338-69-2 D-ALANINE 5 g vA 139347005 G 25 338-69-2 (R)-2-aminopropionic acid 25 g bA 545447005 K 01 338-69-2 (FOR BIOCHEMISTRY) 100 g bA 1583797010 G 01 1596-84-5 ALAR (B - 9) AR 1 g vA 40697010 G 05 1596-84-5 (succinic acid 2,2-dimethyl hydrizide, 5 g vA 172797010 G 25 1596-84-5 diaminozide) 25 g bA 7627

    44321 L 03 N.A. ALBERT STAIN 'A' SOLN. 125 ml pb 11644321 L 05 N.A. 500 ml b 35744322 L 03 N.A. ALBERT STAIN 'B' SOLN. 125 ml pb 11644322 L 05 N.A. 500 ml b 357

    ALBUMEN EGG FLAKESSee Egg albumen flakes (See 43007 )

    54155 G 05 9048-46-8 ALBUMIN, BOVINE FRACTION V (POWDER) 5 g vA 109054155 G 10 9048-46-8 10 g bA 209454155 K 01 9048-46-8 100 g bA 20234


    44089 G 05 33864-99-2 ALCIAN BLUE 8 GX CERTIFIED STAIN (M.S.) 5 g bA 2434


    G 10 33864-99-2 (For microscopy) (C.I. 74240) 10 g bA

    450844089 G 25 33864-99-2 (Alcian Blue, Ingrain Blue 1) 25 g bA 1004037898 K 05 9500-32-7 ALGINIC ACID 500 g pb 76937898 K 50 9500-32-7 meets analyt ical spec if icat ion o f BP,Ph.Eur 5 kg jr 717276394 L 02 5137-55-3 ALIQUAT 336 250 ml b 142976394 L 10 5137-55-3 (trioctylmethyl ammonium chloride) 1 L Ib 537480001 G 25 72-48-0 ALIZARIN AR 25 g b 38880001 K 01 72-48-0 (pH INDICATOR) 100 g b 107980001 K 10 72-48-0 (C.I 58000) 1 kg jr 9546

    ALIZARIN COMPLEXONESee 3-Aminomethylalizarin

    -N,N'-diacetic acid (See 37121)

    44162 G 25 4403-90-1 ALIZARIN CYANINE GREEN G 25 g b 41744162 K 01 4403-90-1 (C.I.61570) 100 g bA 1216


    G 25 130-22-3 ALIZARIN RED S 25 g b

    49526048 K 01 130-22-3 (pH INDICATOR) (C. I. 58005) 100 g b 1469(alizarine sulphonic acid sodium salt)


    100 ml pb 101

    44092 G 05 30586-13-1 ALKALI BLUE (6B) 5 g vA 102944092 G 25 30586-13-1 (pH INDICATOR) (C. I. 42750) 25 g bA 398633001 L 05 N.A. ALKALINE COPPER SOLN. 500 ml b 293


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    ALKALINE COPPER TARTRATE SOLN.See Alkaline copper soln.

    (Folin & Wu) (See 33001)

    ALKALINE PHOSPHATASESee Phosphatase alkaline (See 49035)

    52010 K 01 97-59-6 ALLANTOIN FINE POWDER 100 g bA 49452010 K 10 97-59-6 1 kg jr 317552010 K 50 97-59-6 5 kg jr 1422452011 G 25 2244-11-3 ALLOXAN 25 g bA 701

    (0-8OC) (HYDRATE)

    ALLOY ACCORDING TO DEVARDA'SSee Devarda's alloy (See 38009)

    ALLOY ACCORDING TO WOOD'SSee Wood's metal AR (See 20908)

    37056 L 05 107-18-6 ALLYL ALCOHOL 500 ml b 92837056 L 25 107-18-6 (2-propen-1 ol) 2.5 L Ib 4171


    20840 L 05 107-18-6 ALLYL ALCOHOL AR 500 ml b 1204(2-propen-1 ol)

    37058 L 02 106-95-6 ALLYL BROMIDE (stabilised) 250 ml Ib 159737058 L 05 106-95-6 (3-bromopropene) 500 ml Ib 2970


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    ALUMINIUM ISOPROPYLATESee Aluminium isoperoxide (See 37087)


    See Lithium aluminium hydride (See 37078)

    37079 K 05 7784-27-2 ALUMINIUM NITRATE EP 500 g b 31937079 K 50 7784-27-2 5 kg jr 238137079 P 50 7784-27-2 50 kg pd POR20300 K 05 7784-27-2 AL UMINIUM NITRATE AR,ACS 500 g bA 2981

    ACLUMINIUM OXIDE ACTIVATED BALLS 2-5mmSee Activated alumina balls 2-5mm (See 37083)

    25141 K 05 1344-28-1 ALUMINIUM OXIDE ACTIVE ACIDIC 500 g pb 42725141 K 50 1344-28-1 Accord to Brockmann activity I, II 5 kg jr 336025140 K 05 1344-28-1 ALUMINIUM OXIDE ACTIVE BASIC 500 g pb 46725140 K 50 1344-28-1 Accord to Brockmann activity I, II 5 kg jr 346625139 K 05 1344-28-1 ALUMINIUM OXIDE ACTIVE NEUTRAL 500 g pb 39625139 K 50 1344-28-1 Accor d to B rockman n ac ti vi ty I, II 5 kg jr 333825139 P 25 1344-28-1 25 kg pd POR25003 K 05 1344-28-1 ALUMINIUM OXIDE G (NEUTRAL) FOR TLC 500 g pb 77137085 K 05 7784-24-9 ALUMINIUM POTASSIUM SULPHATE 500 g pb 18337085 K 25 7784-24-9 (potassium aluminium sluphate, potash alum) 2.5 kg jr 71737085 P 50 7784-24-9 50 kg pd POR20009 K 05 7784-24-9 ALUMINIUM POTASSIUM SULPHATE AR,ACS 500 g pb 306

    20009 K 25 7784-24-9 (potassium aluminium sluphate AR, potash alum AR) 2.5 kg jr 1428meets analytical specification o f IP,BP,USP,Ph.EurALUMINIUM SILICATE HYDRATESee Bentonite powder (See 36022)

    37090 K 05 16828-11-8 ALUMINIUM SULPHATE PURIFIED 500 g pb 23737090 P 50 16828-11-8 50 kg pd POR20010 K 05 16828-11-8 ALUMINIUM SULPHATE AR,ACS 500 g pb 55220010 P 50 16828-11-8 meets analytical specification of IP,BP,USP,Ph.Eur 50 kg pd POR73007 G 10 569-58-4 ALUMINON AR ,ACS 10 g v 30273007 G 25 569-58-4 (aurin tricarboxylic acid triammonium salt AR) 25 g b 66673007 K 01 569-58-4 100 g b 2083

    ALUM POTASSIUMSee Aluminium potassium sulphate (See 37085)


    See Aluminium potassium sulphate AR (See 20009)

    36265 G 25 915-67-3 AMARANTH (R.I.) 25 g b 20036265 K 01 915-67-3 (C.I.16185) 100 g b 58765001 K 02 9002-23-7 AMBERLITE IR-120H 250 g pb 76565001 K 10 9002-23-7 (strongly acidic cation exchange resin) 1 kg jr 288765001 K 50 9002-23-7 (Product of Rohm & Haas) 5 kg jr 1234865230 K 02 NA AMBERLITE BD10DRY 250 g pb 138565230 K 10 (Hydrogen form) 1 kg jr 5020

    hygroscopic (Strong acid cation exch ange resin-Industrial grade)

    (Product of M/s.Dow c hemicals,USA(formerlyM/s.Rohm & Haas)

    65019 K 02 9042-11-9 AMBERLITE CG-50 1 HYDROGEN FORM 250 g pb 2087465019 K 10 9042-11-9 Weak acid cation exhchange resin 1 kg jr 7487265227 K 02 N.A. AMBERLITE IRC76 250 g pb 240165227 K 10 N.A. (weakly acidic cation exchange resin) 1 kg jr 8375

    (Product of Rohm & Haas)65201 K 02 211811-37-9AMBERLITE IRC-86 250 g pb 164565201 K 10 211811-37-9(weakly acidic cation exchange resin) 1 kg jr 5817

    (Product of Rohm & Haas)65216 K 02 39464-90-9 AMBERLITE 200 C Na 250 g pb 1613

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    65216 K 10 39464-90-9 (strongly acidic macroreticular cation exchange resin) 1 kg jr 5761(Product of Rohm & Haas)

    65214 K 01 7620-28-3 AMBERLITE IRC-748 100 g pb 167665214 K 02 7620-28-3 (chelating cation exchange resin) 250 g pb 367065214 K 05 7620-28-3 (Product of Rohm & Haas) 500 g pb 618665214 K 10 7620-28-3 1 kg jr 978965228 K 02 N.A. AMBERLITE SR1L Na 250 g pb 239765228 K 10 N.A. (strongly acidic cation exchange resin) 1 kg jr 8091

    (Product of Rohm & Haas)65013 K 02 52439-77-7 AMBERLITE IRA-402 Cl 250 g pb 230765013 K 10 52439-77-7 (strongly basic anion exchange resin) 1 kg jr 8252

    (Product of Rohm & Haas)65209 K 02 149146-26-9AMBERLITE IRA-404 Cl 250 g pb 227965209 K 10 149146-26-9(strongly basic anion exchange resin) 1 kg jr 7198

    (Product of Rohm & Haas)65014 K 02 9002-26-0 AMBERLITE IRA-410 Cl 250 g pb 230765014 K 10 9002-26-0 (strongly basic anion exchange resin) 1 kg jr 8252

    (Product of Rohm & Haas)65202 K 02 80747-90-6 AMBERLITE IRA-67 250 g pb 367065202 K 10 80747-90-6 (weakly basic anion exchange resin) 1 kg jr 8175

    (Product of Rohm & Haas)65206 K 02 9050-97-9 AMBERLITE IRA-900 Cl(Type-1) 250 g pb 3048

    65206 K 10 9050-97-9 (strongly basic macroreticular anion exchange resin) 1 kg jr 8154(Product of Rohm & Haas)

    65207 K 02 37264-66-7 AMBERLITE IRA-910 Cl(Type-2) 250 g pb 304865207 K 10 37264-66-7 (strongly basic macroreticular anion exchange resin) 1 kg jr 8154

    (Product of Rohm & Haas)65205 K 02 79620-27-2 AMBERLITE IRA-958 Cl 250 g pb 356065205 K 10 79620-27-2 (strongly basic macroreticular anion exchange resin) 1 kg jr 11748

    (Product of Rohm & Haas)65208 K 02 201615-38-5AMBERLITE IRA-96 250 g pb 356065208 K 10 201615-38-5(weakly basic macroreticular anion exchange resin) 1 kg jr 11748

    (Product of Rohm & Haas)65203 K 02 79956-14-2 AMBERLITE IRN-150 (MIXED BED) 250 g pb 356065203 K 10 79956-14-2 (strongly acidic cation and strongly basic anion 1 kg jr 11748

    exchange resin)

    (Product of Rohm & Haas)65215 K 02 N.A. AMBERLITE MB-9L 250 g pb 227965215 K 10 N.A. (mixed bed resin) (without indicator) 1 kg jr 7198

    (Product of Rohm & Haas)65204 K 02 N.A. AMBERLITE MB-20 250 g pb 356065204 K 10 N.A. (mixed bed resin) 1 kg jr 11748

    (Product of Rohm & Haas)65210 K 01 37380-42-0 AMBERLITE XAD-4 100 g pb 262765210 K 05 37380-42-0 (polymeric adsorbent) 500 g pb 9658

    (Product of Rohm & Haas)25244 K 02 37380-43-1 AMBERLITE XAD-7HP 250 g pb 5423


    K 10 37380-43-1 (polymeric adsorbent) 1 kg jr

    16019(Product of Rohm & Haas)65211 K 01 104219-63-8AMBERLITE XAD-16 100 g pb 356065211 K 02 104219-63-8(polymeric adsorbent) 250 g pb 644265211 K 05 104219-63-8 (Product o f Rohm & Haas) 500 g pb 1174865211 K 10 104219-63-8 1 kg jr 2082165212 K 02 97396-56-0 AMBERLITE XAD-1180N 250 g pb 699565212 K 10 97396-56-0 (polymeric adsorbent) 1 kg jr 27845

    (Product of Rohm & Haas)65224 K 10 80892-32-6 AMBERLITE IRP 64 1 kg jr 12979

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    (cation exchange resin)

    (Product of Rohm & Haas)(cation exchange resin) (Pharma grade)

    (Product of Rohm & Haas)meets analytical specification o f USP

    65225 P 25 N.A AMBERLITE IRP 69 25 kg pd POR65226 P 25 N.A AMBERLITE IRP 88 25 kg pd POR

    (cation exchange resin) (Pharma grade) (Polacrilin


    (Product of Rohm & Haas)

    meets analytical specif ication o f USP-NF65133 K 02 9037-24-5 AMBERLYST 15 WET 250 g pb 163765133 K 10 9037-24-5 (strongly acidic macroreticular ,polymeric catalyst) 1 kg jr 5759

    (Product of Rohm & Haas)65229 K 02 39389-20-3 AMBERLYST 15 DRY 250 g pb 318065229 K 10 39389-20-3 (Industrial grade strongly acidic catalyst) 1 kg jr 11096

    (Product of Rohm & Haas)65213 K 02 125004-35-5AMBERLYST 16 WET 250 g pb 345165213 K 10 125004-35-5(strongly acidic macroreticular polymeric catalyst) 1 kg jr 11333

    (Product of Rohm & Haas)65134 K 02 9049-93-8 AMBERLYSTA-21 250 g pb 199665134 K 10 9049-93-8 (weakly basic anion exchange resin, 1 kg jr 5777

    polymeric catalyst)

    (Product of Rohm & Haas)65219 K 02 39339-85-0 AMBERLYSTA26 OH 250 g pb 331865219 K 10 39339-85-0 (strongly basic anion exchange resin) 1 kg jr 9189

    (Product of Rohm & Haas)65221 K 02 N.A. AMBERLYST 35 wet 250 g pb 233365221 K 10 N.A. (strongly acidic cation polymeric catalyst) 1 kg jr 7903

    (Product of Rohm & Haas)65222 K 02 N.A. AMBERLYST 40 wet 250 g pb 233365222 K 10 N.A. (strongly acidic cation polymeric catalyst) 1 kg jr 7903

    (Product of Rohm & Haas)65223 K 02 60177-39-1 AMBERJET 4200 CL 250 g pb 233365223 K 10 60177-39-1 (strongly base anion exchange resin) 1 kg jr 7903

    (Product of Rohm & Haas)


    250 g pb 200565231 K 10 1 kg jr 709454291 G 25 1064-48-8 AMIDO BLACK 10 B 25 g b 22054291 K 01 1064-48-8 (C.I.20470) 100 g b 660

    AMINO ACETIC ACIDSee Glycine (See 38458 )

    AMINO ACETIC ACID ARSee Glycine AR (See 20119)

    AMINO ACETIC ACID FOR MOLECULAR BIOLOGYSee Glycine for Molecualar Biology (See 54912)

    42016 G 22 N.A. AMINO ACID KIT OF 24 ITEMS set vA 4443(FOR BIOCHEMISTRY)


    See m-Anisidine (See 56242) 4-AMINOANISOLE

    See p-Anisidine (See 37235)

    37128 G 25 83-07-8 4-AMINOANTIPYRINE 25 g pA 70137128 K 01 83-07-8 (ampyrone, 4-aminophenazone) 100 g pA 262025004 K 01 60-09-03 4-AMINOAZOBENZENE 100 g b 591


    p -AMINOBENZENESULPHONIC ACIDSee Sulphanilic acid Anhydrous


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    See Sulphanilic acid anhydrous AR, ACS (See 20275)

    56185 K 01 99-05-8 3-AMINOBENZOIC ACID 100 g pb 73356185 K 05 99-05-8 (m-aminobenzoic acid) 500 g pb 2980


    37103 K 01 150-13-0 4-AMINOBENZOIC ACID PRACT (PABA) 100 g pb 68237103 K 05 150-13-0 500 g pb 2434

    3-AMINOBENZOTRIFLUORIDESee 3-(Trifluoromethyl)aniline (See 56187)

    47012 G 25 56-12-2 4-AMINOBUTYRIC ACID 25 g b 1111

    47012 K 01 56-12-2 (GABA, piperidinic acid, -aminobutyric acid) 100 g b 274747012 K 05 56-12-2 (FOR SYNTHESIS) 500 g bA 11113

    DL-2-AMINO-n-CAPROIC ACIDSee DL-Norleucine (See 47126 )


    See D (+) glucosamine hydrochloride (See 48032 )

    4-AMINO-2,3-DIMETHYL-1-PHENYL-3-PYRAZOLIN-5-ONESee 4-Aminoantipyrine (See 37128)

    2-AMINOETHANOLSee Ethanolamine (See 38306)

    2-AMINOETHANOL ARSee Ethanolamine AR (See 20325)

    54453 L 05 111-41-1 2-(2-AMINOETHYL AMINO) ETHANOL 500 ml b 99954453 L 25 111-41-1 N-(2-aminoethyl)ethanolamine, 2.5 L Ib 4371



    54510 M 02 30827-99-7 4-(2-AMINOETHYL)BENZENESULPHONYL- 25 mg vA 193754510 M 10 30827-99-7 FLUORIDE HYDROCHLORIDE 100 mg vA 2867

    - -

    (Subsitute for PNSF)



    See 2-Bromoethylamine hydrobromide ( See 56137)

    N-(2-AMINOETHYL) ETHANOLAMINESee 2-(2-Aminoethylamino)ethanol (See 54453 )

    1-AMINO-4-FLUOROBENZENESee 4-Fluoroaniline (See 38411)

    4-AMINOFOLIC ACIDSee Aminopterin (See 54008)

    (S)-2-AMINOGLUTARIC ACIDSee L-Glutamic acid (See 47102)

    (R)-2-AMINOGLUTARIC ACIDSee D-Glutamic acid (See 54515)

    56282 K 01 2582-30-1 AMINOGUANIDINE BICARBONATE 100 g pb 46956282 K 05 2582-30-1 (1-aminoguanidinium hydrogen carbonate, 500 g pb 1624

    guanylhydrazine bicarbonate salt)


    1-AMINOGUANIDINIUM HYDROGEN CARBONATESee Aminoguanidine bicarbonate (See 56282)

    DL-2-AMINO-n-HEXANOIC ACIDSee DL-Norleucine (See 47126 )

    5-AMINO-2-HYDROXYBENZOIC ACIDSee 5-Aminosalicylic acid (See 76025)

    2-AMINO-3-HYDROXYBUTYRIC ACIDSee DL-Threonine (See 47151)

    1-AMINO-2-HYDROXYNAPHTHALENE 4-SULPHONIC ACID EPSee 4-Amino-3-hydroxynathalene-1-

    sulphonic acid EP (37127 )

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    1-AMINO-2-HYDROXYNAPHTHALENE 4-SULPHONIC ACID ARSee 4-Amino-3-hydroxynathalene-1-

    sulphonic acid AR (See 87127)

    37127 G 25 116-63-2 4-AMINO-3-HYDROXYNAPHTHALENE- 25 g b 40137127 K 01 116-63-2 -1-SULPHONIC ACID EP 100 g b 1295

    (1,2,4- Acid )


    25 g b 515

    87127 K 01 116-63-2 (1,2,4- Acid ) 100 g b 1505

    4-AMINO-2-HYDROXY PYRIMIDINESee Cytosine (See 52021)

    37121 G 01 3952-78-1 3-AMINOMETHYLALIZARIN-N,N'-DIACETIC ACID 1 g v 117437121 G 05 3952-78-1 (alizarin complexone) 5 g vA 5495

    2-AMINO-3-METHYLPENTANOIC ACIDSee DL-Isoleucine (See 47124 )

    2-AMINO-2-METHYLPROPANESee tert.Butylamine ( See 37513)

    87122 K 01 115-69-5 2-AMINO-2-METHYL-1,3-PROPANEDIOL AR 100 g pA 499437123 L 05 124-68-5 2-AMINO-2-METHYLPROPAN-1-OL 97% 500 ml b 199837123 L 10 124-68-5 1 L Ib 3872

    56203 G 25 1824-81-3 2-AMINO-6-METHYLPYRIDINE 25 g bA 43856203 K 01 1824-81-3 (6-amino-2-picoline) 100 g bA 1374

    56203 K 05 1824-81-3 (FOR SYNTHESIS) 500 g bA 6506 1-AMINO-2-NAPHTHOL-4-SULPHONIC ACID

    See 4-Amino-3-hydroxynaphthalene

    -1-sulphonic acid EP (See 37127)

    1-AMINO-2-NAPHTHOL-4- SULPHONIC ACID ARSee 4-Amino-3-hydroxynaphthalene

    -1-sulphonic acid AR (See 87127)

    (S)-2-AMINOPENTANEDIOIC ACIDSee L-Glutamic acid (See 47102)

    (R)-2-AMINOPENTANEDIOIC ACIDSee D-Glutamic acid (See 54515)

    4-AMINOPHENAZONESee 4-Aminoantipyrine (See 37128)

    36008 K 01 95-55-6 2-AMINOPHENOL PRACT 100 g b 41236008 K 02 95-55-6 (o- aminophenol) 250 g b 90936008 K 05 95-55-6 500 g b 176357001 K 01 95-55-6 2-AMINOPHENOL 100 g b 93057001 K 05 95-55-6 (o -aminophenol) 500 g b 246237129 K 01 591-27-5 3-AMINOPHENOL 100 g b 78037129 K 05 591-27-5 (m -aminophenol) 500 g b 3425


    37130 K 02 123-30-8 4-AMINOPHENOL PRACT 250 g b 85737130 K 05 123-30-8 (p- aminophenol) 500 g b 1645

    3-AMINOPHENYL METHYL ETHERSee m-Anisidine (See 56242)

    2-AMINO-3-PICOLINESee 2-Amino-3-methylpyridine (See 56202)

    6-AMINO-2-PICOLINESee 2-Amino-6-methylpyridine (See 56203)

    1-AMINOPROPANESee n-Propylamine (See 39695)

    2-AMINOPROPANESee iso-Propylamine See 39724)

    (S)-2-AMINOPROPIONIC ACDSee L-Alanine (See 47006)

    (R)-2-AMINOPROPIONIC ACDSee D-Alanine (See 47005)

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    54008 M 01 54-62-6 AMINOPTERIN 10 mg vA 99954008 M 02 54-62-6 (4-aminofolic acid) 25 mg vA 2124

    37135 K 01 504-29-0 2-AMINOPYRIDINE 100 g b 73737135 K 02 504-29-0 (o -aminopyridine) 250 g b 184337135 K 10 504-29-0 (FOR SYNTHESIS) 1 kg jr 705676024 G 25 462-08-8 3-AMINOPYRIDINE 25 g b 49476024 K 01 462-08-8 (m- aminopyridine) 100 g bA 104976024 K 05 462-08-8 (FOR SYNTHESIS) 500 g bA 493337137 G 25 504-24-5 4-AMINOPYRIDINE 25 g b

    111137137 K 01 504-24-5 (p- aminopyridine) 100 g bA 402837137 K 05 504-24-5 (FOR SYNTHESIS) 500 g bA 19603

    AMINOPYRINESee 4-Dimethylamino antipyrine (See 38183)

    76025 K 01 89-57-6 5-AMINOSALICYLIC ACID 100 g bA 258376025 K 05 89-57-6 (5-amino-2-hydroxybenzoic acid, mesalamine) 500 g bA 12514


    76026 L 05 137-07-5 2-AMINOTHIOPHENOL 500 ml b 4526

    o -AMINOTOLUENESee o-Toluidine (See 40467)

    m -AMINOTOLUENESee m-Toluidine (See 40468)

    p -AMINOTOLUENESee p-Toluidine (See 40469)

    56285 G 25 61-82-5 3-AMINO-1,2,4-TRIAZOLE 25 g b 74956285 K 01 61-82-5 (amitrol, 3-amino-1h-1,2,4-triazole) 100 g bA 225056285 K 10 61-82-5 (FOR SYNTHESIS) 1 kg jr 2122637136 K 01 584-13-4 4-AMINO-1,2,4-TRIAZOLE 100 g b 138037136 K 05 584-13-4 (FOR SYNTHESIS) 500 g bA 6459

    AMITROLSee 3-Amino-1,2,4-triazole (See 56285)

    N-AMINOUREA HYDROCHLORIDESee Semicarbazide hydrochloride (See 40056)

    54507 G 10 549-18-8 AMITRIPTYL INE HYDROCHLORIDE 10 g b 37554507 G 25 549-18-8 (FOR BIOCHEMISTRY) 25 g b 74954507 K 01 549-18-8 100 g bA 225054507 K 02 549-18-8 250 g bA 449726020 L 05 1336-21-6 AMMONIA B UFFER SOLN. 500 ml b

    17837139 L 05 1336-21-6 AMMONIA SOLN. ABT. 30% 500 ml b 16837139 L 25 1336-21-6 (SP. GR. 0.89) 2.5 L b 45520440 L 05 1336-21-6 AMMONIA SOL N. ABT. 30% AR 500 ml b 23720440 L 25 1336-21-6 (SP. GR. 0.89) 2.5 L b 64337140 L 05 1336-21-6 AMMONIA SOL N. ABT. 25% EP 500 ml b 18237140 L 10 1336-21-6 (SP. GR. 0.91) 1 L b 29437140 L 25 1336-21-6 2.5 L b 66837140 L 50 1336-21-6 5 L pc 101537140 S 25 1336-21-6 25 L pc POR20011 L 05 1336-21-6 AMMONIA SOL N. ABT. 25% AR 500 ml b 19820011 L 10 1336-21-6 (SP. GR. 0.91) 1 L b 32120011 L 25 1336-21-6 2.5 L b 72720011 L 50 1336-21-6 5 L pc 120220011 S 25 1336-21-6 25 L pd

    POR29006 L 05 1336-21-6 AMMONIA SOLN. FOR HPLC 500 ml b 107529006 L 10 1336-21-6 CONCENTRATION IN WATER ~10% 1 L Ib 189810011 L 10 1336-21-6 AMMONIA SOLN. ABT. 25% EL (SP. GR. 0.91) 1 L pI 2867

    (Packing i n a thermocole box)(FOR USE in VLSI / ULSI )

    37142 K 05 631-61-8 AMMONIUM ACETATE 500 g pb 27637142 K 50 631-61-8 CRYSTALS EP 5 kg jr 205237142 P 50 631-61-8 50 kg pd POR20013 K 05 631-61-8 AMMONIUM ACETATE AR,ACS,Reag.Ph .Eur 500 g pb 320

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    20013 K 50 631-61-8 5 kg jr 235420013 P 50 631-61-8 50 kg pd POR75323 K 02 631-61-8 AMMONIUM ACETATE FOR HPLC 250 g b 41954930 K 01 631-61-8 AMMONIUM ACETATE FOR 100 g bA 71754930 K 05 631-61-8 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 500 g bA 274721302 K 01 631-61-8 AMMONIUM ACETATE FOR ULC-MS 100 g bA 3345

    ygroscopic (In Aluminium pouch packing)37141 K 05 631-61-8 AMMONIUM ADIPATE 500 g pb 52087141 K 05 3385-41-9 AMMONIUM ADIPATE AR 500 g pb 55687141 K 50 3385-41-9 5 kg jr 4870

    AMMONIUM ALUM EPSee Aluminium ammonium

    sulphate 12 hydrate EP (See 37070)

    AMMONIUM ALUM ARSee Aluminium ammonium

    sulphate AR (See 20007)


    See Aluminium ammonium

    sulphate 12 hydrate EP (See 37070)


    See Aluminium ammonium

    sulphate 12 hydrate AR (See 20007)

    See Ammonium hydrogen carbonate EP (See 37170)

    AMMONIUM AMIDOSULPHONATESee Ammonium sulphamate (See 37201)

    AMMONIUM AMIDOSULPHONATE ARSee Ammonium sulphamate AR (See 20811)


    See Ammonium hydrogen carbonate EP (See 37170 )


    See Ammonium hydrogen carbonate AR (See 20302)

    AMMONIUM BICHROMATE EPSee Ammonium dichromate EP (See 37159)

    AMMONIUM BICHROMATE ARSee Ammonium dichromate AR (See 20019)


    See Ammonium hydrogen difluoride Pract (See 37172)

    37965 K 01 31886-41-6 AMMONIUM BISMUTH CITRATE 100 g pb 1599(FOR MICROBIOLOGY)

    37145 K 05 12124-97-9 AMMONIUM BROMIDE EP 500 g pb 67937145 P 50 12124-97-9 50 kg pd POR20014 K 05 12124-97-9 AMMONIUM BROMIDE AR,ACS 500 g pb 976

    meets analytical specification of B P,Ph.Eur37147 K 05 506-87-6 AMMONIUM CARBONATE PURIFIED 500 g pb 265

    37147 K 50 506-87-6 5 kg jr 199837147 P 50 506-87-6 50 kg pd POR20015 K 05 506-87-6 AMMONIUM CARB ONATE AR,ACS 500 g pb 384

    meets analytical specif ication o f USP-NF75324 K 02 506-87-6 AMMONIUM CARB ONATE FOR HPLC 250 g b 38737963 K 01 16774-21-3 AMMONIUM CERIC NITRATE 100 g b 1204

    (ceric ammonium nitrate)

    20016 K 01 16774-21-3 AMMONIUM CERIC NITRATE AR 100 g b 1270(ceric ammonium nitrate AR)

    29826 L 05 16774-21-3 AMMONIUM CERIC 500 ml b 628

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    NITRATE N/20 SOLN.(ceric ammonium nitrate N/20 soln.)

    37148 K 01 10378-47-9 AMMONIUM CERIC SULPHATE 100 g b 198037148 K 05 10378-47-9 (ceric ammonium sulphate) 500 g b 714020376 K 01 10378-47-9 AMMONIUM CERIC SULPHATE AR 100 g b 206020376 K 05 10378-47-9 (ceric ammonium sulphate AR) 500 g b 779337149 K 05 12125-02-9 AMMONIUM CHLORIDE EP 500 g pb 22737149 K 10 12125-02-9 1 kg jr 41837149 K 50 12125-02-9 5 kg jr 163837149 P 50 12125-02-9 50 kg pd POR

    20017IP F 50 12125-02-9 AMMONIUM CHLORIDE IP 50 kg pd POR20017 K 05 12125-02-9 AMMONIUM CHLORIDE AR.ACS,ISO 500 g pb 30020017 K 50 12125-02-9 meets analytical specification of IP,BP,USP,Ph.Eur 5 kg jr 246220017 P 50 12125-02-9 50 kg pd POR37153 K 05 3458-72-8 tri-AMMONIUM CITRATE EP 500 g pb 82637153 P 25 3458-72-8 25 kg pd POR20301 K 05 3458-72-8 tri-AMMONIUM CITRATE AR 500 g pb 87520301 P 25 3458-72-8 25 kg pd POR37159 K 05 7789-09-5 AMMONIUM DICHROMATE EP 500 g pb 78137159 K 10 7789-09-5 (ammonium bichromate ammonium pyrochromate) 1 kg pb 147137159 K 50 7789-09-5 5 kg jr 661637159 P 50 7789-09-5 50 kg pd POR20019 K 05 2151163 AMMONIUM DICHROMATE AR 500 g pb 810

    (ammonium bichromate ammonium pyrochromate)

    37161 K 05 7722-76-1 AMMONIUM DIHYDROGEN 500 g pb 39737161 K 50 7722-76-1 ORTHOPHOSPHATE EP 5 kg jr 368237161 P 50 7722-76-1 (ammonium phosphate monobasic) 50 kg pd POR20020 K 05 7722-76-1 AMMONIUM DIHYDROGEN 500 g pb 49020020 K 50 7722-76-1 ORTHOPHOSPHATE AR,ACS 5 kg jr 432620020 P 50 7722-76-1 (ammonium phosphate monobasic ) 50 kg pd POR75333 K 05 7722-76-1 AMMONIUM DIHYDROGEN 500 g pb 1164

    ORTHOPHOSPHATE FOR HPLC(ammonium phosphate monobasic)

    37163 K 05 1185-57-5 AMMONIUM FERRIC CITRATE 500 g b 44337163 P 25 1185-57-5 ammonium iron (III) citrate 25 kg pd POR

    meets analytical specification of IP37164 K 05 7783-83-7 AMMONIUM FERRIC SULPHATE EP *500 g bT 32637164 P 25 7783-83-7 *(4 bottles in thermocole box) 25 kg pd POR


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    See Ammonium molybdate AR (See 20028)

    di -AMMONIUM HEXA- NITRATOCERATE (IV)See Ammonium ceric nitrate (See 37963)

    di -AMMONIUM HEXANITRATO- CERATE (IV) ARSee Ammonium ceric nitrate AR (See 20016)

    di -AMMONIUM HEXANITRATO- CERATE (IV) N/20 SOLN.See Ammonium ceric nitrate N/20 soln (See 29826)

    37170 K 05 1066-33-7 AMMONIUM HYDROGEN CARBONATE EP 500 g b 20837170 K 10 1066-33-7 (ammonium bicarbonate EP) (See 37170) 1 kg jr 38237170 K 50 1066-33-7 5 kg jr 137437170 P 50 1066-33-7 50 kg pd POR20302 K 05 1066-33-7 AMMONIUM HYDROGEN CARBONATE AR 500 g b 38220302 P 50 1066-33-7 (ammonium bicarbonate ) (See 20302) 50 kg pd POR

    meets analytical specification of B P,Ph.Eur37172 K 05 1341-49-7 AMMONIUM HYDROGEN DIFLUORIDE PRACT 500 g pb 60337172 K 25 1341-49-7 (ammonium bifluoride pract) 2.5 kg jr 274237172 P 50 1341-49-7 50 kg pd POR37173 K 05 7783-28-0 di-AMMONIUM HYDROGEN ORTHOPHOSPHATE EP 500 g pb 40737173 K 50 7783-28-0 (ANHYDROUS) 5 kg jr 379937173 P 50 7783-28-0 (ammonium phosphate dibasic EP) 50 kg pd POR

    20025 K 05 7783-28-0


    AR,ACS 500 g pb 45120025 P 50 7783-28-0 (ammonium phosphate dibasic) 50 kg pd POR

    meets analytical specif ication o f USP-NF

    AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE ABT. 30%See Ammonia soln. abt. 30% (See 37139)

    AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE ABT. 30% ARSee Ammonia soln. abt. 30% AR (See 20440)

    AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE ABT. 25% EPSee Ammonia soln. abt. 25% EP (See 37140)

    AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE ABT. 25% ARSee Ammonia soln. abt. 25% AR (See 20011)

    AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE FOR HPLC CONCENTRATION IN WATER ~10%See Ammonia soln. For HPLC concentration in

    water ~10%(See 29006)


    20352 G 50 12027-06-4 AMMONIUM IODIDE AR,ACS 50 g bA 292120352 K 02 12027-06-4 250 g bA 13942

    AMMONIUM IRON (III) CITRATESee Ammonium ferric citrate (See 37163)

    AMMONIUM IRON (III) SULPHATE 12 HYDRATE EPSee Ammonium ferric sulphate EP (See 37164)

    AMMONIUM IRON (III) SULPHATE 12 HYDRATE ARSee Ammonium ferric sulphate AR (See 20021)


    SULPHATE 6 HYDRATE EPSee Ammonium ferrous sulphate EP (See 37166 )

    AMMONIUM IRON (II) SULPHATE 6 HYDRATE ARSee Ammonium ferrous sulphate AR (See 20022)

    di-AMMONIUM IRON (II) SULPHATE 6 HYDRATE EPSee Ammonium ferrous sulphate EP (See 37166)


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    See Ammonium ferrous sulphate AR (See 20022 )

    37186 K 01 7803-55-6 AMMONIUM METAVANADATE PURE 100 g pb 103137186 K 05 7803-55-6 (ammonium monovanadate) 500 g pb 490220027 K 01 7803-55-6 AMMONIUM METAVANADATE AR,ACS 100 g pb 136320027 K 05 7803-55-6 (ammonium monovanadate) 500 g pb 5495

    Meets Analytical Specificatio n of Ph.Eur.37187 K 01 12054-85-2 AMMONIUM MOLYBDATE EP 100 g pb 117937187 K 02 12054-85-2 (ammonium heptamolybdate) 250 g pb 287937187 K 05 12054-85-2 500 g pb 544337187 K 10 12054-85-2 1 kg pb 947320028 K 01 12054-85-2 AMMONIUM MOLYBDATE AR 100 g pb 141920028 K 02 12054-85-2 (ammonium heptamolybdate AR) 250 g pb 340220028 K 05 12054-85-2 500 g pb 570520028 K 10 12054-85-2 1 kg pb 10536

    AMMONIUM MONOVANADATE PURESee Ammonium metavanadatepure (See 37186)

    AMMONIUM MONOVANADATE ARSee Ammonium metavanadate AR (See 20027)

    37189 K 05 7785-20-8 AMMONIUM NICKEL SUL PHATE EP 500 g pb 2316di-ammonium nickel (II) sulphate hexahydrate

    20029 K 05 785-20-8 AMMONIUM NICK EL SULPHATE AR 500 g b 3981di-ammonium nickel (II) sulphate hexahydrate AR

    di-AMMONIUM NICKEL (II) SULPHATE HEXAHYDRATE EPSee Ammonium nickel sulphate EP (See 37189)

    di-AMMONIUM NICKEL (II) SULPHATEHEXAHYDRATE ARSee Ammonium nickel sulphate AR (See 20029 )

    37192 K 05 6009-70-7 AMMONIUM OXAL ATE PURIFIED 500 g pb 34837192 K 50 6009-70-7 5 kg jr 251037192 P 50 6009-70-7 50 kg pd POR20031 K 05 6009-70-7 AMMONIUM OXALATE AR 500 g pb 43820031 P 50 6009-70-7 50 kg pd POR37194 K 05 12007-89-5 AMMONIUM PENTABORATE 500 g pb 13887194 K 05 12007-89-5 AMMONIUM PENTABORATE AR 500 g pb 176

    AMMONIUM PEROXYDISULPHATE EPSee Ammonium persulphate EP (See 37195)

    AMMONIUM PEROXYDISULPHATE ARSee Ammonium persulphate AR (See 20032)


    37195 K 05 7727-54-0 AMMONIUM PERSULPHATE EP 500 g pb 30137195 K 50 7727-54-0 (ammonium peroxydisulphate ) 5 kg jr 255537195 P 50 7727-54-0 50 kg pd POR20032 K 05 7727-54-0 AMMONIUM PERSULPHATE AR,ACS 500 g pb 33820032 K 50 7727-54-0 (ammonium peroxydisulphate) 5 kg jr 312520032 P 50 7727-54-0 50 kg pd POR54931 K 01 7727-54-0 AMMONIUM PERSULPHATE FOR MOLECULAR

    BIOLOGY 100 g bA 1196

    54931 K 05 7727-54-0 500 g bA 3464AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE DIBASIC EP

    See di-Ammonium hydrogen

    orthophosphate EP (See 37173)

    AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE DIBASIC ARSee di-Ammonium hydrogen

    orthophosphate AR (See 20025)


    orthophosphate EP (See 37161)


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    orthophosphate AR (See 20025)


    orthophosphate for HPLC (See 75333)

    AMMONIUM PURPURATESee Murexide (See 37197)

    AMMONIUM PURPURATE ARSee Murexide AR (See 87197)

    AMMONIUM PYROCHROMATE EPSee Ammonium dichromate EP (See 37159)

    AMMONIUM PYROCHROMATE ARSee Ammonium dichromate AR (See 20019)

    73008 G 10 5108-96-3 AMMONIUM PYRROLIDINE DITHIOCARBAMATE AR 10 g vA 99973008 G 25 5108-96-3 (pyrrolidinecarbodithioic acid ammonium salt , 25 g bA 1968(0-8C) ammonium teteramethylene dithiocarbamate )

    20888 G 10 13573-16-5 AMMONIUM REINECKATE AR 10 g vA 211120888 G 25 13573-16-5 (Reinecke salt) 25 g bA 425937201 K 05 7773-06-0 AMMONIUM SULPHAMATE 500 g pb 43837201 K 50 7773-06-0 (ammonium amidosulphonate) 5 kg jr 349737201 P 25 7773-06-0 25 kg pd POR20811 K 01 7773-06-0 AMMONIUM SUL PHAMATE AR,ACS 100 g pb 25120811 K 05 7773-06-0 (ammonium amidosulphonate) 500 g pb 87537202 K 05 7783-20-2 AMMONIUM SULPHATE PURIFIED 500 g pb 18537202 K 10 7783-20-2 1 kg pb 34037202 K 50 7783-20-2 5 kg jr 127537202 P 50 7783-20-2 50 kg pd POR20033 K 05 7783-20-2 AMMONIUM SULPHATE AR,ACS 500 g pb 22020033 K 50 7783-20-2 5 kg jr 162520033 P 50 7783-20-2 50 kg pd POR


    See Ammonium thiocyanate crystal EP (See 37206)

    AMMONIUM SULPHOCYANATE ARSee Ammonium thiocyanate AR (See 20036)

    37205 K 05 3164-29-2 AMMONIUM (+) TARTRATE 500 g b 134120035 K 05 3164-29-2 AMMONIUM (+) TARTRATE AR 500 g b 1624


    See Ammonium pyrrolidine

    dithiocarbamate AR (See 73008 )

    37206 K 05 1762-95-4 AMMONIUM THIOCYANATE CRYSTALS EP 500 g b 49237206 K 50 1762-95-4 (ammonium sulphocyanatec crystals EP) 5 kg jr 449737206 P 50 1762-95-4 50 kg pd POR20036 K 05 1762-95-4 AMMONIUM THIOCYANATE AR,ACS,ISO 500 g b 67020036 K 50 1762-95-4 (ammonium sulphocyanate) 5 kg jr 549520036 P 50 1762-95-4 50 kg pd POR54010 M 10 1397-89-3 AMPHOTERICINE - B 100 mg vA 99954010 M 50 1397-89-3 500 mg vA 4636


    AMPYRONESee 4-Aminoantipyrine (See 37128)

    36267 L 05 123-92-2 AMYL ACETATE (ISO) PRACT 500 ml b 55136267 L 25 123-92-2 2.5 L b 247936267 S 25 123-92-2 25 L pd POR37211 L 05 123-92-2 AMYL ACETATE (ISO) PURIFIED 500 ml b 70637211 L 25 123-92-2 2.5 L Ib 307737211 S 25 123-92-2 25 L pd POR

    n-AMYL ALCOHOLSee Pentan-1-ol (See 39455)

    n-AMYLALCIHOL ARSee Pentan-1-ol AR (See 20390)

    37212 L 05 123-51-3 AMYL ALCOHOL (ISO) PURIFIED 500 ml pb 369

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    37212 L 25 123-51-3 (FOR SYNTHESIS AND MILK TESTING) 2.5 L pb 152037212 S 25 123-51-3 25 L pd POR37212 S 99 123-51-3 200 L ms POR20038 L 05 123-51-3 AMYL ALCOHOL (ISO) AR 500 ml b 115020038 L 25 123-51-3 2.5 L Ib 480937214 L 01 75-85-4 tert -AMYL ALCOHOL 100 ml b 40637214 L 05 75-85-4 (2-methyl-2-butanol, 500 ml pb 99937214 L 25 75-85-4 tert -pentyl alcohol, dimethyl ethyl carbinol) 2.5 L pb 4058


    20914 L 01 75-85-4 tert -AMYL ALCOHOL AR 100 ml b 74920914 L 05 75-85-4 (2-methyl-2-butanol, 500 ml b 168620914 L 25 75-85-4 tert -pentyl alcohol, dimethyl ethyl carbinol) 2.5 L Ib 6744

    a-AMYLASESee Diastase (See 49013)

    n-AMYL BROMIDESee 1-Bromopentane (See 37477)

    56199 L 05 4180-23-8 trans -ANETHOLE 500 ml b 249956199 L 25 4180-23-8 anethole, 1-methoxy-4-(1-propenyl)benzene 2.5 L Ib 11113


    ANEURIN HYDROCHLORIDESee Thiamine hydrochloride (See 54005)

    37226 L 05 62-53-3 ANILINE 500 ml b 50837226 L 25 62-53-3 ( FOR SYNTHESIS ) 2.5 L b 228620041 L 05 62-53-3 ANILINE AR 500 ml b 63120041 L 25 62-53-3 2.5 L Ib 271544003 G 25 28983-56-4 ANILINE BLUE DIAMMONIUM SALT (M.S.) 25 g bA 319537229 K 02 142-04-1 ANILINE HYDROCHLORIDE 250 g pb 61937229 K 05 142-04-1 (FOR SYNTHESIS) 500 g pb 116237230 K 02 542-16-5 ANILINE SULPHATE 250 g pb 68737230 K 05 542-16-5 500 g pb 1224

    ANION EXCHANGE RESINSSee Amberlite resins (See 65001)

    See Indion resins (See 65239)

    37231 L 02 123-11-5 ANISALDEHYDE EP 99% 250 ml bT 96937231 L 10 123-11-5 (p -anisaldehyde EP , 1 L IT 343537231 L 25 123-11-5 4-Methoxy benzaldehyde EP) 2.5 L IT 8740



    See 3-Methoxybenzaldehyde

    (for synthesis) (See 39195)

    p -ANISALDEHYDE EPSee Anisaldehyde EP (See 37231)

    m -ANISIC ACIDm-Methoxybenzoic acid (See 56112)

    p -ANISIC ACID4-Methoxybenzoic acid (See 56145)

    37233 L 02 90-04-0 o-ANISIDINE 250 ml b 56337233 L 05 90-04-0 (o-aminoanisole, 2-methoxyamilne) 500 ml b 99937233 L 25 90-04-0 (FOR SYNTHESIS) 2.5 L Ib 399656242 L 01 536-90-3 m -ANISIDINE 100 ml b 2242

    (3-methoxyaniline, 3-aminoanisole,

    3-aminophenyl methyl ether)


    37235 K 02 104-94-9 p-ANISIDINE 250 g b 55637235 K 05 104-94-9 (p- aminoanisole, 4-methoxyaniline) 500 g b 1087


    37237 L 05 100-66-3 ANISOLE EP 500 ml b 67037237 L 25 100-66-3 (methoxybenzene) 2.5 L Ib 3098



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    See 4-Methoxybenzoyl chloride (See 56172)

    37240 K 01 120-12-7 ANTHRACENE (BLUE 100 g pb 981

    37240 K 05 120-12-7 FLUORESCENCE) PURE 97% (sui table as a reagent) 500 g pb 4371

    24611 G 25 120-12-7 ANTHRACENE 25 g bA 122424611 K 01 120-12-7 SCINTILLATION GRADE 100 g bA 499437243 K 05 84-65-1 ANTHRAQUINONE 500 g jr 999


    87246 G 10 90-44-8 ANTHRONE AR,ACS 10 g v 40887246 G 25 90-44-8 25 g b 866

    37248 K 05 7440-36-0 ANTIMONY (METAL ) POWDER 500 g pb 530237249 K 01 7440-36-0 ANTIMONY (METAL ) LUMPS 100 g pb 102624045 L 05 N.A.


    500 ml pb 3229

    ''CERTISOL'' 1000mg/L in NITRIC ACID


    125 ml pb 6784

    ''CERTISOL'' 1000mg/L in NITRIC ACIDANTIMONY (III) CHLORIDE CRYSTALS PURESee Antimony trichloride crystals pure (See 37258)

    ANTIMONY (III) CHLORIDE ARSee Antimony trichloride AR (See 20043)


    See Antimony trioxide (See 37261)ANTIMONY POTASSIUM OXIDE (+) TARTARATESee Antimony potassium (+) tartrate (See 37253 )

    37253 K 02 28300-74-5 ANTIMONY POTASSIUM (+) 250 g pb 82537253 K 05 28300-74-5 TARTRATE 500 g pb 1607

    - - ,potassium antimony (+) tartarate)

    36019 K 05 1345-04-6 ANTIMONY SULPHIDE BLACK 500 g pb 283137258 K 02 10025-91-9 ANTIMONY TRICHLORIDE 250 g b 136137258 K 05 10025-91-9 CRYSTALS PURE 500 g b 256037258 P 25 10025-91-9 antimony (III) chloride crystals pure 25 kg pd POR20043 K 02 10025-91-9 ANTIMONY TRICHLORIDE AR,ACS 250 g b 147920043 K 05 10025-91-9 antimony (III) chloride AR 500 g b 2791

    37261 K 05 1309-64-4 ANTIMONY TRIOXIDE 500 g pb 269737261 K 10 1309-64-4 (antimony (III) oxide) 1 kg pb 536237261 P 50 1309-64-4 50 kg pd POR39470 K 01 60-80-0 ANTIPYRINE 100 g pb 99939470 K 02 60-80-0 (phenazone) 250 g pb 218739470 K 05 60-80-0 500 g pb 399681001 L 01 N.A. APRICOT FLAVOUR (FLV 0101) 100 ml b 907


    54511 M G5 9087-70-1 APROTININ FROM BOVINE LUNG 5 mg vA 1874(0-8C) Activity Min 5400 KIU/mg


    D (+) ARABINITOLSee D(+) Arabitol (See 48066)


    See L(-) Arabitol (See 48065 )98007 G 05 10323-20-3 D (-) ARABINOSE AR 5 g v 74498007 G 10 10323-20-3 10 g v 133898007 G 25 10323-20-3 25 g bA 324748008 G 10 5328-37-0 L (+) ARABINOSE 10 g v 50048008 G 25 5328-37-0 25 g bA 999

    48066 G 01 488-82-4 D (+) ARABITOL 1 g v 62548066 G 05 488-82-4 D (+) arabinitol 5 g vA 249948066 G 25 488-82-4 25 g bA 10614

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    48065 G 01 7643-75-6 L (-) ARABITOL 1 g v 174948065 G 05 7643-75-6 L (-) arabinitol 5 g vA 680548065 G 25 7643-75-6 25 g bA 3333747190 G 25 74-79-3 L - ARGININE (BASE) CHR 25 g bA 39147190 K 01 74-79-3 (FOR BIOCHEMISTRY) 100 g bA 131247190 K 05 74-79-3 500 g bA 611947016 G 25 1119-34-2 L-ARGININE MONOHYDROCHLORIDE 25 g b 40547016 K 01 1119-34-2 (FOR BIOCHEMISTRY) 100 g bA 143647016 K 05 1119-34-2 500 g bA 517073010 G 01 520-10-5 ARSENAZO I AR 1 g v 38773010 G 05 520-10-5 (neothorone) 5 g bA 99973010 G 25 520-10-5 25 g bA 474673011 G 05 62337-00-2 ARSENAZO III AR 5 g bA 501473011 G 10 62337-00-2 10 g bA 9959


    100 ml pb 2956


    ''CERTISOL'' 1000mg/L in NITRIC ACID


    ''CERTISOL'' 1000mg/L in NITRIC ACIDdi-ARSENIC TRIOXIDE PRACTSee Arsenic trioxide Pract (See 37274)

    37274 K 05 1327-53-3 ARSENIC TRIOXIDE PRACT 500 g pb 398ARSENOUS OXIDE PRACTSee Arsenic trioxide Pract (See 37274)

    43014 K 01 1334-28-1 ASBESTOS FOR GOOCH 100 g pb 26343014 K 05 1334-28-1 CRUCIBLES 500 g jr 99449130 U 20 9029-44-1 ASCORBATE OXIDASE f rom Cucurb ita sp. 2000 uni t vA 4994

    - , ~ -

    (Ascorbase, L-ascorbate: oxygen oxidoreductase)

    54006 G 05 50-81-7 L-ASCORBIC ACID 5 g v 9754006 K 01 50-81-7 (vitamin C) 100 g b 60254006 K 05 50-81-7 (FOR BIOCHEMISTRY) 500 g b 262854006 K 50 50-81-7 5 kg jr 1922920303 G 05 50-81-7 L-ASCORBIC ACID AR,ACS 5 g v 10820303 K 01 50-81-7 (vitamin C AR) 100 g pb 732

    20303 K 05 50-81-7 (FOR BIOCHEMISTRY) 500 g pb 3423meets analytical specification o f IP,BP,USP,Ph.EurASCORBIC ACID SODIUM SALTSee Sodium L(+) ascorbate ( See 54219)

    47020 G 25 70-47-3 L-ASPARAGINE 25 g b 33147020 K 01 70-47-3 MONOHYDRATE CHR 100 g b 109147020 K 05 70-47-3 (FOR BIOCHEMISTRY) 500 g bA 517247020 K 10 70-47-3 1 kg jr 1031547021 G 25 617-45-8 DL-ASPARTIC ACID 25 g b 29547021 K 01 617-45-8 (FOR BIOCHEMISTRY) 100 g b 68747021 K 05 617-45-8 500 g b 274747022 G 25 56-84-8 L-ASPARTIC ACID CHR 25 g b 21347022 K 01 56-84-8 (FOR BIOCHEMISTRY) 100 g b 50047022 K 05 56-84-8 500 g b 1338

    47022 K 10 56-84-8 1 kg pb 264737277 G 05 5908-99-6 ATROPINE SULPHATE PURE 5 g v 118837277 G 25 5908-99-6 meet s analyt ical s pecif icat ion of IP,BP,USP,Ph.Eur 25 g bA 563744095 G 25 2465-27-2 AURAMINE (M.S.) 25 g b 23544095 K 01 2465-27-2 (4,4-Bis(dimethylamino) benzophenonimide hydrochloride) 100 g b 819


    AURINESee p-Rosolic acid (See 44218 )


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    ACID AMMONIUM SALTSee Aluminon (See 73007)



    44098 G 25 3734-67-6 AZOPHLOXINE 25 g b 23544098 K 01 3734-67-6 acid red 1 C.I. 18050 100 g b 701


    See 4-(4-Nitrophenylazo)-1-resorcinol AR (See 73087)

    44100 G 10 531-53-3 AZUR A (M.S.) 10 g v 35744100 G 25 531-53-3 (C.I.52005) 25 g bA 72644100 K 10 531-53-3 1 kg jr 2513544208 G 05 531-55-5 AZUR B (M.S.) 5 g bA 46844208 G 25 531-55-5 (C.I.52010) 25 g bA 146244208 K 10 531-55-5 1 kg jr 4220344005 G 05 531-55-5 AZUR I (M.S.) 5 g b 16444005 G 10 531-55-5 10 g b 30444005 K 10 531-55-5 1 kg jr 1870644006 G 10 37247-10-2 AZUR II (M.S.) 10 g b 25844006 G 25 37247-10-2 (C.I.52005) 25 g b 46844006 K 10 37247-10-2 1 kg jr 1636644007 G 25 53092-85-6 AZUR II EOSIN (M.S.) 25 g b 269

    BHASee Butylated hydroxyanisol See 37515)

    BHTSee Butylated hydroxytoluene See 38067)

    BALSAM CANADA NATURAL)(For microscopy)

    See Canada balsam natural (See 46004)

    37284 G 25 67-52-7 BARBITURIC ACID 25 g b 31337284 K 01 67-52-7 (FOR SYNTHESIS) 100 g b 87537284 K 05 67-52-7 500 g bA 3497

    87284 G 25 67-52-7 BARBITURIC ACID AR 25 g b 43887284 K 01 67-52-7 100 g b 1312


    ''CERTISOL'' 1000mg/L in NITRIC ACID


    37286 K 05 543-80-6 BARIUM ACETATE 500 g pb 63120045 K 05 543-80-6 BARIUM ACETATE AR 500 g pb 121637287 K 05 7791-28-8 BARIUM BROMIDE EP 500 g pb 140237288 K 05 513-77-9 BARIUM CARBONATE 500 g pb 53437288 K 50 513-77-9 5 kg jr 4753

    37288 P 50 513-77-9 50 kg pd POR20046 K 05 513-77-9 BARIUM CARBONATE AR 500 g pb 184837290 K 05 10326-27-9 BARIUM CHLORIDE DIHYDRATE EP 500 g pb 24237290 K 50 10326-27-9 5 kg jr 193737290 P 50 10326-27-9 50 kg pd POR20047 K 05 10326-27-9 BARIUM CHLORIDE DIHYDRATE AR 500 g pb 27620047 K 50 10326-27-9 5 kg jr 251037291 K 05 10294-40-3 B ARIUM CHROMATE 500 g pb 1463

    BARIUM DIOXIDESee Barium peroxide (See 37302)

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    80008 G 05 6211-24-1 BARIUM DIPHENYLAMINE SULPHONATE AR 5 g v 34080008 G 25 6211-24-1 25 g b 90837295 K 05 12230-71-6 BARIUM HYDROXIDE OCTAHYDRATE PURIFIED 500 g b 24237295 K 50 12230-71-6 5 kg jr 181937295 P 50 12230-71-6 50 kg pd POR20827 K 05 12230-71-6 BARIUM HYDROXIDE OCTAHYDRATE AR 500 g b 235437299 K 05 10022-31-8 BARIUM NITRATE PURIFIED 500 g pb 23237299 K 50 10022-31-8 5 kg jr 176637299 P 50 10022-31-8 50 kg pd POR20049 K 05 10022-31-8 B ARIUM NITRATE AR 500 g pb 28037302 K 05 1304-29-6 BARIUM PEROXIDE 500 g t 1193

    (barium dioxide)

    (Oxidising agent in organic synthesis)

    37305 K 05 7727-43-7 BARIUM SULPHATE PURIFIED 500 g pb 32137305 P 50 7727-43-7 50 kg pd POR

    87303IP D 05 13465-95-7 BARIUM SULPHATE IP 500 g pb 35387303 K 05 7727-43-7 BARIUM SULPHATE AR 500 g pb 50287303 P 50 7727-43-7 meets analyt ical specif icat ion of IP,BP,USP,Ph.Eur 50 kg pd POR

    BASIC BROWN 1 (For microscopy)See Bismark brown R (M.S.) (See 44010 )

    BASIC BROWN 4See Bismark brown Y (G) (See 44104)

    BASIC FUCHSIN (M.S.)See Fuchsin basic (M.S.) (See 44032)

    73146 M 10 4733-39-5 BATHOCUPROIN AR 99% 100 mg vA 325


    73155 M 10 52698-84-7 BATHOCUPROIN DISULPHONIC ACID 100 mg vA 87573155 M 50 52698-84-7 DISODIUM SALT AR 98.5% 500 mg vA 274720416 M 10 1662-01-7 BATHOPHENANTHROLINE AR 99.5% 100 mg vA 21420416 M 25 1662-01-7 (4,7-Diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline) 250 mg vA 48120416 G 01 1662-01-7 1 g vA 162473057 M 25 52746-49-3 BATHOPHENANTHROLINE DISULPHONIC ACID 250 mg vA 438



    BCIGSee 5-Bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl b-D-

    galactopyranoside (See 54504)

    43031 K 05 N.A. BEEF EXTRACT (BACTO) POWDER 500 g b 1651(lab lemco)

    43017 K 05 8012-89-3 BEESWAX 500 g pb 784(FOR HISTOLOGY)

    33004 L 05 N.A. BENEDICT'S REAGENT 500 ml b 17233004 L 50 N.A. (QUALITATIVE) 5 L pc 94733005 L 05 N.A. BENEDICT'S REAGENT 500 ml b 295


    36022 K 05 1302-78-9 BENTONITE POWDER 500 g pb 34336022 P 25 1302-78-9 (aluminium silicate hydrate) 25 kg pd POR56261 K 05 122-57-6 BENZALACETONE 500 g b 925

    (benzylidieneacetone, methyl styryl ketone,



    37310 L 05 100-52-7 BENZALDEHYDE 500 ml pb 50537310 L 25 100-52-7 (benzenecarbaldehyde) 2.5 L pb 2553


    20050 L 05 100-52-7 BENZALDEHYDE AR 500 ml b 60920050 L 25 100-52-7 (benzenecarbaldehyde) 2.5 L Ib 2403


    See 2-Formylbenzenesulphonic

    acid sodium salt (See 38431)

    66004 L 05 8001-54-5 BENZALKONIUM CHLORIDE 50% 500 ml pb 427

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    66004 L 50 8001-54-5 5 L pc 312466004 S 25 8001-54-5 25 L pd POR37311 K 05 55-21-0 BENZAMIDE 500 g pb 1031


    37312 K 01 93-98-1 BENZANILIDE 100 g pb 82937312 K 05 93-98-1 (FOR SYNTHESIS) 500 g pb 313737315 L 05 71-43-2 BENZENE EP 500 ml b 35837315 L 10 71-43-2 (CRYSTALLIZABLE) 1 L b 64137315 L 25 71-43-2 (FOR SYNTHESIS) 2.5 L b 153837315 S 25 71-43-2 25 L gi POR20051 L 05 71-43-2 BENZENE AR 500 ml b 48120051 L 10 71-43-2 (CRYSTALLIZABLE) 1 L b 80820051 L 25 71-43-2 2.5 L b 170910051 L 10 74-43-2 BENZENE EL 1 L b 53824607 L 10 71-43-2 BENZENE SCINTILLATION GRADE 1 L b 53825235 L 05 71-43-2 BENZENE FOR HPLC & SPECTROSCOPY 50