Prezi script


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Prezi script:

(On slide one a picture of our product, name, packaging and our names)

Lucy- Hello, we are Lucy, Isaac and Tom. As a group we decided that chewing gum would be the best

product to design. We started with some simple ideas and developed them as we began to think of

more individual and unique designs. One of our original favourite names was ‘YOWZA’ however we

decided that ‘HOCUS POCUS’ was a better name and we chose this to be our final name. When we

had designed our packaging we chose a simple slogan that clearly states the obvious of our product.

We chose to go with ‘its magic’.

‘This is our final design’

Isaac- The reason we chose Hocus Pocus to be our final name is because our product is aimed at

younger generations however we thought that the name would not rule out older children either.

We believed that Hocus Pocus was a grasping name and it would get people thinking about our

product and what it contains. We also chose the slogan for similar ideas, mainly because the simple

words ‘Its Magic’ gets people thinking about why our product is magic.

Tom- We all individually looked at existing chewing gums to help with designing of our packaging.

The gums we looked at were Wrigley’s, 5 gum and Eclipse. From looking at these chewing gums we

found that mint flavoured gum seems to be the norm so we decided to change it up and add in

exciting flavours. Sticking with the magic theme we decided that purple was most appropriate

therefore we chose purple related flavours such as blackberry, blueberry and blackcurrant. When we

were looking at the slogans of our existing products we found that they were all simple and to the

point therefore we decided to keep ours simple and to the point as well.

Lucy- I chose to design the magazine poster for our product. I put it in the ‘We love pop’ magazine

because of our target audience. I also looked at most popular read magazines for the appropriate

age and found that this was one of them. I designed the page with a cauldron to keep the theme of


Isaac- I designed the web banner for our product, I didn’t want to complicate the design so I simply

incorporated a darker banner around ‘Hocus Pocus’ and added our web address, I also added a small

simple quote to get people interested in our product ‘The new., magical chewing gum, coming to

stores near you’. The website banner will pop up on sites on the internet such as Google home page,

Facebook and twitter.

Tom- I chose to design the bus/train poster for our chewing gum. Overall I didn’t change much

because I wanted to keep it simple and simply add our website address.

Lucy- These are our marketing campaign ideas…

Isaac- we chose to place the chewing gum on the front desks near checkout so that it catches people

eye when they pay. We also placed it in the sweet isle because children will notice it when they beg

their parents to buy them sweets…

Tom- This is our T.V advert, in the making of our advert we have tried to incorporate the magic

theme as well as we could. Unfortunately we couldn’t use younger children but have substituted

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them as best as we could. We believe that the music we used fits our product perfectly. (brand
