PREVIOUS GNEWS. 8 Patches – 10 bugs addressed Affecting Project, Visio, DNS, GDI, Scripting,...


Transcript of PREVIOUS GNEWS. 8 Patches – 10 bugs addressed Affecting Project, Visio, DNS, GDI, Scripting,...


• 8 Patches – 10 bugs addressed

• Affecting Project, Visio, DNS, GDI, Scripting, Activex, IE, Windows

• Other updates, MSRT, Defender Definitions, Junk Mail Filter

• 8 Security Patches - 5 Critical, 3 Important– MS08-018 – Project - Remote Code Execution – MS08-019 – Visio - Remote Code Execution– MS08-020 – DNS - Spoofing– MS08-021 – GDI - Remote Code Execution– MS08-022 – VBScript / JScript - Remote Code Execution– MS08-023 – Update to Activex Kill Bits– MS08-024 – IE Cumulative update– MS08-025 – Kernel Update – Privilege Escalation

Holes / Patches

• Oracle Patches Scheduled for April 15th

• Apple Security Page has a new look

• Apple Patches released for– Safari 3.1– Bundle 2008-002, 46 patches affecting 90+ CVEs– AirPort Extreme Base Station Firmware 3.7.1– Digital Camera RAW Compatibility Update 2.0– QuickTime 7.4.5

• Unreleased iPhone already hacked

– disables boot loader firmware check

• 2 Vulns in Safari, 1 allows code execution

• 3 Vulns in Asterisk, 1 allows code execution

Hacking • P2P data leakage back in the news

• SCADA vulnerability database launched– Delphi, hosted by Wurldtech Security Technologies (closed


• Zone-H drops defacement archive?

• Facebook privacy enhancements used to gain access to private photos

• Opus Palladianum (OP) new secure browser– University of Illinois

• Kraken Botnet bigger than Storm

• Sans April Fools Wrap Up

Holes / Patches (more)

• IE 5 an 6 FTP Command Injection

• Vista SP1 gets bad reviews

• Windows 2008 vulnerabilities bypass security features– No details released

• Multiple vulnerabilities in Firefox, Thunderbird, and SeaMonky

• Multiple Vulnerabilities in Opera

• Wireshark, multiple DoS vulnerabilities (tftp, ldap, sccp, and more)

• Cisco ACS for Windows, BO in /securecgi-bin/CSUserCGI.exe

• Multiple vulnerabilities in Cisco IOS, memory leak, DoS

Corp. Hell• Peru begins teacher training for OLPC

• NVIDIA drivers bad for Vista– Reported cause for 28% of all crashes

• Sony / BMG sued for illegal software– PointDev system administration tools

• Feds ban IBM contracts / purchases– ‘concerns raised about potential activities involving an EPA


Film / Music

• New Futurama in June– ‘The Beast with a Billion Backs’

• Flat-Rate iTunes purchasing model?

• Canadian TV– CBC to use DRM free torrent distribution of primetime content

• RIAA Lawsuit– Includes provision to stop 'continuing to engage in criminal investigation

of private American citizens'

• Japanese ISP disconnect file sharers

• MI-5 wants Oyster Card data– British Public Transit Smart Card

• Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)– ‘the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 or H.R. 3773, relaxes the

requirement of emergency warrants’

• Click and go directly to jail– FBI Child Porn Dragnet uses fake links and ads to target would be



• SELinux build R080305

• Inguma (python pentest framework)

• Fwknop 1.9.2 (single packet auth)

• looking glass (malware / process analysis)

• Photoshop Express Beta (free photoshop)– complaints spawn rewrite of TOS

• OpenOffice 2.4

• Capture-HPC 2.1

• Wireshark 1.0

• freenet 0.7 (P2P)

• FireFox 3 beta 5

• ProxyStrike 1.0 (web app proxy)


• UK wants DNA of potential offenders, as young as 5

• Cat caught in dirty bomb scanner


CON Events

• Completed Cons– SOURCE Boston, 12 - 14 Mar / Boston MA– Black Hat Europe, 25 - 28 Mar / Amsterdam– CanSecWest 2008, 26 - 28 Mar / Vancouver BC– CarolinaCon 4, 28 - 29 Mar / Chapel Hill NC– Notacon 5, 4 - 6 Apr / Cleveland OH

• RECON announces CFP

CON Results

• Source – Source Boston videos on

• Source – symbiotic vs. parasitic computing

• BH Europe – Operation System Security Metric, “0-day patch rate”

• BH Europe – Paterva presentation

• BH Europe – Christopher Tarnovsky, smart card hacker

• BH Europe – BioLogger PoC released, biometric capture and hack

• CanSecWest – Pwn2Own, Mac via Safari, Vista via Adobe

• CanSecWest – Photos (not so much of the con)

CON Events

• Future Cons– USENIX Usability, Psychology, and Security 2007, 14

Apr / San Francisco CA– Hack In The Box, 14 - 17 Apr / Dubai– Trooper 08, 23 – 24 Apr / Munich – Infosecurity Europe 2008, 22 – 24 Apr / London– Interop, 27 Apr - 2 May / Las Vegas NV– Layerone, 17 – 18 May / Pasadena CA– DallasCon 2008, TBD / Dallas , TX– AusCERT 2008, 18 - 23 May / Gold Coast AU– HOPE 7, 18 - 20 July / New York NY

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