Presidency i

The Presidency



Transcript of Presidency i

  • 1. The Presidency

2. The Constitutional Powers of the Presidency
Most of the constitutional provisions
concerning the president and
executive power are to be found in
Article II, which demonstrates the
framers considerable ambivalence
about executive power.
Presidential powers combine those expressly stated in the Constitution, delegated powers, and powers inherent to executive leadership.
3. Commander in Chief
President is the head of the national military
Congress can declare war
1973 War Powers Act
4. Diplomatic Power
Recognize other countries
Executive Agreements
An agreement between the president and one or more other countries.
Does NOT require approval of the Senate.
Cannot supercede federal law.
5. Treaties and Executive Agreements
6. Two Presidencies?
Foreign vs. Domestic Affairs
President generally has more discretion in foreign affairs.
Congress approves
more foreign policy bills.
Post 9/11 changes versus economic meltdown
7. Legislative Power
Agenda setting
Role of popularity, mandate?
State of the Union
8. 9. Legislative Power
Agenda setting
But, not able to introduce bills
Role of popularity, mandate?
State of the Union
10. Veto Power
Negative power
Veto Threats
Overriding a veto
Requires 2/3 support in both houses
Line Item Veto
11. 12. Signing statements
Uncontroversial versus controversial
Innovation from the G.W. Bush presidency
Constitutionality of the Bush signing statement a backdoor pocket veto?
13. Obamas Position on Signing Statements
Campaign position
Instructions to check with Eric Holder
First signing statement 3/12/09
releasing him from five provisions of the spending bill
14. Are signing statements an appropriate expansion of presidential power?
15. The Organizational Presidency
Contemporary presidents sit atop complex and growing White House organizations as well as an ever-expanding executive branch.
16. 17. 18. Expanding White House Staff
The White House staff increased from fewer than 50 members in the 1930s to over 500 in contemporary White Houses.
Organizational elaboration within the White House increased specialization and expertise in the presidency.
19. Expanding Executive Branch
Growing executive administration empowers the president as the chief executive.
Presidents use appointment powers, executive reorganization, and executive orders to affect policy through executive action.
20. In recent years, presidents increasingly have made policy through executive orders that often direct executive branch officials and agencies to implement policies in accordance with the presidents policy preferences.
Executive orders are rules or regulations by the president that have the effect and formal status of legislation.
21. 22. Why Cared about Obamas First 100 Days?
The Honeymoon
Decreasing influence, increasing effectiveness
External factors
Internal factors
Does Obama meet or beat?
The assessment
A comedians version