Presented By : DIYA

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RESEARCH FINDINGS ON VEG & NON VEG DIET. Presented By : DIYA. Stomach and Small Intestine. Carnivores have short intestinal tracts and colons ---- meat to pass through it relatively quickly, before it has a chance to rot and cause illness. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Presented By : DIYA


  • Carnivores have short intestinal tracts and colons ---- meat to pass through it relatively quickly, before it has a chance to rot and cause illness.

    Humans, on the other hand, have intestinal tracts that are much longer than carnivores of comparable size.

    Like other herbivores, longer intestines allow the body more time to break down fiber and absorb the nutrients from a plant-based diet Stomach and Small IntestineIf the elders practice what they preach to the children, this world will become a heaven.

  • For good health, blood must be alkaline ( measured with Ph value- which is around 7.4 in human being)

    Which can be maintain with vegetable very easily. But due to meat it increases drastically

    To remove this extra acid from body extra load act on kidney and liver.

    Dont indulge in self praise. your good deeds will speak for themselves Meat: Delicious or Disgusting ????

  • Meat is polluted by Bacteria, Antibiotics, Harmon & Chemicals. Which is certainly not good for health.

    Fats and protein which is present in meats blocks the arteries.

    The non-vegetarian food is high in cholesterol.

    Uric acid in non-vegetarian food is harmful (causes joint pain in the age of 40-50 years)He alone lives a worthwhile life who has a cool head, warm blood, a loving heart &zest for life.Meat: Delicious or Disgusting ?

  • Non-vegetarian is the cause for several diseases:

    According to the WHO report non-vegetarian food causes 159 different types of diseases.

    The most common diseases caused due to it are heart diseases, high blood pressure, kidney problem, gall bladder problems, wounds in arteries, eczema, paralysis, tuberculosis, constipation, pains, arthritis, hysteria etc. in comparison to it the vegetarian food is totally harm less, beneficial and cures diseases.

    Meat: Delicious or Disgusting ????

  • Heart disease is the number one cause of death in America according to the American Heart Association, and medical experts agree that this ailment is the result of the consumption of animal products.

    We consume twice as much protein as we need when we eat a meat-based diet, and this leads to osteoporosis and kidney stones.

    According to one Danish study Eating meat can also have negative consequences for stamina.

    Not riches but nobility of character & honesty are the true touch stone of greatness.Meat: Delicious or Disgusting ????

  • The American Dietetic Association puts a strong stamp of approval for the vegetarian diets for all the lifestyles and stages of life.

    Vegetarian diets have come under strong consideration not only for health but also to save environment, as meat industry carries an order of higher carbon footprint than the vegetables.

    ScienceDaily (July 3, 2009) The American Dietetic Association has released an updated position paper on vegetarian diets.Bad effects on Health:Every aspect in life has its two sides- good and bad; we become the one we keep our focus on.

  • "Although we think we are one, and we act as if we are one, human beings are not natural carnivores. When we kill animals to eat them, they end up killing us because their flesh, which contains cholesterol and saturated fat, was never intended for human beings, who are natural herbivores."

    -- William C.Roberts, M.D., editor, American Journal of Cardiology The secret of longevity is not to eat until one is really hungry.

  • Meat: Delicious or Disgusting ????Share all you have with the needy so that no one feels deprived and neglected."In the next ten years, one of the things you're bound to hear is that animal one of the most toxic nutrients of all that can be considered." -- Dr. T. Colin Campbell, director of the Cornell-China-Oxford Project on Nutrition, Health, and the Environment.

  • Dr Hague in his famous book Diet and Food says: Power increases by vegetarian food and non-veg food increases excitement. Meat leads to addiction similar to any other intoxicating drugs. Therefore, those people who eat meat, have higher tendency towards suicide and mental illness because it leads to depression.

    US Dr Shirmate writes: Vegetarian people are rare victim of typhoid fever.

    Dr Clardson says: Those kids have non veg in their childhood; they grow to a lazy personality. For kids Vegetarian food is the best.

    As per Dr Menry Padro:Vegetarians are less likely to get sick compared to non-vegetarian.

    Non-veg is one of the major reasons for Cancer, Arthritis, Lever problems, Appendicitis etc.Bad effects on Health:If man can begins to reform himself, he can reform the world very well.

  • As per Dr H Chirtithan book Physiological Economy: It is absolute wrong that non veg has lots of protein. All the required proteins can be obtained from Vegetarian food.

    As per the research from Vegetarian Society of London done many vegetarian and non-vegetarian people shows that veggie people live longer life, they can do more work and are more intelligent as compare to non-veggies.

    According to Dr. Khar T Loder Braston non-vegetarian food does not give strength and instead makes us weak it produces nitrogen's, which functions like poison for the nerves.

    Dr. Arthur Underwood says that 85 per cent of the throat and intestines problems are due to non-vegetarian food. On contrary the vegetarian food contains substances, which can prevent cancer.Bad effects on Health:Begin each day a new and forgive yourself for yesterday

  • Meat is considered to be TAMSIK. (TAMSIK food increases restlessness and anger.)

    All the negative energy stored in the body of the animal comes along with the meat. And a person, who is consuming this, will get this along with the taste.

    At the time of kill, animal does not die at that moment, but dies after some time. This time is the worst time for this animal, and all the grievance of that animal come in a form of negative energy. How can a person afford to have this negative energy just for the sake of taste when he is striving for positive energy?

    Quality of food defines the quality of thoughtsBalance between judgment and actions is true wisdom.

  • Observations Unlike natural carnivores, we are physically and psychologically unable to rip animals limb from limb and eat and digest their raw flesh.

    Ask yourself: 1)When you see dead animals on the side of the road, are you tempted to stop for a snack?

    2) Does the sight of a dead bird make you salivate?

    3)Do you daydream about killing cows with your bare hands and eating them raw?

    If you answered "no" to all of these questions, congratulationsyou're a normal human herbivorelike it or not. Humans were simply not designed to eat meat.Prosperity is not attained by earning the money, but by building a good character and clean thinking.

  • As per Manu Smriti:Anumanta VishSita Nihanta Kray Vikrayi. Sanskarti ChopHato cha swaad Kashyeti Ghaat ka.Meaning: Preacher of Non-vegetarian, allowing the meat eating, one who trades meat, one who cooks meat and eat meat, are all murderers, and share the same level of sin.

    Jesus Christ has said, Dont kill any one. Be with me like a human being.

    Kuran, The holy Book of Muslim says, Those who trade human being, kill animals and have others woman, will be cursed by god. God will only bless them, who show mercy on the animals created by almighty.

    If you plant the seed and dig it up daily to see of it is growing, it will never take root. Be patient

  • Eating eggs and meat is against the Vedas:

    ya aamam maamsamadanti paurusheyam ca ye kavih garbhaan khadanti keshavaastanito nashayaamasi - Atharva Veda 8.6.23

    In other words "I destroy the people who eat meat and eggs."

  • Do you know that eggs have little amount of nutritional value? Eggs and FactsProtein : Dals 22-25%; Eggs 13.3%; Milk powder 38%; Soybean 43.2%

    Carbohydrates : Dals 56 - 60%; Eggs 0%; Soybean 22.9%; milk Powder 15%

    Calorie : Dals 334-353; Eggs 173; Lobhia 327; Milk powder 357

    Calcium : Dals 0.13-0.20%; Eggs 0.06%; Soybean 0.24%; milk Powder 1.37%;

    Iron : Dals 8.4-9.8%; Eggs 2.1%; Soybean 11.5%; Roasted gram 8.9%;

    Phosphorous : Dals 0.25-0.37%; Eggs 0.22%; Roasted peanuts 0.44%; milk powder 1.4%Mineral salts : Dals 2.1-3.6%; Eggs 1.0%; Soybean 4.6%; Roasted peanuts2.3%; milk powder 6.8%

  • High CholesterolEggs contain high amounts of cholesterol, which causes high blood pressure and kidney problems. Frying an egg increases its cholesterol level further. Heart specialist Dr. col. K.L.Chopda and Dr. K.K.Agarwal say that the yoke of egg contains 220 mg cholesterol, which is dangerous for the heart. Nobel prize winner Dr. Brown and Dr.Goldstin have proved that eggs contain high amount of cholesterol and hence increase the risk of heart attack.

    DDT poison:30 per cent of the eggs contain DDT poison. This causes cancer, this was discovered by Lorida, America's agricultural department.

    Evidin:The egg white contains Evidin, which causes eczema and paralysis.Eggs and Facts

  • Acid:The eggs contain nitrogen and phosphoric acid, which produces acidic substances in the body, which makes the person diseased.

    Egg generates kapha:According to a German professor Egtur Burg:- Egg is responsible for generating 51.83 per cent of phlegm, which imbalance the nutrition's in the body and become the abode of dieses.

    Eggs are not easily digestible:Bile and pancreatic juices of egg are ineffective on egg white. Therefore 30 to 50 per cent of egg is excreted without being digested. This is the view of Professor Akoda of England.Eggs and Facts

  • Eggs and FactsInfectious bacteria:

    The upper layer of the egg contains 15000 micro holes. The infectious bacteria entering the egg through these pores - salmonella, shigola and Staphylococci.

    Eggs are certainly shelter of bacteria and viruses, it is very difficult to maintain the correct temperature.

    The hens eat sputum, phlegm, nose secretions, worms, germs and other such filthy things. The eggs are produced from these things. Can egg increase the mental and intellectual quality of a person??????

  • For the World

  • How many human beings could be fed each year from the grain and soybeans that go to livestock in the US?

  • 1.3

  • How many tons of vegetable proteins do you need to produce one ton of animal protein?

  • 6tonsVegetable proteinsAnimal proteins1 tonsfrom Wegmann, 1997

  • How many vegetarians can live on the resources needed to feed only one meat eater?

  • 14 veggiesWegmann, 19971 meat eater=

  • How many gallons of water are needed to produce one pound of California beef ?

  • 5,000University of California Agricultural ExtensionBut only 5 for one pound of wheat

  • Tranport account for of the global greenhouse gaz emission14% FAO, 2006 - (in CO2 equivalent)

  • How much for livestock farming ?

  • of the greenhouse gas emission18%FAO, 2006 -

  • of methane (CH4) emission37%FAO, 2006 -

  • of Nitrous Oxyde (N2) emission65%FAO, 2006 -

  • of Ammonia (NH3) emission originate from livestock productionFAO, 2006 -65%

  • All that means...

  • Air pollution

  • Soil pollution

  • Water pollution

  • Acid rains

  • FAO, 2006 -

  • In south america, of deforested area has been converted to livestock pasture70%FAO, 2006 -

  • All that is our Inconvenient Truth

  • As a conclusion...

  • VEG or NONVEG ????

  • Or at less meat.

  • HUM SUDHRENGE YUG SUDHREGA HUM BADLNGE YUG BADLEGAStudy of inspiring books is like communion with living deities. It gives instant gifts of light and bliss DONT MAKE YOUR STOMACH A LIVING GRAVEYARD

    Our stomach acids are much weaker in comparison because strong acids aren't needed to digest pre-chewed fruits and vegetables. In comparing the stomach acidity of carnivores and herbivores, it is obvious that humans fall into the latter category. We can cook meat to kill some of the bacteria and make it easier to chew, but it's clear that humans, unlike all natural carnivores, are not designed to easily digest meat.

    Fibre- the part of food that helps to keep a person healthy by keeping the BOWELS working and moving other food quickly through the body.

    The bacteria in meat have extra time to multiply during the long trip through the digestive system, and meat actually begins to rot while it makes its way through the intestines. Many studies have also shown that meat can cause colon cancer in humans.

    The vegetarian food is low in cholesterol:

    The meat and meat products contain very high levels of cholesterol. They deposit inside the arteries and block the way this obstructs the free flow of blood to the hart and hence heart problem is more among the non-vegetarians.

    Uric acid in non-vegetarian food is harmful:

    The uric acid present in non-vegetarian food causes joint pain in the age of 40-50 years. One pound of non-vegetarian food contains 14-16 gm of this element. The kidneys remove it from our body but the kidneys can remove only 7 gm of uric acid from the body everyday. As a result the kidneys fail to remove the uric acid completely from the body. Hence the kidneys are prone to several diseases.

    Non-vegetarian is the cause for several diseases:

    According to the WHO report non-vegetarian food causes 159 different types of diseases. The most common diseases caused due to it are heart diseases, high blood pressure, kidney problem, gall bladder problems, wounds in arteries, eczema, paralysis, tuberculosis, constipation, pains, arthritis, hysteria etc. in comparison to it the vegetarian food is totally harm less, beneficial and cures diseases.Animal protein raises the acid level in human blood, causing calcium to be excreted from the bones to restore the blood's natural pH balance. This calcium depletion leads to osteoporosis, and the excreted calcium ends up in the kidneys, where it can form kidney stones. The strain of processing all the excess animal protein from meat can also trigger kidney disease in meat-eaters.

    There are always debates whether vegetarian foods are adequate for modern lifestyles, and whether vegetarian diets are appropriate for athletes, etc.While carnivores take pleasure in killing animals and eating their raw flesh, any human who killed an animal with his or her bare hands and dug into the raw corpse would be considered deranged. Carnivorous animals are aroused by the scent of blood and the thrill of the chase. Most humans, on the other hand, are revolted by the sight of raw flesh and cannot tolerate hearing the screams of animals being ripped apart and killed. The bloody reality of eating animals is innately repulsive to us, more proof that we were not designed to eat meat.

    Although many modern humans eat a wide variety of plant and animal foods, earning us the honorary title of "omnivore," we are anatomically herbivorous. Biologists have established that animals who share physical characteristics also share a common diet. Comparing the anatomy of carnivores with our own clearly illustrates that we were not designed to eat meat.