Presentation_Gambia SE4ALL AA and IP_v2

THE 2 ND ANNUAL SE4ALL FORUM SE4ALL COUNTRY ACTION PROCESSES IN AFRICA New York The Gambia Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) Action Agenda and Investment Prospectus Hon. Dr. Edward Saja Sanneh Minister of Energy - The Gambia 1

Transcript of Presentation_Gambia SE4ALL AA and IP_v2

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New YorkThe Gambia Sustainable Energy for All

(SE4ALL) Action Agenda and Investment Prospectus

Hon. Dr. Edward Saja SannehMinister of Energy - The Gambia


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Presentation Outline Country profile The Gambia SE4ALL Process Action Agenda Investment Prospectus Next Steps


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Country Profile Total surface area of 11,300 sq. km Population of approximately 1.8 million (2013

census) GDP: $918 million; Per capita income: $502 Economy driven mainly by agriculture, tourism,

re-export trade Agriculture accounts for 30% of GDP and employs

70% of labour force Biomass, including fuelwood, accounts for about

80% of the national energy balance, and for more than 90% of household energy consumption

Electricity Access Rate is about 40% 3

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Map of The Gambia


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The Gambia SE4ALL Process• The Gambia joined SE4ALL Initiative in June 2012• Conducted Rapid Assessment/Gap Analysis in 2012

with support from UNDP.• At SE4ALL Africa Hub meeting in Tunis (December

2013), The Gambia was selected as pilot country for development of AA and IP

• Through NEPAD, the Gambia received funding from the EU BizClim Facility for the development of AA and IP

• Other partners include UNDP and ECREEE• PARTICIP was contracted by BizClim to help develop

the documents• The preparation of the AA & IP was done through a

consultative process


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The Gambia SE4ALL Process


• Kick off meeting in March 2014• Coordination meeting with supporting partners in

June 2014• High-level kick off workshop, June 2014• Training and capacity building of the technical

working group on development of AA and IP, June 2014

• Nation-wide consultations with various stakeholders to gather their inputs, September 2014

• National validation workshop of AA and IP, December 2014

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Action Agenda Provides an overview of the

Energy Sector through the eye of the SE4ALL objectives.

It started with gap analysis of the existing policies, regulations, capacities, legal frames and programmes and projects.

The identified gaps and constraints were then filled in to constitute the AA

Also, the AA is developed to see which energy targets can be achieved and which actions are required to obtain these targets. Targets are set for the long-term, i.e. for 2030 with sub-targets prior to 2030.

The AA is divided in to 3 parts:

- Vision and Targets - Priority Action Areas- Coordination and

follow ups All these parts are

geared towards achieving the country’s SE4ALL goals by 2030.


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Action Agenda Vision: is to ensure an

overall sector-wide coherence and synergy of accumulated efforts towards the three goals of SE4All in the Gambia

Targets: in the AA, targets are being set for the rate of increase in Energy Access (EA), Renewable Energy (RE) & Energy Efficiency (EE) programs

Energy Access Targets


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Action Agenda RE Targets for on-grid RE Targets for off-grid


Items Value (US $)

# of Units


SHS – 2.5W

70 4191 293370

SHS – 40W

650 2611 1697150

SHS – 70W

1000 2718 2718000

SHS – 150W 2000 673 1346000

SHS - HC 10000 30 300000SHS - UBS 6300 51 321200

0SHS - SSS 55100 3 165300SHS - ICT 30000 18 540000

Total 7381120

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Action Agenda EE Targets in the

biomass sub-sector EE Targets in

Electricity sub-sector :• 500000 CFLs to

replace ICLs in the households

• Reduce the technical losses to 10%


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Action Agenda Priority Action Areas:- Improved cooking systems such as modern fuels,

modern biomass stoves and sustainable biomass production

- Mechanical power for water pumping, MFPs for rural communities etc.

- Electricity for urban/peri-urban households, rural communities and households


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Investment Prospectus Attractive business and investment climate


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Investment Prospectus• Provides the approach to operationalizing the Gambia’s AA• Establishes country priority projects• IP includes 18 projects at various stages of development• 7 projects classified under Access to Energy• 6 projects classified under Renewable Energy• 5 projects classified under Energy Efficiency

• Total project portfolio is € 57million in terms of need for investment

• Targeted investors are both private and public• At this stage, IP is a rolling document within 2-3 yr

timeframe• Identified projects/proposals need to be developed into bankable


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• Political validation of AA• Coordinate with partners to raise resources:• For the development of concepts notes into

bankable project documents• For the overall implementation of SE4ALL program in

The Gambia

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