
Video game research

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Video game research


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Secondary research

Secondary research The 50 Best First Person Shooters Of All Time 3. Unreal Tournament (1999) The game that brought us 'Boom, Headshot!', yes, Unreal Tournament is our pick for the third-best first-person

shooter ever. The game combined twitch fuelled gun play with some of the most well-designed artificial intelligence bots created at the time (something crucial back when Internet connections ran at 56K speeds). Canonizing much of the terminology that we bandy around when we speak of FPS, the game has been undeniably influential. Old dial-up modems weren't able to handle the massive Call of Duty server loads of today, so multiplayer matches were much more intimate affairs. Whether you were a well-hidden sniper or a flak cannon surgeon, UT was innovative beyond measure for the era. It was also one of the first FPS to be played competitively at the World Cyber Games in 2001, helping usher in the age of eSports.

2. Halo: Combat Evolved (2001) One could make the case that the first Halo title was the first game to truly usher in drama-based, narrative-

driven FPS action. Orchestral scores, massive firefights, environments that dwarfed players, alongside 3D graphics converged to form a completely defining experience. Bungie went all in with the original Xbox's launch title,

Half-Life (PC, 1998; PS2, 2001) Gordon Freeman taught millions of gamers what one can do with a crowbar, and it's a lesson they've taken in

stride. Try, for example: Fighting off an invading alien horde teleported into the Black Mesa compound, while also holding off black-ops soldiers attempting to cover up government secrets with a tool that's usually used for opening shipping crates. Impressive, no? Not bad for a simple lever. Half-Life is considered one of the best titles in all of gaming history. We can argue the finer points of Katamari Damacy later. The title received more than 50 Game of the Year awards and helped make horn-rimmed glasses the de facto eyewear of alien-killer-cum-scientist aspirants.

I found out that these are the most popular fps games of all time.

Secondary research

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