Presentation Unit 3 Hardware y Software 1BB AB 1 (1)

Unit 3

Transcript of Presentation Unit 3 Hardware y Software 1BB AB 1 (1)

  • Unit 3

  • The Elements Of Computer Science




    People: Users, operators, programmers.

  • What is a computer?It is a device used to collect, process and trasmit information. It is has Hardware and Software.Main characteristics of the computer Responde de manera precisa a un conjunto especfico de instrucciones. It can run a list of instructions which are prePuede ejecutar una lista de instrucciones pre-grabadas.Cmo representa todos sus datos un ordenador?Mediante el sistema de numeracin binario, es decir, usando los dgitos 0 y 1. Lo nico que transmite, recibe, almacena y procesa un ordenador son ceros y unos.

  • Physical components of the computer that are used for input of data, processing information and output of data

    Definition of HardwareIn other words, hardware is all you can touch and. but you shouldnt do it !!

  • Programs we use to manage the data.Definition of SoftwareThey are not physical devices that can be seen. Communication among Hardware and SoftwareAll data we introduce in our computer must be encoded in binary system to be understood by the computer. But.whats the binary system?

  • Programs we use to manage the data.Definition of SoftwareThey are not physical devices that can be seen. Communication among Hardware and SoftwareAll data we introduce in our computer must be encoded in binary system to be understood by the computer. But.whats the binary system?

  • BINARY NUMBER SYSTEMThe computers are made of electric circuits which work in two states

    off (we will call this state 0) on (we will call this state 1) So we need a numeral system with two digits: Binary Sistem

  • BINARY NUMBER SYSTEMThe binary number system uses 2 digits to encode a number:

    That means that you can only use the digits 0 and 1 to write a binary number . Each digit is called bit.

    Example: some binary numbers 0 = represents no value (circuit off) 1 = represents a unit value (circuit on) 0 1 11 1010 and so on.

  • BINARY NUMBER SYSTEMThe value that is encoded (represented) by a binary number is computed as follows:Multiply each bit by 2n, where n is the weight of the bitThe weight is the position of the bit, starting from 0 on the rightAdd the results

    Binary number Value encoded by the binary numberdn-1 dn-2 ... d1 d0 dn-12n-1 + dn-22n-2 + ... + d121 + d020 Binary to Decimal Conversion

  • BINARY NUMERAL SYSTEMBinary to Decimal ConversionExample 1:Example 2:Activity: convert to Decimal these Binary numbers:

  • BINARY NUMERAL SYSTEMDecimal to Binary Conversion Divide by two, keep track of the remainder

    First remainder is bit 0 (LSB, least-significant bit)

    Second remainder is bit 1

    So on

    - The last cocient is the last bit (MSB, most-significant bit)

  • BINARY NUMERAL SYSTEMDecimal to Binary ConversionExample 1:

  • BINARY NUMERAL SYSTEMDecimal to Binary ConversionExample 2:Activity: convert these decimal numbers to Binary 2210 and 4410

  • ASCII CODEWe give a numeric code to each of the characters computers use, so that we can store them. These codes are expressedin binary numeral system, so they consist of 0 and 1.The most common code is called ASCII, and it uses 7 bitsto store the different characters.

  • UNITS USED TO STORE INFORMATIONThe smallest unit used to store information in a computer is called bit (b)(binary digit) and is represented by a 0 or a 1. We can make groups of 8 bits, called byte (B).The bit and the byte are very small so we need to use bigger units multiples of a byte:To increase the level you have to multiply the units on the left by 1000 and the units on the right by 1024Example: CD-Rom 640 MBHardDisk 1 TB

  • CLASIFICATION OF HARDWAREMicroprocessorMain MemoryInput PeripheralsOutput peripheralsStorage Devices

  • COMPUTER ELEMENTSAll the computer elements are connected to the motherboard

  • THE MICROPROCESSOR O CPU (Central Processing Unit) It is a small chip (integrated circuit) made up of millions of tiny transistors working together.

    It is the computers brain.

    It is the place where the data is managed.

  • EL MICROPROCESADOR O CPU(Central Processing Unit)

    Functions of the CPU It coordinates the components of a computer system It manages de data.

  • THE MICROPROCESSOR O CPU(Central Processing Unit)

    There are different sort of CPU depending of the producer:INTELIBM and compatibleMotorola

    McIntosh & SunAMDAthlon

  • MAIN MEMORY They are small chips connected to the motherboard. They store important information for the data management and other computer operations.Kind of Main Memory

    ROM Memory (Read Only Memory)RAM Memory (Random Access Memory)

  • MAIN MEMORYRAM Memory Random Access. Temporal (Voltil). The data can be changed. While the data is processed the information is stored in RAM Memory.

  • MAIN MEMORYROM-BIOS Memory Read Only Memory. It can not be deleted. The data can not be changed. It contains instructions to check the computer when you turn it on. The information stored in this memory has been copied by the manufacturer of the computer. It is also known as firmware.

  • PERIPHERALS The peripherals are devices that are outside the compueter and must be connected a port of the mainboard. There are three kinds of peripheral:

    Peripherals input devices: these devices enable us to enter data and instructions into the compueter from outside Keybord and mouse. Peripherals output devices: these devices are used to get information from the computer after the data has been processed. Monitor and printer. Peripherals input/output devices: it allows us to enter data on the computer and to output information. Modem

  • Peripheral input devicesThe mouseIt allows us to perform several actions (selecting , opening and dragging) by moving the cursor and pressing buttons.Optic mouse

  • Peripherals output devicesMonintorIt displays images or text. There are two types of monitors:

  • How does CRT monitor work?Peripherals output devices1. There is a source of electrons at the back of the monitor.It shoots electrons to the screen3. The screen is covered with a thin layer that brights when the electrons hit the screen.Monitor

  • Peripherals output devicesPrinterIt prints informations in different formats: paper, transparenciesMain characteristics: Resolution: it measures the quality of the printed information.Sped: it is meassured in page per minute (ppm) There are differente types of printer: ink-jet, laser, dyer

  • Peripherals input/output devicesThese make it possible to enter data on the computer and to output the information.

    The main one is called MODEM: it enables the communication ober the telephones lines between the computer.Although there are others: PDA, los smartphones, digital cameras, etc.

  • STORAGE DEVICESWe can divide this devices in two groups:

    Primary storage devices: RAM & ROM memories. They are primary ones because the computer does not work without them.

    Secondary storage devices: those storage devices that allows us storage data. There are 3 groups:

    1.- Magnetic storage devices2.- Optic storage devices3.- Solid State storage devices


    Flopy disks Hard disks.


    CD-ROM DVD Blue ray disc.

  • MAGNETIC STORAGE DEVICESInformation is stored through the magnetic arrangement of particles on the device.

    Depending on the position of these particles it will mean 0 or 1


    Flopy disks: up to 1.44Mb.

    Flopy diskFlopy disk drive

  • MAGNETIC STORAGE DEVICES Hard drives: they are inside the computer. Up to 1 TB or even more. It is made of several small metal discs covered with a magnetic film.Hard drive

  • OPTICAL STORAGE DEVICESAll of them are compact disc that are created and readed by laser beams. Creating technique: a laser beam makes holes in the disc, drawing a espiral called pista. In this pista there are holes and flat zones, representing 0 and 1.

  • OPTICAL STORAGE DEVICES Reading technique: the drive turns the disc and a laser beam hits the disc. If it finds a flat zone it will light is reflected and detected and transformed in a electric signal, it means a binary 1. If the laser beam finds a hole the light will be dispersada and it means a binary 0.

  • OPCTICAL STORAGE DEVICESThere are differents optical storage devices:

    CD-ROM, DVD, Blu-Ray Discs: read only. The computer needs a device for reading the disc.

  • SOLID-STATE STORAGE DEVICESThey are made of microscopic electronic components called transistors. Its microscopic size allows to build compact memories.

    The main examples are: FLASH MEMORIES.

  • Software is the set of instructions that start up the computer and process data so that we can use it.

    It is also known as programsWhen a computer is using a program we say it is running it..

    Every program must be storaged in RAM memory when the computer is running it.Definition SOFTWARE

  • Applications

    Programs designed to meet needs of users: word processors, tools, etc. Multimedia Software

    Programs designed to manage with images, music and video.Software Clasification System Software

    It manages the hardware. Example: Operating System

  • Sistema OperativoFunctions of OS It enables the communication between the user and the computer: user interface (interfaz de usuario)

    COMMAND LINE INTERFACES: the users interact with the computer thruogh text messages called commands . Examples: MS-DOS, UNIX GRAPHIC INTERFACES: the users interact with the computer using images. Examples: WINDOWS, , Mac OS, LINUX

    Carga en memoria RAM otros programas para su ejecucin. Coordina el trabajo entre el hardware y el resto del software. Administra el almacenamiento de informacin.

  • The most current OS have a suit of programs, for example, text editor and media player. The set formed by OS and these programs is called distribution.

    There can be differents distributions for the same OS, such as


    Multitask, multi-user. Command line interface, although recent versions use a optional graphic interface. Exmples of OS

  • MacOS

    Designed for Motorola CPU Multitask and multiuser

    Graphic interfaceExamples of OSWindows

    Designed for AMD and Intel CPU.

    Multitask and multiuser.

    Graphic interface.

  • WINDOWS SOIts the most popular graphic interface SO by Microsoft.Versions:

    - First versions in the 80s. Windows 3.1, Windows 3.11, net working Windows 95, Windows 98 Windows Millennium Edition (ME). Windows NT Windows 2000. Windows XP (eXPerience), available in two distributions: Home and Professional. 2001 Windows Vista 2007 Windows 7, 2009. Windows 8. November 2012. Touchscreen interface.

  • File SystemThe data is stored as files. A file is a data set related to one another.

    Each file is identified by its name and extension (we write them separated by a dot) filename.extensionThe filename can have up to 256 characters, and can be written with any character but / \ * ? : < > The extension only has 3 character and shows the program who has created the file. Each file have associated an icon:.docFile created with MS-Word (word processor).xlsFile created with MS-Excel (Spreadsheet).pptFile created with MS-Power Point (Presentation)

  • To organise the files windows uses folders (carpetas o directorios). The folders can have subfolders inside them. The folder organization has a tree diagram structure.You can create folders in the hard disk, flash memories, CD, DVD, etc.Basic operations with files and folder.

    createdeleteChange the name copymove

  • The main screen of Windos is called Desktop (ESCRITORIO). The tools on the desktop appear on the screen as icons tha can represent programas or appilcations, files or folders. We can open Start button and Start menu (MEN INICIO,) appears in the bottom left corner of the taskbar and provides a central launching point for application and tasks. At the right end of the taskbar is the notification area (REA DE NOTIFICACIN). It shows the time and the icons of the programs that runs when you start the computer..At the left end of the task bar and at the right of start button is the Quick launc bar ( BARRA DE INICIO RPIDO). It shows the icons of the most used programs.In the bottom of the desktop is the Taskbar . (BARRA DE TAREAS) is a bar displayed on a full edge of desktop that is used to launch and monitor running applications

  • Clicking on start button provides a nested list of programs for the user to launch, as well as a list of most recently opened documents, and an access to special folders like "My Documents" and "Favorites.

    Programs: it allows the acces to all computer programs. Documents: la mayora de los programas guardan por defecto en esta carpeta los archivos creados por el usuario Configuration: it allows the acces to Control Panel (PANEL DE CONTROL), which is the main tool to configure the computer software and hardware Search: to look for files, folders, webpages, etc. in a easy way Help and support: click to display the application help system. Run: it allows the execution of a program knowing its name.

    The top side of Start menu is reserved for incluiding the most used programs. At the bottom of Start menu is the Turn off button, which you can disconnect the computer.START BUTTON


    Windows MS OS is based on the use of windows as the basic units of working. Each windows consists of data cointained in squared area of the screen. Together with the information, in the windows, thera are some cursor-sensitive areas that allow the user to interact with the computer.

    The windows size can be changed by clicking and dragging the edges of the window.

    You can move the window on the screen dragging its title bar.

  • Title bar (barra de ttulo): it is the top bar of the window and it shows the name of the program that you are running.Buttons (botones): minimize (minimizar), maximize (maximizar) / restore (restaurar) and close (cerrar)Control menu (Men de control): it allows you to change the size of the window. Menu bar (barra de men): each program has its own menu bara, and through it you can execute all the options of the aplication. Tool bar (Barra de herramientas): it has the buttons of the most used actions of the program. Work area (rea de trabajo): it is the area which is situated int he middle of the window. Status bar (Barra de estado): is shows information about the content of the window and the application status. Scroll bar (barras de desplazamiento): it allows you to move vertically and horizontally through the hidden parts of the work area.

  • WINDOWS XP APPLICATIONSMy Computer (MI PC): it allows to enter in the storage devices and work with the files and folders. Recylce Bin (PAPELERA DE RECICLAJE): here the computer stores the temporaly deleted folders and files. Control Panel (PANEL DE CONTROL): llows users to view and manipulate basic system settings and controls as add new hardware and software and so on.

  • ACCESORIES: it is a folder which contents the followings applications : Calculator Windows Explorer (Explorador de Windows): it allows you to see the folder structure and modify it. Paint: drawing tool Wordpad: simple word processor.

  • Entertainment (entretenimiento): it has multimedia applications System tool (Herramientas del sistema): its a folder that includes applications for the maintenance of the hard disk. Communications (comunicaciones) : its a folder that has applications related to networking.

    *Software y binario*Software y binario*P