Presentation Project by Omar Said

Median Household Wage: $44,755 12.6% lives under the poverty line $10,890


ISM3004 Presentation Pro

Transcript of Presentation Project by Omar Said

  • 1. Median Household Wage: $44,755
    12.6% lives under the poverty line $10,890
  • 2. Things are getting worst!
  • 3. So Why do I share this with you?
  • 4. Community Outreach for Restoration and Empowerment
  • 5.
  • 6. C.O.R.E.s Mission:
    Through community outreach programs, CORE will restore families and individuals to an optimal level, and empower them with the necessary tools to enable them to make a positive impact in their lives and the lives of other in our community.
  • 7. What does this have to do with me?!?
  • 8. We need your help!
    Did you know that help is only a button click away?
  • 9. With your help
  • 10. Please Think about it
  • 11. Credits
    Florida Flage image courtesy of Flickr user turtlemom4bacon
    CORE graphics:
    Images and graphics: Microsoft Clip Art
    Push for Help image courtesy of Flickr user mtsofan