Presentation of the 3 horror films


Transcript of Presentation of the 3 horror films

Page 1: Presentation of the 3 horror films


Page 2: Presentation of the 3 horror films

Camerawork in Horror Film • The camerawork in opening sequence of a film for scream shows horror for example The camera follows the girl is a

tracking shot as she runs from the killer which emphasises the panic. Also a Medium shots of the girl lying on the floor are used to show her injuries and to therefore show how serious the bleeding is.

• The camerawork in opening sequence of a film Blade the camerawork is establishing shot which show all the characters are dancing, also a tracking which following the young girl as this relates to horror such as it is building tension something is following her which the audience want to know what it is. The effect of this is creating tension and want the audience to feel a fright. Moreover the camerawork of a close up shot of the one of the characters in blood which want the audience to seethe facial expression and why has blood all over her face which the audience get scare and questions were they got the blood from.

The camerawork in opening sequence for paranormal activity 4 is very scary and vivid. There is a lot of camera tracking which follows the character of when she is panicking and scared. Moreover there is medium close up shot of objects which zoom in and out showing the object which creates attention as it has centre of attention on the object.

Page 3: Presentation of the 3 horror films

The Sound in Horror Film • The sound in Scream for opening sequence The sound of her breathing and the creaking of the door are soft and are

contrasted against the slam of the door as it closes. This makes us scared that the killer has also heard the door close. Soft music is used as a non-diegetic sound to build up suspense, which is a well known technique to many horror and thriller films

• The sound in Blade for the opening sequence is shouting and screaming and people dancing as showing they having fun and however you can hear the sound of screaming which builds up tension the people may be screaming as the saw blood in people face. A lot of music at the background and can hear the slice of the knife when cutting or ripping something apart as this scares many people as you have a feeling of someone will die.

• The Sound in Paranormal activity 4 for the opening sequence is quite and still as nothing is moving you can hear the breathing of the characters as they are very silent through out the sequence, In addition you can here the doors opening and creaking as this relates to horror as people here these sounds and immediately sense something is there which is moving these items such as the door however no one is.

Page 4: Presentation of the 3 horror films

The editing in Horror Film• The editing in scream The camera focuses on the main girl for a long time at the beginning with no cuts, which helps the

audience to empathise with her as they wouldn’t want to be in her position .There is a jump cut from one place to another –the house to the road, which shows the contrast in the two different areas.

• The editing in blade there are many cuts and many shot reverse shot which keep coming back and forth to diff erent characters which build tension as you want to know what is happening there is a lot of jump shots when the characters are fighting one another which show the flying from one place to another. For example in this image it illustrates the editing sources they used to get action involved. Which in horror there is a lot of action such as fighting killing murder which scares many people

The editing in paranormal activity I have looked into was They made the film like a documentary to make it look more realistic to the audience as it was based on true events. In the film there is a scene were Micha finds a website on the computer about a girl who was experiencing the same things as his girlfriend. The girl who was on the website died at the end after she was possessed, Katie has been possessed about two times the first she went downstairs and sat outside, the second time she killed her boyfriend. The editing in the scenes are slow when they are filming during the day but when they go to bed and leave the camera rolling to catch paranormal footage they forward it a bit to when something unexplainable happens.

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The Mise En Scene of Horror films• The mise en scene of scream for the opening sequence Shadows cast across the girl’s face add an element of horror and

help set the scene – we are aware she is hiding and that it is night time. The scene is set inside an average home which makes it a real experience for the audience as it could happen to them.

• The Mise en scene of Blade of the opening sequence you can see everything in the picture as the people are dancing showing they are having fun in the party. Moreover when the characters scattered in blood all over them it is a establishing shot as you can see everything they have blood in there face which emphasize to the audience as they focus on one main thing such as why the have blood over there face.

The Mise en scene In the opening sequence of the paranormal activity happens when they are asleep in the bedroom. When the camera is rolling during the night it looks really cold and scary due to the colour of the room. This is giving the effect of something haunting the house and not leaving the women alone. I think the colours represent cold, haunted, unloved and a sign of death.