Presentation of Critical Analysis on Questioning

Presentation of Critical Analysis CLS: QR Dwi Firli Ashari 2011120020 Lita Prihati 20111200035

Transcript of Presentation of Critical Analysis on Questioning

Page 1: Presentation of Critical Analysis on Questioning

Presentation of Critical

Analysis CLS: QR

Dwi Firli Ashari – 2011120020

Lita Prihati – 20111200035

Page 2: Presentation of Critical Analysis on Questioning


• Introduction to the video

• Analysis of the questions in the video and classification of

the questions into some criteria

• Analysis of students‘ responses

• Overall impression of the teaching and learning process

• Conclusion with recommendations or call for future


Page 3: Presentation of Critical Analysis on Questioning

Introduction to the video

Title: Observing Standards-in-Action- Reading Classroom


Class level: Upper-Intermediate

Topic: Langston Hughes

Duration of the video: 58‘ 26‘‘

Link of the video:

Amount of questions: 35 questions

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Analysis of the questions

1. Use of questions

– In the video, mostly teacher asked students to find

information related to the topic

– However, teacher also asked students questions to

restore order

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Example of questions:

a. Find information

Q: What is the matter genre that we talk about? There

is poetry, mystery. Erron?

A: (Erron) Science-fiction

b. Restore order question

Q: Remember that word, genre?

A: (no response)

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2. Type of questions

– In the video, mostly teacher asked students open-

ended questions to ask about students‘ response

toward an issue/poem

– However, teacher also asked students some close-

ended questions to ask some questions which are

needed exact answers

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Example of questions

a. Open-ended questions

Q: What something else means literary works?

A: We judge his works senior African-American


b. Close-ended questions

Q: What does he made?

A: Writer

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3. Blooms level of question

– In the video, mostly teacher asked students in

knowledge and level to ask students about information

related to the topic

– However, teacher also asked students some questions

in analysis level, which is used to analyze some issues

toward the topic

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Example of questions

a. Knowledge level in Bloom‘s

Q: When was Langston Hughes born?

A: February 1st, 1902

b. Analysis level in Bloom‘s

Q: Raise your hand why did Langston Hughes choose to write it

thinkin‘ instead of thinking? Why did he choose to write it like that?

A: I think he was trying to basically gathered to his neighborhood and I

will thinking that maybe they were read it then it will more applied to

their type of the way that they speak …

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4. Q-A-R questions

- In the video, mostly teacher asked students in questions

that students could assume that every question‘s answer is

directly stated somewhere in the text which is ―Right There‖.

- However, teacher also asked students some questions

that students need to answer based on students

background knowledge which is ―Author and You, and

Think and Search‖.

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Example of questions

Right There:

Q: If we life in 1900, which century is that?

A: 20th century.

Author and You:

Q: Raise your hand if you know where Harlem is?

A: It‘s New York city.

Think and Search:

Q: What is the genre of the book ‗club theme on Thursday’? Remember this? Then,

we came up with some ideas for what the genre could be?

A: The name, it was the type

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Analysis of students‘ responses

• In the video, mostly students‘ answers are does not

promote HOTs and there are no response for some



Q: What does she made?

A: Writer

Q: Remember that word, genre?

A: (No response)

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Overall impression of the teaching and

learning process

• In this video, mostly teacher uses questions to find any related information

that related with the lesson. The type of question mostly teacher uses open-

ended question. In form of Bloom‘s, level of questions start from knowledge

until analyze to promote high order thinking (HOTs), however there are no

questions that include in synthesis and evaluation level. For Q-A-R, level

mostly teacher combines book that she uses in class with her students‘

knowledge to create new opinion.

• Overall teacher use question to elicit the meaning of lesson start from the

simple question like: ―You can tell me something about Langston Hughes?‖

until the complex one like: ―What about ―fester like a sore—and then run‖

what is that one mean?‖.

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Conclusion with recommendations or call

for future actions

In conclusion and recommendation for future

actions, we may suggest that teacher

encourages more than one student to know

her/his responses toward one topic.