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    A HURO/1101/090/2.1.3 azonost szm, A Romn Ortodox Egyhzra plvallsi turizmus feltteleinek megteremtse Bks s Arad megyben- (Creation of terms of religious tourism building for Romanian OrthodoxChurch in Bks and Arad county) projekt a Magyarorszg-Romnia Hatron

    tnyl Egyttmkdsi Program 2007-2013 keretben ( meg az Eurpai Uni tmogatsval, az Eurpai RegionlisFejlesztsi Alap, valamint Magyarorszg s Romnia trsfinanszrozsval.

    A projektet Magyarorszgi Romn Ortodox Egyhzmegye (vezet partner), azAradi Romn Ortodox rseksg (Archiepiscopia Aradului), valamint aPusztaottlaka Fejldsrt Kzhaszn Alaptvny valstjk meg.

    A partnerek felmrve a hatrtrsg helyzett gy dntttek, hogy kzsenlpnek fel a trsg integrlt vallsturisztikai fejlesztse s verseny-kpessgnek nvelse rdekben. Cl a Romn Ortodox Egyhzrapl vallsi turizmus s zarndokturizmus feltteleinek megteremtse.

    A 2012.04.01 s 2014.03.31. kztt megvalsul projekt tartalmaz ptsi,

    feljtsi munklatokat, kzs egyhzi s kulturlis turisztikai programokat,s a hatrtrsgi zarndokt tervnek kidolgozst. A tevkenysgekkel apartnerek komplex vallsturisztikai knlatot alaktanak ki, amely komolygazdasgi potencilt jelent a clterlet szmra. A projekt megvalsulsairnt a hatr mindkt oldaln jelents igny mutatkozik, s komolytrsadalmi tmogatottsggal br. A projekt mindkt orszg rdekeit szolgljas elsegti az egyttmkds ersdst.

    A partnerek honlappal, kiadvnyokkal, s szrlappal promtljk a projektets npszerstik a trsget.

    A partnerek clja a hatron tnyl egyttmkds rvn, a kultrlisrksgre rptve, a meglv rtkek jrafelfedezsvel, j turisztikai

    vonzervel br turisztikai termkekkel egy egysges, a Romn OrtodoxEgyhzra pl valls turisztikai program kialaktsa, amely komoly gazdasgipotencilt fog jelenteni.

    Ennek jegyben az albbi tevkenysgeket valstjk meg aRELIGIOUSCROSS plyzatban:

    Gyula:Azrt, hogy a trsgbe tbb ltogat rkezzen, sersdjn a vallsi turizmus a vezet partner a projektkeretben jtja fel rszlegesen a Szent Mikls Katedrliskls homlokzatt, a katedrlis bels tert. A belstemplomkertben egyhzkzssgi teret alakt ki,amelynek egyedi sznfoltjai lesznek a Mramarosistlusban kszlt szabadtri esemnyek megszervezsrealkalmas nyri oltr, valamint a teret krlhatroldszkapuk.

    A projekt kzponti rszt alkotjk a kzs egyhzi skultrlis esemnyek.

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    Egyhzi kulturlis s ifjsgi rendezvny:

    2013. november 8-10. kztt kerlt megrendezsre az Egyhzi kultrlis sifjsgi rendezvny. A 3 napos rendezvny helysznei: Pusztaottlaka, Szeged,Mhkerk. A rendezvny keretben a gyerekek, fiatalok Szent Liturgin,llatpark ltogatson, klnbz sport programokon, lelki beszlgetseken,kulturlis programokon vehettek rszt. Megltogattk a Szegedi Dmot,

    Mra Ferenc Mzeumot, a szegedi magyar ortodox templomot.

    A rendezvny 2013. oktber 5-6-n kerlt megrendezsre Gyuln a RomnKulturlis Kzpontban (5700 Gyula, Lceum tr 2). A rendezvny els napjn

    vecsernyt tartott ak a gyulai kis romn vrosi Szent Paraschevatemplomban, valamint egyhzi nek koncertet. A 2. napon a Fpapi SzentLiturgit a gyulai nagy romn vrosi katedrlisban egy romn kulturlisprogram kvette.

    Gyulai Pspki Ftemplom Vdszent nnepe:2013. december 5-6-n kerlt megrendezsre a gyulai Pspki Ftemplom

    vdszent nnepe. A rendezvny els napjn a gyulai Nicolae BlcescuLceum dsztermben kerlt megrendezsre a Kolinda koncert, ezt kvette a

    Vecsernye celebrlsa a gyulai Kisromnvrosi Szent Paraszkevatemplomban. A rendezvny 2. napjn a gyulai Kisromnvrosi templombankerlt sor a Fpapi Szent Liturgia celebrlsra, amit a Szent Mikls napinnep kvetett.


    Hatron tnyl Egyuttmkdsi

    Program 20072013

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    A vrosban s krnykn a csald minden tagja megtallja a kedvre valkikapcsoldst. A lovaglstl a horgszatig, a paintball-tl a kerkprozsig.Kellemes krnyezetet nyjt Oroshza j ftere a csaldi sthoz, s a pihenni

    vgykat akr egsz napos kikapcsoldssal vrja a GyoprosfrdiGygy-, Park- s lmnyfrd. INFO:

    A megyeszkhely gasztronmiai s kulturlis rendezvny knlata rendkvlgazdag. A vrosban mr lassan tbb mint kt vtizede rendezik meg ahaznkban s nemzetkzi szinten is nagy npszersgnek rvend CsabaiKolbszfesztivlt. Emltst rdemel az Alfld lland ksznhza,a Bkscsabai Jkai Sznhz, s a vros hres festjrl elnevezettMunkcsy Mihly Mzeum


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    lGyula vros vonzerejnek alapjul szolgl a hagyomnyokban gazdag, trtnelmimlt, vltozatos kultrlis rtkei s a regnyes krnyezetben elhelyezkedGyulai Vrfrd. Legfontosabb ptszeti ltnivalja a XV. szzadi gtikustglavra, ahol jelenleg mzeum mkdik, s amely a vros jelkpeknt isszolgl. Emellett szmos sznes programmal vrja az ide ltogatkat.

    A Maros foly kt partjn elterl vros, gazdag kultrlis s trtnelmirksggel rendelkezik. A XVIII., XIX. s XX. szzadi ptszeti stlusok,m- s trtnelmi emlkek valsgos szabadtri mzeuma. Emellett sznhzieladsokat, szimfonikus koncerteket, kpzmvszeti killtsokat,a mzeum trtnelmi, kpzmvszeti s termszetrajzi rszlegnek llandkilltsait, fesztivlokat, nnepsgeket tekinthet meg az ideltogat.

    Aradon s krnykn szmos kolostort rdemes az ide ltogatnak felfedeznie.

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    vftzuOlyan klnleges ltnivalval vrja itt a vendgeket, mint a Kis- s Nagy-Tatrsnc,amely egy skori eredet vdelmi rendszer. Az egykor 3 km hossz, 1800 mtmrj sncrendszer emlkt ma egy szeld dombvonulat rzi. A faluban a100 ves Evanglikus templom falai kztt nyugalomra tall az utaz.INFO:

    A dinnys t mentn elhelyezked teleplsre klnsen rdemes augusztus

    kzepn elltogatni, amikor megrendezik a mr hagyomnyosnak mondhatKakasfesztivlt. Ilyenkor az orszg minden tjrl rkeznek csapatok, akikfinom s klnleges telekkel versenyeznek, amelyek kizrlag kakashsblkszlnek. Aki egyszer megkstolja ezeket a finomsgokat, vrl vre

    visszatr nosztalgizni. INFO:


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    Medge odz


    Aki szeretne kicsit a mlt emlkei kztt elmlkedni, annak rdemes a dinnyst kvetkez llomsra, Medgyesbodzsra ltogatni. A dl-bksi kis falu aligtbb mint 1000 lelket szmll, trtnelmi emlkei mgis az 1800-as vekrenylnak vissza, a templom s a temet srboltjai trtnelmi csaldok emlkeitrzik. INFO:

    Ezt a klnleges helyet azoknak rdemes felkeresni, akik egyedi lmnyekrevgynak. A dl-bksi teleplsen Bag falu s Tk falu szomszdsgban egzotikus llatok, az orszg egyetlen mramarosi stlus fatemploma,quadplya, lovagls, pihenpark vrja az rdekldket. Csaldoknak, bartitrsasgoknak kivl kirndulhely. INFO:

    Medge odz


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    Proiectul cu numrul HURO/1101/090/2.1.3, Crearea de condiii pentru dezvoltareaturismului religios pentru Biserica Ortodox Romn din judeele Bks i Arad(Creation of terms of religious tourism building for Romanian Orthodox Church inBks and Arad county) se va realiza n cadrul Programului de CooperareTransfrontalier Ungaria-Romnia 2007-2013 ( cu sprijinul UniuniiEuropene i cu cofinanarea Fondului de Dezvoltare Regional din Europa, respectiv

    Republicii Ungare i Romniei.Proiectul este realizat de ctre Episcopia Ortodox Romn din Ungaria (partenerprincipal), Arhiepiscopia Aradului i Fundaia Public pentru Dezvoltarea localitiiOtlaca Pust.

    Partenerii de proiect analiznd situaia existent n regiunea de grani au hotrt cas ia msuri n comun n vederea dezvoltrii turismului religios integrat din regiunei pentru creterea capacitii de concuren. Proiectul care se realizeaz n perioada01.04.2012 i 31.03.2014 conine lucrri de construcie i renovare, programeturistico-religioase i culturale comune i realizarea proiectului traseelor de

    pelerinaje din regiunea graniei. Prin activitile care se vor realiza, partenerii voroferi oferte turistico-religioase complexe care nseamn un serios potenial economicpentru zona vizat. De ambele pri ale graniei exist o necesitate important n ceeace privete realizarea proiectului i dispune de un sprijin social considerabil.Proiectul slujete interesele ambelor ri i are o inuen pozitiv asupra ntririicooperrii.

    Partenerii promoveaz proiectul i fac cunoscut regiunea prin site, publicaii ipliante publicitare.

    Scopul partenerilor este ca prin cooperare transfrontalier, realizat prin intermediulBisericii Ortodoxe Romne, folosind patrimoniul cultural i dezvoltnd valorileexistente, cu sprijinul unor oferte turistice atractive, s fie realizat un programturistico-religios unitar, care va nsemna i un real potenial economic n aceastzon.

    Avnd n vedere aceste obiective, partenerii realizeaz activitile de mai jos ncadrul proiectului RELIGIOUSCROSS:

    Pentru a atrage ct mai muli vizitatori i pentru ca turismulreligios din zon s se ntreasc, partenerul principal dincadrul proiectului a renovat parial exteriorul i interiorulCatedralei Episcopale cu hramul Sfntul Ierarh Nicolae.n parcul interior al bisericii a amenajat un spaiu comunitarbisericesc care are ca elemente unice un altar de var, n stilmaramureean, cu scopul organizrii de evenimentebisericeti n aer liber, pe timp de var, respectiv poriledecorative care ngrdesc parcul.

    Prile centrale ale proiectului cuprind manifestri bisericetii programe culturale comune.

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    Programul bisericesc i cultural pentru tineri:

    ntre 8-10 noiembrie 2013 se va organiza Programul bisericesc i cultural pentru tineri.Locaia manifestrii de 3 zile va fi: Otlaca Pust, Szeged i Micherechi. n cadrulmanifestrii tinerii vor avea posibilitatea s participe la Sfnta Liturghie, la vizita nparcul zoologic, la programe sportive, discuii duhovniceti i la programe culturale.Vor vizita Domul din Szeged, Muzeul Mora Ferenc, biserica ortodox maghiar din


    Programul cultural romnesc, La obarii, la izvor:

    n data de 5-6 octombrie 2013 se va organiza la Centrul Cultural Romn din Giula(5700 Gyula, Lceum tr 2). un programul cultural romnesc, La obarii, la izvor. nprima zi a programului se va svri slujba Vecerniei n biserica Sf. Parascheva dinGiula oraul mic romnesc, respectiv un concert de muzic bisericesc. Iar n a douazi a programului se va svri Sfnta Liturghie Arhiereasc n catedrala din oraulmare romnesc din Giula, urmat de un program cultural romnesc.

    Srbtoarea hramului Catedralei episcopale din Giula:ntre 5-6 decembrie 2013 se va organiza srbtoarea hramului Catedralei episcopaledin Giula. n prima zi a manifestrii se va organiza un concert de colinde n AulaLiceului Nicolae Blcescu din Giula, continuat cu svrirea slujbei Vecerniei labiserica Sf. Parascheva din oraul mic romnesc din Giula. n a doua zi a programuluise va svri Sfnta Liturghie Arhiereasc n biserica din oraul mic romnesc dinGiula, urmat de serbarea de Sfntul Nicolae.

    Programul De CooperareTransfrontalier

    UngariaRomnia 20072013

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    n acest ora i n mprejurimile lui, fiecare membru al familiei i poate gsi omodalitate de relaxare pe placul su: de la clrie la pescuit, de la paintball la ciclism.Centrul nou al oraului ofer un mediu plcut pentru plimbri cu familia, iar bile,parcul i spa-ul de la Gyopros i ateapt pe cei care doresc s se relaxeze ntr-unmod plcut, pe durata ntregii zile. INFO:

    Oferta acestui ora reedin de jude este deosebit de bogat, din punct de vedereal manifestrilor culturale i gastronomice. n ora este organizat de mai bine dedou decenii Festivalul Crnailor, care se bucur de o popularitate deosebit, attn ar, ct i n strintate. Trebuie menionate, de asemenea, Amfiteatrul din piatral regiunii, Teatrul Jkai i Muzeul Munkcsy Mihly, care i-a primit numelede la renumitul pictor Munkcsy Mihly, nscut n acest ora.

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    Oraul este situat pe cele dou maluri ale rului Mure i dispune de o foarte bogatmotenire cultural i istoric. Oraul este un adevrat muzeu n aer liber, cumonumente istorice de stil arhitectural din secolele XVIII, XIX i XX. Pe lng acestea,turitii pot participa la piese de teatru, concerte simfonice, expoziii de arte plastice,diverse festivaluri i srbtori i pot vizita muzee istorice i expoziii permanente deart i desen, n natur. La Arad i n mprejurimile lui se gsesc numeroase mnstiricare merit s fie cercetate, sau descoperite de ctre vizitatori.

    Oraul Giula este situat ntr-un loc pitoresc i dispune de o istorie strveche, cu obogat tradiie i valori culturale diverse, iar punctul central de atracie al oraului lconstituie Bile Cetii. Cel mai important obiectiv arhitectural al acestui ora estecetatea de crmid gotic, din secolul al XV-lea, care constituie un simbol al orauluii n care funcioneaz actualmente un muzeu important. Pe lng aceste obiective,vizitatorii sunt ateptai aici cu numeroase programe culturale i diferite festivaluri,pe timpul verii. Tot n acest ora funcioneaz i Reedina Episcopiei OrtodoxeRomne din Ungaria i se a dou biserici importante romneti: Catedrala Episcopalcu hramul Sfntul Ierarh Nicolae, situat n imediata apropiere a Cetii i biserica cuhramul Sfnta Cuvioas Parascheva, din Oraul Mic Romnesc.

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    vftzuPusztafldvr i ateapt pe oaspei cu obiective speciale de vizitat, ca de pildKis s Nagy Tatrsnc (anul mic i mare al ttarilor), care este un sistem strvechide aprare a satului. Urmele sistemului de anuri, care pe vremuri avea o lungime de3 km i un diametru de 1800 m, sunt pstrate pn astzi de o movil. n interiorulbisericii evanghelice de 100 de ani a satului, cltorul i poate aa linitea.INFO:

    n aceast localitate situat pe aa numitul drum al lubeniei, cltorul este ndemnat

    s mearg n special la jumtatea lunii august, pentru a participa la tradiionalulFestival al cocoilor. n aceast perioad vin aici numeroase grupuri de vizitatoridin toate colurile rii, care particip la concursuri cu mncruri gustoase preparatedin carne de coco. Cine a gustat odat din aceste bunti culinare va reveni cu siguranla Csandapca. INFO:

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    Medge odz


    Medge odz


    Cine dorete s mediteze asupra valorilor trecutului merit s viziteze Medgyesbodzs,o alt localitate situat tot pe drumul lubeniei. Micul sat din partea de sud aJudeului Bichi numr n jur de 1000 de suete, dar valorile sale istorice coboarde-a lungul vremii pn la anul 1800, iar biserica i monumentele funerare dincimitir pstreaz amintirea renumitelor familii de alt dat, din aceste pri.INFO:

    Acest loc special merit s fie cutat de ctre persoane care doresc s triasc experiene

    deosebite. Localitatea situat n sudul Judeului Bichi (n vecintatea satelor Bag iTk) i ateapt vizitatorii cu o grdin zoologic dispunnd de numeroase animaleexotice, cu un Paraclis de lemn, n stil maramureean, unic n Ungaria i alte atraciituristice, ca de pild, pist de ATV i rally-uri, clrie i parc de odihn. Pentrufamilii i cercurile lor de prieteni este un loc ideal pentru excursii i relaxare.INFO:

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    The HURO/1101/090/2.1.3, Creation of terms of religious tourism buildingfor Romanian Orthodox Church in Bks and Arad county project isimplemented under the Hungary-Romania Cross-Border Co-operationProgramme 2007-2013 (, and is part-financed by theEuropean Union through the European Regional Development Fund, Hungaryand Romania.

    Romanian Orthodox Bishopric of Hungary (lead partner), Romanian OrthodoxArchbishopric of Arad and Foundation for the Development of Pusztaottlakarealized together this project.

    The partners assessed the situation in the border region and have decided tojointly take up integrated development of religious tourism and to increasethe competitiveness of the region. Purpose of partners is to create theconditions of religious tourism and pilgrimage tourism based on theRomanian Orthodox Church. The project between 01.04.2012 and 31.03.2014

    contains infrastructural developments, common planned religious andcultural programmes and the elaboration of a pilgrimage between Gyula andArad. Partners create with their activities a complex religious tourism supply,which is a serious economic potential for the target area. There is a strongdemand for realization of the project on both sides of the border and it hasserious support of society. The project serves interests of both countries andpromotes the strengthening of cooperation.

    Partners promote the project and the region with website, publications andleaflets.

    By the cross-border cooperation the partners by building on the culturalheritage, rediscovering the existing values and new touristy products canform a unified touristic programme based on the Romanian Orthodox Churchwhich will mean a serious economic potential for the target areas.

    In this spirit, the following activities are implemented at the RELIGIOUSCROSSapplication:

    So that more visitors arrive in the area and to encouragereligious tourism the lead partner is renovating in theproject partially the external facade of St. NicholasCathedral, and the cathedral's interior. It forms areligious community space in the internal churchyard,which has unique color patches the summer altar whichis suitable for organizing outdoor summer events, andthe ornamental gates.

    The central part of the joint project is organizingreligious and cultural events.

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    Religious and cultural youth event:

    Between 8-10th November 2013. took place the religious and cultural youthevent. The venues of three-day event: Pusztaottlaka, Szeged, Mhkerk. Underthe program the children, and youth took part in Holy Liturgy, zoo visits,sports programs, psychological talking, and cultural programs. They visitedDome of Szeged, the Mora Ferenc Museum and the Hungarian Orthodox

    Church in Szeged.

    Romanian cultural events - "La Obarsia, la Izvor"

    The event was held on 5-6th October 2013. in Gyula in the Romanian CulturalCentre (5700, Lyceum Square 2). On the first day there was a vespers in the"Holy Parascheva" church in small Romanian town of Gyula, and there was achurch concert. On the second day, there was the Pontifical Holy Liturgy in thcathedral of large Romanian town of Gyula, a Romanian cultural programfollowed this liturgy.

    Saint's day of Episcopal Church of Gyula:Saint's day of Episcopal Church of Gyula was held on 5-6th December 2013.On the first day there was a Kolinda concert at assembly hall of"Nicolae Blcescu" Lyceum, a vespers followed this program in in the "HolyParascheva" church in small Romanian town of Gyula. On the second daythere was the Pontifical Holy Liturgy, after that there was the celebration ofSt. Nicholas Day.


    CrossBorder Cooperation

    Programme 20072013

    European UnionEuropean Regional Development Fund

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    skskThe county seat provides a rich gastronomic and cultural programs. In the city

    has been slow for more than two decades the high popularity Csaba SausageFestival which is very popular in our country and internationally as well. It isworth to mention the Great Plains permanent stone theater, Jkai Theatre inBkscsaba and the Munkcsy Museum which is named after the city's famouspainting Mihly Munkcsy.

    Each member of the family can find the entertainment to their taste in the cityand in its outskirts. A horse-riding to fishing, paintball from cycling. New mainsquare of Oroshza provides a pleasurable surroundings for family walks andGyoprosfrdi Thermal-, Park and Adventure Bath wait for the visitors withone-day relaxation. INFO:

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    lThe basis of Gyula city's attractiveness are tradition rich in history, diversecultural values and the romantic surroundings of Castle Bath. The mostimportant architectural landmark is the brick castle which was built in the

    XV. century, and which is now a museum and serves as a symbol of the city.In addition, the town is waiting for the visitors with several colorful activities.

    The city is situated on both banks of the river Mures, has a rich cultural andhistorical heritage. It is the real open-air museum of the XVIII., XIX., and XX.century architectural styles and art-historical monuments. In addition, visitorscan visit theaters, symphony concerts, art exhibitions, the museum's history,art and natural history department of permanent exhibitions, festivals andcelebrations. In Arad and in its outskirts it is worth to discover severalmonastery.

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    vftzuHere are special attractions for visitors, such as the Small and Great Tatrsnc,which is a protection system with prehistoric origin. A quiet hill preserves thememory of rampart system, which was former 3 km long, and its diameterwas 1.800 m. In the village, between 100-year-old Lutheran church walls

    visitors can find peace. INFO:

    It is worth to visit to the along the way melon situated settlement in mid-August,when the village holds the traditionally Rooster Festival. This time teams fromall over the country come, who compete with delicious and special foods, whichare made only from roster meat. Once who taste these delicacies, return fornostalgia year after year. INFO:

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    Medge odz



    Medge odz


    For those who want to meditate in a bit of the past, it's worth to visit the nextstage of way melon, Medgyesbodzs. The small village is counting just over1,000 souls, yet historical relics date back to the 1800s, the church and the

    vaults of cemetery preserve memories of historical families.

    This special place is worth a visit for those who are looking for uniqueexperiences. In this village of southern Bks - neighborhood of Tobacco villageand Pumpkin village - exotic animals, the country's only wooden church inMaramaros style, quad track, horse riding, leisure park wait for those who areinterested. This is an excellent place to visit for families and friends.INFO:

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    Jelen kiadvny tartalma nem felttlenl tkrzi azEurpai Uni hivatalos llspontjt.

    Tovbbi informcik aMagyarorszg-Romnia Hatron tnyl


    Coninutul acestei publicaii nu reflect neaparat poziia oficiala Uniunii Europene

    Alte informaii despre Programul de Cooperare

    The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect theopinion of the European Union.

    More information about the Hungary-Romania Cross-borderCo-operation Programme:

    Kt orszg, egy cl, kzs siker!

    Douri, un scop, succes comun!

    Two countries, one goal, joint succes!

    Kt orszg, egy cl, kzs siker!

    Douri, un scop, succes comun!

    Two countries, one goal, joint succes!