Presentation - Leisure Travel


Transcript of Presentation - Leisure Travel

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Authen t i c T r a ve lE xpe r i ence s

Rio de JaneiroPhoto Credit: Ben Arnon

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Get an in -depth v iew and understanding of your dest inat ion .

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Personal ized t ravel i t inerar ies are ta i lored with your specia lin terests :


fest iva ls

famous landmarks

s ight -seeing

at t ract ionsmuseums

din ing

spor ts fac i l i t iesbout ique hote ls

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We get a ful l understanding of your

l ikes and interests .

Step 1 - Initial Consultation

We provide a quote for the service


Step 2 - Quote

Determine your i t inerary f ramework

and f i l l in the logist ics

We recommend act iv i t ies , local

attract ions and sightseeing that

you may enjoy.

Step 4 - Recommedations

Now we f inal ize your i t inerary and

confirm your reservat ions. Bon


Step 5 - Confirm Itinerary

Step 3 - Itinerary

Page 5: Presentation - Leisure Travel

Love the outdoors?

Vis i t Japan! I ts of ten

over looked countrys ide

boasts breathtak ing sunr ise

hikes on Mt. Fuj i , sk i ing and

snowboarding runs

featur ing powder snow

and a unique snow cul ture

that can only be found in


The var ie ty of fest iva ls are

endless :

The Cherry Blossom Fest iva l Sapporo Snow Fest iva l Oyster Fest iva lThe 2020 Tokyo OlympicSummer Games.

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Envelop yourself in a culture rich in

history and art. Tour the stately

castles and impressive museums of

the Czech Republic.

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I f class ic cars rev your engine or lounging under palm t rees on exot ic beaches

soothes your soul , Cuba i s the per fect dest inat ion . You ’ l l enjoy tour ing the

Cuban cigar factor ies whi le jo in ing exclus ive cigar making classes taught by

highly exper ienced cigar ro l le rs . Make your own souveni r .

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Foodie , Wine -Lover or Art Enthus iast? Enjoy a luxur ious stay at South Afr ica ’s

oldest wine fa rm (dat ing back to 1692 ) , tour the v ineyard and at tend wine

tast ings featur ing i t s s ignature Pinotage red wine.

Indulge in delectable cuis ine . Explore the incredib le creat ions of local ar t isans

recycl ing te lephone cables and copper wires in to color fu l woven baskets .

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We ’ve establ ished re la t ionships across the wor ld to ensure wecan provide the best :

hote ls

local ly -owned proper t ies

condominium sui tes

local t rans i t and ra i l

car serv ice

char tered planes

Accommodat ions Transpor tat ion