Presentation in Slovak Parlament 15.5.2015


Transcript of Presentation in Slovak Parlament 15.5.2015

Hipster visual, atractivity for young,Bring them clear data with infographics.

Volunteeeers, volunteeeers...Manual counting of cyclist. Twice a year

Hobby = Not just to sell recycled bicycles! For us its more about to

teaching how to love them

DIY = Bicycle fashion workshops.

DIY = Playin – Lets stay kids just a little

DIY Underground Bicycle festival

Support and search for tematic art! Bicycle promotion vs guerilla knitting.

Bike to school beginning..

Bike to school in USA..

In 1989 more then 70 percent of kids were going to school by bike or by foot

In 2011 its just 11 percent.

Lets speak about heatlh benefits...

Bike Rodeo

Generators, educationMagnifician revolution

Attractive Bikeracks for private sector. Our attack on bookstores...

Age of the copy paste, thanks David Byrne ;)

Map of Bikeroutes, free cofee... 2% taxes you can give to NGO.

Lets try it the Dutch way... (white bikes in the streets)

Cargo bikes.

Winter cycling!Winter cycling conference, Copenhagen

winter bike route maintance as a support of NMT