Presentation haqiqat-of-muhammad-v2-170913

S Reality of Rasul Allah Sallalahu alayhi wa sallam 23 August 2013 & 7 September 2013 a Sadaqayan Circle presentation

Transcript of Presentation haqiqat-of-muhammad-v2-170913

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Reality of Rasul AllahSallalahu alayhi wa sallam

23 August 2013 & 7 September 2013

a Sadaqayan Circle presentation

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Haqiqat – Why we need to understand it?

If you look at our society, the general conditions of Muslim, you will begin to realize that something is seriously wrong among Muslims, even those who practice it as so called “pakka” Muslim

It is because the haqiqat (what really is what, true essence of anything) is removed, we have a shell of

the religion left with no essence left, we have the corpse of religion while its soul has left it

What is haqiqat? Haqiqat means inner reality, true essence of anything about which Rasul prayed, “O Allah show me things as they truly are” – A parable of a child and his mother.

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Haqiqat of Rasul – Why Necessary?

O My noble Messenger! Indeed you have been sent as a pure witness and a bearer of joyous news and a compassionate warner.

That you, O humanity, may believe in Allah and His Messenger and honor him (tu azziruhu) and respect (tu waqqiruhu) the Prophet and exalt Allah morning and afternoon. ~ Surah al-Fath 48:8-9

Those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered Prophet... so they who believe in him, honor him, support him and follow the light which is sent down with him - it is those who will be truly successful. ~Surah al-A’raf 7:157

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Haqiqat of Rasul – Why Necessary?

There are two things here: Honor

And Respect are to be given.

Honor is what is given due to the status of the person, what the person’s position demands, this is demanded by his status, by his protocol

Respect is what is given from individual to the person, its devotion of individual given to the person who deserves.

Both are to be given to Rasul – according to 48:8-9

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Haqiqat of Rasul – Why Necessary?

Point to Note

• Giving of the due honor and respect to any person depends on realizing his haqiqat, his reality, his true status.

• We can not render respect and honor unless we know that person's real position and status.

• Thus it is of utmost importance to recognize the haqiqat and status of him in the first place.

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Every Purpose has a Finality

Every Purpose has a Final Culmination and Purpose of Creation has the Zenith in the Person of Muhammad the Messenger

When an artist intends to create something, it is the final form, the final purpose which is thought of first.

In the Divine Realm, the Consciousness of the most complete among the ashraful makhluqat is the Soul of Muhammad and this consciousness is Nur Muhammad

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Every Purpose has a Finality

Divine Will has a number of purposes – the ultimate being: “I was a Hidden Treasure and I longed to be known, longed to be loved.” ~ The Prophet was the chosen beloved, Mustafa and Habib which testifies his position.

Also Allah says in the Quran, “I have not created jinn and mankind except that they should worship me.”

By extension, worship pre-requisite that they should know first.

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The First Thing Created

The Prophet himself also said, "Before anything Allah has created my light." In another tradition he is recorded to have said: "I am the (reflection of the) Light of God and everything else is from (reflection of) my light.”

Prophet said," I am the First of the Divine Informer (Nabi) to be created and last to be sent among humanity and there is no other Prophet after me.”

This is the why he is called the Seal (khatam).

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Mechanism to Hinder People from the Path of


While the neo-reformist section claims that our prophet was no more than a human messenger who is no more & can no longer help people

> > > > This is actually propagated by the Arab governors and their salaried false scholars of Islam amongst the Sunnis. (though not all of the Sunni factions)

> > > > In particular this is propagated amongst the oil rich kingdoms. by those Sunnis who claim they are fighting to re-establish the Khilafa on this earth.

> > > > Recently by the Arab communist who are operating secretively under the cloak of Islamic militancy.

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Mechanism to Hinder People from the Path of


> > > > They ALL have a good reason to propagate this falsehood: To elevate themselves in the eyes of the people they subjugate, by lowering the status of the Prophet and his noble family, peace be upon collectively.

> > > > And it has worked successfully!

> > > > IMHO you should work on your write-ups and don't fight them, just write what is in your heart and justify best you can.

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The Portal of Divine Love is he

Those who harmonize their whole being with the Messenger of Allah are harmonizing and unifying with Allah. (4:80)

O My beloved Messenger, proclaim to humanity, "If you truly love Allah, follow me intimately and Allah will love you intensely, forgiving and thoroughly erasing all your negativity. Allah most High is ceaselessly forgiving and infinitely merciful." (3:31)

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The Portal of Divine Love is he

This is highest stage of love:

Anas radi Allahu ‘anhu (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص said, “None of you will have faith till he loves me more than his father, his children and all mankind.” (Bukhari)

This is where common people are:

Beautified for people is the love of that which they desire – of women and sons, heaped-up sums of gold and silver [wealth], fine branded horses, and cattle and tilled land. (Qur’an 3:14)

Now no matter how much we claim we love Allah, we actually can not do that in the way it demands, so we can exercise that love only towards a human being.

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The Quranic Proof that Prophet is a Light Sent to Humanity

"There has come to you a Light from Allah, and a Manifest Book" (Qur’an 5:15).

All the top most classic tafsirs interpret this Nur as Prophet himself.

JalaluDin al-Suyuti, Ibn Jabir al-Tabari, Fakhr al-Razi etc.

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The Quranic Proof that Prophet is a Light Sent to Humanity

• Ya ayyuhaan nabiyyu inna arsalnaka shahidan wa mubashshiran wa nazeera

• Wa daAAiyan ila Allahi bi-iznihi wa sirajan muneera

• O Prophet, indeed We have sent you as a witness and a bringer of good tidings and a warner.

• And as one inviting to Allah by His permission, and as a light-giving lamp (siraj an-muneera).

• ~ Surah Ahzab 33:45,46

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The outcome of Divine qualities require a determining

order that governs them

• The outcome of divine attributes require a logos or determining order that governs them, an illuminatory law that renders them and the states of their inhabitants transparent and intelligible, an ultimate standard

• The Divine Names: ar Rahman, al Karim, as Sabur and the other entail and comprise the existence of the entire spectrum of human condition – but particularly and ultimately, eternally and at their fullest manifestation of Divine Approval and Presence (Jannat) and Complete Cut off from Divine Grace (Jahannam)/ Fire (Nar)

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The outcome of Divine qualities require a determining

order that governs them

• These outcomes in their turn entail a logos or determining order that governs them, an illuminatory law that renders them and the states of their inhabitants transparent and intelligible, an ultimate standard.

• This is what we call the Shari‘ia or ‘Sacred Law’, inseparable in principle from its divine origin, for it is one with Allah’s speech, the Qur’an , and the Sunna, His act of inspiration to the Prophet

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The outcome of Divine qualities require a determining

order that governs them

• From the point of view of manifesting the divine attributes and names—their ultimate outcomes consisting in the destinies of human beings, without which they would remain unmanifest—the appearance of the Islamic Shari‘a, in its final and perfected form at the end of human history, is the raison d’être, or ‘reason for being’, of the whole created universe; and ontologically prior to it in the timelessly preeternal knowledge of Allah Most High.

• And the focal point of this light of lights, the head of the whole matter of its appearance, and the site of its manifestation—in a sense the résumé of all created being and occasion for its appearance—is the al-Haqiqa al-Muhammadiyya, or ‘Muhammadan Reality’ the Holy Prophet, whose consciousness was identical with this Shari‘a.

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The cognition of the Messenger Muhammad has two aspects

One is his outward manifestation as a human being

and another is his inward qualities illumed by the divine qualities bestowed by Allah.

When his excellency Messenger used to focus on his human zahiri (outward) manifestation, he used to say:"I am human being like you."

But when he used to focus on his batini haqiqat (inward realities), he used to say: "I am not like any one of you…" (Bukhari and Muslim)

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The cognition of the Messenger Muhammad has two aspects

As for the Prophet being a bashar or ‘human being’, there is no doubt of this, because it is Qur’an and ‘aqida. Yet the Qur’an does not simply state that he is a human being, but rather says,

"Say: I am but a man like you who is divinely inspired that your god is but One God" (41:6)

The important qualificatory phrase in this verse shows us that the Prophet was a completely different sort of human being from anyone else, then or now. For none of us can say he is divinely inspired as the Messenger of Allah was.

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The cognition of the Messenger Muhammad has two aspects

Rather, as is said in a poetic ode to the Prophet which is often sung at gatherings after singing the Qasida al-Burda [Ode of the Prophetic Mantle] by al-Busayri:

Muhammad is a human being, but not like humankind; He is a ruby, while ordinary people are as stones.

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Rasulullah was granted the most transparency to

disappear in Allah

Just as when a piece of iron when exposed and immersed in tremendous heat of fire annihilates its own identity and become lost in the color and quality of fire, similarly Messenger Muhammad in the fire of Divine Love lost his own selfhood and attained to his highest degree of khilafat or ambassador and thus through him the attributes of Allah was made manifest.

Thus his seeing, hearing, speaking and doing is that of the Divine's.

Thus his Baqa was the most perfected Baqa (Subsisting in the Divine), becoming rabbani, godly, becoming the perfect khalifaLlah.

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Rasulullah was granted the most transparency to

disappear in Allah

O My Beloved Prophet, you did not slay them, but Allah slayed them; and in no way did you throw when you threw, but Allah threw. (8:17)

The Prophet doesnt speak out of his own volition, his speech is the speech of God. (53:3)

Truly the ones who give bayah (allegiance) to you, in reality give bayah only to Allah; the Hand of Allah is above their hands. (48:10)

Those who harmonize their whole being with the Messenger of Allah are harmonizing and unifying with Allah. (4:80)

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Witnessing requires Presence and Observance (Hazir and


O My noble Messenger, Indeed you have been sent as a witness and a bringer of good tidings and a warner. (48:9)

In the Quran Allah confirms that on the Day of Judgment for each community, there respective Prophet will be their witness and Prophet Muhammad will be witness for all of them. This is found in Surah Ahzab verse 45 and Surah Muzammil verse 15. These verses tell us that all human beings who have appeared on earth from the beginning and those who are currently present and those who will come until the Day of Judgment, Prophet Muhammad will be a witness to all of their faith and actions.

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Witnessing requires Presence and Observance (Hazir and


But for a person to be a witness, he needs to be present and observe the actions and here we are talking about not only outward actions, but also inward state of heart (for faith is an inward function).

So the gnostics of Allah have proved from this point that the Prophet is bestowed the quality of hazir and nazir (omnipresent and omni-visionary) by Allah, the owner of all Power and Glory.

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What is the sound understanding?

Shaykh Nuh Ha Meem Keller writes: "The Prophet is both the ‘Light of Allah’ and ‘a human being’, and the inability to join between the two aspects is a lack of understanding of the greatness of al-Haqiqa al-Muhammadiyya, the ‘Muhammadan Reality’. 

We cannot ever claim to know all of the Prophet’s perfections, only that Allah describes him in His book as ‘light’; while at the same time, he had to be a human being, in order that the Sacred Law could be manifest, and the imperative of obeying it be binding on every human being. And Allah knows best.

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Becoming a Message Bearer of Allah

Khalifa is One Who Act as a Representative of Allah

Rasul is One Who Carries the Message of Allah

End of the day, Metaphysically speaking we must all become the Khalifa, we must gain the qualification to become the Khalifa of Allah on earth

Also from the same metaphysical point of view, we must all become Muhammad Rasul Allah, meaning we must harmonize ourself with the Rasul as much as we can and in harmonizing we also fulfill the Divine Will of becoming the carrier of the Message of Allah, becoming ‘the Quran walking’ – the manifestation of Divine Speech, Divine Articulation and that is the end goal. That is the Haqiqat of Following the Sunnah.

How do we know that flower of that becoming is in process?

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Becoming a Message Bearer of Allah

Amra Shobai RajaAmader ei Rajar RajotteyNoiley moder Rajar shoney Milbo ki shortey (Song of Tagore)

We all are kingsin the kingdom of our kingOtherwise how could we have an audienceWith our beloved king?

Islamically speaking, this kingship in both the worlds in human garb is presented to our Rasul, that is why he said, ana Sayyidikum, I am your liege Lord, Pir-O-Murshid, the Highest Spiritual Pole, the Greatest Master deserving the greatest allegiance, bayat and all bayat goes back to him eventually

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What are the Signs of a person becoming like


When what happened in the life of Prophet Muhammad, his characteristics, his trustworthiness, his rejection by fools and those who have tendency of covering up truth, his struggling, his charm of personality, his friendship, his loyalty, the fact that other receive guidance through us, all of these start to manifest in a man, he, she has then started to become Muhammad and Ahmad.

Laqad jaakum Rasoolun min anfusikumAazeezun 'alayhi ma 'anittum hareesun 'alaykum bil mu'mineena raoofun raheem.

Indeed there has already come to you a Messenger among yourselves,Mighty (grievous) to him is your sufferings;most eager is he for your (welfare),to the believers (he is) constantly compassionate, constantly merciful.

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Becoming a Message Bearer of Allah

Wama arsalnaka illa rahmatanlil AAalameen

And in no way have We sent you except as a mercy to all beings, to everything, to every realm, to all that exists.

- 21:107

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A Powerful Durood from the Tijaniyya Brotherhood

Allahumma salli ‘ wa sallim was baarik ala Sayyidina Muhammadil nil-fatihi lima ughliqa wal khatimi lima sabaqa wan-naa-siril-haqqi bil-haqqi wal-hadi ila Sirati-kal-mustaqima sal-lal-lahu ‘alayhiwa ‘ala alihi wa-ashaabihi haqqa qadrihi wa-miq-da rihil-’azim.

O God bless our Noble Master Muhammadwho opened what had been closed, and who is the Seal of what had gone before, he who makes the Truth Victorious by the Truth, the guide to Thy golden path, and bless his holy family as is the due of his immense position and grandeur.

- Durood specially recited by the Tijaniyya Sufis, this (Durood) benediction is considered one of the most powerful