Presentation 3

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SOLAR SYSTEMOur solar system has 8 planets , they are Mercury,Venus, Earth, Mars , Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, our planet is in the galaxy named milky way .A solar system consists of a sun ,8 planets ,stars , moons , asteroids , meteoroids etc. MERCURY

Mercury is the nearest planet to the sun , orbiting at an average distance of about 58 million kilo metres. Because mercury is the closest planet to the sun. Mercury is very small and rocky. Mercury has extreme surface temparature , ranging from a maximum of 430C on the sunlit side -170C on the dark side VENUS

Venus is a rocky planet and the second largest planet. Venus spins slowly backwards as it orbits the sun, causing its rotational period to be the longest in the solar system . Venus is said to be the morning and the evening star and the third brightest object in the after sun and moon. Although Venus takes243 earth days to rotate 360 kilometers per hour. EARTH

Earth is the third planet in the solar system and it is known as the special planet as it sustains life. About 70% is covered with water and 30% covered with water . There are four main layers they are the inner core ,outer core ,mantle and crust. Earth takes 365 days to complete one revolution and in one leap year it 365 days and 4 hours. MARS

Mars is the fourth planet in the solar system. Mars is known as the red planet for its reddish appearance and the outer most rocky planet .The northern hemisphere of mars has many large plains formed to be solidified volcanic lava ,whereas the southern hemisphere has many craters and large impact basins. JUPITER

Jupiter is the fifth planet from sun and the largest planet. Jupiter is the innermost of the four giant planets, with a diameter about 11 times that of the earth and a mass about 2.5 times of other seven planets . The most prominent cloud feature is a storm called THE GREAT RED SPOT. SATURN

Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun and the second largest in the solar sys tem after Jupiter . Saturn is known as the ring planet for its rings. It is known as gas giant almost as big as Jupiter. In 2009 , a huge dust ring was discovered 6 kilometers beyond the main system . Saturn with an average radius about 9 times as of the earth. URANUS

Uranus is the seventh planet in the solar system . It has the third largest radius and the forth largest planetary mass in the solar system . Uranus is as same as Neptune . Uranus is called as blue planet because of the presence of methane had made Uranus blue. NEPTUNE

Neptune is the eighth planet and the farthest planet in the solar system. Neptune is the fourth largest planet by diameter and third largest planet by mass. Neptune has 14 moons discovered until 20th century. The temparature in Neptune is really which may occur to death.THANK YOU- E.SIVA DHARSHINI