Presentation 02.01


Transcript of Presentation 02.01

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AdAptive reuse of sAdAr mAnzil precinctBhopal, Mahdya Pradesh, India


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Sadar manzil

iqbal maidan

Gohar mahal

adaptive reuSe


bada talab

bhopal library

In the historic downtown of Bhopal, characterized by occidental and oriental styles of architecture, lies the marvelous corridor of heritage buildings along the main lake, characterized by places of magnificence like Iqbal Maidan, Sheesh Mahal, Husain Manzil, Shaukat Mahal etc.

One of the heritage structures in the corridor, Sadar Manzil, is now being used as the municipal headquarter of Bhopal. Opposite to Sadar Manzil complex, the ‘U’ shaped building is characterized by two grand gateways extending from its dilapidated built mass, which is used partially as offices of public departments.

A courtyard space sits between the two publicly under-used buildings, creating a precinct desperately in need for conservation. It is proposed to re-vitalize the site by careful adaptive re-use, linking the livelihoods of the area (with an ever depleting economic base) with the same.

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Sadar manzil

Iqbal MaIdan

Gohar Mahal

adaptive reuse


bada talab

Bhopal liBrary

The building is proposed to gradually give way as a cUlTUrAl cenTre as well as to showcase BMc’s work and Bhopal heritage. The multi-use courtyard becomes an important shared space between the existing Sadar Manzil and the restored Heritage building. This also adds to the potential of the cultural transformation of the current municipal building.

mpuspAdAptive reuse of sAdAr mAnzil precinct


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sadar manzil

Iqbal MaIdan

Gohar mahal

bada talab

AdAptive reuse


Bhopal liBrary

The TrAdITIOnAl context provides a scenic backdrop for the project. Set against the lake beyond, the mosques inspire numerous views from the restored building.

The Gohar Mahal will be emphasized by the new cOnnecTIOn to the Heritage site and the lake. It’s rear doors allow visitors arriving by vehicle to have an alternative path towards this route site through the building. As well, the new connections will allow the temporary exhibition space to draw in more visitors from other points of interest on the site.

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sadar manzil

iqbal maidan

Gohar Mahal

bada talab

adaptive reuse


bhopal library

lInkAGeS with the library will be addressed physically by opening the entry from the building being developed, thereby connecting the central courtyard and library. Also, interest in the library’s collection can be furthered by displaying sample readings (Physically or as e-editions over Wi-Fi networks).

There is potential to reveAl the underground space and give frontage to the library along the corridor between the Iqbal Maidan and the restored Heritage building.

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sadar manzil

Iqbal MaIdan

Gohar Mahal

bada talab

adaptive reuSe


Bhopal liBrary

currently, the Heritage building across the Sadar Manzil is abandoned and partially being used as office space.

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sadar manzil

Iqbal MaIdan

Gohar Mahal

bada talab

adaptive reuse


Bhopal liBrary

Being an important place of retreat for the local people, the lake is addressed in the project by spectacular terrace and rooftop vIeWS, as well as a pedestrian and bike cOnnecTIOn.

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cultural SuStainability• conserving the heritage structures and the cultural and historical

value they hold for the future generations whilst encouraging interaction with them through re-use

environmental and economic SuStainability• Prevents the dismantling of structure and re creation of a new

one• Benefits in terms of carbon budgets (and the astounding

monetary costs of safe dismantling, clearing of site, and re-building a new building), as the maximum amount of energy consumed by a building is actually during its construction.

• Traditional buildings, by the virtue of having served a long service life are justified in their carbon footprint, and by prolonging their usage in the future, we actually tend towards conserving carbon and energy.

enerGy efficiency• Traditional buildings, talking in systemic sense, are very energy

efficient for the very simple reason that they were designed in times where energy (particularly electricity) was not as readily available.

• This is a typologies which has low carbon approaches to comfort and commodity, showing remarkable repairability and adaptability over time to a variety of needs.

• Higher thermal performance, and better natural light and ventilation than contemporary counterparts.

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rationale for adaptive reuSe

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Social and cultural SuStainability• Positive associations have been found in terms of likeability,

cultural affinity and people’s desire to maintain traditional buildings.

• It is therefore desirable to conserve and prolong such positive aspects of traditional heritage structures by careful adaptive re-use

local livelihood• The livelihood linking of the precinct with that of the cottage

industries and women’s crafts is expected to bring ownership, create newer opportunities for income generation, tourism promotion, women’s empowerment and cultural revitalization of the area.

The project is expected to add to the city imaGe, create healthier, safer, friendlier and livelier spaces, promote tourism and leisure activities, connect different points of interest, and hence the people of Bhopal, as well as add to the city economy and hence city competitiveneSS.

mpuspAdAptive reuse of sAdAr mAnzil precinct

rationale for adaptive reuSe

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mpuspAdAptive reuse of sAdAr mAnzil precinct

Site propoSal

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re-direct traffic

The great cultural, Social, and economical potential for the project cannot be fulfilled without AcceSSIBIlITy.

Heavy car and motorized two-wheeler traffic that currently overwhelms the existing site muSt be redirected to allow for a quieter and more pedestrian-friendly environment.

crowd manaGement will be crucial for enhancing the urban experience of the precinct and must be maintained by allowing an easier flow of PeOPle through the site.

buS acceSS

A one-way bus route will be taken through the main gates to allow direct access onto the Sadar Manzil courtyard. This route will inject denSity onto the site while making a public transport connection to the greater city of Bhopal.

Further, 24 hour operation will allow for Safe tranSport to and from the site for women, especially at night.

mpuspAdAptive reuse of sAdAr mAnzil precinct

acceSSibility - traffic manaGement + buS route

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pedeStrian zoneS

Introduce excluSively pedeStrian paths and zones, which can only exist once there is reduced traffic around the building, allowing quieter and friendlier pedestrian areas to exist.

Pedestrian paths can emphaSize connectionS from the lake, Iqbal Maidan as well as the surrounding main roads to the site.

bike zoneS

Biking in particular, can act as a connection between the distant recreation zones of lake view road (catering to Shiamla Hills, new city population) and vIP road (more informal area, involving people from Old Bhopal/downtown area, and restricted to the footpaths along the vIP road and Gohar Mahal).

Bikes (possibly rented/free for public) can help dilute the diStance between the two recreation zones and help bring people from the two distinct (and often disconnected settlements) cloSer.

mpuspAdAptive reuse of sAdAr mAnzil precinct

pedeStrian + bike

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central courtyard

Once the precinct becomes a low traffic, pedestrian-friendly area, the central courtyard space between the Sadar Manzil and the “U”-shaped heritage building can flourish as an important public space, designed to hold a variety of activities.

The courtyard is to be designed for 24-hour flexible operation. It can be used for yoga and healthy eating in the mornings, attract diners from breakfast to dinner, and be used for entertainment activities in the off hours of BMc.

The interiorized outdoor space can also be used as exhibition Space for artifacts and installations. It is also flexible as a special eventS space.

Garden typologies can also be introduced to create a meandering paths for viewing the exhibition as well as a relaxing environment for restaurant patios

locally commissioned artwork can act as a centerpiece for the courtyard and provide a visual focal point from the gates into main public space.

library and iqbal maidan

linkages with the library will be addressed physically by opening the entry from the building being developed, thereby connecting the central courtyard and library with pedestrian public space.

Interest in the library’s collection can be furthered by displaying sample readings (Physically or as e-editions over Wi-Fi networks)

lakeview amphitheater

The natural topoGraphy of the site leading down to the lake and vIP road has the potential of becoming a pleasant public space, taking shape as a stepped amphitheater.

community events showcasing cultural muSic and dance can take place here for the public with views to the lake.

mpuspAdAptive reuse of sAdAr mAnzil precinct

public SpaceS

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ground floor fIrst floor

mpuspAdAptive reuse of sAdAr mAnzil precinct

Schematic buildinG layout

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mpuspAdAptive reuse of sAdAr mAnzil precinct

buildinG uSaGe

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tinSel embroidery

The zari-zadozi handicraft is a cultural tradition that empowerS the local female population to a livelihood of their own.

examples such as Ms. nishat Waseem Akhtar’s Sehar nGo is an indicator that the showcasing of the craft can have success in the project. Ms. Akhtar’s nGO trains women of poverty the zari craft while elevating their confidence in society, taking a small step in the upliftment of the traditional Bhopal woman while sustaining the cultural heritage of their work.

local women interested in learninG the craft can be taught to join the zari-zardozi production and sales community in the zari workshop space.

Anthropometric studies are in motion to understand the craft and the facilities required to operate a retail space and workshop.

mpuspAdAptive reuse of sAdAr mAnzil precinct

local craftS - zari-zadozi retail + workShop

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cultural preServation and development

A facility involving local women and artisans, showcasing women as an important aspect of the local heritage, and art as an effective way to attract interest to the area.

A museum narrating the hiStory of the site and Bhopal’s Heritage in connection with artwork and handicrafts can be open to the public. The museum can also display contributions from the populace of traditional downtown, further educating visitors on the intangible local heritage.

Heritage is also a Shared reSource from which educational and vocational workshops on the local arts to the public can be offered. Workshop spaces can be used by the local community for education, training, and presentation usage. local artisans can also make use of the workshop spaces to work.

Finally, these examples of artwork can be a strong economical source for the community through locally run shops, which can be interconnected with the museum and workshop program.

mpuspAdAptive reuse of sAdAr mAnzil precinct

local artwork - muSeum, workShop + retail

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restaurants showcasing local cuisine can have prominent and attractive frontaGe onto one of the most frequented public spaces in downtown Bhopal.

local food heritage such as chews like Paan and Gutkhas, local cuisines, Sheesha etc. will be showcased in these establishments.

mpuspAdAptive reuse of sAdAr mAnzil precinct

local cuiSine - reStaurantS + cafeS

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functional outdoor Space

The outdoor public spaces of the building can offer splendid viewS of the city while accommodating the diverSe activitieS of the community,

Art exhibitions, workshops, temporary displays and searing for restaurants and cafes can expand onto the exterior spaces of the building.

courtyards can be used as workshops for the handicraft program while balconies and terraces can be used as patio space. Whether for leisure or special events, the re-use of these spaces for the public will attract life and color back onto the site.

mpuspAdAptive reuse of sAdAr mAnzil precinct

public Space - central courtyard + rooftop terrace

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• educational and vocational proSpectS - workshop spaces can be used by the local community for education, training, and presentation usage.

• A relationship can easily be established with several local SchoolS in the proximity.

• local artiSanS can make use of the workshop spaces to work

• It has been demonstrated in previous community events such as Bhopal Heritage week, the local people have shown the desire to display their culture and heritage in their craft work and personal possessions. The idea of a muSeum which showcases and shares this Bhopal heritage is a collective desire of the community.

mpuspAdAptive reuse of sAdAr mAnzil precinct

community involvement

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• local women interested in learning the craft can be taught to join the zari-zardozi production and sales community.

• Opportunity to empower the women of Bhopal - The design of the heritage site will be optimized for women friendliness, safety and security to economically and socially support the local female community. currently, there is are barriers in terms of economic opportunities for these women. Therefore, providing them with a central and safe space in which to work and display their skills will be fulfilling a current need of the community.

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community involvement

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• restaurants showcasing local cuiSine can have prominent and interactive frontage onto one of the most frequented public spaces in downtown Bhopal. local food heritage such as chews like Paan and Gutkhas, local cuisines, Sheesha etc.can be showcased and even taught through claSSeS in these establishments.

• The central courtyard space will be emphasized as the central public Space with ample flexibility to serve various community functions. The courtyard will be an important gathering space for everyday and for special events. It will also be a major element in the urban fabric which draws the community together in a unified, free and cultural space.

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community involvement

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• centralization of community interaction

• network of local goods and services

• Attract new viSitorS to this culturally thriving (and easily accessible) site in the city.

• The livelihood linking of the precinct (cotton industries and women’s crafts is expected to bring ownership, create newer opportunities for income generation, tourism promotion, women’S empowerment and cultural revitalization of the local community.)

• local Social economical improvements

mpuspAdAptive reuse of sAdAr mAnzil precinct

community involvement