Presentasi Inquiry Model

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Inquiry Training Model

Jul Hasratman, S.Si

Magister Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Program Pascasarjana Universitas Jambi 2011

Models of InstructionJoyce and Weil (1996) describe four different categories of models of instruction:

Behavioral systems models Information processing models Personal development models Social interaction modelsJoyce, B., & Weil, M. (1996). Models of teaching (5th ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Information Processing ModelsThe focus of the methods associated with information processing approaches are more linked to concepts and principles developed in cognitive psychology.

Three major models in this category are :Concept Attainment Inquiry Training/ Inductive Thinking Intellectual Development Categorizing information and concept formation Causal reasoning, interpretation of data, and formation of principles and theories The influence of maturity on thinking and reasoning

Where did Inquiry come from? J. Richard Suchman (coined the term)Inquiry is the way people learn when they're left alone."

Dates as far back as Socrates and the Socratic Method. John Dewey Constructivism: people construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world, through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences.

Dewey's philosophy of education, instrumentalism (also called pragmatism), focused on learning-by-doing rather than rote learning and dogmatic instruction, the current practice of his day.

Dewey called for education to be grounded in real experience. He wrote, "If you have doubts about how learning happens, engage in sustained inquiry: study, ponder, consider alternative possibilities and arrive at your belief grounded in evidence." Inquiry is a key part of constructivist learning.

What is Inquiry?Tingkah laku yang terlibat dalam usaha manusia untuk menjelaskan secara rasional fenomena-fenomena yang memancing rasa ingin tahu. Dengan kata lain, inquiry berkaitan dengan aktivitas dan keterampilan aktif yang fokus pada pencarian pengetahuan atau pemahaman untuk memuaskan rasa ingin tahu (Alfred Novak)

Point : Guru mengelola pembelajaran sedemikian rupa agar siswa terpancing untuk belajar dan mencaritahu apa yang mereka tidak ketahui berdasarkan perasaan ingin tahu (penasaran). Guru memulai dengan pertanyaan singkat sebelum memulai proses pembelajaran.

Major Contributors*Lead students through a series of questions *Promoted critical thinking

Socrates (470-399 B.C.) *Children should learn what they want to learn *Promoted the idea of learning through nature

Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1788) *Believed that knowledge comes from experiences and reflecting on/questioning those experiences *Utilized the scientific method for students to learn through predictions, experiments, and conclusions *Focused on the learner and his/her environment *Emphasized the power of students' natural curiosity *Promoted the importance of a "community of learners" *Encouraged the use of manipulative materials for involvement and understanding

John Dewey (1859-1952)

Major Contributors*Believed that children construct their own knowledge *Focused on discovery and active involvement of the student *Stressed the importance of teaching children at a developmentally appropriate level *Emphasized the role of prior knowledge *Strong belief in knowledge construction: introduced the concept that as people learn, they either assimilate knowledge into their existing mental schemas, or they adjust their mental schemas to accept the new knowledge. Jean Piaget (1896-1980) *Believed that children create their own concepts *Developed the concept of assisted learning, or Social Constructivism *Strong emphasis on the use of prior knowledge and scaffolding *Proposed that the role of the teacher is to support and guide learning by helping them develop higher level thinking skills, which they could then use independently.

Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934) *Defined the theory of Discovery Learning, where students discover knowledge for themselves through experimentation and exploration *Emphasized that teachers role is to guide student learning *Believed in the importance of students using their prior knowledge and experiences in learning *Looked upon learning as an active and social process

Jerome Bruner (b.1915)

Constructivism vs Inquiry Constructivism A theory about how people learn. People construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences. Encouraging students to use active techniques (experiments, problem solving) to create more knowledge, to reflect on and talk about what they are doing and how their understanding is changing.

Inquiry Often used as a tool for constructivism. A seeking for truth, information, or knowledge by questioning. Emphasis on the development of inquiry skills and the nurturing of inquiring attitudes or habits of mind. Implementing inquiry into the classroom involves a context for questions, a framework for questions, a focus for questions, and different levels of questions.

Project, Problem and Inquiry Based Learning (Methods in Contructivism) Project-based LearningAn approach to learning focusing on developing a product or creation. The project may or may not be student-centered, problem-based, or inquiry-based.

Problem-based LearningAn approach to learning focusing on the process of solving a problem and acquiring knowledge. The approach is also inquiry-based when students are active in creating the problem.

Inquiry-based Learning

Inquiry Training Model

A student-centered, active learning approach focusing on questioning, critical thinking, and problem-solving. It's associated with the idea "involve me and I understand.

Discrepant Events (Example of Inquiry Background) Fenomena yang kontras dengan keadaan normal atau sesuai harapan. Hasil yang tampak jauh berbeda dari apa yang diperkirakan terjadi. J. Richard Suchman (1962) mengembangkan penggunaan keadaan yang discrepant (ketidaksesuaian) sebagai dasar inquiry model Digunakan oleh guru sains untuk menstimulasi ketertarikan dan motivasi siswa Pikiran manusia umumnya tidak toleran terhadap discrepancy. Cenderung mengobservasi keanehan, sesuatu yang tidak sejalan dengan apa yang selama ini diyakini. Inquiry membiarkan siswa dengan "wanting to know feeling. Siswa sebagai pusat kegiatan. Inquiry mempersyaratkan siswa utk bertanya tentang apa jawaban yang mereka inginkan

TAHAPAN DALAM MODEL INQUIRY Menghadapkan masalah Mencari dan mengkaji data Mengkaji data dan eksperimentasi Mengorganisasikan, merumuskan, dan menjelaskan hasil Menganalisis dan mengorganisasikan hasil penelitian


ASPEK KETERLIBATAN SISWA Siswa memiliki pandangan terhadap dirinya sebagai pembelajar dari proses pembelajaran Siswa menerima ajakan untuk belajar dan kemauan besar dalam proses eksplorasi Siswa memunculkan pertanyaan, mengajukan penjelasan, dan melakukan obeservasi Siswa merencanakan dan mengadakan kegiatan pembelajaran Siswa saling berkomunikasi menggunakan berbagai cara Siswa mampu mengkritik secara mandiri proses praktik pembalajaran yang mereka lakukan sendiri


PRINSIP : Menekankan bahwa pertanyaan yang boleh diajukan siswa dinyatakan dalam kalinat pertanyaan tertutup (jawabannya hanya ya dan tidak). Meminta siswa menyusun ulang pertanyaan yang tidak sesuai. Hanya menunjukkan poin-poin yang tidak sesuai atau keluar dari topik. Menggunakan bahasa inquiry (hipotesa kemudian uji). Tidak dibenarkan untuk mengevaluasi teori yang diajukan siswa pada saat proses inquiry berlangsung. Menekankan agar siswa membuat pernyataan yang lebih jelas tentang teorinya dan memberikan dukungan untuk generalisasi teori tersebut. Memberi dukungan ke arah interaksi antar siswa.

CONTOH DAFTAR PERTANYAAN What does this make you think of? In what ways are these different? In what ways are these the same? What materials did you use? What do you call the things you are using? What can you tell me about the things you have? Tell me what it looks like. How are you going to do that? What do you feel, see, hear, taste, smell? How did you do that? What will you do next after you finish that? Is there anything else you could do/use?

What would happen if you ... What might you try instead? Tell me about your ...? What does it look like? What does it remind you of? What does it feel like? What can you do next time? What can you tell me about it?

Tell me what happened. What could you do instead? Which one do you have more of? Is one object longer/shorter than another? What is it made of?

How do you know? What are some different things you could try? Show me what you could do with it?

KEUNGGULAN INQUIRY Emphasis is put on understanding and learning, not on memorization. Students have understanding of the larger concepts related to specific concepts. Inquiry activities can be more engaging and interesting to students than chalk and talk (mencatat dan mengungkapkannya). Works with any age group so it can be applied in many different educational settings. Builds off all experiences and knowledge that students bring to the classroom, no matter how diverse these may be.

KELEMAHAN INQUIRY Enough specific topics may not be covered in a school year when only Inquiry is used Many students do not know how to ask questions so teachers first attempts at Inquiry may seem difficult or discouraging Inquiry focuses on helping children ask questions. Therefore, instructors must learn the art of asking good questions.

BAHAN BACAAN Iklima, Maulidiyatul. 2011. Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Inquiry Training. SKRIPSI. Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika, Jurusan Fisika FMIPA Universitas Negeri Malang. Kusuma, Arief Ertha. 2010. Pembelajaran Fisika Menggunakan Inquiry Training dan Inquiry Social Ditinjau dari Kreativitas dan Sikap Ilmiah Siswa. TESIS. Program Studi Pendidikan Sains Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Sutrisno, Joko. Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran Inquiry dalam Belajar Sains terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa