Present & great truths

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Transcript of Present & great truths

Page 1: Present & great truths

‘Present  &  Great  Truths’  

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Page 2: Present & great truths

STRONG  MEAT  Present  &  Great  Truth  

Page 3: Present & great truths

Hebrews  5:11  –  6:2  

Eternal  Judgment  Resurrection  of  the  Dead    

Laying  on  of  Hands  Doctrine  of  Baptisms  Faith  Towards  God  

Repentance  from  Dead  Works  

“Strong  Meat”  

Page 4: Present & great truths

Hebrews  5:11  –  6:2  

Eternal  Judgment  Resurrection  of  the  Dead    

Laying  on  of  Hands  Doctrine  of  Baptisms  Faith  Towards  God  

Repentance  from  Dead  Works  

 (Hebrews  6:20  &  5:10)  

“Strong  Meat”  

Page 5: Present & great truths

Hebrews  5:11  –  6:2  

Eternal  Judgment  Resurrection  of  the  Dead    

Laying  on  of  Hands  Doctrine  of  Baptisms  Faith  Towards  God  

Repentance  from  Dead  Works  

…Jesus,  made  an  high  priest  for  ever…  (Hebrews  6:20  &  5:10)  

“Strong  Meat”  

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Jesus  Our  High  Priest  

Hebrews  8:1-­‐5;  9:11-­‐12,23-­‐24  

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The  Order  of  Melchisedec  

compare  Gen.  14:18-­‐20  &  Heb.  7:1-­‐11    

The  superiority  and  significances  of  the  Melchisedec  priesthood  (relaNve  to  the  LeviNcal):  •  Both  King  and  Priest  (v.1)  •  Interpreted  King  of  righteousness  and  peace  (v.2)  •  Genealogy  is  not  recorded  (v.3)  •  Death  is  not  recorded  (v.3)  •  Great  enough  to  receive  Nthes  from  Abraham  (vs.4,6)  •  Great  then  Abraham  for  he  blessed  Abraham  (v.7)  •  Levi  can  be  considered  as  paying  Nthes  through  Abraham  (vs.9-­‐10)  


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Present  Truth  There  are  many  precious  truths  contained  in  the  Word  of  God,  but  it  is  "present  truth"  that  the  flock  needs  now.  I  have  seen  the  danger  of  the  messengers  running  off  from  the  important  points  of  present  truth,  to  dwell  upon  subjects  that  are  not  calculated  to  unite  the  flock  and  sancNfy  the  soul.  Satan  will  here  take  every  possible  advantage  to  injure  the  cause.  EW  63.1      

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Present  Truth  But  such  subjects  as  the  sanctuary,  in  connec:on  with  the  2300  days,  the  commandments  of  God  and  the  faith  of  Jesus,  are  perfectly  calculated  to  explain  the  past  Advent  movement  and  show  what  our  present  posiNon  is,  establish  the  faith  of  the  doubNng,  and  give  certainty  to  the  glorious  future.  These,  I  have  frequently  seen,  were  the  principal  subjects  on  which  the  messengers  should  dwell.  EW  63.2  

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Eternal  Judgment  Resurrection  of  the  Dead    

Laying  on  of  Hands  Doctrine  of  Baptisms  Faith  Towards  God  

Repentance  from  Dead  Works  

“Present  Strong  Meat”  

Page 11: Present & great truths

Eternal  Judgment  Resurrection  of  the  Dead    

Laying  on  of  Hands  Doctrine  of  Baptisms  Faith  Towards  God  

Repentance  from  Dead  Works  

 …the  sanctuary…    …in  connection  with  the  2300  days…  

…the  commandments  of  God…  …and  the  faith  of  Jesus.  

“Present  Strong  Meat”  

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Essential  to  the  Plan  of  Salvation  The  intercession  of  Christ  in  man's  behalf  in  the  sanctuary  above  is  as  essen:al  to  the  plan  of  salvaNon  as  was  His  death  upon  the  cross.  By  His  death  He  began  that  work  which  aber  His  resurrecNon  He  ascended  to  complete  in  heaven.  We  must  by  faith  enter  within  the  veil,  "whither  the  forerunner  is  for  us  entered."  Hebrews  6:20.  There  the  light  from  the  cross  of  Calvary  is  reflected.  There  we  may  gain  a  clearer  insight  into  the  mysteries  of  redempNon…  GC  489.1    

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Three  Angel’s  Messages  1st  Angel  (Rev.  14:6-­‐7)  

•  EverlasNng  gospel.  •  Fear  God  and  giving  glory.  •  Hour  of  his  judgment  is  come.  •  Worship  him  that  made.  

2nd  Angel  (Rev.  14:8)  

•  Babylon  is  fallen.  •  Wine  of  the  wrath  of  her  fornicaNon.  

3rd  Angel  (Rev.  14:9)  

•  Worship  the  beast  and  his  image.  •  Receive  his  mark  

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Greatest  Importance  The  theme  of  greatest  importance  is  the  third  angel's  message,  embracing  the  messages  of  the  first  and  second  angels.  All  should  understand  the  truths  contained  in  these  messages  and  demonstrate  them  in  daily  life,  for  this  is  essenNal  to  salvaNon.  We  shall  have  to  study  earnestly,  prayerfully,  in  order  to  understand  these  grand  truths;  and  our  power  to  learn  and  comprehend  will  be  taxed  to  the  utmost.  Ev  196.1    

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Proverbs  2:1-­‐5    

Matthew  7:8-­‐11    

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Should  Not  Rest  

Eyes  Fixed  on  Sanctuary.-­‐-­‐As  a  people,  we  should  be  earnest  students  of  prophecy;  we  should  not  rest  unNl  we  become  intelligent  in  regard  to  the  subject  of  the  sanctuary,  which  is  brought  out  in  the  visions  of  Daniel  and  John…  Ev  222.3  

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SHARING  IN  HIS  WORK  Present  &  Great  Truth  

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Co-­‐Workers  God  might  have  commihed  the  message  of  the  gospel,  and  all  the  work  of  loving  ministry,  to  the  heavenly  angels.  He  might  have  employed  other  means  for  accomplishing  His  purpose.  But  in  His  infinite  love  He  chose  to  make  us  co-­‐workers  with  Himself,  with  Christ  and  the  angels,  that  we  might  share  the  blessing,  the  joy,  the  spiritual  uplibing,  which  results  from  unselfish  ministry.  MC  9.1  

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Every  one  of  us  can  do  something,  if  we  will  only  take  the  posiNon  that  God  would  have  us  take.  My  brethren,  every  move  that  you  make  to  enlighten  others,  brings  you  nearer  into  harmony  with  the  God  of  heaven.    MC  9.2    

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World Religions by Percentage

Isaiah  42:8-­‐9  (see,  Isa.  41:26;  45:21;  46:9-­‐10;  John  13:19)    [NIV]  I  am  the  LORD;  that  is  my  name!  I  will  not  yield  my  glory  to  another  or  my  praise  to  idols.  See,  the  former  things  have  taken  place,  and  new  things  I  declare;  before  they  spring  into  being  I  

announce  them  to  you.  

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Evidence  and  Faith  

God  never  asks  us  to  believe,  without  giving  sufficient  evidence  upon  which  to  base  our  faith.  His  existence,  His  character,  the  truthfulness  of  His  Word,  are  all  established  by  tesNmony  that  appeals  to  our  reason;  and  this  tesNmony  is  abundant.  SC  105  

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The  Remnant  

“…the  remnant  of  her  seed…”  (Rev.  12:17)    Remnant.  Gr.  loipoi,  “remaining  ones,”  from  leipō,  “to  leave,”  “to  leave  behind.”  The  Seventh-­‐day  AdvenNst  Bible  Commentary,  Volume  7.  1980  (F.  D.  Nichol,  Ed.)  (812).  Review  and  Herald  Publishing  AssociaNo  

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Ini:al   Calamity/Apostasy   Remnant   Reference    Abraham  decedents  

EgypNan  famine   Jacob’s  family  (twelve  sons)  

Gen  45:7  

Israel  (twelve  tribes)  

General  apostasy   Elijah  plus  seven  thousand  

1  Kings  18:22;  19:14;  Rom  11:4,  5  

Israel  (twelve  tribes)  

Assyrian  invasion   Judah  (two  tribes)   2  Chron  30:6;  2  Kings  17:18;  Isa  10:22  

Judah  (two  tribes)  

Sennacherib  invasion   Jerusalem   2  Kings  19:4,  30,  31;  Isa  37:4,  31,  32;  4:2;  10:20;  11:11,  12,  16  

Jerusalem   Babylon  invasion     Reaming  capNves   2  Kings  25:22;  Eze  14:22;  Jer  40:11;  Jer  42:2;  Eze  7:16;  Eze  24:8,  9;  Eze  44:14  

Jerusalem   Babylon  invasion   Released  capNves   Eze  6:8,  8;  Jer  23:3;  Jer  31:7;  Jer  50:28;  Jer  1:2,  3;  Zech  8:12;  Ezra  9:14  

The  Remnant  

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The  Remnant  The  “remnant”  of  OT  Nmes  is  thus  composed  of  successive  generaNons  of  Israelites—God’s  chosen  people.  Again  and  again  the  majority  apostaNzed,  but  each  Nme  there  was  a  faithful  “remnant”  that  became  exclusive  heirs  to  the  sacred  promises,  privileges,  and  responsibili:es  of  the  covenant  originally  made  with  Abraham  and  confirmed  at  Sinai.  The  Seventh-­‐day  AdvenNst  Bible  Commentary,  Volume  7.  1980  (F.  D.  Nichol,  Ed.)  (814).  Review  and  Herald  Publishing  AssociaNon.  

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The  Remnant  

“…it  cast  down  the  truth  to  the  ground…”  (Dan.  8:12)    

“…knowledge  shall  be  increased.”  (Dan.  12:4)  


538  AD


1798  AD  

(Rev  12:6,14)  

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Romans  1:14  I  am  debtor  both  to  the  Greeks,  and  to  the  

Barbarians;  both  to  the  wise,  and  to  the  unwise.      

Jeremiah  23:30    Therefore,  behold,  I  am  against  the  prophets,  saith  the  LORD,  that  steal  my  words  every  one  

from  his  neighbour.    



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God-­‐Given  Message  …We  are  not  only  to  read  and  understand  this  message,  but  to  proclaim  it  with  no  uncertain  sound  to  the  world.  By  presenNng  these  things  revealed  to  John,  we  shall  be  able  to  s:r  the  people.  19MR  41.1  

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God-­‐Given  Message  The  usual  subjects  on  which  the  ministers  of  nearly  all  other  denominaNons  dwell  will  not  move  them.  We  must  proclaim  our  God-­‐given  message  to  them.  The  world  is  to  be  warned  by  the  proclamaNon  of  this  message.  If  we  blanket  it,  if  we  hide  our  light  under  a  bushel,  if  we  so  circumscribe  ourselves  that  we  cannot  reach  the  people,  we  are  answerable  to  God  for  our  failure  to  warn  the  world.  19MR  41.2  

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MOST  CONVINCING  EVIDENCE  Present  &  Great  Truth  

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Most  Convincing  Evidence  Many  take  it  for  granted  that  they  are  ChrisNans,  simply  because  they  subscribe  to  certain  theological  tenets.  But  they  have  not  brought  the  truth  into  prac:cal  life.  They  have  not  believed  and  loved  it,  therefore  they  have  not  received  the  power  and  grace  that  come  through  sancNficaNon  of  the  truth.  Men  may  profess  faith  in  the  truth;  but  if  it  does  not  make  them  sincere,  kind,  paNent,  forbearing,  heavenly-­‐minded,  it  is  a  curse  to  its  possessors,  and  through  their  influence  it  is  a  curse  to  the  world.  AG  263.2      

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Most  Convincing  Evidence  

A  true,  lovable  Chris:an  is  the  most  powerful  argument  that  can  be  advanced  in  favor  of  Bible  truth.  Such  a  man  is  Christ's  representaNve.  His  life  is  the  most  convincing  evidence  that  can  be  borne  to  the  power  of  divine  grace.  AG  263.5  

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Spirit  and  Truth  

John  4:24  God  is  a  Spirit:  and  they  that  worship  him  must  

worship  him  in  spirit  and  in  truth.    Seal  Is  a  Sehling  Into  Truth.-­‐-­‐Just  as  soon  as  the  people  of  God  are  sealed  in  their  foreheads-­‐-­‐it  is  not  any  seal  or  mark  that  can  be  seen,  but  a  sehling  into  the  truth,  both  intellectually  and  spiritually,  so  they  cannot  be  moved...    4BC  1161.6    

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Great  Truth  

The  sacrifice  of  Christ  as  an  atonement  for  sin  is  the  great  truth  around  which  all  other  truths  cluster.  In  order  to  be  rightly  understood  and  appreciated,  every  truth  in  the  word  of  God,  from  Genesis  to  RevelaNon,  must  be  studied  in  the  light  that  streams  from  the  cross  of  Calvary…  GW  315.2    

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Grow  in  Grace  and  Knowledge  2  Peter  3:18  

But  grow  in  grace,  and  in  the  knowledge  of  our  Lord  and  Saviour  Jesus  Christ.  To  him  be  glory  both  now  and  for  

ever.  Amen.    

Proverbs  4:18  But  the  path  of  the  just  is  as  the  shining  light,  that  shineth  more  and  more  unto  the  perfect  day.  

 Psalms  119:105  

Thy  word  is  a  lamp  unto  my  feet,  and  a  light  unto  my  path.          

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Religious  Experience  When  the  books  of  Daniel  and  RevelaNon  are  beher  understood,  believers  will  have  an  en:rely  different  religious  experience.  They  will  be  given  such  glimpses  of  the  open  gates  of  heaven  that  heart  and  mind  will  be  impressed  with  the  character  that  all  must  develop  in  order  to  realize  the  blessedness  which  is  to  be  the  reward  of  the  pure  in  heart.  The  Lord  will  bless  all  who  will  seek  humbly  and  meekly  to  understand  that  which  is  revealed  in  the  RevelaNon...  FLB  345.3  

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‘But  Daniel  purposed  in  his  heart…’  (Dan.  1:8)    

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