Prescription drugs are more dangerous than illegal drugs. “Just say no.” For years adults have...

Prescription drugs are more dangerous than illegal drugs. “Just say no.” For years adults have been telling kids to just say “no” to drugs. No one is doubting the danger of illegal drugs such as ---, ---, ---. Stat about illegal drugs : (negative drug stat) Commonly when a person thinks of dugs, he or she thinks of street narcotics and naively ignores the most dangerous drugs of all. A Drug: (definition) Medical advances have created chemical conoxtions that will relieve pain, helps stabalize moods, builds up defficiences in the body as well as ……… Medical advances are now making it so that illegal drugs are not America’s only nightmare. Anecdote: example addicted to prescription drug.

Transcript of Prescription drugs are more dangerous than illegal drugs. “Just say no.” For years adults have...

Page 1: Prescription drugs are more dangerous than illegal drugs. “Just say no.” For years adults have been telling kids to just say “no” to drugs. No one is doubting.

Prescription drugs are more dangerous than illegal drugs.

“Just say no.” For years adults have been telling kids to just say “no” to drugs. No one is doubting the danger of illegal drugs such as ---, ---, ---.

Stat about illegal drugs : (negative drug stat)

Commonly when a person thinks of dugs, he or she thinks of street narcotics and naively ignores the most dangerous drugs of all. A Drug: (definition)

Medical advances have created chemical conoxtions that will relieve pain, helps stabalize moods, builds up defficiences in the body as well as ………

Medical advances are now making it so that illegal drugs are not America’s only nightmare.

Anecdote: example addicted to prescription drug.

Page 2: Prescription drugs are more dangerous than illegal drugs. “Just say no.” For years adults have been telling kids to just say “no” to drugs. No one is doubting.



Damages families

Damages the body

Illegal Drugs Ex:






Prescription Drugs







Page 3: Prescription drugs are more dangerous than illegal drugs. “Just say no.” For years adults have been telling kids to just say “no” to drugs. No one is doubting.

Individuals should be punished for illegal downloading.

Stats of various record sales

Direct Statements: Explain the sales classification (gold, platinum, silver)

Explain how artists make money

Off of album sales “point system”

Basic record sales info

But what’s not reported is the

Millions if not billions of

Illegally downloaded music files
