PREPARING FOR THE ENTREPRENEUR’S VISIT Teacher/Non-teaching professional #entrepreneuralecole From November 12 to 23, the Semaine des entrepreneurs à l’école will allow you to offer a free presentation by an entrepreneur to your students. By exploring entrepreneurship with the students, you will help foster the entrepreneurial spirit and help transform ideas into action. The Semaine des entrepreneurs à l’école is a way to: make young people more aware of entrepreneurial spirit meet entrepreneurs in the field encourage young people to believe in themselves and transform their ideas into action! This document will help you organize the entrepreneur’s visit. November 12 to 23, 2018 26-7049-A © OSEntreprendre® 2018


Page 1: PREPARING FOR THE ENTREPRENEUR’S VISIT Teacher/Non ...€¦ · PREPARING FOR THE ENTREPRENEUR’S VISIT Teacher/Non-teaching professional #entrepreneuralecole From November 12 to

PREPARING FOR THE ENTREPRENEUR’S VISIT Teacher/Non-teaching professional #entrepreneuralecole

From November 12 to 23, the Semaine des entrepreneurs à l’école will allow you to offer a free presentation by an entrepreneur to your students. By exploring entrepreneurship with the students, you will help foster the entrepreneurial spirit and help transform ideas into action.

The Semaine des entrepreneurs à l’école is a way to:• make young people more aware of entrepreneurial spirit • meet entrepreneurs in the field• encourage young people to believe in themselves and transform their ideas into action!

This document will help you organize the entrepreneur’s visit.

November 12 to 23, 2018

26-7049-A© OSEntreprendre® 2018

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Prepare for a successful experience

PREPARING FOR THE ENTREPRENEUR’S VISIT Teacher/Non-teaching professional

Format• Suggested duration: approximately 45 minutes per presentation • Format: Individual class OR large group (e.g.: auditorium, etc.) • Volunteer involvement of entrepreneurs

The Semaine des entrepreneurs à l’école takes place throughout

Québec and reaches thousands of students!

Part 1 – BEFORE the entrepreneur’s visit


B) HOLD A PREPARATORY ACTIVITY. Here are some suggestions:

Proudly display your posters promoting the Semaine des entrepreneurs à l’école!

If necessary, communicate with your regional representative to discuss relevant logistics.

Ask if the entrepreneur needs a projector and screen. Transmit any other information needed to carry out the activity.

Clearly identify the individuals responsible for:

• Meeting the entrepreneur at the door 15 minutes prior to the agreed time and accompanying him or her

• Installing audiovisual equipment, if necessary, and ensuring it works properly at least 15 minutes before the presenter’s arrival

• Introducing the entrepreneur to the students based on what’s posted online

• Taking photos/videos to share the students’ experience on your blog, celebrity wall, newsletter, school’s webpage, etc.

In order to improve the students’ experience, we suggest you hold a preparatory activity. Here are some examples:

• Ask students to research the entrepreneur and his or her business.

• Have the students prepare questions to ask the entrepreneur during the presentation.

• Prepare an introduction for the entrepreneur and his or her business with the students and choose an official presenter.

• Have students film a short video to send to the entrepreneur discussing why they invited him or her to the school, or the projects that have already been completed in the school.

© OSEntreprendre® 2018


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Part 2 - DAY of the presentation

Part 3 - AFTER the presentation

A) HOLD A FOLLOW-UP ACTIVITY. Here are some suggestions:

Welcome the entrepreneur and help him or her get set up.

If necessary, set up audiovisual equipment.

Make sure to stay on schedule and give the entrepreneur as much time as possible.

Introduce the entrepreneur to the students (prepared introduction).

Take photos of the entrepreneur in action. (Avoid taking photos of students unless you have the consent forms)

Facilitate a discussion and question period with the entrepreneur (if necessary).

Thank the entrepreneur.

• Prepare a thank-you card for the entrepreneur with the photos and videos taken during the presentation, inviting the students to share what they learned.

• Start a discussion with the students on the entrepreneur’s presentation and encourage them to think about their identities, qualities and goals.

• Have students write an article on the presentation (go over some of the facts, discuss what was inspiring, strengths, etc.).

• Use the entrepreneur’s presentation to introduce the students to the entrepreneurial spirit, since entrepreneurial experimentation at school helps:

- Build identity (discover who I am)- Career orientation (what I want to do) - Motivation, educational success (giving meaning to school, to learning) - Sense of competence (what I am good at) - Sense of belonging (“my” environment)

Visit the Outils section of the website for ideas on experimenting with entrepreneurship.

Have the students progressed from ideas to action? Put them in the spotlight with the OSEntreprendre Challenge. You will receive ‘‘Entrepreneurship, I’m up for the Challenge’’ materials (badges, stickers, posters, etc.) and have the chance to impress local, regional and provincial juries.

PREPARING FOR THE ENTREPRENEUR’S VISIT Teacher/Non-teaching professional

© OSEntreprendre® 2018

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How can you share your experiences with your community, social networks and school website?

• Download and share the Semaine des entrepreneurs à l’école logo from the website

• Publish an article or message in your school’s newsletter. Suggestion:

An entrepreneur in the school! During the Semaine des entrepreneurs à l’école, we had the pleasure of welcoming the inspiring (Entrepreneur’s name) from (Business name). In a speech to (specify) students to share his/her entrepreneurial experience, Mr./Ms (Entrepreneur’s name) captured the attention of the audience. His/Her story, passion and advice fostered the students’ spirit of entrepreneurship and inspired us all to transform our ideas into action. Mission accomplished! We would like to thank Mr./Ms (Entrepreneur’s name) for his/her generosity and community involvement.

• Reach out to your local or regional paper to have them publish an article and photo! (Perhaps an article written by the students?)

Suggested publication request for a local newspaper.


On (date of event), as part of the Semaine des entrepreneurs à l’école, students from (school name) were pleased to welcome (Mr./Ms + Entrepreneur’s name), the (title) of (name of business), who shared his/her entrepreneurial experience with them.

As we are proud to have participated, we would like to share the students’ experience and recognize the entrepreneur’s contri-bution. I would be grateful if you would write and publish an article about this event in the next edition of your paper. Attached to this letter is an article written by a participating student and photos from the event. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can provide more information.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation,


We hope you have an enriching experience!

PREPARING FOR THE ENTREPRENEUR’S VISIT Teacher/Non-teaching professional


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© OSEntreprendre® 2018
