Preparation famous quotes

Preparation Famous Quotes

Transcript of Preparation famous quotes

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PreparationFamous Quotes

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Chinese Bamboo

First 4 years………No shoot 5th year…………..Shoots up

Grows……………30 mtrs in 35 days.

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An example of Preparation

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He has prepared many “Teas”

Page 5: Preparation  famous  quotes

“As far as the World Cup is concerned, it is a process. We don't want to jump to the 50th floor straight away. We must start on the ground floor.” 

― Sachin Tendulkar

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What is this “It”?What is this “It”?What is this “It”?What is this “It”?What is this “It”?What is this “It”?What is this “It”?What is this…


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Well, to me, my past accomplishments weren't crazy.

They required a lot of skill and careful planning.

Felix Baumgartner

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“I will prepare and some day my chance will come.” ― Abraham Lincoln

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“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” ― Benjamin Franklin

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“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” ― Benjamin Franklin

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For the want of a nail, the shoe was loose; for the want of a shoe the horse was loose; and for the want of a horse the rider was lost, being overtaken and slain by the enemy, all for the want of care about a horseshoe nail.

Benjamin Franklin

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“All things are ready, if our mind be so.” ― William Shakespeare, Henry V

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Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation

- Zig Ziglar

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“Sit down before fact as a little child, be prepared to give up every preconceived notion, follow humbly wherever and to whatever abysses nature leads, or you shall learn nothing. I have only begun to learn content and peace of mind since I have resolved at all risks to do this.” 

― Thomas Henry Huxley, Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley - Volume 1

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“Unfortunately, there seems to be far more opportunity out there than ability.

We should remember that good fortune often happens when opportunity meets with preparation.” 

― Thomas Edison

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“If you believe you can accomplish everything by "cramming" at the eleventh hour, by all means, don't lift a finger now. But you may think twice about beginning to build your ark once it has already started raining” 

― Max Brooks, The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead

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“He who is best prepared can best serve his moment of inspiration.” 

― Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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“Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it. The victorious performance itself is merely the demonstration of their championship character.” ― Alan Armstrong

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“Spectacular achievement is always preceded by unspectacular preparation.” 

― Robert H. Schuller

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“The will to win is nothing without the will to prepare.” ― Juma Ikangaa

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“It's best to have your tools with you. If you don't, you're apt to find something you didn't expect and get discouraged.” 

― Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

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“Opportunity is a haughty goddess who wastes no time with those who are unprepared.” 

― George S. Clason

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“Good luck is a residue of preparation.” ― Jack Youngblood

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“Time doesn't conceal anything, it tells the future what you did in the past, so prepare well in order to score extra marks.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson

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“Preparing for your journey in the most thorough way possible will not diminish your experiences abroad. It will enhance them.” 

― Bailey Richert, Prepare, Travel, Return: A Beginner's Guide to Globetrotting

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One who prepared with a rope, crossed the river far more easily than the one who said, ”Let us think of crossing the river when we get to it”


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Preparation does not guarantee success. But, the lack of preparation guarantees failure.


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When you know you are getting a catch, it has gone past you.

You have taken the ball and then you realize that it was a catch.

That is concentration and preparation.


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For all your days be prepared, and meet them ever alike. When you are the anvil, bear -- when you are the hammer, strike.Edwin Markham

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I run on the road, long before I dance under the lights.

Muhammad Ali

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In the field of observation, chance favors only the prepared minds.Louis Pasteur

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It's better to look ahead and prepare than to look back and regret.

Jackie Joyner Kersee

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Knowing that his past actions may try to overwhelm him, the devotee must be prepared to combat them. God will give him the strength: His Name will be an impenetrable armor. It will save him from all the consequences.Swami Brahmanada

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One of life's most painful moments comes when we must admit that we didn't do our homework, that we are not prepared.

Merlin Olsen

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Preparing mentally takes more out of you than the physical aspect of it.Summer Sanders

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Thorough preparation makes its own luck.Joe Poyer

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To be prepared against surprise is to be trained. To be prepared for surprise is to be educated.James Carse

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Unless you have prepared yourself to profit by your chance, the opportunity will only make you ridiculous. A great occasion is valuable to you just in proportion as you have educated yourself to make use of it. Orison Swett Marden

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What I do is prepare myself until I know I can do what I have to do.Joe Namath

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When ye are prepared for a thing, the opportunity to use it presents itself.Edgar Cayce

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You don't run twenty-six miles at five minutes a mile on good looks and a secret recipe.Frank Shorter

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You hit home runs not by chance but by preparation.Roger Maris

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A great work

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