Preferred method of working

What is your preferred method of working? Click next for 3 statements.

Transcript of Preferred method of working

Page 1: Preferred method of working

What is your preferred method of working?

Click next for 3 statements.

Page 2: Preferred method of working

A – I like to create spur of the moment content and can produce good quality content each day

B – I prefer to be organised so I know what I am going to say in advance

C – I just find this whole producing content thing difficult, I never know what to say

Think of your answer before moving on..

Page 3: Preferred method of working

If you thought A

If you can continue to create ‘on the spot’ updates using all the tools (appropriate for your audience of course) then good luck to you! You might know that it’s not an effective way of working.

By working through this Task you’re finding out about the techniques that will be essential for you when you’re creating updates for the business.

But for now the planning of updates can be done at a different level.

Page 4: Preferred method of working

If you thought B

We’re going to talk about how you can be more organised in your updates.

By being organised you’ll prepare to talk about topics ahead of time – you can add more detail if you would prefer.

Page 5: Preferred method of working

If you thought C

Don’t despair, this is a common problem.

You’ll be picking up lots of ideas to help as you continue through the task.