Prayer ycles - Napier Cathedral - 10 -15-2017 - OS28.pdfCollect: Kind and generous God, you prepare...

W EEKLY N EWSLETTER 15 October 2017 - Ordinary Sunday 28 8.00 am Eucharist (Aotearoa Chapel) Dean Ian Render 10.00 am Choral Eucharist Dean Ian Render Ormond Chapel, Napier Terrace: No service Please ensure all cellphones are switched OFF when in the Cathedral; and, if necessary, adjust hearing aids to the “Loop” system. Low-Gluten wafers (below 20ppm) are now available - please advise the Presider, or one of the Welcoming team, if this is your dietary requirement. NOTE: Bell Tower and entrance are earthquake prone as assessed under the Building Act 2004 - use at your own risk! Prayer Cycles - We pray for … Anglican Communion The Anglican Diocese of Swaziland (Southern Africa); the Rt Rev’d Ellinah Nombi Wamukoya Anglican Board of Missions Diocese of Polynesia - the landless and homeless people in Nadawa, Fiji; the Rev’d Wame Tuidama and the people of St Philips at Nadawa Diocese, Parish and Community Waiapu Bishop, the Rt Rev’d Andrew Hedge & family Waiapu Dean, the Very Rev’d Ian Render Waiapu Regional Deans (Rev’ds David van Oeveren, Adrienne Bruce and Stephen Donald); Waiapu Ministry Educator, Rev’d Deborah Broome Diocesan Theologian, Rev’d Dr Howard Pilgrim Havelock North Parish, Rev’d Bryan Carey Edgecumbe-Kawerau Parish, and their local ministry support team Diocese of Dunedin, Bishop Steven Benford; Dean Trevor James & parishioners of St Paul’s Cathedral To contact Dean Ian Render ... Telephone Direct Dial Free-call: 211-3715 Text or call the Parish Mobile: 021 688 227 Email: dean@napier cathedral.

Transcript of Prayer ycles - Napier Cathedral - 10 -15-2017 - OS28.pdfCollect: Kind and generous God, you prepare...

Page 1: Prayer ycles - Napier Cathedral - 10 -15-2017 - OS28.pdfCollect: Kind and generous God, you prepare a feast for all people. May we prepare for your banquet by putting on the garment


15 October 2017 - Ordinary Sunday 28

8.00 am Eucharist (Aotearoa Chapel) Dean Ian Render

10.00 am Choral Eucharist Dean Ian Render Ormond Chapel, Napier Terrace: No service

Please ensure all cellphones are switched OFF when in the Cathedral; and, if necessary, adjust hearing aids to the “Loop” system.

Low-Gluten wafers (below 20ppm) are now available - please advise the Presider, or one of the Welcoming team, if this is your dietary requirement.

NOTE: Bell Tower and entrance are earthquake prone as assessed under the Building Act 2004 - use at your own risk!

Prayer Cycles - We pray for …

Anglican Communion

The Anglican Diocese of Swaziland (Southern Africa);

the Rt Rev’d Ellinah Ntfombi Wamukoya

Anglican Board of Missions

Diocese of Polynesia - the landless and homeless

people in Nadawa, Fiji; the Rev’d Wame Tuidama

and the people of St Philips at Nadawa

Diocese, Parish and Community

Waiapu Bishop, the Rt Rev’d Andrew Hedge & family

Waiapu Dean, the Very Rev’d Ian Render

Waiapu Regional Deans (Rev’ds David van Oeveren,

Adrienne Bruce and Stephen Donald);

Waiapu Ministry Educator, Rev’d Deborah Broome

Diocesan Theologian, Rev’d Dr Howard Pilgrim

Havelock North Parish, Rev’d Bryan Carey

Edgecumbe-Kawerau Parish, and their local ministry

support team

Diocese of Dunedin, Bishop Steven Benford; Dean

Trevor James & parishioners of St Paul’s Cathedral

To contact Dean

Ian Render ...

Telephone Direct Dial Free-call: 211-3715

Text or call the Parish Mobile:

021 688 227

Email: dean@napier


Page 2: Prayer ycles - Napier Cathedral - 10 -15-2017 - OS28.pdfCollect: Kind and generous God, you prepare a feast for all people. May we prepare for your banquet by putting on the garment


A very warm Welcome to all who are

worshipping with us … especially if

you are visiting Napier or at the

Cathedral for the first time … you are

invited to join us for morning tea (or

coffee!) served at the back of the

Cathedral following the 10am service.

This morning the Rev’d Graeme

Pilgrim is preaching/presiding at All

Saints’ Taradale at 8am, then at St

Michael & All Angels, Puketapu, at



Public Holiday Week-end Please note that the Cathedral and the

Parish Office will be CLOSED next Friday 20th October (HB Anniversary Day) and the following Monday 23rd October

(Labour Day)

Waiapu Cathedral’s

Golden Anniversary

A huge ‘Thank You’ to everyone involved

with the planning, preparations,

presentations and participation

for last weekend’s celebrations marking 50

years since the Consecration of

Waiapu Cathedral;

especially to the organising committee,

to the speaker, presenter, presider, and

preacher; to the flower teams, the

catering & serving teams; to the painters

& mural-makers, singers and musicians;

to all who have travelled or sent good wishes; and to Dunstalls Funeral Services

for the loan of the TV screens and the time and expertise in producing the photo slide-

show; to everyone involved ... Thank you, thank you, thank you!

KING’S SCHOOL CHAPEL CHOIR In ConcertIn ConcertIn Concert

Waiapu Cathedral, Browning Street, Napier

Wednesday 18Wednesday 18Wednesday 18th th th October 2017, 1.00 pmOctober 2017, 1.00 pmOctober 2017, 1.00 pm

Free entry Free entry Free entry --- Koha/Donation appreciatedKoha/Donation appreciatedKoha/Donation appreciated

King’s School Chapel Choir is an auditioned choir made up from boys in Years 6 to 8. The choir rehearse twice weekly and sing for school chapel services, community events and this year the choir will be touring Hawke’s Bay in October. The boys enjoy sing-ing a wide variety of styles, from sacred though to world music - the concert reper-toire reflects this variety. Choir Master, Kirsten Scouller is originally

from Scotland where she trained as a singer

and music teacher. Accompanist Michael Bell

is a highly regarded organist and compos-

er. Michael wrote the piece ‘Karakia Whaka-

mutunga’ especially for King’s to sing at The

Kids Sing competition where the Chapel

Choir won the Gold Award and are the top

boys choir in Auckland.

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Today’s Order of Service

This morning’s service follows the Eucharistic Liturgy ‘Thanksgiving for Creation & Redemp-tion’ commencing on page 456 in the red New Zealand Anglican Prayer Book; the tunes for the hymns may be found in Common Praise, the blue hymn book in the pews; the congregation remain seated whilst the Choir sing the Introit from the back of the church, then stand to sing the Processional hymn

Presider/Preacher: Dean Ian Render Priest Assistant: Rev’d Dorothy Brooker Choir Director: Anthony Tattersall Organist: Anthony Tattersall

Choral Setting: Darke in A minor

Introit: O taste and see - V Williams

Processional: Praise with joy the world’s Creator tune: Lauda Amina [CP]

John Bell / Graham Maule Voices United #312

Welcome: Dean Ian Render

NZPB page: 456 The Gathering of the Community

NZPB page: 457 Benedicite Aotearoa

NZPB page: 458 Confession / Forgiveness / Absolution

1 Praise with joy the world's Creator, God of justice, love, and peace, source and end of human knowledge, God whose grace shall never cease. Celebrate the Maker's glory, power to rescue and release. 2 Praise to Christ who feeds the hungry, frees the captive, finds the lost, heals the sick, up-sets religion, fearless both of fate and cost. Celebrate Christ's constant presence: friend and stranger, guest and host.

3 Praise the Spirit sent among us, liberating truth from pride, forging bonds where race or gender, age or nation dare divide. Celebrate the Spirit's treasure: foolishness none dare deride. 4 Praise the Maker, Christ, and Spirit, one God in community, calling Christians to embody oneness and diversity. This the world shall see reflected: God is One and One in Three.

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Sentence: I would feed you with the finest wheat-flour; and satisfy you with honey from the rock. Psalm 81: 16 (adapted)

Collect: Kind and generous God, you prepare a feast for all people.

May we prepare for your banquet by putting on the garment of love that springs from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and a genuine faith. Help us to bring the lost and lonely, the poor and those in need to your feast where all are fed.

We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen

Reading: Isaiah 25: 1-9 Hugo Powrie

Psalm 23

Choir: In the Lord’s own house shall I dwell forever and ever. All: In the Lord’s own house shall I dwell forever and ever.

Reading: Philippians 4: 1-9 Mark Robertshawe

Gradual Hymn: Come to the celebration tune: Cana

1 Come to the celebration, all who are hungry, the best wine is ready and the loaves of bread;

here he comes, the bridegroom, to welcome the people,

to share out the food and see that all are fed.

1 - Choir:

The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Fresh and green are the pastures where he gives me repose. Near restful waters he leads me, to revive my dropping spirit.

2 - Choir:

He guides me along the right path; he is true to his name. If I should walk in the valley of darkness no evil would I fear.

You are there with your crook and your staff; with these you give me comfort.

3 - Choir:

You have prepared a banquet for me in the sight of my foes. My head you have anointed with oil; my cup is overflowing.

4 - Choir:

Surely goodness and kindness shall follow me all the days of my life. In the Lord’s own house shall I dwell for ever and ever.

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2 Who is invited to the house of the bridegroom,

to live while the dead are left to bury the dead?

Beggars from the roadside, amazed at the asking,

are called to the table where the feast is spread.

3 What kind of party is this wedding reception?

The first are the last and yet the last are first.

Royal guests of honour are standing and waiting

until all the servants satisfy their thirst.

4 When shall we come along to share in the feasting?

The day is today, the doors are open wide.

Endless the rejoicing at this celebration –

the Lord is the bridegroom, and his Church the bride.

5 Come empty-handed when you come to the table;

the drink flows forever, there is ample food.

Taste the wine of heaven and never be thirsty,

and see, as we break the bread, that God is good!

AA27 - Marnie Barrell

Gospel Reading: Matthew 22: 15-22 Rev’d Dorothy Brooker

The Sermon: Dean Ian Render A Jewish Prayer: Lord of Peace, be with those who guide the destinies of the world so that an end may come to boasting and vain- glory and the reign of arrogance dwindle in our time, so that we may stand upright, freed from the burden of fear and the weight of suspicion, learning to trust each other. NZPB page: 461 Affirmation of Faith - Apostles’ Creed

NZPB page: 463 The Prayers of the People Michael Morgan

NZPB page: 466 The Peace Dean Ian Render

We greet the people near us, saying ‘Peace be with you’ / ‘Kia tau te rangimarie’.

During the next hymn the bread and wine, symbols of Christ’s life, are brought to the altar; our offerings of money that support the mission and ministry of the Cathedral are collected and brought forward also.


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Offertory Hymn: You, Lord, are both lamb and shepherd tune: Picardy [CP309]

Words: Sylvia Dunstan (1955-1993) © GIA Publications Inc.

NZPB page: 467 The Preparation of the Gifts

NZPB page: 467-70 The Great Thanksgiving

NZPB page: 470 The Lord’s Prayer

NZPB page: 471 The Invitation

All are welcome to share the bread and wine of Christ’s life, or to receive a blessing - please come to the altar rails via the centre aisle and return to your seats via the side aisles (or use the ramp if necessary and take a place at the rear altar rails); please advise an usher if you need to have communion served in your seat. Personal Prayer is available in the Resurrection Chapel with a member of the ministry team - if you wish to have someone pray with and for you, please go directly to the Resurrection Chapel (at the back of the Cathedral) after receiving communion.

During communion, the Choir will sing: O sacrum convivium - Tallis

NZPB page: 472-3 Prayer after communion The Blessing: Dean Ian Render

We share notices and news


You, Lord, are both Lamb and Shepherd.

You, Lord, are both prince and slave.

You, peace-maker and sword-bringer

of the way you took and gave.

You, the everlasting instant;

you, whom we both scorn and crave.


Clothed in light upon the mountain,

stripped of might upon the cross,

shining in eternal glory,

beggared by a soldier’s toss.

You, the everlasting instant;

you, who are both gift and cost.


You, who walk each day beside us,

sit in power at God’s side.

You, who preach a way that’s narrow,

have a love that reaches wide.

You, the everlasting instant;

you, who are our pilgrim guide.


Worthy is our earthly Jesus!

Worthy is our cosmic Christ!

Worthy your defeat and victory.

Worthy still your peace and strife.

You, the everlasting instant;

you, who are our death and life.

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You, Lord, are both Lamb and Shepherd.

You, Lord, are both prince and slave.

You, peace-maker and sword-bringer

of the way you took and gave.

You, the everlasting instant;

you, whom we both scorn and crave.


Clothed in light upon the mountain,

stripped of might upon the cross,

shining in eternal glory,

beggared by a soldier’s toss.

You, the everlasting instant;

you, who are both gift and cost.


You, who walk each day beside us,

sit in power at God’s side.

You, who preach a way that’s narrow,

have a love that reaches wide.

You, the everlasting instant;

you, who are our pilgrim guide.


Worthy is our earthly Jesus!

Worthy is our cosmic Christ!

Worthy your defeat and victory.

Worthy still your peace and strife.

You, the everlasting instant;

you, who are our death and life.

Recessional Hymn: O day of peace tune: Jerusalem [CP353]

1 O day of peace that dimly shines

through all our hopes and prayers and dreams,

guide us to justice, truth, and love,

delivered from our selfish schemes.

May the swords of hate fall from our hands,

our hearts from envy find release,

till by God’s grace our warring world

shall see Christ’s promised reign of peace.

2 Then shall the wolf dwell with the lamb,

nor shall the fierce devour the small;

as beast and cattle calmly graze,

a little child shall lead them all.

Then enemies shall learn to love,

all creatures find their true accord;

the hope of peace shall be fulfilled,

for all the earth shall know the Lord.

SG259 - Carl P Daw Jr

The Dismissal: Go now to love and serve the Lord. Go in peace.

Amen. We go in the name of Christ.

Week of Prayer Week of Prayer Week of Prayer for World Peacefor World Peacefor World Peace

an Inter-Faith sharing - 15-22 October.

At 3.00 pm on Sunday 15th October, at the Heretaunga Women’s Centre, Hastings,

there will be a joint gathering to launch the week; and the week will conclude with a

joint gathering at EIT, Taradale, on Saturday 22nd at 2.30pm with a time of

refreshment and fellowship. All welcome.

For a full schedule of events for this week, please see poster on notice-board.


Following our last very successful effort - enough food or some 50 people - we are doing it again. If you are a starter this time we’ll keep you posted. Please ‘sign-up’ on the list at the back of the church, tick, or add your details. For those preparing together on the day the St Paul’s Presbyterian kitchen is availa-ble. We need to plan future action – any offers? Please contact Jon Williams, phone 833-6382, or email: [email protected]

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Dean: The Very Rev’d Ian Render Parish Mobile: 021 688 227

Assisting Clergy: Dorothy Brooker 843 6779 Erice Fairbrother 021 1442870 Graeme Pilgrim 835-6777 Jon Williams 833 6382


Dean’s: People’s: Alison Thomson 870 6418


Anthony Tattersall 845-0521


Jennifer Harris 845 1108


Tues-Fri.: 9.30am-3.30pm 835 8824

Priest-Administrator: Margaret Thompson

Waiapu Cathedral of St John the Evangelist, 28 Browning Street, Napier, NZ Phone 835-8824 ~ PO Box 495, Napier ~ email: [email protected]


Prayer during Communion

A member of the ministry team is available in the Resurrection Chapel during Com-munion at the 10.00am Choral Eucharist service in the Cathedral, for anyone who wishes personal prayer, or prayer for a spe-cific purpose, and/or anointing with oil for healing (if required).

Mid-Week Services: 9.00am Morning Prayer (Tues-Fri); 10.30am Eucharist (Tues); 12 noon Mid-Day Prayer (Wed)

Monday 16 October 9.30 am - HB Restorative Justice meet (lounge)

Tuesday 17 October 10.30 am - Eucharist (Resurrection Chapel)

Wednesday 18 October 1.30 pm - Kings School Chapel Choir concert

Thursday 19 October 1.00 pm - Finance Committee meet 7.00 pm - Choir practice

Wednesday 18 October 1.30 pm - Kings School Chapel Choir concert

Friday 20 - Monday 23 October HB Anniversary / Labour Day weekend - Cathedral & Parish Office closed.

Wednesday 25 October 12.15 pm - Stillpoint (Resurrection Chapel) 7.00 pm - Vestry meeting

Friday 27, Saturday 28, Sunday 29 October Napier Civic Choir & HB Orchestra concerts

Sunday 29 October 10.00 am - Anglican-Lutheran celebrations commemorating 500th anniversary of the Reformation

Thursday 2 November 9.00 am - All Souls’ Day Eucharist (Resurrection Chapel)

Sunday 5 November - All Saints’ Sunday 10.00 am - Requiem 5.00 pm - Remembrance Service in partnership with Dunstalls Funeral Services

Services next Sunday - 22 October 2017

... at the Cathedral ...

8.00 am - Eucharist (Aotearoa Chapel) 10.00 am - Eucharist with hymns

... at Ormond Chapel ...

11.00 am - Eucharist

Readings: Isaiah 45: 1-7 Psalm 96: 1-9 1 Thessalonians 1: 1-10 Matthew 22: 15-22