Practitioners for Psychic Fair

Practitioners for Psychic Fair Rosemarie Capiello - RoseMarie Rubinetti Cappiello: Mother of 4, Intuitive Medium, Yoga Instructor since 1989, Ordained Spiritual Minister, Hypnotherapist, Hospice Grief Counselor, Reiki attuned, BS Physical Education MSU. Today, I am a free lance yoga instructor, teaching in various health clubs, corp fitness centers and MSU's Phys Ed dept. I do private readings (medium, intuitive and soul readings) from my residence in Lyndhurst NJ and also in Morristown NJ. I conduct bi- monthly meditation circles and Dream Interpretation classes. Gale Haas, Peggy Tierney and I also conduct "Speaking With Spirit"- a Platform Medium ship Demonstration in various locations. The CHN came as a great and welcomed surprise to me and I embrace this new endeavor with relish. I love and honor these people I stand with and have complete reverence for their ability- our ability-- to generate truly miraculous things. I can't wait to see what Spirit has in store for us. Janet Amato - Janet Amato is a wise and skilled intuitive and healer. Since she was a child growing up in the metropolitan New York area, Janet has had many visions and dreams and a deep overriding feeling that she was protected by many angels. An Artist- Janet graduated from the Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC and had a flourishing career as a jewelry designer upon graduation. In this role, Janet was responsible for projecting changes in fashion trends. “It came so easily to me as though I had a crystal ball,” she said. This affirmed her long time feeling that she had a guided spiritual path to follow. More than a decade ago, Janet began to feel a calling to heal and help others. This led her to teach meditation and breathing classes and to help her and others learn to connect and listen to their

Transcript of Practitioners for Psychic Fair

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Practitioners for Psychic Fair

Rosemarie Capiello - RoseMarie Rubinetti Cappiello: Mother of 4, Intuitive Medium, Yoga Instructor since 1989, Ordained Spiritual Minister, Hypnotherapist, Hospice Grief Counselor, Reiki attuned, BS Physical Education MSU. Today, I am a free lance yoga instructor, teaching in various health clubs, corp fitness centers and MSU's Phys Ed dept. I do private readings (medium, intuitive and soul readings) from my residence in Lyndhurst NJ and also in Morristown NJ. I conduct bi- monthly meditation circles and Dream Interpretation classes. Gale Haas, Peggy Tierney and I also conduct "Speaking With Spirit"- a Platform Medium ship Demonstration in various locations. The CHN came as a great and welcomed surprise to me and I embrace this new endeavor with relish. I love and honor these people I stand with and have complete reverence for their ability- our ability-- to generate truly miraculous things. I can't wait to see what Spirit has in store for us.

Janet Amato - Janet Amato is a wise and skilled intuitive and healer. Since she was a child growing up in the metropolitan New York area, Janet has had many visions and dreams and a deep overriding feeling that she was protected by many angels. An Artist- Janet graduated from the Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC and had a flourishing career as a jewelry designer upon graduation. In this role, Janet was responsible for projecting changes in fashion trends. “It came so easily to me as though I had a crystal ball,” she said. This affirmed her long time feeling that she had a guided spiritual path to follow. More than a decade ago, Janet began

to feel a calling to heal and help others. This led her to teach meditation and breathing classes and to help her and others learn to connect and listen to their inner voices. Janet uses her visions in all aspects of her work including: Certified Advanced Reflexology (for 15 years), Intuitive Readings, Meditation and Breathing Classes. Janet is a natural healer and gifted medium. She trained and studied Mediumship, Public Speaking, and has attended an advanced Teacher’s Training course at the Arthur Findlay College in Stansted, England.Janet trained with In’Easa Mabu Ishtar, a teacher at the Divine University in Australia. She is accredited in the OPEN TO CHANNEL course. Janet channels Lord Sananda and the ascended masters.For a private session or a workshop schedule call 201-783-6015 or E-mail: [email protected]

Jill Michel - Mother of two, Certified Massage Therapist and Body Worker for 19 years, Reiki Master and Teacher, Silva Graduate, has studied hypnotherapy

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and NLP, and is a 2009 graduate from The Sacred Center School in Warwick NY. Energy Harmonizer, Cranial Sacral Therapist, Private Crystal Bowl meditations for groups as well as single sessions. Jill is one of the owners of Evergreen Healing Arts located at this time in Pompton Plains, NJ and Hewitt, NJ. Tel: 201-704-0823 [email protected]

Dawn Menillo - Psychic from childhood, Dawn always knew Angels existed, but it wasn't until her own health was challenged did she realize how much a part of her life the Angels would be.Dawn relied on her faith and belief in God to see her through cancer treatments and the darker times of her illness. One day she heard a small voice that would change her life forever. It was an Angel telling her to hold tight that things would get better. Thanks to God and the Angels, Dawn is a survivor!! From that moment on she opened her life and heart to the Angels. Since then she has dedicated her life to fine tuning her skills and bringing the word of Spirit and the Angels to anyone who asks for them. " This has been an incredible journey and i am so blessed to be able to bring the words of Spirit, the Angels and Archangels to people. They are always with us just waiting to be asked for help. They cannot interfere with free will so people need to call upon them for everything they could need, nothing is too great or too small. They bring the most love and joy ive ever felt and i absolutely believe I'm here today because of their support and guidance. I am eternally grateful to them. It is my honor and privilege to be the tool they have chosen to use to bring their heavenly guidance to all who seek it... Dawn M."


Christine Mahoney - Since a very young age, Christine has been able to sense emotions of others and has provided compassion for those in need. Her

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energetic connection to family and friends across the pond (Atlantic) may have developed her heightened senses from great distances. Her natural healing abilities have come to discover a niche of Angel Reiki....a gentle way to explore the mind, spirit, and energy body we all walk along with. Christine has an undeniable love of people and her spirit is genuine and generous. After much time in Corporate America, she has taken her own leap of faith to work with her personal passion to see people rise to their fullest potential. Christine's passion for discovery and self healing was perfectly formulated to include one of her fine sayings...."Let no hardship or distrust dismay your spirit for life...Spirit provides us great teachers for our soul....". She is a focused individual with whom you will experience her gentle and compassionate

Steven Gottlieb - Steven Gottlieb is an intuitive healer and personal performance coach and has helped hundreds of clients over the last ten years. His work encompasses a variety of bio-energetic methods including Applied Kinesiology, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques, a form of Energy Psychology), and straight-forward energy healing. Steven identifies and releases personal energetic ‘blocks’ to optimum well being and personal success, often with immediately felt results ranging from improvements in mental, emotional and physical states to positive changes in life circumstances including personal relationships and careers.………………………….Steve’s Intuitive Readings are intended to help you understand the deeper meaning of your most pressing issues, and to provide practical insight for transcending life’s challenges. Come prepared to ask questions about any concern. Through Intuition your truth about any issue can be absolutely known. Steve's use of Kinesiology as a means to verify Intuition creates a most powerful method to uncovering your deepest blocks to achieving happiness and success. A quick Energetic Empowerment treatment will be included for anyone who request one. For more info goto or call 914-997-7873.

Susan Squitteri – Pet Communicator - Susan is a pet psychic.  Using her intuitive abilities, Susan is able to talk directly with your animal companion and interpret the information.  You can ask your animal companion questions and receive information about how they are feeling, what they are thinking, and their view points, clarify food and behavior concerns and talk with your animal directly and openly about health, illness and end of life issues, or in-spirit communication.  Susan has over 9 years of experience as an

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animal communicator improving and deepening relationships between people and animals through awareness, understanding, and healing.

Sal Mastroeni – Sal is the son of “in the closet” intuitive parents. Although thinking he was unsuccessful throughout childhood in trying to find himself, a seed was implanted long before by his Aunt Barbara. Confused and becoming a man, throughout college she introduced him to yoga and meditation, which forever changed his path. The rock and roll lifestyle and fraternity jokes couldn’t continue forever. What Sal didn’t realize was that there was a healer within. After graduating from Rutgers University in 1997 with a BA in Psychology, Sal began 10 year cycle of changing careers, none of which felt right. After tending to his grandparents sickly needs and brief volunteer work at Hackensack University Medical Center, Sal was motivated for one final career change.   Beginning in 2006 Sal became a registered nurse working in the Emergency Department. He now spends his time as a Charge Nurse in a Surgical Center, silently working on patients and employees. During the same time Sal began nursing school, he was invited to join The Collective Healing network.  With too much on his plate, he turned the opportunity down.  It was 4 years later, after attending The Collective Healing Networks’ ‘Day of Healing’ , that an invitation was extended to join the group.  “ It wasn’t until I was invited into the Collective Healing Network that I began to feel my calling.  At first, I turned the group down. I didn’t feel on the same level as the rest of them.   I guess they saw in me that which I couldn’t see at that time:  That my soul purpose was to be a natural healer.” Sal says his desires are to “help you, bring out the best in you, in your life.  I can’t do it for you, but I can guide you.   I am thankful and gracious and express gratitude every day for my experiences.” Although certified in hypnotherapy, Sal is mostly self-taught through books, lectures, and life experiences.   He works with people as a heart-based-coach, on a one-to-one or group basis, using guided meditation and imagery, hands on healing and other energy work, and simple listening. 

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Bobbie Sterchele – Bobbie is the product of a marriage between the spiritual healer and the medical caregiver. Helping people through physical care and emotional support transition from this world to the next is just one of Bobbie’s many natural talents.Long before she achieved her professional title as healer, her intuitive nature was evident in everything she did. She is a respected registered nurse of more than 10 years and is currently working in the field of geriatrics. Bobbie is also and foremost the loving mother of a teenage son with hemophilia, a rare blood clotting disorder. It was through her medical and emotional care of her son that she evolved into the intuitive psychic she is today. Bobbie has been successfully managing his condition through her medical knowledge, clairvoyance and her ability to serve as a connective energy conduit. Bobbie has studied various healing modalities most recently with Eamonn Downey of the Arthur Findlay College in England.

Rita Gigante - Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Counselor, Massage Therapist, Angel/Intuitive Readings, Reiki II attuned, Preventative Energetic Therapy,  Medium, Exercise Physiologist, Ordained Spiritual Minister, BS Exercise Science WPU.

Lois Kramer-Perez -

Lois Kramer Perez Intuitive Feng Shui Practitioner & Education

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If we want to make changes in our lives, we must start from within. Are you ready? Through her own journey of self-discovery, Lois has embraced diverse energy modalities as a way of life—and she wants to share them with you. Lois has developed simple, effective techniques that help her clients sharpen their awareness, clarity, and empowerment through feng shui, personal meditative clearing, and environmental space clearing. Her weekly clearing meditation classes give people simple yet effective tools to use on a daily basis to create balance in their lives. Each of these services can provide anchors for creating change from the inside out. Let’s get started!

Working with her clients Lois incorporates an in depth Personal 5 Element Discovery Assessment giving the client insight and keen awareness of their true nature. Combining her intuitive talents as well as feng shui principles, & 5 element face reading, these assessments have proven to be an integral portion of each private consultation.  Lois will offer this Personal 5 Element Discovery Assessment on Nov 10; this 15 minute reading give you insight into your true nature, why you experience life the way you , what can shift you out of balance and what you can do about it.Lois is available for private consultations, speaking engagements & will design a program to fit your needs to create balance & change that is perfect for you. [email protected]

Maureen Kinsey An Angel, Ascended Masters, and Multiverse Intuitive,

Spiritual Channel, Clearer, Healer, and Guide, Psychotherapist, Motivational Speaker, Trainer and Consultant

As a life-long Intuitive, my Conscious connection to Spirit informs all; it is who I AM rather than what I do. My Spiritual gifts express as clear energy and vibration that flows through me to assist you to consciously connect to your Higher Heart in your own way. I effectively combine my Columbia University Counseling Psychology training as a therapist, my applied Metaphysics, IET, LUT, ACIM, LOA, NDE, past-life, and ministerial experience and training, and my work as an HR consultant to offer you inspired, professional, confidential sessions and services.

In sessions, Spirit creates a safe, welcoming High vibrating space where no fear or judgment exists. You may experience who you really are ~ Light, Oneness, Vibration, and Energy or

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LOVE ~ without condition or limit. Source expressing Source is so powerful and effective. You may choose to clear, remember, travel, release, or even heal that which no longer serves you. Choosing Conscious Inner Source connection just feels and ultimately works better.

I gladly provide in person, telephone and Skype individual and group sessions. Kindly contact me at 1-201-956-2787 or at [email protected] to schedule an individual session or attend a group.

~ Allow your own unique Divine encounter. Experience YOU ~ conscious, connected, cleared and even expanded…~

Frank St. James – is a highly qualified psychic consultant, astrologer, graphologist and lecturer. For many years he was a private detective in the New England area. His combined talents, sensitivity and knowledge brought his investigations for the government and local law enforcement agencies to higher levels of sophistication. Mr. St. James has over 30 years of research and study in the fields of parapsychology, mystical sciences and metaphysics. Other services that Mr. St. James provides is mediumship, tarot, past life regression, hypnosis, rune readings, and psychic artwork. He can be reached at 973-882-8331 or [email protected].

Christine DiDomenico - Christine DiDomenico is a certified facilitator of Access Consciousness, a 29 year teacher in the public schools of NY and the owner/director of the Access for Knowledge Learning Center in Sparkill, NY.  Christine facilitates consciousness for adults and children who desire change in their lives. She uses the energetic "bars" body process to eliminate beliefs, point of views, judgments, and decisions that create difficulty with the body, health, relationships, money, and more. Christine can be reached at [email protected]

Joan and Rebecca Taylor – Jewelry Table

Beth Moody – books, crystals, stones, etc.

Lora Monteleone– essential oils

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Barbara Antanies – jams, jellies, apple crisp, granola, pumpkin seeds and more

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