Practice: Replace that Politician

Practice: Replace that Politician 1. The President’s helicopter is lost somewhere over the Gulf of Mexico without a trace of evidence. 2. The White House is flooded by a tsunami and the President and Vice President drown in the Oval Office. 3. The Vice President goes sailing, wrecks is boat, and is eaten by a shark. 4. The Speaker of the House and the Vice President have a sushi date and die of unknown shellfish allergies. 5. The President has an aneurism and becomes mentally disabled. 6. Vicious hormone effected fish in the Potomac River grow legs and fatally attack the President, Speaker of the House, and Vice President. 7. The President, Vice President, Speaker of the House, President pro Tempor, Secretary of State, Secretary of Treasury, and Secretary of Defense contract a rare disease and enter comas. 8. The President’s family is taken hostage on Air Force One and is being forced to negotiate with terrorists. 9. The Capitol Building is bombed during the State of the Union Address killing everyone inside.

Transcript of Practice: Replace that Politician

Page 1: Practice: Replace that Politician

Practice: Replace that Politician1. The President’s helicopter is lost somewhere over the Gulf of Mexico without a trace of


2. The White House is flooded by a tsunami and the President and Vice President drown in the

Oval Office.

3. The Vice President goes sailing, wrecks is boat, and is eaten by a shark.

4. The Speaker of the House and the Vice President have a sushi date and die of unknown

shellfish allergies.

5. The President has an aneurism and becomes mentally disabled.

6. Vicious hormone effected fish in the Potomac River grow legs and fatally attack the

President, Speaker of the House, and Vice President.

7. The President, Vice President, Speaker of the House, President pro Tempor, Secretary of

State, Secretary of Treasury, and Secretary of Defense contract a rare disease and enter


8. The President’s family is taken hostage on Air Force One and is being forced to negotiate

with terrorists.

9. The Capitol Building is bombed during the State of the Union Address killing everyone inside.

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Exit Slip:

While watching the video clip please note:

1 way that states are able to effect the election



1 way the political parties effect the election


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Name: Sergio R. Perez. S. Due Date: 04/08/2016

American Government Current Event Assignment – 10pts Directions: Find a news article online, in a newspaper, in a magazine, etc. related to our American Government. Articles can be about national, state, or local government. Please be prepared to share your summaries and opinions in class. Title: Clinton Plan: Defeat Sanders, then unify Democratic party Source: Facts/Quotes – List 5 important facts or quotes from the article. 1. Hillary Clinton's campaign is taking new steps to try and disqualify Bernie Sanders in the eyes of Democratic voters, hoping to extinguish the argument that he is an electable alternative for the party's presidential nomination. 2. As Sanders took a victory lap following a 14-point triumph in Wisconsin, Clinton took fresh aim at the Vermont senator as part of a three-part strategy before the New York primary on April 19: Disqualify him, defeat him, and unify the party later. 3. "Some of his ideas just won't work because the numbers don't add up," Clinton told a labor union audience Wednesday in Philadelphia. "In a number of important areas, he doesn't have a plan at all." 4. A Clinton campaign fundraising appeal after the Wisconsin primary offered a glimpse into the new approach. The campaign's deputy communications director, Christina Reynolds, argued that Sanders is unqualified, sending a full transcript of a New York Daily News editorial board interview of Sanders. 5. "We've said for a long time that this primary is about who's really going to be able to get things done. And from reading this interview, you get the impression Senator Sanders hasn't thought very much about that," Reynolds wrote. "In fact, even on his signature issue of breaking up the banks, he's unable to answer basic questions about how he'd go about doing it, and even seems uncertain whether a president does or doesn't already have that authority under existing law." Summarize – Write a 4-6 sentence paragraph explaining the central idea(s) of the article. Hillary Clinton’s campaign is working on more techniques in order to defeat Sanders. With that said

though, the female candidate knows that Bernie Sanders belongs to the same political party. She said that after defeat him, she is gong to work to unify the Democratic Party. Meaning that she is aware that by the end of the day, they both are from the same team and that they have to work together. Bernie Sanders won Wisconsin’s primary election. With that being said though, there are some big and

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therefore, important states that have not had their primary elections yet and that are going to have a huge impact in the outcome of the presidential nominee. Evaluate – Write a 4-6 sentence paragraph explaining your opinion of the information in the article. In the article, Hillary says that Sanders’ ideas seem not to have my fundament or base. The female

candidate thinks that Bernie Sanders is not going to get any of the thing he is promising done. In that aspect, she is right because Sanders has talked about a lot of good ideas but the question is where is all the money to do such thing is going to come from?. That is what American people is concerned about, that most of Bernie’s ideas require money and the way that the government gets more money is by increasing taxes which is going to take even more money from the U.S. citizens.

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Name: Due Date:  

American Government Current Event Assignment – 10pts  

Directions: Find a news article online, in a newspaper, in a magazine, etc. related to our American Government. Articles can be about national, state, or local government. Please be prepared to share your summaries and opinions in class.  

 Title:  Source:   Facts/Quotes – List 5 important facts or quotes from the article.   1.  2.  3.  4.  5.   Summarize – Write a 4­6 sentence paragraph explaining the central idea(s) of the article.            Evaluate – Write a 4­6 sentence paragraph explaining your opinion of the information in the article.    

ISIS member responsible for rocket attack on U.S. Marines killed in strike

Alexis Millard


"He also said 5 other ISIS fighters were killed in the strike."

"The base has come under repeated ISIS assault since the first attack."

"Jasim Khadijah was an ISIL member and former Iraqi officer believed directly connected to the recent rocket attack"

"An ISIS member believed responsible for an attack last month resulting in the death of a U.S. Marine and wounding others.."

Jasim Khadijah was the man who lead the attack on a U.S Marine base. He was a former Iraqi officer, along with his current position of a member of the ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant). One marine was killed in the attack along with eight others who were greatly injured. Khadijah and other ISIS members were noted to be killed in the U.S strike, along with U.S Staff Sergeant Louis. This attack was believed to be thought through and observed for a period of time. ISIS may have seen the U.S Marines moving around the area of the base and hearing or seeing the Marines practicing firing rounds.

"ISIS is believed to have observed the Marines moving into the area and saw them firing practice rounds.."

In my opinion, I see a little bit of justice served in the killings of the ISIS members who attacked the base, because U.S Staff Sergeant Louis was killed in the attack, the members' deaths justified the eye for an eye belief. On the other hand, I think the U.S should either set up softer targets as harder targets so these are attacks are prevented as much as possible. ISIS must be stopped at all causes.

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