Practical hints & tips 4 b2 b marketing with linkedin & twitter

Practical Hints & Tips 4 B2B Marketing with LinkedIn & Twitter By Nicola Crossland E: [email protected] T: @nicolacrossland Li: in/nicolacrossland M: 07721 650265

Transcript of Practical hints & tips 4 b2 b marketing with linkedin & twitter

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Practical Hints & Tips 4 B2B Marketing with LinkedIn & Twitter

By Nicola Crossland E: [email protected] T: @nicolacrossland Li: in/nicolacrossland M: 07721 650265

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Social media and analytical tools

has enabled us to reach our target audience, measure marketing

success, and funnel our customers

from initial attraction to conversion – simply.

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Lead generation is pointless without

knowing your customer personas

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Buyer personas are fictional,

representations of your ideal


They help you understand your

customers (and prospective customers)

better, and make it easier for you to

tailor content to the specific needs,

behaviours, and concerns of different

groups (segments).

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‘Fiona’ Buyer Persona

1. Background

2. Demographics

3. Identifier

4. Goals

5. Challenges

6. What can we do

7. Quotations (about Goals & Challenges)

8. Common Objections

9. Where do they do?

10. Marketing messaging

11. Elevator pitch

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The Customer Journey



Close Delight


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When combined with lifecycle

stage (i.e. how far along

someone is in your sales

cycle), buyer personas also

allow you to map out and

create highly targeted content.

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LinkedIn is SEO so to attract your target audience (inbound marketing) build a profile, and develop that profile (Google likes fresh

content), as part of your customer journey AND with your target audience in mind.

And remember – people buy from people - your second degree contacts count.

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#12 Ways to

Optimise Your LinkedIn Profile

to Attract, Convert & Close Customers

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#1 Establish yourself as

a Key Person of Influence (KPI)

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#2 Create an Appropriate Headline

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#3 Add Contacts & Calls to Action

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#4 Write with your Target Audience in Mind

1. Consider your messaging

2. What you really want to sell them (rule of 3, KISS and make it really easy to buy)

3. Research Key Search Terms

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#5 Emphasise Your Professional Skills

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#6 Seek Recommendations

• Ask for recommendations from ‘VIPs’ and KPIs for ALL you do

• Add these to your website too

• Write them – or at least guide them ;)

• Tweet – say thank you – for your recommendations (references) too

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Highlight products, services or other projects - such as current events.

Directly link each project to your website and include team members

when applicable.

#7 Promote Your Projects

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#8 Feature Your Professional Memberships

Use the Organisations section to highlight your professional memberships (like

ABPCO) and the position you hold beyond just being a member.

It’s a great opportunity to optimise your profile for keywords.

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#9 Link to Your Publications

The Publications section is perfect if you’re a book author, regular contributor to top

publications, or have ebooks, white papers and other content that you want to promote.

You can directly link each publication to where visitors can buy your books to author profile pages and landing pages for your content.

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#10 Join LinkedIn Groups

If you join groups related to your industry you can add more keywords to your profile.

You can comment in group chats, both linking to and raising your profile.

And, if you run groups for your business, you can display them on your profile to help increase membership and shape events.

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#11 Support Your Causes

Did you know that one in five hiring managers has chosen a candidate based on his or her

volunteer experience?

Add the Volunteer section to your profile to show others that you also care about helping


For not-for-profits, this is a great way to promote your organisation and cause.

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#12 Add a Company Page

A company page enables you to

gather followers, publish information relevant to segments, find strategic

partnerships (extending your offering) and educate you audience

– helping them in their journey down your sales funnel.

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Dashboards for Social Media Management



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60% of CEOs of major worldwide corporations

use Twitter – and it’s growing …

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#10 Rapid Fire Tips for Twitter

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#1 Use Both Profile Images

Twitter uses two different images to represent your account. It’s important that you take

advantage of both of these images to tell your business story. You upload these images under

Profile in your account settings.

Your Twitter profile photo is a square photo that appears next to every tweet you send. You can

use either your company logo or your headshot for your profile photo.

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#2 Is Your Profile Complete?

4 questions to improve your profile:

1. Does your photograph continue your branding and position your business?

2. Are you best utilising your 160 characters?

3. Is there a link to your website or blog?

4. Are there any appropriate hashtags you should include (see

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#3 Create Great Content

• Be engaging all the time.

• Stay on-topic and on-trend.

• Include Hashtags in Tweets – research the best with

• Create multiple tweets from each piece of your own content.

• Time your tweets to reach your key audience. Use an app like to find the peak times your followers are on Twitter.

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#4 Ask to be Followed & Promote Offline

Ask people to follow you on your website, blog, emailings, newsletters, business cards, and on

other social media profiles.

Have your employees include your Twitter handle on their email communication

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#5 Follow People Back (it will pay dividends later)

(and unfollow inactive followers - this may cause some people to unfollow you but it should result

in more effective Twitter reach. and are

tools to help with this process).

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#6 Find Your Markets’ Key Influencers

Share Their Content

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#7 Follow Their Followers

(many will follow you back)

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#8 Follow & Create Lists

Twitter Lists contain users you want to follow.

You don’t have to create lists from scratch. Use other people’s lists as a shortcut. (Note: Lists

can be public or private.)

While Twitter lists can be as large as you want, keep the number of people manageable so you’re not overwhelmed with the stream.

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#9 Get Mobile With Twitter

Twitter allows you to set up push notifications to your smartphone so you know when selected activities happen on Twitter:

– People mention you

– Someone retweets or favourites a tweet you sent

– You get a new follower

– Someone sends you a direct message

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#10 Pinpoint Potential Local Customers

Use Twitter Advanced Search:

• Enter your search into the search bar

• At the top of your results page, click More options and then click Advanced search.

• Fill in the appropriate fields to refine your search results

• Click Search to see your results.

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That’s All Folks!!

TekEvents provides SEO packages, including content social media and management,

that enable you to concentrate on what you do best – running your business

To learn more, contact Nicola Crossland … • E: [email protected] • Follow me on Twitter: @nicolacrossland • Li: in/nicolacrossland • M: 07721 650265